Saturday, June 10, 2023

John Candy is a Satanist? The Book of Jim Carrey

Take heart my dirty Heathens and co-conspirators in the unmasking of the Illuminati. Our first chapter out the gate after the Notorious John Candy is about childhood favorite and recently retired artist Jim Carrey. Now now, you all knew this was coming. Jim Carrey went full cave troll up in the mountains of his Hollywood Fortress. Unfortunately, just because some of the signs appear in his films does not mean that all of the signs appear in all of his films. I see these elements because I want to see them, but does my opinion make any of this relevant or am I just ranting for nothing?

The most notorious ones on the list up front and personal are Dumb and Dumber (1994), The Truman Show (1998), Man on the Moon (1999), Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004), The Number 23 (2007), and Yes Man (2008) being the highest offender.

My understanding of Jim Carrey’s early career was that he and his family members were living out of a car, thus making his “Devil’s Bargain” with Fate his own personal Cinderella story. He made a film called Rubberface that was NOTHING like his later persona, and starred in a Television Series called The Duck Factory. So where would be the most pinpointed entry for Hekate’s witchcraft meddling to begin?

In 1985 Jim Carrey was the Leading Man in a Halloween movie called Once Bitten. This was about a Virgin High School Student being stalked by a female vampire that wants to suck… the blood out of his penis. And she’s assisted by Cleavon Little from Blazing Saddles, a movie featuring Hekate cursed actor Gene Wilder from the Devil Allegory film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. If Willy Wonka was secretly “Satan” in disguise tempting all of the naughty children to Hell with delicious treats, then I guess that makes Cleavon Little “The Chocolate Factory” in this movie. Holy Goddess in Hell, did that sound racist? I didn’t mean that to sound racist. Moving on.

Now remember the Numerology Rules listed on the DVD special features for The Number 23, you take each number and add them up individually. So, if A= 1, B =2, C= 3, D = Etc, that means FATE adds up to F=6 + A=1 + T=20 + E=5, all of which add up to FATE=32. Now take Kevin Neece’s birthday February 9th 1983. We have 02 + 09 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. Kevin Neece believes he is haunted by FATE = 32 and his birthday adds up to FATE = 32. Jim Carrey believes he was being haunted by the reverse of 32 which is 23.

During one of the bar room scenes in One Bitten, you can see the number 32 on the tables which turns into the number 23 when flipped around.

When Jim Carrey is shown around the Vampire Succubus’s Condominium, his words were “This is a Nice Place You Got Here” “The original owner started in Salmon and then hung himself.” By pure coincidence, just to mess with Kevin Neece’s head, Hekate’s spiritual presence “influenced” his mother to feed him Cream Cheese Salmon on a Bagels for breakfast. Apparently it’s a New York Thing. In the movie once bitten, Cleavon Little is named Sebastian. Around the time of these written notes, Kevin Neece had just watched The Little Mermaid. So you see, Hekate isn’t just haunting Jim Carrey, her influence also surrounded Kevin Neece as he is writing this chapter about Jim Carrey’s early career.

The only possible reason I can think for Hekate to target this film was the dance party taking place on Halloween Night. That doesn’t mean the movie was shot on Halloween but it would most certainly be seen as a film that people would watch on Halloween Night, a Necromancer Holiday, and Hekate is a Necromancer Goddess.

To paraphrase the Priest scene in the movie, “Father forgive me for I have sinned. You’re the only one I can turn to.” “Get yourself a shovel, because you’re in Deep Shit.”

Our next before he was famous Jim Carrey film was Peggy Sue Got Married (1986). The movie flaunts the existence of Jim Carrey as if he were one of the main actors but he isn’t, it was just a bit part. One year earlier Back to the Future was released in 1985, and this was Francis Ford Coppola’s attempt to capitalize on the nostalgia of an earlier movie that also revolved around a High School Dance.

Jim Carrey plays a Dentist that gets pure pharmaceutical grade drugs he can snort like cocaine.

Helen Hunt has a throwaway role in the movie before the time travel even begins as the daughter. Helen Hunt would later be seen in As Good as It Gets with Jack Nicholson, THE DEVIL from Witches of Eastwick, and Count Andromalius himself Greg Kinnear from Mystery Men and Dear God. Helen Hunt was also in Twister, made by Director Jan De Bont of the possible haunted film The Haunting. Twister also featured the late dead actor Bill Paxton from the evil angel movie Frailty, starring Mathew McConaughey who played THE DEVIL in The Dark Tower. Twister also had Cary Elwes from the Hecate Cursed Prince Bride and SAW films. Cary Elwes would also be featured in Jim Carrey’s Liar Liar. So Helen Hunt was a pre-cognitive warning sign made years in advance to her later starring role career because she virtually does nothing of importance in Peggy Sue Got Married… she’s just there… and Kathleen Turned played opposite EVIL PRIEST Anthony Perkins in Crimes of Passion.

Nicholas Cage does a Vampire Impersonation during the Blood Drive scene in Peggy Sue, and Jim Carrey’s last movie was Once Bitten, featured in the DVD Double Feature package Nicholas Cage’s own vampire film Vampire’s Kiss, a bad movie comedy classic.

