Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Mokkurkalfi Report: The Illusion of Division That Shields The Unification of Selfish Intentions

Written by Kevin Neece and Ekatn the Spirit Wife

Doctor What #7:

As we relax and play out our Christmas Time Holiday Festivities, some of us may forget that the reason Christmas was chosen as the day of celebration for the birth of Christ, is because the Christian Religion had begun it’s takeover over Norway and the Government wanted to help make the transition for all of the Pagans to include all of their previous rituals in the celebrations, while adapting to the celebration of Jesus Christ himself. This is why so many people point fingers at the Christian Religion and accuse them of spewing hatred at Pagan religions while hypocritically engaging in customs such as Christmas Trees and so forth. Everyone argues that the Political Correctness Police are trying to remove Christ from Christmas when from the Pagan perspective, Jesus Christ was viewed as an accessory to begin with, like the Shiny Angel being placed on top of the Christmas Tree. Jesus Christ is literally the Cherry on top of the Chocolate Syrup Drenched Vanilla Sundae… and yes, I’m intentionally tempting all of the Republican Interns to run out to the Ice Cream Shops… NONETHELESS… where was I… shit… I’ve lost my train of thought… hold on a second… yada yada yada… retrace our steps…


I believe where Doctor What was going with this, or where he should have started in the first place, was Kevin Neece took a break from sending out these emails on Christmas Morning to eat lunch with his family and take in a viewing of the new Star Wars movie at the local Cinemark. Amusingly, there were a few notable coincidences onscreen during the movie that thematically related to his life… but the one that stood out the most was when the villain switches sides and tells everybody that he’s the spy. Immediately, one of the Rebels catches on and shoots him in the leg asking him why he was really helping them. His answer was, “I don’t care if you win, I just need Kylo Ren to lose.” It is most certainly something to think about, isn’t it? Somebody may be sitting back, waiting to see if Kevin Neece’s actions accidentally result in the takedown of their enemies, right before they step in to stop him from reaching the finish line. But Kevin Neece has not affiliated himself to either political party during this debate because in the end, he strongly has good reason not to trust either one of them. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican. Because Frailty is the Human Error of Perception, and what seems like a good decision being performed with the best of intentions could be viewed as an evil decision made for personal gain by someone else. This perception does not apply to one specific party or the other as it can be adapted by Voters from both different parties, Democrat and Republican alike. But why are there two sides? Is this really a case of Good versus Evil… Angel versus Demon… Right versus Wrong? Or is it all an illusion created by social media to divert our eyes from the ultimate truth. That Magic is Misdirection and Every Statement could carry a Double Meaning. There is a Method to Kevin Neece’s Madness and Thought Process and that connects the pieces of the dots together to create a truly tangled maze with only one way out. There are a bunch of fucking rats in the US Government… and Kevin Neece suspects that those rats are all of you… you are all a bunch of rat politicians running an obstacle course through Kevin Neece’s maze on live national television… and in a completely ironic twist ending, the only way that both the Democratic and Republican Parties can escape this maze is by filing out the same exit together. There is no room for two people to walk out the exit of the maze divided by sides. They must unify into one line single file to survive. What logic has brought Kevin Neece to this conclusion that you are all secretly members of the same organization intended to deceive the entire American Nation? It was Kosuke Fujishima’s work on Ah My Goddess.

Doctor What #7:

As Kevin Neece has pointed out. The Pagan Spirits whose Norse Mythology Names were the inspirational basis for the Ah My Goddess theoretically all worked for the same team. In order to provide a Hero versus Villain element of entertainment value to the Ah My Goddess series, Kosuke Fujishima took these Pagan Spirit characters, and rewrote their identities and personalities to a completely different context so that specific spirits would be apply to the Goddesses and Angels, while other spirits would be applied to the Demons and Niflheim. The Norse Goddesses do not really come from “Heaven”, they come from Valhalla, and their leader is not “The Almighty”, an obvious attempt to link their God to the Christian God, their Almighty in real life was Odin. However in the Ah My Goddess series, his name was changed to Tyr, as Kosuke Fujishima’s Goddesses clearly worked off of an election process. The ruler of Niflheim, aka Hell, is not Satan, or Lucifer, or whoever the fuck in Kosuke Fujishima’s universe, nor is it Hela… her name is simply Hild-sama, often referred to as the Daimankaicho. Nor is she ever referred to as the Devil. The Demons simply equate her as Hell’s equivalent to the Almighty One, and will rail off on you if you should ever speak her name in vain… by the way, in the manga, she also liked to take the form of a sexualized Lolita which is another disturbing element of the series, often emulated by other anime series in Japan. So basically, once again. The Pagan Spirits are one great big team, that have had the false misrepresented identities of Angels and Demons applied to them for the Television Show to create the illusion of Good Versus Evil. Angel Versus Demon. Democrat Versus Republican. But what is this one team? Are they completely Angels? Are they completely Demons? Or are they simply Pagan Spirits who have chosen to create this identity for themselves to trick humanity into the mindset that they must join one side to avoid being punished by the other to get into Heaven, when the real reason is so that they can harvest humanity for their souls, because these spirits depend on the spiritual energy exchange in order to survive and grant them their miracle powers. And as once again previously stated, if they were to reach a drought in human souls, an epidemic of major losses in resources, they might resort to drastic measures to collect on those souls, such as a major natural disaster that kills thousands.


