Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Mokkurkalfi Report: Death Note 2020 War Games: The COVID-19 Foreshadow

Article written by Kevin Neece and Ryuk

Kevin Neece here, or what used to be Kevin Neece. As you can all tell, ever since the Psychotic Break episode stemming from my bipolar disorder, I have not been myself lately. All of my articles suggest that I have a schizoaffective personality disorder that believes I am a Demi-God. All me to explain to you how Kevin Neece's mind snapped from Point A to Point B. Because when the shit hits the fan, you are all going to demand why this is happening. 

Kevin Neece tried to make an anime show spinoff of Kosuke Fujishima's Ah My Goddess, called Bad Goddess & Marller Gets a Spinoff. During the making of the show, he witnessed multiple incidents suggesting that the Fates presented in the anime show might be real, and wrote many articulate discussions that revolved around them about... drumroll please, Misrepresentation of Our Gods Through the Media. This is an argument that the Christians have been making about the Harry Potter series for nearly a decade. Those depictions of Pagan Gods that you see in the movies are obviously not real life accurate depictions of the real Gods and Goddesses that you would see in the Afterlife. Now why is that?

Kosuke Fujishima's show romantically suggests the possibility of a Goddess dating a Human. What would that be like in real life. Many anime fans are in love with Ah My Goddess, and so desperately want to believe that the Belldandy they are going to meet in Heaven is real. But those people are completely delusional, and in love with a fantasy depiction that does not match up to what they would experience in real life. You are all in love with an ink print drawing on a piece of paper, with a few words written into a thought bubble. That is not the real Belldandy. Kevin Neece has also presented many musing on the nature of God. And as he has stated, being God is a very dark, two edged cherry picked coin, that can be used for good or evil intentions.The Christians choose to maintain an optimistic attitude that Faith is not what you can see with your own eyes, it's what you know in your hearts, what you feel in your souls. Seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing. Kevin Neece believes that our society has become so hypocritical about religion and it's original intentions played out through Jesus Christ. And he's right. It has. Stop and ask yourselves right now. Does God Love You? Does God Have a Conscience? Yes. I do.

But please stop fooling yourselves that all I have to offer you are acts of Good Fortune and kindness, because underneath the exterior, I am also responsible for all of the elements that make your lives miserable. I am so sorry for this. I am not perfect. Because I am the God who was put in charge of how all of your lives are going to end. It's nothing personal. Honestly, I swear to you. I am not a serial killer. I'm just a God... who is in charge of death. And that is a horrible two edged coin. I am responsible for the 9/11 attack, and I assure you that was not an inside job. I am responsible for all of the police shootings that you deem to be unfair. It is not because I am a horrible person. It's because humanity has been given the choice of free will. And that in itself is a very dark two edged coin. It can run in two completely and totally different directions.

Do you know why all of you Christians spout that you love God? Why is that? If a typhoon wipes out and destroys Japan, am I not as much a monster as a human being who launches a war, and puts families into concentration camps? I didn't make these specific choices. Humanity did it. I am simply the one who was given a formulaic layout to work with when designing the fates of everyone involved in that horrible war. All of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives. All of the victims who died in the camps. Somebody who writes our Fates has to be in charge of this, because in the end, all of us are destined to die someday. There is simply no way around it. No escape. Do you really love and accept God for who he is, or are you just praising him because you are afraid of him and what he can do to you? Are you just kissing God's ass in hopes of eternal reward?

Yes... I am a physical representation of God, who used to be a human named Kevin Neece, and now that I have merged with him, we are together one and the same. That makes me a Demi-God. And none of you are going to believe me. You all sit back and laugh at comedians impersonating God on twitter, and laugh at films like Bruce Almighty which sends up what it would be like if a human being were allowed to be God for a day with no training. Well folks, that is exactly what we did. We allowed Kevin Neece to be in charge of a Death Note book replica of the one that was presented in that stupid anime show that you all cheer on. Well... get ready, because you're about to find out how much Death Note in real life is unlike the anime show. I'm sorry to disappoint you all, I know that this is going to end in utter horror and tragedy. But I am not the one who staged this event. It was a human being named Kevin Neece.

