Friday, June 9, 2023

Ah My Goddess Tarot Card Reading

 Ah My Goddess Tarot Card Reading

If A=1 B=2 C=3 then F=6 A=1 T=20 E=5 meaning FATE = 32. Kevin Neece's birthday is 2/9/1983. In Numerology 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. Kevin is haunted by FATE. And he makes Ah My Goddess Fan Films.

Kevin Neece decided to pay a visit to his good friend from the Zombie Life TV days Saul Ravencraft at Curia Arcanum's House of Curiosities for a Tarot Card Reading from The Three Norns and Hekate. Luckily for Kevin, Saul Ravencraft does not charge a flat rate and kindly accepts any kind of donations. You can even haggle with him by bringing him free gifts. I once gave him a copy of the Tales from the Crypt Box Set for a Palm Reading because he was screening Tales from the Crypt (1972) at Mr Tramps for Saul Ravencraft's Vault of Horror. For those who in Austin TX who are curious to peruse this Occult Shop, here is the address:

Curia Arcanum's House of Curiosities, 5924 S Congress Ave, #23 Austin TX 78745. Take Note that Jim Carrey's Number 23 appears in the Address and 23 is 32 backwards. FATE = 32. Be mindful the shop is located in an apartment complex and there is very little parking. Their web address is located here:

Before Kevin Neece received his Tarot Card reading from Saul Ravencraft, he first invoked The Three Norns and Hekate using the following prayers. Kevin Neece's theory is based on the mythology that when people are speaking to The Pope, they are also speaking to God, like The Pope is a direct antenna to God, because "What You Hold True On Earth, I Will Hold True in Heaven." Likewise, if Kevin Neece performs the Prayer to the Norns and Hekate while in his Man Cave Bedroom across the Street from the Tree of Yggdrasil, or at Westgate Theaters which classifies as a Crossroads for Hekate, or a Curia Arcanum, then those who speak to Kevin Neece are also speaking to The Three Fates or Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads (aka Death Goddess) even though it might be a bit of a one sided conversation. Hekate claims that if the Austin Police ever has Kevin Neece in their custody and he needs to invoke her in the middle of the Police Station, she promises to not to leave him hanging and perform for them if needed. Meaning the Austin Police are going to see some weird coincidences go down that will creep the living shit out of all of them. Here are the prayers that Kevin Neece uses to invoke The Three Goddesses and Hekate:

"Hammer to the North. Hallow and Hold this Holy Stead. Hammer to the South. Hallow and Hold this Holy Stead. Hammer to the East. Hallow and Hold this Holy Stead. Hammer to the West. Hallow and Hold this Holy Stead. Thor we call upon thee to banish all evil and unwanted Negative Influences from this Room. We call out to our Ancestor Goddesses The Three Fates from Norse Mythology: Urd Verdandi and Skolde, we invoke thee in all of your names for this Tarot Card Reading. We ask that you attend here to partake in our evening celebrations and Tarot Card Readings Hail! We read to you now this section of Voluspa: 'An Ashe I Know. Yggdrasil It's Name. With Water White is The Great Tree Wet. Thence Come The Dews That Fall in the Dales. Green By Urth's Well Does It Ever Grow. Thence Come The Maidens. Mighty in Wisdom. Three From The Dwelling. Down Neath The Tree. Urth is One Named. Verthandi The Next. On the Wood They Score and Skolde The Third. Laws They Made There, With Life Alotted, To The Sons of Men And Set Their Fates."

Followed by the Prayer to Hekate. This was taken off of the back of a candle from The Vodou Store in Chicago and it is shockingly effective and even works during the Day Time if you invoke her enough times to introduce yourself and build up a relationship with her: "Io Brimo. Io Aidania. Io Hekate of Many Names. Please Lend Your Attention Towards This Tarot Card Petition. Come Hekate with Bare Breasts Writhed in Serpents. Your Presence is Heralded by the Sound of Hounds and Wolves. The Dead Flock to You Oh Unconquerable Queen Who Sets Men Free. Please Attend Here to Rejoice in my Evening Tarot Card Reading and Petition. Come Crowned with the Dark Moon Great Goddess of Nightly Sabbath, Goddess of the Wayside. Brandish Your Dim Lamps The Giant Slayers and Move The Cold Earth and Winds. The Spirits Hold Lamentations For You. Your Coming is Heralded by Chains of Kronos Bound. Sweet Music Echoing Through Darkness, Three Faced Titaness. Goddess of the Crossroads. Mother Maiden and Crone. May This Tarot Card Reading Be Worthy of the Services of Your Office."

And finally this mantra courtesy of Satania Youtube: "Natz Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra. Renich Tasa Uberica Biasa Icar Lucifer. Eyan Catya Icar Hekate. Eko Eko Hekate. Garadaera Saladorga. Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana. Salve Santisima Muerte. Ozon Onon Ozra Zala." Thank you and Amen.

Now remember, there is NO trickey going on here. Saul Ravencraft didn't plant the cards because he didn't know that Kevin Neece was coming or which deck he was going to choose from. There were a number of coins in his bag, and no way to tell which one Kevin Neece was going to draw. Kevin Neece prayed to The Three Norns and Hekate and these were the cards he drew. Saul Ravencraft provided half of the explanation, and Kevin Neece instinctively already knew how to interpret the meaning of his Tarot Cards without Saul Ravencraft explaining. It's like the spirits of invoked just influenced him to instinctively "KNOW".

