Friday, June 16, 2023

Ah My Goddess The System Force Hits Las Vegas


This is a Follow-up article to a Tarot Card Reading Report performed by Saul Ravencraft at Curia Arcanum's House of Curiosities. Kevin Neece invoked The Three Fates and Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads for a Tarot Card Reading just ONE DAY before he and his mother Debbie Brand went on a Vacation to Las Vegas Nevada and now we're going to discuss all of the weird things that Kevin Neece saw on his trip that looked like the Goddesses were manipulating The System Force to communicate with him. 

First off, you are probably asking yourself, "What is The System Force from Ah My Goddess?" The System Force is when Random Acts of Fate jump out of the woodworks to either reward someone with Good Fortune or to prevent them from doing something, giving off the impression that Planet Earth is a simulation much like The Matrix, only in this case it's called The Yggdrasil System. Kevin Neece has repeatedly claimed that when he invoked Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads or The Three Norns, the Real Spirits are self aware of The System Force from Kosuke Fujishima's Anime Show and know how to Mimick It so that the Yggdrasil System looks like it's a real thing. It is not. It's all an illusion performed by a Goddess who is a master of timing and manipulating people into making the right choices and the right moments. Every magic trick has it's explanation. So Kevin Neece said the Satania Mantra and Bloat Prayers to invoke the Three Fates and Hekate for Saul Ravencraft's Tarot Card reading and now it's time for his trip to Las Vegas Nevada. Kevin Neece has noticed that every time he goes on Vacation, the Goddesses follow him and weird coincidences show up implying that "The System Force" is guiding his vacation. While it's true that some of these coincidences are going to look like Kevin Neece is putting too much thought into this, others are going to weird you out to your core. Remember, Kevin Neece isn't the one who is guiding the trip, his Mother Debbie Brand planned the whole thing and she doesn't believe in the Goddesses at all. So we're going to show you photographic evidence of all the "System Force" coincidences and let you figure out the truth. Are we really living in a Simulation like The Yggdrasil System, or is Ekatn's Schizophrenic Influence over Kevin Neece's perception causing him to see these coincidences like a Rorschach Test. And here we go:

Kevin Neece and Debbie Brand arrived at Austin Bergstrom Airport on February 13th, only for Kevin to find out that Debbie had invited two of her friends to join them on their vacation, Deborah Davis and Lyndra Anastas aka Tinker the Elf. Thus the Three Women represent Three Fates which was completely unplanned by Kevin Neece. Jokingly, Ekatn pointed out to him that Kevin Neece recently watched the film 80 for Brady and manifested the plot of the movie into real life. Some other coincidences are, much like The Devil John Candy, Deborah Davis once had a boyfriend who was born on Halloween which might explain why the Spirits chose her for this vacation. And Lyndra Anastas says that her name is a Greek Name, which ties into Hekate being a Greek Goddess. The Two Debbies also represent The Yin Yang Duality of Mankind's Inner Struggle between Good and Evil, or Twins from The Shining.

"The Three Fates" and Kevin Neece traveled through Security to Gate 22, which is next to Gate 23 aka Jim Carrey's The Number 23. Then the Airport announced that their flight was being bumped to Gate 30. And 30 backwards is Three Fates.

So everyone boards the American Airlines Plane A321 and sitting behind all of the seats is a manual that reads A321. And between A and 1 is the Number 32. And FATE = 32. After the plane took off for Las Vegas, Ekatn starting singing the theme song, "Across 110th Street" to make fun of the fact that the Aging Black Stewardess reminded her of Quentin Tarantino's Jackie Brown, which is also his THIRD movie = THREE FATES. Kevin didn't take the Flight Attendant's photo because he felt it would be too rude and he wouldn't get away with it. You'll just have to take his word for it. She was Jackie Brown incarnate.

Kevin Neece and "The Three Fates" arrive in Las Vegas Nevada at night time and rent a van which was the most National Lampoon's Vacation situation ever because Kevin Neece was too fat to fit into the back seat. When he tried to squeeze in he nearly popped his Spine and broke down in pain, "Oh My God! My Back! My Back! It's finally happened! I'm the Ganchan! I'm the Ganchan!" Kevin spent the rest of the vacation riding in the front seat. Meanwhile Ganchan the Rat is the Three Goddesses companion in The Adventures of Mini-Goddess. It's means that the Real Fates are toying with him like he's their brand new bitch.

Kevin Neece and "The Three Fates" arrive at the Tahiti Village Hotel (in the Ah My Goddess anime their temple is called Tarhiki Hongan Temple), which is not a bad place per say, it was just too cold to use the pool. They travel up to their room on the Ninth Floor and Debbie immediately starts complaining that somebody has been smoking in their room. Ekatn immediately chimes in that the room smells like somebody had a poker game and chopped up a dead hooker like the movie Very Bad Things.

Everyone goes back downstairs to the lobby and has their key cards changed. They are now on the Second Floor of the building where you have to walk through a Video Game Arcade in a Double Connected Room 1210 and 1210a. Take note there are THREE Lights above the counter = THREE FATES.

