Friday, June 16, 2023

The Ethics and Technical Mechanics of Kevin Neece's Death Note

One of the intriguing issues about Horror Movies, and Hollywood Action Movies, is they allow for a sort of Wish Fulfillment and Fantasy Desensitization to the Viewers that allow them to voyeuristically engage in the act of murder without the fear of consequences from the Legal Authorities.

A person dies on screen in a horrifically gory manner, such as a victim getting skinned alive in Darren Lynn Bousman's police detective thriller SPIRAL, and all of the viewers at home can sit comfortably knowing it isn't real. I mean, after all, it's not like Hollywood is in the business of producing High Production Value Snuff Movies right? It's the reward of viewing violence without consequence. Because if the cops were arresting people for the crime of watching murder in SPIRAL, horror movies would become this underground thing, like Religious Cults who engage in Human Sacrifice.

The most telling IRONY of this Gruesome Fantasy Desensitization for Kevin Neece came when he witnessed the reactions of Zombie Life TV and Austin Horror Society freaking out over the parking lot execution of their former member Ebony Michelle Sheppard. If Ebony Strange had been executed at gunpoint begging for her life in a fictional movie, it would have been shrugged off as a lesser death without consequences, but because it happened to all of these horror fans in real life, suddenly they all realized, "Wait a minute? What's going to happen to Ebony Michelle Sheppard's son Ian now that she's gone?" In one fell swoop, their Fantasy Desensitization had been stripped away to reveal the cold hard reality that violent actions have consequences that can cause emotional ripple effects.

The entire reason that Colleen Hanson lashed out at everybody during The Path of the Raven incident in Kevin Neece's autobiography is because she was angry by the no shows at Ebony Strange's funeral. Ebony's death caused a ripple effect, like a falling row of dominos, setting off a chain reaction of backstabbing, slander, public attacks, and betrayal. All stemming from a murder scene that everyone would have shrugged off if it had simply happened in their favorite horror movie from the 1980s, or a comic book crime thriller like The Dark Knight. Because everybody smiled when The Joker did it. Why so serious?

Death Note works in the exact same hypocritical fashion. It showcases a fantasy that operates on secret wish fulfillment, that if such a book existed that held the power to kill anyone on earth by simply writing their name into it, going all the way up to the President of the United States, anybody would be compelled to use it because it would come with no consequences. Oh there are consequences in the anime show all right. The homicidal comedy team of Light and Ryuk make the news pretty goddamn fast, and just because they are using magic which cannot be explained by the police, does not mean that police are going to sit back and allow them to continue doing it. Somebody was causing all of those criminals to die of a heart attack, no different than a vigilante, and L was smart enough to pick up on the patterns that made the evening news to back him into a corner.

Death Note turned out to be so dangerous, that by the time Kira was tricked into killing himself, he had already used the book to change the shape of politics across the nation. Oh, if only such a metaphorical nuclear weapon were to exist in real life. Just imagine all of the fighting and backstabbing that would go down just to acquire it. And that's the funniest part. Death Note replicas are bought and sold over ebay and amazon all the time.
See, the ethical problem of Death Note is it presents the fantasy and wish fulfillment that you can wipe people out without consequences, or at least get away with it for quite a while before they can catch you. And everybody alive on the internet has somebody on social media that they would like to see get bumped off, whether it be a personal enemy at work, or a politician that pisses them off, or a cop who is on trial for racial shootings and looks like he may walk due to a corrupt unfair legal system. Just knowing that you possess the power to get away with it sitting in your hands makes you want to do it. But Death Note is a fucking cartoon show. The minute you do it in real life, you become a Murderer. And everyone who knows that you did will treat you like one. "What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you do such a thing?" That's the scariest part of all this. It's not the Magic of the Book that turns the most Innocent of People into a Murderer with the Best of Intentions. It's the Psychology of the Book that does it to you. Just the simple belief that you might be in possession of one of these things is enough to send the most innocent over the edge into the act of Homicide.

Because Murder in Real Life has consequences. Mostly stemming from Cause and Effect. If a person pulls the trigger on a gun, this CAUSES a bullet to release from the chamber hitting the person in front of it, achieving the EFFECT of Death and Murder. And they will be held accountable in a court of law. Let's see how this cause and effect translates to Death Note.