Look at the Poster. Hekate deals with Keys, and Kathleen Turner is seen peeking out through a Keyhole, and the Three Fates featured on the DVD cover next to that keyhole are Nicholas Cage, Helen Hunt, and Jim Carrey. Kathleen Turner would also later feature with Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber to. Kevin J O’Connor is featured in Peggy Sue and his main claim to fame was co-starring with Treat Williams in Deep Rising, his known role as the Hippie Berger from Hair. In Deep Rising he was doing his best impersonation of Bruce Campbell leading me to ask why they didn’t just give the role to Bruce in the first place.

I would also point out that in Peggy Sue, Nicholas Cage sings in a Four Man Singing Group with Jim Carrey as one of his background singers, like the Three Woman Greek Chorus in the Hecate haunted Little Shop of Horrors. Jim Carrey is on the very right from our perspective so perhaps that means he represents Skuld, the future foreshadow warning of Doom.

In 1988, Clint Eastwood made his final entry to the Dirty Harry series known as The Dead Pool. Jim Carrey has one scene in the movie within a music video movie called Hotel Satan. Liam Neeson the Director is named Phillip Swan, after Phantom of the Paradise Swan, who sold his soul to THE DEVIL. Liam Neeson also featured in the Haunted movie High Spirits from Neil Jordan.

Now here is a fun connection. Mel Brooks made Blazing Saddles with Hecate target Gene Wilder aka THE DEVIL Willy Wonka. Hekate Followed Mel Brooks onto the serious film production of David Cronenberg’s THE FLY with Geena Davis from haunted Beetlejuice and Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic park. Note in Jurassic Park that Jeff Goldblum is one of the Three Fates with Sam Neill aka DAMIEN son of THE DEVIL from The Omen III The Final Conflict, and Laura Darn from hecate fate haunted Ladies and Gentlemen The Fabulous Stains. Keep listening because in Beetlejuice star Geena Davis’s next film Earth Girls are Easy, Jeff Goldblum plays one of the Three Fates, possibly Verdandi, while Damon Wayans represents Urdu, sexy Goddess of the Past, and Jim Carrey represents Skuld, dark omen foreshadow of the future. Jim Carrey is covered from top to bottom in red fur, red possibly representing THE DEVIL. Damon Wayans work on this movie alongside Jim Carrey resulted in the television show In Living Color, where Jim was invited onto the cast as “The White Guy” in a predominately black comedy show.

Does anybody else find it strange that Julie Brown wrote Earth Girls are Easy as a half assed musical, then cast herself in a supporting role where she gets to sing up front and center, but the lead actress Geena Davis gets virtually no singing lines at all during the makeover scene. Her only singing line is: “You know I think she may be right” “Grab the Bleach She’s seen the Light.” Mind you Geena Davis does get her own song after kicking out Doctor Love, but it feels like she’s lip syncing for someone else.

The Giant Spaceship in the swimming pool reminds me of Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers. It can be seen in the Disney Video Game as well as a Boss Fight.

Michael McKean from the Hecate haunt Saturday Night Live is also featured in this film. He’s a blond surfer who sex waxes his board and gets the aliens into more trouble. Take note that Michael McKean was in the HELL comedy Little Nicky as being possessed by one of the SONS OF SATAN. In the Paramount production of The Brady Bunch Movie, Michael McKean plays the Villain trying to cheat the family out of their home. Every time he picks on a Brady, they are wearing Red like they are under the protection of Demonic Influence, the little girl being the worst one. Never abuse a Demon on a Ouija Board translates to Never abuse a Brady in that movie.

Back to the movie Earth Girls are Easy, there are also three yodeling bikini women on television skiing and saying “Come to Finland. It’s the place to be.” Also signifying Three Fates I supposed. Jim Carrey mocks dead actor James Dean on the television. James Dean known for THREE major starring roles before he died: EAST OF EDEN (Garden of Eden = Tree of Knowledge = Tree of Yggdrasil), REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE (Astrology featuring the Star Observatory also seen in Jim Carrey’s YES MAN), and of course GIANT (Giants were a staple of Norse Mythology). When confronted about why Geena Davis “Drove her car” into the Swimming Pool, they ask where did she get that car and someone responds Finland, in reference to the THREE FATES in the Bikini Yodel Skiing Television commercial. Earth Girls are Easy revolves around a Pool. One year earlier Jim Carrey also starred in The Dead Pool which he just discussed. Car in Pool. The Dead Pool. Oh course Michael McKean chimes in as the Spaceship is flying away “Give My Love to Finland!” There’s also a character named Demone in this movie.

I remember Steve Oedekirk’s High Strung (1992) from my VHS rental days as a young teenager. This movie is highly important to the career of Jim Carrey and it is suspiciously missing from any later DVD or Bluray releases. In High Strung, Steve Oedekirk holds an entire film by himself in the leading role just whining and bitching about his life, and Jim Carrey keeps showing up uncredited as The Grim Reaper of Death, foreshadowed by his Three Fates Skuld roles in both Peggy Sue Got Married and Earth Girls are Easy. Tom Wilson, aka Biff from Back to the FUTURE is also in High Strung. Remember Skuld = FUTURE and Skuld = DEATH. High Strung was very important because Steve Oedekirk and Jim Carrey would both later work on Ace Ventura, which made Jim Carrey a household name after the In Living Color series. Director Roger Nygard also feels like he has a Viking sounding name. Nygard. Midgard. Yggdrasil.

