Saturday, December 23, 2023

Why Does It Look Like We Are Living in the Ah My Goddess Anime Show Universe?

Kevin Neece has already explained this a hundred times over, but because there are new people in the group, a re-introduction may be necessary to resummarize things.

As Kevin Neece has showcased recently, the secret of the Hekate Triple Goddess Paranormal Haunting that has been following him his entire life dating back to this childhood is that the Demon who haunted and killed people on the productions of Steven Spielberg's Poltergeist and Twilight Zone: The Movie was secretly hiding under the identity of Belldandy Urd and Skuld from the Ah My Goddess Anime Series for nearly Thirty Years because The Three Goddess in the Cartoon Show are based on The Three Norns from Norse Mythology which is still a Witchcraft Religion practiced today called Asatru Heathenism. The explanation for why Hekate and Belldandy are secretly the same Goddess when they come from two different Mythologies, Greek and Norse Mythology, is basically "The Telephone Game" where mythology stories were passed around by word of mouth from person to person, and certain details got changed over the centuries, resulting in different Goddesses from different Pagan Religions feeling like they are the Same Spiritual Deity performing the Same Job Duties under Different Names.

And one of the Sacrificial Offerings you can make to these Demonic Spirits is to write stories about them which translates into Hollywood Screenplays, no different than what you saw in Pixar's Coco where the Family Members post Photos of their Dead Relatives on Day of the Dead to keep their memories alive in the Afterlife. And that is what the Ah My Goddess Anime Series did for Hekate under her Norse Mythology Identities of Belldandy Urd and Skuld. It took three obscure goddesses whose only mention was a few lines in a Poetic Edda Poem called Voluspo, and it turned them into a Worldwide Franchise Hit where their Images were plastered all over Pop Culture in Japan which accidentally functioned as a Modern Day version of Pagan Idolatry for the Three Goddesses.

The Ah My Goddess Anime Series functioned as Pagan Propaganda that tricked Anime Fans everywhere into believing they were in Love with the Real Three Norns from Norse Mythology because they wanted to believe that Belldandy Urd and Skuld were Three Real Angels from Heaven when the Tragic Reality is Hekate is a Pagan Demon who helps Dead People cross over into the Spirit Underworld like the Grim Reaper sending you to Hell. Hekate is NOT the Devil persay, but there are some comparisons involving her Job Duties.

Because of this, Kosuke Fujishima's work on the Oh My Goddess Franchise became a Devil's Bargain that trapped him and binded him to making Publicity Stories for the Three Goddesses for Thirty Years of his Life, when he wanted out Decades Earlier, and when Kosuke Fujishima finally found a way to break his curse and cancel the series, Hekate fucked him over by scandalizing him on the news as a Pedophile who was in a Three Way Relationship with Three Different Women, one of which was a Cosplayer Half his Age. The Irony that Kosuke Fujishima tried to live out his Fantasy Relationship from the Manga only to have it publicly backfire on him was a part of Hekate's Curse. Remember, the Goddesses come from an Ancient Time Period where the Gods were known to engage in Pedophilia and Incest. If Hekate held some sort of persuasion over Kosuke Fujishima because he was invoking The Three Norns for Thirty Years, then her influence over him as a Greek Muse could have brainwashed him into chasing after Lolita Cosplayers to Set Him Up for Cancelling the Series.

Hekate's Influence over Kosuke Fujishima as a Greek Muse resulted in several Magical Tricks that she was able to perform in Real Life being Fictionalized into both the Manga and the Anime show, tricking everyone into believing that Ah My Goddess was a total work of Fantasy. In Reality, that means that several elements of the Ah My Goddess anime series accidentally double back as an Instruction Manual on the Spirit Realm and the Way Magic Works in the Demon Realm. Which brings up the question. Exactly how much of the Ah My Goddess Anime Series is Real and why does it have Kevin Neece convinced that we've been secretly living in the Ah My Goddess Universe THE ENTIRE TIME like a Tales from the Crypt Episode.

Here are the basic elements of Ah My Goddess that Kevin Neece has witnessed in Real Life:

1) Is Belldandy really Hekate? In the Hekate Community, when you receive your first visit from the Goddess, she visits you at night by traveling in and out of the mirrors in your house, and helps people who are in emotional distress by inspiring them like a Greek Muse and Guardian Angel to help them solve their problems. This is referred to as The Call of Hekate. In the 1995 Oh My Goddess OVA, Keiichi Morisato received the Call of Hekate in the form of a Literal Phone Call from the Goddess Hotline Office, then Belldandy comes out of a Mirror like Hekate, and specifically tells him in these exact words, "I visit people who are in emotional distress." Belldandy may be named after Verdandi from Norse Mythology, but all of her actions in the introduction of the 1995 OVA showcase that she is really Hekate in Disguise.

2) Belldandy and Keiichi are in a Chaste Relationship and Never Have Sex with Each Other for the Entire Thirty Year Duration of the Manga Series. Keiichi Morisato is based on Kosuke Fujishima during his College Days in Chiba Japan. In real life, Kosuke Fujishima could never have sex with the real Belldandy/Hekate because she is an Intangible Spirit without a Body. The only possible sex he could have had with her is if he invoked the Goddess to possess him for a mutual masturbation session. In the Occult Community, this Sacrificial Offering to a Goddess is known as "Sacrificing Your Orgasm" and it disturbingly achieves results when you are invoking the Real Goddesses to Manifest Things.

3) Belldandy gains her Magick because she is possessed by an Angel named Holy Bell. Kevin Neece is able to manifest magical workings into reality on Social Media News because he is possessed by Hekate as both a Shaman Magickian Husband and a Human Host. When Hekate's Spirit Jumps around his Body, most of the time Kevin Neece can feel Hekate jumping around on his back, just like Belldandy and Holy Bell.

4) The System Force. In the Ah My Goddess Universe, Reality is controlled by a Computer System run by Angels called The Yggdrasil System similar to what you all saw in the Matrix. Whenever Somebody tries to intervene in the Relationship of Belldandy and Keiichi to separate them or expose the Goddesses magical abilities, Random Coincidental Acts of Fate jump out of the woodworks to block them and protect the Goddesses. Kevin Neece has witnessed mutliple events showcasing that The System Force is Real, or at the very least Hekate is self aware of the Anime Show and knows how to mimick it. Kevin Neece once petitioned the Fates for a Tarot Card Reading at Curia Arcanum's House of Curiosities (which he fictionalized into the movie Bad Goddess War Games), showcasing to Saul Ravencraft that the Goddesses who were haunting him were real. Then Kevin Neece went on Vacation to Las Vegas the next day and photo-documented his entire trip showcasing how Hekate was using The System Force to manipulate everything around them as if they were walking around in a Simulation. The online article is titled The System Force Hits Las Vegas and it will creep the living shit out of you.

5) Megumi's Sustenance Spell. In Episode Six of Ah My Goddess Season One, Belldandy performs a Magick Spell to prevent Keiichi Morisato from going hungry. Kevin Neece discovered that when he invokes Hekate and performs the exact wording of the Good Fortune Spell in the cartoon, it gets coincidental results. "Lo as the Sun Rises and Sets Upon Its Next Three Cycles, May Fortune Smile Upon (insert name here) and Bless Him with the Sustenance He Needs to Endure This Period. Amen" Kevin Neece performed this spell the first time, and within 24 hours he received an $8,000 tax refund in his bank account that he had been waiting on for an entire year due to a malfunction in the IRS Computer System, a Glitch. The Next Year after Kevin Neece filed his taxes, he performed the spell again, and within 24 hours he received $11,000 in his bank account for a tax return that wasn't due for several weeks. When Kevin Neece sees his friends begging for money online because they are flat broke and out of food, he performs the Sustenance Spell on their behalf and they are rewarded with just enough donations so that they can feed themselves for the next few days. That's what the Spell is intended for, to keep you from starving to death. It can be used as a survival tool during periods of unemployment.

