Friday, June 30, 2023

Are We Living in a Simulation? The John W Smith Theory

This is a Two Part Message that was Posted on Doctor What's Twitter:

Dark City is not a movie. It’s a documentary like Idiocracy. We’re presently living in a simulation like the Matrix and Nick Bostrom just hasn’t proved his theory yet. That means that like Dark City, we could be sitting on a hard drive on another planet in another solar system and not even know it. And there is no telling how long we’ve been here. Are we our perceived ages or have we been living our lives on a failed loop for the past few centuries like the movie Twelve Monkeys? The most telling piece of evidence that supports the simulation theory is Jon Favreau’s The Lion King remake. Nothing in the movie was shot in live action on location. All of the realistic backgrounds are digitally created and authentic looking. If the simulation we are living in exists centuries into the future like The Matrix then the technology you see on display in The Lion King would have advanced by miles explaining how they were able to make a simulation that looks so realistic. The reason why Kevin Neece keeps getting gaslighted by things that looks like Belldandy is stalking him with the System Force from Ah My Goddess is because Hekate is one of the system administrators and when she Greek Mused Kosuke Fujishima during the creation of the Oh My Goddess manga, it resulted in small elements of truth about the way our universe is run behind the scenes being subliminally slipped into his manga universe. Thus the Oh My Goddess manga accidentally doubles as an instruction manual on the simulation just like the arcade machine in The Last Starfighter was used to recruit fighter pilots for an Alien Space Force. Kevin Neece’s mental illness and ability to deconstruct everything caused him to crack Hekate’s code causing him to walk out of the simulation. Kevin’s closest assessment to what the simulation is, is compared to The Good Place where Heaven is actually a Front designed to trick everyone so that they won’t realize they have been secretly living in Hell. Everyone in the simulation has been dead for centuries and the “Afterlife” is a simulation designed to brainwash us into believing we are still alive so that we don’t revolt and remain compliant. Why are all of the Christians and Politicians on the News so Horrible? Because this is Hell. Why is there nothing but death chaos destruction and dead children on the news? Because this is Hell. Why are all of the patterns Kevin is seeing make it look like all of the actors have had their careers boosted by selling their souls to the Demon Realm? Because this is Hell. When you turn off a flat screen television set it doubles as a black mirror that allows you to contact the Demon Realm and the door swings both ways. Everybody believes they are watching Saturday Night Live late at night during the witching hours unaware that the Demons have been using the program to enter their homes via their television sets to manipulate them, no different than the television broadcast from John Carpenters They Live. That is why all of the actors from Saturday Night Live got targeted by Hekate. You all wanted to know the truth about The Matrix. There it is.

I've been thinking about my Fan Theory that we are all secretly living in a Simulation loosely inspired by the Ah My Goddess anime series, and I've decided to extend my observations so that we can all have fun with it. I'm asking all of you to humor me and try your best to follow along with what I'm about to showcase to you.

I call this the John W Smith Theory. Now John, I'm not picking on you, your generic name sort of makes you my Frank Capra everyman in this story. You look so happy go lucky in your photograph, like a cute puppy.

