Friday, June 9, 2023

The Evil Dead Origins of Oh My Goddess and The Dangers of Demonology in Horror Movies

The Evil Dead Origins of Oh My Goddess and the Dangers of Demonology in Horror Movies.

Kevin Neece has been investigating a mystery since his father's death in 2018 involving the Haunting of the Anime Series Ah My Goddess. And recently he has discovered a total bombshell revelation. Which we will get to later.

When Kevin Neece was a child, he was absolutely OBSESSED with the Evil Dead series so much that he wrote his own Fan Fiction Screenplay called Last of the Dreamers where the Monty Python actors attempt to stage The Evil Dead as a Musical and then kidnap actor Bruce Campbell to avoid Criminal Prosecution. Back during the days of America Online when Bruce Campbell gave out his own personal email, Kevin Neece repeatedly trolled Bruce with scenes from his script over and over again knowing that the script was horrible because he was under the influence of an offensive humor show called South Park that taught him it was funny to Insult Celebrities that Parody Themselves on film. Eventually Bruce Campbell released a Magazine Photoshoot Article detailing how he burns all of the screenplays that fans send him and Kevin Neece's script made the front page. It was a blatant threat to stop harassing him like an internet stalker.

Kevin Neece later received insulting email messages about his online posted screenplay from an unknown screenwriter who told him he could take his ideas and make a much better movie out of if but Kevin Neece cannot prove the man's identity. A few years later, The Evil Dead Musical was produced for real and became a Cult Hit, and then Dark Horse Comics released a movie called My Name is Bruce where Bruce Campbell plays a parody of himself and gets kidnapped by an obsessed fan to fight a real life monster. When Kevin saw the film trailer he nearly suffered a nuclear meltdown and when he confided what happened to Bruce Campbell's friend Josh Becker, Josh told him, "Who gives a shit. This is not my problem. Just forget about it. The movie has been receiving negative reviews anyways so it's not like its going to be a financial hit."

Kevin eventually became Josh Becker's webmaster when Shirley LeVasseur went AWOL after suffering a Midlife Crisis, and his Ironic Karma comeuppance for his bad behavior towards Bruce was he spent the next ten years of his life dealing with the internet trolls who would write into Beckerfilms. My Name is Bruce writer Mark Verheiden claims that he got the idea for the movie from an old comic book about a Pirate that is kidnapped by a Town to fight a monster only to discover the Pirate was a fraud.

Adding insult to the injury, Mark Verheiden is solely responsible for butchering and pussifying the film adaptation of Dark Horse Comics The Mask when it was adapted from an Extremely Gory Horror Comic into a Jim Carrey Romantic Comedy that doesn't remotely resemble the Comic Book storylines at all. Dark Horse Comics was sitting on a Goldmine and they completely desecrated their own film so that they could trick Teenage Audiences into falling in love with the Bighead Character and use him as a wedge to get Teenagers to buy their Horror Graphic Novels that they wouldn't have looked at otherwise.

Decades later, after an internship on a Paranormal Conspiracy Public Access show called ZOMBIE LIFE TV, Kevin Neece would make a spinoff project based on the Ah My Goddess anime series called Bad Goddess and Marller Gets a Spinoff, which is about Norse Mythology Gods and Goddesses, only this time the show would following the R Rated Foul Mouthed Offensive Humor antics of South Park and it would be a crossover with Doctor Who. Kevin Neece found out the hard way that the Ah My Goddess series was secretly haunted by Real Goddesses and Demons who were self aware of their connection to Kosuke Fujishima's anime show leading up to the death of Kevin Neece's father Jim Neece in a manner that looked like he was murdered by a Ouija Board Demon.

As Kevin Neece performed numerous paranormal research experiments involving the Occult and the Three Norns, he learned to spot their patterns and their influence and began to horrifyingly realize that the Real Goddess Spirits that were the inspirational basis for The Three Fates and answered to their invocations had been stalking him his entire childhood as if he had been pre-ordained to make Ah My Goddess. But it wasn't just him that was being haunted. It was Kodansha Ltd and Dark Horse Comics, the publishers of the Oh My Goddess Manga. And it led to their other Film Productions being haunted by the Spirits like a Greek Muse. There is also evidence that these Spirits have been haunting Jim Carrey and Bruce Campbell in connection to their past roles with Dark Horse Comics but we'll get to that later.