It’s exactly like the Republican joke that Kevin Neece made about Daybreakers. And the Allegory of that movie was very intentional by it’s filmmakers. But maybe we were all wrong about it’s identity being applied to simply the Republican Party. Maybe it was intended to represent the entire human race in general… or possibly even the Angels and Demons that inhabit the spirit world. The vampires in Daybreakers take over the world, and create their own society just as they’ve always wanted… but they cannot bring themselves to stop their own natural bloodlust… they must drink… and drink… and drink… to the point that they’re selling human blood in their coffee like Starbucks… their only own stockpile are store rooms filled with human bodies kept alive for no other reason than to harvest blood… but with so much consumption… their resources are running out. They believe that their only option is to create a new synthetic blood to keep themselves alive… when the answer that is dropped right in front of their faces is that the only true way to solve the problem is to save their souls and regain their humanity so that the human race can flourish as God had originally intended. THAT is why Demonic Society has to care about the welfare of the human race as much as the Angel Society does. Because if their greed and desperation causes them to wipe out all of their resources, how will all of us survive? Daybreakers is as much an important allegory film to our modern day society as this stupid publicity stunt that Kevin Neece has presented with Marller Gets a Spinoff: The Fate of a Nation.

Doctor What #7:

Now let’s take a step further by taking a leap backwards. Why did Kevin Neece feel that the Gods and Goddesses and Demons chose to attack him? He deduced it was because he repeatedly and viciously poked fun at Kosuke Fujishima for marrying a girl who was thirty years younger than him when she was a legal aged twenty year old adult. And if society believes that those age restrictions automatically qualify Kosuke Fujishima as a pedophile that should be attacked on the internet by his own unforgiving fanbase, then how do you all think this would reflect upon the images of Angels and Goddesses and Demons who were thousands of years old whose only possible relationship choices probably separated them by hundreds of years? We jokingly believe that our Government might be under the subliminal mental influence of the Demons, because our society automatically associated Demons with evil. But then we turn around and celebrate Christian, Catholic, and Mormon culture when one of their members has been proven to have received Divine Inspiration and Knowledge, just as Kevin Neece felt he had accidentally received in regards to the Asatru Culture with his Schizophrenia Goddess Staff Meeting Article. It appears that both sides of the spiritual coin can subliminally influence a person’s mind. And we apply these Angelic Actions to the Church Groups like Christianity, Catholicism, and Mormonism.


Has anybody every asked themselves why Mormon Society sometimes allows multiple wives, when their religion is supposed to adhere to Jesus Christ? The entire basis of their religion is Joseph Smith received “Divine Inspiration” from up above to write the extensive history of The Book of Mormon… who gave him that information? Was it a Christian Angel? Or was it a Pagan Spirit, pretending to be a Christian Angel who herself lived within a society based on Polygamy? That might explain a few things… and if members of the Catholic Church are said to receive “Divine Inspiration” from these Angels, who are thousands of years old, and are insulted by people who attack Pedophilia… why do you think there are so many members of the Catholic Church being called out on the news for Pedophilia Scandals… and why do all of these higher up Church Officials continue to cover for them? Ah My Goddess has tricked the entire internet anime community into a state of delusion where they all believe they would want a relationship with an angel like Belldandy. But what was Kevin Neece’s immediately fearful reaction when he was coerced into such an situation through that invisible ghost sex ritual that he associates as the Ah My Goddess version of Rosemary’s Baby? He panicked in fear that they had set him up to look like a sex offender in front of the entire nation because he was trying to come forward to expose all of them out of fear that their culture might be a danger to children. Which in itself is relevant to the Child’s Online Privacy Protection Act. And when he realized how he had been set up, and how it would look to all of you, what did he do? He decided to come forward anyways. Because the life of one man means nothing compared to the safety of an entire nation. But the voice and the passion of a nobody can make a difference if we just choose to show him compassion and forgiveness to hear him out.

