Saturday, June 17, 2023

How Tom Green and Drew Barrymore Were Targeted by the Illuminati

Somebody named Meghan Casey asked Tom Green on Twitter about the Illuminati and Tom Green jokingly said "He's not at liberty to say." The Truth is Tom Green himself doesn't know the answer to this because he doesn't know the truth about the Illuminati. But I do, and I can explain to all of you, including Tom Green and Drew Barrymore themselves, how they were both targeted by The Illuminati during the making of Charlie's Angels and Freddy Got Fingered and didn't even catch onto it.

Basically, my work in paranormal research and the Ah My Goddess anime series has resulted in my being married and possessed to a Demon Spirit Wife named Hekate, Triple Goddess of the Crossroads (she's the Mother Maiden and Crone that the Sanderson Sisters pray to in Hocus Pocus 2, and it's insinuated that her Greek mythology later led to the creation of the Three Norns from Norse Mythology Urd Verdandi and Skuld from the Oh My Goddess manga). And our latest project is a book called John Candy is a Satanist? detailing the Hollywood Illuminati patterns. But here's the twist, none of the actors in the book are actually a part of the Satanist Cult The Illuminati.

The Entire Illuminati Conspiracy was a PRACTICAL JOKE by Greek Mythology Muses where they manipulated actors careers since the 1980s, dating as far back as The China Syndrome, so that everyone they worked with could be traced back to Demonology and Witchcraft movies, thus giving off the False Impression that there was a Satanist Conspiracy. IT WAS ALL A PRACTICAL JOKE. And Tom Green and Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey were a part of that Secret Joke.

In the case of Tom Green and Drew Barrymore, we have to backtrack to Dark Horse Comics film production of The Mask. Dark Horse Comics was secretly being haunted and greek mused by the Real Goddesses of Fate and Hekate because they were the American Publishers of the Oh My Goddess manga and Hellboy manga. Hekate's Strophalos can be briefly seen in a blink or you'll miss it shot in Hellboy during a Blood Sacrifice scene. Barb Wire takes place in the year 2017 and suspiciously mirrors The Trump Administration and ICE Immigration because it was greek mused by a Goddess that could see the future. And because the Goddess knew that Kevin Neece was later going to make Ah My Goddess fan films, my childhood phone number was featured in the movie RIPD during a stadium scene. It's 837-9955. In the movie it says 837 557 66. Turn the 66 upside down and place it in front of the 557 and you get 837-99557. And yes, Ryan Reynolds was haunted by the entity too.

So basically, the Dark Horse Comics film production of The Mask was haunted by a Greek Muse and this spiritual entity followed both Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz through their later careers which is why Cameron Diaz appears in Charlie's Angels. It's because Charlie's Angels can be switched out with the Three Angels of Fate Urd Verdandi and Skuld from Oh My Goddess. It's an Algorithm. A secret algorithm. Any time you see a DVD or Poster with only THREE Actors on the Poster, it means that the entire cast is Illuminati and can be traced back to Witchcraft and Demonology films.

The Secret Injoke of Charlie's Angels is the Three Fates hid a joke reference to The Adventures of Mini-Goddess in the movie which was produced on DVD around the same time period as the Film Productions. In The Adventures of Mini-Goddess, Urd Verdandi and Skuld are accompanied by a Rat named Ganchan. If the Three Angels can be switched out with The Three Norns from Oh My Goddess in Charlie's Angels, then Crispin Glover can be switched out with Ganchan the Rat because of his role as The Rat Man in Willard.

I would also point out in Charlie's Angels that Lucy Liu portrays Skuld, The Future Goddess of Death and Dark Omens. Lucy Liu ran Bill Murray off of the production and he was replaced by Bernie Mac who later died. I would also point out that Bill Murray was in Little Shop of Horrors, a Greek Tragedy film where the Three Fates are Ronette Crystal and Chiffon, and Audrey II is the Devil. In Charlie's Angels, The Devil is Tim Curry who played Darkness in Ridley Scott's Legend.