A person writes a name in a cursed book, this CAUSES the named victim to suffer a heart attack within 60 seconds or any other manner of death written into the book, achieving the EFFECT of Death. No different than a Bullet leaving the chamber of a Gun. This is the CAUSE and EFFECT that is misrepresented within the anime series. Nobody fully understands HOW the Death Note works. They know that there are rules written into this book that the book claims to abide by. But even the Shinigami's themselves don't understand the CAUSE and EFFECT of how the book causes the people to DIE BY MAGIC. One explanation is that the user of the Death Note is possessed by the Shinigami, thus in order to kill its victim, they must picture a visual of their victim's face within their mind, or more accurately, their "Third Eye", designated by science to be the Pineal Gland, so that the Shinigami who is possessing them can see the victim and CAUSE the Death Note Order into EFFECT. That is the rule that is written into the book by the fictional mangaka Tsugumi Ohba, who operates under a pseudonym and remains in hiding. 

But this is not what we are being showcased in the anime show. Light isn't possessed by Ryuk. Nor is Ryuk the one who is operating the magic of the Death Note himself, he merely hangs around as a Spiritual Advisor to entertain himself... and eat apples. Ryuk isn't the one who makes Light's Death Note decisions, he's simply a human being fulfilling his wish to wipe out criminals. And more than that, the reason why none of these rules work in real life is because Death Note is a work of fiction. But surely a real life Death Curse equivalent must exist. Surely there must be a real life God or Goddess of Death for which one can bargain with to implement such a curse.

There is. Kevin Neece just showed it to you. And the reason why it doesn't work like the Death Note anime show is because all of those rules were a work of fiction written by Tsugumi Ohba. The reality of a Death Curse is most people who are new to it have no understanding of how it works in real life, or when it works in real life, or if it works in real life. If one were to perform the spell that Kevin Neece performed against the makers of Space Jam 2, and it didn't work, does that not mean it was the proper spell? No. It means we don't understand how the spell works. Because there is a first time for everything and even Kevin Neece doesn't understand how it works due to his learning via Trial and Failure.

The CAUSE that Kevin Neece attempted was to create the closest living example to what a Death Note entry might be in Real Life Witchcraft, hoping to achieve the EFFECT of a Death Curse Reaction in front of the Police and the CIA so that they would know that the idea of such a curse being carried out in the form of a Lethal Weapon might not be entirely bullshit. But therein lies the problem. If the Death Note Curse takes effect, Kevin Neece becomes a murderer, and if it doesn't, he's guilty of making a Death Threat to a Movie Producer by simply showcasing to the Legal Authorities that he did it. That alone could result in Jail Time. And this is exactly what differentiates Tsugumi Ohba's Death Note from Kevin Neece's Death Note in real life.

According to the Law, if a Person hires a Hitman to carry out a Murder. And then the Hitman succeeds. Then the Person who hired the Hitman is guilty as an accomplice to the Murder and therefore looking at a Prison Sentence. If the Person is caught in a Sting Operation by the Police in the act of attempting to hire a Hitman to carry out a Murder, then said Person is looking at a Prison Sentence anyways. Now let's take a detailed look at how Kevin Neece's Death Note curse works in real life.

There is no Witchcraft Spell that can kill a man anywhere in the world within 60 seconds. That's not how Real Life Witchcraft works. The Next Best thing that you can do to a Death Note is to find a Goddess associated with Death, draw a picture of her Sigil on a sheet of paper, write her a handwritten note with the curse victim's name on it. Then you say the Goddesses' prayer over the piece of sigil paper that you've written in the middle of the night, under a full moon, or dark moon, or crescent moon, and you burn the sheet of paper while in prayer. And if you have the victims photograph you can burn that as well. 

Performing these acts is not what CAUSES the Death Curse of someone to achieve the EFFECT of Death. Not like the technical CAUSE and EFFECT of a Trigger on a Gun. More accurately, it's like sending a request to a Goddess's Suggestion box via a Fax Machine to the Spirit Realm. From that point on, you make a sacrificial offering to the Goddess, in the form of Incense, Wine, Food fed to an Animal, or Human Sperm. The Spirits also appeared to react to Yoga Background Music as a stand in for Aetherial Chamber Music.

