Friday, June 16, 2023

Anti-QAnon: The Curse of Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw


Enough time has passed for me to give a proper assessment on the Dangerous After Effects of the Witchcraft Curse from Marller Gets a Spinoff: Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw, and my attempts to use Satania Witchcraft combined with Satire to launch a VERY REAL pre-emptive strike against QAnon and the Extremist Church Groups in the Red States threatening Civil War in the 2024 Election. For those who have not seen the movie, you can watch it here. How safe is the video... mostly safe, the film is like a combination lock, you have to watch it under a special lunar alignment on Halloween Night or a Dark Moon in October and screen it into a Black Mirror with Ginger Allspice and Cedar Incense for it to theoretically take effect.

Film Freeway - Marller Gets a Spinoff: Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw

So basically, once upon a time, there was a conspiracy called QAnon that was infiltrating the Donald Trump Church Groups in the Red States with a bullshit claim that there was a large mass following of Pedophilic Satanists launching an Attack Against Donald Trump, and that they were ALL Democrats who practiced witchcraft. Well, being that I, Kevin Neece, was both a Democrat and a Witch, I found this theory to be hilarious, and when I heard that televangelist Pat Robertson stated it in the Social Media News, I set out to see if it was possible to really curse a President. Based on the Election Results, it looks like my invocation of the Three Fates to Oust Donald Trump succeeded, but it came with a deadly price. Be Careful What You Wish For. My Deal with Lucifer is Just as Valid as Trump's. And when you Bargain with the Devil, YOU GET THE HORNS.

I can tell the January 6th Commission exactly what happened, I've already tried several times they just refused to acknowledge me. Allow to show you the Black Mirror setup I have in my Bedroom. In the Daytime it's just a mirror, in the Nighttime, the darkness reflecting off of the Mirror turns it into a Black Mirror. I've combined the Black Mirror with Memorial Plate Sigils and Mantra so that it Operates 24/7 but it's not a Weapon Persay, it's more like a Telephone to "The Other Side". Kind of like how The President has a telephone that allows him to call up a Nuclear Response team and the President has a code for them and they have their turnkeys. Only this Nuclear Weapon doesn't explode, it creates Natural Disasters and Death Incidents at Random by Pure Coincidence and the Demons always cover their tracks well so that you cannot prove you did it or that it connects back to you. Well I'm going to try to make the connection today, one last time. The reason why this Black Mirror has a Spiritual Attachment is because I performed Mantra off of Satania YouTube for several years, including Prayers to the Three Norns and Hecate Goddess of the Crossroads. If you are reading this and you are a Christian or Christian Pastor, DO NOT READ THESE WORDS OUT LOUD AS THEY ARE CLASSIFIABLE AS PRAYER TO THE DEMON REALM AND YOU WILL DRAW THEIR ATTENTION LIKE ZOZO:

"Natz Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra... Renich Tasa Uberica Biasa Icar Lucifer... Eyan Catya Icar Hecate... Eko Eko Hecate... Garadaera Saladorga... Sepheranz Latismock Norgolona... Salve Santisima Muerte... Ozon Onon Ozra Zala..."

My Sacrificial Offering to these Demonic Entities over the Past Few Years were Midnight Movie Screenings and Human Sperm Donations on Candles with Their Names Carved Into Them. So you see, I'm not innocent, this Spiritual Attachment Possession that I am enduring right now, I willingly did it to myself and gave them permission to Possess me so I could log my reaction for Paranormal Research Reasons that I could later report back to the Church. Thing just got WAY OUT OF HAND BEYOND MY CONTROL. Hopefully Jesus Christ has to power to put things back into place although some things cannot be undone.

What I did on Halloween Night three days before the Election was I took a Photo of Donald Trump, and put Lucifer Sigils and Baphomet Sigils next to him on both sides of the Photos, then I overlaid the Satania Mantra Audio over it: "Renich Tasa Uberica Biasa Icar Lucifer", and wrote ZOZO over Donald Trump's photo. Things were very simple back then because I was in the beginning stages of research. On the night of Halloween, I ran the video and performed the Mantra right along with the video and begged Lucifer to curse Donald Trump with a ZOZO Demonic Attachment because I knew that all curses take 72 hours to take effect and the Election Night was in 3 Days on November 3rd. Funny how that is right, they could easily stage the election on any day of the year, 365 of them to be exactly, but they choose to do it exactly three days after Halloween, a Witchcraft Curse Holiday. Now why do you think that is? Well, by PURE COINCIDENCE these are the results that my curse brought. My theory was that if ZOZO was simply standing in the same room as Trump on Election Night, the misfortune that surrounds ZOZO would be enough to SABOTAGE HIM. I have a friend named Danny Nixdorff that can confirm this because ZOZO damn near ruined his life playing around with Ouija Boards in a Cemetery on Halloween Night. According to Danny, ZOZO and Lucifer are both one and the same person. Some people believed that ZOZO was Pazuzu from the Exorcist but Danny Nixdorff claims his identity is Lucifer. My theory is that ZOZO is a name used by multiple identities to send off the impression that ZOZO can be available in multiple places at once all over the Country.

