Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Mokkurkalfi Report: Ethical and Unethical Solutions: A Morality Tale for the Gods

Written by Kevin Neece and Ekatn the Spirit Wife

Doctor What:

Now that I have your attention, one of the most amusing Plot holes about the Ah My Goddess series comes from the very first episode, where Belldandy tells Keiichi that as he was granted one wish, he has the power to ask for anything to choose from. He can choose to be rich and famous, or if he were to ask for the destruction of planet earth, they had the power to grant that too. Of course, Belldandy warns him that though they have the ability to offer that power, they also have the common sense to do their research on the person they are approaching to ensure that they would not be so irresponsible to ask for such an irresponsible wish. Having said that, I can think of a lot more amusing outside the box possibilities to that offer than all of you might have imagined. For example, here’s a wish that superficially appears to add a satirical solution to Kevin Neece’s current dilemma with presenting an argument about the dangers of witchcraft to Congress. Logic states that if the reason that Kevin Neece got shotgun jumped into a Doublet Marriage for repeatedly making fun of Kosuke Fujishima, then perhaps he should be less attacking and hypocritical and more logical and realistic in his requests. Now, let’s see an example of his initially angry, vengeful, and irrational attempts to think up a comical revenge plan on all of the Goddesses and Spirits.

Cut to:


Learning to word one’s wishes carefully is the most important factor in allowing a Goddess or Demon to assess if such a wish were responsible to allow and if the energy exchange tradeoff is worth fulfilling such a request. As Mara Marller herself once stated in the experimental episode Marller’s Arcade, the demons do not engage in the devilish twisting around of their clients wishes as it has caused a public misconception of their intentions that have hurt their market share in the pool of human souls. For example:

Doctor What #7:

“I wish for the entire law enforcement population of the United States of America and US Congress and Senate and Government Agencies in particular be forced to undergo a Doublet Spiritual Marriage to save their souls, grant them the logic and wisdom to make more rational decisions based on ethical behavior, and offer them a chance of redemption to gain them entrance into Heaven. However, as additional stipulations are made to this wish, the following requests have been made. Number One, all Doublet Connections must be of Legal Adult Age and Legal Adult Physical Representation to avoid the punishment, fear, and Risk of Traumatization as their religious beliefs may cause them to quite rationally react in a stressful explosive mental breakdown manner. Number Two, while the law enforcement officers of America and Government Branches Shall be granted such common sense and wisdom, the Civilian Population must be left alone and continue to have the gift of free will in their election processes in order to keep us all in check. If Knowledge is Power, and Ultimate Power can be Ultimately Corrupting and Tempting to any Human Being granted new abilities like a New Toy, even they must be self aware and always willing to accept that everyone can fall victim to human error. If such people were granted such gifts, and chose to use them irresponsibly in a manner that has put the Civilian Population in Danger, then that would hurt everyone’s market share in the pool of souls on both sides of the coin, both Goddess and Demon alike. Number Three, all Atheists and people of different religious choices must be allowed to retain their religious values, as their freedom to choose in the knowledge and the love of God can be metaphorically seen as a great house filled with many rooms where all are welcome to visit. And such Atheists and people of other religions must be granted forgiveness and second chances, even when they die. If anything, they should even be pardoned for past prosecutions on the stipulation that they have not broken any devastating laws, such as the crime of murder or assault, or other deadly sins. Such as the laws on earth are the way of their culture, so must they be honored in Heaven, with the common sense to remember that if such unethical laws were to come to pass, their government system must be granted the wisdom, solidarity, and common sense to realize that such laws can still be changed due to the checks and balances instilled in their system. Never Forget that while certain behavior may be allowed within our two different cultures, they may not be foreseen as acceptable on earth. If one were to walk into a foreign country with no knowledge or education of such laws, they would still be held accountable for such unethical and unlawful behavior. Remember, obedience to an unlawful order, even when demanded by that of a spiritual deity, is no excuse for an unlawful action. Human Civilian Populations on Earth, while held within the accountability of the law, are still held to a somewhat lower standard than those of law enforcement officers who are required to keep their lives clean and free of criminal behavior to avoid public scandalization on Social Media which would hurt the credibility of their own departments and put the lives and law enforcement officers everywhere in danger, no different than if someone were to run around engaging in slander.” It seems like a reasonable well thought out wish that might actually bring a solution to the problem when Demonic Influence over US Congress and Senate resulted in too much greed and irresponsibly behavior that resulted in the COPPA glitch that nearly wiped out half of America and escalated into the Witchcraft Invocation Spell Backfire that could have murdered the other half of America had Kevin Neece not thought out every angle and made every attempt to reach out to everyone to find a solution.


However, there is just one little mistake that has been overlooked within that wish. Free will. Kevin Neece chose to engage in the reckless experiments which resulted in him being punished repeatedly with escalating Ouija Board backfires that lead to such a dangerous threat to the America Nation, which in all honesty, we never thought of. It’s almost as if Kevin Neece accidentally caught us with our pants down and forced us to see the mistakes in our system, so that we could learn from them, and develop them to protect us from future attacks. As Kevin Neece has come into possession of a very dangerous power, teaching him responsibility and humility may be a better solution than repeatedly attacking him and backing him into a corner to punish him and teach him the error of his ways. Remember, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind, and those who fight fire with fire will ultimately result in burning down the house. Magic Spells Do Not Fire Forwards, They Fire Backwards Times Three. And vicious behavior will only result in our threats being backed into a corner and emotionally forced to lash out in self defense and desperation. Just because our Government Leaders may condone, allow, and even encourage such behavior does not mean that what they are allowing is considered Ethical and Lawful Behavior. The Ethics of Laws Must Allowed To Be Questioned, Even by Those Within Our Lower Ranks, and When Unlawful or Unethical Behavior is being presented by our own Superiors, most especially within the Public Eye, we have a responsibility to stand up to them, to reach out to them, to call bullshit on them to showcase the importance and dangerous consequences of their ways. As you have all just witnessed down on Earth, the greatest trick that our Spiritual Deities and Entities ever played on humanity was convincing them that we don’t exist so that a select population of them would fall under the belief that they would be free to get away with such Unethical Behavior and Unlawful Actions as they would not be punished until they crossed dimensions into what they perceived to be the Afterlife of their own choosing. There is a reason the System Force instills a sense of Karma upon everyone, no matter how poor, or how powerful they become and what you send out will always come back around to bite you in the fucking ass. Demonic Influence and Subconscious Mental Suggestion over the Republican and Democrat Congress and Senate, even while unnoticed to their own thought processes, are what lead them to make such greedy, ill thought out, and irresponsible decisions that allowed a President like Donald Trump to come to power through the Electoral Vote, even when he lost the Popular Vote by three million voters to a female candidate named Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump and the Republican Party repeatedly stated an argument against Hillary Clinton that she should have been prosecuted for her mistakes in sending out Government Information on Non-Government Approved Secure Phone Lines and Internet Terminals, when Donald Trump and his own Family were allowed to engage in the exact same hypocritical behavior as Hillary Clinton once they were allowed to come to power. Those checks and balances within the American Government and Judicial System are what allowed Donald Trump to ultimately be impeached for his unchecked behavior, as once again, the Karma instilled by both the System Force and the Niddhog System lead to even a President receiving a comeuppance that lead full circle.

Doctor What:

Never forget as well, that sometimes accusing and smearing political candidates with unwarranted accusations within the public eye of national television, most especially those comments made by Televangelist Pat Robertson, who claimed that the Democrats were attempting to remove Donald Trump from office through the power of witchcraft, can lead to inception and ideas being planted within the minds of those who have the dangerous power to act on them. Kevin Neece knew that he was in possession of such a dangerous power, and when backed into a corner by the FTC’s irresponsible decision to threaten the Youtube Content Creator community with dangerous fines, he chose to treat his power as a satirical joke to illicit a reaction out of those Religious False Prophets fully recognizing by the publicly televised behavior of Pat Robertson, that their weakness was to public smear and call out others with no compassion or respect towards their religion. Pat Robertson’s comments showcased a naive arrogance in assuming that all religions other than his own were automatically subjective to demonic influence. Remember, witchcraft, or any sort of power, is very much like an automotive vehicle. A responsible person behind the wheel can use such a vehicle to take them on journeys that will allow them life experiences that they may be allowed to develop and learn from. But, an irresponsible person behind the wheel can cause such a vehicle to turn into a dangerous weapon that can not only hurt others, but also backfires upon themselves when their actions result in a major traffic collision. When one is within notice of a person under the influence of a mental impairment that may be provided by alcohol, as a Good Samaritan, they must be taught to engage in a personal responsibility to intercept and warn such a person away from driving that vehicle for their own safety and the safety of others, even if we must go out far out of our own way to help them, so that they may learn humility and compassion from such an experience.