My theory as to why the Human Sperm Sacrifice achieves better results in Witchcraft is the DNA in the Semen combined with the fact that the Sperm are living organisms doubles as a Blood Sacrifice Offering to the Goddess. You are Metaphorically sacrificing your future offspring that would have been giving life by the Sperm Donation during Sexual Intercourse. Blood Sacrifices, such as Chickens or Small Animals, are illegal today although they were probably used quite a bit back during the old Pagan Blood Sacrifice Ritual days, if not Human Beings themselves.

So basically, the Death Note Curse is performed on any sheet of paper under the stipulations of these listed instructions. The Death Note replica is just a prop that you can buy off of Amazon or Ebay to perform the Witchcraft Curse in for Entertainment and Show. It's not the Book that's the Curse. It's the Ritual that you Perform with the paper. And just because your victim didn't die within 60 seconds like the Anime Show does not mean that you didn't properly curse them. It just means that we don't yet have a proper understanding for how the curse works in real life. Because we've all been lied to by fictional movies like The Craft.

For all we know, all of those names on Kevin Neece's Space Jam Death Note list could live for several years, only to be picked off and die by an ironic accident one by one, as predicted by the book entries, when everyone leasts expects it and find their souls sent to hell. Or they could die of old age believing they completely got off scott free, only to find that they are still sent to hell. For no other reason that Kevin Neece marked them in the eyes of a Demon via a Suggestion Letter sent to the Spirit Realm. 

That Satania Mantra that you saw in Kevin Neece's Death Note entry. Those are the Demons that you bargain with to perform a Death Curse. And those written lines are the Satania Mantra that you can use to successfully invoke their invisible attention if you perform the mantra 108 times in front of a Black Mirror with Dragons Blood Incense, or Frankincense and Myrrh Incense. Lucifer opens the door and grants you help and access to the other Demons. Garadaera Saladorga is one of the Aspects of Death, but only answers to Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana The Spider Queen as an Employee to Supervisor Relationship. Hekate is the Goddess who helps Spirits Cross dimensions into the Afterlife, be it Heaven or Hell, and can deliver messages to Deceased Loved Ones and Open the Door for Euthanasia Requests when a Death Threshold is Involved. And Santa Muerte is both a Guardian Protector, and an aspect of Death.

Sadly, this is not the CAUSE and EFFECT that everyone in the Horror and Anime Community would be hoping to achieve. Because we have all been lied to by an anime show called Death Note. It's wonderful fantasy if you're a Hitman who works for the CIA and you're looking for a way to take down Political Opponents to reshape the landscape of the American Nation. Hell, a real life Death Note could be used to end Wars before they even get the chance to start. Or it could go the opposite route. 

Death Note openly implies within its own storyline that the book itself is one of the most dangerous weapons since the invention of the Nuclear Warhead. Just think back to what the Infinite Gauntlet did in Avengers Infinite War, how a Bedazzled Golden Glove wiped out half the people on Planet Earth. And knowing that this Weapon existed, virtually everyone went into Battle just to stop a Man from performing the Simple Actions of Snapping His Fingers. Because they knew the CAUSE of Snapping His Fingers would achieve the EFFECT of killing half the people on Planet Earth. 

One of the Goddesses featured in Kevin Neece's Death Note Spell is Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana The Spider Queen, who according to her own mythology, actually has the power to wipe out and kill all of the Demons and Goddesses just like real life version of what you all witnessed in Avengers Infinite War. And all you have to do to "Fax Her a Letter" is to draw her name and sigil on a piece of paper and burn it in prayer. The CAUSE of writing out a Death Curse Order on a Burn Sigil Piece of Paper might not achieve the EFFECT of killing half the people on Planet Earth directly. But if everyone in the Government knew you could do it, and they knew that you could aim that power in the Direction of the President of the United States for Real, or Kim Jong Un, possibly agitating his replacement to retaliate with Nuclear War, well that might achieve the EFFECT of the President sending an entire HIT TEAM SQUAD after you just to try and stop it. Just like in the Avengers Infinite War movie.

But this right here that Kevin Neece wrote out and performed in ritual, that is the closest real life equivalent to what a Death Note would be in real life. And all of the names on the list are still alive as of 7/29/2021. Leaving everyone to question if it was all bullshit. I don't believe it was. Planning out the Ironic and Accidental Deaths of Twenty People in the Hollywood Film Industry so that it plays out as Coincidental, doesn't look like a Pre-Meditated Act of Murder, and gets written off as an Act of God, that sounds like something that would take time to set up and put into effect, even for a Goddess in charge of Death. It is not something that would likely happen within the effect of sixty seconds. 