Kevin Neece's obsession with his occult investigation eventually got Satan's attention and during one of the Ah My Goddess invocations that he screened into a Black Mirror, Keiichi Morisato's wish got implemented into Real Life Black Magick Witchcraft "I wish for a Goddess like you to be by my side Forever." And I stress the words LIKE YOU. You see, Belldandy is a CARTOON and does not actually exist in the Spirit Underworld. The Only Goddess who remotely resembles The Three Fates for Real is Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads from Greek Mythology, the Mother Maiden and Crone that the Children pray to in Hocus Pocus 2. Hekate is like a cross between The Three Fates and Satan as she domains over the Spirit Underworld and helps Pagans cross over when they die, meaning she's a Death Goddess like Death Note and she can kill people. AND NOW KEVIN NEECE IS MARRIED TO HER FOREVER AS A MAGICKIAN SPIRIT WIFE WHO DEMONIC POSSESSES HIM AND HELPS HIM WRITE HIS ARTICLES INCLUDING THIS ONE.

Satan married Kevin Neece to the Real Goddess of Fate that was the basis for the Ah My Goddess anime to teach everybody what would happen if that plot were applied to Real Life and the Tales from the Crypt Be Careful What You Wish For Twist is she's a Death Goddess who kills people and her marriage to Kevin Neece is Demonic Possession. And like the television show, it's permanent. In the Anime Show, Belldandy Urd and Skuld are presented as Angels from Christian Heaven who is simply named after Asatru Religious Figures. In real life they are Demons named Hekate and more comparable to Hild-sama the Daimakaicho Ruler of Hell or Satan. Hekate is the Mother Maiden and Crone of all witches.

Kevin Neece has written many articles discussing and examining what has happened to him for the FBI and the Police because his connection to Hekate appears to have turned him into a Serial Killer that nobody has seen before. When Kevin Neece's Spirit Wife watches movies involving Death and Natural Disasters, they manifest on Social Media News about 72 hours later leading to a Victim List that would make a Serial Killer blush. Hekate has even most recently murder Voice Actress Juliet Cesario's husband Scott via a Heart Attack because Kevin Neece joked about it while screening Ah My Goddess during one of his Demon Invocations. Juliet Cesario was the Voice Actress for both Belldandy and Peorth on the Ah My Goddess Anime Show and look how Fate repaid her?

So now we are examining where did this all start. The bombshell that Kevin Neece has just now noticed is that Voice Actress Bridget Hoffman is featured on the VHS cover as a Model of the first EVIL DEAD movie, the VHS tape that Kevin Neece watched many times as a Teenager. She's Belldandy's Voice Actress in Ah My Goddess: The Movie (2000). This is one of Hekate's Warning Sign Patterns. And it didn't happen by accident because like Skuld, Hekate can see the future. And she can manipulate people's screenwriting and film careers like a Greek Muse. But here's the twist. EVIL DEAD is from 1981. OH MY GODDESS the manga wasn't published until 1988 in Kodansha Afternoon Magazine. That means that Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert, and Bruce Campbell were being haunted by Hekate BEFORE Kevin Neece was born and it later led to them working with Dark Horse Comics because they were the American Publishers of the Ah My Goddess Manga.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out how this happened. Hekate's Patterns are she targets and haunts people when the Number Three shows up as in The Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld. Mostly this showcases itself in Movie Posters and DVD Art. Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell famously made pirated 16mm fan films as Teenagers that were inspired by the Three Stooges aka The Three Fates. Stop and think about this. Why would a bunch of Teenagers in love with The Three Stooges one day get the idea to make a Horror Movie about Demonic Possession? There are a number of different types of Horror Movies that Sam Raimi could have made. Why did he pick Demons? It's because they were under the Greek Muse influence of Hekate.