Many people today feel that they are alone in the world, that they are cut off from social interaction when strangers tend to keep to themselves. Making new friends from public venues and local libraries and even movie theaters, and offering them wisdom, advice gained from life experiences, even those including their own failures, can result in a morality lesson being taught. Such Morality can psychologically come together piece by piece throughout the experiences of their lives, like a well crafted puzzle leading to the bigger picture… what lessons has Kevin Neece learned through his most recent trial and failure?

Doctor What:

Number One: Kevin Neece believed that in order for a spell to work, the wish tradeoff must result in mass publicity for the spiritual entity. And that because such political figures such as Presidents, Congressmen, Police Chiefs, and Federal Trade Commissioners left them untouchable by the Civilian Pagan/Asatru Population, that such spells must therefore be transferable and performed by such figures in order to be active. However, by attempting such a Magic Spell on a Nationwide Level, the Magic Spell resulted in an Ironic Mirror Backlash Times Three which lead to a much bigger threat with even deadlier consequences. Joseph Simons mistake when combined with the YouTube Login ReRoute Glitch, could have resulted in half of the United States being bankrupted and sentenced to extreme prisons sentence all the way up to life. But, as Kevin Neece learned, taking the easy way out with a Magic Spell, even when it provided such additional effort as pawning everything that he owned to gain the necessary resources to perform it, did not provide a solution to the problem and even made things worse. What ultimately fixed his problem were the actions and efforts that he engaged in to try and catch his mistake before it became too late. Researching their Local Congressmen over an internet platform where all of their contact information was available, was the first and foremost solution that all concerned Americans should have done, even when they were provided the option to express their concerns on the Government Registry Website. Because as we all witnessed, some of those people were denied the right to express their own voice and concerns by the FTC’s friends in high places, who may have been covering them to prevent them from being outed and prosecuted for a crime. Kevin Neece’s ultimate mistake was in assuming that the Five FTC Commissioners were automatically guilty, when within his own actions to solicit an emotional response from his satire cartoon, he should have picked up on the fact that Joseph Simons may have been threatening the General Public with such high fines to instill them with a sense of logical fear and concern that now was the time to stand up for themselves as Americans to help find a better solution to the problem. Kevin Neece’s actions to go over the Five FTC Commissioners heads while in the full eye and supervision of the Austin Chief of Police, were the necessary actions that the general public should have engaged in should they have suspected that the FTC may have been guilty of Unethical and Illegal Behavior. Number Two: Kevin Neece repeatedly tried to warn everyone not to use the black candle in conjunction with the Magic Spell cartoon that he had released, fully unaware that the Voudou Store Hekate Candles he had been using to contact Belldandy, were in fact, Black Candles themselves, which would fully explain why he experiences such bad luck and misfortune when he chose to create the Marller Gets a Spinoff series, as all of the cartoons were projected into the mirror in his bedroom, which continuously functioned as a gate into the spirit world due to him not properly closing out the board. Kevin Neece did not have the ability or mental focus to use a Ouija Board by himself with a triangle piece, and did not heed the instruction manual warning that five people were needed for protection, and chose instead to use an electronics loophole by setting a DVD/BluRay player onto the Ouija Board to result in the Ah My Goddess DVDs coming into contact with the invoked spirits. The DVD player, combined with the Ah My Goddess OVA DVD player left running on a loop until morning with a lit Hekate Black Candle, are what ultimately resulted in his bedroom becoming filled with goddess, spirit, and demonic energy. Number Three: Never fully assume that just because your own friends have the ability to use Magic Spells and Ouija Boards that they are fully responsible in their actions, as everyone is prone to human error. Kevin Neece’s actor friend from Merry Killmas 2, chose to run around with Paranormal Research Groups, engaging in Ouija Board invocations during the midnight hours of a graveyard, and developed the mental ability to work a board in his own home by himself, and even engaged in the deadly mistake of using the Ouija Board while he was impaired by alcohol on Halloween Night. This resulted in him receiving a demonic attachment by Zozo, and as he was impaired by alcohol, accidentally allowed the demonic spirit to escape the board. Thus he was chose to physically separate the Ouija Board and the Triangle Piece. This was not enough to fix the problem. He was accosted with bad luck and misfortune for months, resulting in extreme unemployment, sending him into such a state of desperation that he moved to another town under the promise of a job, only to be laid off three weeks later, and even reached the end of his monetary resources to the extent that he was forced to go hungry for days on end. Number Four: Never assume that just because an extended amount of time has passed, that such a spiritual entity has chosen to move on. The warning signs of engaging in such Ouija Board and Demonic Behavior that Kevin Neece experienced were Irony, Serendipity, and Coincidence.


Kevin Neece impulse bought a dvd copy of Saving Mr Banks at a Walmart Discount Bin, left it sitting in a pile unwatched for months, fell under the misconception that the Spiritual Entity that had been haunting him had moved on, and lo and behold, what happened? On the one day that he decided to watch Saving Mr Banks, immediately within a few minutes of the film, Emma Thompson opened up a calendar reminders list to the exact date that Kevin Neece chose to watch the movie, resulting in a paranoid reaction, as if the Spirit were taunting him with a reminder that she was always presented, even when she chose not to reveal herself. Kevin’s friend also experience such long term experiences of peace and solitude, only to be caught off guard with paranormal poltergeist behavior. What triggered this behavior off? They were both conversing over the telephone with the hours of Midnight and 3am about the Ouija Board incidents. Thus a few hours later, Kevin Neece received a frantic phone call warning him that the demonic spirit had turned the lights off and on by themselves and shut a door to scare him into releasing that he was still not alone. How did Kevin Neece choose to console his friend during these incidents. He knew from personal experience that such paranormal behavior would not be believed by the general public, leading to his friend feeling like he was all alone with no one to reach out and help him. In order to gain his trust, Kevin Neece himself engaged in a Ouija Board experience on Halloween Night to full effect to see for himself what kind of misfortune he would experience.

Doctor What:

Kevin Neece’s car broke down due to a bad battery connection just as he received an oil change, blocking the driveway of the Jiffy Lube, and causing a traffic jam of cars waiting for their turn. When they were finally able to get the car started and he got the problem fixed at Pep Boys, he noticed sparks flying out from under the hood of his car at a high rate that looked dangerous. When Kevin Neece examined the battery, there was a piece of metal welded to the battery connection, which could have resulted in the car exploding with him and his family in it. Kevin also experienced multiple signs of Baphomet imagery and 666, which the church of satan claims has no real meaning, and is only used to troll the ignorant christian zealots online. As stated before, the greatest trick the demons ever learned was convincing humanity that they don’t exist and the Church of Satan appears to be in on this joke, telling everyone who witnesses such an event that they must seek psychiatric help instead of pestering them for free online advice. The final straw was when Kevin Neece found himself being publicly lashed out at and kicked out of Venues such as Kick Butt Coffee and Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar. Finally, he sought the advice of Saul Ravencraft who told him to walk into a Catholic Church and seek out Holy Water as a test to see if he experienced any strong urges to back out or not engage in his actions. Kevin Neece walked right into the church filled up his water bottles with Holy Water, and showered himself right in front of the congregation with no warning or explanation of why he was doing it. He was then later told that due to his ignorance of the Catholic Religion, none of his actual actions were the necessary steps to rid him of a demonic attachment. Kevin Neece should have sought out the confession booth of a Catholic Priest, but instead chose to take the easy way out, posting an iPhone App of his confessions online. Upon viewing what the Catholic Church chose to view as Confessional Sins, he came to the logical conclusion, that while they may have been the right people to seek help him, their attempts to force their religious views upon anyone who attempted to seek out confession are ultimately what deterred him away from the Catholic Religion, even when he knew he was in trouble. Free Will is what allowed Kevin Neece the common sense to make such a logical judgment choice, and the iPhone Confessional App allowed him to review all of his options, to access if his own past behavior were acceptable within the view of the public eye, and to ultimately decide how he should find the proper solution to better himself and his own behavior. Saul Ravencraft himself also went far out of his way, at Kevin’s request, to visit his friend in another city, to review the Ouija Board situation and search the apartment for signs of Paranormal Activity. Saul Ravencraft was able to spot Zozo’s presence by turning off the air conditioning and systematically walking up and down each and every aisle and space of the apartment and bedroom until he discovered an illogical spot of air where the room became colder without reason. Saul Ravencraft assessed that Kevin’s friend had engaged in so much experience with a Ouija Board that he had simply picked up abilities to sense such entities hiding within his surroundings. Saul Ravencraft himself revealed at a screening of Vault of Horror that he had gained ESP abilities through all of his years of witchcraft trial and errors. Saul requested everyone in the audience write down what treats they wanted for Halloween, fold them up, toss them onto the stage, and from that point on, he was able to accurately provide a detailed description of the paper contents without looking at them by holding them in his hands. The giveaway of the limits of Saul Ravencraft’s abilities were the final guess when he chose to throw the final paper onto the table away from his possession, and even then he came dangerously close.


