Saturday, June 17, 2023

Musical Warfare with the Metatron and his Angelic Frequency Attacks

I've been perusing around a YouTube channel that just went up in 2020 called Satania and somewhere around the Psychic Practices videos, I stumbled upon one of the most disturbing real life Religious Supervillains I've ever heard of. It's the Metatron, who was the basis for Alan Rickman's character in Kevin Smith's Dogma. Only the real life version of the Metatron is no "Highest Choir of Angels", he's a Malevolent Energy in Disguise running a religious cult who are Impersonating Angels so that they can perform a Dangerous Psychic Attack on the American Public. It's as if Bill Paxton's Frailty, Ken Russell's Altered States, Stuart Gordon's From Beyond, The Wachowski Sisters Cloud Atlas, David Cronenberg's Scanners, Alex Proya's Dark City, and the Religious Allegory of the Great Beyond from Seth Rogan's Sausage Party were being performed in Real Life right under our noses on the internet and I'm about to showcase all of it to the CIA.

It all started with a screening of Saul Ravencraft's Vault of Horror at Mister Tramps during the month of October 2019. Saul Ravencraft went onstage before the show and performed a magic parlor trick where we all wrote down what treats we wanted for Halloween on small sheets of paper, folded them up so that they could not be read, and tossed them onto the stage. Saul Ravencraft picked up each folded paper one at a time, held them in his hands, and accurately described its contents for each and every one of them as if he had ESP, except for the last one that he threw on the stage and tried to guess at a distance. When I asked Saul about his ESP abilities that he put on display, he told me that it was an ability he picked up from his years of study into the Occult and to "be careful what you wish for." Thus implying that Saul Ravencraft's ESP gift came with a terrible price that he was afraid to talk about.

Fast Forward to December 2020. On the Satania YouTube videos, I discovered this page:

The Videos are Sound Frequency videos designed to exercise and open up the Pineal Gland in a normal civilian's brain so that they can access their "Psychic Third Eye". Thus, this issue is not limited to people who were born with Psychic Abilities, it was intended to Create Psychic Abilities within People who never showcased them. But just as Saul Ravencraft foreshadowed and tried to warn me, these "Gifts" come with a terrible price. When you open yourself up to the Psychic Realm, you leave yourself wide open to be attacked by other Manipulative Psychics with terrible intentions in mind.

In the Second Psychic Practice video, an unknown girl tries to warn everyone about her experiences to deter them from going through with the exercise and it leaves the audience to wonder if what she has to say is real or if it's just a performance act to scare people. It's as if I were witnessing the first act to a Blumhouse Horror Production being played in Reality.

What she has to say in the Video is that after she received her gifts, she was approached by Psychic Entities claiming to be Angels from the Afterlife who advised her to follow the Angelic Numbers like 2 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 3 + 3 or 9 + 9 + 9. And at first you think she's tripping out and you don't know what she's talking about. She states that the "Angels" approach you in "Friendship" and tell you that you have a "Higher Purpose in Life", and for the first year or so when you follow their instructions in following the Angelic Numbers everything is good or so, but then the Energy Balance turns on you and everything that you begin to experience becomes Extremely Negative. She's been isolated from all of her friends and family, and the pain of suffering that negative energy throughout her body has crippled her to the point that she doesn't want to leave the house. She can remember all of her past lives, and she sees herself living out the same failed scenario on a loop over and over again, as if her Fate was to die in tragedy each and every time. And she remembers what Hell is like because she has been there in her past lives before she was reincarnated. She doesn't want to offend the Occult Community by calling the Angels "Demons in Disguise", but that's exactly what the insinuation is. They are a Malevolent Energy Presence Religious Cult and I suspect that they tried to approach me online during the making of Ah My Goddess.

So now, I am going to break down and explain everything that this woman was talking about step by step in terms of Fictional Movie Plots and online Web Pages and YouTube Videos to try and showcase what the Holy Hell this woman was talking about. First off, let's approach her comments about remembering past lives. In the 1972 witchcraft movie Simon King of the Witches, Andrew Prine says that in order to become a Witch, you must break past the memory veil of your birth and the death of your former life so that you can remember who you were. He then instructs his companion NOT TO TRY because it's a very painful experience. At the time of Vault of Horror, I asked Saul Ravencraft if there was any accuracy to the witchcraft presented within that movie or if it was entirely bullshit and his response was "Most of the terminology and idealogy was correct, the only fakery was the Cheesy Red Glowing Ball and the 2001 Space Odyssey Special Effects". Surely enough, featured on the Satania Website was a Sound Frequency Video designed to help you break the barrier and remember the memories of your past lives.

