Saturday, June 10, 2023

Does Henderson County Police Chief Tim Gordon Relate to Robert Rodriguez Hypnotics?

Kevin Neece is haunted and possessed by a Goddess claiming to be from Greek Mythology named Hekate, who has declared herself to be the closest living thing to Belldandy from the Ah My Goddess anime series. One of Hekate's many gifts is she knows how to subconsciously manipulate people, including Hollywood Screenwriters and sometimes as a practical joke, she uses that gift to hide Allegory Easter Eggs in their movies to see if Kevin Neece can find them. The implication for how Hekate is doing this is we are all living in a Simulation similar to The Matrix or Ready Player One or Free Guy or Don't Worry Darling.

Only this time, in the Robert Rodriguez film Hypnotics, Hekate has chosen to target not just Kevin Neece, but also Henderson County Police Chief Tim Gordon and his late daughter Aylee Gordon, who passed away on Christmas Day because of a witchcraft experiment that Kevin Neece was performing involving a Black Mirror and Curious Alice (1968). Make no mistake, in this movie, Ben Affleck is a combination of both Tim Gordon and Kevin Neece, who is obsessively looking for his lost daughter Aylee Gordon. From this point on, I would strongly advise that any police officers or FBI agents who are investigating Kevin Neece's Research articles print out this article, read over it, then go to the movie theater and watch Robert Rodriguez's Hypnotics to see if you can spot the same Allegory Easter Eggs in the movie that Kevin Neece is about to point out.

It's an interesting question, isn't it? If Police Chief Tim Gordon reads this article and watches the movie, will he see the same Allegory that Kevin does. Are we really living in a Simulation, or has Kevin Neece's "Walk out of the Matrix" all been an illusion hypnotized by the Ghost of Grigori Rasputin from the Real Afterlife thanks to Hekate's abilities to communicate with the Dead?

