Friday, June 16, 2023

Woke Culture: Vigilante Justice in 2021

Ah My Goddess Bad Goddess (DUB) Woke Culture TTS Voice Track

Allow me to paint you a scenario: A Black Celebrity Comedian walks out on stage and tells a dirty racist joke and drops the N-Bomb as many times as he likes. Everybody laughs. At a different venue, A White Celebrity Comedian tells the exact same joke, using the exact same words, and the exact same delivery. The Entire Internet calls him a Racist and Demands that he be Blacklisted from his Career. What's the Difference?

How can the same joke be funny to one group of people, and then offensive to the point of inciting a lynch mob when somebody else performs that exact same joke? The answer is: there is no difference. You're all a bunch of closet racists who are angry because an African American got shot by a White Police Officer. It was announced all over the news. The Cop was clearly Guilty. And the Criminal Justice System allowed him to escape punishment via legal loopholes. Fuck that Guy, right? And yet here we are in 2021, and he's still a Free Man.

You couldn't get Justice against the Racist Murdering Cop, so now you're angry and looking to take out your spite and your vengeance on the first Racist Asshole who crosses your path. So instead of Punishing the Racist Cop who committed the Actual Crime, you turn around and Punish the White Comedian in his Place. Because you discovered that an Internet Lynch Mob has the ability to Destroy Their Careers without any sort of consequences towards yourselves. You can totally destroy that White Comedian Guilt Free and Get Away with It. And it feels finger licking good, now doesn't it?

But there's just one problem with this Vigilante Justice. You didn't fix the real issue that you were Angry about. That Racist Murdering Pig of a Cop, he stills gets to walk away from his Crime unpunished. And that White Comedian that you Destroyed... he was punished for a Crime he never committed. He may be an asshole to all of you, but did he really deserve to lose his career for the simple crime of telling jokes? Because that joke that he just told, the one that you could never bring yourselves to laugh at. You all thought it was hilarious when the Black Comedian told it.

Allow me to Alter the Spectrum. Dave Chappelle makes jokes about the Trans Community. So now the Trans Community wants his career destroyed. Because he told jokes. Why do they really want to destroy Dave Chappelle? It's because some Transphobic Serial Killer murdered one of their own in the Bathroom at McDonalds... and somehow got away with it. The Trans Community couldn't get justice against the Serial Killer... but Dave Chappelle, he's an Easy Target they can get to. Why yes, all you have to do is start a movement on the Internet and Dave Chappelle will be punished for the Death of the Trans Woman that was murdered in the McDonalds Bathroom. And all of his Friends will sit back and watch from a distance in safety while you do it, because they're not Brave like Dave Chappelle is. They don't want to put their careers on the line for whatever he did.

But Dave Chappelle didn't murder that Trans Woman, now did he? All Dave Chappelle did was tell jokes. You just punished Dave Chappelle for a crime he didn't commit. It wasn't because it broke the rules of political correctness. It wasn't because he was insensitive to your feelings. It's because you couldn't get Justice. So you took it out on the Comedian in place of the Real Criminal Offender.

I'm not Transphobic. I'm ANTI-POLITICAL CORRECTNESS because Political Correctness is the Death of all fun. And the people who practice Political Correctness are Hypocrites of the Worst Kind with their own Ulterior Motives and Alternate Agendas. I'm ANTI-CANCEL CULTURE because I know what it's like to be Blacklisted. And I'm sorry, but if the boot fits, and you wore it, that was your choice to put that boot on yourselves, you know damn well what you were wearing when you chose to commit that crime, what the fuck am I supposed to say? That you're NOT GUILTY? You want me to give you a Free Pass or Get Out of Jail Free Card because you're out there seeking revenge against someone else who had nothing to do with the crime that pissed you off to the point of no return?

You want to know the real reason why you couldn't get Justice? It's because you didn't have the Racist Murdering Cop's Home Address. And even if you did, none of you have the guts to do your own dirty work yourselves. But that's a hindsight issue. That Racist Murdering Cop was safely protected in his prison cell during the court trial, far away from all of you. When those Protestors Rioted and Burned that City to the Ground, and the Cops were forced to Gear Up looking like a Modern Day Nazi Extermination Squad to stand up to them, not a single one of those rioters and protestors were able to "take one for the team" and take that Racist Murdering Cop out of commission for what he did. Not only did he get off, but the entire fucking Police Force took his punishment in his place by dealing with all of you. And it still wasn't enough. was it? Those Police Officers would rather risk allowing the guilty to go free to protect the law and lay the burden of punishment upon themselves than to sit back and allow you to lynch their own officers without the due process of a Court Trial because that's not how America works.

All of those pissed off people on Social Media. Not a single one of you had the guts to show up at the Criminal Offender's Front Door to "Take One for the Team" and "Rub Him Out". Because None of You Had the Guts to Serve Out His Prison Sentence in His Place. In the End, You Can Only Kill the Bastard Once, and Once You Do, He's Off the Hook, and You Get to Live What Should Have Been HIS Life of Misery Behind Bars. Why should any of you be forced to serve HIS punishment when it was him that committed the crime and not you. So none of you came forward to do it. None of you fucking political correctness rats had the guts to put the bell on the cat yourselves out of fear that you would get eaten. It sounds like a great idea on twitter, but why put yourselves in that kind of danger when all you have to do to satisfy your lust for blood is destroy the career of an Actor or Comedian who pissed off your sensibilities. Because Cancel Culture allows you to get away with it.

But Dave Chappelle isn't really the one you want dead. Why should Dave Chappelle serve out someone else's punishment when none of you were willing to take the same risks? It's because you are ALL COWARDS. Dave Chappelle is just the patsy comedian that you want to attack because you couldn't get justice somewhere else. You know what other character persona followed that Psychology? Robert DeNiro's Travis Bickle in TAXI DRIVER. 

Robert DeNiro was FIVE SECONDS AWAY from shooting a US Senator for no other reason than he was angry that a woman in his Political Campaign Office didn't want to attend a Porno Movie with him on their First Date. So what does Robert DeNiro do? He goes out and murders a Pimp played by Harvey Keitel, in vicious cold blood, and he gets away with it because the news declared him a hero for saving Child Prostitute Jodie Foster. He gave the viewers the show that they wanted to see. Vigilante Justice against a Sex Trafficker. But how would those same people have reacted if he had gone through with his original plan to murder the US Senator?

TAXI DRIVER used to be about an Alienated Loner turned Sociopath looking for Attention. Today in 2021, it's become a Metaphor about Woke Culture, Cancel Culture, Political Correctness, whatever name you wish to call it by. The Devil under any other name is still The Devil. And make no mistake, Political Correctness is a Monster and it always has been from Day One. But it's not Real Justice. It's a Vigilante Lynch Mob acted out by Pussies and Cowards Hiding Behind the Internet. Fuck every last one of you for engaging in it. Because Cowardice under any other name is still Cowardice.
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