Friday, June 16, 2023

Warriors of Fate Capcom Game from Pandora G-Box

Capcom made a Video Game called WARRIORS OF FATE in 1992 which is one of the many games available on Pandora G-Box which was being advertised on Facebook. 

One of the Players is named KADAN. aka Kevin Daniel Neece aka KDN aka Kadian aka Kadan

In the video game, there are Nine Levels, aka THE NINE REALMS OF YGGDRASIL. During one of the Stages, Kadan battles three Female Warriors representing the Three Fates. In a later stage, some of the later villains have Rabbit Ears looking similar to some of the depictions of Loki The God of Mischief. In a later stage you fall into an Underground Cave representing Hell, then you walk into a kingdom and fight a large warrior in red, possible The Devil, armed with an Axe Hammer, possibly representing Thor.

The Wikipedia Page for WARRIORS OF FATE is located here:

The WARRIORS OF FATE Capcom game was actually a part of a Bundle of 7 Games. Possibly representing 7 Deadly Sins, or the 7 Princes of Hell. I don't know if the other games are infected with the Coincidence Algorithm like Warriors of Fate was, but I bet all of them are on the Pandora G-Box so I can video game test them and find out.

Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle Wikipedia Page:

The Seven Listed Games are:

Final Fight (1989)

Captain Commando (1991)

The King of Dragons (1991)

Knights of the Round (1991)

Warriors of Fate (1992) <-- Yggdrasil Fate Pattern KADAN and NORSE MYTHOLOGY

Armored Warriors (1994)

Battle Circuit (1997)

Which brings me to a final question: Does anybody remember the Matthew Broderick movie WAR GAMES and how they accessed the System? They found a Backdoor through Falcon's Maze and then used the name of Doctor Falcon's Son as a Login Code. They believed Doctor Falcon was dead and he faked it so he could go into hiding. Just like Kevin Neece believes Jim Neece was dead, and guesstimated that he may have faked his death to avoid criminal prosecution for whistleblowing the Government: What happened to Reality Winner.

Matthew Broderick was targeted by Ekatn's Illuminati Joke because he's married to Sarah Jessica Parker from Disney's Hocus Pocus. So all of this may be connected to the movie War Games after all as an in-joke reference to the movie. Not the Government's Nuclear Launch system per say... it's the Yggdrasil System Force of Fate's Back Door. Maybe. Maybe Not. We're not telling. Suckers. Just keeping you on your toes Kevin. Just keeping you on your toes.

EDIT: Does anybody remember the plot of Robin William's TOYS, where the military was creating a set up to where all of these Military Weapons could be operated by unknowing Teenagers back in America under the disguise that they were playing Arcade Games???

EDIT: 1.28.22 Final Fight (1989) Andre the Giant is a Villain Inspiration. Andre the Giant Died. It was his Final Fight. The Princess Bride also features Andre's Death Foreshadow. Andre the Giant died on January 28th, 1993. Today is January 28th 2022. It's not in your imagination. Kevin Neece is connected to the Death Algorithm and these VIBES happen. Andre the Giant also died in a Hotel in Paris when it happened. When Kevin Neece was driving home today from Half Price Books in North Austin, he went down North Lamar and one of the Chinese Buffets added a new sign calling itself "Paris Hookah" "And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're about to fall, tell them the Hookah Smoking Caterpillar was the one who gave you the call, Go Ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall." The movie that Kevin Neece felt compelled to buy from the used bookstore was The Philadelphia Experiment Part II, about a man whose time travel experiments wind up placing him in an alternate universe 1993 where Germany won World War II and took over the United States. Andre the Giant died in 1993.