  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:18 PM
  • Now I’m watching Robert Rodriguez Hypnotics. The villains are attempting to rob a bank safety deposit box #23 aka Jim Carrey’s Number 23 and Fate = 32 backwards. The movie stars Ben Affleck from the cursed Angel movie Dogma by Kevin Smith.
  • The opening of the movie is a police detective loses his daughter reminding me of the incident with Aylee Gordon.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:20 PM
  • The woman walks in front of a bus with the numbers 2033 aka 23.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:27 PM
  • The villain in the movie is William Fichtner from the Demon movie Drive Angry (he was the accountant from Hell). When Ben Affleck confronts him at the top of the parking garage he is surrounded by two bodyguards aka Three Fates and says “you’ve got the wrong man.” Are the Three Fates trying to say that Kevin Neece has wrongly blamed them for the death of Aylee Gordon or is it all a coincidence?
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:28 PM
  • The next scene takes place in a shop that does both hypnosis and Tarot Card readings. That would explain why this movie got targeted by Hekate and the Fates. Tarot Cards. The movie appears to take place in Austin TX as the cops announce themselves as the Austin police department.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:33 PM
  • 2:32pm Hypnotics uses their powers to change your views of the world you live in feels like a reference to Kevin Neece and his ability to spot patterns in the movies.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:37 PM
  • But then he went rogue and tried to take over the division… feels like Kevin Neece trying to bargain the Fates and Lucifer to throw Trump out of office.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:40 PM
  • Grindhouse Planet Terror Easter Egg. Ben Affleck is eating at a barbeque restaurant called The Bone Shack and it’s the same sign from Grindhouse.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:43 PM
  • My understanding of this allegory film is William Fichtner is the Devil and he has hypnotized the APD into doing his bidding for him.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:45 PM
  • Kevin Neece sends all of his research articles to the Police and the Feds but has never received a response from any of them. He knows they are watching him and reading his emails, but he doesn’t know their opinions of his case.
  • Ben Affleck has a psychic block so the Black Magick doesn’t work on him. It’s because he is traumatized by the loss of his daughter. Sounds like Police Chief Tim Gordon.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:49 PM
  • Yet another Robert Rodriguez movie where they cross the border into Mexico. The actor they are looking for is Jackie Earle Haley from Watchmen, a movie that starts with a simple murder then turns into a mass murder conspiracy film.
  • Kevin’s case started with the death of Jim Neece then escalated into a Government Conspiracy that could kill a large number of people.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:51 PM
  • Rorschach was William Fichtner’s Demon in disguise the entire time. Represents that Kevin Neece’s police case has been manipulated by the Fates and Demons all along. They made Kevin see what he wanted to see.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:54 PM
  • The next shot after they escape is a summoning circle embedded in a large gate. Apparently, everybody in this movie has magical ESP mind powers like Scanners.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:57 PM
  • The Black Man with the Eye Patch that they visit has triangles tattooed onto his cheeks that look exactly like the Face Sigils from Ah My Goddess except that they haven’t been colored in. They are just an outline.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  2:59 PM
  • I’m going to assume that this man’s computer system that hacks the APD database is the Yggdrasil System terminal in Kevin Neece’s bedroom.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:03 PM
  • The Devil William Fichtner calls Ben Affleck and tells him he is never going to get his daughter back (Aylee Gordon) and that Diana betrayed him. Hekate’s Roman Mythology Goddess Equivalent is named Diana. The Devil is saying that Hekate betrayed him and he is holding Aylee Gordon hostage.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:09 PM
  • Ben Affleck’s name is Rourke. When he hacks into the Yggdrasil System to look up his Female partners identity it says her name is Vivian Rourke implying that she has been his family the entire time. When Kevin Neece investigated his case, he came to the conclusion that his Spirit Wife Hekate had been haunting him his entire life because he was something else to her in a past life.(Edited)
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:11 PM
  • Ben Affleck is taken out of reality just like Kevin Neece was taken out of the Matrix Simulation. All of the workers surrounding him are wearing red suits like they are demons and their leader is The Devil William Fichtner. “Like it or not your daughter is going to reach her full potential with me” implies that the Devil kidnapped and adopted Aylee Gordon for his own purposes.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:13 PM
  • Every single environment that Ben Affleck has been through in this move was a blatant lie. He was walking through a maze the entire time. Police Chief Tim Gordon is trapped in the same simulation that Kevin Neece is. “Every time you get too close you see the gaps and the construct breaks” means Kevin Neece keeps spotting the glitches and patterns in the simulation.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:16 PM
  • Initiate the Reset is a reference to the fact that We’ve been living our lives on a loop in the simulation over and over again like the movie Twelve Monkeys. It’s a test to see if we can break out of the time loop.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:20 PM aka FATE = 32
  • Ben Affleck rides around in a golf cart with his partner disguised as a police car implies that Tim Gordon’s search for his missing daughter is being manipulated by demons because they have the ability to control everyone that he comes into contact with using the System Force from Ah My Goddess.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:23 PM aka Jim Carrey's Number 23
  • 3:22pm aka Fate = 32. Took you long enough. Where is she?
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:24 PM
  • Jeff Fahey is in this movie from The Lawnmower Man, a movie about an idiot savant who gains his intelligence from Virtual Reality just like Kevin Neece did.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:25 PM
  • The minute Ben Affleck/Tim Gordon enters Jeff Fahey’s house, everything falls into place like a row of dominos, and he finds his missing daughter Aylee Gordon.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:27 PM
  • Three Vans of Demons arrive representing Three Fates. The Two Helicopters are both Light Silver and Black representing the Duality of Mankind’s Inner Struggle Between Good and Evil.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:28 PM
  • Tim Gordon/Kevin Neece: “That’s the division talking. The Diana I know wouldn’t want this life for (Aylee Gordon)”
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:29 PM
  • Aylee Gordon: “You’re setting yourselves free… from them” in reference to William Fichter and his Demons.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:32 PM aka FATE = 32.
  • The entire setup was an illusion the entire time and The Devil’s henchmen are all dead. Jeff Fahey is still alive.
  • Kevin Neece (He/Him)  3:36 PM
  • That’s it. The End of Hypnotics. I would say that it’s Robert Rodriguez Best Movie from an Allegory Standpoint but he isn’t responsible for that Allegory. Hekate manipulated his production during the screenwriting stages.

for more info:

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