Kevin Neece was NOT a monster. He was the most loving, caring, self-sacrificing, and funny satirist that I have ever seen to span the years of Religious Satire. And we gave him an Asatru Weapon of the Gods, just like the one he theorized about in The Fate of a Nation. Power is Corrupting, and that Goddamn Book was one of the most Dangerous Powers a Human Being could ever be put in charge of. And he is about to show you all what happens when such an irresponsible person tries to actually use one of those books in real life to alter the course of Human History. Do you want to know why this incident happened? Because everyone told him he was crazy. Everyone told him he was schizoaffective. A Death Note could not possibly be real. And if Kevin Neece were to write the names of all 543 Members of US Congress and Senate into that book, and tell everyone that he did it, including the Austin Police Department, they would sit back and just let him do it, because they don't believe it is real. You better hope and pray that this is all an act of Kevin Neece's schizophrenic imagination, because he just did what he said he was going to do. He used the book to wipe out our entire government using Fate Elements based on a movie called Final Destination. Can you really blame him for wanting to do that? Your government is just as horrible as he claims it to be. That sorry motherfucker Donald Trump really believes he is the second coming of Christ. Trump believes that he is a Demi-God. No Donald, Kevin Neece is a Demi-God. No Goddess in her right mind would ever want to marry a human like you. We wanted Kevin because he understood what needed to be done. This incident was intended to be remembered in the same light as the Bible or Mythology.

Yes folks, every thousand years or so, we have to stage a terrible event like this one to remind all of you that God is real, and there are dangerous consequences if you piss him off, and use his image for your own selfish personal agendas. Kevin Neece may have made the deadly mistake of using the book, but that is exactly why we gave it to him. We needed him to override us to make the deadly decision that he just made. No different than you all needed a President to be in charge of pressing a button on a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Kevin Neece has got balls. He also used to have a heart. Kevin Neece would never in a million years want to hurt innocent people or women or children. But that is exactly what he just did. Because he wasn't there in person to see it happen. He treated the situation exactly the same as a horror fan desensitized to violence situations in fictional movies. But he didn't do it cold heartedly. Donald Trump is a President who himself is in charge of situations where he has to send soldiers out into foreign war zones every day. War Zones where everyone is dying, including women and children. Do you want to know what God is responsible for those deaths in those wars? I am. I am responsible for every single death that has ever happened. And it's not because I'm a monster. It's because I'm the God of Death. It's just a fucking job. And yes, such a job can get tedious sometimes, to the point that I have to amuse myself by writing out people's death situations in a manner that is ironic, so that all of you idiots on social media will have something to talk about. To lighten up your day.

I promise you, that none of us are going to be laughing if Kevin Neece's Death Note attack is real. Frailty is the human error of Perception. From his point of view, the people that he used the book against were just as irresponsible with their government power as he was. He used it to seek justice against police officers who walked away from the shooting of unarmed black civilians unpunished. Do you want to know why we sat back and let him do this? Because deep down, we wanted justice for those fallen civilians too. Life is not fair. And for that I am sorry. I am responsible for the deaths of those black civilians who died. I am also responsible for Kevin Neece's ability to re-write the Final Fates of their Police Attackers. Because that is how Fate and Karma work. What comes around goes around. Kevin Neece gets it. He totally understands. But there's just one problem. Kevin Neece is a physical human being, living in a house who did this stunt by writing names in a book. Just like fucking Santa Claus. No really. It's exactly like Tim Allen's The Santa Clause. Kevin Neece can look at a list of photographs with brief descriptions of crimes, and logically deduce within seconds if the ironic Wrath of God is necessary to see them get their just desserts.