Doctor What #7:

Kevin Neece is not an expert on the practice of Satanism. He only knows the cliff notes. But his immediate takeaway is that some groups of Satanists believe in the existence of Demons, while others, specifically a group called The Church of Satan, openly announce that Satan and his demons are metaphorical and do not really exist. They claim to be more in line with Atheists, and that anyone who claims they have had any kind of paranormal encounter is crazy and must seek psychiatric help. But as Kevin Neece learned from one of the Satanist websites, one of the giveaways of a Demonic Presence is Coincidence. And when he engaged in a few demonic Ouija Board experiments with the Bad Goddess cartoons, that is exactly what he witnessed… Coincidence. The Coincidence of a Baphomet Goat Head showing up in places where it shouldn’t be the night after the experiment. The Coincidence of 666 showing up on his twitter account at the exact same time that Mara Marller’s Twitter account stated that Ouija Boards are bunk and do not work. And then he was lashed out at by two different venues and his car violently broke down in a manner that could kill him. Seeing isn’t Believing, Believing is Seeing, but Kevin Neece HAS witnessed these effects with his own eyes and no psychiatrist explanation is ever going to undo these coincidences. Logic deduces that either the Church of Satan is wrong about these experiences, in group mass, meaning that none of them have ever been able to achieve these effects that Kevin did… or they are blatantly and intentionally lying to the general public because the greatest trick that the Devil ever pulled was convincing humanity that he doesn’t exist. And then they intentionally set out to sue anyone on misinformation grounds who calls them out so that they can profit off of the lawsuits. These actions of self defense could be mistakenly viewed as no different than the Westboro Baptist Church trolling the funerals of Gay Soldiers with Hate Speech Activism so that they can profit off of the lawsuits from the emotionally compromised victims who fight back in self defense. Mind you, we are not trying to say that the Church of Satan are evil within their actions. Obviously they are just trying to protect themselves from being attacked by slander and misinformation. But once again, the greatest trick that the Devil ever pulled was convincing humanity that he doesn’t exist, and all signs point to the Church of Satan being in on this in-joke as if it were some kind of secret handshake amongst their community, as they have openly stated that they intentionally used the 666 revelation of the beast symbols to troll idiot christian zealots who fly off the hinge. Just as Kevin Neece himself tried to troll all of the televangelists with Bad Goddess to see if they were stupid enough to take the bait on national television. And now look where Kevin Neece has landed himself. He’s trapped himself right into the very hands of misfortune and his only way out is to educate everyone in the US Government on philosophy so that his life will not be taken in vein. 


So to those who practice the Christian, Catholic, and Mormon Religions, remember, those religions do not have a monopoly on humility, compassion, forgiveness, and human kindness. Those quality are shared by almost all religions and should be respected by everyone as Religion is a House with Many Rooms where All are Welcome, and nobody could ever hurt themselves by educating themselves with greater knowledge of the different religions so that they could reach a logical conclusion for themselves instead of being guilt tripped into one set of religious values by a hypocritical church organization that may have historically cherry picked and revised their information to hold control over the mass majority population. And just because someone is perceived as an Angel, a Goddess, a Deity, a Devil, or a Demon, or even Almighty God Himself, does not automatically mean that they are not a part of a government judicial branch we haven’t fully explored yet until we die, that could become prone to human error themselves. God is infallible? BULLSHIT. Even the smartest person in the room needs advisors to help think out their planning process for how to run Fate and a Human Society. God has a plan and never makes mistakes? BULLSHIT. Your American Society is already on the brink of collapse to the point that it is showcasing itself in the arts and educating everyone who overindulges themselves in cinematic and internet pop culture instead of taking the time to read books. Some people don’t even bother to read the articles beyond the opening headlines because they automatically agree with it’s conclusion with no logic or understanding of why that conclusion is being stated. They just go along with the crowd, like a bunch of fucking lemmings jumping off a cliff into a mountain of useless dead bodies.

Doctor What #7:

This means you Kevin. Jesus Fucking Christ. You cast me as the fucking Time Lord when I’m clearly the Mad Doctor who wants to wipe out all of the internet servers so that people will start reading books again. Just as any intelligent person aggravated by your pop culture society would. Possibly even the Five Commissioners of the FTC. Why are they so desperately trying to destroy YouTube when Kevin Neece suspects that your entire Government may be under Angelic or Demonic influence? Because all of the Angels and Demons who have lived for thousands of years were educated on books, and a society run by pop culture influenced by fictional films that are forced to adhere to the same twenty five storyline stereotypes and cliches must irritate the living fuck out of all of them. A fantasy summer blockbuster movie universe that misrepresents their images through the media, and brings people into their religious study for entirely the wrong reasons must have them ready to punch a fucking hole in the wall.