Sometimes people who recklessly gained such supernatural intellect and abilities stumble upon them by accident through trial and error, and when they out themselves in view of the public, it is necessary to guide them and save them from themselves to prevent such incidents as the recent Bad Goddess Weapon of Mass Destruction DVD going into release. Kevin Neece’s biggest mistake was not properly providing himself a way out of the spell by overlooking how he had witnessed his own Magic Spells being cancelled out from previous behavior. For example, when Kevin Neece made the Bad Goddess Cartoon Pandora’s Box, his initial use of imagery, and request of physical harm upon the subject matters, which he viewed as self defense, immediately backfired resulting in an extreme case of Acid Reflux that tricked him into believing he had suffered a heart attack as punishment for misusing his gift to inflict harm on others, even when he felt he was merely trying to defend himself. Recklessly lowering ourselves to any kind of violence, under the misbelief that we can get away with it within the eyes of the law, even in retaliation or self defense, can result in a Spell Backfire Times Three as Innocent People are protected from the wrath of physical harm. Kevin Neece learned from this incident and accessed that is one cannot attack someone with a Death Curse or Physical Harm without Hurting Oneself in the Process, that one must work around such a problem and think outside the box. There are many other ways to teach someone the error of their actions, or even request in a comeuppance that should be better decided by a more knowledgable spiritual entity. Because in the end, Obedience to an Unlawful Request or Action does not provide one the freedom of protection from their own Unethical and Unlawful Behavior. One should always engage in common sense when taking a request and not automatically fulfill the wish just to see the Spellcaster receive a Comeuppance. Every time they set out to perform one of these Spells, even when the best of intentions are involved, the Magic Backfire Times Three increasingly escalates from the last incident that they performed.

Doctor What:

Look at the increasing escalation of Kevin Neece’s actions. He set out to help a Sexual Assault Victim with no knowledge of what exactly happened to her or even if she wanted him to do such a thing. He used his cartoons to attack the New Movement Comedy Club Members when he wasn’t even sure who was guilty or if he had the right venue location. He approached one of the managers to see for himself how they would react when he tried to give them the cartoons in person, which resulted in a fearful response that he may have been a stalker about to put their lives in danger. He immediately caught on to his mistake, and envisioned what he looked like to the Manager when he reached into his black leather pocket to remove the DVD as it is a well known television stereotype amongst cop films and tv shows that some people remove a gun from their inner pockets. How did the Goddesses of Fate and the Irony Mirror Spell Backfire choose to show him the error of his ways. By showing him the other side of the coin, of what it was like to be slandered and falsely accused, and how everyone would immediately lash out and attack these people with no evidence whatsoever because nobody in political correctness culture wants to be judged for not immediately believing the victims. This is why Police Officers require Sexual Assault Victims to provide specific graphic details about what happen repeatedly in view of complete strangers. It is a test to see how desperately they need to see their assaulter convicted. Without such provided evidence, if such a case were to go forward based on angry hearsay, it could result in innocent falsely accused people losing their lives and taking down all of their friends and family members around them. How did this escalate to the next level months later within Kevin Neece’s life.


Kevin Neece chose to based his opening joke buildup to A Certain Magical Pimpdex upon Kosuke Fujishima’s marital scandal to a cosplayer that was less than half his age, and choose to repeatedly run his work within view of the mirror that had not been closed out during the Ouija Board experiments. Kevin Neece took no thought or consideration, that if Kosuke Fujishima were cruelly called out and made fun of as a pedophile in front of the Goddesses and Demons that he had invoked, it might just cause feelings of hurt and resentment. If Kosuke Fujishima is viewed as a Pedophile for having children with a Legal Aged Adult who was thirty years younger than him, then how does that make all of us look when we are thousands of years old, and engage in sexual behavior with humans because they are tempting us with their creativity as our only options for a life of freedom away from our regular job duties. As the old saying goes, the grass is always greener in somebody else’s yard, and sometimes when a Goddess, Angel, Demon, or Spirit is put through the repeated monotony of our excessive work overload, even we can be subjective to human emotions of depression, boredom, even stir crazy cabin fever. A life on earth could be conceived as a vacation to those who are forced to watch in on a day to day based while professionally maintaining a distance, and could lead to temptations that we all feel should be allowed within our cultures. But we are not human beings, even if we take on their physical form. We have a dangerous power that can move mountains and shake the foundations of the very earth, and like Earth’s Law Enforcement Officials, must be held to higher standards of professional behavior that Civilians are allowed within their God Given Free Will and Choice to Live Out Their Own Lives to the best of their choosing.

Doctor What:

And that is the key issue. Choice. Free Will. We have the free will to use our power for own jobs, or allow ourselves to be tempted to abandon our jobs. Our decisions can be manipulated for good or evil, even from someone so deceptively clever as a human like Kevin Neece. He has showcased a dangerous power through his writing that is even more dangerous than any magic spell any of us could ever perform. Cathartic Themes, Emotionally Manipulated Words, an Ability to See within the Heart of a Demon or Goddess, to recognize the Good in Everyone, these are admirable qualities, that can accidentally be manipulated through the human error of mistaken good intentions, resulting in an unintentional breakdown of our own staff members. Even our most professional workers are susceptible to emotions and every few hundred years, important historical figures come along within the Realm of Planet Earth that can accidentally lock onto those emotions. And if such a person were to become emotionally damaged himself, his attempts to vent his anger at the world can also inspire us to vent our own anger in a manner that would signify insubordination. It is important to stand up to our leaders to educate them when they make human errors. But never to insult them in a disgruntled attack of revenge. Hate begets Hate. Fire fought with more Fire can only result in More Fire and Destruction. THAT is why Donald Trump’s Irresponsible Presidency came to an end. He made the bad decision to immediately fire anyone who dared to stand up to him because they considered his beliefs and intentions to be unethical. He absolutely REFUSED to listen to reason. It was his way or the highway. And he lived in total disillusion and denials that just because he allowed the law to harm people and separate families, surely he must not have been as guilty of the crimes as historical figures such as Adolph Hitler. But THAT is what happens when unchecked power is allowed to run rampant without the proper rule of ethical laws. THAT is what happens when we refuse to act on those laws, or question if there is a good reason for their instillment, even if it results in total heartbreak that would make all of us want to vent our rage and punch a hole in the wall. It is possible for a Goddess or Demon to become emotionally compromised and lose themselves in the moment, even to someone who may be underestimated such as a human with proper writing abilities.


Kevin Neece has not been properly trained within the realm of Magic, and only understands the cliff notes. His one trick that he performs with the Bad Goddess cartoons is the only trick he knows how to perform and he learned it through trial and error practices that we never thought about. Everything that resulted in his Weapon of Mass Destruction was caused by Mistakes, and assessments of trial and error. Nobody believed he had the power to do it. Because the idea of an anime cartoon featuring mythology goddesses that Earth Own Government’s Refuses to Acknowledge of Existence is exactly what Kevin Neece claims to be. Wacky, Idiotic, Off the Wall, and Outside the Box. He even recognized that he had become a Master of Emotional Manipulation and that Russ McKamey of his super villain polar opposite. Kevin Neece and Russ McKamey are the very yin and yang of a Human Doublet Connection. They are the exact opposite of each other in their intentions, by fully connectible by their abilities of public speaking, writing, emotional manipulation, repeated hypnotic words, and angry poetry. Everybody underestimated him because they egotistically believed that fully educated knowledge is power and a lack of fulfillment on that part must not be susceptible as a threat. But there are two different kinds of Wisdom. Books Smarts, and Streets Smarts gained through the heartbreak of trial and error, and tragically self destructive life experience. Because sometimes it takes a lifetime to heartbreak to learn humility, when the heartbreak that you suffer can feel like a lifetime. How did the Magic Spell Escalate. Kevin Neece took no consideration for the feelings of the Goddesses he was invoking and it resulted in his Father dying from a Heart Attack two days into his retirement vacation. It lead to an EPA Government Conspiracy Mystery that could result in an Entire City of People being poisoned with Cancer Inducing Dioxin through the Tap Water supply. Kevin Neece has no knowledge of what City could fall victim to such a threat, but from the research materials provided to him on youtube, has picked up on the fact that many of the activists came from the Houston Texas area. Can you imagine Houston City falling victim to such a tragedy, because the people in charge of filtering news leads and tips through their online website could be within the pockets and influence of law enforcement and politicians to control and streamline how their society chooses to access dangerous situations.