EDIT: 1.28.22 Captain Commando (1991) Nothing really out of the ordinary about this one. Captain Commander wears a Five Point Star on his chest, which could be seen as a Pentagram in disguise. He ventures through a Ninja Palace that reminds me of the Hoiichi the Earless Ghost Story in KWAIDAN, then he ventures through the Underwater City of Atlantis, Lucifer and Hekate are Atlantean Demon Gods/Goddesses, and when it reaches the final boss in outer space the planet is called Callisto, and you fight a Devil looking guy called Scumicide. There's a Pipe Organ in the Background like Phantom of the Opera, and Scumicide's Office watches over Planet Earth below. There doesn't appear to be any skill involved in these Arcade Games, you just keep hitting the same punch buttons and jump buttons over and over again until they kill you, then they ask if you want to continue. Meaning that the secret to winning the game was Quarters, lots and lots of Quarters, and only the Kids with Moderately Well Off Parents who gave them a Proper Allowance could officially reach the end credits of the Game. That's not really a skill, that's just a case of who had more money to reach the end of the Game. If anything it encourages Money and Greed as a source of Power within the Teenage Arcade Players Subconscious Minds.

EDIT: 1.28.22 The King of Dragons (1991) It's just a normal fun Dungeons and Dragons meets Side Scrolling Arcade Adventure. Nothing subconscious or allegory hidden about it. There was one thing that caught my eye. At the end of every level, the Score Counts were bright flashing red and white lights that could cause Epilepsy. It felt like their secret purpose was to hypnotize the teenagers who were playing the Arcade Consoles so that they would be obsessed with continuing the game and adding more quarters. I also saw this gimmick in another game called Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, which featured a bad guy villain character who disturbingly reminded me of RedRum from Zombie Life TV though I don't know why.

EDIT: 1.28.22 Knights of the Round (1991) Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary with this Sword and Sorcery Arcade game. One of the Bad Guys dresses in Blue with a Purple Hood and a White Skull Mask like Skeleton from Masters of the Universe. Another one is the exact same character design except all of their costumes are red like Edgar Allen Poe's The Masque of Red Death. A later character has wild fire hair and dark mask over his eyes just like Jason Lee's Syndrome from Disney's The Incredibles. Don't know how or why those two different characters matched up in aesthetic visualization, but here we are. The Subliminal Blinking Score Counts are gone from this Game. Hmm... I wonder why?

EDIT: 1.29.22 Armored Warriors (1994) Something's a bit off about this one but nothing too over the top. This game was released on October 24th 1994. Strangely the character names featured in the game itself do not match the names listed on Wikipedia. One of the Playable Characters is a Woman named JUSTIS reminds me of Mara Marller's character design, only slightly altered. The final boss of the game is a Cyborg Robot with a Doctor Balcus face with a Pineal Gland Third Eye and Three Brains (possibly a reference to both The Three Fates and Doctor Balcus from the Bio Booster Armour Guyver series). After you beat the game, it shows all four of the playable characters hanging out like a group and JUSTIS' Hair Style has changed into the likeness of Belldandy's Hairstyle from the Oh My Goddess Manga around the time period of 1994. You can cross reference the character designs of Oh My Goddess by starting in September 1988 and then each Story is equal to ONE MONTH into the Timeline going forward. Quite a slight coincidence. Either somebody on the Capcom Staff of Game Designers were a fan of Oh My Goddess, or perhaps Kosuke Fujishima was into Arcade Gaming back during 1993 to 1994.

EDIT: 1.30.22 Battle Circuit (1997) Nothing unusual to see here. The Doctor Villain with the Oversized Head with Crater Holes in his skull remind me of Peter Capaldi from The Suicide Squad James Gunn Edition. The Man sitting behind the desk at Headquarters reminds me of Mike Richardson from the Hellboy Director's Cut Behind the Scenes interviews. Neither of those elements classify as real coincidences, it's just my own perspective and ability to spot patterns applying those images to the characters they put in the game. If the Coincidences were legit and in there, I would have seen them. 

So basically the Hekate "Greek Mused" Games that VIBED were FINAL FIGHT (1989), CAPTAIN COMMANDO (1991), WARRIORS OF FATE (1993), and then there's ARMORED WARRIORS (1994). I need to go back and replay the first three games on the list to make sure that I have my KDN Initials in Place. And then I'm parking my ass to sit down and watch READY PLAYER ONE and WAR GAMES.