Before we begin Ace Ventura (1994), it features Sean Young, from the illuminati film Blade Runner, as the villain, a Transgender Villain no less. And you’re got creepy actor Udo Kier from Flesh for Frankenstein in a cameo role: “The secret to creating life if you have to fuck life into the gall bladder”. There’s an interesting question to be involved in this film, why wasn’t Ace Ventura Pet Detective a sketch on In Living Color like Fire Marshall Bill. Why make a movie about Ace Ventura at all when they could have made a Fire Marshall Bill movie? Meh, because Hekate is a Dog Lover, the kidnapped dog featured at the beginning of the movie looks like my late dog Marty. Ace Ventura accepts Blowjobs as payment for his services and strangely enough the same thing is announced in I Love You Phillip Morris decades later. When Ace Ventura’s landlord appears, his response is “YES SATAN?”

Now catch this, SURF II (1984) stars Eddie Deezen in a leading role as The Villain. Eddie Deezen was in War Games (1983) with Hecate target Mathew Broderick (later married to Sarah Jessica Parker from the hecate target Disney’s Hocus Pocus). Eddie Deezen was in Grease with Stockard Channing from the Hecate target Practical Magic. Eddie Deepen was in Grease 2 with Hecate target Michelle Pfieffer from The Witches of Eastwick. Eddie Deezen was in Disney’s Midnight Madness with Michael J Fox. Eddie Deezen was in The Polar Express directed by Robert Zemeckis from TALES FROM THE CRYPT. Eddie Deezen also starred in SURF II (1984) with Eric Stoltz. If you look at the Vinegar Syndrome DVD Slip you see THREE ZOMBIES on the Cover aka THREE FATES. If you watch SURF II, there’s a scene showing Yin Yang Opposite Mothers represent the Light of Good and Dark of Evil with a Line going straight down the screen. Eddie Deezen and Eric Stoltz both starred in SURF II, but when Eric Stoltz starred in the Hecate cursed Back to the FUTURE, he was cursed out of the role and replaced by Michael J Fox and it was a huge hit for him. Nobody wanted to make Back to the FUTURE, and when it finally got made, FATE fucked Eric Stoltz out of the role and gave it to Michael J Fox. But this came with a price. Michael J Fox also starred in the Robert Zemeckis production of The Frighteners, a Hecate haunted ghost movie by director Peter Jackson. Why did I just go through all of this and what does it have to do with Ace Ventura? Robert Zemeckis directed cursed actor Eddie Deezen and Tom Hanks in The Polar Express, then he directed cursed actor Jim Carrey as Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol featuring the Spirits of Christmas Past Present and Future aka Urdr, Verdandi, and Skuld, all played by Jim Carrey. BUT… but but but… and I stress the but… take a time machine step back to The Frighteners (1996). No wait… go back even further to Back to the FUTURE PART III. The Future Goddess of Fate Skuld’s foreshadow warning Michael J Fox had on this film when it was revealed in 1991 that he had Parkinson’s Disease. Micheal J Fox’s deal with the Devil came full circle after Back to the FUTURE had ended. Where did Michael J Fox get cursed with Hecate? It was Disney’s Midnight Madness with Eddie Deezen. Who also starred in Midnight Madness? David Naughton from John Landis’s An American Werewolf in London (1981). John Landis was a cursed director because of the death incident on Twilight Zone The Movie involving Vic Morrow, and the movie was produced by Steven Spielberg.

But but but… there was another actor who worked with Michael J Fox and Robert Zemeckis on The Frighteners and Tales from the Crypt. His name is Troy Evans. Who is Troy Evans you say? He was featured in Planes Trains and Automobiles with THE DEVIL HIMSELF… JOHN CANDY… and he was in ACE VENTURA PET DETECTIVE with Courtney Cox from the Studio Destroying Box Office Flop Masters of the Universe with Frank Langella for Jim Carrey’s Kidding. Troy Evans was also in Demolition Man with Hecate cursed actress Sandra Bullock from Practical Magic. FUCK YEAH!!! CAN YOU FEEL IT!! CAN YOU FEEL IT!! ALLRIGHTYTHEN!!

Back to Ace Ventura Pet Detective. There’s a rock band called Cannibal Corpse in the movie. Gee, you think Cannibal Corpse is a Christian Band or an Occult Lover Band? Enquiring minds are taking their best guess. The whale lover hacker specifically targeted Norwegian Whalers to send them in the wrong direction. The Three Fates mythology comes from Norway. The 1984 AFC Champion Ring that Ace is investigating has five teardrops on it. 5 translates into 5 Point Star Pentagram. Troy Evans Roger Predactor gets a death scene investigation that ends with “There is no way that neighbor heard Roger Predactor screaming to his death with that door open. Yes! Yes! I have exorcised the demon! This house is clear!” Wow, Exorcist and Poltergeist together.