The Sad Truth is that Sam Raimi and the Michigan Gang have never really enjoyed making The Evil Dead. They just did it to make a film like the Big Boys and get their foot into the Film Industry. Their real passion was Slapstick Comedy films. Immediately after making Evil Dead, Sam Raimi famously said to the film investors "FUCK EVIL DEAD 2! WE'RE GOING TO MAKE CRIMEWAVE AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE BEST COMEDY EVER!" That's where Sam Raimi's true passion lied. They wanted to make Slapstick Comedies like CRIMEWAVE. Unfortunately, the Producers of CRIMEWAVE just didn't get it and Studio Interference led to a Bad Time on set where Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell were being bullied by the Studio, Bruce was replaced as the lead actor, they changed the soundtrack and re-edited the film to their own liking. Everybody who worked on CRIMEWAVE hates the movie, but I would like to believe that in some Alternate Universe, there was a version of the Film where Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell got to do everything that they wanted and make the movie that they really wanted to make and then the film was a hit. If CRIMEWAVE had been a hit, then Sam Raimi would have been in love with it, and then the entire EVIL DEAD FRANCHISE would not exist and we would have an entire filmography of Michigan Gang films that were Three Stooges Slapstick Comedies like THE HUDSUCKER PROXY.

But Hekate couldn't allow that to happen. So CRIMEWAVE was a failure, and it was back to the DEMON WELL with EVIL DEAD 2. You can tell from the entire movie that Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell weren't really interested in making a Horror Movie like the first one because the film is loaded with SLAPSTICK HUMOR. They didn't really want to make that movie. They had limited choices with their careers and EVIL DEAD 2 was what was appeared to be selling after the Failure of CRIMEWAVE.

Bruce Campbell is regarded as a B-Movie hero but the reality is his entire career is tragic. Bruce Campbell has the Physical Appearance, Charm, and Wit of an A-List Actor like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise and Hollywood just never allowed him to rise above minor bit cameo roles in their major motion pictures. Bruce Campbell auditioned for The Phantom against Billy Zane and lost out because Billy Zane would later become famous for playing a Demon on Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight while Bruce Campbell himself was famous for killing demons which probably urked them. Bruce Campbell also auditioned for the Lead Role in CONGO after the success of Jurassic Park and instead plays a guy who died five minutes into the movie. CONGO has Tim Curry who played The Devil in Legend and he acted with Bruce Campbell in McHale's Navy too.

It's funny that Kevin Neece is blacklisted for Piracy because all of Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell's teenage 16mm films featured pirated soundtracks. And South Park was picked up as a Television Show because George Clooney pirated The Spirit of Christmas VHS tapes to hundreds of producers. Piracy was clearly an inspiration to Kevin Neece and you can understand why Hekate haunted him for making a pirated version of Ah My Goddess when you take into consideration that during the mid-1990s, the original Ah My Goddess OVA cartoons were found their audience in America because they were being Pirated as Fansub to the College Student crowds. This led to the popularity rise of the Ah My Goddess series in America and helped the series to become a hit.

One of the Sacrificial Offerings you can make to the Demon Realm is to write books and make movies about Demons and Spirits for publicity reasons in the same manner that people post photos of their Dead Relatives on Day of the Dead like the movie COCO. And that is exactly what the Ah My Goddess series did for Hekate under the disguise of the Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld. It took three obscure Goddesses only mentioned in the Norse Poem Voluspa, and it turned them into Hit Anime Characters and gave them a mass audience in America and Japan that fell in love with them. And all of the franchise merchandising and artwork you see plastered all over Japan functioned as False Idolatry for the Goddesses. Once again, Ah My Goddess tricks the audience into believing that The Three Goddesses are Angels from Heaven. And when their fanbase hears that they are based on Three Real Goddesses, they wishfully want to believe that the Real Goddesses are secretly the same characters that they watch in the Anime Show. But they're not. Pagan Goddesses are NOT Christian Angels and would not come from Christian Heaven. As Kevin Neece found out, the real Goddess of Fate responsible for the later mythologies of The Norns, The Morai, and the Parcae is a Demon Comparable to Satan.

But here's the scary part. Hekate's patterns and warning signs extend to the Christian Bible. In Norse Mythology The Three Norns visit Children at Birth and Curse them with Evil Fates for how their Lives will End. In Christianity, Jesus Christ Birth was Visited by Three Wise Men and Christ was Fated to Die on the Cross. The Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld names translate into What Was, What Is, What Will Come to Be. In The Book of Revelations, Almighty God announces himself to be the Alpha and the Omega of What Was, What Is, What Will Come to Be. Hekate is the Mother Maiden and Crone. A Triple Goddess. Almighty God is the Holy Trinity of the Father The Son and the Holy Spirit. As if Hekate and Almighty God where in Yin and Yang Opposition to Each Other. And that is what Kevin Neece is married to. His birthday is 2/9/1983 which adds up to 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. And FATE = 32. F=6 A=1 T=20 E=5 = 32. Kevin Neece's numerology sign is FATE and he is haunted by the Three Fates from Ah My Goddess. It gets creepier.