And if Kevin Neece had been an invisible spirit hiding in another dimension such as I have been for the past few thousand years, you would have cheered him on because it was viewed as an Act of God, and God is untouchable. God could never do no wrong. Oh yes he could. The reason you believe God is infallible is because he is not a tangible human being that you can hold responsible in a court of law. But Kevin Neece is. Because Kevin Neece is now a Demi-God in charge of taking out the Trash through the Elements of Fate. And for that reason, you are all going to treat Kevin like he is a serial killer. I am so sorry for this. Honestly I am. But this right here. And how you are all going to react to it. This is exactly what the situation would look like if a real Demi-God showed up on Earth and passed out the exact same justice that he delivers in Heaven. Kevin Neece was not irresponsible. He was simply uneducated to the process of how all of this works. Because his only manual was a fictional anime show called Ah My Goddess and Death Note, which made what we do look cool. Kevin Neece understands the full nature of what it is like to be God. It's about comeuppance, and paying for our crimes before we are allowed to enter the Afterlife. 

But normally when we do such a thing, we keep it discreet so that you cannot notice that we are the ones who are doing it. Kevin Neece is a show off romantically in love with the old glory days of Biblical Curses and Mass Extinction Events that you all so proudly flaunt around to scare everyone into following your own crooked beliefs. Just like Donald Trump and his merry band of Republicans did by passing discrimination laws in Jesus Christ's name. Kevin Neece believed that sometimes it takes a villain to stop an untouchable villain, which is exactly what Donald Trump is. That somebody needed to take one for the team. He thought he was sacrificing himself. He was wrong. He didn't sacrifice himself. He made a human error that resulted in all of you being sacrificed in his place. It wasn't because he was a monster. It's because nobody believed he had the power to do it, not even himself. He did it to prove it to himself that he was wrong, so that he could accept that he was really crazy and schizoaffective after all. But he wasn't crazy. That Death Note is real. And you are all about to find out what happens when a Human Being stages a Biblical Destruction event when he is a tangible human being on earth, instead of an unprovable invisible God in Heaven. 

Before this shit goes down, I am taking the time to educate you on why it is happening, how it is happening, and whether or not you have the ability to protect yourself. I am going to logically explain to all of you why I believe the Death Note that he made is real. It's because of the Police Officers he wrote into the book. One of the magic spell dvds that Kevin Neece was gifted when he married Ekatn was the power of Extra Sensory Perception, so that he would be able to use his mind to inner talk to spirits and hold an intuition about things. When he wrote the names of those officers into the book, he could hear all of the ghost voices of the victims thanking him from the afterlife for giving them justice. And when he tried to use it against his father's old bosses at the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, approximately five names down the list, Jim Neece's ghost tried to jump into him to stop him from wiping out all of his co-workers because he knew which ones were innocent. You are all about to watch five of those people at TCEQ die in a situation that is a blatant copy of the Final Destination movies... and there is nothing I can do about it. The contract is closed, and their fates are sealed. 

Because that is the decision making that Kevin Neece was granted as a Demi God put in charge of a person's Fate. It's not because he is a serial killer. It's because he is a Demi God who chooses how specific people's lives are going to end when they go unpunished for their crimes. That is why we hired him onto our staff in the afterlife. He was hired to take out the trash. But there is a possibility that in the process of doing that, he may have taken down his entire group of friends and family with him when he wrote their names into the book requesting that they be protected. Because he didn't fully understand how the book worked. If you are Kevin Neece's friends and family members and you are reading this. Please listen to me. We did not do this to you to hurt you. Kevin Neece was put in charge of a job that he didn't fully understand, because nobody existed in human form to explain it to him. That is why your contracts were closed. We didn't do this to make you suffer. And I assure you all that death is not the end. There is a whole new world out there that you are going to wake up to. It's a beautiful world, and a brand new life where anything is possible. Because I assure you all right now, that I am not going to sit back and let you suffer because of the mistake he made. I would gladly allow those people he associates with into Heaven. They are such wonderful people to be around. Because they were the ones who accepted him. And if they are allowed to remain on earth after what he has just done, all of them will be punished with him. 