The woman's explanation of what she witnessed was that when she became able to remember everything that she had lived through in her past lives, she realized that she was living her life on a tragic loop where it always ended the same, like she was trapped in her own personal hell. She doesn't want to live because of the physical pain, and she's afraid to kill herself because she remembers what Hell is like and she's afraid to go back there. She knows that Hell is a real place. The trapped on an endless loops cycle can be viewed in two different movies: The Wachowski Sisters Cloud Atlas and Terry Gilliam's Twelve Monkeys.

In Twelve Monkeys, Bruce Willis witnesses himself being shot and killed within his childhood memories, he then grows up to become an Adult during a Pandemic that has nearly wiped out the human race. So they send him back in time to gather information about the Virus, which leads to him becoming Delusional and unable to tell which reality is real, the Future from which he came, or the present where all of the Psych Ward doctors are telling him he is Delusional. Bruce Willis then gets shot and killed in front of his childhood self at the end of the movie, thus completing the Cycle of his Life for which he is trapped with no way out. This is exactly how the victim in the Satania video feels. Cloud Atlas presents Reincarnation as an Evolution rather than an endless cycle where Tom Hanks can start out living the lives of Murderers, Thugs, and Conmen, only to evolve into the essence of a Hero, and Halle Berry can start life as a Slave only to evolve into a Woman of Society.

To the Victim in the Satania video, Hell has become her reality, the ultimate wakeup call, and Life itself within our normal day to day reality is the illusion, like a creepy Religious version of The Matrix, but really it has more to do with Seth Rogen. In the animated comedy Sausage Party, Seth Rogen uses Talking Food to present an Allegory about Religion. All of the Food have been taught that when the Gods take them out of the store, they will be cared for in the Great Beyond, only to discover to their horror that they are dismembered, cooked alive, and eaten and their Religion is a lie. I've often felt this way about the Christian Religion. They claim to be about love, but their actions in the news, and throughout human history, speak to the contrary as Christians are responsible for some of the worst things ever inflicted upon a human being. Remember, Adolph Hitler claimed to be a Christian. It's almost as if their religion was made up by a Demon as a practical joke so that they could use the Disguise of Self Righteousness to Trick People just like the Great Beyond presented in Sausage Party.

So now we come to the Angelic Numbers. What the Holy Hell was she talking about. Well check out this article online. According to the online websites, when you witness the same numbers appearing before you over and over again in real life, it's not really a coincidence, it's an Angel trying to communicate with you, and you have to interpret what they want you to do via the Angelic Numbers they are sending you like 1111, 2222, 3333. But that's not specifically what the Warning Video Girl was saying, she said 2 + 2 + 2, 3 + 3 + 3, 9 + 9 + 9. Well if you turn 999 upside down, that become 666, and 3 times 222 is 666, and 2 times 333 is 666. According to a website called The Church of Satan, the number 666, while listed as the Mark of the Beast in Revelations, doesn't actually mean anything in real life, it's just a sick joke that they go along with to prank the Christians who have watched too many Demonology Horror films. The Church of Satan claim to be Atheists who believe in Lucifer as a metaphorical being rather than a physically manifested being who shows up on your doorstep offering you Demonic Wish Contracts. They are their own Gods. I suspect that this is a secret handshake of some sort to them because as the old saying goes "The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World that She Doesn't Exist." But the Angelic Numbers appear to carry a different meaning on YouTube.

The numbers 999 also appear to refer to these Sound Frequency videos that keep popping up online. You're supposed to listen to them with Headphones while you sleep and meditate and the Sound Frequency Vibrations stimulate your Pineal Gland for Psychic Reasons. And they all claim to be Angelic Frequencies relating to The Metatron, the Highest Choir of Angels, and reportedly the only Human to Ascend to Godhood. But is the Metatron REALLY an Angel who works for God, or is he a Religious Zealot with his own Sinister Malevolent Intentions? One video online warns that Metatron is really a Demon.

I've noticed while looking through the Satania Channel that they have Enn Meditations for Angels listed in the Christian Bible, such as the Guardian Angel Michael or the Archangel Gabriel. It's like they're giving you the Contact Information to these Angels that are featured on Religious Candles being sold at Walmart by the Catholic Church. All you have to do to contact them is to trace their Sigils onto a piece of paper, write them a Handwritten note, and then Burn the Sigil Note in the middle of the Night while saying their Prayer over it and it goes to them like a Fax Machine to the Afterlife. Still it brings up the Question, what are these Angels doing listed on a Satania Occult Website?