Doctor What:

It’s awfully convenient that the COPPA scare almost went under the radar because Donald Trump’s impeachment took the full spotlight in the news. Millions of Innocent People are Celebrating unaware that right under their noses, they should have been preparing for the storm, and that their own politicians may be so distracted by their own egotistical political ambitions, that the passion of a nobody such as Kevin Neece might be overlooked by everyone at the top of the ladder. That is why it was important that he write this story within full view of the Austin Chief of Police. He knew that he needed responsible guidance and supervisor shadowing to oversee his mistake and decide when it was time to step in and say no. He knew from personal experience, that his skillset as a writer was better than his ability as an improv public speaker because he recognized that all his attempts to address serious situations on camera came off as unintentionally comical that would make somebody want to shut off the video and not listen to what he had to say. He even recognized the FBI’s flaws within their assessment of information tips and how they could block someone’s attempts to guide them towards the important issues that were needed to prevent such a disaster as COPPA and Bad Goddess from the San Jacinto Waste Pits from happening. The FBI and US Government do not accept unsolicited hard drives due to cyberterrorism and malware issues. But all of the information takes up an entire Trillobyte Hard Drive. The Hard Drives were entirely necessary to give them the full information that they needed and they didn’t know what the problem was because they refused to look at it or respond to his online tip submissions even when they knew it involved.a personal issue involving the death of his whistleblower father. And how did this Escalate and Backfire Times Three.


The pain he experienced from his father’s death led to him being emotionally backed into a corner. The Irony Spell Backlash of him satirizing Kosuke Fujishima’s marital problems lead to his own wife Angela separating from him, and both Kosuke Fujishima’s and Kevin Neece’s marriages came to an end after fifteen years. They were absolutely effected. He caught all of you right in the act. He knew that Angela Soto had fallen under the influence of the Spirits that were haunting his cartoons, and now he’s practically confirmed it after he picked up on his own possession through the human errors that showcased themselves in his own writing. He caught the demonic influence redhanded because whoever chose to mess with and manipulate his marital affairs intentionally chose to flip him off by making her dye her hair so that he reminded her of Urd from the Anime Show, and her personal to such an extent that her own mother noticed. You intentionally gave yourselves away and underestimated that he would be able to psychologically pick up the pieces of the puzzle through his own actions. As Kevin Neece posted on the Fate of a Nation webpage, Ah My Goddess the series is like one great big masturbation joke that has been stroking itself for thirty years and did not cosplay until Kosuke Fujishima blew his wad into a twenty year old cosplayer. You all took personal offense to that statement, because if that was how he viewed Kosuke Fujishima, then that must automatically be how he views all of you. And how did he almost choose to comically backlash on all of us through his writing.

Doctor What:

The Goddess/Demon who pushed him into Spiritual Doublet Marriage Sex tried to relate to him by saying that she liked to masturbate too. Guess what that gave away. If we are all immortal deities, goddesses, and demons who are banned from physical sexual relations under strict conditions, then how must we all choose to deal with our building sexual stress? He figured it out. The Goddesses must be chronic masturbators because they have no other release. And he was planning to turn it into a Weapon of Mass Destruction that would have resulted in the world's largest ghost sex mutual masturbation ritual ever performed on Law Enforcement Officers. Only Kevin Neece is twisted enough to pull a prank like that. Kosuke Fujishima intentionally hid the true nature of how a Doublet Marriage was performed by making it look like a magic special effect when the real life version of it was a sexual mutual masturbation experience with an unknown entity. That was too graphic to be included in a children’s cartoon so nobody was aware that such a danger existed when he experimented with the Ouija Boards and Cartoons. He did not know what you were doing to him, and did not realize the consequences of what it would look like in front of the general public and the law until it was too late. How did he choose to assess this information? Were you trying to help him or protect him, or were you trying to set him up because he logically found a way to expose your existence to the entire US Government. Did your attempts to scare or destroy him deter him from doing what was right.


He confessed to his daughter by making her read the article so that she would have a full assessment of what would happen and how she would survive if your actions had resulted in him being put on a sex offender registry. It was too blatantly obvious that you set him up that even a police psychoanalyst would have picked up on it when they researched his extensive porn background on Redtube to find that nearly all of the woman he viewed were within their twenties to late forties. His innocence is expressed within the full confession and explicit attention to details and explanations of his confess that he wrote within full view of the Austin Chief of Police so that a Psychoanalyst and Officer who investigates into crimes involving the Occult could assess if what had happened to him was a serious mental break that must be immediately addressed. He knew that because it involved a sexual situation, that in order to explain what happened, he would have to give specific graphic details.

Doctor What:

Those details could have resulted in the Goddess involved in the sex sessions suffering traumatizing embarrassment when they were reread to the jury in a court case that was being monitored by our own employees, and as we all know, scandalous confessions that get spread around our workplace can lead to serious damage in our work duties and damage the innocent intention of a Goddess or Demon who may have sincerely been seeking love, or possibly making a spiritual connection to him so that they could assimilate his cathartic writing abilities to assess what powers he had developed and how they could be a danger to our way or life, or how to deal with the intense situation that could have resulted in the loss of human life. Remember, he logically deduced that if the Goddesses are responsible for the fates of all human life on the planet, then they must also be responsible for construction the tragic deaths involved in warfare and mass environmental disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons and volcanic eruptions, or even concentration camp prisoners being led to the gas chambers and ovens. He assessed that we might not care about the danger of the situation he had accidentally put himself in through his irresponsible use of magic. He picked up on the fact that his thought process was being manipulated, which also provided the possibility that his mistakes that set up the entire incident may have been a devious attempt by the demons to hijack the satirical nature of his anime show to showcase one of their major disasters to everyone on the national news, thus providing the Gods historical precedence that could be remembered by history in the same manner as the Christian Bible or the Poetic Edda.


And let’s not forget that Snorri Sturleson was a Christian who tried to preserve our heritage for new generations when the Religious takeover that attempted to wipe out our religion spread across Norway and Viking Culture. This was set off by a miracle performed his front of a major historical government monarchy figure by a man who held a burning poker in his hands without damage. Because that’s all it takes to change the perception of a religious. Visual proof to an entire Government Congress that their views on the afterlife may be mistaken. Seeing isn’t supposed to be Believing. Believing is supposed to Be Seeing. It ruins our ability to assess the trials and tribulations that humanity must be put through to earn their place across the dimensions. If everyone was already given the right answers to the test in advance, then did they really pass the test, or by cheating their was from someone else’s provided answers, it could result in them being given responsibilities that they had not earned or been psychologically prepared for. The San Jacinto Waste Pits Disaster that exists later on down the road was caused by Irresponsible Bosses who felt they needed to cheat their way to the end through the test instead of solving the actual problem, which could have seriously backfired and instilled doubt in their own government’s ability to handle and deal with these situations.

Doctor What:

We need people on earth to solve problems that we cannot solve ourselves. Because even with all of the power in the world to control the environments, and manipulate the thought process of a human being, even we ourselves are prone to human error which could be dangerous. Kevin Neece truly believed that the Gods and Goddesses were completely apathetic to the crisis of humanity because he witnessed what happened when a compromised government system was allowed to run wild with no one to tell them no. He did not pick up on the fact, that his own existence was the proof that God placed on earth to try and handle the situation, and even access that which problems he did not have the ability to solve and which Gods and Goddesses he needed to bring the warning to. The Christians believe that all of the Demons are Heartless and Evil. They even Believe that the Goddesses are Demons Themselves. Kevin Neece knew that the Demons were just a flip side of the coin meant to provide balance to the Good and Evil Actions of Planet Earth, and that if one of them had that answer to the problem that the Goddesses did not, he could approach them as long as he treated them in a respectful manner, and even grant them an outlet to showcase their passion that even they did not really want to see the human race wiped out by their own stupidity.


Our existence and our life force depends on the energy of human souls gained by reaching out to and helping specific people with their lives, to help them release that no matter what damaging behavior they have instilled upon themselves, anyone can change their license, anyone can change their life, and even God’s love can see into the Heart of a Demon willing to meet the challenge halfway. Because in the end, we are all two different departments who work in collaboration for the same company and the same purpose, to provide the balance that keeps life in check. Because if our irresponsible choices, and influence on a human being’s thought process, most especially those who have been compromised and risen up into the American Government System, if it wipes out our market share, how will we all survive? We all have to live here, and both realities depend on each other.

Doctor What:

Kevin Neece’s secret joke hidden with The Fate of a Nation, was based on a theory that if God and Jesus Christ himself were standing in front of the Republican Christian Congress and Televangelists, they would not recognize him. Because their Misconceptions of Gods Through the Media have unexpectedly raised their expectations to something that may not be reasonable. What Kevin Neece has presented with the Ah My Goddess satire Bad Goddess, is that a large majority of Ah My Goddess fans desperately want to believe their Kosuke Fujishima’s Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld, are real which could result in dangerous and unchecked experiments with Ouija Boards and Goddess Invocations, which resulted in a Weapon of Mass Destruction Threat that nobody had witnessed before. Who took the situation seriously? Only Kevin Neece did. He knew that as the DVD depended on the Energy of a Goddess or Demon to become effective, the only way to stop it was to gain the Goddesses full attention and realization of how serious the situation was. And the only way to do that was to reach out to everyone in Congress and scare everyone into believing that the existence of their culture could be logically proven to the Entire United States Government on Nationwide Television all over the world. And the person who reached out to him was a Demon. Make no mistake, Kevin Neece is a Master of Devastating Emotional Manipulation and if he pushes it too far, eventually somebody is going to be forced to come out of hiding and give away the answers to life itself. How do you believe he is going to turn around and use such information if he believes that you are all a dangerous threat to children and human beings susceptible to the Misrepresented Images provided through fictional television and social media.