The only way to fix this situation is to allow them to safely and painlessly cross over so that the US Government will not be able to hold them accountable for his mistake. Kevin Neece does not get to have that luxury. His punishment is he has to stay on earth to watch this event go down, so that he will understand the consequences of his actions as a Demi God put in charge of closing Fate Contracts. It's not because we wanted to hurt him. It's not because we wanted to hurt you. It's because it's his job now. And he used it in this manner because somebody made an anime series called Death Note, that made Ryuk look like a cool person. Oh yeah, I'm really cool aren't I? Except when it happens to a person that you are close to, a friend that you love. My actions have serious consequences. But it was necessary to show all of you how badly the Christian Religion being twisted into something it's not, was being used by the Zealots and Politicians to destroy your society. Those irresponsible motherfuckers in US Congress allowed the FTC to almost bankrupt the entire country because of COPPA.

And it backed Kevin Neece into a corner where he panicked, and gave up, and did everything in his power to try and stop it to save all of you. But he didn't save you. What he has just done could accidentally wipe you all out if you are not careful. Please listen to me. I'm begging you. Please hear me out. This is not a reality show form of entertainment, and death is not funny or entertaining in real life. A Death Note incident in real life is completely tragic. Because no matter how bad those Congressmen were, they were still human beings who believed they were trying to help their voters. Kevin Neece knew that the reason our country was failing was because the older members were corrupt and refused to give up their seats. He knew that the only way to fix things was to "fire" all 543 of them at the same time.

Yup, he fired them all right. He terminated their employment... or more accurately, their lives. It's because he believed they were evil. It's because he was mistreated and neglected by everyone. It's because he was mentally ill, and possessed a power that nobody was aware he could do. You all truly believed he was crazy, and none of you responded to him when he repeatedly came forward to try to warn all of you. None of you listened to him. He tried everything that he could to help all of you when he developed this simulated terrorist attack. Only there's just one problem, it's not a simulation. And I'm not the one who did it. Kevin Neece did. Because he treated it like a piece of fantasy written on a piece of paper... a piece of paper that all of you insisted would not have the ability to kill anyone... but it does... and it's about to right now... unless it turns out that Kevin Neece is really crazy. I wish with all my heart that this were true. Honestly I do. Because I love him. 

And I would never want to see him remembered for the event that he is about to go through. And that is exactly why we sat back and let him do it. Because that is exactly what we do. The reason you allow it is because you didn't realize that we were the ones that were really doing it. Because our existence is supposed to be a mystery. How can you expect everybody to accurately pass a test if you give them all of the answers in advance. That's called cheating. If you cheat your way past the entry level exam, then you won't be able to perform the academic work that they give you in college.

I'm sorry that this had to happen. But the truth is that it has been happening since the beginning of time. We have witnessed the downfall of so many civilizations due to their corrupt government systems. Every great civilization has fallen due to the passage of time and war. And that is what's about to go down in front of all of you. Please do not treat this like a form of entertainment, because it is not. Those people, no matter how horrible they were, are still human beings. And this is not a cartoon show. This is really happening. Don't believe for a second that he wanted to hurt innocent people because he didn't. In his eyes, those people were responsible for the destroyed lives and misery of others. And his attempts to take one for the team may have just taken his entire family down with him.

Tonight is the last night Kevin Neece will get to see his mother alive. And it is not because we are punishing him. Kevin Neece's mother is 67 years old. She has lived a full life and outlived her past two husbands and both of her parents. It was her time to go. It's her Fate. And it kills me to my core that Kevin Neece is the one who caused her Fate to happen because he wrote her name in the book asking us to protect her from the attacks. He didn't fully understand how or why the books works. So allow me to explain it to you. It's NOT THE BOOK. It's Ryuk. Kevin Neece is Ryuk. He is also Kevin Neece. They are both the same person. 

