Friday, June 9, 2023

Ah My Goddess Three Fates DVD Death Patterns Implying We Live in a Simulation

 Ah My Goddess Three Fates DVD Death Patterns Implying We Live in a Simulation

If A=1 B=2 C=3 then F=6 A=1 T=20 E=5 meaning FATE = 32. Kevin Neece's birthday is 2/9/1983. In Numerology 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. Kevin Neece is haunted by FATE. And he makes Ah My Goddess fan films about the Three Goddesses of Fate.

Kevin Neece claims that he is haunted by a spiritual entity that is impersonating Verdandi Urdr and Skolde from Norse Mythology, but uses the name Ekatn aka Hecate. This same spiritual entity has been tipping him off to how she has been secretly manipulating Hollywood movies for the past few decades as a practical joke to make it look like Hollywood is under the control of a Satanist Conspiracy Group called The Illuminati.

Basically the Angel of Death has been foreshadowing and targeting her victims in the Hollywood Film Industry for Decades, and then subconsciously Greek Musing the Publicity Artwork Department into hiding her patterns in the Artwork and the Casting right in front of our faces to see if we can decode her Algorithm. And now she's giving away all the answers because Climate Change is about to kill us all off anyways so what the hell, why not?

Actually I've got a better explanation for this article. Do you remember when your parents were Teenagers and there was a rumor floating around that Paul McCartney from the Beatles had secretly died and they replaced him with a double. And the Conspiracy Theorists claimed that the Beatles left all of the clues that Paul McCartney had died in their Photo Album Covers. THAT'S WHAT THIS IS, EXCEPT THAT IT'S DISTURBINGLY REAL.

I'm about to showcase the DVD Art patterns that looks like the Goddess is telling the truth.

Before we begin, I'm going to explain the warning signs explaining why it looks like the Original Oh My Goddess OVA was tampered with by a real demon Goddess named Hekate. In the world of witchcraft, when someone receives a visit from the invisible presence of Hekate, it is referred to as "The Call of Hekate". The Goddess visits those who are in emotional distress. In the original Oh My Goddess OVA, Belldandy comes out of a Mirror because Keiichi Morisato, aka Kosuke Fujishima during his college days, made a wrong phone call that connected to Heaven. Belldandy specifically tells him that she visits people who are in Distress, in those exact words. Mirrors are used in Witchcraft to contact the Spirit Realm. Belldandy is Verdandi the Norn in Name, but she doesn't resemble the Mythology of Verdandi in the cartoon, everything about her entrance signifies that she is really Hekate. Kevin Neece repeatedly ran the cartoon during Hekate invocations as a paranormal research experiment and it led to him being possessed by the Goddess as a Magickian Spirit Wife because she saw herself in the cartoon. He uses an extremely large round mirror for the invocations and the mantra for Hekate came off the back of a candle from the Vodou Store in Chicago. It appears that the mantra was effective. Like the Goddess in the anime show, Hekate is comparable to a Nuclear Weapon if her powers are misused. Her three or four basic powers that Kevin Neece has witnessed in real life is she's the Goddess of the Crossroads who can open the door so that dying people can cross over into the Spirit Underworld, meaning she can impersonate a Death Note. She holds domain over the Natural Elements of the Earth and Sky meaning she can stage Natural Disasters if you screen those kinds of movies during an invocation (like Twister or Volcano). She knows how to mimick the System Force from the Ah My Goddess cartoon show where random acts of Fate come out of the woodworks to stop you from doing something. And she knows how to inspire and manipulate Hollywood Movies like a Greek Muse because she's able to hijack the writers during the writing process without them catching on that she is doing it. Which explains Mike Mignola's Hellboy films.

This is the Box Art for The Adventures of Mini-Goddess featuring Belldandy Urd Skuld and Gan-chan the Rat.

Now here are the Box Covers for Charlie's Angels and Willard. Side by Side. In Charlie's Angels, replace the Three Actresses with Urdr, Belldandy, and Skuld. Now replace Crispin Glover with Gan-chan the Rat because he acted in Willard, and take note that like the Norns, Willard is also an Allegory film. Now replace Tim Curry with The Devil because he played Darkness in Legend. Lucy Liu/Skuld ran Bill Murray off the set from Charlie's Angels so that he wouldn't come back for the sequel. His character was replaced with Bernie Mac who died. Skuld is the Future Goddess of Death and Dark Omens. So my question is, if the Three Norns from Norse Mythology are Not Real, and the Studio didn't do this intentionally, then why does this coincidence exist at all? Charlie's Angels and Crispin Glover's Willard in the same movie representing Urd Belldandy Skuld and Gan-chan the Rat from Adventures of Mini-Goddess. Crispin Glover even dresses in the same suit like he's playing the same character in both movies.

It goes even deeper. Charlie's Angels Full Throttle stars Demi Moore as the Villain. Demi Moore starred in Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg. Replace the Three Actors with Urdr Demi Moore, Verdandi Patrick Swayze, and Skuld Whoopi Goldberg, in the same order as the back DVD Cover. Patrick Swayze died and Whoopi Goldberg later played Dead in Monkeybone.

Take Notice that Monkeybone also has the Three Fates cover. The actor standing in Skuld the Future Goddess of Death's place is Chris Kattan playing a walking corpse. Chris Kattan from House on Haunted Hill and Saturday Night Live. Brendan Fraser also starred in Bedazzled which featured Elizabeth Hurley as The Devil. Bridget Fonda has a cameo role in the demonology film Army of Darkness aka Evil Dead 3.

Ghost was directed by Jerry Zucker who also directed Rat Race. Take a look at the Back Cover of Rat Race. Seth Green was in Austin Powers with the DEAD Verne Troyer. John Cleese played Death in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life with the DEAD Graham Chapman. Whoopi Goldberg played Death and was in Ghost with the DEAD Patrick Swayze. Rowan Atkinson was in Love Actually with the DEAD Alan Rickman (Demi Moore was married to Bruce Willis who acted with Alan Rickman in Die Hard). Cuba Gooding Jr was in What Dreams May Come with the DEAD Robin Williams. Jon Lovitz was in Little Nicky with The Devil Harvey Keitel and Jon Lovitz was in City Slickers II with the DEAD Jack Palance. Dave Thomas was in SCTV with the DEAD John Candy. Breckin Meyer was in FREDDY'S DEAD The Final Nightmare and Breckin Meyer was in Clueless with the DEAD Brittaney Murphy. Kathy Najimy was in the Salem Witchcraft film Hocus Pocus. It's all just DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH. Rat Race is a Great Movie with a Deadly Cast.

Now let's go back to the Three Fates Urdr Verdandi and Skuld for Mike Judge's Idiocracy. On the left side is Maya Rudolph as Urdr, the Sex Pot Goddess of the Past, in the movie she plays a prostitute who winds up becoming the First Lady of the United States (Melania Trump is the ONLY First Lady in History who did Nudie Magazine Shoots). In the middle is Luke Wilson as Belldandy, the Smartest Person on Planet Earth by Default and Goddess of the Present. And on the right is Dax Shepherd in the role of Skuld, the Future Goddess of Death and Dark Omens. The reason why Dax Shepherd is presented as Skuld is because he represents the Future of Humanity.

