Friday, June 9, 2023

My Worst Nightmare About Jesus Christ

My Worst Nightmare about Jesus Christ

I might as well say it: my worst nightmare about the mythology of Jesus Christ. Consider this a confession.

One of the things that happens when you are possessed by a demon spirit wife is they try to show you things out of context so that they can trick you into the atheist belief that almighty god isn’t real.

I know that the only chapters that the demons requested I read from the Bible during an invocation were Malachi The Messenger and Revelations and then they had me burn the pages from my ex-wife’s Bible as a sacrificial offering. Malachi the Messenger was about Almighty God putting a horrible curse on somebody.

I’ve stated part of this before, but never the full true meaning behind it. I’ve said the clues but I’ve never given the theoretical answer out of fear of offending the Christian Church community.

The ghost that haunts me that’s been leaving all of this coincidental evidence to be screen-captured claims to be both Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads (Mother Maiden and Crone or Mother of All Witches) and that she was the inspirational basis for the mythology of The Three Fates from Norse Mythology Urd Verdandi and Skuld (from Kevin Neece’s haunted cartoons) and Clothos Lachesis and Atropos The Morai from Greek Mythology and there’s a Roman Mythology version also including Trivia and Diana. Hekate is known under different names and one of which is Artemis Goddess of the Hunt from Ready Player One. She claims to predate Greek Mythology and that Zeus is not real.

My worst fear is that if this spiritual entity is able to manipulate things to the extent that she does right here and now and she lived through the same time period as Jesus Christ then how do we know that Jesus Christ’s life as a human being before the resurrection wasn’t manipulated by the same spiritual entity? Hekate’s mythology dates as far back as 300 BCE.

What if Jesus Christ was deceived by this entity into believing he was the Son of God which led to his horrible death on the cross?

Hekate is an invisible presence that has the power to impersonate anybody including Satan and God. She opens the door for Humans to cross over into the Spirit Underworld which Christians might perceive to be Hell.

The Three Norns Mythology is they visit all of the Newborn Children and curse them with Evil Final Fates for how they will die.

The Birth of Christ was visited by Three Wise Men and he was Fated to Die on the Cross.

Almighty God in Revelations announces himself as the Alpha and Omega of What Was, What is, What Will Come to Be

The Three Norns are What Was, What is, What Will Come to Be

Jesus Christ birth is known as the immaculate conception

Any other immaculate birth would be known as an Incubus Demon pregnancy.

Christ turned water into wine. There’s a demon in the Ars Goetia named Zagan that can be summoned to turn water into wine.

God was once known as Adonai and Hekate’s announcement on a candle is Adanaia.

In The Lesser Key of Solomon, the circle of Solomon features the names Alpha and Omega and Adonai in four spots where the candles are supposed to go. This circle is used for the purpose of summoning demons.

Basically the conspiracy theory insinuation is Jesus Christ may have been the product of an Incubus Demon birth which left him with the ability to perform witchcraft, which he mistakenly believed were Miracles of God and that they made him the Son of God and for his arrogance in defying the demon realm with his Teachings he was viciously tortured and murdered on the cross. And for the record, I don’t think there is anything heavenly holy or spiritual about being tortured and murdered in any capacity, most especially on a wooden cross.

And now centuries later because of this horrible conspiracy theory, Christianity is responsible for the worst things in history such as the torture of the Middle Ages, or the Nazi Movement which claimed by Hitler to be a Christian Movement, or the MAGAs of Donald Trump.

The First Pope was supposedly a Pedophile who openly announced that it was okay to molest young altar boys.

And then there is The Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith claims the book was translated off of Golden Tablets which he never showed to anyone. Based on my experiences with the occult, I believe that Joseph Smith was messing around with a primitive version of a Spirit Board before the official Ouija Boards were released, got possessed by an entity that helped him write the book, and then he blatantly lied to everyone about where he got his information from out of fear that he would be burned at the stake as a witch, and it led to the creation of an all new religion that claims to be The Bible Part 3.

So basically that is my nightmare that I am weary of. Be mindful of what you believe to be fact from the Bible because you do not know if it was stolen from earlier Pagan Religions. Rusty is knowledgeable of the Bible but in the entire time that I’ve been seeing him, he couldn’t be bothered not one time to do a Google Search on Hekate to get some sort of feel for what he was up against. He just believes that Jesus Christ is going to do all of the work for him and you have to meet Jesus Christ halfway if you want to see a miracle. And had I been born into any other century I would have been tortured by the church as a heretic for saying it.

Never forget. Kevin Neece believes he is haunted by the Three Fates.

If A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 then FATE is F=6 A=1 T=20 E=5 meaning FATE = 32. Kevin Neece’s birthday is 2/9/1983. According to the rules of numerology stated on Jim Carrey’s The Number 23 DVD, 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. Kevin Neece is haunted by FATE because of something one of his ancestors did in a past life. Also 32 is The Number 23 backwards. It states in the movie that the number 23 somehow figures into the Mark of the Beast 666 mathematically.

There is evidence to suggest that Jim Carrey was being haunted by the same spiritual entity that Kevin Neece was because he made The Mask for Dark Horse Comics which published the Oh My Goddess manga.

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