6) In Ah My Goddess, The Weather and Natural Environments of Belldandy's Surrounding change based on Belldandy's Mood Swings and Changes in Her Emotions. Kevin Neece put this to the test by invoking Hekate and The Three Norns to watch Natural Disaster movies like Tommy Lee Jones Volcano and Dante's Peak and dared them to erupt a Dormant Volcano. The Next Morning it was reported that the 6,000 year old Fagradals Volcano in Reyjavik Iceland erupted. Iceland is where the Mythology of The Three Norns comes from. Kevin Neece invoked the Goddesses to watch Jan De Bont's Twister and 72 hours later out of nowhere, a series of F4 Tornados destroyed the state of Mississippi to such an extent that the incident got its own Wikipedia listing. Wolfgang Peterson's remake of the Poseidon Adventure resulted in the capsizing of a Cruise Ship in China that killed 400 people. Dwayne Johnson's San Andreas resulted in a 4.0 Earthquake hitting Los Angeles. The Towering Inferno resulting in an Exxon Gas Plant located outside of Baytown Houston Exploding into Flames leading Kevin Neece to question if what he had done classified as an act of Domestic Terrorism. The Earthquakes in Wes Craven's New Nightmare resulted in a 7.0 Earthquake in the Philippines. The Shining resulted in Austin Texas falling victim to an infamous Snowstorm that Knocked out the Power Grid and killed 50 people. One year later Kevin Neece screened Frostbiter Wrath of the Wendigo and 72 hours later Austin Texas froze over and knocked out the Power Grid again resulting in the Death of Ten People. The Tornado Episode of McGee and Me spawned another Tornado Touchdown. It appears that like Belldandy, Hekate is a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

7) In Ah My Goddess, Belldandy is presented as having the Powers and Abilities to Wipe Out All Life on Planet Earth should she choose and the only thing holding her back are the jewelry she wears that double as Power Seal Constructs. Kevin Neece insists that Hekate's Power over Death and his misuse of a Death Note Replica may have resulted in the Covid-19 Shutdown of the United States that resulted in the Death of 600,000 people like a Biblical Plague and mirrors details from Kevin Neece's Congress Report titled The Fate of a Nation. Nobody believes that Kevin Neece had the power to do it, and Hekate's Followers don't believe that she would ever do such a horrible thing either, but from Kevin Neece's perspective, that is exactly what it looks like happened. Kevin Neece was given a Death Note without proper instructions for how the book worked in Real Life and tried to use it to put a death curse on United States Congress using Covid-19 as the Cause of Death to disguise their Deaths as Natural Causes because he believed that it was the only way to replace all of the Republicans who refuse to give up their seats for the Younger Generation of Politicians. If Kevin Neece's plan had actually worked, it would have worked just like the movie Watchmen, instead it backfired. Instead of death cursing the Congressmen, the words Cause of Death: Covid-19 that were written into the Death Note 1,500 times attacked the States that were listed next to the Congressmen's names. When Kevin Neece demanded to know why the Demons set him up to become a Mass Murderer like they were, Hekate's response was that Kevin Neece was missing out on the joke. 600,000 died from Covid-19 and shut down the United States. But 7 Million People die from Cigarettes Every Year and Congress has done nothing to stop that problem because they are most likely accepting bribes from the Alcohol and Tobacco Industry. Hekate also clued Kevin Neece in on the most Tragic Irony of all. Kevin Neece identifies himself online as the Time Lord from BBC's Doctor Who on Twitter. The Reason why The Doctor was cursed to spend the rest of his life helping people is because of the massive guilt trip that he suffered when he was forced to wipe out and kill everyone on his home Planet Gallifrey in the service of stopping a War. Doctor Who is not a hero at all, he is a Mass Murderer forced to pay penance for his crimes.

8) In the Ah My Goddess Anime Show, the Goddesses have the ability to Split Themselves into Multiple Bodies allowing them to be in Multiple Places at Once. Hekate appears to have the ability to enforce her influence anywhere on Planet Earth at any given time like she can be in multiple places at once, but insists that because she is binded to Kevin Neece's body for the duration of his lifespan that she has recently been "working from home" and her influence over all of the Death Incidents in the United States is because she is connected to the Death Algorithm, meaning that Kevin Neece's bedroom with the Black Mirror Setups has been her home office the entire time. Kevin Neece lives in a carport converted bedroom that is basically a mancave, just like the Three Norns live in a cave, and across the street from his house is a Large Tree that Hekate insists is a Video Game Background Skin Replica of the Tree of Yggdrasil that is worshipped by the Asatru Community. The Three Doors in Kevin Neece's Bedroom also form a Crossroads which is why Kevin Neece was able to invoke Hekate into his bedroom.

9) The Yggdrasil System. Hekate rigged a setup in Kevin Neece's bedroom that has turned his Mirror into an Communications Access Terminal to the Real Yggdrasil System and allows him to manifest Petitions into Real Life on Social Media News. This does not mean that the Black Mirror functions like a Nuclear Weapon where you just enter in a Code and Push a Button and it does what you want it to. That is not how it works. The Black Mirror functions like a Combination Lock. You need the right incense (Kevin Neece used Ginger Allspice and Cedar), and you need to time the petition to take place on the Night between 10pm to 3am of a Dark Moon or Crescent Moon or a Pagan Religious Holiday like Halloween. When you invoke the Spirits using Mantra from Satania YouTube, you engage in a once sided conversation telling the Demons what your intentions are which can have multiple uses. You cannot hear them or see them but they can see you. Your sacrificial offering can be incense, or you can screen a movie into the mirror for their entertainment that thematically matches your petition. You would not want an Army Personnel or General to try and bark orders into the Mirror like a Weapon, what you need is a Politician who is good at presenting arguments in one sided conversations because that is what Petitions are. There's just one problem. Most of the Influential Politicians in Congress and Senate are Christians and would never make deals with Pagan Goddesses like Kevin Neece would. Not even to win an election. In the Ah My Goddess anime show, instead of the Yggdrasil System using English Words, the Goddesses use Norse Ruins and Magick Sigils. You can rip the Sigil Videos off of Satania YouTube, screen capture the art, and custom design your own invocation videos with People's Photographs and screen them into the Black Mirror during a Petition. Kevin Neece is frequently seen using a Good Fortune Sigil that was custom designed by Saul Ravencraft and amazingly works. Kevin Neece believes that the Good Fortune Sigil might accidentally be functioning as a System Hack to the Yggdrasil System, which is why most of his Petitions seem to work.

10) The Ganchan Election Episode of The Adventures of Mini-Goddess. In the Two Part cartoon show, the Rats of Tarhiki-Hongan Temple are holding a Mudslinging Election and the Three Goddesses are interfering in the election to help Ganchan The Rat win. This inspired Kevin Neece to invoke The Three Norns to Sabotage Donald Trump during the Election, which is not a secret, he has written detailed articles about it, and by pure coincidence it got the results he wanted. Kevin Neece used the Black Mirror on Halloween Night to invoke both Lucifer and Hekate to put a ZOZO Demon Curse on Donald Trump which would go into effect 72 hours later on the night of the election. Kevin Neece's theory was that if ZOZO The Ouija Board Demon were to be following Donald Trump around on the night of the election, the misfortune would be enough to sabotage him. Then on Election Night, Kevin Neece invoked Hekate and The Three Norns to watch a Movie Marathon of Presidential Movies like 1776, Gangs of New York, The American President, and Air Force One. While Kevin Neece was screening the movies, he used his iphone to repeatedly bless all of Joe Biden's Followers and Supporters with Good Fortune using the Good Fortune Sigil. He didn't bless Joe Biden, he blessed the Democratic Voters, and aimed his intentions toward Key States where the Electoral Votes would be needed. And all of Kevin Neece's requests that night worked. It was exactly like the Rat Election of Mini-Goddess. All of the Republicans who were once ahead were falling behind and knew that somebody must have sabotaged but could not prove how they did it. It's because Hekate and the Three Fates used the Yggdrasil System Force to manipulate the Electoral Count Voters like Greek Muses to Flip the Vote and have Donald Trump thrown out of office. This did not come without consequences however. What Kevin Neece did that night set off a dangerous chain reaction that is still ongoing. When Joe Biden took to Office in the White House, his Dog Champ mysteriously died. Hekate's Followers in Greece used to Blood Sacrifice their Dogs to her making it look like Hekate took Champ's Life in Payment for helping Joe Biden win the Election. And then on the night of January 5th, Kevin Neece invoked the Satania Mantra beggin Lucifer and Hekate to prevent America from falling into Insurrection and Sedition. The next day on January 6th, the Insurrection Attack on the Capitol happened and halfway through it, it was announced online that January 6th was the 16th Anniversary of Ah My Goddess Season One which can be verified on Internet Movie Database. In Kevin Neece's own words to the CIA, "You know, I'm starting to think this Lucifer fellow might not be such a nice boy. Perhaps children really shouldn't play with dead things. Perhaps we should let sleeping dogs lie." Kevin Neece has confessed all of his actions to the January 6th Committee and has received no response from them because nobody believes he had the power to do it.