This is the Box Cover for Clueless. Remember the Three Norns from Ah My Goddess: Urdr Verdandi and Skuld. "As if". No seriously though, Stacey Dash is Urd the Sexpot from Ah My Goddess. Alicia Silverstone is Belldandy. And Brittaney Murphy is Skuld, the Future Goddess of Death who DIED in Real Life. In that year of release, Paul Rudd also starred in Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers which featured Occult Satanism. Co-star Breckin Meyer was also in Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare which featured THREE Nightmare Demons during the 3D centerpiece in the final act of the movie. Wallace Shawn from the Princess Bride was featured in Clueless, and that's another Three Fates movie where the Three Fates are Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn, and Andre the Giant. At the end of the movie, Andre the Giant is wearing a Holocaust Cloak like Skuld from Norse Mythology foreshadowing his later death in real life.

Now let's take a look at the Matrix Trilogy. There are a wide number of different DVD Covers, some of which feature Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity as the Three Fates stand ins, and the movie itself discussed FATE as a part of its message. Take note however that this cover for the Matrix Reloaded features Hekate Keys, as Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads is a collector of Keys as a Sacrificial Offering. In the first two Matrix films, Gloria Foster played a FATE called THE ORACLE. Matrix 1 = Urdr Goddess of the Past, Matrix Reloaded = Belldandy Goddess of the Present, Matrix Revolutions = Skuld Goddess of the Future and Death. In the Third Matrix film, Gloria Foster DIED and was replaced as THE ORACLE... just like Bernie Mac DIED in Charlie's Angels Full Throttle when he replaced Bill Murray. Once again, The Matrix series got targeted because FATE played a major part in its Mythology.

It gets even better. Terry Gilliam made Two Movies with Heath Ledger. The first movie, The Brothers Grimm features Heath Ledger paired with Matt Damon who played Loki the Angel of Death in Kevin Smith's DOGMA with the DEAD Alan Rickman and DEAD George Carlin. If you look at the DVD Cover, underneath Matt Damon and Heath Ledge are Three Women signifying Three Fates.

The Next Movie that Heath Ledger made with Terry Gilliam was the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus which features Tom Waits as the Devil. Heath Ledger DIED before filming could be completed, and the Three Angels of FATE were cast in his place, Jude Law, Johnny Depp, and Colin Farrell. These Three Actors are Angels because they took Heath Ledger's place post mortem and donated their salaries to his Daughter's College Fund.

It gets ever worse. Now that Colin Farrell was a FATE, take a look at the DVD Cover for the remake of Fright Night that was released by Touchstone Pictures, aka Disney Demonology, and that Dreamwork's Logo is a Crescent Moon with a Boy Fishing on it. Hekate is a Goddess of the Crescent Moon. Now the Three Fates are Dr Who's David Tennant as Urdr, who played a Demon in Good Omens, Urdr is a Half-Goddess/Half-Demon hybrid in the Ah My Goddess anime series too, Colin Farrell is Verdandi, and Imogen Poots, is Skuld the Future Goddess of Death. The Odd Man out is Anton Yelchin holding the Axe, who later DIED after shooting Green Room.

Now take a look at the DVD Cover for Green Room. Imogen Poots, who was in Skuld's place on the Fright Night DVD Cover, she's now been moved into Urdr's place, making her the Demon, Patrick Stewart is Verdandi Goddess of the Present, and now Anton Yelchin has been moved into Skuld's Place, and suddenly Anton Yelchin DIED, run over by his own car in his own driveway while he was playing Mechanic. Yikes, what a way to go right. Anton Yelchin was also in the Three Star Trek Reboot movies.

Now take a look at the DVD Cover for the Third Star Trek Reboot film Star Trek Beyond. Once again we have the Three Fates. Take Note that Chris Pine is in Verdandi's place, and in Skuld the Future Goddess of Death's place is Spock. The Older Spock played by Leonard Nimoy in the first two movies DIED before the Third One and they put his death in the movie.

Do you know who else was in Star Trek Beyond? Zoe Saldana from Britney Spears Crossroads. Hekate is the Goddess of the Crossroads. Take a look at the DVD Cover. Britney Spears is Verdandi, and Zoe Saldana is Skuld, the Future Goddess of Death. The movie opens with the Three Girls burying a Time Capsule under a Full Moon, a possible subliminal nod to Witchcraft, and featured Dan Aykroyd from Ghostbusters as the Father.

Now take a look as the DVD Box Cover for Toy Story 3. Three Fates. Three Norns. The Third Norn is Skuld the Future Goddess of Death. Jim Varney died before he could do Voice Work as the Slinky Dog in the Third Movie. Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads is a Protector of Dogs. Back in the Ancient Days her followers used to Blood Sacrifice their Dogs to Her.

Take a look at the DVD cover for Evil Dead Sam Raimi's film A Simple Plan. Billy Bob Thornton from the cursed Bad Santa franchise is Urd, Bridget Fonda is Verdandi, and Bill Paxton is in Skuld's place foreshadowing his future DEATH many years later but it gets stranger.

Billy Bob Thornton mainly co-wrote Sam Raimi's The Gift, which is about a Fortune Teller, and the Three Norns from Norse Mythology are Fortune Tellers. Take Cate Blanchett and years later on down her Career Road she played Hela The Goddess of Death in Thor: Ragnarok. Keanu Reeves was in The Devil's Advocate with The Devil Al Pacino. Greg Kinnear was in a Christian Movie called Dear God where the Demon Realm practical joke is that the central core theme of the movie hinged on the mythology of Count Andromalius, a Demon who protects your valuables, but also encourages people to steal while punishing them for stealing. In Dear God, Greg Kinnear encourages Postal Workers to steal God's Mail with the best of intentions then the Court of Law punished them for Stealing. Count Andromalius theme also followed Greg Kinnear into the film Mystery Men. Greg Kinnear requests that Casa Nova Frankenstein be released on Parole, but his real intentions are he wants to lock him up again for committing more crimes. He encourages Geoffrey Rush to steal and then he punishes him for stealing. Just like Count Andromalius from the ARS Goetia. Perhaps Greg Kinnear was invoking the Demon in private to protect his property and the two movies were his Sacrificial Payoff to the Demon. Meanwhile The Gift was released in 2000 and Michael Jeter, who played a Lawyer in the movie, Michael Jeter died three years later in 2003.

This next one doesn't showcase its death pattern on the DVD Cover, but it's there in the movie. Jim Carrey once played DEATH in a Steve Oedekirk film called High Strung, which has not yet had a DVD Release. Brent Briscoe was also one of the co-stars who DIED in Sam Raimi's A Simple Plan. NOW... in Jim Carrey's Yes Man, the Angel of Death Jim Carrey picks up Homeless Man Brent Briscoe, and gives him a ride past the Elysium Apartments. Elysium is basically The Afterlife. The Angel of Death Jim Carrey gave Brent Briscoe a Metaphorical Ride into the Afterlife and now he's DEAD FOR REAL. I mean wow, talk about something not again too well.

The next film really is a coincidence, but I'm noting it anyways. The movie Leprechaun 3, like Ah My Goddess, is about Wishes Gone Wrong, or more accurately, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. Notice the Number 3 is in the Title and there are THREE FATES. There's a scene in the movie where the Mob Boss Owner of the Casino wishes for Sex, and then a Porn Actress on Television starts breaking the fourth wall and speaks to him. Then she comes out of the Television Set and begins Foreplay with him on the Bed. This mirrors the Goddess Urd's first appearance on the Ah My Goddess Anime Series (both of them), where Keiichi is watching a Porno Video featuring Urd and then she comes out of the Television Set.