As I've stated before, all of the coincidences that Kevin Neece has screen captured and logged on his Twitter Account and Google Blogger imply that we have secretly been living in a Simulation like The Matrix, only Kevin's theory is that this simulation is actually The Afterlife, that the Goddesses are Demons are the System Administrators, and the "System Force" depicted in Ah My Goddess has been used to brainwash the human race into believing they are still alive.
If this is the Afterlife, then where did all of our Dead Relatives go? Weren't we promised by the Religious Groups that we would meet up with them again someday? If this simulation is the Afterlife, then why do people still grow old and die in the news? Why are children still born?
My only answer is the birth life and death of everyone in the simulation is necessary to achieve the effect that we have all still been living in the Reality of Life and Death. It's exact like Hugo Weaving said, it is not within our nature as Human Beings to live in a perfect world because the Human Race has Free Will, and when you give billions of people free will, half of them are going to misbehave no matter what environment that you place them in. Christians may be Christians, but there is no cure for Stupid and Self Righteous Assholism is to the Bone. So basically, all of us are in Heaven, and because the Human Race still has Free Will, their Human Nature has turned God's Paradise into a Living Hell.
But that still doesn't answer the question, what happens to us when we die in the simulation? It is insinuated that our memories are wiped like programs and we start our lives over on a loop or downward spiral from life to life, which is why we have Deja Vu, it's because we are remembering the previous simulations. That would mean that every individual person that dies has their own personal simulation that starts over to them meaning that there are billions of simulations applied to billions of people that could be perceived as "Alternate Universes" that all interconnect to each other like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Which leads us to the question. Whose simulation are we living in? If our everyman John W Smith is reading this message, that would mean that from his perspective, he is within his own simulation so that everything revolves around him. And the message that Kevin Neece is sending him was written within Kevin's version of the Simulation, and the two different simulations are interconnecting to each other when Kevin Neece sends the message to John W Smith.
But John W Smith never responds to Kevin Neece online, nor does he block him, so we must assume that he's reading these messages in some capacity. Because of this, in Kevin's Simulation, how do we know that John W Smith is a real person who exists when all of us are digital programs? It looks like John W Smith exists because he has a twitter page, but that could have been designed and created by the System Administrators to present the illusion that John W Smith is real.
But there are pictures of John W Smith on the internet. Yes, but recently in theaters, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny just proved that Deep Fake technology could be used to turn Harrison Ford into his 1980s young self again and it was brutally realistic. That's not Harrison Ford that you are looking at in the movie, that is a digital program overlaying him and copying his movements. If you physically removed Harrison Ford from the scene, his digital young self would still be there because it is being animated over the image. How do we know that in Kevin's Simulation, all of the photos of John W Smith are real?
But Kevin Neece has met John W Smith in person at Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar. Yes, Kevin Neece remembers meeting him just like John Murdock remembers visiting a Beach in Dark City. If this is a simulation, how do we know that Kevin Neece's memories of meeting John W Smith are real?
Let's suppose that Kevin's Simulation operates like a Movie or a Videotape, where "if it ain't on the page, it ain't on the stage" or "out of sight out of mind" or "if a tree falls in the woods, and there was nobody around to see it, then did that tree ever fall at all?" What if everything that exists in this simulation ONLY exists from Kevin Neece's perspective when he's standing right in front of it?
If Kevin Neece sees John W Smith walking down the hallway at Alamo Drafthouse, or perhaps bumps into him shopping at Randalls, from the moment that John W Smith comes into frame, he is a self aware self conscious duplicate based on John W Smith, or AI, who now exists because he is standing within Kevin Neece's presence and everything in Kevin's Simulation happens from his perspective. Thus when Kevin Neece walks away from John W Smith, and he falls out of frame, from that moment on to save on memory data, John W Smith no longer exists, just like the actors on the set of The Truman Show, or a video game like Grand Theft Auto.
Now let's suppose that someone at Alamo Drafthouse Creative is reading this message, and John W Smith is standing in the same room with them. They might feel compelled to say that John W Smith must exist because he is standing right here. But what they are forgetting is that the minute Kevin Neece sent them this message, it crossed simulations and now the point of view that the message is being read from is in a completely different version of the simulation. You think that John W Smith exists because you are in your own simulation and he is standing right in front of you, but the minute that John W Smith leaves the room, the program gets cut off and he no longer exists unless you leave the room with him. And because each of the Alamo Programmers are standing in the room with you, in order for the shared universes to work, each of them are listening to you reading off this theory in different simulations that all revolve around their perspective. Meaning that when you read this message to ten people, there are ten different versions of you in ten different simulations who are reading Kevin Neece's existential theories to ten different people, none of whom existed within the simulation that you reside in when you woke up this morning because they weren't standing in the same bedroom with you when you woke up.
This leads to an even bigger question: if this is all a simulation, then WHY does John W Smith exist at all? Is he based on a Real Person who used to be alive thousands of years ago? In order for John W Smith to be real, the programmers who designed him had to have some kind of reference materials to work with like a facebook account, or instagram photos, or memoirs, or emails stored on a hard drive, or maybe they raided the offices of the NSA like Indiana Jones and restored the Human Race from their hard drive files. What this basically means is, even if they had all of this information detailing the Life and Times of John W Smith, they could never replicate his real life in the simulation because he would basically be the Film Adaptation of what they believe John W Smith was when he was still alive. And this is assuming that John W Smith was ever alive at all. If this simulation is Kevin Neece's Afterlife, then how do we know that John W Smith wasn't an entirely original creation designed by the System Administrators? If John W Smith still exists within his own personal simulation, then that would mean that he would be trapped in the same situation as Harold Crick from the Will Ferrell movie STRANGER THAN FICTION.
Hold on now, because we are about to go big.
I call this the Presidential Big Brother Theory from George Orwell's 1984.
In the John Hurt Richard Burton film, Big Brother is presented as a Picture on a Theater Screen that everyone is forced to give allegiance and love to. But he is not a video of a real man, he is just a still image and a voice, leading to the question, is Big Brother who you see onscreen a real man who runs the show or is he a fictional avatar modeled by an actor as a front for the Government, no different than Ben Kingsley in IRON MAN 3?
Has anybody who is reading this message ever met President Joe Biden in person? Have you ever been to one of his rallies? When you write into the White House online, does Joe Biden personally respond to you or is it a pre-written stock letter sent to the masses? The only place that most Americans get to see President Joe Biden is a Twitter Account that could be run by anyone, on Television and in Photographs where he could be deepfaked like Indiana Jones. Do we really have a President in this simulation or have we been watching an actor in a Video? Who has been running our country if our reality only happens or exists from the perspective of the person who is living in the simulation? Is it the President of the United States, or the System Administrators running the simulation?
If we are in Hell, and all of this chaos and death we are seeing on the News only happens from the perspective that we are viewing Faked News Reports and Deepfaked Videos and Photographs Online, then are these incidents actually happening, or does our version of the Afterlife look like Hell on Earth because we keep watching Big Brother's Tragedies on the Internet, which do not actually exist, their sole purpose is to scare us into submission like The Truman Show or Wagging the Dog?
Has anybody ever actually met Ryan Reynolds or Ben Stiller in person? Or do they only exist on camera and in faked news stories that exist for our perspective? Ryan Reynolds was being Haunted by Hekate because of his affiliation with Dark Horse Comics, then he made Free Guy about him living in a Simulation meaning the film production may have been manipulated by Hekate like a Greek Muse. The IRONY of Free Guy is that Ryan Reynolds is a Digital Copy of Himself living in a Simulation. The movie is a documentary about our Society and its obsession with Video Games.
That's it, that's the end of my Simulation Theory.
@Austin_Police @FBI @CIA @WhiteHouse @fujishimakosuke @warder2013 @aokiuhei @HideMatsubara @DarkHorseComics @dan_aykroyd @joe_dante @BenStiller @pobrecito @JohnWSmith @drafthouse @alamodrafthouse @TonyTodd54 @VancityReynolds

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