Kevin Neece looks at the Tree Patterns on the Kitchen Walls and this is what he sees. The Three Trees Branching out from each other reminds him of the Three Swords branching out of the Heart on Urd's Tarot Card. The Three Trees could also metaphorically represents Three Fates and the Tree of Yggdrasil. Or the fact that they branch out from the main branch could be Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads. Obviously not intended by the Architect but it's there. Urd's Tarot Card knew The System Force was going to be drawn to this place.

Kevin Neece walks into the bathroom and he see Three Picture Frames Posted on the walls mirroring the Three Tarot Cards that he drew. Just like the Third Tarot Card on the Right representing Skuld's Three of Cups where Three Greek Goddesses are Celebrating and the one in the middle has her back turned, the Third Right Picture Frame on the Bathroom Wall in Skuld's Place was Three People celebrating and the Middle Person has their Back Turned. The Tarot Card Spirits could see into the Future and Manipulated Fate so that Kevin Neece and his "Three Fates" would be drawn to this place.

Kevin Neece then goes out by himself to the Denny's that is built into the Hotel and has himself a nice meal of Steak and Eggs. The Black Waitress is extremely kind to him. Suddenly he received a phone call from Debbie Brand at the end of the meal asking him to bring Tinker Two Milks, One Regular and One Chocolate. The Waitress gives Kevin Neece the Two Milks FOR FREE and then Kevin says, "Aw, you're so sweet. The world could use some more sweetness in it." and then the Waitress gives Kevin a big hug and walks out. The Funny Thing is, that's what Hekate frequently does when Kevin invokes her, she manipulates people into giving him free stuff like Free Wine from Red Lobster for the Sacrificial Offering or Free Keys from Cothron's Keys for the Sacrificial Offering. So basically, if you want to get metaphorical about it, the Two Milks represent the Yin and Yang Duality of Mankind's Inner Struggle between Good and Evil.

The Next Morning, Kevin Neece and the "Three Fates" go out to eat at a Breakfast Restaurant called Squeeze In which has a sort of Alien Theme. Kevin notices on the wall are THREE Portraits = THREE FATES. Mind you I don't think there is anything Supernatural about this. I'm just noting it anyways. The System Force drew Kevin Neece to a place with the Sign of Three on the Wall.

Kevin Neece and the "Three Fates" went driving around until they hit a Bagel Place. Siegel's Bagelmania. They go in and Kevin notices that they have BAGELS BAGELS BAGELS written on a sign representing THREE FATES. Kevin just silently orders an Eclair Donut and eats it with a Bazooka Bubblegum Soda. Then he takes everyone's picture outside the venue. If you want to get all Supernatural about it, you could refer to the Bagel as a Demonic Summoning Circle. Ever see the Michelle Yeoh movie EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE where the Bagel is an Almighty God connecting all Alternate Dimensions?

Next Kevin Neece and the "Three Fates" hit up several Ross Clothing Stores and a casino called Arizona Charlies. Kevin Neece just sat down in the Dunkin Donuts and waited on Debbie Brand to gamble. Then the Three Fates went to ReLeaf to buy some Special Gummi Bears. This actually matches the plot of the movie 80 for Brady when one of the old ladies eats a Laced Gummi Bear and starts freaking out, "Oh My God! Drugs! I took Drugs! What have I done?!!"

Kevin Neece and the "Three Fates" went to eat at Evel Knievel Pizza aka Evel Pies. While they were sitting down and eating, a video mixtape played on the Television Screens which featured Ivan Reitman's Heavy Metal. Ekatn joked that she kept expecting KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park to show up in the clip montage. Shortly before they went outside, IT DID.

We went outside and walked into another nearby casino, El Cortez Casino, with the cold wind blowing to our backs. Debbie Brand complained that she could find the old Penny Slot Machines anymore. Ekatn's assessment of the Slot Machines is they were all under the influence of Demons who hypnotize their users so they obsessively lose all of their money. And while I was standing around waiting, Kevin Neece looked at the video of a Digital Roulette Wheel Machine just as it hits Jim Carrey's The Number 23. And 32 = FATE was on the Winner's Board too.

Meanwhile, the Neece Family back at home on Facebook were pissed at me for posting my Paranormal Research Articles and Rants on their Message Board and basically threatened to Disown Me if I ever showed my face around them again. One of the Family Members insisted that my Articles were the work of Mental Illness and that I should seek help. Try to remember that this is a Christian Family, so if you believe in the Paranormal and the Occult, then I guess in their eyes you must be mentally ill. The last I checked, being a Pagan with differing Religious Beliefs has never been grounds to have someone institutionalized, especially when the Family Members haven't bothered to read the articles or do their research. I've already sent my Articles to the Mental Health Wards and the Police. They don't care in the slightest. Meanwhile the next day we were eating at some kind of Mexican Food Restaurant called Donnie and Marie's, and it was noted on Twitter that it was the 32nd Anniversary of NOTHING BUT TROUBLE starring The Devil John Candy. And 32 = FATE.