This next film, Muppets Most Wanted, is also debatable. Yes, there are lots of Muppets on the cover, but there are only Three Human Actors, aka Three Fates, and the Actress sitting in Skuld's place is Saturday Night Live actress Tina Fey. In the opening of the movie, the Swedish Chef can be seen playing Chess with The Grim Reaper in a parody of Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal, and actor Ray Liotta is the only major actor cameo in the movie who has died recently. Ray Liotta was also in Goodfellas where the Three Fates on the Poster are The Devil Robert DeNiro from Angel Heart as Verdandi, Ray Liotta as Urd, and Skuld's Joe Pesci from Home Alone with The Devil John Candy. Then there's Good Kermit and Evil Constantine Kermit representing The Duality of Mankind's Inner Struggle between Good and Evil aka Twins from The Shining.

Ray Liotta's last move before he DIED was Cocaine Bear which was directed by Elizabeth Banks, whose last film was the reboot of Charlie's Angels signifying Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld. Elizabeth Banks involvement in Cocaine Bear was another warning sign that Ray Liotta was being targeted by the Three Fates. I would also point out that Elizabeth Banks played Bosley in the movie. The last actor who played Bosley was Bernie Mac and he was killed by Skuld during Bad Santa. Is Elizabeth Banks foreshadowed to be Hekate's next victim? Also, Elizabeth Banks directed Pitch Perfect 2 which featured Kether Donohue as one of the Former Bellas. Kether Donohue was the Voice Actress for Skuld on the 2006 Ah My Goddess anime series. That's why Elizabeth Banks was being targeted by Hekate. The Three Cursed Films of Elizabeth Banks also happen in back to back consecutive order from the moment Kether Donohue arrived: Urd Goddess of the Past is Pitch Perfect 2, Verdandi Goddess of the Present is Charlie's Angels, and Skuld is Cocaine Bear. Skuld is the Future Goddess of Death and Dark Omens and her film Cocaine Bear was where Ray Liotta died. In the movie the Three Fates are the Three Bears and Ray Liotta is the only actor that is killed by all Three Bears at Once.

Then there's Galaxy Quest. Take Note that on the DVD Cover, Sigourney Weaver is Urd (she's from the Cursed Movie Ghostbusters, she was in Alien Resurrection with Winona Ryder from the Demonology film Beetlejuice and Alien Resurrection also had Ron Perlman from Hellboy), then there's Tim Allen as Verdandi, and in Skuld's place is Alan Rickman (from DOGMA with the Angel of Death Matt Damon), who is currently DEAD himself from Cancer. Depending on which DVD cover you are looking at, Alan Rickman is standing in Death's Place and now he is DEAD. Galaxy Quest is by Dreamworks Pictures, a company label that is cursed because of Steven Spielberg's involvement, he made the cursed films Poltergeist and Twilight Zone the Movie.

And then there's To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, featuring Wesley Snipes as Urd, Patrick Swayze as Verdandi, and John Leguizamo as Skuld. Patrick Swayze is DEAD, but he's not featured on the cover in Skuld's place. John Leguizamo played a Demon named Clown in Spawn. Still the basic looks of the three characters on the DVD Cover look like the Three Norns from the Ah My Goddess Anime Series.

Robin Williams famously made a film about the Afterlife called What Dreams May Come where he journeys into Hell to save his wife, who is a suicide victim. The tragic irony that Robin Williams, the funniest man on earth, would be so secretly depressed that he commit suicide himself contradicts the message of the movie, as if the entire thing was the Angel of Death's final practical joke. The movie also features Max Von Sydow from the Chess with Death film The Seventh Seal. Remember, the warning signs of Kevin Neece's Angel of Death Spirit Wife is Irony Serendipity and Coincidence.

Actor Chadwick Boseman famously died of Colon Cancer after making Black Panther. While there are no subliminal images on the DVD Cover for Black Panther, the warning signs of Hekate's Angel of Death meddling was he died on August 28th which is Jack Kirby's birthday, he's the creator of the Black Panther comic book. Chadwick Boseman also played Jackie Robinson in the film 42, and August 28th is supposed to be an important day in Jackie Robinson's career. Chadwick Boseman also wrote a play called Crossroads. Hekate is the Goddess of the Crossroads who helps people cross over into the Underworld Spirit Realm. Which begs the question, does this mean Chadwick went to Hell? Also take note that the Female Warriors in Black Panther are like Valkyries, and Valkyries are a feature of the Ah My Goddess anime series due to its references to Norse Mythology. Remember, Norse Mythology exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe because of Thor and Loki, so that would also be a Three Fates warning sign even though Thor and Loki were not featured in Black Panther. They were featured in Avengers Infinite War and Chadwick Boseman was in that movie.

There there is Jim Carrey's The Number 23. According to Jim Carrey, the reason he made the movie is because he had been haunted by the number 23 his entire life like the Angel Numbers that appear on a clock, and if you examine every movie in his resume, you'll find that Jim Carrey is telling the truth. On the DVD Special Features, Jim Carrey gives a special lesson in Numerology using his Birthday as an example. Jim Carrey was born on 1/17/1962. Likewise, Kevin Neece's Marriage Anniversary to Angela Soto is 1/17/2003. If A=1 B=2 C=3 then F=6 A=1 T=20 E=5 meaning FATE = 32. Kevin Neece's birthday is 2/9/1983. In Numerology 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. Kevin Neece is haunted by FATE. And he makes Ah My Goddess Fan Films. Kevin Neece's Spirit Wife claims to be Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads who simply answers to the invocations for The Three Norns because they are not real and she is the closest thing to them in the Spirit World. And she knows how to manipulate movies like a Greek Muse. Kevin Neece believes that Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz were haunted by the same Goddess because they made The Mask for Dark Horse Comics, who are the American Publishers for the Oh My Goddess manga with The Three Norns.

In Dark Horse Comics RIPD Rest in Peact Dept, which is about Police Officers from the Afterlife, there's a scene in the movie that takes place underneath a Baseball Stadium where there are numbers on the wall. The Numbers read 837 557 66. If you take the 66, turn it upside down, and place it in the middle, the numbers read 837-99557. Kevin Neece's childhood phone number for the house on 4400 Cumbria Lane Austin TX 78727 was 512-837-9955. If you search for the address and phone number online, it will show up registered to the Late Jim Neece.

The Three Norns/Hekate Haunting of Ryan Reynolds continued as the Spiritual Presence followed him onto the set of Spirited, which is a parody of A Christmas Carol featuring the Ghosts of Christmas Past Present and Future. Urd Belldandy and Skuld are the Norse Goddesses of Past Present and Future. Take Note that in Ah My Goddess, Urd is a Hyper Sexualized Indian Woman and Goddess of the Past, and in Spirited, Sunita Mani, who plays Past, is also a Hyper Sexualized Indian Woman, as if both characters were Greek Mused by the Same Goddess.