11) Belldandy's Good Luck Gambling Streak. Unfortunately, this element of the Ah My Goddess anime show IS NOT REAL. Hekate states that her powers over Reality are meant for Death and the Natural Weather Elements and have nothing to do with the manipulation of the Number Balls that get drawn in the Texas State Lottery. In the Anime Show, Belldandy's Good Luck Karma causes Keiichi to frequently win at gambling. In real life, Hekate cannot help you win jack shit, not even to save your own life, and warns everyone to stay away from Slot Machines in Las Vegas because they are all haunted by Demons designed to rob you of your money for no reason.

12) Have we been secretly living in a Simulation? Kevin Neece invoked the Demons to watch The Matrix Franchise, Vanilla Sky, Don't Worry Darling, and Free Guy. And he invoked them at Westgate Theater to watch The Matrix Resurrections. The Demons proceeded to play a joke on Kevin Neece that completely changed the way he views reality and has left him wondering if what he witnessed was real to this day. When Kevin Neece was driving down Jones Road off of Menchaca Blvd, Hekate spotted a Hookah Parlor and told him to pull over. In the Ask Alice song from The Matrix Resurrections, the lyrics are: "And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're about to fall, tell them the hookah smoking caterpillar, is the one who gave you the call, ask alice, when she's ten feet tall." Hekate directed Kevin Neece's attention to an item on the menu called "Save the Date 7.5" and told him to enter the number into his iphone as 7*5. Then he went home and she had him lay on the bed and call the wrong number, and interrupt the operator with a password: "John Candy is the biggest fucking Satanist I have ever seen in my life. There's a reason why they killed that fucking guy. Dirty Satanist." and then hang up on them. In the first issues of the Oh My Goddess Manga, the chapter title is "The Number You Have Dialed is Incorrect" and features Belldandy coming out of a Mirror. Hekate had Kevin Neece dial an incorrect number with a password in front of a Black Mirror as if she were teaching him how to called the Goddess Hotline Office System Administrators. In Ah My Goddess The Movie, Belldandy falls victim to a case of Amnesia because she is an Avatar of a Computer Program connected to the Yggdrasil System and got infected by a Virus. Shortly after Kevin Neece called the Wrong Phone Number, Hekate told him, "I'm sure you will be able to bounce back from this" Suddenly Kevin Neece heard a Taenitis ringing in his ears, following by a strong Radio Static Signal that ZAPPED HIM like he was a Program in the Yggdrasil System or the Matrix and when he came too, he had no memory of his identity as if his memory had been intentionally wiped to perform a cover up. When Kevin Neece came back to his senses, his entire reality perception had changed. He was still standing in the same house, but he was in the Spirit Realm, or Hell, as if he were a Ghost and had been living there for Centuries. And when he watched Television, all he could see were Angels and Demons. When Kevin Neece went back to his room, he became possessed by the "System Administrator" who did a perfect impersonation of Morpheus from The Matrix, and when he looked into the Black Mirror, he saw Two Glowing Eyes and a Smile like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. And he was told up front, if he wants his case to end, all he has to do is walk through the left door back into the house and they would completely erase his memory and free him from Hekate's Curse, but if we wanted to know the truth about the simulation, all he has to do is walk out of the right door, exiting the house and the simulation and they would tell him everything. Kevin Neece "walked out of the matrix" only instead of seeing visuals, they took him to the corner of his house, told him to look into the center of the Tree of Yggdrasil, and explained to him that what he was looking at was a Video Game Background Skin like the movie Free Guy. Everyone on Planet Earth has been Dead and Living in the Afterlife for Centuries and the System Force has been used to brainwash the entire Human Race into believing that they are still alive. And since then, every time Kevin Neece goes to the movies, all Hekate does is point out which actors can be connected back to movies about Witchcraft and Demonology like the Kevin Bacon Game. This was the inspirational basis for Kevin Neece's online book John Candy is a Satanist.

13) The Schizoaffective Disorder. When Hekate possesses Kevin Neece, it looks like two people inhabiting the same body and talking back and forth among themselves. In the Ah My Goddess Flights of Fancy Season Two episodes, Urd's Personality gets split between her Angel Half and Her Demonic Half inhabiting the Same Body and it looks exactly like Kevin Neece and Hekate.

14) Keiichi Morisato's Secret. In the Anime Show, Keiichi Morisato tries to hide the true nature of the Goddesses out of fear that they will be arrested by the Japanese Government and experimented on. Very little is known about mangaka Kosuke Fujishima because he keeps his life private and his Wikipedia Page is nearly barren. This leads to the most important mystery of all. Was Kosuke Fujishima secretly aware of the Goddesses Presence in his life? Did he really make a Devil's Bargain with The Three Fates unaware that what he was conversing with was secretly Hekate from Twilight Zone: The Movie and Poltergeist the entire time? Kodansha Ltd and Dark Horse Comics have absolutely refused to respond or comment on the allegations made by Kevin Neece with his Paranormal Investigation Articles or his book The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger. Not even when they have legal grounds against him. Something is making them keep their distance from Kevin Neece. And the entire voice cast is in on this silent act as well. Sometimes Intentional Silence Speaks. They didn't respond to Kevin Neece, but they didn't try to discredit him or pursue legal action against him either. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Kevin Neece's Ah My Goddess Feature Films - Future Release Slate

Once upon a time, Stanley Kubrick decided to take it easy on his "Genius" Film Career and only directed movies every eight years in order to retain his DGA Director's Pension.

Kevin Neece's plan for the future of the Ah My Goddess series is like that. Back in 2000, it took Hiroaki Goda and an entire animation team years to make Ah My Goddess: The Movie, but now years later, Kevin Neece can crank out entire Ah My Goddess feature length films using stock animation on a budget of zero within a matter of months... there's just one issue. The Ah My Goddess message boards that actually watch Kevin Neece's anime films on facebook have an audience of fifteen people.

To Paraphrase Michael Madsen in Kill Bill Vol 2: "I'm saying I'm the Bouncer in a Titty Bar... and there ain't nobody out there to bounce." "So let me get this straight... you're saying that the reason you're not doing the job that we're paying you to do... is because you don't have a job to do... well you just fuckin' convinced me... get over here Bud... it's calendar time for Buddy... look, there's your name... there used to be your name... what about wednesday, are you working wednesday... no you're not... you don't even know what fuckin day you're working... there you go... you take the next two weeks off and you wait for me to call you... I'll call you... fuckin with your cash flow seems to be the only thing you kids understand nowadays."

So basically, if Hiroaki Goda can get away with only directing ONE Ah My Goddess movie back in 2000 and still be celebrated for that one goddamn movie decades later... then Kodansha Ltd and Kosuke Fujishima will forgive Kevin Neece if he limits himself to just one or two Ah My Goddess feature films per year, usually around Halloween October for Pagan Sacrifice Rituals, just to keep his name associated with the franchise on IMDb.

Does Kevin Neece still have ideas? Yes, I have an entire backlog of ideas and all of them would make for good movies if they were properly developed... the issue is not my ability to make these movies on a budget of zero, the issue is I need a script to work with and I do not have the advantage of Matt Stone and Trey Parker's South Park Writers Room Staff to make these scripts for me or feed me ideas so it's a One Man Job. Certainly I'm open to Aoki Uhei or somebody from Kodansha Ltd Staff writing these screenplays, there's just nobody out that wants the job because it's an unpaid fan film that is blacklisted by the voice actor industry. No Anime Industry Professional wants to work for free... and yet for some strange reason that is exactly what Kevin Neece has been doing for the past six years while everyone at Kodansha Ltd refuses to respond to him. If Kevin Neece had been an official employee and these ideas had been developed in house, the Kodansha Ltd Staff would have paid him and conversed with him like a normal human being, but if Kevin Neece makes the movie independently outside the studio system by himself without pay, Kodansha Ltd treats him like he's invisible and refuses to respond to him out of "company policy". This emotionally abusive treatment has gone well beyond the limits of normal "company policy" because of the six years of extensive work that Kevin Neece has put into the Ah My Goddess series and has now reached the stage of corporate cruelty and alienation but this is unfortunately what Kevin Neece has to work with. In case you haven't noticed, Kevin Neece isn't planning to sue your company for revenge, he's sending his Death Goddess to murder your CEO via Black Magick and Witchcraft, and if Yoshinobu Noma's Tarot Cards are reading correctly, his days are currently numbered.