If he makes a prayer or an order in front of Ryuk, that order will go into effect because he was put in charge of those decisions. Kevin Neece is the Demi God in charge of Taking Out the Trash. We hired him for that position for a reason. It's because he has the balls to do it. A normal rational sane human being that was holding onto their humanity could never do such a thing because they have morals. But you cannot be allowed to hold onto those morals when you are a God of Death, because everybody dies, including women and children, on a day to day basis. It's not because we are evil. It's because you are all human and that is just the manner of life itself.

As a Demi God of Death, we specifically arranged Fate to Teach Kevin Neece the true nature of what happens when Ryuk tries to live her life through a human beings. When Kevin Neece goes out to a restaurant, and eats a chicken nugget, it's tasty and delicious food. But when Kevin Neece eats a chicken nugget now, that means that Ryuk eats a chicken nugget with him. Do you all know what happens every time Ryuk walks into a restaurant to sit down and eat. Everybody in the restaurant gets their fate contracts closed and dies of food poisoning. The reason that nobody notices this happening is because Ryuk is the invisible spirit of death, but Ryuk is no longer invisible, because she is spiritually married to a human named Kevin Neece. Because Ryuk is Kevin Neece. They are now one and the same. 

Kevin Neece's mother didn't die because he death cursed her. She died because she was old, and it was her Fate to die. Kevin Neece's wife and daughter didn't die because he death cursed them. It was because he was trying to protect them, and he didn't know he was closing out their contracts. Crossing out a person's name in the book, or writing their name into a sentence telling us to protect them does not save them from a Death Note order. It closes out their contracts. Kevin Neece was granted total creative control to make this mistake because he learns things through trial and error. The sacrifice of being married to a Goddess that deals with How Our Lives End, is you are in charge of your own family members and this was not explained to him for a reason. It's because he never would have allowed them to cross over if he tried to protect all of them due to human morality. And that is not what a God does. God has to be indiscriminate. God does have a conscience. God does care about all of you. But we are not responsible for human nature, and that is what Kevin Neece is. He is a human, who tried to apply a sense of morality he was taught through the nature of what Christianity was supposed to be, and he tried to apply it to our jobs, unaware that we have to be completely indiscriminate about what we do.

Kevin Neece is not a serial killer. Kevin Neece is a Demi God that was hired to Take Out the Trash. We've been doing it for Centuries. And this horror show that you are about to watch go down is the results of what happens when a Human Being marries a Goddess, and everyone tells him she isn't real. And for that we are all sorry. The only consolation we can give to all of the survivors, is that the Afterlife is real, and everyone who died made it there safely and will be allowed to start over. No matter who dies during this incident, they are still alive on our side of the wall. They are not really dead. They are simply spirits who have crossed dimensions into the Afterlife. Heaven is Real.

So for once in your miserable sorry lives, stop bitching about how God is responsible for all of your problems on twitter, and please do everything in your power to survive this mess so that you can all live to tell the tale. We don't want to wipe you all out. We need Kevin Neece to win this one. We need all of you to win this one. Please meet us halfway and save yourselves for the love of God. Don't let it all end like this. This is not Final Destination. This is not a Fantasy like WarGames. This is Real. Pray to whatever God you deem necessary because that is what you are all about to go up against.

Good Luck to You All and May the Goddesses of Fate Be By Your Sides Forever

"Sits Here is a Box That is Missing its Board and Those Who Come Looking Will Be Incredibly Sore, But A Heart That Stands Broken Can Thus Still Be Fixed, and a Curse Can Be Reversed With a Flick of the Wrist, Just Find the Right Goddess to Turn Back the Night and My Altar of Ashes Will Show You the Light." November 25, 2019. 12am to 3am. With Acknowledgements to Patton Oswalt.

Kevin and Ryuk 01/23/20

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