The Mask (1994) is a number one prime example of Misrepresentation of Our Gods via that Media. The movie is NOTHING like the Graphic Novel series in almost any way shape or form because they turned it into a Wedge, something that it was not, so that it would appeal to children. The end goal was that by turning the Mask into a children’s PG-13 movie, those children would later grow up and buy copies of their Super Violent graphic novel and be converted to the Dark Horse Comics Audience.

What Dark Horse Comics didn’t realize is that because they were the publishers of both Hellboy and the Oh My Goddess manga, their offices were being targeted by Hecate who claims to be the real Belldandy in everything but name and she Greek Muse manipulated their productions to hid subliminal Easter eggs, as explained in the opening chapter of this book.

Why did Hekate specifically target Dark Horse Comics? Because they released Oh My Goddess back during a time when it was popular. What were the warning signs of the Goddesses of Fate’s involvement in their film productions? Barb Wire is a remake of Casablanca set in the year 2017 and foreshadows the Trump Administration and ICE Immigration’s investigations of passports and green cards. The movie was prophetic because it was manipulated by a Fate that could see into the FUTURE.

Why was Jamie Lee Curtis Virus… the way that it was… it looks like Skuld was asked to turn in a book report of Moby Dick and instead chose to make the movie about killer cyborg robots like Mr Banpei. Why was Jamie Lee Curtis chosen in the cast? Because she starred in Halloween and she was in the Monty Python films A Fish Called Wanda and Fierce Creatures both starring John Cleese, who played The Grim Reaper in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life shortly before the DEATH OF GRAHAM CHAPMAN.

Riddle me this Jim Carrey? Why was the Super Violent Blood Riddle graphic novel The Mask, that had NO MENTION OF NORSE MYTHOLOGY ANYWHERE IN ITS SERIES, suddenly turned into a PG-13 film about Loki the God of Mischief and his bad influence? All of the warning signs of The Mask original production are still there in the film. It was distributed and produced by New Line Cinema while the other Dark Horse Productions were done by a different studio. It’s because New Line Cinema held the rights to the Nightmare on Elm Street films and they were looking to turn Jim Carrey into the next Horror Supervillain like Freddy Krueger. As you would all later witness by Jim Carrey’s involvement in Kick Ass 2, he doesn’t really have a stomach for violence.

Once again, a sacrificial offer one could make to Spiritual Deity is publicity into the form of writing or filmmaking. The Mask was their sacrificial offering to Loki and Hekate where they were aware of their actions or not, Loki later being played in the sequel by Alan Cumming from X-Men 2, where he played a demon looking villain dubbed Nightcrawler.

So the producers of A Nightmare on Elm Street decided to rope in Elm Street Part III director Charles Russell to make a starring vehicle for both Jim Carrey and newcomer Cameron Diaz. This resulted in Charlie Russell’s Angel Cameron Diaz being later promoted to a Charlie’s Angel with Hekate target Drew Barrymore. And Lucy Liu. If Lucy Liu were Skuld in the Charlie’s Angels remakes by McG, and she chased off Ghostbusters Bill Murray so that he didn’t return for the sequel Full Throttle, that would mean that it wasn’t Bill Murray’s FATE to die and instead that TRAGIC FATE befell Bernie Mac who replaced him as Bosley. Bill Murray being of both Saturday Night Live and the Hecate Greek Tragedy Little Shop of Horrors.

Please forgive me if I rail off subjects from time to time. In the Mask, there are other warning signs of ghostly muse involvement. The Auto Repair Shop where Jim Carrey takes his car to be repaired is located in the same firehouse used in Ghostbusters. The tip off acknowledgement is during the end credits where it either thanks Ivan Reitman or Dan Ackroyd, I cannot remember which.

During Jim Carrey’s Dream Sequence, Cameron Diaz is wearing a black and white striped outfit exactly like Michael Keaton’s wardrobe in Beetlejuice. Michael Keaton also played Batman but bailout out on Batman Forever because he saw how dumb it looked as a Jim Carrey vehicle.

I would point out that when Jim Carrey first tries on The Mask, he stares into a Darkened Round Mirror on his wall like he was invoking the Candyman. In this case the invocation was Loki.

When Jim Carrey becomes The Mask for the first time and walks out into the alley, he gets confronted by a street gang of thugs. His carnival barker routine is the only element from the graphic novel that comes out intact.

Jim Carrey routinely calls on his dog Milo to find his car keys. Hekate loves dogs and her sacrificial offerings involve keys. Invoking spirits to find lost items such as keys are another part of witchcraft and there are many “summoning circles” around Jim Carrey’s bedroom when he makes such a request, not unlike the circles seen in Jack Nicholson’s The Shining.

Amy Yasbeck from House II The Second Story plays a reporter investigating Ripley’s Auto Repair House located in the firehouse from Ghostbusters. Sigourney Weaver played both Ripley in the Alien franchise and Ghostbusters. “There is No Dana only Zuul.”