Next there is the Director's Cut of Guillermo Del Toro's/Mike Mignola/s Hellboy. Take note that like The Three Fates or Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads, there are only Three Actors on the DVD Cover. Kevin Neece noticed during the Blood Ritual scene where Grigori Rasputin is reborn featuring a blink or you'll miss it shot of a Ground Sigil that looked similar to The Strophalos of Hekate. When reading the IMDb trivia, he discovered that Erik Irastorza was born during the film production. Kevin Neece took the Video Production Diary from the Director's Cut DVD Release and matched up each of the video dates to their proper dates using a backdated calendar online used to track lunar activity. The Birth of Hellboy scene was shot on 4/7/2003. Kevin Neece's daughter Lindsay was born on 4/7/2004. Next in the Video Diary there was an interview with Erik's father Special Effects Supervisor Edward Irastorza. Kevin Neece looked up his IMDb resume to discover that Edward Irastorza's Wedding Anniversary was 1/17/2015 just as Kevin Neece's was 1/17/2003. Edward Pressman from the cursed movies Sam Raimi's Crimewave and Brandon Lee's The Crow died on 1/17/2023. Jim Carrey's birthday is 1/17/1962. Edward Irastorza died on 12/21/2020. Hellboy's villain Grigori Rasputin died on December 30th (O.S. 12/17/16) and was buried on January 2nd (O.S. 12/21/16). That means that Edward Irastorza died on the same Russian Calender date that Grigori Rasputin was buried (he was later dug up and cremated to prevent protestors from organizing around his grave). Then the A Bridge Scene from Hellboy took place on 6/24/2003. Kevin Neece's father Jim Neece died of a Heart Attack on 6/24/2018 and his will was signed and dated 6/24/2009 as if he were always FATED to die on that day. 6/24 is also a Voodoo Ritual Holiday, and 6/24/1983 is the release date for the cursed film Twilight Zone the movie where Vic Morrow and Two Children died from a Helicopter Malfunction signifying Three Victims aka Three Fates. Kevin Neece was born on 1983 and his father died on 6/24. Now look at those three dates in order. 4/7 Birth of the Daughter. 1/17 Wedding of the Father. 6/24 Death of the Grandfather and the Bridge Scene metaphorically represents Hekate taking Jim Neece's Soul into the Afterlife.

The Hellboy Video Production Diary also showcases that Ron Perlman shot a scene in a Hexagontal Room under a Specific Witchcraft Moon in June 2003. In 2004, Looney Tunes Back in Action was released directed by Joe Dante who worked on the cursed Twilight Zone The Movie. It features a scene where Steve Martin shows an Oliver Owl cartoon, "I like to Sing-a about the Moon-a in the June-a and the Spring-a", and then in a later scene the Tasmanian DEVIL eats Ron Perlman and turns him into a Skeleton. Hellboy and Looney Tunes Back in Action were both shot around the same Time Period with Ron Perlman.

The Three Fates on the DVD Cover for Looney Tunes Back in Action are Brendan Fraser from Bedazzled with The Devil Elizabeth Hurley, Steve Martin from The Three Fates Little Shop of Horrors, Three Amigos, and a Simple Twist of Fate. Fun Fact: In a Simple Twist of FATE, Anne Heche dies in a Car Accident. Decades Later, Anne Heche met her FATE in a Real Life Car Accident that Killed Her. Anne Heche's FATE was foreshadowed in the movie. And then you've got Jenna Elfman. She was in another Three Fates film called Keeping the Faith. The Practical Joke is it's a movie about Faith but it's really Satanic because Jenna Elfman is in a Three Way with a Rabbi and a Catholic Priest. Ben Stiller was targeted because he had a cameo role in Brian Helgeland's Highway to Hell, and Edward Norton was targeted because he made Fight Club with Brad Pitt. Tyler Durden's Schizophrenic Character could metaphorically be The Devil, plus Brad Pitt played Death in Meet Joe Black. Take Note that Meet Joe Black also has Three Fates on the Cover. Claire Forlani is in Skuld's place. She was in Mallrats with Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Ben Affleck, and Jason Lee, all from the cursed movie DOGMA.

Ben Stiller's multiple roles in Highway to Hell also included his Father and Sister. I believe that because Brian Helgeland wrote Highway to Hell and 976-EVIL, which was about The Devil, it put a curse on his entire film career. He made A Knight's Tale with Heath Ledger and he died from Hekate's curse in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, which featured Tom Waits as The Devil. Ben Stiller also starred in Dark Horse Comics Mystery Men with Tom Waits. Brian Helgeland also made L.A. Confidential with Three of the most Demonic Actors ever: Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, and Guy Pearce (and it had Danny DeVito who played The Devil in Little Demon. Russell Crowe was in The Pope's Exorcist recently.

Meanwhile, in 976-EVIL, actor Stephen Geoffreys performed a scene where he was sitting in the middle of a giant Pentagram drawn on the floor to perform a Satanic Ritual. The Filmmakers probably thought it was harmless when they did it because Acting is just Play Pretend but I believe it put a Curse on Stephen Geoffreys. His career was destroyed because he took a break from acting where it was pointed out that he had a Doppleganger working in the Gay Porn Industry named Sam Ritter. The Two Twins Stephen Geoffreys represent The Duality of Mankind's Inner Struggle Between Good and Evil. The actor who played The Devil in 976-EVIL, Robert Picardo, was also known to frequently star in Joe Dante's films and was probably featured in Looney Tunes Back in Action with The Devil Ron Perlman from Hellboy. That's Two Devil Actors in the Looney Tunes movie, plus Brendan Fraser from the Devil film Bedazzled.

Speaking of the Devil, Tim Curry plays The Devil in Ridley Scott's Legend, which also got a Three Fates DVD Cover. Mia Sara is Urd. Tom Cruise is Verdandi, and Tim Curry is Skuld. Tom Cruise would later feature in the Three Fates film Minority Report. The Three Fates are not on the DVD Cover but they are featured in the movie. Actress Mia Sara would later co-star in Dark Horse Comics Time Cop, and as you're about to see, Hekate tampered with Time Cop too. Take note that Tim Curry was in Clue with Saturday Night Live's Michael McKean from This is Spinal Tap (with the witchcraft site Stonehenge) and Earth Girls are Easy, both Three Fates films. Tim Curry was also in two movies with Evil Dead actor Bruce Campbell, McHale's Navy and Congo. Tim Curry's hard work as The Devil was rewarded decades later when he suffered a stroke that has him trapped in a wheelchair and that is an absolutely tragic FATE.

The Dark Horse Comics film Time Cop was produced by Sam Raimi of The Evil Dead series. Kevin Neece has noted that all of the present day dates in Time Cop take place in October, the month of Spirit Invocation and then there's Halloween. Kevin Neece does not see any practical reason for why the dates are October other than the writer may have written the screenplay in October. Since October is a Spiritual Month, and Sam Raimi makes films about Demons, is it possible that the screenplay had a little help from a Greek Muse? Kevin Neece also notes that Dark Horse Comics was being haunted by the Greek Goddess Hekate because of Oh My Goddess, and Sam Raimi didn't get the idea to make the Greek Mythology show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys until after he produced Time Cop for Dark Horse Comics. Kevin Sorbo's main feature film Kull the Conquerer also features Demons. It is highly ironic that Kevin Sorbo made his fame and fortune off of a Greek Mythology show only to turn to making Christian Movies and be universally hated by the Political Internet. Who died from Hercules: The Legendary Journeys? It was Actor Kevin Smith. Why? His name resembles Director Kevin Smith who made DOGMA with Loki the Angel of Death, also featuring DEAD actors George Carlin and Alan Rickman.