So if it aint' on the page, it ain't on the stage. Perhaps it's better for the Creative Process to only make one or two movies per year when I'm in creativity mode than to force them out of me month by month like Kosuke Fujishima was forced to do for thirty years. The Oh My Goddess manga had long stretches where it felt like he kept falling back on races to solve all of the Nekomi Gang's problems because he was stalling for time to write and making six issues of racing panels at one issue per month gave him the time he needed. So forcing Kosuke Fujishima to make Oh My Goddess on a month by month basis didn't really help him from a Creativity Standpoint, it just paid his monthly bills and it explains why he wanted to cancel the series as far back as the Lord of Terror Arc from Ah My Goddess Season One.

So here are the Ah My Goddess Storylines that are on the Future Feature Film Slate for now. 

1) You're Under Arrest: Urd Your Wife is Calling. Officer Natsumi Tsujimoto and Urd decide to get legally married so that they can claim relationship partner benefits from the Bokuto Police Department only to face discrimination from their Bosses over their Lesbianism. After a fall out argument over Urd's lack of responsibility in their relationship, Urd gets smashed drunk during her bachelorette party and wakes up on the other side of Japan with Otaki and no fucking idea how they got there, leaving Urd and Otaki to hitchhike back home. While this is happening, Urd is engaging in phone conversations with Natsumi Tsujimoto during which she is trying to hide what has happened to her coming up with one excuse after another to buy her more time to make it home for the Wedding. While this is going on Natsumi Tsujimoto also has her hands full dealing with a Pickpocket named Bartleby Hisakawa who has Tokyo Japan in chaos and enlists Lupin III to help her find the thief. When Urd finally makes it home in time for the Wedding, a fight breaks out in the Church when Strikeman and Troubadour show up to break up the Wedding to try and stop them and wind up in a Fist Fight with each other, with Strikeman confessing his love for "Home Run Girl". Urd and Natsumi go through with the Wedding anyway only to become tragically separated by the Judgment Gate when Urd's lack of honesty with Natsumi Tsujimoto results in her failing the test. Urd returns home traumatized and devastated only to find Natsumi waiting for her with John Waters Doctor What, who explains that he used the TARDIS to travel back in time to stop them before the separation. John Waters breaks down in tears and explains to them that Marriage is just a sheet of paper that some people feel they need for their relationship to be validated, and unfortunately, society still has a long way to go before the Government will ever allow Same Sex Couples to love each other for who they are. The Entire Reason that Marriage was created to begin with is because Weddings in the past were used as Business Partnerships that allowed Families to join with each other for Money and Property and had very little to do with actual love. 

2) Bad Goddess: One Wish. Scandal has taken Yggdrasil HQ by storm when Robin Williams is put on Trial in the Afterlife for the crime of committing suicide leaving everybody on the staff completely shocked. In order to buy Robin Williams some more time, Skuld and his Lawyer Marlon Wayans kidnap Robin Williams during the Trial Recess and use the TARDIS to hide him in the one place nobody would ever expect to look for him, the cinematic universe of Tim Burton's Batman, where Robin Williams, Marlon Wayans, and Skuld face off against different variations of The Joker while engaging in existential arguments over Robin Williams career, how Warner Brothers and Disney kept repeatedly fucking him over on the Batman and Aladdin movies, the Irony of What Dreams May Come, jokes about Marlon Wayans being cast as Batman's Sidekick Robin only to be replaced by Chris O'Donnell, leading to the ultimate shocking reveal of all. Why the hell did the Funniest Man on Earth kill himself? Robin Williams wins his freedom during the Afterlife Trial when it is revealed they he suffered from Dementia and Mental Illness and was therefore not in control of his own actions when he took his own life. In order for someone to stand trial, they must first be deemed Mentally Competent and Robin Williams Tragic Mental Health Condition Ironically saves him from being sent to Hell.

3) Marller Gets a Spinoff: Cowboy Bippity Bop. The movie opens with Mara Marller performing in Broadway Theater singing "Remember My Forgotten Man" from Gold Diggers of 1933. Mara Marller wakes up from her dream to find herself sleeping in a Bus Station with the Marller Gang who are Homeless after the Last Adventure. While eating at a nearby McDonalds, Mara Marller gets caught putting Sprite into a complementary water cup, then flips off the manager and walks out, unaware that the petty crime is caught on camera. The Marller Gang travel centuries into the future only to discover that Mara Marller has been on the Most Wanted List for Centuries because her Petty Soda Crime at McDonalds classified as a Felony Theft Crime and her evasion of the Law resulted in Thousands of Years of Additional Charges being added to her record dragging all of her friends in the Marller Gang into it as her Accomplices. This leads to the Marller Gang being hunted by the Bounty Hunters from Cowboy Bebop, who are oblivious as to what sort of crime Marller actually committed in the first place, it just says Felony Theft with no mention that it was Sprite in a Water Cup. Team Cowboy Bebop chases the Marller Gang through a number of Vintage Sci Fi Movies from Roger Corman where they are both captured by a Space Pirate played by Drag Artist Christeene Vale impersonating Emperor Ming from Flash Gordon. Christeene Vale is revealed to be one of the Dragon Eye's Thirteen Escaped Demons, but ulitmately gets away after stranding the Marller Gang and Cowboy Bebop on the Planet of Starship Troopers where they are under attack by Bugs. The Team from Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity shows up to rescue them at the last minute, and they chase down Christeene Vale for the Final Showdown leading to the Capture of the Second Escaped Demon since The Mad Doctor.

4) Ah My Job Hunting Goddess: Contract Killers. Skuld is visiting her Psychiatrist played by Bruce Campbell and telling him the story of her troubles in flashback. It all started when Kodansha Ltd CEO Yoshinobu Noma secretly calls Skuld into his office and hires her as a Hitman for a Secret Mission. Kosuke Fujishima wants Skuld to murder Kevin Neece's Father Jim Neece during his Retirement Vacation in the Bahamas, so that his Rich Grandfather Roy Neece's Inheritance will bypass him going to his son Kevin Neece instead, allowing Kosuke Fujishima and Yoshinobu Noma to finally profit off of suing Kevin Neece for copyright infringment on his Ah My Goddess Fan Films. Skuld's Hitman Job on Jim Neece goes to plan, but backfires when Kevin Neece writes an FBI Confession Scandal Tell All called The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger, exposing the Existence of the Goddesses and Yggdrasil HQ to the FBI and the CIA and the United States Government, and detailing how Skuld was secretly the Grim Reaper all along. Word of Kevin Neece's book get passed around Yggdrasil HQ's Staff and suddenly everybody begins to re-examine all of the greatest unsolved murders throughout history only to discover that Skuld was the Goddess of Death behind everyone of them, and a subplot emerges detailing how Skuld has been engaged in a secret competition with Andras The Marquis of Discord, played by Daniel Radcliffe, as to who can create the most chaos. This movie is also the set up for the next storyline. Andras The Marquis of Discord was previously introduced back in Bad Goddess: Touched by an Angel.

5) Idris Elba is James Bond in Don't Break the Ice. Irritated with the State of Politics, Fake News Coverage, and Xenophobia in America, Skuld decides to stage a massive prank to teach all of the Americans a lesson by fabricating a Fake Islam Terrorist Group calling themselves "The Eskimo Sandn***ers" who are planning to blow up a Doomsday Iceberg to raise the Sea Levels through Climate Change sinking Japan and America underwater like the movie Waterworld. The point of Skuld's Racist Ruse is she wants to see how many Republican News Reporters she can get fired and career cancelled off of television for saying "Eskimo Sandn***ers" live on television and at first her sick prank works like a charm. There's just one problem that Skuld has overlooked, the Doomsday Iceberg is real, and her Terrorist Plan to blow up the Iceberg has just been hijacked by Andras The Marquis of Discord, played by Daniel Radcliffe. Skuld hacks into the MI5's database and drafts Idris Elba's James Bond on a mission to beat Andras and the Eskimo Sandn***ers to the Doomsday Iceberg, but Idris Elba gets robbed at the Airport by Noelle Parker, the Teenager from Ernest Saves Christmas. Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible is too busy to help Idris Elba out himself but Simon Pegg throws him a bone and tells him that another MI5 operative will meet him at the Airport to assist him on his mission, look for a man selling shower curtain rings. It's John Candy reprising his role as Del Griffith from Planes Trains and Automobiles, and he's Idris Elba's co-star for the rest of the movie during their adventure. Can Idris Elba, Skuld, Noelle Parker, and John Candy beat Andras the Marquis of Discord and the Eskimo Sandn***ers to the Doomsday Iceberg? 