And a fucking anime show called Ah My Goddess that takes the Three Fates that rule all of Time and Space and Humanity, and then demotes them into the offensive stereotypes of a group of subservient Japanese housewives, who only cook and clean and sit on their asses all day watching television like a bunch of luxury goddesses until some incompetent demon shows up and decides to messy up their day… well… sorry Kosuke Darling… we understand that you meant well… and it was an entertaining show… even we all thought it was a cute idea at the time… but everything has its limits. Why would Belldandy, who has been visiting earth to help people through the Goddess Hotline Group for thousands of years, be so naive of earth culture that she comes off like a naive space cadet who could fall into the trappings of anyone who tried to set her up? It doesn’t make a whole hell of a lot of sense really. And for that matter, when Kevin Neece stated that he felt some of the spirits trying to use him as a medium to investigate his own house, he failed to mention that when he felt Belldandy’s presence, he had this strong irritating urge to put his hair up into a ponytail. Just as American Voice Actress Eileen Stevens stated on the commentary to Ah My Goddess Flights of Fancy that she also chose to wear her hair in a ponytail like Belldandy did in the anime series… stop and think about that for a second… when they were making that television series… did the spirits from Norse Mythology decide to join in themselves to subconsciously influence the voice cast members and directors? It’s not a proven fact or anything, but it is a coincidental detail that Kevin Neece has recently noticed. It’s exactly like The Mad Doctor said, “Maybe once these fucking crackers lose their TV sets and Internet Sites they’ll start picking up fucking books again.” or the repeated running joke line, “If you want to defeat the Blue Meanies, you’ve got to put down the fucking Beatles and pick up a fucking book.”

Doctor What #7:

And that argument in itself is the reason why the Gods, Goddesses, and Demons might view Kevin Neece as one of the most dangerous speakers on planet earth. It’s not because he has the ability to convince congress and senate, because believe me, it doesn’t take a genius to see that once all of your politicians have their minds made up, there is very little that can be done to change them, it’s because Kevin Neece knows how to read between the lines of our modern day religions, that have accidentally become a foundation applied to our United States Government due to people like Donald Trump allowing Televangelist Con Artist Zealots like Paula White to advise him on spiritual matters and politics. If you all believe that Kevin Neece’s statements and views on your religious and spiritual society are dangerous to our local government and the way that you all choose to run things, then why would you all automatically assume that a bunch of crazy christians off of mainstream television would have all of the answers when the man who related them was clearly attracted to their con artist personalities. Make no mistake, no government body or system is perfect, and no religious system can be said to be perfect either, which is why Christians and Catholics cherry pick their ideals from their Bibles. If they truly believe in God so much, then why has no Deity come forward to update these religious manuals to modern times? Is it because the Church Groups believe that anybody who claims to receive “Divine Inspiration” must be crazy, or need psychiatric help, or is it because they refuse to accept the fact that the reason they don’t recognize these people is because they cannot recognize God when he or she appears in front of their faces. Because Jesus Christ was just a man with ideas. And their religion may have completely oversold him to the point that none of their staff members could recognize him if he stood in front of their faces today.


No, Doctor What, you’re wrong. Kevin Neece recognized the existence of God investigating his house by using him as a medium, and watching Charlie Day’s Fist Fight. Why would Kevin, who claimed to be such a fallen christian turned atheist turned pagan turn around and recognize such a figure when he knew all of American and Religious Society would call him crazy? It’s because Seeing isn’t Believing. Believing is Seeing. It’s not about what we’ve been taught with our eyes through years of religion being filtered through the Telephone Book game. It’s about what we feel in our hearts. What we know in our souls. He knew that was God, because he logically theorized how God would feel about our modern day society. He knew that mankind was overselling his existence. He knew who it was because a medium doesn’t pick up on schizophrenic conversation, they gain their knowledge off of human feelings, and Kevin Neece is so self aware that he can recognize when his own comments, speech, and actions do not match up to his usual routine. There is no logical reason or piece of physical evidence in existence to prove why Kevin Neece knew that was God taking the night off to slum it in his living room. He just knew it based off of the personal feelings and intuition he had developed. Kevin Neece accidentally gave away the answer to his own question in the Bad Goddess short Marller Finds Jesus. Mara the Demon recognized Jesus Christ because as a demon who was trained to sense the divine energy that emanated off of his presence, she just intuitively knew, and it did not matter what logic her friends tried to present her with, because nothing could undo the logic of what she had just felt and witnessed with her own intuition as a Demon. And if our Government Congressmen and Officials had been susceptible to Angelic or Demonic Subconscious Influence, then theoretically, if Jesus Christ were to be secretly standing right in of their faces, then based on that logic, they too should have been gifted with the ability to recognize a spiritual presence by intuition alone. No logic or physical evidence would be necessary. They would just know. And afterwards, nobody in human society would believe them because all they care about is what they see with their own eyes. That is why seeing isn’t believing. Believing is Seeing.