EDIT: 1.30.22 Ready Player One (2018) I'm making these comments off of the opening explanation dialogue about the OASIS. Ekatn's Intuition reads that The Human Race, or at least the Poor Ones, have been living in Hell on Earth, called The Stacks, aka the World's Largest Trailer Trash Park, and it has turned them into a bunch of Demons who are so desperate to escape from their own personal Hells, that they possess special Avatar Bodies in a Digital Variation of Heaven in another Dimension that they call The Oasis. They seek the Oasis not for what it can do, they seek the Oasis for what it allows them to be. Just like a Demon possessing the body of a Rich Man, whenever they die, they lose everything they own, because when you go to Hell, you can't take it with you. This realization that they've been sent back to the Real World of Hell that they've been ignorantly living in causes them to "lose their shit" because they've been "zeroed out". James D Halliday is the creator of The Oasis (aka God, Satan, and Death like Hekate in Male Aspect Form), and upon his death, his Ghost that remains in the Afterlife under the identity of Anorak the All Knowing, performs a Quest so that all of the Demon Possessed Players will seek out Three Hidden Hekate Keys through Video Game Trials based on Pop Culture. The one who wins the Easter Egg Hunt gains total control of The Oasis aka Heaven, which is really a disguise designed to distract them from the Reality that they are all still in Hell, they just choose the Road of Ignorance, just as long as the Oasis makes them Happy about their situation. The 101 Corporate Players represent Greed, aka Mammon the Angel of Greed. They want total control of the Oasis so that they can give publicity to those who engage in Demonic Contracts with them because Publicity is a Sacrificial Offering one can make to a Demon. All of this is based only upon the opening set up before the Ready Player One titles role. Kevin Neece's father James Daniel Neece also shares to initials with James Donovan Halliday. Jim Neece's Death set his son Kevin out on a Quest and now he's manipulated by his possession into believing that our current version of Planet Earth is a Virtual Reality History Museum like the Halliday Archives presented within this movie. Also, Spielberg's Amblin Company uses a Full Moon for its film production company logo, and the Full Moon is used in Witchcraft Rituals.

EDIT: 1.30.22 Ready Player One (2018) The main player is Perzival, the Knight who went out on his own to seek The Holy Grail. Perceival is a playable character in Knights of the Round (1992) from Capcom Games. His Female Companion is Art3mis (Note the 3 for Three Fates aka Triple Goddess Hekate), she is the GODDESS of the Hunt. Hekate is known to have dozens of names and Artemis is one of them. The I0I Corporate Game Players are known as 6'ers. Replace I0I with 666 and you'll see what I'm seeing. The First Race Easter Egg Clue was James Halliday says, "I just wish we could just go back, I mean, really put the petal to the metal. Bill and Ted did it", signifying that Halliday wishes he could go back in time to correct a mistake. The Second Clue hidden in the Halliday Archives is that Morrow's Late Wife Karen Underwood Morrow had a user name called Kira. In Xanadu, the Greek Mythology Goddess is named Kira. In Death Note, Kira is the News Headline Name applied to Light and Ryuk the God of Death. Karen Underwood Morrow aka Kira has been dead like Death Note. The Last Name Morrow is a reference to actor Vic Morrow and Two Child Actors who died on the set of Twilight Zone the movie, which was co-directed by Steven Spielberg, even though it was John Landis Fault, and he walked away from it without a Prison Sentence. Steven Spielberg wishes he could travel back in time to save Vic Morrow and the Two Children from their Final Fates on Twilight Zone The Movie. Steven Spielberg ended his friendship with John Landis due to the incident, just like Halliday ended his friendship with Morrow in Ready Player One. The Release Date for Twilight Zone The Movie was 6/24/1983, Kevin Neece was born on 2/9/1983. His father Jim Neece died on 6/24/18. It's the same Hekate Pattern that we saw in Hellboy from Dark Horse.

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