6) Ah My Goddess: Wacky Go Lucky. Inspired by the Warren Beatty Political Farce Bulworth, Kodansha Ltd CEO ropes Kosuke Fujishima into a Gentleman's Wager to finance Kosuke-san's Political Campaign to run for the Prime Minister of Japan with Voice Actor Mitsuo Iwata as his running mate (Ganchan the Rat from Mini Goddess). Kosuke Fujishima has no fucking chance of winning the election because he has no background training as a politician, but as CEO Yoshinobu Noma explains to him, the only experience you really need to perform the job of a Politician is Common Sense, a Strong Moral Backbone, and the ability to use an Ink Pen to sign things, which is pretty much what Kosuke Fujishima has been doing as a Mangaka on the Ah My Goddess series for decades. Instead of trying to win the election, Yoshinobu Noma wants Kosuke Fujishima and Mitsuo Iwata to meet their Political Crook Opponents in Battle after Battle like a Rocky Balboa movie with the intention of Throwing the Race by telling them the Outspoken Truth and what they REALLY want to say to the Japanese Public. In short, this is going to be fucking hilarious. There's just one little problem... Kevin Neece doesn't know anything about Japan's Political Issues either. 

7) You're Under Arrest: Von Zipper Breaks Loose. Kosuke Fujishima's former cosplayer wife Nekomu Otogi has grown bored with being a Housewife hidden from the public spotlight and has been seduced by Doctor What and the Marller Gang into sneaking out of the house to party every night in the Cinematic Universe of Frankie Avalon's Beach Party. When Nekomu Otogi gets passed out drunk, the Marller Gang pranks her when she wakes up back in her apartment in Chiba Japan with Harvey Lembeck's Eric Von Zipper, completely unaware for how they both got there or how they are going to get Eric Von Zipper back to the Beach where he belongs. Nekomu Otogi and Eric Von Zipper try to hunt down Kosuke Fujishima at Kodansha Ltd where Harvey Lembeck becomes the life of the party because all of the staff members believe he is an impersonator. Eric Von Zipper then suffers an existential crisis when he realizes that the reason why he never appeared in Back to the Beach was because he died, leaving behind two adult children in America, one of which Michael Lembeck is the director of The Santa Clause Trilogy with Tim Allen. Eric Von Zipper gets arrested by the officers from You're Under Arrest for making a scene at the office, and during his escape, Officer Natsumi Tsujimoto is forced to chase after him though the City as the Night begins to fall. Things go from bad to worse when the two of them come face to face with a Yakuza Gangland Murder perpetrated by Yakuza Mike, played by Horror Director James Wan. Eric Von Zipper and Natsumi Tsujimoto are forced into a game of cat and mouse with Yakuza Mike based on the Emilio Estevez Thriller Judgment Night where the Yakuza have no plans of allowing the witnesses to go free, leading to a bunch of Tarantino'esque Discussions as Eric Von Zipper tries to charm their way out of the Yakuza's Lair.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Goddess Hotline Office Austin TX Branch = Spook Central from Ghostbusters

Kevin Neece was at the Metropolitan Theater tonight watching The Expendables 4, and at some point during the movie, Hekate dropped an important piece of information that may confirm my worst suspicions.

Hekate's response is not that she is in multiple places at the same time taking people in the afterlife. Her explanation is that she is always by Kevin Neece's side 24/7 like the Belldandy Wish from the Ah My Goddess anime show and the reason why her Death Incidents keep popping up on Social Media News where Kevin Neece can log and record it for the FBI and the CIA is because Hekate AND Kevin Neece together are both connected to the "Death Algorithm" and the Death Goddess has been "Working from Home" the entire time.

It's exactly like the plot twist in the movie Ghostbusters. Kevin Neece's house at 4902 Majestic Drive has become Spook Central. If Hekate has been working from home, and she is connected to a large majority of the death incidents in the United States including all of the Homicide Cases in Austin Texas that the APD have been investigating, then that means that Kevin Neece's House is the Central Nerve System for all of the Death on Planet Earth. Just like the Yggdrasil System depicted in the Ah My Goddess anime series.

Kevin Neece's bedroom is a mancave representing The Three Fates Cave in 2023. The Tree of Yggdrasil that is located at 4903 Majestic Drive across the street from his house is the Antenna for Hekate's Death Magick, and the Black Mirror in Kevin Neece's bedroom is an Access Terminal to the Real Life Yggdrasil System that allows Hekate to access the Death Algorithm Mainframe that sends all of the Pagan Souls into the Spirit Underworld.

Kevin Neece's House has become Spook Central, and those Demons that Kevin Neece invokes with the Mantra from Satania YouTube are always by his side 24/7 like a Mafia Crew that you cannot see with your own eyes.

Hekate's Second Reveal is that her plans to subconsciously manipulate Debbie Brand into relocating themselves to a New House in Salem Massachusetts so that they can live near Kevin Neece's daughter while she attends college, are intended to help UPGRADE her power stem and connection to the Yggdrasil System that allows her to access the "Death Algorithm" It has nothing to do with Kevin Neece's daughter. Hekate manipulated Lindsay's College Choice in Salem like Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate because she had ulterior motives to relocate the Goddess Hotline Office to Salem to upgrade her access to the Yggdrasil System. Hekate used Kevin Neece's daughter as Bait to lure Debbie Brand into moving herself and Kevin Neece to Salem because she had her own secret agenda, just as Kevin Neece has suspected all along.

Where the fuck is Dan Aykroyd when you need him? Who are you going to call?

for more info:

Kevin Neece
4902 Majestic Drive
Austin, TX 78745

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Curse of Ah My Goddess Finally Solved.

Okay, now that this case is over, this is my revised summary of what the hell happened and why both Kevin Neece and the Ah My Goddess series were haunted by Demons.

The Reason all of the Saturday Night Live actors got cursed by Hekate is because Dan Aykroyd was fucking around with the Occult that would later lead to his hit movie franchise Ghostbusters. Want to see a Magic Trick? Ghostbusters 1 & 2 = Harold Ramis Died. The Real Ghostbusters = Lorenzo Music Died. Ghostbusters Afterlife = Ivan Reitman Died. The Crow with Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson = Brandon Lee died. You get the picture? Dan Aykroyd has been in 14 different movies where 17 of the actors died. At the time that The Blues Brothers and Twilight Zone The Movie were shot, it was too early in the curse development stages for Dan Aykroyd to realize what was happening to him, it wasn't until decades later that his victim count was on the wall.

The Reason everyone associated with Twilight Zone The Movie got cursed is because John Landis shot the Helicopter Scene in the Indian Dunes during the Witching Hours of 3:00am on a Date where the Numerology added up to FATE = 32, unaware that the location he chose was sitting on top of an Indian Burial Ground aka an unmarked cemetery, just like the movie Poltergeist. They built over the graves but they didn't move the bodies.

Kevin Neece was haunted by Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads because he was one of the Helicopter Accident Victims from Twilight Zone The Movie in his past life, and the Goddess that death cursed Vic Morrow was punishing him in the next life for what he did to Barbara Turner and his daughter Jennifer Jason Leigh by forcing him to live the cursed life of Blacklisted Unemployed filmmaker Kevin Neece with no memory of his past life. Basically, Kevin Neece is NOT Vic Morrow returned from the dead, Kevin Neece's life represents THE PUNISHMENT that Vic Morrow was forced to endure in his Next Life to make amends for what he did to his daughter Jennifer Jason Leigh throughout his life before he died.

When Kosuke Fujishima used The Three Norns likeness in Oh My Goddess in 1988, the Demon from Twilight Zone The Movie starting haunting him as a Greek Muse and hid under the identity of Belldandy Urd and Skuld for the next Thirty Years because it brought her publicity under her Norse Mythology Identities as The Three Fates. The Fame and Fortune applied to the series resulted in Kosuke Fujishima becoming a Prisoner of his own Franchise and when he tried to cancel the series, his Devil's Bargain came full circle and Hekate fucked him over scandalizing him in the news.

When Dark Horse Comics picked up the Oh My Goddess Manga for American Publication, Hekate haunted their film production offices and passed the time by targeting all of the actors who worked in their movies with her Illuminati Patterns Game just like she did to the Cast Members of Saturday Night Live and Twilight Zone The Movie... this includes Jim Carrey who is thought to be a Satanist by the general public because of his beliefs in Numerology. When Sam Raimi made Time Cop for Dark Horse Comics, Hekate Muse Influenced him to make a Greek Mythology show called Hercules The Legendary Journeys and Xena Warrior Princess.