Jim Carrey has a Tasmanian Devil Pillow, he jumps over the couch and does the Tasmanian Devil Swirl. He then cockblocks a bank robbery by robbing the bank first. By pure coincidence on the night I screened this movie a Tornado touched down in the Round Rock TX Area. It would appear that Jim Carrey is FATED to receive a mountain of money as his bedroom closet is full of it.

The Mask was intended to represent Loki from Norse Mythology in the movie. Actor Ben Stone sources it to Scandinavia. Once again, not an element of the graphic novel.

It makes more sense if the person writing this script was either the Three Fates or Hekate.

If you want to get really dirty, The Mask imitates the Sexual Harassment advances of Pepe LePew against Cameron Diaz and performs the dirtiest joke of this PG-13 movie. His intentions are to “divide and conquer”… aka divide her legs to fuck her. “Our love is like a red red rose and I am a little thorny.

If this movie had been true to the comic book, the Cuban Pete scene would have ended with Big Head Massacring the entire Police Squad with a Machine Gun in a Total Bloodbath and the MPAA would have held a shit fit.

The Amy Yasbeck scene originally ended with her being tossed into the printer press. They should have kept it in the movie. There was a Stephen King movie a few years later called The Mangler about a Laundry Press that was possessed by a Demon.

When the Mask falls into the wrong hands, it repeatedly makes me ask, “What if someone else figures out how to perform Kevin Neece’s black mirror tricks with Hekate and the Norns. The Safety Factor is that the Spirits never directly do what you ask of them. They always keep it random. If anybody attempts to copy me, they will not be about to control it as it has no aim targeting factor involved.

When Jim Carrey is arrested in the movie, he converses with his dog Milo outside his jail cell. Hekate is a dog lover. The next morning Charlie’s Angel Cameron Diaz shows up. It brings your desires to life. “Desires” is a word that Belldandy from Oh My Goddess would have used in her manga. Jim Carrey also uses his dog Milo to get the Keys from the Guard. Hekate loves Dogs and Keys.

The Coco Bongo is playing a ramped up version of Cab Calloway’s Minnie the Moocher last seen in The Blues Brothers, directed by Hecate cursed director John Landis.

When Jim Carrey says “We’ll be late to the ball” in the police car, Lt Kelloway says “Alice and the White Rabbit” are going to be real sympathetic. Anything relating to Alice in Wonderland is equal to Hell. The White Rabbit is the Devil Leading Alice into her descent into the Spirit Underworld.

During the final fight, Charlie’s Angel Cameron Diaz kicks The Mask like a frisbee and it is intercepted by Hekate’s Dog Milo, who then laughs like Muttley from Wacky Races. And after the whole third act action set piece, the Happy Ending is, Jim Carrey throws his power away in the river where any poor schmuck can get to it.

Batman Forever (1994) doesn’t really have any substance to it. Tommy Lee Jones despised playing Two Face because he had to work with Wild and Crazy Jim Carrey. However, the curse of the Number 23 can be seen in Tommy Lee Jones’ Volcano where a major set piece featuring a fire truck tipped on its side has the Number 23 in front of it. Tommy Lee Jones approached Jim Carrey at a party and told him “I cannot condone your buffoonery”. In the movie Batman Forever, Tommy Lee Jones showcases the Inner Struggle between Good And Evil Yin and Yang with Two Ladies, Sugar and Spice, one of which is played by Drew Barrymore from the Hekate cursed Ever After A Cinderella Story and Charlies Angels (Three Fates). That’s it. That is the only code you will find hidden in Batman Forever, it doesn’t really mean anything, it’s more like a book marker so Hecate can state “I’m still here.”

Onward to Dumb and Dumber (1994). Look at the DVD box cover art. Jeff Daniels is on the top of the box holding his hair out in two different directions like they were horns. Devil’s Horns. Jim Carrey plays a Limousine Driver named Lloyd Christmas. Why is Jim Carrey a Limousine Driver in this movie? Limo Drivers take families to Funerals. Why is his last name Christmas. Because Christmas was used to replace a demonic winter holiday called Winter Solstice. These blatant patterns in the film may be the intentional in-joke of the writers to suggest that their idiots are really demons in disguise, or perhaps it’s just Hekate’s view of human culture as a bunch of idiots.

Why is their van dressed up like a rug dog? Why did the screenwriter make this decision? Because Hekate is a lover and protector of Dogs. Why does Jim Carrey want to start a business selling worm farms. Because the screenplay was manipulated by hekate as a Spiritual Muse who frequents graveyards.

When the woman leaves her briefcase behind, Lloyd the Limo Driver grabs it and falls out of an airport terminal door cutting to a shot of him laying between the numbers 727 and 737. That’s the numbers 23 or 32 backwards. It’s there in the movie, you can screen capture it. The 7’s signify the 7 Princes of Hell.

When Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels arrive home, Lloyd sets the McGuffin briefcase on a Hexagon table stand. Hellboy also has a Hexagon Room scene that was haunted. It’s like a Dumber and Dumber Easter egg. Adding to the Hellboy connection, Nick Cave’s Red Right Hand plays over a scene where Jim Carrey loses his wallet to a newspaper stand called the Rhode Island Slut. The song was featured in both Hellboy, a haunted production, and Scream featuring Courtney Cox from Ace Ventura Pet Detective and Masters of the Universe.