I want you to stop and think to yourselves. If the United States Government watches over us via the Internet Spying like Big Brother, and these Angels watch over the United States Government and Religious Churches, then Who Watches over God and the Angels to police their actions and behavior? Who Watches the Watchmen? And more than that "Why Does God Need a Starship?" The line comes from a Star Trek sequel where Captain Kirk meets God for the first time, and then questions his divinity in asking why he needs a Starship to escape from his Planet if he truly is the All Knowing Divinity.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie Thor, an explanation is given that the Norse Mythology Figures were a Culture of Technologically Advanced Aliens that visited Earth during a primitive time period and culture belonging to the Vikings, thus they accidentally wound up becoming written into their mythology and were mistaken for a Work of Fiction. What if these Angels listed in the Bible are real, but they are NOT what we think they are? "Why Does God Need a Starship?" Is Hell the reality and Life the Illusion? What if these Angels from Heaven actually do have Sinister Intentions and instruct their Cult Followers to post these Angel Frequency Videos to develop Human Beings into a Psychic State so that they can approach them, but their intentions are Sinister like Bill Paxton's Frailty.

In the Bill Paxton movie Frailty, Bill Paxton claims that he was approached by an Angel of God instructing him to seek out and kill demons. From the perspective of his children, he is a Religious Zealot nutcase who is murdering innocent people, but the secret twist ending of the movie is he was blessed with an ESP ability to showcase his victims crimes when he touched them. All of his victims were Criminals and Murderers who got away with their crimes and his attempts to hunt them down was Karma giving them their Just Desserts.

I tested out one of these Angel Frequency Videos and the Experience reminds me of the water tank in Ken Russell movie Altered States. When you're under the state of these videos, you fall into a deep sleep and begin to witness a bunch of Original Images that you have never seen before. In the Satania Psychic Practices Warning Video, the Girl says that she thought the Malevolent Psychics were Angels, but really it was a Man with a Flashlight. When I was under, I experienced something very similar. I kept getting hit with flashes of light, and seeing cells that looked like I was in prison. Due to the Girl's warning, I was self aware of what the Light I was experiencing was, but I've come to the conclusion that what I was witnessing was the First Person POV of a man sleeping in a Prison Cell and the Light was coming from a Prison Guard who was walking back and forth and using his Flashlight to check on the Prisoners.

In the Alex Proyas movie Dark City, a man wakes up with Psychic Abilities only to discover that the Night never brings the Daylight of Morning in his City and he is being stalked by a Religious Cult of Aliens called The Strangers. The shock twist ending is the City is floating in the Middle of Outer Space and their whole reality is an Experiment by the Strangers to study how the Human Race survives and if they change based on their past memories.

The Warning Girl states that she feels the spirits isolated her. The same thing happened to me on my Ah My Goddess spinoff series Bad Goddess. Spirits don't just haunt houses or people, they can also develop attachments to objects such as rings, dolls, and mirrors. In my case they developed a Spiritual Attachment to my Ah My Goddess cartoons. When I wrote real life stories and people into the cartoons and ran them into my mirror late at night, Fate would appear to counter react to the situations in manners surrounded by Irony, Serendipity, or Coincidence. I believe my marital breakup was manipulated by a Spirit Wife who later tried to marry and possess me when I wrote a report of my Paranormal Activities to the United States Congress. When the possession happened, I check into the Austin Oaks Psych Ward and I was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder. The possession ended when my personality began to disappear and it resulted in me suffering an intense cathartic meltdown, upon which I woke up and the entity appeared to be gone. It was like the scene in Evil Dead 2 when Bruce Campbell regained his senses upon holding his girlfriend Linda's Necklace. I don't believe the spirit wife ever stopped possessing me, I believe she merged us into one person with all of my memories and behavior restored and she simple took the "backseat" allowing me control again. She just sits there in the back of my mind experiencing what I experience like the film Being John Malkovich.

The Negative Energy that the Girl talks about that has Crippled her, I've experienced that too from one of these Lucifer Enn Chant videos, long before this experiment. I find the best cure for the Negative Energy is listening to a Music Playlist. The Angelic/Psychic Frequency Videos use Sound Vibrations to manipulate your Mind, but Music has always offered a Cathartic Release for One's Emotions. I have a Specific Song Playlist that I use and the First Twenty or so Songs on it usually do the Trick. 

Bad Goddess: War Games - playlist by Kevin Neece | Spotify

Is the Metatron a Real Life Ah My Goddess Supervillain as I suspect he is? Have we all been duped by Religion as to what is waiting for us in the Great Beyond as portrayed in the Seth Rogen comedy Sausage Party? Is Hell the Reality and Life the Illusion?

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