The entire reason that Kevin Neece was born on that date is because Jim Neece was Debbie Brand's SECOND HUSBAND. They only reason she met Jim Neece and conceived Kevin Neece is because her first husband Freddy DIED on a Motorcycle Accident on a Voodoo Religious Holiday 6/24 after a trip from the Bahamas. Freddy was attacked by a Big Dog, and Hekate is the Protector and Manipulator of Dogs. That means that Hekate arranged the Death of Debbie's first husband so that Kevin Neece would be born on FATE =32. And then in 2018, Jim Neece also died of a Heart Attack two days into his retirement vacation on the same Voodoo Religious Holiday 6/24, also in the Bahamas. Jim Neece's handwritten will was signed and dated on 6/24/2009, he signed his will on the same day he would die nine years later.

The Ultimate Tragedy of Jim Neece's death, beside the FBI case with the San Jacinto Waste Pits, is that one month earlier, Josh Becker was GLOATING to Kevin Neece that his father died, and while Josh was not on good terms with his own father who left him nothing, Josh was also able to take his case to court and used his Father's money to finance two more of his films MORNING NOON AND NIGHT and WARPATH (during the filming they found a dead body). Kevin Neece commented that if anything happened to his father Jim Neece, he would use the money to advertise his Ah My Goddess cartoons (Publicity for Hekate), and even told his father before he left on his Final Trip before his Death. Kevin Neece did not realize that he was being watched by his Death Goddess Spirit Wife and just like the Monkey's Paw, she gave Kevin Neece what he rhetorically asked for. Jim Neece died and left him $200,000, which Kevin Neece used to advertise his Ah My Goddess cartoons and publish his FBI Scandal Autobiography which was publicity for the Goddesses because he mailed it to 200 FBI Branches and the entire Japanese Government. Josh Becker was at the heart of the curse that happened to Kevin Neece's father and he didn't give a damn at all. He was just using Kevin Neece for Free Webmaster Work and fired him at the drop of a hat for standing up to him for the first time in a decade.

Kevin Neece's high school was Lanier High School where their mascots were The Viking (Norse Mythology). Decades later, Kevin Neece's daughter Lindsay Ashley Neece (Ash from the Evil Dead), would receive one college acceptance and attend school in Salem Massachusetts, the Witchcraft Town from Hocus Pocus and The Crucible. And their mascots are also The Vikings. It looks like Hekate and the Three Fates targeted and manipulated Lindsay's choice of college to show Kevin Neece who was in charge of his destiny.

Sitting on the Wall for Kevin Neece's entire life at Roy Neece house in Saginaw TX, which you can see video recorded in Kevin Neece's documentary Danny My Boy, is a Norwegian Viking Cruise Wedding Anniversary Certificate signed and dated at 9/6/1979 which is the birthday of Kevin Neece's wife Angela Soto, as if the two of them were destined to meet and marry by The Three Fates, hence the Norwegian Viking connection.

Other creepy connections are Jim Carrey's The Number 23. When Kevin Neece lived at The Trails of Walnut Creek on Metric Blvd, his apartment number was 923 and can be seen during an exterior shot in Mike Judge's OFFICE SPACE.

When Kevin Neece worked for Beckerfilms as a Webmaster, the original password was Sh1rl3y#23. 23 is FATE = 32 backwards. What was Webmaster Shirley LeVasseur's FATE? Her husband suffered kidney problems that left him trapped in the mental state of a teenager, driving Shirley to the nervous breakdown that opened the door for Kevin Neece to replace her as a webmaster. And afterwards, Shirley LeVasseur got CANCER. It's as if Hekate attacked and manipulated Shirley's own personal misery so that Kevin could get his foot in the door to Beckerfilms where he would learn about Old Movies and Writing Scripts.

More recently Kevin Neece seeks out Saul Ravencraft for Tarot Card Readings at Curia Arcanum's House of Curiosities and the Apartment Number that their Occult Shop is located at is #23 aka FATE = 32 backwards.