Josh Becker was a Director on both of those shows and Kevin Neece became his webmaster after Hekate attacked his original webmaster Shirley and drove her to a nervous breakdown so that Kevin Neece would have an in to take over for her. Under Josh Becker's mentorship, Kevin Neece studied the entire 1960s and 1970s era of Cinema and learned about writing movies.

By that time, Kevin Neece was now an adult and Hekate, who had been haunting him his whole life, influenced him to make his own Ah My Goddess series to keep the ball rolling during his internship on Austin Public Access for the Witchcraft Show Zombie Life TV, she also cursed him so that his anime series would never pick up any traction and none of the Voice Cast members would respond to him, and then cursed him again so that he would wind up trapped in Jim Neece's FBI Informant Case, and manipulated him into a Paranormal Investigation so that he would become obsessed with Witchcraft that would allow the Goddess to Possess Him as her Shaman Husband and Human Host. 

And then "Belldandy" reverted back to her Death Goddess ways that she practiced back during the days of Poltergeist and Twilight Zone The Movie and went on a killing spree under the disguise of a Paranormal Investigation and the FBI and the CIA who were watching in protected Kevin Neece from Criminal Prosecution because they believed the Goddess he was showing them could be a potential weapon and they wanted to study her from a distance without scaring her off.

And now the case is finally over and everything has been solved, there is just one little issue. Kevin Neece is still possessed by the Death Goddess as a Human Host. And she isn't going anywhere. And the Police, the FBI, and the CIA are still keeping their distance. How much longer could Kevin Neece's Ah My Goddess series possibly go on?

for more info:

Friday, September 22, 2023

To Joe Dante, You Have My Sincere Apologies, I Shall Pester You No More

Dear Joe Dante,

If Kevin Neece has gone overboard with his Paranormal Conspiracy Emails and pestered you to the point that you blocked him on Twitter, then you have my sincere apologies, and I will bother you with this case no more.

But before I go, just know this. You have the power to walk away from all of this and pretend that it 
never happened. Kevin Neece doesn't have that luxury because this is HIS life and there is nothing he can do to change the course of history for what happened to him. You get to walk away, and I don't. I am cursed with this Paranormal Haunting Investigation for life and it is all connected to that goddamn fucking movie that you made because John Landis shot the accident scene on a fucking Indian Burial Ground, just like the movie Poltergeist. They moved the headstones, but they forgot to move the goddamn bodies. I believe the word for that is Tragic Irony, and what happens every time Hekate kills a Hollywood Actor, their deaths are surrounded by Irony and Coincidence.

If you think you have the ability to press charges against Kevin Neece and run him through the court system, I would strongly advise you to print out all of the emails that he has sent you and DO IT so that you can find out what happens every time somebody with Judicial Grounds against Kevin Neece attempts to take him to court. The reason why I am telling you this is because it is what I tell everybody that takes issue with me, and in none of these past cases has anybody ever succeeded. Every time that this happens to me, they just disappear, and I never hear from them again. That is why I'm challenging you and your lawyers to try and discredit me. Because I know that you don't have the ability to do it.

BUT, I'm not going to pester you anymore after this last email. You have my word. I stated my case, and you heard me out, and your response was to block me on twitter. You are not the first to do this to me, and you will not be the last. That last person who blocked Kevin Neece online was Belldandy's Voice Actress Juliet Cesario. Kevin Neece joked to Hekate that she should induce Juliet's husband Scott to die of a heart attack as revenge for blocking him online, and the Goddess of Death went out and did it FOR REAL. If you think that getting petty revenge on Juliet Cesario made me happy, I assure you that it DID NOT. Nothing about what happened to her that night has changed my life for the better or made me any happier. Sometimes revenge looks good on paper until it actually happens, and the worst part of all is I can never undo the damage for what I did to her. Juliet Cesario's husband left her nothing and the last I heard of her, she removed herself from the internet and checked herself into a Clinic for Grief Counsel Therapy. I must be some kind of fucking monster to have done this to an innocent woman for the petty crime of blocking me on facebook. But if Kevin Neece is a Monster, then John Landis is the Doctor Frankenstein that created him.

Goodbye Joe Dante,
And Thank You for Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Twilight Zone Detective Explanation Version Re-Explained

I can tell you exactly what happened to Vic Morrow Renee and Myca that night in more simplistic terms.

Do you remember the movie Rosemary’s Baby where the Pagans performed a Sex Magick Ritual so that The Devil could possess the body of her husband to impregnate her with The Devil’s Child. That’s what happened on the set of Twilight Zone The Movie.

The Goddess of Fate that inspired Belldandy from the Ah My Goddess Anime Series wanted a child that she could groom and raise to be her Shaman Husband as an Adult and Possess as a Human Host, and in order to create that child, he needed to be both conceived and born under the numerology dates of FATE like she was, and he needed to be imbedded with THREE SOULS IN ONE BODY like she was. Because Belldandy is Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads, the Mother Maiden and Crone of Necromancer Witchcraft.

When you apply numbers to the letters of the alphabet, the word FATE adds up to 32.

The Helicopter Accident scene was shot on 7/23/1982 = FATE = 32.

They were shooting in the Indian Dunes which I can only assume was an Indian Burial ground where Native Americans used to perform Witchcraft, meaning that they were shooting on the set of a Cemetery. If there were Indians living there, there was an Indian Burial ground somewhere and it was probably right where they filmed the Helicopter Scene. It's exactly like the movie Poltergeist, they moved the Headstones, but they forgot to move the Bodies.

They were shooting at 2:30am to 3:00am representing both 23 aka FATE = 32 backwards, and Three Fates.

3:00am is the witching hours in which Pagans would invoke Demons in a Cemetery and they were shooting on the set of an Indian Burial Ground.

According to Hekate’s Fan Base, the Goddess of the Crossroads does not forcibly kill anyone. She merely opens the gate to the Spirit Realm when there is a Threshold involved and Death is a Threshold, for example if you are badly injured or in hospice waiting to die. When John Landis put Vic Morrow and the Two Children in Danger on the set of that movie, surrounded by explosions and a dangerous helicopter, the Threshold of Potential Death opened the Gates during the witching hours in the middle of an Indian Burial Ground, allowing Hekate to manipulate the crash of the helicopter killed Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca simultaneously at the same time, causing all three of them to die instantly at the same time, crossing over into the Spirit Realm to be implanted in a Fetus Host of Hekate’s Choosing.

Kevin Neece was conceived on 4/26/1982 = FATE = 32. When Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca simultaneously crossed over, Kevin Neece’s Fetus was only in the Two Month Stages of Development and had not yet been imbedded with a Human Soul, allowing their THREE SOULS to be implanted into Kevin Neece’s Fetus.

Kevin Neece was born on 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32 just as Hekate Planned.

That’s Three Numerology Dates representing Three Fates where FATE = 32 revolving around the act of Death, Conception, and Re-Birth. 7/23/1982, 4/26/1982, and 2/9/1983 all three are FATE = 32 representing Three Fates.

Vic Morrow and the Two Children were a Pagan Blood Sacrifice so that Hekate could conceive her Future Husband as a Child just like the movie Rosemary’s Baby for the Three Fates from Ah My Goddess. Hekate got exactly what she wanted, leaving both Steven Spielberg and John Landis holding the bag, arguing over what the hell happened and whose fault it was. In short. Stevie and Johnny Bear both got punked by Belldandy from the Ah My Goddess anime series, resulting in the creation of filmmaker Kevin Neece.

If John Landis had not manslaughtered Vic Morrow that night, Kevin Neece would not be alive today.

If you want to get Metaphorical about it. John Landis is basically Doctor Frankenstein and Kevin Neece is the Monster he created because he is possessed by the Greek Necromancer Goddess of Death that kills celebrities on Social Media News.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Open Letter to Jennifer Jason Leigh and the Parents of Renee Shin-yi Chen and Myca Dinh le in concerns to Let’s Save Vic Morrow

Kevin Neece here, maker of the Haunted and Cursed anime show Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess and Marller Gets a Spinoff, and the co-writer/director of Let’s Save Vic Morrow which you should have received in the mail by now, if not, look to the internet.

Since the death of my father Jim Neece back in 2018, I have been trapped in a nightmare FBI Informant case involving both the San Jacinto Waste Pits, and a Paranormal Investigation involving Demonology and the Occult in connection to the Ah My Goddess anime series. Basically, the Three Goddesses in the cartoon show, Urd Belldandy and Skuld, are based on Three Norse Mythology Goddesses of Fate called the Norns. And as you all well know, Pagan Mythology was created through “The Telephone Game” where story aspects change as they get passed from one person to the other, leading to different Spiritual Deities from different Pagan Religions who suspiciously sound like they are the same person under different names and identities.

