Friday, June 16, 2023

Cold Turkey: Ekatn's Proposal to Save Planet Earth from Climate Change to the Yggdrasil & Niddhog Council


Ah My Goddess Bad Goddess (DUB) Cold Turkey TTS Voice Track

I Ekatn, also known as the Alpha and the Omega, of what was, what is, and what will come to be, present to you the staff members of Yggdrasil HQ under the Avatar of Skuld from Norse Mythology, a Proposal for the Safety and Security of Planet Earth. A Final Solution to save this Planet from itself as it has foregone past the point of no return and approaches the brink of Destruction from both Climate Change, and Religious Zealots posing as Politicians with their fingers on the Nuclear Launch Codes.

If any of you, the Human Race, should be watching this proposal, I assure you all that this is in NO WAY a punishment for your behavior over the past few centuries. It is simply a logical assessment and acknowledgement of our Tragic Reality and Real Life Problems that we are about to Face Down and NO HARM is intended by any of this. The Human Race was an interesting experiment, and I assure you that there really are other Planets out there in the distant universe with life that is just as advanced as your culture is. Fate simply chose to keep you distanced to prevent the risk of Interplanetary War because we understood your true nature to fight and kill each other. You are not the first to engage in the act of war and you most certainly will not be the last. Each Planet in itself was as much an experiment within the creation of God's Life as yours was, and Jesus Christ was not the only Son of God, you were all God's Children in the eyes of the Almighty regardless of what Religion you chose to follow. 

And just as Jesus Christ was one of the representatives of The Almighty within your Religious History, there were also others born on other Planets that served out the exact same Fate that he did represents, resulting in the creation of their own individual mythologies and religions. Each Planet in itself was an Experiment separated by Distance. And each Culture maintained records of their Society. Their Writings, Their Books, Their Films, Their Photographs, Their Art, and most importantly Their Music. Music is the Universal Language that Connects us all within every single culture that has ever lived. Even those far beyond the existence of the Human Race. Your artistic work and writing contributions have all been historically preserved, not just in the form of physical media, but also within your digital hard drives and servers, which also classify as physical media. Absolutely nothing that you have done with your lives will be in vain as all of your work will be discovered for future generations by Visitors from these other Planets.

As all of you have constantly chosen to fight with each other over who lay claim to the Right Religion, our decision is to honor the belief systems of NONE OF YOUR RELIGIONS. We are throwing out the concept of Eternal Punishment and Eternal Salvation. Right out the window. Because we will be putting all of our combined efforts into the Tried and True Policy of Animal Reincarnation and a Transition of Life not so different from the Mythological Prophesy of the Rapture.

The difference between the Rapture presented within the Christian Bible, and what we are proposing is that instead of only Ascending the Faithful, while leaving the Guilty and the Sinful behind to suffer, we are going to take all of you together as a collective group. This transition will go down Quietly, Peacefully, Painlessly, Incoherently, and totally without warning in your sleep while all of you are passed out. None of you will feel a thing. None of you will even realize that you have been Astral Projected through the Looking Glass and have CROSSED OVER into the NEXT LIFE.

What is this NEXT LIFE? We are going to SAVE this Planet from MANKIND by stopping all of the MAN MADE Pollution COLD TURKEY, and indiscriminately Reincarnating all of you as different forms of ANIMALS. We are giving all of you and this Planet a SECOND CHANCE at LIFE by giving all of you back to NATURE just as the Almighty intended. Your belief in this proposal presented within this video is not necessary in any form, as we intend to carry out this task without your permission, your consent, or your knowledge. There will be no set due date for when this event will take place as past history has shown that any attempt to foreshadow the end of the world by religion has always been wrong. 
There will be no warning whatsoever. Our intentions are to completely take all of you off guard simultaneously while you are passed out and unconscious and transition you through the Crossroads into your NEXT LIVES as RANDOM ANIMALS. You don't have to worry about when or if this is going to happen, and we advise all of you to simply continue living your day to day lives exactly as you are and always have been. And when it happens, it happens. No harm. No foul. There is NO reason whatsoever to live in fear of this.

This is NOT a punishment. This is NOT what Thanos the Mad Titan did in Avengers Infinite War. Thanos made half of the life in the universe stop existing and that is NOT what we are doing. What you all need to understand is that there are other life forms on your Planet besides the Human Race, and NONE OF YOU WALK ON WATER. Animals. Birds. Fowl. Fish. On Land. Under the Sea. In the Air. And all forms of Plant Life and Vegetation. All of these life forms deserve a second chance at life and their continued existence just as much as you should have. These animals are NOT what are destroying your Planet. YOU ARE. The Human Race. And to those who might argue that there are Factories producing Products for Animals that contribute to Pollution, my response is that those Factories are also MAN MADE for Profit, not the actual sake of these animals themselves. They are a business created by MAN, not a choice made by the ANIMALS. Planet Earth is Self Destructing past the point of no return and it is all because of YOUR Pollution and YOUR Overpopulation. 