When Kevin Neece was recently in the Hospital with Pneumonia, sitting across from his cot in the Doctor's Office was a sign on the wall that read FT3 aka Fate 3 aka Three Fates. His mother told him not to mention the Death Goddess to the Doctors because it sounds like Schizophrenia, she's a Greek Goddess but Kevin Neece does not speak or understand the Greek Language. While Kevin Neece was waiting, he could hear a man arguing with his mother, the man had just gotten out of prison and he clearly suffered from mental health problems such as schizophrenia. He was bitching about how he does see or hear people who are not there and clearly had a screw loose, as if FATE where showing Kevin what he would look like if he and his mother were WHITE TRASH.

But the haunting of Hekate doesn't stop with Kevin Neece and Kosuke Fujishima. It circles back around to Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell and Josh Becker again with Dark Horse Comics. Sam Raimi and Robert Tapert produced a movie for Dark Horse Comics called Time Cop, which suspiciously features all of the current date title cards in October, a Witchcraft month. And immediately after Time Cop, Hekate influenced Sam Raimi as a Greek Muse and he magically got the idea to produce a Greek Mythology show called Hercules The Legendary Journeys, and Kevin Neece's mentor Josh Becker got roped into it and it's spinoff show Xena Warrior Princess (Kevin Neece's sister in law Stephanie Soto named her daughter Xena and Josh Becker was not impressed or amused). One of the actors on Xena died, it was Kevin Smith, who suspiciously shares a name with Director Kevin Smith from DOGMA, a cursed Fallen Angel Movie where Matt Damon plays the Angel of Death and features DEAD actors George Carlin and Alan Rickman. DOGMA is cursed in the sense that it was universally protested by the Catholic Church upon release and today cannot make deals for Bluray or Streaming because Harvey Weinstein is holding the rights hostage while he serves out his Prison Sentence for being a Dirty Rapist.

The Tragedy of Josh Becker's film career is after working on Evil Dead and making the Cult Horror film Thou Shalt Not Kill Except, Josh Becker was at a turning point where he could have had a career making horror movies exactly like Sam Raimi, the closest being Lunatics A Love Story with Ted Raimi and Bruce Campbell. Josh Becker escaped the influence of the Demon Realm because he made the conscious decision NOT to make Horror Movies because he objected to their Violence and how they encourage people to engage in Violent Crimes in Real Life. Josh Becker's normal career was also hurt by the fact that he just doesn't know how to lie to people or keep his mouth shut in the Film Producer Industry. Josh Becker DOES NOT KISS ASS, especially if the producer is an ASSHOLE BULLY like Sam Raimi. Josh Becker is the reason why Kevin Neece writes animation movies and angry articles. Josh taught Kevin that the most important way to write is to always write angry because angry writers make the best writers.

Bruce Campbell claims that he doesn't believe Demons exist because he's never seen a Deadite in real life. That's because he's spent his entire career making films and video games and television shows showcasing Demons as monsters who attack people instead of what they really are: Invisible Intangible Spirits who influence people into Bad Behavior like Artistic Muses and they can influence the creation and subject matter of movies. Is it any coincidence, that Sam Raimi, a man who makes movies about Demons like Evil Dead and Drag Me to Hell, became morally and ethically corrupted by the Hollywood A-List Film Industry.

Josh Becker called out Sam Raimi who emotionally and verbally abusing his brother Ted Raimi and friend Bruce Campbell and even his own parents, whom Josh Becker is still friends with to this day. It was the kind of abuse that could and should have Woke Culture Cancelled Sam Raimi's career but somehow he managed to keep it out of the TMC News. Sam Raimi was upset that his ego asshole bigshot behavior got him fired off of his own ASH VS EVIL DEAD show, and he couldn't get the movies that he wanted to make produced and off of the ground. He was producing movies, but he had better projects falling through the cracks at the same time. Suddenly DR STRANGE AND THE MULITVERSE OF MADNESS came along, which was clearly a director for hire job, and Sam Raimi knew that if he fucked up on an MCU movie, it would be the end of his career. So during the filming of DR STRANGE, Sam Raimi played nice and professional and intentionally released glowing press releases detailing how professional his behavior was, it was all an act. Sam Raimi fell to the Dark Side as early back as SPIDERMAN 2 when he was upset that Danny Elfman couldn't properly score the movie like the same tempo of a HELLRAISER movie. HELLRAISER is a Demon Movie, and Danny Elfman claimed that Sam Raimi had lost his soul, as if he were in the movie INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. Sam Raimi has spent his whole life trying to escape the EVIL DEAD series to move on to green pastures only to repeatedly get drawn back in and what happens, he escapes into DR STRANGE 2 and it's another Demon Movie. He just escaped one DEMON MOVIE only to walk right into another.