Harland Williams cameos from the following Hekate Illuminati films: Wag the Dog with THE DEVIL Robert DeNiro from Angel Heart; There’s Something About Mary with Hekate target Ben Stiller from Highway to Hell; Superstar from Hekate target producer Lorne Michaels; Disney’s Rocketman with the Angel of Death William Sadler, aka the Grim Reaper from Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. And Harland Williams was in the Hekate target production of Tom Green’s Freddy Got Fingered because of cursed actress Drew Barrymore’s involvement. I must say, for all that I’ve been rattling off, I have NO CLUE why the Farrelly Brothers films got targeted this hard when other movies with Jim Carrey didn’t. Jeff Daniels invites Harland Williams to drink from a beer bottle of piss. In the movie Cecil B Demended, Maggie Gyllenhaal drinks Goat’s Urine as an offering to Satan… yeah… we’re not going down that road.

In the Dumb and Dumber Dream Sequence, Jim Carrey rips a man’s heart out and give it back to him in a doggy bag. The doggy bag meaning dogs meaning sacrificial offering to Hekate. A Similar gag was done by a Nun in the demonology film The Laughing Dead.

Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are being targeted by Hitmen who are keeping their distance out of fear that they are made men or undercover cops. Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? They stop to eat at a restaurant called DANTE’S INFERNO and the food is so spicy it killed the Hitman. The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead plays in the background during this scene.

While driving at night they pass a sign: Omaha 43mi and Denver 602mi. The 3 is placed directly over the 2. The Three Fates watching down over the Yin Yang Inner Struggle of Humanity. Or… Jim Carrey’s number 23 upside down. FATE = 32. Yup, just when I thought the signs in this movie were over, Hekate went and totally redeemed herself with a stunt like this.

Jeff Daniels refers to the briefcase as a “damn curse” and tries to toss it into the pond. It is a curse. The Curse of Money. They’re completely in debt by the end of the movie because they’ve spent it all and left IOU’s as payment.

Both The Mask AND Dumb and Dumber feature Jim Carrey getting lots and lots of money. First a closet full of money in The Mask, then a Briefcase full of money in Dumb and Dumber. Jim Carrey fulfilled his destiny.

The song Pretty Woman plays while they get Jim Carrey ready for the ball. Gary Marshall’s Pretty Woman film with Julia Roberts is cursed by THE DEVIL because its allegory plot can be applied to the Cinderella, a children’s tale about a Commoner taken to a Royal Ball via Pumpkin Carriage on Halloween Night so that Prince Satan can seduce her to the Dark Side with his Rich Lifestyle.

When Jeff Daniels is in the bathroom, we fade to Jim Carrey laughing on a motorcycle while the Wicked Witch of the West theme plays. The Wizard of Oz was possibly a cursed film production because of the Rainbow being a metaphor for the Rainbow Bridge in Norse Mythology that takes people into the Afterlife.

At the end of the movie, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels worry that they’re trapped in the middle of nowhere. Fate sends them a bus with Hallelujahs and Three Fates in Bikinis step off the bus to offer them the chance to be their oil boys. “Wait! The town is that way!” “Man, Two Guys are going to be Very Lucky.”

Ace Ventura When Nature Calls (1995) The movie opens with Jim Carrey in a Temple of Monks at Inner Peace with Himself. But still one longing awaits. It’s The Call. That’s right, The Call of the Slinkee and that very very large staircase outside the Temple.

When Jim Carrey is on the plane he makes fun of a famous Twilight Zone episode starring William Shatner that was last remade in the most definitely spiritually cursed Twilight Zone the Movie: “There’s something on the wing… some… THING.”

Back in Batman Forever, Jim Carrey was the Riddler hunting Batman. But in this new sequel to Ace Ventura, Jim Carrey is now hunting another form of Bat for its Guano. Jim Carrey used to star as “The White Guy” on In Living Color featuring a mostly Black Cast. In When Nature Calls, Jim Carrey is “The White Devil” in Africa featuring mostly black tribes visualized as savages for Ace Ventura to make fun of while all of the Rich White People play around with The Monopoly Guy at their Rich White Parties. Calling Jim Carrey “The White Devil” sounds extremely Racist in 2022 but it feels REALLY RACIST IN THIS MOVIE.

Deep down, I get the feeling the real reason why we never got Ace Ventura 3 is because the Bumblebee Tuna Tribe caught him after the last shot of the movie and sentenced him to death for the taking of their princesses’ virginity. The same thing happened at the end of the vampire comedy Once Bitten.

The Cable Guy (1996) features Mathew Broderick in the lead role, who once again classifies as Illuminati because of his marriage to Sarah Jessica Parker from Hocus Pocus. Devil Worship Band Tenacious D actor Jack Black also appeared in the film before he was famous. That may have been Kyle Gass at the end of the movie who decides to pick up a book and read instead of pursuing television. And the Illuminati Director is Ben Stiller from Highway to Hell.