Doctor What #7:

And on that note, we come to a very important question that may have been overlooked by everyone. Over the course of making Bad Goddess, every piece of bad luck and misfortune has been coming out of the woodworks to attack Kevin Neece. But perhaps we still haven’t thought outside the box enough or investigated enough of the angles. Kevin Neece’s misfortune started during the making of Marller Gets a Spinoff, which is based on a real, albeit completely different demon, named Mara who causes misfortune. In the Ah My Goddess universe, when a Demon engages in wicked behavior, they are rewarded with Good Fortune by the Niddhog System, while other Demons who try to engage in good deeds are Punished with Sickness and Extreme Misfortune. Kevin Neece’s Anime Spinoff is about a Demon who goes against her own nature to try and save humanity, and its reasonable to say that said Demon was being repeatedly invoked throughout the making of the episodes. But Kevin Neece’s cartoon show is not real life. It is an idealistic fantasy. And when he showcased Mara trying to change her license, and mixed it with the Hekate VouDou Store Black Candles, if the real spiritual world worked on similar rules to the logic that Kosuke Fujishima presented in his series, it might explain why the simple act of making Marller Gets a Spinoff repeatedly hurt him. It was because he was using a real life Demon to preach Common Sense Christian Ideals and the “Niddhog System” backfired on him.


But there’s another side of the coin we haven’t asked ourselves. If Kevin Neece was trying to come forward to logically reveal the true existence of these Goddesses to the US Congress and Senate on Live National Television under the publicity stunt of a terrorist attack simulated by the FBI, why would they repeatedly send threatening acts of misfortune his way instead of simply inducing him to suffer a heart attack like his father. It completely harkens back to what he suggested about the Goddesses and Demons hijacking the Satirical Nature of his Anime Show because it was about Disgruntled Workers using the art of Satire to call Bullshit on their Bosses. Donald Trump believed that there was a resistance group of workers within his own White House staff who were secretly trying to sabotage him from engaging in what they viewed as unethical behavior. To such an extent that he misused a Government Shutdown to force them to live without pay so that they would be compelled to quit. Let’s stop and imagine for a moment that somewhere up in Heaven, or Yggdrasil HQ, or even Niddhog HQ, there was also another resistance group who had also suffered the wrath of an intolerable and unethical government management and hijacked the Satirical Nature of Kevin Neece’s anime show publicity stunt to call out their own bosses.

Doctor What #7:

Kevin Neece believes that Belldandy, Mokkurkalfi, and “The Almighty” themselves gave him a visit in spiritual form that could only be recognized by a medium. And ever since that psychotic mental break he suffered, his writing abilities have amazingly increased by quite a percentage. It has already been determined by a Holy Water test, that the spirit who forced marital sex on him was probably not a Demon, as a person who was demonically possessed would theoretically have a very difficult time walking into a Catholic Church to perform such a test, so it must be a Goddess that’s helping him. Now that’s strange, why would “The Almighty” be helping him call bullshit on himself, in collaboration with the Demon character that was presented in the final Oh My Goddess serial storyline as launching a Coup D’Tat Rebellion on the Daimakaicho of Niflheim, in a live televised Satire of Coup D’Tats being performed on Congress through the art of witchcraft?


It’s almost as if Heaven and Hell actually were run on an election process, and their leaders may have themselves been overthrown or tossed out of office by someone who was completely irresponsible and planning to use this mass disaster with the COPPA YouTube Login ReRoute Glitch to bankrupt and imprison half of the United States of America, while the other half died trying to defend themselves with Kevin Neece’s Weapon of Mass Destruction Invocation cartoon. And their reasons for doing this was to recharge a dwindling Soul Energy supply out of panic by causing a massive nationwide death scenario. Would that mean that the resistance Goddesses, Demons, and even “The Almighty” themselves had gone rogue and were attempting to hijack this discussion to try and stop this major disaster from happening through the art of Satire and Entertainment?

Doctor What #7:

For all of this bullshit artist discussion that we’ve been engaging in, it turns out that the Christians may have accidentally been right all along. Everyone scoffed and groaned when they called out the Harry Potter series for presenting Magic Spells as a Superficial Special Effects Gag that could be performed on a Technical Level when really Magic and Witchcraft are a Religious State of Mind that requires you to change religious beliefs and give worship to other Gods and Goddesses that you may not be familiar with and possibly even unfaithful in your beliefs towards. Those Spirits know how to pick up on those sentiments of who takes them seriously as a form of worship and who treats them as a joke because they watched an anime show or fantasy film that made them look cool. Magic and Witchcraft can be a Danger in the Hands of an Irresponsible Child granted access to a retail outlet Ouija Board.