While there is no subliminal imagery featured on the DVD Cover for Ready Player One, there are multiple warning signs of Hekate's involvement hidden in the movie. The Game in Ready Player One is to find THREE HIDDEN KEYS which are designed to look like the kind of keys that Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads accepts from her followers as a Sacrificial Offering. One of the characters is named Art3mis Goddess of the Hunt, who is one of Hekate's identities in Greek Mythology. In some versions of the legend they are different goddesses with different names. The haunting factor of Ready Player One that got the movie targeted is the scene where the players jump into the haunted production of The Shining. Hekate watched The Shining with Kevin Neece one night and pointed out that the reason the movie was haunted was because the carpet featured Satanic Hexagons and all of the Round Candles hanging from the Ceiling were Spiritual Summoning Circles, and the Hedge Maze featured Twists and Turns like the Strophalos of Hekate. All of which were re-translated into Ready Player One meaning the Haunted Imagery that summons Ghosts jumped movies. Now take a look at the clues hidden in Ready Player One. The first clue is, "I wish we could go back, really put the pedal to the metal, Bill and Ted did it" meaning Steven Spielberg wants you to go back in time. Take Note that the Sequel to Bill and Ted featured them taking a trip to Hell with the Grim Reaper actor William Sadler from Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight. The second clue is Kira aka Karen Underwood Morrow. The name Kira is a reference to the Serial Killer in Death Note, and Kira in Ready Player One is dead. The name Karen Underwood Morrow is a reference to Vic Morrow who famously died on the Steven Spielberg/John Landis co-directed film Twilight Zone The Movie. The Death of Vic Morrow led to the breakup of Steven and John's friendship just like the Video Game Developers in Ready Player One. The Third Clue is that finding the Easter Egg is more important than Winning the Game. The Secret Easter Egg of Twilight Zone The Movie is it was released on 6/24/1983. Remember, 1983 is Kevin Neece's birthyear and 6/24 was the day that Jim Neece died. Kevin Neece and Hekate were the secret easter eggs of Ready Player One and Steven Spielberg doesn't even realize it because she Greek Mused him right under his nose.

If you're looking for further evidence that Steven Spielberg was hijacked by the Three Fates or Hekate, I would advise you to look at the movie Minority Report, where the Three Fates are the Three Pre Cog Women being held hostage by the Government so they can arrest people before their crimes are committed. Arye Gross has a cameo in the movie. He's from the Haunted House film House II The Second Story which features Amy Yasbeck from the haunted Dark Horse Comics movie The Mask. Minority Report also features Jessica Harper from the witchcraft film Suspiria. I would also note that the Three Fates probably got to Steven Spielberg even earlier than this film because of his work on the cursed productions of Twilight Zone The Movie and Poltergeist, both films features the DEATH of several actors in THREES signifying Three Fates. I would also note that Jaws only features Three Main Actors listed on the Poster. The Shark Represents Death. What does Bruce the Shark do? He kills and eats people and makes Baby Sharks. What did Jaws do? Jaws killed the creativity age of cinema from the 1970s when it gave birth to a baby shark called The Big Summer Blockbuster which grew up to eat all of the profits at the box office. And Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is about Occult Blood Sacrifices. In the third Indiana Jones movie representing Skuld, River Phoenix died.

Tom Hanks claims to be a Christian but I highly fucking doubt it. Let's take a look at the evidence. In Dragnet, which co-stars Dan Aykrord from Twilight Zone The Movie and Ghostbusters, in Dragnet Tom Hanks is investigating an Organization based on Paganism and Blood Sacrifices. In The Burbs, there's a Dream Sequence where Tom Hanks is on a Barbeque Grill surrounded by Satanists for another Blood Sacrifice. In the movie Big, Tom Hanks becomes a Grown Man because of Gypsy Magick making his relationship with the Woman in the movie Pedophilia. He's also been in The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons which was about the Illuminati. Which brings us to his one Three Fates film Joe vs The Volcano, another movie where Tom Hanks partakes in a Pagan Blood Sacrifice. The Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld are showcased in the movie in the form of Meg Ryan playing Three Different Roles. Meg Ryan also starred in City of Angels. Tom Hanks also starred in Cloud Atlas which is about Reincarnation from Life to Life. Call Me Funny but I really don't get the sense that Tom Hanks is a Christian. Maybe he converted later in his life but not during the early days of his career.

Little Shop of Horrors is famously, and according to director Frank Oz, quite intentionally based on the structure of a Greek Tragedy play about a Man who makes a Deal with the Devil, Audrey II. And like a Greek Play, The Three Fates are featured in the movie as Motown Singers Ronette Crystal and Chiffon. Tisha Campbell is Skuld because she's the only one of the Three Singers that had a Future in the Film Industry. The Greek references alone are what led to the movie being targeted by Hekate. The secret ending of the movie that wasn't released until Decades later was Rick Moranis pays his debt to the Devil by sacrificing the only girl he ever loved Ellen Greene to Audrey II. This ending foreshadowed the Death of Rick Moranis's wife nearly a decade later which left to him bowing out of the Film Industry to raise their children. But there are other references to the Fates and the Devil in the movie. Christopher Guest was from the Three Fates cursed movie This is Spinal Tap, with Michael McKean from Saturday Night Live, and another Three Fates cursed movie The Princess Bride, with the Dead Andre the Giant as Skuld the Goddess of Death. John Candy is referred to by the Demon Realm as The Devil because he dressed up as The Devil in Planes Trains and Automobiles and he was born on Halloween Night and died a mysterious death that he foreshadowed to Beetlejuice actress Catherine O'Hara. The movie also has Steve Martin from the Three Fates cursed film Three Amigos, directed by John Landis of Twilight Zone The Movie. And there's Bill Murray from the Three Fates cursed Scrooged and the Demonology film Ghostbusters. Make no mistake, this movie might not feature The Three Fates or Hekate on the DVD Cover, but Little Shop of Horrors is truly a cursed movie. The Original Ending is what almost prevented the film from being released in the first place because of Low Test Audience Scores. Kevin Neece also got to shake Frank Oz's hand when he appeared on Public Access for SXSW to Promote Muppet Man. Frank Oz Currently had him blocked on Twitter.

Another cursed John Candy movie is The Rescuers Down Under... and by Down Under I mean a Hot Fiery Place below the ground called HELL. John Candy plays an Albatross in the movie. In Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, an Albatross is supposed to be a warning sign of impending doom. The entire reason John Candy took the role was because the actor who played the Albatross in the original Rescuers movie died. That should have tipped him off. George C Scott, who voices the villain, was also famous for a Ghost movie called The Changeling and The Exorcist III (which is beloved by Horror Fans as a Superior Sequel). Four Years after making The Rescuers Down Under, John Candy and Eva Gabor both died in the same year, 1994. Notice that the Three Fates on the DVD Cover are the Three Mice. I guess Skuld is the Australian Mouse because he's Down Under... as in Six Feet Under into Fiery HELL.

This is another John Candy DVD Cover showcasing how John Candy, who was born on Halloween, is actually a Subliminal Image for The Devil. There's nothing evil featured in the actual movie, it's just the DVD Cover. The Devil John Candy is dressed in Full Red like Satan. The Skii's that he carries look like an upside down Crucifix like The Omen. The Round Glasses have blacked out his eyes like he has no Eyes. And the Snake Floatie around his neck feels like a reference to how Hekate walks around with a Snake and Bare Breasts like a Stripper. Also in the movie, Rip Torn is featured from Don Coscarelli's Beastmaster which features Three Witches representing Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld. And actor Richard Crenna was featured in the Occult Horror film Devil Dog Houng of Hell.

Airheads is another Three Fates film with Urd's Adam Sandler from the Demonology film Little Nicky, Verdandi's Brendan Fraser from the Demonology film Bedazzled, and Steve Buscemi as Skuld. The movie also features Saturday Night Live's Michael McKean from the Three Fates film Earth Girls are Easy. While all three of the actors on the DVD cover are still alive, featured in the movie is Saturday Night Live actor Chris Farley in an Early Role and if you watch the Opening Credits very carefully, you can see that Chris Farley's name is surrounded by Mardis Gras Skeletons foreshadowing his future death. Technically Santa Muerte is another one of the Goddesses of Death that Kevin Neece invokes at night to watch movies.