Yes, Highway to Hell’s Ben Stiller plays Twin Serial Killers in the movie background. The Duality of Mankind’s Inner Struggle between Good and Evil. Twins are a warning sign like Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.

“You can visit the Louvre on one channel, or female mud wrestling on the other. You can go shopping at home, or play Mortal Kombat with a friend in Vietnam” How disturbingly prophetic. First he predicted the Internet and now the Internet has become Television Streaming of the Internet, to such an extent that Jim Carrey is reprising his stocker role in Television Commercials about Streaming. This movie was clearly written by one who can predict the future. Skuld, take a bow.

Leslie Mann from Funny People is in this movie… before she was famous. Matthew Broderick’ Apartment Number is 42. Reverse the Numbers and Subtract 1 and you get Jim Carrey’s Number 23. No, that isn’t cheating. As Hecate often states, I see these patterns where I want to see them, because it makes my life more interesting. They don’t really mean anything, they are just there. There is some correlation to the Number 23 and the Number of the Beast 666.

So far this movie has Janeane Garofalo from Kevin Smith’s DOGMA, David Cross, and Andy Dick, all in blink or you’ll miss it before they were famous roles. That’s what this movie should be titled. Before they were famous. I would say the DOGMA connection counts because Alan Rickman starred in the movie as Metatron and later died. Matt Damon played Loki the Angel of Death in DOGMA and Good Will Hunting and both Robin Williams and Alan Rickman are Dead. But Janeane Garofalo is still going strong, David Cross, and Andy Dick are still going strong.

The one thing that disturbs me the most about this movie is Chip Douglas relates to life entirely through movies and television such as I do. His preferred customers are like a religious cult of watchers who hang out with him based on what he can give them, not his personality itself. No wonder I stay at home.

Outside of the Casting I would say there is nothing out of the ordinary about this movie. No hidden subliminal elements or anything. Just a love of before they were famous cameos including Owen Wilson. Soapy Nuts Soapy Nuts.

“No! It’s too late for me, but there are a lot of cable boys and girls out there who still have a chance. Don’t you see?!! Somebody has got to kill the babysitter.” Aka the Television. Wait until you watch his later television show from showtime called Kidding, it just about declares the same thing by the end of the first season.

I was right, Tenacious D’s Kyle Gass shows up as the last preferred customer and learns happiness from reading a book. Way to go Jack Black for thinking about your friends.

Liar Liar (1997) before we begin let me announce this red flag about Brian Grazer and Ron Howard. If you work with those two producers, the film classifies as Illuminati. In Night Shift, Michael Keaton from the later Beetlejuice runs a Brothel out of a Morgue. In Splash, JOHN CANDY IS THE DEVIL as explained in the opening chapter. Apollo 13 features Tom Hanks from The Burbs which was directed by Joe Dante from the Hecate cursed Twilight Zone The Movie and feels like a Twilight Zone episode all on its own. And A Beautiful Mind features Three FATES in the schizophrenic form of Paul Bettany, Ed Harris, and the Little Girl. Russell Crowe would later go on to star in a film called Cinderella Man and Cinderella is a RED FLAG. Ed Harris was in Glengarry Glen Ross with Alec Fucking Baldwin from Beetlejuice and SNL’s 30 Rock, Al Pacino who played THE DEVIL in The Devil’s Advocate, and Kevin Spacey is a Hecate Target because of Glengarry Glen Ross and his work on L.A. Confidential as one of the Three Fates. L.A. Confidential was written by Brian leHgeland from Highway to Hell and 976 Evil which started the curse on Heath Ledger when he made A Knight’s Tale. Guy Pearce was in L.A. Confidential and later worked with Jeffrey Jones on a Cannibal Film called Ravenous. Jeffrey Jones was ALSO in The Devil’s Advocate. I’m riding off the rails on a backwards spin here, hold on and we’ll get this back on track.

Before Liar Liar (1997) begins, take note that the in-joke we are asking is, does this movie look like it was secretly Greek mused by the Three Fates from Oh My Goddess of Hekate. In the Ah My Goddess anime, Belldandy is forbidden to tell a lie to such an extent that the only way she can get away with it is if she remains silent while others do it for her. The title of the movie, Liar Liar, also showcases the twin of words back to back. Or… Mankind’s Inner Struggle between the Yin and Yang of Good and Evil.

Liar Liar has Jennifer Tilly in it. She was in Neil Jordan’s Haunted Production of High Spirits, she co-starred in Richard Dreyfuss Let It Ride, a movie about the System Force of Fate from Ah My Goddess allowing for a gambling diseased man to go rampant on a winning streak for one day at the races. It predates the anime show. Jennifer Tilly was also in Bride of Chucky, which features dark arts witchcraft sigils for Chucky’s awakening, and the movie co-stars John Ritter who later died working on Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thornton from Sam Raimi’s A Simple Plan with Late Actors Bill Paxton and Brent Briscoe. Bad Santa also featured Tony Cox from Beetlejuice, Leprechaun 2, and Jim Carrey’s Me Myself and Irene. I’m holding back to the discussion of Yes Man to make my big reveal. We’ll get back to this.