But in the end, it’s exactly as the gun rights owners have been saying for years. It’s not the weapon that kills people, it’s the Irresponsible Person who Misuses It because they were uneducated or did not use common sense. Those professional spiritualists who engage in these practices either went to school or received some sort of mentorship training to get to the stage where they are, and as Kevin Neece has witnessed from the actions of Reinero DeValois and Saul Ravencraft, even those who are the most professional and well educated on the subject matter can fall victim to a Spell Backlash and misfortune due to whatever reason. But those gun owners still have to go through certain wait periods and restrictions to receive one of those firearms to prevent them from falling into the hands of mentally unstable people. Which is why everyone was so angry with Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed for releasing his plans for a 3D printed gun that could pass through airport metal detectors onto the internet. And Kevin Neece is as equally guilty for teaching everyone how to misuse Ah My Goddess as a weapon of witchcraft, when the series itself had been perfectly harmless for decades during it’s run. Ah My Goddess Flights of Fancy wasn’t dangerous until Kevin Neece experimented with it after he had accidentally brought down the wrath of the spirits who had haunted the anime show.

Doctor What #7:

Who is ultimately to blame for teaching Kevin Neece how to do these things? It was the Goddesses and Demon spirits who repeatedly attacked him during the making of Bad Goddess. They gave themselves away that they were real, and the last straw that led to his weaponized experiments was when they killed his father as revenge for making fun of Kosuke Fujishima. Even in the spirit world, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind, hate begets more hate, and those who fight fire with fire will always burn down the house. God is infallible? BULLSHIT! Goddesses, Demons, and Spirits can be just as irresponsible in their use of their dangerous powers as Kevin Neece was, and it was their irresponsible behavior that taught him how to do this shit and progressively escalated the events in his life that led to this fucking disaster with COPPA and the Bad Goddess Weapon of Mass Destruction political cartoon. How can any of these fucking assholes up at Yggdrasil HQ blame him for trying to expose them as a possible threat to children on Nationwide Television after they exhibited that kind of behavior?


Once again, Kevin Neece’s final conclusion in the Bad Goddess series, which he has rationalized and adapted to real life, is that the Race of Goddesses were exposed to the entire human race through the acts of an irresponsible president and everyone who was obsessed with pop culture examined them from a literal stance that they were a society of interdimensional aliens who suckered them into their religious beliefs under false pretenses. Frailty is the human error of perception and unfortunately, the human race has finally wised up and caught up to all of us. With no context or rational explanation to be given to them to prove otherwise, Kevin Neece has come to the logical conclusion that we are all real… using an anime show as an instruction manual, no different than the arcade machine in The Last Starfighter. God Fucking Dammit… out of all the fucking things that could have given us away, it was a fucking popcorn fluff film from the 1980s with badly dated CGI special effects. It’s like that motherfucker watched Galaxy Quest a hundred times and decided to apply it to the Ah My Goddess universe. Thanks a lot asshole. You just got all of us fired. You have completely destroyed our careers! Just because you were fucking blacklisted doesn’t mean you had to take all of us with you!

Doctor What #7:

Oh yes it does. Everybody blames God for their life problems, but this clever motherfucker is the first one who found a way to drag all of the Goddesses down with him, kicking and screaming, on live national television in front of the entire United States Congress and Senate, all while the FBI simulated a nationwide terrorist attack using Asatru Cosplayers and Anime Witchcraft Invocation Cartoons. Great Work Kevin. You’re a Fucking Hero to Demons Everywhere… wait… didn’t we come here to stop the problem of Joseph Simons and the FTC’s COPPA sweep?


Honestly, if they’re stupid enough to go through with it after all of these discussions, we should just sit back and let them do it. At least we’d get to see the spectacle of watching Half of the Law Enforcement Officials in the United States of America getting fined up the ass, bankrupted, and imprisoned with us. I mean, Homeland Security and ICE Immigration kind of deserve it, don’t they? And afterwards, we could all sing fucking Kumbiah and toast a bunch of fucking marshmallows around the fire when they burn Joseph Simons and the Five FTC Commissioners at the stake like the Salem Witch Trials. I mean, if anybody is stupid enough to use those cartoons as a weapon with the black candles after watching this broadcast, then they completely deserve what’s going to happen to them because they tried to commit guilt free murder. Sorry Kevin, we know you had the best of intentions in all of this, but you released that Weapon of Mass Destruction into this sorry ass apathetic society and now it’s time to LAUNCH THE NUKE!! EVERYBODY LISTEN UP!! IT’S TIME TO RUN THE CARTOON!!