THAT is what happened to the Ah My Goddess anime series. The Three Norns had a real life counterpart from Greek Mythology named Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads who was haunting the anime series like a Ouija Board Spiritual Attachment. When Kevin Neece became the present maker of Ah My Goddess, taking over from mangaka Kosuke Fujishima and Hiroaki Goda, it resulted in him being haunted and then the Goddess killed his father in a situation that was Stranger than Fiction and surrounded by abnormal coincidence. When Kevin Neece discovered that Jim Neece was planning to become an FBI Informant who believed the Government was going to kill him during his retirement vacation, he tried to come forward to the Government in his place, at the risk of a prison sentence because Kevin Neece was a former Theater Pirate who bootlegged nearly 350 theatrical pre shows from Alamo Drafthouse from 400 screenings. In short, Kevin Neece got away with the Theater Piracy Crime of the Century and then the Goddess of Fate that was haunting him made Karma Come Full Circle and punished him by putting him in a situation where he was forced to turn himself into the FBI. When it came time for Kevin Neece to explain all of the strange coincidences surrounding Jim Neece’s death, he couldn’t find any other way to explain it than Jim Neece was murdered by a Ouija Board Demon because the Ah My Goddess anime show was haunted like a Ouija Board and he believes the FBI preyed on Kevin Neece’s Mental Health Issues and belief in Paranormal and the Occult to have his case evidence thrown out.

From 2018 to 2023, Kevin Neece tried to turn himself into EVERY Judicial Authority and News Station and Political Activist Group known to man including the FBI, the CIA, the MPAA, the Congress and Senate, the White House, the Police. He became obsessed with proving the Goddess that was haunting him was real by performing and documenting experiments and even used Jim Neece’s IRA money to publish an FBI confession autobiography called The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger and mailed 200 paperback copies to all of the FBI branches in the United States and the Entire Japanese Government to warn them about the San Jacinto Waste Pits and the Ah My Goddess Hauntings. Everybody refused to respond to him and bent over backwards NOT to arrest him. Kevin Neece is guilty of crimes that should have sent him to prison for decades and everybody in the Judicial System is afraid to respond to him, arrest him, or touch him, as if he has somehow become a Made Man in the Mafia, only he’s never met the Mafia and does not know who has been protecting him. Kevin Neece’s suspicion is that the Goddess of Fate who haunts his Anime Show has been pulling strings and manipulating his case to keep him out of prison so she can keep him trapped to herself.

When Kevin Neece finally came forward to give his report to Congress, the Demons that haunt his anime show that he had been invoking for his experiments via Satania YouTube jumped him in the middle of the night like a scene from Rosemary’s Baby and MARRIED HIM TO THE DEMON GODDESS that killed his father and inspired the Ah My Goddess anime series to teach him and everybody else once and for all what would happen if somebody went out and did the plot of Ah My Goddess in real life. This is called a Shaman’s Magician Spirit Wife and Kevin Neece’s marriage to Hekate and Spiritual Demonic Possession is basically a Mythbusters that allows him to study and document her. It looks like Schizophrenia at first, right down to the fact that she claims to come from Greek History but only speaks English, and all of the creepy coincidences that are photo captures in his online articles are real and many of them cannot be written off or explained by Mental Illness. When Kevin Neece learned to spot Hekate’s Patterns and Easter eggs, he found them scattered everywhere throughout his past life history all the way back to his numerology birth meaning the Goddess had been secretly haunting him his entire life and was waiting for him to reach Adulthood so that she could possess him. She was grooming him as a child to be her future Shaman Husband and Human Host which is the most Woody Allen shit I’ve ever heard of, and why he wound up being the chosen one is insinuated that he was somebody the Goddess knew in a past life, meaning that Kevin Neece was reincarnated with no clue as to what his former identity was or what he may have done to piss the Goddess of Fate off.

And that is what we are here to discuss today because Kevin Neece believes he has solved the mystery. Kevin Neece has discovered that he was conceived during the production of Twilight Zone The Movie, and his numerology birthday matches up to other numerology coincidences hidden in the production of the movie and the tragedy of Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca, insinuating that Kevin Neece has secretly been the Reincarnation of one of the Three Helicopter Victims with no clue as to which one so now I am going to print to you all of the evidence explaining why it looks like Kevin Neece could have been Vic Morrow, Renee or Myca in his past life.

In Numerology, when you add number to the alphabet, the numbers applied to the word FATE add up to 32 which is 23 backwards, and Kevin Neece is haunted and possessed by the Three Fates from Ah My Goddess aka Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads. Hekate’s influence over Kevin Neece is what led to his obsession with making Ah My Goddess cartoons no different than Jack Nicholson falling under the influence of the Overlook Hotel in The Shining.

Kevin Neece’s father Jim Neece died on 6/24/2018 which is a Voodoo Religious Holiday called Summer Solstice. His Will was Signed and Dated 6/24/2009 meaning Jim Neece signed and dated his will on the same that that he would die Nine Years Later. Kevin Neece was born on 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32. The reason why he was born on that date was because Jim Neece was Debbie Brand’s Second Husband. Her first husband Freddy also died on 6/24 because he was riding a motorcycle and got attacked by a Big Dog. In Hekate’s religion, the Goddess is known as a Protector and Manipulator of Dogs, thus insinuating that Hekate killed Debbie Brand’s first husband Freddy on 6/24 so that she would meet Jim Neece and Kevin Neece would be born on 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32.

Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca died on 7/23/1982 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece was born on 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32.

From the day Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca died to the day Kevin Neece was born:

July (1), August (2), Sept (3), October (4), November (5), December (6), January (7), February (8)

As you can see, from a Superficial Standpoint at first glance, the number of months between Vic Morrow’s Death and Kevin Neece’s Birth is almost the Nine Month length of a Pregnancy. However, just to be sure, Kevin Neece crosschecked the dates with a backdated calendar just to be safe.

From 7/23/1982 to 2/9/1983, the actual number of days is 6 Months 17 Days, thus the Timespan between Vic Morrow’s Death and Kevin Neece’s birth is actually an illusion.

According to Debbie Brand, her pregnancy term with Kevin Neece was 9 months 14 days. When we enter that information into the Calendar Calculator and go backwards in time with a Backdated Calendar, it showcased that.

Kevin Neece Actual Date of Conception is April 26th 1982. The Filming Production of Twilight Zone The Movie was July 7th 1982 to November 11th 1982. However, this only account for the actual Filming and does not cover the time for Pre-Production and Development. Kevin Neece could still have been conceived during the Pre-Production of Twilight Zone The Movie and his Fetus would have only been Two Months Old when Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca died on July 23rd 1982.

Which brings up the Question, exactly when does a Human Fetus development get administered with a Human Soul.

There are other creepy coincidences to bear in mind:

7/23/1983 features the Number 23 which is FATE = 32 backwards.

The Helicopter Deaths happened between 2:30am to 3:00am which is 23 and 3 Fates.

3:00am is also the Witching Hours for when you perform an Invocation in a Cemetery.

There were Three Helicopter Deaths = THREE FATES.

A Common Horror Movie Stereotype is that Horror Movie Locations are Haunted because they were built on Indian Burial Grounds. Vic Morrow and Renee and Myca died in Indian Dunes California during the Witching Hours leading to the question: Is there a good reason why that place was named Indian Dunes?

Vic Morrow Death = 7/23/1983 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece Conception = 4/26/1982 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece Birth = 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece is haunted and possessed by Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads.

Twilight Zone The Movie was released on 6/24/1983.

Freddy and Jim Neece both died on 6/24 and Kevin Neece was born in 1983.

So based on all of this information, I would hope that all of you would understand why it superficially looks like Kevin Neece was being haunted by the Goddess of Fate because he was one of the Helicopter Accident Victims in his Past Life leading to him making a movie about Vic Morrow called Let’s Save Vic Morrow.

Hekate co-wrote Let’s Save Vic Morrow as a Spirit Medium and thus there are secret Easter Eggs hidden in the movie.

During the Finale Scene where Vic Morrow pays tribute to Renee and Myca, Hekate warns the audience that had Renee and Myca lived, they could have grown up to be the next successful filmmakers like Robert Rodriguez or Sion Sono or Guillermo Del Toro or Werner Herzog or Kevin Neece. And the emphasis is that she included Kevin Neece’s name in the group last. At first the gesture looks like an act of vanity on Kevin Neece’s part. In reality, Hekate was secretly tipping off that the Reason why she said Renee and Myca would grow up to be filmmakers is because Renee and Myca are both Kevin Neece who makes a Japanese Anime cartoon called Ah My Goddess which would appeal to Asian Culture and Renee and Myca are both Asian Children, thus Kevin Neece film work is an Asian Cartoon.