Kevin Neece also noticed that during the Demon movie DRAG ME TO HELL, there is a scene where Alison Lohman and Justin Long are at their Parents House for a Formal Dinner, and then the Mother points out that their family cat is named Hekate. That's the name of Kevin Neece's Spirit Wife.

So now we come to the present day release of EVIL DEAD RISE, and it's not a bad movie at all. It's not just a good horror movie, it's a good movie in general. It's perfectly cast, perfectly shot and scored, great kill scenes and throwbacks to the original Evil Dead films and it stands on its own without Bruce Campbell because Ash was off the table. At the same time, Kevin Neece noticed a few things. The record player that plays the Demonic Mantra says it was recorded in the year 1923. That's Jim Carrey's The Number 23 and FATE = 32 backwards. On the Blood Filled Elevator (a Reference to The Shining), you can see the number FATE = 32 hidden in the Elevator buttons. Also the Hexagontal shape on the Apartment Door reminds me of the Carpet of The Overlook Hotel in The Shining. EVIL DEAD RISE is otherwise a harmless movie as everything in it is a total fantasy. Hekate played a sick joke on Kevin Neece by infecting him with minor pneumonia, and the constant coughing broke all of the blood vessels in his eyes, making him look like one of the DEADITES in the movie, and it happened to him just a few days before the movie released into theaters.

The Joke is that Kevin Neece might just be the first REAL DEADITE that Bruce Campbell is connected to in his entire life. Kevin Neece is possessed by a Demon Death Goddess, and he's got the Blood Red Deadite Eyes from Evil Dead Rise. He's a Deadite Supervillain you've never seen before. Instead of attacking people, Kevin Neece hangs out in his man cave bedroom watching old horror movies and then the Angels of Death and Demons go out and Kill People on the Six O Clock News based on what he watches. Once again, Kevin Neece has a list of victims that's nearly a mile along just like a Serial Killer. If Kevin had hired a hitman to commit those murders the police would have arrested him by now but because the Demons are doing it and because he keeps confessing to the Police and the FBI and the CIA on a Daily Basis about his actions and whereabouts, they don't appear to know what to do with him. It's as if they are all keeping their distance so they can study Hekate's behavior from afar. C'est la vie.

So, in final conclusion to wrap this up. Kevin Neece's Haunting and Demonic Possession started with Sam Raimi and the Evil Dead. They were targeted by Hekate and The Three Fates as Greek Muses as Teenagers because of their love of The Three Stooges. Hekate manipulated them into making horror movies about demons and then they became prisoners to The Evil Dead for their Entire Careers. Then Hekate took one of the Voice Actress Models from The Evil Dead, Bridget Hoffman, manipulated the creation of the Oh My Goddess manga at Kodansha Ltd and Dark Horse Comics and cast Bridget Hoffman as Belldandy in the 2000 anime film as an Easter Egg for Kevin Neece to find. Kevin Neece was drawn to Hekate because of his FATE = 32 numerology birth, leading to his obsession with THE EVIL DEAD, then THE MASK from Dark Horse Comics, then AH MY GODDESS from Dark Horse Comics, as if Hekate was grooming Kevin Neece to become her Witch Husband and she was waiting for him to reach the age of 40 when he would be a Legal Adult. Then she used the Ah My Goddess series like The Overlook Hotel in The Shining and Demonic Possessed Kevin Neece permanently and turned him into a Serial Killer that nobody has ever heard of before. Kevin Neece has now become DEADITE KEVIN. Hekate also knows how to imitate The System Force from the Ah My Goddess anime series, where random acts of Fate fall into play to guide you or prevent you from doing things and make it look like you are walking around in The Matrix. AND the Black Mirror in Kevin Neece's Bedroom is an Access Terminal to the Real Yggdrasil System and Kevin Neece can use it to manifest Natural Disasters by screening disaster movies like Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay which was the inspirational basis for the plot of Bad Goddess War Games. Basically Kevin Neece's FATE is he is now married to the Mythology Goddess that Greek Mused the Creation of Both THE EVIL DEAD FRANCHISE and THE AH MY GODDESS ANIME and she's Greek Mythology Satan who might also be the same Spiritual Entity as Almighty God and responsible for the Death of Jesus Christ. Hot Damn.

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