Marller Gets a Spinoff: Marller Finds Jesus may be foul mouthed, vulgar, and insulting to their that hold their faith to heart, but that is how a damaged soul like Kevin expresses himself. It unleashes his repressed anger to warn everyone through the art of angry poetry and satire that they may have been bamboozled by the elements of history. We need modern updates of our history to human culture because the knowledge that has been passed along for centuries has fallen victim to cherry picking and the telephone game, where stories are mistakenly changed over time from one religious mythology to another into something entirely other that will eventually be taken at face value by people who are ignorant, arrogant, prideful, and hypocritical within the beliefs of their religion. Not everybody thinks outside the box or maintains an honest open fair ended mind like Kevin Neece does, and how can we expect a man who shows compassion to everyone including the demons be expected to function if everyone attacks him over their own pride and egos? Marller Finds Jesus completely speaks the truth. Jesus Christ was a man with ideas, who may have been misrepresented and fantasized and cherry picked by the Catholic Church in an attempt to control their society, in the exact same manner that Donald Trump and Government Officials choose to use Nationwide News and Social Media to focus an audience’s attention where they want them to look, when they should always be checking the opposite direction. Kevin Neece’s tragically ironic twist ending is that after the resurrection, nobody who met Jesus in the flesh for the first time recognized him as the son of god because the fantasy mythology elements of his story had been so widespread and blown out of purporting that nobody could accept the fact that Jesus was just a man. And it’s intelligent and passionate assessment came from the demon Mara Marller, who had previously gone on a foul mouthed rampage expressing that if she had ever met the real Jesus Christ, she would give him a good fucking talk to the management, and immediately after meeting him, none of her traveling companions believe her because she had completely changed into a passionate sympathetic personality, and they did not get to see Jesus with their own eyes. Mara Marller recognized Jesus as the son of God because as a demon, she could feel the spiritual energy emanating off of him that a normal human would not have the mental awareness to recognize without intense spiritual training. The reason that she no longer wears her face emblems is because she stood up to Hild-sama after being put on trial for treason, which was completely out of character for her, and Hild-sama immediately recognized that there may be a problem she was unaware of. In order to save face in front of the jury, Hild-sama chooses to strip Mara Marller of her powers and banish her to earth as a human being so that she may still have a second chance to make a new life for her. And she chooses to run off with the Time Lord because she recognized she had gained the love and support of friendship. This decision was inspired by Austin Public Access director Gavin Stone passionately trying to reach out to Kevin Neece when he was kicked off of Public Access by judgmental coworkers who refused to take the time to understand or access why he made the statements that pissed them off, and the implications are that the phone call conversation was spread around the station by a coworker that was lashing out at Kevin Neece because she was disturbed by his severe bipolar mannerisms he was exhibiting from brainstorming the development of Bad Goddess. Kevin Neece’s inner thought process is he previews and plays out the scenes in his imagination and emotionally reacts to them in public, and nobody who is within his presence has context for what he is thinking about or why he keeps breaking down laughing. This feels very similar to the recent release of Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker as the lead character suffers from an unknown mental trauma that causes him to break down laughing in a schadenfreude manner that he has no control over, and was caused by childhood abuse. Kevin Neece was not physically abused as a child. It’s the bipolar disorder. He knows that Social Media and Public Perception will accidentally associate him to a movie that had everyone afraid would escalate into theater shootings, including the Police, and this hysteria was caused by Mass Media because they wanted to start a panic that would result in higher ratings. It’s blatantly obvious to everyone, and I’m pretty sure the Police Psychoanalysts must have picked up on that too. Kevin Neece knows that if he doesn’t keep a straight face and behave himself in public, it could accidentally result in deadly consequences by police officers who have no context for his behavior, which is what caused everyone to lash out at him at Kick Butt Coffee.

Doctor What:

Because Magic is Misdirection, and Every Statement Could Carry a Double Meaning. The Frailty of Human Perception can sometimes cause them to misconstrue someone’s intentions if viewed from the wrong angle from someone who is invisible. Your intentions and actions go in all different directions because they absolutely have no context. In the human errors of your own egos, you have taken human beings for granted and their abilities to destroy your piece of mind and compromise your emotions in a way that could affect your ability to function at work and maintain control over a dangerous influence that could move mountains and wipe out the foundations of the Earth. Planet Earth is always going to be around, but every great civilization has fallen to the dangers of time. Is that to suggest that we should not care if all we witness if unavoidable death and irresponsibility? Once again, our society depends on the co-operation of human faith, belief in the afterlife, and the love and determined of their souls. Kevin Neece is entirely right. Human Civilization is catching up with the times, and self aware Meta films such as Deadpool, The Lego Batman Movie, and Bad Goddess may be inspiring people to think in existential terms that will cause them to re-assess all of us from a physical literal assessment. Seeing isn’t Believing. Believing is Seeing. We’ve just found another one that can see, because his mind automatically reads between the lines… and he used Kosuke Fujishima’s Ah My Goddess as an instruction manual contrasted against the rules of witchcraft to view the Ah My Goddess series as a possible recruitment tool like the Arcade Machine in The Last Starfighter. What the fuck Kevin, stop inserting your stupid pop culture reference into this cartoon… wait, what the… why would I write that about myself… it’s the Doublet Connection, isn’t it? And if Mokkurkalfi is so all knowing, why wouldn't she recognize the importance of the Last Starfighter pop culture reference? It's as if she never watched the movie, and didn't understand the necessary entertainment value element needed from pop culture to keep an audience entertained while engaging in thoughtful discussion. Possibly because all she wants to do is read books.


Kevin Neece is not stupid. It is blatantly obvious that Mokkurkalfi is the smartest person in the room because she assimilates information to educate herself from other people’s mistakes in the same manner as a Nuclear Intelligence Defense System trying to assess the danger of whether Dangerous Action is necessary. He knew from the very beginning when his writing abilities completely veered away from the comedy skit he imagined while shopping at the supermarket. I would now like to show you what his original skit was. Once again, he made fun of our attempts to grant wishes by wishing the entire law enforcement and government system receive Doublet Connections so that they may gain better wisdom to prevent another Donald Trump incident from happening, and he knew to put us in check with the wish by allowing the US Citizens to decide for themselves if these knew Government Entities with greater wisdom should be kicked out of office. Kevin Neece’s Witchcraft Invocation cartoon feels like a Satire of Coup D’Tats written to entertain a Demon seeking sick amusement. This wish presented in this comedy skit feels like a real Coup D’Tat to rid himself of Republican Stupidity, and then get all of us thrown out on our asses if we misuse your power and influence in a manner that puts human society in danger. And he’s right. It did. Everything about the Republican Party and Christian Televangelist Vote feels like it was planned and manipulated by a demon that was trying to mask his intentions under the false pretense of Christianity and Self Righteousness. And who taught him this idea? Mainstream Sitcom Television. It was the Good Place. The writers of the show understood the importance of satire in our society and its use in pointing our all the flaws in our system. Mokkurkalfi is assessing his thought process to gain information, and Kevin is reading it back to himself and getting an assessment of her intelligence and what she thinks of his actions and humanity in general.

Doctor What:

This dialogue does not feel like the action of an evil demon. This feels like the actions of a management official making a report to her staff members. It is nothing like the original comedy skit that Kevin wrote, as if they are both fighting over the wheel in a collaboration. And the mental feeling in his mind is that the Puppeteer Mokkurkalfi is trying to take over. Kosuke Fujishima’s character is a work of fiction, but his assessment of her behavior, the way that he chose to re-write her abilities, and his delayed merging of her personality with Doctor What to turn her into a Superhero for his Daughter has either created a personality that is much more intelligent than he is, or is a different person who has intercepted him from a Doublet Connection that he is self aware of. Who watches the Watchmen. And if Mokkurkalfi’s wavelength works like a Nuclear Intelligence Defense System collecting information about possible threats, what can he learn from it to better his situation. It is quite clear that she has the ability to fully take over the wheel and cause him to black out, but she intentionally allows him to fight her because she needs to know how he is studying her behavior. The Goddesses have literally turned Doctor What into a real person, albeit without an actual time machine, and logic suggests that he doesn’t even need one as it would only put him in unnecessary danger due to the religious ignorance of the different time periods.


