Friday, June 30, 2023

Sometimes Silence and Inaction Speaks

I would like to take a moment to discuss the silent treatment that I've received from @DarkHorseComics and the makers of Ah My Goddess over the years aka @fujishimakosuke and @warder2013. It has come to my attention that the reason why I cannot get a response is because of Unsolicited Messages policies meaning that during the Five Year Investigation starting with Jim Neece's death in 2018, all of my messages I shared with Kodansha Ltd and Dark Horse Comics may have gone directly into the Recycle without being Read and Kosuke Fujishima and Mike Richardson may have no knowledge of the events that Kevin Neece has documented for the @FBI and the @CIA because their employees were under orders to hide it from them.

Let me tell you about the Real Kosuke Fujishima and why my portrayal of him in Bad Goddess War Games does not classify as defamation. In the movie, the repeated line is, "Do you care about anything at all, or are you hiding from a world that is beyond your control." and that to me is Kosuke-san incarnate. He hides from the general public, and there is no way to contact him through his publishers because they throw your messages away. It's impossible for him to see your tweets because he has nearly a million followers and look at how he takes his following for granted and wastes it. Kevin Neece would kill for the kind of advertising power that he has. But what does Kosuke-san do with that power? Does he talk about social media news events? Does he have anything to say about the human condition or news events that happen in Japan such as the assassination of Shinzo Abe? No, he just hides away in his motorcycle fantasy world call Toppu GP because all he cares about are motorcycles, as if no other form of life exists for him anymore. There is virtually nothing that he posts about on his feed that could classify as interesting or provocative. He posts pictures of meals that he gets from 7-11 leading to the question of whether or not he is secretly living in poverty and advertising these foods for the extra money. Kosuke-san recently advertised a sale of old Ah My Goddess Pop Up Shop Merchandise and it suspiciously led to the impression that he has fallen on hard times after the lawsuit and was holding an Ah My Goddess Garage Sale out of desperation.
What the Holy Hell has happened to the man who wrote Keiichi Morisato? He doesn't care about society, he doesn't post about manga, he's been publicly criticized for his relationships meaning he doesn't care about women. What the hell does this man care about anymore? Kevin Neece challenged him with Bad Goddess War Games, a Political Activist film that he systematically tweeted out to the entire United States Congress. Kevin offered Kosuke Fujishima the chance to confront his allegations by finishing the Second and Third Acts of the movie even allowing him creative freedom in how to Defeat Kevin Neece at the end of it, or even kill him off. Kosuke Fujishima was being given a way out and didn't take it.
There is a reason why Kevin Neece's Ah My Goddess is a Political Activist series that comments on modern day news events and problems like the MAGA Civil War. Kevin's Universe acknowledges REAL LIFE ISSUES while Fujishima's Universe is a Fantasy World where the problems of real life don't apply. Name one situation that has ever appeared in You're Under Arrest that actually deals with Police Officers in Real Life? Kevin Neece's The Tragedy of Botham Jean might just be the best You're Under Arrest plot ever made.
Kevin Neece spent FIVE YEARS of his life reaching out to these people and for his hard work and efforts they refused to listen to him and threw away everything he had to say in the garbage so they could pretend it never happened. How Tragic is That? And all in the name of Unsolicited Materials. Fuck You Mike Richardson. I want a response from Kosuke Fujishima and Mike Richardson and I want it now. I demand that that they account for their unacceptable behavior. I demand that they treat Kevin Neece with the respect of a human being. Because this thing has past the point of insanity where going postal on their ass to get their attention is the only sane option left. There is a reason why the Shinji Aoba incident happened. It's because he was being given the silent treatment by cowards like them! People who believed they could safely hide behind their lawyers and never be held accountable for their actions. Sometimes Intentional Silence Speaks and their Silence Looks like they are standing on the Fifth Amendment for a Crime that nobody can figure out. What the hell are they so afraid of? @aokiuhei @HideMatsubara @atmanbow_staff

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