Doctor What #7:

Just think of it. All of the stupid people in America will be wiped out overnight. It’ll be like Idiocracy, but in reverse! We might actually be making our society even smarter by going through with this culling. Joseph Simons and the Five Commissioners of the FTC! For your crimes against the United States of America and the Aesthetic Sense in General, you are hereby sentenced to an eternity of Niflheim’s Timeshare Seminar Lectures! So Kevin Neece says on Earth! So that it must be considered by The Almighty in Heaven! Somebody else take over, we’re done here! Love Peace and Chicken Grease, you Aestheticless Motherfuckers! I’m out!

December 25th 2019

After thoughts: the key slip up hidden within these articles that would help give away whether Kevin Neece’s thought process change was schizophrenia or spiritual influence is the line: “Frailty is the human error of perception.” How did Kevin Neece catch this mistake all by himself. Easily. Kevin Neece first picked up knowledge of this line during the theatrical release of the late Bill Paxton’s unsung masterpiece of religious zealotry terror, the one and only, Frailty. Kevin Neece has a slightly absent memory because he is always partially zoned out when he intakes information from sources such as movies, books, internet articles, and pop culture in general. He knew from the very beginning that the line started with Frailty and ended with Perception but the middle part has been a complete blank to him since the original release of the movie. If Kevin Neece has been spiritually influenced or possessed by someone who was more intelligent than he was, she would not have made such a mistake. However, as this personality is attributed to Mokkurkalfi, and Mok is obsessed with human errors, being the running theme of this discussion, Mok filled in the blanks for him during the writing of this article so that he would not get stumbled with accidental writers block. Doctor What initial losing of his train of thought mid opening speech helps add an element of realism that would be used within the art of public speaking, yet because it was written into the script, the audience would immediately pick up on the fact that Doctor What’s slipup was intentionally staged for comedic purposes. That’s all for now.

10:35 AM

Actually, now that I think about it, I don’t believe that the slip up reference to Frailty is accidental because it has to do with Angels and Demons. Perhaps it might be wise to explain the thematic premise of the movie to those who have never watched it. Bill Paxton is a blue collar worker raising two sons who one day suffers a psychotic episode believing that an angel has visited him and charged him with a mission to hunt down and destroy demons. From the perspective of his two sons, Bill Paxton has completely lost his mind and his attempts to kill the demons are nothing more than kidnappings and murders of innocent people. This story is told in flashback from the perspective of one of the adult sons played by Mathew McConoughey to FBI agent Powers Booth as a confession, which almost mirrors Kevin Neece telling the story of the Haunting Of Bad Goddess to Austin Police Chief Brian Manley via private message DMs on Twitter. Kevin Neece’s confession is that he believed he had found a weapon that could manipulate fate and had used corrupt police officers, gun rights activists, and people who covered for a possible serial rapist as guinea pigs to prevent them from escaping the hangman via a compromised judicial system that was viewed by the general public as granting favoritism towards police officers guilty of murder. The twist ending of the movie, is that Bill Paxton’s crusade was real, when he placed his hands on the victims, a special form of ESP the angels had granted him allowed him to see their crimes which should have landed them in Prison. Thus Bill Paxton’s attacks were Manipulated by the forces of Fate as an act of Karma coming full circle on the criminals who had gotten away with their crimes Scott Free. But there’s just one problem. Because Bill Paxton forced his two sons to watch what he was doing to his victims, and because their were not granted the spiritual awareness and context for his actions, one of them became psychologically traumatized and grew up to become a real serial killer, only his victims were completely innocent. Hence, Bill Paxton’s punishment for engaging in the act of murder, even within the mindset of good intentions and self righteousness, was his son became one of the very demons he had set out to stop. Luckily for all of us, nobody has been attempting to manipulate Kevin Neece into engaging in such dangerous practices as all of the misfortune incidents that were sent in his general direction were intended to help him see the error of his ways and deter him from engaging in such behavior. This is a Morality Tale about the Dangers Of Playing with Magic, Abusing One’s Dangerous Powers in the Name Of Self Righteousness, and we did not think out whether we had a third option available before we started writing this sentence. Too late to turn back now. Goddamn iPhone text messages are a fucking pain in the ass aren’t they? Whoever invented Autocorrect should be sent straight to Hell... wait... where was I... gag me a fuck river... I’ve lost my train of thought again... sigh... somebody take over please…