My final theory is that Kevin Neece is not ONE of the Three Helicopter Victims, he may have been reincarnated with ALL THREE OF THEIR SOULS ROLLED INTO ONE PERSON because Kevin Neece is married and possessed by Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads, who is Three Goddesses Rolled into one.

Vic Morrow, Renee Shin-Yi Chen, and Myca Dinh Le ARE Kevin Neece, the maker of Ah My Goddess.

At least, that’s what the Numerology and Backdated Calendar Dates imply.

I would implore all of you to remember that Hekate likes to play practical jokes on people. Her most infamous practical joke since the 1970s is Hekate manipulated all of the careers of the Actors who worked on Saturday Night Live, Twilight Zone The Movie, Evil Dead, Charlies Angels, Dark Horse Comics, and yes, even Pixar Animation and Dreamworks Animation are infected with the Demon Patterns. Everybody who worked on films in these three areas have IMDb Resumes where all of the Actors that they have worked with can be traced back to Demonology and Witchcraft films about the Devil like the Kevin Bacon game from Hell. Hekate’s practical joke is she set all of them up so that the Conspiracy Theorists who spotted the Patterns would believe that Hollywood was under the control of a Satanist Cult called the Illuminati. Except that the Illuminati is not real and nobody knows where to find them. Hekate designed, planned out, and orchestrated this evil little stunt on her Coffee Breaks and it literally took a lifetime of planning and several decades to pull it off.

That’s what Let’s Save Vic Morrow is about. Kevin Neece is trying to warn Jennifer Jason Leigh, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, George Miller, and John Landis that they never escaped the curse of Twilight Zone The Movie. The Goddess of Death that staged the Helicopter Accident that killed Vic Morrow, Renee Shin-yi Chen, and Myca Dinh Le has been haunting everyone who is connected to Twilight Zone The Movie and manipulating their Film Careers their entire life and the Three Helicopter Victims were a Pagan Blood Sacrificial Offering that resulted in the Creation of Filmmaker Kevin Neece who is now possessed by the Goddess of Fate that killed your family members as a Human Host.

But, having said that. None of this can be verified for certain. If Reincarnation was a real thing, it would not be classified as a Religious Belief, it would be classified as Science.

But just for the sake of Humor, let’s pretend for a moment that all of this is real, because all of those Patterns and Coincidences that I have just shown you, they are most definitely real, no Con Artist Job Intended. If Kevin Neece is going to post this information on the internet, it would be absolutely fucking rude of him not to contact and warn the involved family members of his findings or explaining to him why he did it.

  1. Let’s suppose that Kevin Neece really was Vic Morrow, or Renee, or Myca. Does Kevin Neece have any sort of memories of his past lives? No he does not.
  2. Does Kevin Neece look like Vic Morrow in anyway? All of Kevin Neece’s Family Photo Albums dating back to his Childhood are available on Instagram and his Autobiography The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger is both on Amazon in Paperback, and there is a free PDF download file on his 
  3. Kevin Neece does appear to have Vic Morrow’s Shortened Eyebrows but I think that’s where the Physical Similarities end. Jennifer Jason Leigh looks exactly like a gender swapped Vic Morrow. Kevin Neece does not.
  4. If Vic Morrow was Kevin Neece’s past, then theoretically that would mean that Kevin Neece’s present life would be Vic Morrow’s Future or His Afterlife. Kevin Neece is an Overweight Mentally Ill Bipolar Schizoaffective Disorder Blacklisted Fan Film Artist who makes Witchcraft Cursed Anime Films that kill people at random on Social Media because he is married to the Goddess of Death that co-writes and watches his cartoons and movies. Kevin Neece was married for 15 years before he separated (his wife did have family members who practiced witchcraft), but never divorced his wife on paper, he continued to pay her child support payments via his father’s IRA payouts and donated his grandfather’s inheritance to his daughter to put her through college in Salem Massachussetts, the witchcraft town from Hocus Pocus and The Crucible. All Kevin Neece does today is hang out around his bedroom, naked due to the lack of air conditioning in his bedroom, watch old movies like a 1990s video store, perform witchcraft with his black mirror, and make Ah My Goddess cartoons like Let’s Save Vic Morrow. And he has a Vintage Porn collection of almost every Theatrical Release Hardcore Porn from the 1980s and 1990s on Bluray. If Kevin Neece is Vic Morrow’s Future, it kind of begs the question, is Karma and Reincarnation punishing Vic Morrow for his past life by forcing him to live the life of Kevin Neece? From a Personality Standpoint, I do not get the sense that Vic Morrow and Kevin Neece are ANYTHING like each other. What Kevin Neece does is known in the Japanese Community as an Anime Otaku/Video Otaku. His lifestyle and obsession with movies and anime is more fit to that of an Asian Otaku obsessed with Anime and Renee and Myca were both Asian Americans who might have watched Ah My Goddess and Anime Shows had they lived long enough to see them in the 1990s and 2000s.
  5. What about Jennifer Jason Leigh’s mother Barbara Turner? She died in 2016. If she was reincarnated like Vic Morrow about Nine Month Later like Kevin Neece was, then does that mean that Barbara Turner is living somewhere in the United States as a 7 Year Old Girl with no memory of her past life?
  6. When Kevin Neece co-wrote Let’s Save Vic Morrow, he openly stated that he wanted to make a movie that felt like it took place in the same universe as a Robert Zemeckis Back to the Future movie and even used the soundtrack from the Back to the Future movie to score the film. The entire plot of the movie revolves are a Time Travel experience to see if saving the life of Vic Morrow would result in any dangerous Time Travel damage to the Timeline just like Steven Spielberg portrayed in his fictional Time Travel movies. Hekate’s secret practical joke on Kevin Neece is, that by saving the life of Vic Morrow, he no longer dies on 7/23/1982 and is there therefore no longer reincarnated as Kevin Neece. By saving Vic Morrow’s life, and the lives of Renee and Myca, Kevin Neece may have accidental prevented himself from being BORN INTO EXISTENCE. Just like the plot of a Back to the Future movie. Be careful what you wish for. Luckily for all of us, Time Travel is a work of fiction. Right? Right? I mean, Time Travel couldn’t be real could it? Then again, we just spent an entire letter arguing in favor of the Reincarnation Theory.
  7. There are Witchcraft Mantra Videos on Satania YouTube that Kevin Neece knows how to activate with the Black Mirror in his bedroom. Some of these Spell Videos are designed to unlock past memories of former lives but many of the members on the website warn against using them with good reason. Not everybody died the death of a Roman Soldier. When you use those videos, the Demons force you to remember your death. And some of them even remember being sent to Hell in-between their different past lives, leading them into a state of insanity where they believe they are living their lives on a failed loop and cannot tell which reality is real, Reality or Hell. I do not fancy the idea of reliving being dismembered by a Helicopter or my time in Hell, just so I can find out if I used to be Jennifer Jason Leigh’s father in a Past Life.
  8. If I was Vic Morrow, and those cokehead producers John Landis and Steven Spielberg did dismember me with a Helicopter due to drug addled negligence, then as a father, nothing would have made me happier than knowing my daughter avenged my ass in court and got a large cash settlement out of those fucking producers. In the final words of Vic Morrow, “I must be crazy to do this scene, I should’ve gotten a double.”

That’s it. That’s all I have to say on the matter. I’m sorry if my present life is a disappointment to all of you. I know that Vic Morrow deserved better life than what I am presently living right now, as did Renee Shin-yi Chen and Myca Dinh Le. But that’s the roll of the dice called Fate and that’s the way the Cookie Crumbles. Just because your children can grow up to be anything they put their mind to does not mean that they are going to live their lives in a manner that will make you happy or fulfilled as parents. Even Steven Spielberg is embarrassed by some of his adult children’s life decisions and he’s one of the richest assholes in America. Steven Spielberg is such a happy charitable guy, donating $1.5 Million to the WGA Strikers while riding around the ocean in a $250 Million Yacht that could have been used to provide affordable housing to the homeless. Bad Steven. Bad Bad Steven. No Reincarnation for you. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200. It’s Straight to Viking Hell for you Steven Spielberg. And don’t forget to take John Landis with you.

Love Peace and Chicken Grease,

Kevin Neece

4902 Majestic Drive

Austin TX 78747