Or maybe the Goddesses of Death received Kevin Neece's wishful thinking message and just quietly laughed to themselves at how ridiculous it was, then threw his request in the garbage, because why would anybody want to grant a human being such power to assassinate someone like a supernatural hitman in front of the CIA, setting off the Act of War Chain Reaction that I've just discussed. All over a petty grudge match involving a children's animated movie called SPACE JAM 2.

Another element I would point out is, if Kevin Neece has just told everyone in the Police, the CIA, and the Warner Brothers Legal Department how he performed the Curse Specifically, what prevents them from taking his spell and using it against him and his own family members. The answer is nothing. Nothing prevents them from trying that. I don't even know what would happen if they did. I can only throw out a few possibilities based on the logic of how the spell was performed in the first place.

Okay, picture this scene in a Gangster movie. A Mob Boss has sent a Hitman to murder a Victim at Gunpoint. The Hitman has the Victim in his grasp, about to pull the trigger. Suddenly, the Victim attempts to bargain for his life, "I'll pay you double what you were offered to perform this job if you let me live." This is a stereotypical scene that all of us have seen at one point or another. And it usually ends with the Hitman killing his Victim anyways, because the Mob Boss has him under Contract to fulfill a job. If the Hitman backs out of his Contract because his Victim offered him more money, then nobody in the Criminal Industry would want to hire him for his services because they would know he could be bought off or paid to turn against his own employers.

I believe that Demonic Spell Contracts work the same way. If you successfully make a Spiritual Contract with a Demon, the Spiritual Deity will see that contract through to the end and honor their agreement, even if it ends with them taking your life in compensation and sending you to hell right along with your victims.

If you invoke that Satania Mantra to put a Death Curse on a Specific Person, that means you performed the curse by contacting the Spiritual Deity in the Mantra and Bargained with them via a Demonic Contract. If your Curse Victim attempts to use the same Satania Mantra against you, the only thing they will succeed in doing is contacting the same Demonic Entities that have been hired to Death Curse them and attempt to barter for their lives or revenge. My theory is that the Demonic Entities would refuse their request. But this spell logic works in both directions.

What happens if you invoke a Spiritual Deity via Kevin Neece's Death Note to put a curse on an enemy, and the Spiritual Deity already secretly has said person under their protection via Demonic Contract? Then said Spiritual Deity would not be compelled to bargain with you to fulfill your Death Curse Request no matter what you had to offer them. That means that Kevin Neece's Death Note comes with a Catch 22 that can X out your Death Curse attempts.

Now think about this for a moment. Why is it so hard to curse a Celebrity from Hollywood? Why is it so hard to curse a United States Congressman or Senator who has the entire internet up in arms and ready to toss them out on their asses? Out of all of the witches that exist in the world, at least half of them have to come from differing Republican and Democratic Parties. It stands to reason that at least one of them would have figured out a way to properly perform a Death Curse, and would have even attempted to take one for the team at the cost of their own life just to see it happen. What possible reason could there be that all of these Outspoken Hollywood Actors, all of the QAnon Televangelists, and all of the Evil Republicans are protected from the wrath of a Witchcraft Death Curse if Kevin Neece was able to decipher what the Curse was?

Could it be that all of these people have already secretly sold their souls to Lucifer for Money and Political Power, and are under the Demonic Realm's Protection via Demonic Contract? Wow... if you stop and think about it, the reasoning for why Kevin Neece's Death Note might actually work against the Writers and Producers of Space Jam 2, but not the Warner Brothers Executives sounds disturbingly familiar. Like when the Puritans would torture people into Witchcraft Confessions.

"If you survive the torture, then you must be a Witch, but if the torture kills you, then if proves you were innocent and may God have mercy on your soul."

If the Death Note actually wiped out the Writers and Producers of Space Jam 2, theoretically it would be because they were not under the protection of a Demonic Contract instilled by Lucifer or Hekate. Hence they could be deemed innocent and punished for a crime they did not commit.

But if the Executives at Warner Brothers survive without a scratch on them, only to get richer and fatter and more powerful... then does that mean they all made a contractual deal with the Devil?
Something for the Police and the CIA to think about.

For earlier discussion articles in this investigation:



for more info about Kevin Neece:

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