All this leaves is Drew Barrymore. I'm not 100% when where or how Drew Barrymore got specifically targeted by the Three Norns but I believe it might have something to do with her favorite movie Ever After: A Cinderella Story. Everybody thinks Cinderella is a cute princess tale but in Reality there is a Very Dark Subtext behind it. The Pumpkin Carriage taking Cinderella to the Royal Ball only until Midnight represents Halloween Night, the Royal Ball takes place in Hell, and the Prince is Satan trying to tempt commoner Cinderella with his Rich Lifestyle. One of her wicked step sisters even cuts her toe off to fit into the glass slipper. And I've already checked out the cast members for all of those live action Cinderella movies. They're Illuminati. The Patterns Exist in all of them except for A Cinderella Story with Hillary Duff, somehow she escaped without by targeted. The other Cinderella remakes are by Disney, and then there's Ever After: A Cinderella Story. It features Richard O'Brien from Rocky Horror Picture Show with The Devil Tim Curry from Legend. So I believe that's what led to Drew Barrymore being targeted by the Demon Realm and upgraded into the hit film Charlie's Angels with Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu.

And of course, because Drew Barrymore was either dating or married to Tom Green at the time, good old Tom Green was given a Cameo in Charlie's Angels which led to him being targeted by the Illuminati Goddesses. And then Tom Green made Freddy Got Fingered and gave Drew Barrymore a cameo. Here's where it gets weird and personal.

Tom, if you're reading this, I've been haunted and targeted by this spiritual entity my entire life because of something that one of my ancestors did in a past life. My paranormal research study that I've performed on myself is a Rabbit Hole and I assure you and Drew Barrymore both that I got it so much worse than you did. If A=1 B=2 C=3 then F=6 A=1 T=20 E=5 meaning FATE = 32. Kevin Neece's birthday is 2/9/1983. In Numerology 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. Kevin is haunted by FATE.

In your movie Freddy Got Fingered, Rip Torn is basically playing MY FATHER JIM NEECE, who was killed by the Goddesses on a Voodoo Holiday 6/24/2018. Rip Torn is named Jim in the movie. He dressed like my father. He has a temper like my father. At the time your movie was in release, my father and my mother were going through a divorce and I was having creative issues with him because I wanted to be a filmmaker and he didn't think I would pull it off. I know it's a Coincidence, but that's how the Goddess works. I genuinely related to Freddy Got Fingered to the point that I would repeatedly joke that it was my biopic for years. Thank you for making this movie. It spoke to me when I was in a really dark place. I also suffered an incident where I was in a Mental Ward and I noticed that you did too at one point before the breakup of your marriage. I would also point out that Rip Torn was the villain in BEASTMASTER and that The Three Fates appear in that movie too in the form of Three Witches.

So that's it. That's what Tom Green and Drew Barrymore's roles were in the Illuminati. Neither one of them were even aware that they had been targeted by the Illuminati even though it was right in front of their faces. Tom Green was only targeted by the Goddesses for just two movies, Charlie's Angels and Freddy Got Fingered. Tom Green wasn't really the one that was targeted by Hekate. It was mostly Drew Barrymore because of Ever After and Charlie's Angels. She might even make a chapter in my book "John Candy is a Satanist" because of her work with Adam Sandler (who is absolutely Illuminati because of his work in Little Nicky). Take note that there are THREE NORNS and Drew Barrymore only worked with Adam Sandler THREE TIMES.

Also, Hekate's explanation for how the Greek Muses are able to manipulate these patterns is that we are living in a Simulation like The Matrix Franchise, Free Guy, Ready Player One, and Don't Worry Darling. She claims that the Tree across the street from my house at 4902 Majestic Drive is a Video Game Background Skin Replica of the Tree of Yggdrasil. The doors in my bedroom are also a Three Way Crossroads. Basically, the Human Race has been dead for centuries and they made the Afterlife look like a simulation of our Real Day to Day Lives so that we wouldn't catch onto the fact that we are probably in Yggdrasil Hell right now as we speak.


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