Personality Quark: on Christmas Morning, Kevin Neece opened presents with his ex wife and family. Kevin immediately took note that his inner feelings took on the personality of someone else. When his daughter revealed that she had received numerous manga books for Christmas, Kevin immediately flipped through all of the books no different than Johnny Five from Short Circuit, as if the information presented within them was automatically meaningless. The only book that he immediately took consideration of was the one that was entirely written words and told his daughter to read that book first. Then he told his daughter that while physical possessions might provide momentary happiness, in the end they are just objects that we cannot take with us and knowing when it is time to let go of and sacrifice those objects for a greater cause is a great wisdom one could always learn from. He also deduced that the reason Jesus Christ gave his life for us was so that we could enjoy the great quantities of chocolate treats and confections give to us at Christmas Time. Obviously this was not Kevin Neece’s inner thought process. He knew that what he was witnessing were the personality traits of a woman cohabitation he within his own mind. And it was exactly like the joke that Doctor What makes about being a lesbian trapped within a man’s body as said woman kept slightly considering the option of using Kevin to fuck his ex wife and have more children, as if she were secretly planning to cheat on him behind his back to jokingly tease him and flip him off. The spirit said she wanted his children, but she cannot have them herself and considered using his ex wife as a surrogate. Obviously Kevin Neece is not stupid enough to fall for such a ploy knowing that he does not have the monetary stability to raise additional children nor would he ever want to force such a decision on his ex wife through such deceptive practices. When his family went to watch Star Wars, the woman’s inner feelings suggested that she was in the mindset of playing hooky from work so that she could take the day off and enjoy the holidays with her new family. She jokingly scruffier his daughters hair at the theater for no reason, and amusingly ate the popcorn one piece at at time in a sly manner as if she knew that she was being watched and monitored by all of her coworkers and was secretly taunting them with a “look at me, I get the day off and you all have to work” sort of attitude. She also immediately took note that no matter how hard Kevin Neece wanted to dedicate time to his ex wife and daughter during the lunch and morning festivities, he was emotional cut off and distant from any real kind of discussion or conversation with them. He was empty. Longing for a sense of emotion or feeling when he looked at them, but drained as if all emotion, heart, and soul had been torn out of him from the years of psychological trauma instilled upon him by the treatment he has received from everyone online, many of which are now turning their backs on him and blocking him. Who did this to him? And why do they get to walk away from this unscathed?


Oh Kevin... just remember... Hell Hath No Fury Like a Goddess Scorned... and Heaven Hath No Vengeance That Could Satiate a Man Out to Avenge the Tragic Death Of His Own Father.

And yes, I am fully aware of the irony surrounding Pete Townsend’s background in the posting of these Tommy videos and how it relates to a current running subtext hidden within these articles. I don’t believe that the connection is accidental either. I believe that the music we listen to can represent a part of our psychology, including the tragic moments that have been burned into our psyches through childhood trauma. Pete Townsend’s themes presented in the rock opera Tommy reflect the abuse that was inflicted upon him as a child and it carries consequences all the way up into his adulthood that nearly destroyed his life. How convenient that this particular song should pop into my mind around christmas as I am writing articles about faith and mental illness stemming from childhood trauma.

Also, throughout all last night and most of today, the internet connection at home was completely blocked that forced me to perform additional extensive work on this article before I sent it out to US Congress and Senate. To Thomas, the repairman from ATT, if you should ever find yourself questioning whether your role in life is important. It is. It was Fate that sent you here. Fate, Destiny, and a little touch of God. Thank you for your help and your service. May the Goddesses of Fate Bless You with Good Fortune and May You Have Yourselves a Very Happy Holidays.

December 26th, 2019

Final Note from Kevin Neece:

I think I've figured out the meaning to all of those crazy articles I've been writing. You know how there is a specific genre of espionage comedies from the 1960s where a bumbling idiot on vacation accidentally walks into the middle of a mission being investigated by the CIA or such, and they mistakenly think he's one of their agents because he keeps accidentally falling into the cliches of their actions? That's what happened. The Demons and Pagan Spirits that were the inspirational basis for the fictional anime show Ah My Goddess, which was based on the Asatru Religion, the implication of the articles is those spirits pulled a coup d'tat on our own government through subconscious mental suggestion that was unnoticeable to our politicians and law enforcement officials, and in their greed, they accidentally created a human error that could wipe out the United States of America. When I invoked one of them using the cartoons, and they realized that I had a plan to expose them in front of Congress on National Television, they hijacked my cartoon show to blow the whistle on their superiors for what they felt were unethical actions. We thought what I was writing was an allegory for modern day government and law enforcement. But the spirit world has their own government, and apparently their government system is just as fucked as ours is down here on earth. I guess the surprise reveal of this story is: Whistleblowers exist on all planes of existence. That is my theory behind the meaning of the articles.

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