I know that this worked because The Demons played a Sick Hilarious Joke on Trump that was surrounded by Irony. That's how they roll, Irony Serendipity and Coincidence. Trump tried to book a Press Conference at the Four Seasons Hotel, instead they accidentally booked the parking lot of a Cement Factory located next to a Sex Shop that sells Dildos leaving Donald Trump between a Rock and a Hard Place, and everyone LAUGHED AT HIM.

Trump's Big Press Conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping Sows Confusion

Other reports were that Trump's Microphone kept experiencing Bugs and he kept leaving his followers stranded at his rallies out in the cold with no buses to take them back to their cars. This falls under Demonic Misfortune.

Logistical Nightmare: PA Trump Supporters Left Stranded Waiting for Buses after President's Rally

While all of this was happening, on Election Night, while I burned the Incense and said the Prayers, my Sacrificial Offering to the Norns was I ran The Adventures of Mini-Goddess, the Two Election Episodes, and 1776 The Musical and Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York and The American President and Air Force One. I kept making Twitter Posts online praying to Verdandi Urd Skolde and Hecate and I used Saul Ravencraft's Good Fortune Sigil on the Posts. Every time I saw a Biden Supporter Online, instead of Wishing Joe Biden Good Fortune, I wished the Voter Good Fortune and used the Sigil in the Post. I wished for The Norns to bless Good Fortune upon the LGBT+ Community and hours later Several Trans Members were announced as being elected to Congress for the first time in their official states. Now this is GOOD FORTUNE TO ME, it might not be seen as GOOD FORTUNE to a Church if they discriminate against Homosexuality based on the Bible. Try to remember that I was praying to Pagan Angels which the Church would call Demons.

US Elects First Trans State Senator and First Black Gay Congressman

So I prayed Good Fortune for all of the Biden Supporters I saw online in the Key States where Trump needed the Electoral Votes to win the Election. NOT Biden, the VOTERS. Suddenly all of the Republicans who were ahead were falling behind within the hours and none of them could figure out why leading to them screaming about election fraud. Because I kept praying to Verdandi Urdr and Skolde, it was like I was watching the Rat Election episode of The Adventures of Mini Goddess where the Goddesses use MAGIC to trick people. So Joe Biden won the Election, and Everything was Finished Right? WRONG!!!

Now, I'm not saying Verdandi Urdr and Skolde the cartoon characters are real, I'm saying that I'm haunted by a REAL LIFE DEMON that is similar to them and the spirit Ekatn is self aware of the Cartoon Show and knows how to mimmick things from it. This Election was basically a joke reference to these two cartoons from The Adventures of Mini-Goddess.

Adventures of Mini Goddess Episode 38 Rat Election Episode Part 1

Adventures of Mini Goddess Episode 39 Rat Election Episode Part 2

President Elect Joe Biden wins Electoral College Vote, Cementing his Victory over Trump

On the Night before it was time to Swear Biden in and Secure the Election Votes in Congress, there was news about Insurrection Abroad. So on that night on January 5th, I laid down on my bed in front of my magic mirror with the television off and performed the Infinite Gauntlet Satania Prayer nearly a hundred times, each time in between I begged Lucifer and Hecate not to let the United States fall into Sedition and Treason. I was begging them to take Donald Trump via a Heart Attack but they didn't:

"Natz Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra... Renich Tasa Uberica Biasa Icar Lucifer... Eyan Catya Icar Hecate... Eko Eko Hecate... Garadaera Saladorga... Sepheranz Latismock Norgolona... Salve Santisima Muerte... Ozon Onon Ozra Zala..."