On Wednesday we went to Resort World to see Katy Perry PLAY around 9:00pam. We parked on the THIRD floor of the Parking Garage = THREE FATES. And plastered all over the Side of the Building and the Digital Billboards on the walls inside Resort World were Advertisements for the CROSSROADS RESTAURANT. Hekate is the Goddess of the Crossroads. Unfortunately, Kevin Neece was not quick enough to photograph these ads but found one online. Also take note that Katy Perry PLAY is THREE WORDS = THREE FATES and the word PLAY represents SKULD. In the Ah My Goddess series, Skuld is a Child. We were forced to travel up THREE ESCALATORS = THREE FATES and on the TOP FLOOR we were in 7-6 Mezzanine. 7 = Seven Princes of Hell and 6 = 666. While we sat down on the TOP ROW, Ekatn pointed this out: "Pretend that we are all in Hell right now and each Balcony Row represents a Different Circle of Hell. You, Kevin Neece, are lording over everyone on the Top Row, and in the Very Bottom Circle of Hell are all of the Rich People who couldn't take it with them." Ekatn may have a point there. When Perry's Playland animation started the show I could just swear that was fire at the bottom of the screen for no reason other to insinuate that Perry's Playland takes place in Hell. Kevin Neece was unaware of this at the time but Katy Perry is a Closet Occultist. And then the show was a ripoff of Toy Story where Katy Perry played a Doll who was being abused by a Little Boy and tossed into the Garbage Underground. Meanwhile Tinker suffered GOOD FORTUNE on her way out of the Parking Garage. She lost her ticket and they just let her out for FREE.

The next day we mostly slept in, then we went to eat at Lazy Dog Restaurants, which has an Aircraft Tower attached to it as a joke reference to all of the low flying airplanes, and they sell Frozen TV Dinners. We sat outside and got drinks while Kevin drank a Virgin Pina Colada, then they seated us inside and everyone got Pot Roast Aus Jus Dip Sandwiches and Steak and it was a merry good time for all. Take note that the Restaurant is called LAZY DOG and Hekate is a Spiritual Protector of Dogs. Greek People used to sacrifice their Dogs to her.

So our final bit of playtime before we were to leave Las Vegas the next morning was after LAZY DOG, we head out to walk around the Luxor Pyramid because Kevin once stayed there on a Family Vacation as a Child. Ekatn noted of the Hotel that Pyramids are associated with Tombs for the Dead and she may have a point. Carrot Top's Vegas Show photo makes him look like a Demon. Their main show is called BODIES about Old Corpses. Their Food Court has a Bar called Diablos Cantina with Day of the Dead Skeletons. And their Striptease show called Fantasy has, surprise surprise THREE GODDESSES OF FATE on the poster, and the Third Dancer in Skuld's Place has Dark Hair just like Skuld. Also the Strip Show tickets are $39. Both 3 and 9 together sound like the word THREE NORNS. I get the feeling the Hekate or Skuld cursed one of those Strippers on the Poster but take a look for yourselves.

Look everybody, Urd Verdandi and Skuld turned out to be Strippers After All. Take notice that their show is at 10:30 PM aka The Perfect Witching Hours when Demons would perform their Witchcraft Invocations. And it's in a Pyramid Tomb for the Dead. Spirits of the Dead Come Out to Play.

And thus the next morning after checking out of our rooms, we ate at Denny's and Kevin Neece had Chicken Biscuits with Gravy and Two Over Easy Eggs on Top. Afterwards we returned the Rental Car to AVIS and rode SHUTTLE NUMBER THREE = AKA THREE FATES to the Las Vegas Airport.

Look everybody, The Three Fates are Mannequins in an Airport Department Store!

Shortly after sitting down for our Flight back to Austin TX in the D Section, D as in Devil. Kevin Neece began to really look at his Ticket and the Baggage Tickets and noticed some unusual things about them Letters and Numbers. Flight Number 1592 adds up to the number 17. And today's date was February 17th. Record Locator YDVBZL translates to Y is Yggdrasil, DV is Devil, and BZL is Beelzebub. Boarding Time 355P and 20D both start with 3 and 2 aka FATE = 32. And gate D11 is Devil 9/11. Jim Carrey's Number 23 appears in the bar code.

After we boarded our flight home, once again the Flight Manuals read A321 meaning FATE = 32. And the Asian Male sitting in the seat in front of me had a Hoodie on with an anime character named SANA who looks exactly like the Goddess URD or HILD-SAMA from Ah My Goddess or The Adventures of Mini-Goddess, once again completing the Three Fates Coincidences. After we arrived back in Austin TX, we got off the plane and once again we were at Gate 30 aka THREE FATES. We took our final pictures. Everyone got dropped off at home, then we came home and I wrote this article. The End. So what do you think, does it look like Kevin Neece and "The Three Fates" were being haunted by the Greek Goddess Hekate and the Three Norns with The System Force from Ah My Goddess? Note: After their trip, Debbie Davis was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

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