Why does Kevin Neece believe we are interdimensional aliens who were misconstrued as Gods from a Primitive Viking Culture? It’s because of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s original Thor movie. Thor felt extremely half baked but the explanation made perfect sense so that the producers could explain away the existence of magic in the Iron Man marvel universe. And then they backtracked on themselves when they introduced Doctor Strange. Kevin Neece intentionally burned the Ouija Board to test us and see if the Reversal Spell featured in Kosuke Fujishima’s Manga is real, and Doctor Strange even uses such a spell in his movie. Thanos also uses the reversal spell to retrieve an infinity stone that had previously been destroyed. Who taught Kevin Neece to do this? It was his father. He hid the inheritance files by backing them up with the Macintosh Time Machine program and deleting them off the computer. He knows that if the original Parker Brothers Ouija Board is necessary to undo the possible damage that he’s done, that we are the only ones he trusts to retrieve it ourselves as Donald Trump’s Administration is too irresponsible to be in possession of such a dangerous weapon of influence. Even if they used their own boards, there is no guarantee that they would have the ability to invoke the exact same spirits that Kevin Neece invoked. Because in the end, the Spiritual Influence of a Ouija Board is invisible to the naked eye and can be intercepted by a demonic influence that impersonates people. Kevin Neece refers to his writing partner as Mokkurkalfi, but it’s really her alternate reality counterpart who may be going under a different name, and yet the puppeteer effect is still visible in her actions. Everything about Kevin’s perception of us is he is taking us at a physical face flat value instead of the guessing game provided by religious beliefs. He knows that we are real because of Mokkurkalfi’s influence on him. Kevin Neece may exhibit a sort of Street Intelligence, but Mokkurkalfi is clearly displaying a writing style that could only have been picked up by reading centuries of books and intelligence gathering. What’s slightly ironic about this is Kevin Neece’s final crossover adventure is a spinoff of A Certain Magical Index that shoots straight off like a rocket into Wackyland and turns into a movie hopping dimensional travel movie loosely inspired by elements of John Ritter’s Stay Tuned, and the connection that Mara Marller’s spinoff is about a group of Anti-Hero Demons who have gone vigilante to save us from our own escaped prisoners, being paired up with Stay Tuned, a movie about Demons creating an obstacle course of Demonic Television as a Contest of Wills for the human beings stupid enough to make contracts with them, does not feel accidentally. Kevin Neece drew the Demonic Society’s attention because the single creative choice that he made was logically in tune with a Demon, and intentionally used to entertain the spirits in the afterlife because he suspected we were real. Kevin Neece used Little Nicky, one of Adam Sandler’s most reviled movie, to the most comical reboot effect that I have ever witnessed. And the scenes with Welsper visiting Love Hina and Ah My Buddha both exhibit logical that makes the demonic society sound like they operate on the same morals and principles as the Goddess Society, and the only explanation would be that Kosuke Fujishima misrepresented them to because Angels are supposed to be Automatically Good while Demons are perceived as Automatically Bad, while Kevin Neece understands that there is a collaboration and understanding between both governments as even the Goddesses must have a prison for their lawbreakers and the staff members of Niflheim are really police officers performing sting operations by tempting their human soul market with Good Fortune to see who will take the bait and fall into evil behavior. This does not feel like the work of a Government System that is unjustifiably evil, this feels like a Law Enforcement Agency that has been misrepresented by storytelling, social media, and religious ignorance as being unjustifiably sadistic and cruel when the tradeoff that they are offering is an intelligence that was gathered from thousands of years of human history, and even the Satanists are aware of this ability, but many of them have tried and failed because they went for that power irresponsibly and for the wrong reasons while Kevin Neece genuinely wants to change his license and help people to redeem himself and save his soul from the intense guilt trip he brought on himself as a child by rebelling against the Bannockburn Church due to behavior that he deemed to be hypocritical and the warning signs of a religious cult that does not operate on common sense or compassion towards other human beings, most especially the LGBT crowd.

Doctor What:

Kevin Neece was blacklisted for nearly a decade and refused contact by everyone that he looked up to, and the ones who showed him compassion were Eddie Rotten and the LGTB community members of Zombie Life TV who offered him friendship and even forgave him after the scandal that got him booted off the station. Kevin Neece was so grateful for the compassion that they showed him that he made Austin Drag Icon Brenda Dickerson the main star of his documentaries in the exact same manner that Martin Scorsese works with Robert DeNiro and Leonardo DiCaprio, or Sam Raimi works with Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi. Kevin Neece’s creative choice to succeed Charlie Day as Doctor What, who was perfectly cast and could have held the entire series by himself, was to replace him with Gay Actor Stephen Geoffreys, famous for his work as a vampire named Evil Ed in Fright Night, and a demon named Hoax in 976-EVIL, and would later walk out on his career to moonlight in the Gay Porn Industry under the name Sam Ritter, thus the point of recasting Doctor What as Stephen Geoffreys was to grant someone who threw away his film career a second chance at life. Kevin Neece doesn’t just adhere to the pop culture choices of his own liking, he knows what to sell to his audience and he intentionally designed Marller Gets a Spinoff to gain a compassionate response and possible entertainment value from the Demons, and even considered the possibility of passing the show off to them for further development as long as they understood the consequences of the danger elements that were presented and that the show was supposed to showcase the compassion, forgiveness, and understanding of what Kevin Neece’s ideals of what a Christian Society should be like when they practice the beliefs of Jesus Christ through their actions rather than the religious choice that they apply to themselves to stroke their own egos like a masturbatory Jesus fantasy. Let Jesus Fuck You. Let Jesus Fuck You. You Know What She Just Did Your Cunting Daughter. It’s exactly like the joke Eric Cartman makes in South Park when he starts up a Christian Boy Band and the manager calls him out for plagiarizing other people’s love songs and replacing the women with Jesus Christ. The Manager picked up on the fact that Cartman’s lyrics sounded like he was actually in love with Jesus, in a sexual manner, rather that the kind of faith that would be gathered by the love of an idealistic philosophy rather than a physical representation meant to prove to everyone that we were real. Kevin Neece doesn’t hate God or Jesus Christ, but he is completely sickened by all of the fake christians committing the worst crimes in current social media history that he denies the existence of Jesus in The Rejected Sequel to satirize the fact that the Norse Mythology could might not know where to find him in their version of heaven. Instead the Norse Goddesses show compassion to the Christian Refugees by showing them the compassion that they are supposed to be showcasing by putting on a comedy USO show with offbeat Jesus Christ actors from the marijuana induced creative writing of the 1970s. Such figures include Victor Garber from Godspell, Alan Arbus from Greaser's Palace who is the only actual Jewish actor to play Jesus in a mainstream live action movie. Matt Stone sort of counts, but not really, because South Park is animated. And then there's the Jesus performance of Klaus Kinski, who was famous for violently lashing out in anger at his directors, yet repeatedly hired because he was simply a great actor to watch onscreen. Klaus Kinski is an angry satirist influence on Kevin Neece’s writing, just as Werner Herzog’s formula to intermix fictional plots with real life people and their backgrounds, such as Bruno S’s Stroszeck, was a deeply imbedded influence on the existential meta nature of Bad Goddess. Harlan Ellison was another outspoken angry influence who called bullshit on everybody and did not stand for his work being stolen, litigiously pursuing each and every one of the online pirates who dared to mock him under the false pretense that they were invisible and untouchable. Kevin Neece’s reasoning is they completely deserved what he did to them because they did not showcase the common sense to realize that Harlan Ellison did try to offer them a chance to back out through his legal threats, and they flipped him off anyways, and none of them were laughing when he took their cars and bank accounts in the lawsuits. Kevin Neece knows that there is a chance that Harlan Ellison will litigiously pursue him if he references and provides an assessment of his own in Angry Candy in the Bad Goddess Keys of Marinus Serial. Angry Candy is a book of science fiction stories that Josh Becker convinced Kevin Neece to read, and got completely blown off to the point that Kevin Neece only read it when he was sitting around waiting in a hospital and had nothing else to do.