First, Kevin Neece drew a coin out of Saul Ravencraft's Bag that had a symbol of The Sun on it. This means Illumination. Kevin Neece was charged with writing a book about The REAL Illuminati Patterns as explained by Hekate. The meaning of The Sun is also that Kevin Neece Illuminates Certain Issues, He Brings Things to Light for the FBI and the CIA and the Austin Police and Congress and Senate. He is trying to illuminate all of these people about the Spiritual Presence that he has been witnessing with his own eyes. Kevin Neece had four piles of Tarot Cards to choose film, one of which was an Illuminati Eye Triangle. Kevin Neece chose to ignore that deck and instead chose the deck with the Sun on it with the Symbols that matched the Sun Symbol on the Coin. His theory was the random coin he picked up was not at Random at all. Hekate was trying to tell him which deck to pull from. He then drew TWO cards and placed them in THREE PILES symbolizing THREE FATES.

The Card on the Left represents Urd Goddess of the Past. The Deck of Cards in the Middle represents Verdandi Goddess of the Present. And The Card on the Right represents Skuld Goddess of the Future and Death and Dark Omens.

Kevin Neece turned over the Left Card in the Photograph to reveal a Heart with THREE SWORDS stabbing through it, representing THREE FATES Urd Verdandi and Skuld, or Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads. And there was stormy weather behind the Heart. The Heart Represents Urd, being the Goddess of the Past means she is also the Goddess who starts the Thread of Fate representing the beginning of a person's life. And all life is born through the procreation act of Sex, hopefully performed out of Love. That's why Urd gets the Heart and that's why she's the Sex Goddess in the Ah My Goddess Series.

The Three Swords Through the Heart Represents the Emotional Turmoil that being married to Hekate or The Three Fates has put on Kevin Neece as being married to an invisible Goddess is like a Nun being married to Jesus Christ. He is no longer allowed to have sex with a Human Woman as the Goddesses will then manipulate The System Force to run her off and keep them separated. The lack of actual sex puts a strain on Kevin Neece's life but then everybody has to bring an end to their sex life someday.

The Storm and Rain that commences behind the Heart also represents the Turmoil that Kevin Neece suffers in trying to get his message out to the FBI. Kevin Neece is trying to illuminate, to shine a light on the existence of the Goddesses because they killed his father Jim Neece on 6/24/18 which is a Voodoo Holiday. Kevin Neece feels that he tried to bring Jim Neece's EPA case to their attention, and they used his belief in the supernatural to throw out his whistleblower evidence to protect Donald Trump's EPA. So for the past few years since 2018, Kevin Neece has become obsessed with proving the existence of the Goddesses and what they can do to the entire Government to make an example out of them and the Dangers of Playing with Black Magick based on fictional cartoons. And the Three Goddesses have been helping him because it gives them publicity, which is a sacrificial offering one can make to a Deity. And that's where the Emotional Turmoil and Stress comes from. Kevin Neece cannot get a response from any of them because they believe he is insane. He cannot get a response from Kodansha Ltd and Kosuke Fujishima and Dark Horse Comics. The entire Voice Cast of Ah My Goddess refuse to respond to him. Urd the Goddess of the Past is trying to tell Kevin Neece that it is time to put all of his worries in the Past and let his troubles go. He has done enough for them.

As Saul Ravencraft explained to Kevin Neece: "Normal People like the FBI don't really take to the Supernatural. So when you send them emails, the random people who read those emails don't really have any context and they make up excuses to explain away the Supernatural that you are trying to show them. And that's okay. Everybody has their own beliefs. So you shouldn't worry so hard about trying to convince everyone because it's really out of your hands." Saul Ravencraft understands what it's like to be discriminated against. He has repeatedly suffered incidents where he attends events or interviews hosted by people that believe he's a simple Stage Musician that performs for Corporate Birthday Parties, and the minute Saul starts talking about the Paranormal or The Supernatural, they become offended because of their Religious Beliefs and sort of lash out at him, telling him not to come back. And Saul Ravencraft always takes it in stride because that is the nice man that he is. If anything, Saul represents Kevin Neece's Future. Someday it's going to be Kevin Neece who is the Old Man with the Belly and the Grey Beard performing Tarot Card Readings in Saul Ravencraft's place.

The SECOND card on the right, which is really the Third Card, represents Skuld Goddess of the Future and Death and Dark Omens. Pictures on the card are Three Goddess representing either The Three Norns or Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads. These Three Goddesses have Three Cups of Wine as Wine is used as a Sacrificial Offering to the Goddesses. Look at what they are doing. The Three Goddesses are Celebrating. Skuld is telling Kevin Neece that it is time to Look to the Future and start Celebrating. Urd is telling Kevin Neece that it is time to let all of his troubles with the FBI and the CIA go. He has done enough.

The reason Skuld is telling Kevin Neece that it is time to start celebrating is because tomorrow he and his mother are going to take a Vacation out of State. On the Night of 2/13/2023, Kevin Neece and Debbie Brand are boarding a Flight out of Austin TX to spend the week at Las Vegas Nevada. Kevin Neece's plans are to visit The Luxor, which he stayed at during his childhood, and he wants to visit The Excalibur. The last time Kevin Neece went to Las Vegas, Hekate followed him. Kevin Neece and Debbie Brand kept seeing the Number 83 pop up everywhere they went like Angel Numbers. 83 represents the year 1983 which is when Kevin Neece was born. 83 was on the license plate of the vehicle they rent. 83 was on the number of the Timeshare Apartment that they stayed at. When they went to eat at Evil Pie aka Evil Kenievel's Pizza Parlor, the number for their Pizza Order was a card that read 83. Kevin Neece and Debbie Brand will be out of town at Las Vegas and will not return home until the night of 2/17/2023.

So if there are any Police Officers or FBI Agents in Austin TX during the week of 2/13/2023 through 2/17/2023 and they've been looking for an excuse to investigate Kevin Neece's bedroom where he performs the invocations, they now have a window of opportunity while Kevin and his mother are OUT OF STATE. Let's see Hekate use "The System Force" to block them this time.

For more info:

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