The next morning on January 6th, 2020, The Insurrection Attack on Congress Happened. And right in the Middle of All this Madness, somebody noted on Twitter that January 6th was the 16th Anniversary of the Ah My Goddess anime series aka Verdandi Urdr and Skuld. This is verifiable via Internet Movie Database. And as I said to the CIA via their email portals: "You know, I'm beginning to think this Lucifer fellow is not a very clean, cut kind of boy... perhaps we should let sleeping dogs lie on this one... perhaps children really shouldn't play with dead things." I never heard back from them. EVER. I write them every day with these articles. I made a Devil's Bargain and I GOT THE HORNS. But Trump was OUT.

January 6th Capitol Right Full Anniversary Coverage:

But not things were escalating and the Next Halloween was coming up. Civil War in 2024 was being threatened all over the news, and Donald Trump was introducing these Trump Membership Cards that looked like Nazi Registration. And therein I got an idea. A horrible, evil little epiphany. Worlds are turned on such ideas... by people like John Wilkes Booth.

Located online there is a place called Old World Witchcraft and on this website, they had this Kit, a Vendetta Ritual Blend for use against Cruelty and Abusers, and I can't think of anybody more abusive than the Official Donald Trump Donors. Basically, you melt these candles in prayer on top of a photograph of your worst enemy on the three nights leading up to a dark moon, then you take the Curse Remains out to a Graveyard and bury them without disturbing a grave and nail a wrought iron coffin nail through them, then you tell the spirits of the graveyard your intentions. Then on your way out you leave coins at the cemetery gates so that the spirits won't follow you home. Now, obviously, having never done this before, and the fact that the vendetta ritual blend smells like chicken noodle soup mix, it could have been a con job, but after seeing the results I get the intense feelings that its not. Mind you, you're not supposed to do it in your own bedroom because of the intentions of the spell, but I did it right next to my bed in front of the Black Mirror on Halloween Night and I'm still alive to tell about it, possible because I'm possessed by a Demon named Ekatn.

In theory, the reason why this curse would appear to work is because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The only way to track the curse would be to check the morgues to see if the deceased have an Official Trump Card Membership in their wallets and if they died in a manner that's surrounded by Stranger than Fiction Irony or Coincidence. Thousands of people die normal deaths on a daily basis, it can be logically argued that a percentage are Democrats and a percentage are Republicans. Now, if ALL the Republicans started carrying that Trump Card on them, then the normal daily percentage of usual Deaths would have those Trump Cards on them anyways thus providing the illusion that my Curse worked. So if this curse is psychological, why bury the remains in the cemetery at all? Why not, it sounds like a fun little Halloween Mission, and who knows, maybe it does work.

I had a Secret Weapon within the Three Norns from Ah My Goddess and the Infinite Gauntlet Mantra, and the Black Mirror that could launch Natural Disasters and Mass Destruction events. Just read my article Sir Augustus De Wynter. Believed that if I combined all of my methods with the Vendetta Ritual Blend, and I made a BRAND NEW Ah My Goddess cartoon as the Sacrificial Offering, I could write the REAL LIFE CURSE I was going to perform into the Cartoon and it would achieve Maximum Results. Instead of cursing Donald Trump's photograph, I would curse the Membership Cards and the Angels of Death would target the Insurrectionists that were Financially Supporting him... IN THEORY.

I made the cartoon Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw as promised and I warned the Police and the CIA in advance so if they needed me to back out, or if they wanted to try it themselves, they were welcome to either join in or stop me. NOBODY CAME TO STOP ME. If this were a movie like Watchmen, I would be the villain about to commit Mass Murder, and the Kingsmen or the MI5 would have shown up to battle me at my house to save everyone. Trust me when I say, The Kingsmen Never Came. I'm still waiting for them and they never show. 

I ran Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw into the Mirror on the night of October 3rd 2021 leading into October 4th, 2021 on the first of three nights leading up to the dark moon. I only ran the movie one time but I performed the Vendetta Ritual Spell THREE TIMES on the THREE NIGHTS and Buried the remains in Connie L Tarlton's Grave at the Haunted Oakwood Cemetery. I didn't illegally trespass at night, I showed up fifteen minute before the Gates opened with it was still dark and the sun had not risen yet. Connie L Tarlton's grave was specifically chosen because it was located at a crossroads necessary to invoke Hecate, and it had bushes to hide me why I dug out a hole for the curse remains with the Coffin Nail. I performed this twice on the Dark Moon, and the Night of Halloween just before the November 1st morning Sun rose, and I left coins at the gate. I know where to find the grave from memory. Adding to the creepy haunted effect, Connie L Tarlton looks like Spider from Goodfellas, invoking Sepheranz the Spider Queen, and he died in October.