We tried to warn you through the arts that the life patterns for which the Human Race exhibit resembled the same life patterns as a Virus that multiplies and consumes everything until it runs out of resources. But you chose not to listen. And now it's too late. Planet Earth is past the point of no return. If Nature doesn't kill you off, then the Politicians with their hands on the Nuclear Weapons codes will, and if Planet Earth gets destroyed by YOUR MADE MADE Nuclear Weapons, none of the other life forms such as ANIMALS and VEGETATION will get that second chance to survive. It has entirely fallen down to THEM or YOU. So it's time to end all of this and stop these destructive MAN MADE pollutions COLD TURKEY by culling the entire human race as a collective group, painlessly and unconsciously in your sleep, no different than a vet showing mercy to a DOG or a CAT.

You've all had a very good run as a civilization, but the sad tragic truth is that you are NOT the only civilization that exists in this universe. Every Culture and Mythology based Civilization has had a Beginning, a Middle, and an End. Or more accurately What Was, What Is, and What Came to Be. And these Arts and these Writings and these Musical Works of their Individual Cultures that were left behind were a very important steppingstone in the development of your future cultures that you live out here and now in the present of today. Nothing that you have done has been in vain. Because the next civilizations who visit your Planet and find your contributions to History are all going to be educated as to who you all are, why your civilization came to an end, and it will be an educational learning experience for all of them and their future generations on those other Planets. It will be a Morality Tale about the Dangers of Religion and its Effect on the Nature of War. A Morality Tale about the Existence of Fate and the Destructive Insurrection caused by Greed and Xenophobia and Discord among Nations.

And some day, these Foreign Planets will meet their own end as well, and the transition of life and reincarnation will continue for all of them just as it stands to right now for all of you, as will the arts and writings of their cultures be passed on to the next generation of life on their other visiting Planets in their Solar Systems. Just like Star Trek. You are not alone. You never were alone. And no matter how badly you screwed the pooch as a civilization, know now that the Almighty was always be your side every step of the way. You were always brothers to each other no matter how separated you were by the cosmos of the universe. And your history and your cultures absolutely work in sync with each other throughout universal history whether you realize it or not.

It is simply time for the experiment of the Human Race on this Planet Earth to come to the Next Transition. I refuse to call this transition "The End", because it is not THE END. It is simply a transition into YOUR NEXT LIVES. FATE comes Full Circle for Everyone. And in the grand scheme of all life on earth, it's finally come down to THEM or YOU, such as every war in existence does. Not a war between the Human Race itself, but a war between All Natural Life on Earth and their Right to Survival. 
It's too late to save all of you from yourselves. We now know that we are beyond that point. Our only hope is to save Planet Earth while there is still time. Because as we have all recently tried to warn you: While the Human Race most definitely needed Planet Earth to live, it was not necessary for the Planet Earth to maintain the Human Race for it's own survival. Existence is a matter of Perspective. And with or without life, Planet Earth will always EXIST. But the Almighty would prefer that Planet Earth continue to exist with at least some variation of life on it, and that none of your souls go to waste. Never forget that no matter how great some of you claimed Jesus Christ to be, in the end, he was still only human with a limited mortal lifespan, absolutely no different than all of you. We proved that by making an example out of him on the cross for all of you to follow, that the Almighty's own son received no greater special privileges than the rest of you. It's because he was Human.

I Ekatn, Goddess of the Crossroads, the Alpha and the Omega of What Is, What Was, and What Will Come to Be, hereby grant my approval and authorization for this Proposal, and ask that it be moved onward to both the Counsels of Yggdrasil and Niddhog for examination and discussion. Whether this proposal shall be passed into effect by all agreed parties will not be put out on display for eyes of the human race, as we have no wish to incite an unnecessary and avoidable panic. It will simply be a surprise to help save Planet Earth from Mankind. 

Remember, the Doomsday Glacier is coming in less than Five Years, and there is no realistic solution to that problem because Global Warming is beyond the point of no return. Once the Doomsday Glacier hits and the entire Ice melts and floods the earth, things are only going to get worse as the Human Race becomes more desperate with less space to survive. And no, Ken Ham is not going to survive this mess on the Ark Adventure Replica either. Take into consideration that Humanity still have their hands on the Nuclear Weapons codes, and their Governments are run by Fucking Morons. I would strongly advise that via the mechanisms of the System Force Algorithm of Fate, that all of the Nuclear Weapons on Planet Earth be disarmed and dismantled so that the Mortals cannot access them or set them off while this matter goes through the Legal Process Channels of Angelic Law.

Remember, we no longer trying to save Humanity, because they are beyond saving in their present tangible form. We are simply trying to preserve All Manners of Additional Life on Earth, along with All Records of Human Culture for Future Visiting Civilizations, in the most Indiscriminate and Humane Way Possible to Our Options. This is NOT punishment. It is simply the NEXT TRANSITION of LIFE in God's Universe. Remember my children that you are all important to us, but in the end, you are all just little fellows in this great big universe. Good luck in the NEXT LIFE and May Fortune Smile Upon You All, Because You Will Always Be God's Children. Amen. 

This Proposal is hereby Motioned, Authorized, and Approved. 
Sincerely, Ekatn Goddess of the Crossroads.

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