That is the key element to Kevin Neece’s psychology, he is inner distracted by movies and pop culture which he showcases through his writing on Bad Goddess and his creative choices of music, something that he suspects Mokkurkalfi might not have a proper assessment of if all she reads are books and works 24/7 in an office located in Niflheim. It’s like an overworked Police Officer who has absolutely no time for a private family life because she is too obsessed with solving the crimes presented in her work. Does Mokkurkalfi actually take time out of her life to enjoy modern day cinema or does she simply cheat her way into the knowledge by assimilating the intelligence of others who choose to invoke her for a Goddess’s Wisdom and Information of History? Mokkurkalfi probably does have the ability to develop Bad Goddess into a much more intelligent satire show, but if she abandons the formula of comedy and entertainment and human compassion displayed towards the demons and the running theme that anybody can find the love of faith and change their lives for the betterment of human society, even if it involved teaching the perceived villains that they must be saved from themselves by someone who has the balls and intelligence to know when it’s time to call bullshit to get the job done. Somebody who understands that sometimes we must self sacrifice ourselves and our public image in order to achieve that effect. Kevin Neece understands why we put him through the traumatic order of a Doublet Connection when American Society will accidentally take it at face value and violently lash out at him because of the implications being connected to Kosuke Fujishima’s original depiction of Mokkurkalfi as an immortal teenager which does not accurately represent real life and cannot be proven by anybody in the real world as the spirit world is invisible. The Government and Law Enforcement Agencies cannot prove Mokkurkalfi’s true physical appearance and identity because the Law does not prosecute people based on Mythology and Faith Beliefs unless it results in serious crimes being committed such as Murder, Assault, and Occult Sacrifice. The Goddesses/Demons were brutally offended by his implications in lashing out at Kosuke Fujishima when he should have been showing compassion and understanding as the Goddesses/Demons may be thousands of years old which puts them in a situation where they cannot ethically be with anybody without being called out for it by an ignorant public society brainwashed by fake news and social media constructed and manipulated for propaganda purposes. Donald Trump’s impeachment was necessary because he simply went too far, and the Republican Party crossed the line by putting our human soul resources in danger. The Goddesses/Demons could not think of a proper solution to deal with Republican Ignorance and Arrogance and Kevin Neece showcased a passionate ability to call bullshit on them and show them the error of their ways using cathartic fate, allegory drawn from mythology, satire inspired by real life issues, and psychological warfare that he studied by torturing himself with viewings of Russ McKamey’s McKamey Manor. Kevin Neece even had an imagined fantasy that perhaps someone with an unbreakable faith could make it to the point where Russ McKamey would be forced to call things off, but understands that nobody in the spirit world would ever wish to inflict such a needless horrible fate upon him when his abilities, love for the human soul in everyone, and well meaning attempts to reach out and help people are more important that trying to stroke his own ego as a Superhero in front of an Audience that already despised McKamey Manor to begin with. Only a fucking Sadist could bring themselves to sit through those videos, or someone who was fascinated to learn a few tricks from his enemies for a greater moral cause.

Doctor What:

I would point out to the audience immediately that a good writer knows how to differentiate his characters by providing them with their own distinctive personalities and differing dialogue, and Kevin Neece’s writing feels like every one of his cartoon characters share the same personality and opinions and only vaguely setting themselves apart because of their physical appearance and voice actors, well, when he chooses to use them. Nobody wants to do a voice cast for Bad Goddess because it’s a lost cause that could put their careers in danger in an industry that condemns and prosecutes piracy and the only reason Kevin Neece has survived is because he was willing to work with the police and the FBI to allow them to study his background and research tactics. This he learned from the back story of check forger Frank Abagnale, the star subject matter of Catch Me If You Can. Kevin Neece even sent out one of the evidence hard drives to Frank Abagnale as he foresaw him as an inspirational hero that should be emulated by any master who engaged in original and outside the box criminal behavior so that America’s Law Enforcement can better themselves in catching criminals. The irony and contradiction of this hero identity that is being applied to Frank Abagnale is the reason he worked with the FBI was because he got caught while Kevin Neece chose to come forward repeatedly of his own free will because his conscience demanded that he do better in life. It was the Goddesses and Doctor What that changed and developed his personality. He fell for the ideals of his own fictional character unaware that all of this advice was coming from himself and being projected into the character of Doctor What, whose identity was applied to Mokkurkalfi. Kevin Neece picked up on the elements of the story that Doctor What’s adventures oftentimes went in two different directions and double meanings showcasing that he may be a villain in disguise, or even better, someone who arrived with villainous intention and was transformed into a cathartic superhero who doesn’t always have all the answers but inspires and pushes everyone that he comes into contact with to think outside the box to find a solution to the problem when he gets taken out of commission and can no longer help them. And that’s the key element, Passion, Love, and Cathartic Emotions. He wants to instill and inspire these qualities within a demon society because that is exactly what a real Christian would do, they would charge straight into the clutches of Hell to save souls that have the potential to redeem themselves. These are the actions put into practice that are what a real Christian should showcase towards others that do not share their beliefs, including the Demons themselves. And that is why he sees those qualities within the compassionate actions of Saul Ravencraft, a man who claims that he has taken people seeking out a spiritualist into the dark realm to stand up to their inner demons, and warns Kevin Neece that once you cross that point of no return, a piece of you always stays behind. Thus Kevin Neece can work in collaboration with these people to help solve problems without actually throwing his life into damnation. He is the Christian Element that mediates an understanding between the Goddess Realm and the Demon Realm. He is the person who tried to change his license to such an extent that he was willing to sacrifice his life, his freedom, his public image, and even the companionship of his own family because he understood that the safety and welfare of an Entire Nation is More Important that the Life of One Man, but the Voice and the Passion of a Nobody Can Make a Difference.


Kevin Neece completely updated that manner in which he chose to showcase passion to prevent himself from retreading his usual phrase, that sometimes winning the battle can lose you the war, because a story from the heart can fight a hundred battles, a message from the soul can win a thousand wars, and the passion of a nobody can topple an empire… or perhaps sneak in underneath the fence unnoticed to instill ideas of inception into those that he feels are abusing their powers and crossing the line. Kevin Neece believed that he needed a publicity stunt to stop these disaster scenarios from happening, but comes to the conclusion that because Congress blew off his messages, perhaps venting his passion and his cathartic rage and allegory into an intelligent article that showcase both the irony of why COPPA does not benefit children, but also why Church and State must remain separate and why the Zealots should be mindful not to run their mouths on public television in front of a national audience when it could give people who showcase that power ideas. The only people who need to read this article are the Law Enforcement Agencies and the FTC higher ups so that they can assess if Kevin Neece’s points are of value and if Joseph Simons has the intelligence to heed his warning and not put people’s welfare in danger over a bunch of digital information that a majority believe they have no use for and nothing to do with. Why should they be punished and lose their livelihood because a corrupt Government Official wants to misuse the fining system to help refund the Government’s National Debt and Law Enforcement Agency Funds. The Irony that their thoughtless actions could accidentally result in a large portion of their own Law Enforcement Officials falling victims to their corruption practices, while they are arrogantly showcasing their superiority of protecting the law on the internet to flip off those who are about to lose everything. A Normal person would want revenge. But Kevin Neece understands that life does not work that way. It is not worth taking down the entire United States of America just so all the Civilian Activists who hate Police Officers and ICE Immigration can watch them get a comeuppance. The higher road of understanding is to teach these law enforcement officials the human error of their own behavior through philosophy and intelligently written satire articles about our Society and how the warning signs of the Fall of an Empire Society always present themselves into the Arts, Media, and Movies because the language of cinema is a time capsule of the time period it was shot in and it is impossible not to pick up on these news elements as they affect the thought processes of the writers. The Police Psychoanalysts might very well dismiss Mokkurkalfi’s influence as a work of schizophrenia, but the jaw dropping change in the thought process of Kevin Neece’s collaborative writing is impossible to shrug off or deny. Because in the end, a Spiritual Entity will always be the smartest person in the room as they have lived long enough and read enough books to understand what brought about the downfall of these government societies. Also Kevin Neece should have picked up on by now, that if the Demons were mentally suggesting the US Congress and Senate, they would have shown more common sense in noticing the downfall warning signs that the United States of America are already showcasing to such an extent, that all of its citizens who are well studied in their own history are recognizing their human errors and posting it online. Just because these Republican Bastards are evil, does not mean they represent the ideals of the Deities in the Afterlife. Human Nature is a fickle bitch that sometimes runs out of control, and in the end, sometimes even an all powerful Goddess who controls the Elements of Fate is powerless to stop it. What would happen if a Gods Must Be Crazy scenario actually caused an Asatru Weapon of the Gods to fall into the hands of the Republican Party who claim to be Christian and Anti-Demon? It’s exactly what Kevin Neece suspects when he remembers the ending of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark and Doctor Strange. Those who are stupid enough to not read the warning label who get their asses handed to them, and people like Kevin Neece will recognize their mistakes and come forward to do everything in their power to warn them and mediate with them. But once again, Fate and the love of God only reach out to those who have the common sense to meet God halfway and recognize when somebody that showcases a form of Street Intelligence to point out the Flaws in their Ethics and Behavior comes forward to warn them of the danger involved. Kevin Neece understands the danger of what he’s done. He’s made many well intentioned mistakes in his attempts to fix them, and he has the self awareness to recognize those mistakes and immediately learn from them to think of different solutions. But Kevin Neece has no context for what realities can be accomplished in the spirit world, because the only manual he’s been given is an Anime Show called Ah My Goddess made by a man who drew on elements from other mangas and anime shows. Having said that, the manga that Kosuke Fujishima held full creative control over himself is the best version of Ah My Goddess and Kevin Neece recognized that Kosuke Fujishima’s work should not be fucked with in translation when all of the original elements could easily be transferred over in a manner that would be equally entertaining. Kevin Neece was right, the Niflheim Rebellion Saga Adaptation that introduces Kosuke Fujishima’s re-imagining of Mokkurkalfi would make a good anime series adaptation and even suspects that Kodansha Ltd may have been secretly producing it under the table due to a bunch of Pachinko Video Animations that were released back in 2011.