Dead Actor Chris Farley and The Devil Adam Sandler were also featured in the Three Fates DVD Cover film The Coneheads with Dan Aykroyd from the Demonology film Ghostbusters, and once again Michael McKean is the villain. Co-star Sinbad was also in Jingle All the Way with the DEAD Phil Hartman and Arnold Schwarzenegger from the Demonology film End of Days. Strangely enough, I've checked Jane Curtin's IMDb resume and outside of the Hekate cursed Coneheads movie her entire career is clean as a whistle for an SNL Actor.

This is another Three Fates cover. Technically Chicago is a Three Fates film. Catherine Zeta-Jones is Urd, Richard Gere is Verdandi, and Renee Zellweger is Skuld. Renee Zellweger doesn't have much of a career anymore so Skuld's foreshadowing was her demise. This also ties into another Three Fates film, Jan De Bont's The Haunting. This time Liam Neeson is Urd, Catherine Zeta-Jones is Verdandi, and Lili Taylor is Skuld. Owen Wilson dies in the movie and the film features Demon Purgatory as a Character so it classifies as a Demonology film. You're probably wondering, who died from this movie? It was Lili Taylor's career. Lili Taylor got Skuld's place, the Goddess of the Future and Death Foreshadows.

Take Notice that there are only Three People on the DVD Cover for The Departed although they are not shown in Norn Order. Jack Nicholson is Urd. In the Ah My Goddess series Urd is a Half Demon Goddess. Jack Nicholson played The Devil in The Witches of Eastwick. Then you've got Leonardo DiCaprio as Verdandi (He was in Critters 3 as in Three Fates). I'm guessing Matt Damon is Skuld because he played Loki the Angel of Death in Kevin Smith's DOGMA. Take note that in the ending of the movie, SPOILER ALERT, Leonardo DiCaprio is shot in the head in the elevator by Anthony Anderson. This actually has special significance. In the Jim Carrey movie Me Myself and Irene, Anthony Anderson played one of THREE BROTHERS which classifies as Three Fates, and they know how to sew because they sew together an entire plane. Based on The Departed, I'm guessing Anthony Anderson was Skuld, the Future Goddess of Death.

Take Note that Anthony Anderson is also featured on the DVD Cover for Malibu's Most Wanted. Taye Diggs is Urd (He was in the Three Fates Chicago), and Jamie Kennedy is in Verdandi's Place. That means that Anthony Anderson is standing in Skuld's place, further signifying him as Skuld the Goddess of Death and Dark Omens in The Departed. He shot and killed Leonardo DiCaprio.

Then there is Gangs of New York. Technically nobody has died from this one yet and the placement of the Three Norns depends on what DVD Cover you bought. Just for fun however, Leonardo DiCaprio is Urd. Cameron Diaz is Verdandi. Remember her from the Three Fates film Charlie's Angels and the Dark Horse Comics haunted film The Mask. And then in Skuld's place you've got Daniel Day Lewis from the Salem Witchcraft film The Crucible. Outside of Gangs of New York and There Will Be Blood, Daniel Day Lewis has not has much of a career making movies compared to other actors with extensive resumes. Perhaps Skuld's foreshadowing was his role as Abraham Lincoln in the Steven Spielberg movie. After all, Abraham Lincoln was Assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln had a Secretary named Kennedy, and Kennedy had a Secretary named Lincoln. Both were Assassinated. Coincidence, or good planning by the Angel of Death herself, Skuld.

Superman II featured THREE VILLAINS in the film, one of which is Terence Stamp who has played The Devil in Three Different Movies, the first one was in Spirits of the Dead: Toby Dammit Segment by Federico Fellini which was based on the Edger Allen Poe story Never Bet the Devil Your Head. The second time was in Teorema where Terence Stamp plays an Angelic looking Incubus Demon who walks into a Rich Man's house, has sex with everyone in it, both male and female, and then after he leaves the entire family falls into a state of insanity. The third time that Terence Stamp played the Devil was in Neil Jordan's The Company of Wolves. Take Note that on some of the DVD Covers for Superman II, Terence Stamp is in the third role which is Skuld's position. Christopher Reeves picks a fight with the Devil in Superman II and then about a decade later he winds up cursed in an accident that leaves him paralyzed for life and acting out wheelchair roles in movies like Rear Window. Meanwhile the actress in Verdandi's place, Sarah Douglas went on to star in the straight to video film Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge. Third Entry. Three Fates. Warning Sign.

Eddie Murphy's The Haunted Mansion hasn't suffered any death incidents YET, but the warning signs of the Three Fates are there in the movie in the form of THREE ACTORS. Wallace Shawn from the cursed film The Princess Bride with the DEAD Andre the Giant, and Clueless with the DEAD Brittaney Murphy, then there's Jennifer Tilly from Neil Jordan's High Spirits and she was in Bride of Chucky with the DEAD John Ritter and she was in Let It Ride which is like a movie about the Ah My Goddess System Force and Fate, and then there is Terence Stamp who we just discussed playing The Devil. Terence Stamp was also in the Eddie Murphy film Bowfinger (from cursed Little Shop of Horrors director Frank Oz). He played a Cult Leader, and he virtually reprised his role in the Jim Carrey movie Yes Man which features DEAD actor Brent Briscoe. This is actually Eddie Murphy's second film encounter with Ghosts and Demons, his first film was The Golden Child which classifies as a Demonology film. Once again, The Haunted Mansion hasn't killed anybody YET, but give it time. The Warning Signs of the Three Fates are there.

Take Note that on the DVD Cover of Ghostbusters, a Demonology film, there are only THREE GHOSTBUSTERS signifying THREE FATES. The funny thing is, there are supposed to be FOUR GHOSTBUSTERS... the fourth one being Ernie Hudson, a Black Man who is suspiciously missing from the DVD Cover. Hmm... I wonder why. This is exactly why Eddie Murphy turned down Ernie Hudson's role in the movie. It's kind of a thankless role. Check this out. Ghostbusters Part 1 = Urd Goddess of the Past. Ghostbusters Part 2 = Verdandi Goddess of the Present. Ghostbusters Afterlife = Skuld Goddess of the Future and Death Foreshadows. Who's the Dead Actor in Ghostbusters Afterlife representing the Death Goddess Skuld? It's Harold Ramis. Director Ivan Reitman also died shortly after the films release. In the Paul Feig reboot Ghostbusters Answer the Call, once again cast with Saturday Night Live actresses, the number one Woke Complaint was that the Three White Girls were Scientists but black actress Leslie Jones was a Street Smart Subway Operator, and then she got trolled off of Twitter. The reason why I mention Ghostbusters Answer the Call is because Thor Actor Chris Hemsworth plays a nitwit named Kevin who launches the Apocalypse while the FBI are too busy performing a Dance Number. The movie was released in 2016 but feels like Hekate hijacked the film as a Greek Muse to foreshadow the incident where Kevin Neece tried to warn all of United States Congress that a Biblical Plague was coming because he messed around with Death Note Magick and a few weeks later the entire United States got shut down by COVID-19 and Priests were dying everywhere because they refused to stop hosting Church Services, just like a Biblical Plague. Kevin Neece repeatedly tried to come forward to the FBI to report his Dead Father's EPA Crime but could never get a response from them. They were too busy performing a Dance Number while Kevin Neece invoked Black Magick to launch the Apocalypse. Chris Hemsworth's role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is what connects Ghostbusters Answer the Call to the Three Fates from Norse Mythology and Ah My Goddess as Thor and Loki are the Three Norns Brothers. Once again, Sigourney Weaver was in Alien Resurrection with Winona Ryder from the Afterlife film Beetlejuice and the Devil Ron Perlman from Hellboy. Rick Moranis and Bill Murray were in the cursed movie Little Shop of Horrors. Dan Aykroyd was in the Three Fates film Crossroads. Hekate is the Goddess of the Crossroads. She helps people cross over into the Afterlife.