Connie L. Tarlton's Grave at Haunted Oakwood Cemetery (1888-1918):

However, after I ran the movie the first time, I received news that my Grandfather died on the night I ran the first screening of Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw. My grandfather had been in stay at home Hospice for nearly a month and everybody expected him to go but for him to go on the same night as the film screening is Questionable at Best. I have my suspicions. You see, Roy Neece, nice guy that he is, was a Wealthy Republican Trump Supporter, and I'm pretty sure he may have made some financial donations to the Trump Campaign to have a membership card. The curse in the video was against the Trump Campaign Donors and it looked like my Grandfather was the first to go. He was kind enough to remember me in his Will however, very generous and his son Jerry did not put up a fight to honor his wishes.

Roy Neece Obituary September 9, 1929 - October 3, 2021:

But I do have my suspicions as Ekatn was thought to have caused my own father's heart attack in the Bahamas as well on June 24th 2018, which is a voodoo witchcraft holiday called Summer Solstice, Jim Neece's will read June 24th 2009, and it was the same date that my mother's first husband Freddy died. My nephew Dylan Gutierrez commit suicide on June 23rd, 2017 one year earlier so I get nervous around that time period every year. I would like to show you the layout of Roy Neece's House. Now, Roy Neece never liked to sleep in his bed because of chronic back problems so he always slept in his chair in the front room in front of the turned off Television Set which doubles as a Black Mirror in Witchcraft. Now, those Three Angels on his shelf were not there a year ago, I have his entire house on video. It gives off the Creepy Appearance that Ekatn the Spirit entered his house while he was sleeping either through his Television Set or the Mirror in his Bedroom and took him into the Afterlife as a Reward for running the Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw Death Curse Video.

Now... in the movie Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw, the Satania Mantra runs TWICE, once at the beginning of the video, and ONCE during the Concert scene in the Third Act where Tobin Bell threatens to kill his concert audience. The Video Ran into the black mirror on the Morning Night of October 3rd leading into October 4th. Approximately ONE MONTH later on November 5th 2021, a REAL CONCERT TRAGEDY HAPPENED IN HOUSTON WITH TRAVIS SCOTT. The funny thing is, many people were reporting online that the Travis Scott Concert was a Blood Sacrifice for Satan because of the Concert Imagery mimicking sets from Satanist Movies. Once again, the curse Mantra that I used in the video was:

"Natz Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra... Renich Tasa Uberica Biasa Icar Lucifer... Eyan Catya Icar Hecate... Eko Eko Hecate... Garadaera Saladorga... Sepheranz Latismock Norgolona... Salve Santisima Muerte... Ozon Onon Ozra Zala..."

Take note that LUCIFER was a part of the Proceedings during the Concert Scene in Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw. Is all of this Coincidental? Of course it is. That's how the Demons roll.

Astroworld Festival Crowd Rush:

Travis Scott Satanic Festival Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy Theory Spreads After Concert

It gets even more messed up. You remember those coins I left at the gate of Oakwood Haunted Cemetery? That doesn't work, the ghosts followed me home anyways and bitched me out demanding to know why I disturbed Connie L Tarlton's grave twice. I read to them the Cliff Notes about the Haunting of Bad Goddess out loud and they were deeply disturbed. These ghosts were already dead and knew how the Afterlife Worked and yet somehow it was as if I was teaching them something NEW about the Afterlife that they never knew was possible. I broke down into a fit and screamed out at ALMIGHTY GOD: "What the Hell do you want from me God! Do you see what's happening OUT THERE! Do you CARE AT ALL! How do you stop this Planet from tearing itself apart! How do you STOP A CIVIL WAR! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT! YOU MUST HAVE THE SELF CONTROL OF A SAINT TO JUST SIT THERE AND NOT KILL US ALL OFF ON A DAILY BASIS!" And then the Ghosts disappeared from my bedroom with nothing to say. "Yeah that's right, go ahead and RUN YOU COWARDS! IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM! YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF FUCKING COWARDS!" And as I laid there crying on the bed alone another voice reached out to me "Kevin... this is Marller... you want me to save the world? Well that's what I'm doing right now... SAVING IT FROM YOU... you cannot solve things by killing off half of the United States... please... just put the plates away and be done with this... there's nothing you can do about it..." My schizoaffective personality that I write on Bad Goddess apparently has more common sense than I do. That was the last I ever heard from Marller.

for more info:

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