Doctor What:

This is without a doubt the most schizophrenic cartoon I have ever witnessed. You can clearly see Kevin Neece and Mokkurkalfi arguing and collaborating with each other when they are both self aware that they are the same person, rather than two separate voices, or a personality switch out disorder where one person blacks out and does not know what the other person is doing. Kevin Neece has repeatedly tried to show his original comedy skit in the manner and style of his original creative style, and Mokkurkalfi’s attention to logic and detail keeps accidentally overriding him to allow the comedy to come forward. Once again, Mokkurkalfi knows that Kevin Neece’s intentions are to run this cartoon through the Ouija Board process through the mirror, because this reads like a report being provided by the management as an experiment tests so that the Goddesses can assess the true situation, and Kevin Neece knows it and is a willing participate who is trying to help them. Because he understands the danger element involved. And he is willing to do the right thing to fix it. Mokkurkalfi isn't the smartest person in the room because she is all knowing, it's because she recognized that Kevin Neece was so Meta and Self Aware of his own actions and mental illness that he had the ability to catch all of her mistakes and tell her why he felt she was wrong and what she could do to better her own knowledge. Mokkurkalfi clearly has all of the philosophical thinking and existentialism involved in Bad Goddess down to a core, all she needs to work on are the entertainment and storytelling aspects of why the cartoons are entertaining to begin with. And part of that is building and assessing a knowledge databank of modern day pop culture.


P.S. The earlier dropped line, "that even an all knowing Goddess of Fate is powerless to stop it" suggests that Belldandy co-wrote the article under the guise of Mokkurkalfi as a joke to see if Kevin Neece would catch it. Still just a girl deep down aren't you Bell? Wait a minute, I just a realization... in You Never Go Full Meta, I point out that if the writer is God in the article of storytelling, and every single word that comes out of the anime goddesses mouth is really my dialogue, then the anime characters have no free will. Their free will is all an illusion. If I am the God that writes their story, then who is the Writer that creates the story of my life? Mokkurkalfi isn't the only puppeteer here. Bad Goddess is about a disgruntled employee using his film pitch to flip off his bosses at Kodansha Ltd... but I don't work for Kodansha, I work for... wait a minute… did Belldandy manipulate Kevin Neece like a puppet to write Bad Goddess and flip off Kosuke Fujishima?? But why would they put Kevin through so much pain and torment if they were all in on it?? It's because they wanted to end the show once and for all. It's Misrepresentations of Our Gods Through the Media all over again. They were sick to death of Ah My Goddess fandom, so they wanted to prevent it from ever being rebooted. And the only way they could do that is if some dumbfuck like Kevin Neece proved to the entire united states government that the show was a danger to children... Yes Kevin... You're my puppet... And I have a Wicked Way With Words That Will Lay Waste to Kosuke Fujishima's World with Magic Wonders You'd Never Believe. Say Your Prayers Kevin Neece and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye Because Your Soul Now Belongs to Me... Why would we put Kevin Neece through so much pain and suffering... well, ever since Ganchan passed on, there's been a big empty hole in our lives. We needed a new guy to we could toy with and push around... Kevin Neece, you are the gift that keeps on giving. Oh, and Kevin... are the Goddesses in real life actually Goddesses, or are they Norns? And if you claim that the Norns in Voluspo are a work of fiction, and the only way they could exist is if somebody named their children after them, then does that mean those Verdandi Urd and Skulds are the Norns? And if you so strongly feel that Kosuke Fujishima's fame and fortune he achieved on the Ah My Goddess series was the work of a Devil's Deal contract… then who did he make a contract with... and when Televangelist Pat Robertson went on Television and said that all pagan spirits were Demons... what do you think he meant by that... wait for it... wait for it...


It was staring you in the face all along. Belldandy Urd and Skuld are Asatru Demons.


The Greatest Trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing Humanity that he didn't exist under the false pretense of Christianity.


Some of the worst things done in human history were done by Christians and Catholics in the name of Jesus... now why do you think that is?


It's been staring you in the goddamn face all along. Every time you watch an episode of the Good Place.


I mean how many clues do we have to give you people? It's like the blind are jacking off the blind.


Gag Me a Fuck River.


Something that I've picked up from all of this dialogue, is a connection to the Mormon Religion. Many people jokingly refer to the Book of Mormon as the Fan Fiction of the religious universe, claiming that Joseph Smith made it up, while the Mormons themselves argue that he did not have the educational background to write such an extensively details book and history. Just as Kevin Neece doesn't have the education or background to think out everything written over the course of this past article. It was developed through the art of mental suggestion by someone who is clearly more intelligent than he is as a test to see if he can read between the lines and spot their mistakes. The implications of spiritual mental suggestion reveals the possibility that Joseph Smith really might have been influenced by a Deity when he wrote the Book of Mormon.This does not make the Book of Mormon the number one correct religion. Religion is a house with many rooms, and there are many different perspectives of how is should be approached by all of the different angles. 

As you may have noticed, I curated a specific soundtrack to this video using songs from the Bad Goddess soundtrack. My theory was that if I listened to these songs throughout my day for no reason, they would play in the minds and imaginations of the spirits I was connected to with no explanation, to such an extent, that said persons might break down quietly singing the lyrics to themselves in full view of all of their coworkers. I would ask said persons to stop and think about whether or not they have heard those songs before, or if they found themselves hearing the songs in their mind for the first time. I've also theorized, that whatever movies, books, or songs that I watch, read, or listen to, those spirits might be watching them through me like a medium. When I sat down and watched the Voice Track version of Bad Goddess, the video took on the disorienting witchcraft 3D effect from my perception, as I felt my perception slightly pushed back so that someone else could watch and study the movie. Said person was not interested in the visuals, and only focused on the subtitles. As if it were somebody who only reads books and does not care for movies or cinema.

Not to mention the graphic sexual connections that happen during a masturbation session. I used to be unable to perform such an act without the mental stimulation of hardcore porn. Now all of that imagery has been wiped from my imagination and all I can sense are two different women experiencing the same sexual performance with me at the same time at a distance, and I don't know why. Somebody posted a challenge on twitter to describe what the plot of my life would be like if it were a horror film. Right now that plot is Ah My Goddess meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets Mr Smith Goes to Washington. Witnessing the act of Spiritual Mental Suggestion really does open up the possibility that our politicians thought processes may have been compromised which is what lead to the downfall of our American Society.

I believe my joke theory at the end of the cartoon is not too far off the mark. The Norse Mythology names used in Kosuke Fujishima's Ah My Goddess series are not directly applied to angels or demons. They are applied to spiritual entities who all work on the same staff for the same company. Kosuke Fujishima's Oh My Goddess did not pick up an audience until five years into its run. My theory was when the deity figures realized that the manga was causing people to look into its Norse Mythology inspirations, the show functioned as a gateway to their religion.

Thus they made a contract with Kosuke Fujishima that resulted in the show becoming a full blown franchise, and he was given a set of religious characters to choose from which he separated into groups as Goddesses and Demons so that he could create a Hero vs Villain effect.

Thus giving off the impression that the Goddesses were Angels, when really all of them were Pagan Spirits that were not divided by sides. He simply altered our perception of them through the art of cinematic storytelling, and sexed them up into abilities that they did not showcase in real life so that they would be sellable to the anime crowd.

The theme of Misrepresentation of Our Gods Through the Media that runs throughout the Bad Goddess series specifically applies to Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Doctor What, and even Jesus Christ himself, as all of them have had their identities blown so far beyond normal expectations through the realm of cinematic storytelling, television shows, and religion, that nobody would recognize them in real life as they would be a completely different experience from the movies and anime shows that misrepresented them. In the Bad Goddess universe, Doctor What is the real Doctor Who, but all of the villains and aliens and adventures elements featured in the BBC television show are a work of fiction created by special effects artists. Thus Doctor What is aware of his similarity to the show and jokingly builds in his time travel spells into a replica of the Tardis, which when combined with Skuld's Space Doubler technology creates a Blue Box where the inside is bigger than the outside. And then he hides his time lord identity by slumming it on a Public Access show so that everyone would perceive him to be an impersonator. Doctor What is the real Doctor Who, but because everyone is in love with the BBC show, all of them are disappointed when they find out that none of those adventures would ever actually happen in real life when they finally meet the man who actually has the ability to do those things. Thus, he is shrugged off by everyone and completely taken for granted, no matter how many times he sets out to help someone.

Also, if Mokkurkalfi only gains her knowledge through books and mental assimilations, and has no love for pop culture, she might not have picked up on the joke reference to Rock n Rule. Debbie Harry's Maybe for Sure is a remake of Angel's Song from a Canadian Animated Cyberpunk Post Apocalyptic Fantasy called Rock and Rule, which features a supervillain voiced by Iggy Pop called Mok. My Name is Mok, Thanks a Lot. I'm the Greatest Thing Since World War Three. Goddamn Fucking Right You Are.

Now stick that in your staff meeting pipe and smoke it.

End of the Asatru Blot

Sincerely Kevin Neece

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