This next movie doesn't feature The Three Fates on the Cover, but it does have the subliminal patterns. Basically Hekate had Kevin Neece driving around to all of the Half Price Books in Austin TX searching for My Best Friend's Wedding and you can see why. This movie is basically a secret handshake to the Demon Realm. If you're ever messing around with a Ouija Board and the atmosphere in the room turn Dark, you might save your life by putting on this movie. Basically, Julie Roberts was in Pretty Woman, which was directed by Gary Marshall who played The Devil in Hocus Pocus. Cameron Diaz is from the Three Fates film Charlie's Angels and Dark Horse Comics The Mask. And Rupert Everett is from the Haunted movie Cemetery Man. My Best Friend's Wedding is Satanic. So I'll Say a Little Prayer for You.

The Three Witches on the cover of Disney's Hocus Pocus aren't exactly subliminal or mis-advertising. It's about Witches invoking The Devil with a Black Flame Candle and The Necronomicon and it's got Doug Jones from Hellboy as Billy. Kevin Neece remembers his Sunday School warning him about the Satania featured in this movie as a child which he brushed off and didn't take seriously. Years later when he was performing Paranormal Research Experiments, he ran Hocus Pocus during a Demon Invocation on the last three days of Halloween and the next morning his car broke down to the point that Sparks were flying out from under his hood. Had he continued to drive the car, it could have exploded with him and his family in it. Talk about Demonic Misfortune. Kevin Neece was shocked when Hocus Pocus 2 was released because he saw children in the trailer performing a Witchcraft Ritual to the Mother Maiden and Crone. That's Kevin Neece's Spirit Wife Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads, the one who has been greek musing all of these patterns in the movies. Hekate hijacked both Hellboy with Doug Jones and she hijacked Hocus Pocus 2 also with Doug Jones, so she could be introduced to your children. The movie is a wedge to get your children interested in Witchcraft. In most cases, this warning would be shrugged off, but considering that Hekate's Sigil Summoning Mantra is sitting on Satania YouTube where any kid can get to it, and how Hocus Pocus 2 was shown to millions of children... Kevin Neece says it was like the Original Ending of Little Shop of Horrors where Patrick Martin tells Seymour that there are going to be Thousands of Audrey II's marketed to the General Public. That was Audrey II's plan all along. To be mass distributed worldwide so it could Eat America.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker have long been thought to be untouchable for their offensive antics on South Park, but that's not true. They paid the ultimate price when South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut made Satan a major character in the movie, and by pure coincidence, after the film was released, Voice Actress Mary Kay Bergman famously commit suicide because she had been dealing with bipolar depression. Adding to the curse of South Park, Matt and Trey had disputes with actor Isaac Hayes over the Scientology Episode Trapped in the Closet, and after Issac Hayes quit, they backstabbed him with The Death of Chef Episode where they used old voice recordings of Chef edited together to make Chef look like a Pedophile before he is violently killed. Isaac Hayes was disturbed by the episode and died a few months later, but Matt Stone and Trey Parker appeared to show no remorse for their behavior because they were still angry at him. Take note that in The Book of Mormon, the showstopper song is Hasa Diga Ebowai which translates into "Fuck you God". South Park's fame became both a curse and a trap because Matt Stone and Trey Parker have never been able to escape it to move on with their careers, only making a few movies on the side. They've repeatedly tried to have their own show cancelled only to finally give in and sign up for Seven More Seasons so that they could buy Casa Bonita, which is like the South Park equivalent of Charles Foster Kane's Xanadu from Citizen Kane. And just like Citizen Kane, Trey Parker is probably going to die on his death bed in the offices of Casa Bonita during a snowy winter storm, only his last words won't be about a winter sled named Rosebud. They will be "Matt Stone's Penis" and then he'll die and go to Hell. Sorry guys, it's okay if you don't believe in Satan, because it appears that Satan believes in you. While there are many characters on the cover of the South Park movie, including Satan, take note that the Three Fates give away is the THREE WORD SUBTITLE: Bigger, Longer and Uncut. The Original Title was All Hell Breaks Loose.

Studio 666 was made by the Foo Fighters secretly during the pandemic and feels like one of Kevin Neece's Bad Goddess Voodoo Curses where the Actors play themselves in the movie, and then they kill themselves off. Kevin Neece made a translation of Mike Mignola's Rasputing Diary from the Hellboy Director's Cut DVD by running each individual word through a YouTube Search with Satania. Just like Mike Mignola promised, 99% of the words were made up with no translation but the 1% that were based on the Lesser Key of Solomon Demon Names resulted in Satania Videos which included Full Summoning Mantra, as if the entire book were meant to only give One Page of Instructions. Kevin Neece recited the Hellboy Mantra and invited the Demons to watch Studio 666 at Westgate Theaters, and a week later it was announced that the movie flopped followed by the later DEATH of Drummer Taylor Hawkins. Kevin Neece believes that when he summoned the Demons to watch the movie, the fact that the actors were playing themselves and were killed off by Demons resulted in the film turning into a Voodoo Death Curse on Taylor Hawkins. The Demons later requested that Kevin Neece summon them to watch Baz Luhremann's Elvis and then it hit the news Shonka Dukureh DIED. Take note that the number 666, despite being the Mark of the Beast in the Bible, is also a Triple Digit aka Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads or Three Fates.

Prey for the Devil was written by Robert Zappia, who did extensive research into the Exorcism Division of the Catholic Church when writing the movie. Kevin Neece contacted Robert Zappia to tell him the story of his own Possession with Ekatn only to find out that Robert Zappia was stepping away from Demonic Horror to make Children's Comedies again. After researching the entire cast, Kevin Neece discovered that Actor Ben Cross died before the movie could be completed, fitting the stereotype that when you make Demon films, one of the actors usually gets Death Cursed, as if it were some form of Sacrificial Offering. Take note that there are Three Poltergeist films and in each film production, one actor died. First the sister, then the Evil Priest "God is in His Holy Temple", and finally Heather O'Rourke who played Carol Anne. When Kevin Neece asked Robert Zappia if Ben Cross was the reason why he was backing away from horror, the answer was Yes. Robert Zappia did his research and realized that those who make films about Demonology are cursed.

