Friday, June 16, 2023

Pro-Death: The Reality of God and the Falsehood of Religious Hypocrites

Ah My Goddess Marller Gets a Spinoff (DUB) Pro Death TTS Voice Track

Before this topic ever comes up, I'm stating this for the record. Yes, I am a Democrat. Yes, I attempted to use Satanist Witchcraft to sabotage Trump's Former Presidency. Yes, I am aware that by coincidence this matches up to the QAnon Conspiracy. No, I am not a part of the Illuminati or a Terrorist Group. You do not really believe in QAnon or the existence of a Real Life Witch that has the ability to manipulate the Presidential Elections. You just spread those Falsehoods because you don't like the Democrats.

Now comes the Taboo Subject that has entire governments at Civil War and Insurrection with each other. Pro-Life or Pro-Death. I'm not going to lie to you. There was a time when Protecting Life and attempting to save Newborn Children could be seen as a humane act of kindness. But your Planet is kind of in a State of Emergency right now so for the time being I am politely asking you to CUT IT OUT.

God is NOT PRO-LIFE and NEVER REALLY HAS BEEN. In Fact, not only is God Pro-Death, God might just be one of the Deadliest Entities that the Human Race has ever witnessed. If God manifested on Earth in Human Form and started arranging the "Final Fates" of everyone on earth by the thousands on a Daily Basis, such as he already does in "Heaven", none of you would be applauding his actions or calling him "The All Loving Father". The Pope himself would be scared to death of what God truly does for his dayjob and the Entire Planet Earth would be sending their Militaries after him like he was the deadliest Leader since Hitler, Stalin, and Kim Jong Un. If God was responsible for arranging the Fates of everyone on Earth and how they die, has it not occurred to you that his job also includes the Fates of those Foreign Countries that you are at War with, and all of the horrible executions that they perform?


Your Planet is Self Destructing due to Pollution caused by Mankind, and Mankind has contributed nothing but Overpopulation Issues since their Creation. Kingsmen: The Secret Service and Avengers: Infinity War absolutely got it right. The Human Race May Need Planet Earth but Planet Earth DOES NOT need the Human Race. And the only way to offset the damage to Planet Earth is a Daily Culling where God kills thousands of People in plain sight through random acts of fate, natural disasters, and pandemics like COVID-19.

Is God REALLY Pro-Life? Because it seems like every time you humans BRING NEW LIFE into this world, God and his Angels of Death are forced to kill more of us off to TAKE OLD LIFE out of this world to maintain the BALANCE. And God does not discriminate between the Old and the Young, the Good or the Bad, the Innocent or the Guilty. Because as you have all noticed and whined about online on a daily basis: LIFE IS NOT FAIR. And WAR IS NOT FAIR. And DEATH IS NOT FAIR. The only fairness that God grants you is to be INDISCRIMINATE in how he chooses to take you out.

God isn't Pro-Life. God is absolutely Pro-Death. And those Hypocrites who are fighting with each other to pass legislature so that they can PRETEND they are Pro-Life for their Political Career Agendas, they DON'T CARE what happens to those children that they force into this world by banning Abortions. Especially if those Children were born in Mexico and get separated from their Families by ICE Immigration.

So for the time being, PLEASE, cut it the fuck out with all the fighting about PRO-LIFE. Because in Five Short years, you are all about to be dealing with Global Climate issues that will turn your world into a Roland Emmerich Disaster Movie. How are you planning to raise those infant children you bring into this world under those circumstances when you are busy panicking and dealing with all of God's Natural Disasters and Pandemics and Mass Destruction Events?

If Women don't wish to bring more Children into this World, then don't force them to under the pretense that you are protecting life. Because none of you give a fuck about the quality of living for those children. It's just your excuse to threaten, protest, and harass Women on their way into the Abortion Clinics, no different than those Hate Group Motherfuckers from the God Hates Fags Westboro Baptist Church who Protest Gay Funerals.

You know who else God gave Free Will and Independence? Feral Cats. You know what the best thing about Feral Cats are? They've been around for Centuries, worshiped by some Civilizations as Reincarnated Gods, and yet somehow they have never evolved above their Innocent Nature like Human Beings have. Cats breed and reproduce just as much as Human Beings do and yet somehow their existence on Planet Earth isn't what is causing it to Self Destruct. IT'S YOU. The Human Race. Cats don't backstab each other like Politicians do during the Election. If God had any sense, he would just end the entire Human Race right now and repopulate this post apocalyptic world with Feral Cats like Planet of the Apes. I would also point out that Feral Cats only have an average lifespan of Five Years or So. You want to know why? Because that's what Nature originally intended. It was man, NOT GOD, but man, who chose to domesticate Feral Cats and bring them indoors to grant them longer lifespans. 

Dogs can be Man's Best Friend too, but if you mistreat them and raise them under the wrong environment and conditions, they can also maul and murder infant children. Almost like the Terrorists we go to war with. Imagine being the Priest who has to explain to a Parent whose Child was mauled to death by an Angry Dog, or drowned in a Septic Tank, that the manner of their Child's Death was Always "God's Plan". Yes, their Deaths, or Final Fates, really were God's Plan if you think about it. Why the hell would God do a thing like that? Because it surely wasn't done out of love for the human race. And those children's Final Fates most definitely couldn't be described as "Pro-Life". Their Final Fates were living proof of the true nature of God's Mercy that your Religious Organizations don't want to admit to. Because it doesn't sell tickets to their Church Services as a Form of Advertising.

So tell me again who is really Pro-Life? God or the Human Race? You sure don't act Pro-Life with all the killing and wars that you engage in around the World. God isn't Pro-Life. God is Pro-Death. He always has been since the beginning of Creation. Because Death comes for everyone. Even infants. And Anti-Vaxxer Republicans. Perhaps it's time to bring in the next Deadly Pandemic to wipe out the United States, because it's become quite clear that you Republicans and Pro-Life Groups and QAnon Conspirators clearly didn't learn your lesson the last time.

I would point out however that for all of the Social Media's Hooplah about the Mass Deaths stemming from COVID-19, More People die from Cigarettes on a yearly basis than what COVID-19 has currently done. About 7 Million per year to be precise. The United States Politicians have never felt the need to shut down the country and declare national emergency to rid the world of cigarettes now have they? Couldn't possibly be because your Congressmen and Senators might be receiving Campaign Donations from the Cigarette Industry could it? YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DISGUST ME. You are not Pro-Life. And clearly God isn't Pro-Life either.

So once again, for the last time, CUT IT OUT. You've got bigger issues to worry about. And it's only FIVE YEARS AWAY. The Doomsday Glacier is coming.

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