Right about now you're asking yourselves, what about The Shining? It's a legitimate haunted movie loaded up the ass with subliminal warning signs and it's because Stanley Kubrick did it intentionally. But none of these subliminal images appear in the poster. They are all hidden in the movie. The Hexagons on the carpet are used in the Occult. Hellboy shot a scene in a Hexagon shaped room and we've already discussed what happened because of it. All of the candles hanging from the ceiling in Circles are Occult Summoning Circles including the Dart Board. Danny plays on the Dart Board right before the Twins appear. The two Twins in the movie represent The Duality of Mankind's Inner Struggle between Good and Evil. When Jack Nicholson is driving the car and discussing the Donner Party there are THREE people on camera representing Three Fates. Jack Nicholson is on the right side representing Skuld the Future Goddess of Death and Dark Omens and he dies at the end of the movie. During the kitchen tour scene, there are Three Actors representing Three Fates. Scatman Crothers is on the right side representing Skuld and he dies at the end of the movie. When Shelley Duvall radios the Police Station, sitting on the wall is a symbol that reads UVS (U Tree Symbol S) which translates into Urd Verdandi Skuld and the Tree in Verdandi's place is The Tree of Yggdrasil. The Hedge Maze features Twists and Turns like the Strophalos of Hekate. The Room 237 represents Jim Carrey's The Number 23 and 7 Princes of Hell. Redrum backwards is Murder. The Number 23 backwards if 32 aka FATE = 32. Jack Nicholson played The Devil in The Witches of Eastwick. And finally there's the DEATH of Scatman Crothers. He starred in the cursed movie Ralph Bakshi's Coonskin where Brother Rabbit Brother Bear and Preacher Fox are the Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld. Then he died in The Shining. Then he starred in the death cursed movie Twilight Zone The Movie. Scatman Crothers starred in Three Cursed movies representing Three Fates and after the Third Movie representing Skuld Scatman Crothers DIED. Stanley Kubrick may have shot the movie inside a Studio Built Set but everything he did, including the Hexagon carpeting, was custom designed to invoke Demons and the Occult to create a haunted movie and it's entirely intentional. Adding to the Curse of The Shining, Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar installed the cursed Hexagon carpeting at their South Lamar Lobby Location in honor of The Shining and eventually one of their employees DIED after getting drunk on his break and falling off the top floor of the parking garage meaning he probably HAUNTS THE BUILDING. Adding to this American Genre Film Archive distributes Satanist and Demonology Horror Films, which doubles as a Sacrificial Offering to the Demon Realm in the form of Free Publicity. I would say that yes, Tim League's Theater is Haunted by Demons.

If you're a fan of American Genre Film Archive, then you're probably wondering are there any Vinegar Syndrome films that classify as Illuminati? Only a few but the most notable one is the re-release of SURF II with Eddie Deezen and Eric Stoltz. Like AGFA, Vinegar Syndrome has released more than a few Demonology Horror Films like Amok Train: Beyond the Door III or Satan's Blood or Devil Story or Demonoid or Nightmare Sisters or Cthulu Mansion or Lucifer's Women and it may have resulted in their artwork department being manipulated by Demons like Greek Muses. Their most recent film, Infernal Rapist, features Three Demon Goddesses at the beginning of the movie. Take note that on the cover of the SURF II Bluray, there are only THREE ZOMBIES at the top of the image representing Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld watching down over the Fates of Surfers Eric Stoltz and Eddie Deezen. In the movie, the Duality of Mankinds Inner Struggle between Good and Evil is showcased during a Split Screen Scene where there are Two Mothers cleaning house representing Yin and Yang. There's a dark line going down the center of the screen when they do it. This is the Curse of SURF II. Eric Stoltz made the movie right before he worked on Back to the Future, with Future standing in for Skuld the Future Goddess of Death and Dark Omens, and Eric Stoltz got cursed out of his role in Back to the Future only to be replaced with Michael J Fox. And Michael J Fox made THREE Back to the Future movies signifying Three Fates, and around the time period of the THIRD movie representing Skuld, he found out that he had been cursed with Parkinson's Disease and kept it a secret so he could keep working. Then he made the Grim Reaper film The Frighteners for Robert Zemeckis from Tales from the Crypt and Peter Jackson from Dead Alive, and afterwards got cursed out of his role in the Film Industry because his Parkinson's Disease became so bad that he couldn't keep it hidden. Now take note that there is a reason Eddie Deezen is Illuminati. He was in War Games with Matthew Broderick who would later marry Sarah Jessica Parker from Hocus Pocus. He was in The Polar Express with Tom Hanks who was in the Pagan Blood Sacrifice film Joe vs the Volcano where the Three Fates Urd Verdandi and Skuld were represented by Meg Ryan playing Three Roles, Eddie Deezen was in Grease with Stockard Channing from the Salem Witchcraft film Practical Magick, Eddie Deezen was in Midnight Madness with Michael J Fox who got cursed in Back to the Future, and Midnight Madness also stars David Naughton from the Gypsy Curse movie An American Werewolf in London from director John Landis who made the death curse film Twilight Zone The Movie where Vic Morrow died. Do you get what I'm saying here? Eric Stoltz was not the curse of SURF II. It was Eddie Deezen.

Nobody has died from Funny People just yet but it does feature THREE FATES on the DVD Cover. Seth Rogen is Urd the Half Demon Goddess, and he's from the Demonology film This is the End and the Religious Satire Sausage Party. Adam Sandler is from Little Nicky. And there's Skuld's Leslie Mann from Ben Stiller's The Cable Guy with the Angel of Death Jim Carrey replacing the DEAD Chris Farley. Leslie Mann was also featured on ANOTHER THREE FATES poster for The Other Woman with Cameron Diaz from the Three Fates film Charlie's Angels. Cameron Diaz has since Retired from the Acting Industry, thus escaping Hekate's Illuminati Wrath, but it's said she's considering a return someday.

Take Note that Rihanna is featured in This is the End from 2013. A Priest shared his story of a Near Death Experience in 2016 where he suffered a Heart Attack and went to Hell where the Demons were singing Rihanna's Umbrella. In This is the End, Rihanna falls into the Pit of Hell at the end of the first act.

This next one isn't a subliminal DVD Cover, but it does showcase that the Angel of Death has a Sense of Humor. Singer George Michaels from Wham died on Christmas Day. He's the singer of Last Christmas and it was his Last Christmas.

Kevin Neece didn't realize this until just now, but the warning signs that The Artist Formerly Known as Prince was due to die was showcased on his Saturday Night Live performance of Prince and the Third Eye Girl. Kevin suspects that Saturday Night Live is a Hekate targeted Television Show but we'll get to that later. The Three Glasses that Prince worse represents Three Fates, Urd Verdandi and Skuld, and the Third Eye is a Paranormal Community thing where people awaken their Third Eye aka the Pineal Gland to see and communicate with Ghosts. Prince's death was staring us in the face all along and it was on Saturday Night Live, which plays late night during the witching hours when people perform invocations.

The Story of Voice Actor Mel Blanc was that he kept getting rejected by the casting director at Warner Brothers when he applied for a job. Suddenly, the casting director died by pure coincidence and the man who replaced him hired Mel Blanc on the spot thus opening the doorway to his future career at Looney Tunes. Now stop and take a look at Skuld's presentation in the Ah My Goddess series. Skuld is an immortal goddess child who can see into the future. My conspiracy theory is that Skuld looked into Mel Blanc's future, saw that he was supposed to voice Bugs Bunny, and killed the casting director that was obstructing him like a Hit Man so that he would get hired at Warner Brothers. Because nothing stands between the Goddess of Death and hey Bugs Bunny cartoons.

There's also a Theater in Austin TX called Westgate Theater that is designed to look like a Train Station, which makes it a Crossroads, and Hekate is the Goddess of the Crossroads. They have an entertainment ad called Regal Unlimited which features Three Actors that resemble Urd Verdandi and Skuld. Take note that the Actor on the Left is Black with a White Beard just as Urd is Black with White Hair, The Man in the Middle is Blond like Belldandy, And the All-Seeing Goddess on the right is Asian with Black Hair like Skuld. Now compare these three actors to the Ah My Goddess Poster on my Bedroom Wall.

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