Back to Liar Liar, Jim Carrey pretends to love his kid for a minute or two on his birthday then throws him to the side to complete some work driving their relationship apart. A Spirit Wife intervenes when the kid wishes that his father could not tell a lie for 24 hours.

Jennifer Tilly represents Adultery. The reason she slept with Seven Men specifically in her divorce case trial is because the screenwriter was being greek mused by Hecate and seven equals the Seven Deadly Sins or Seven Princes of Hell. What did you think it meant? That Jennifer Tilly was fucking the Seven Dwarves from Snow White?

This movie reminds me of my relationship with my daughter and it sucks. I didn’t even have a job to keep me busy and I still barely did all that much with my daughter when I had her. This parental alienation is a recurring theme in Jim Carrey’s later series Kidding.

“I was having SEX to FURTHER MY CAREER!”

“It’s none of my business. Two years ago it was my business but that’s the magic of divorce. I don’t have to care about this anymore but it means something to Max. Everything you do to him matters, and everything that you don’t.”

Why is the Biker Thug that Jim Carrey is supposed to protect named Skull? It’s Randall Tex Cobb from Raising Arizona with Hekate target actor Nicholas Cage. If you change Skull’s name to Skuld, thus the line acts as a FUTURE FORESHADOW in the movie that the Biker Thug is going to show up to beat his ass.

“Skull just called. He got busted knocking over an ATM and he wants your advice.” “Stop breaking the Law Asshole!”

This movie introduced me to the concept of Roast before Comedy Central did.

Jennifer Tilly wins out the divorce settlement for half of $11 Million because she lied about being underage when she signed the prenuptial agreement, hence it was null and void. She then tries to gain control of his children so she can hit him where it hurts in child support payments. Lucky Witch.

Cary Elwes from the Hecate target SAW Franchise was in this movie playing the most bland character of all time. You know how they say there are no unimportant roles, well his character is a totally thankless performance and it’s entirely based on what was written for him. Laurence Olivier couldn’t do jack shit with that role. But because he was featured in The Princess Bride, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and SAW Franchise, his performance is noted.

Once again I ask, does this movie make more sense if it was written by Belldandy from Ah My Goddess the Anime show.

In The Truman Show (1998), Jim Carrey goes full existential as he plays a man who has spent his entire life being gaslighted by God. And by God, I mean Ed Harris, the invisible friend from A Beautiful Mind. Take a wild guess why this connection to the Three Fates exists? It’s because The Truman Show is about Ed Harris’ Christof playing God in the Machine. And how does the movie start off, with a stage light that falls from the sky like The Gods Must Be Crazy.

The Actors claim that nothing about the show is fake because it is improvised and unscripted, and yet, everything about it is blatantly fake a Disney Resort Hotel because of Product Placements, over the top sitcom acting, and controlled incidents like a Soap Opera.

When Jim Carrey runs into the actor who played his supposed to be dead father, the “System Force” from Ah My Goddess kicks in and everybody on the street moves in his direction to block him by negligent accident.

Instead of Rerun Episodes, the Truman Show ingeniously makes use of Flashback Footage…. Leaving us to wonder what is really going through Jim Carrey’s mind when they run those memories. Surely he must be thinking of other things when it happens.

The sellable buttons “How’s it going to End” implies “with his Death.” Jim Carrey accidentally picks up the Walkie Talkie frequency on his Car Radio and sees that they are talking about him, and it affects everyone on the street.

An Elevator Door opens and Jim Carrey sees that behind it is a set with goodies like apples and coffee. Truman’s conspiracy is that he believes his dead father is alive, which he clearly saw with his own eyes.

When Truman gets on the bus to Fiji, you can see the number 329 on the bus overhead. Switch 329 backwards making a 9 and the Jim Carrey’s The Number 23. Or FATE = 32.

Jim Carrey notices a pattern that is not in his imagination. A woman, a guy with flowers, and a yellow beetle driving by. The minute he drives onto a street he is blocked at every turn. When he rides the circle again at random the cars are gone. Same road, no cars. Like Magic. It’s the Yggdrasil System Force from Ah My Goddess at work.

I’ve got a what if sequel for you. What if the lawyer from Liar Liar helped to bring Truman’s conspiracy case to Trial for gaslighting him and holding him prisoner his entire life?

Paul Giamatti, who co-starred with Jim Carrey in Milos Forman’s Man on the Moon, is hiding IN THE MOON SET of The Truman Show next to Ed Harris, the Purveyor of FATE.

The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend from Truman’s past calls up God in the Machine Ed Harris and argues that he is keeping Truman prisoner. Ed Harris argues that if Jim Carrey were so obsessed with learning the truth about his world there would be nothing they could do to stop him. Hence the story of Kevin Neece and Ekatn Goddess of the Crossroads.

As Jim Carrey leaves the house, three African American neighbors wave Hello to him and on their white picket fence gate is the number 32. FATE = 32. Switch the numbers around and you get Jim Carrey’s The Number 23.

When Truman is hiding in his basement taking a nap, there is a large target on his Umbrella shielding him. Out of context this could represent a “summoning circle”, like the Shining, where Hekate helps Jim Carrey escape his fabricated world by crossing over into the Afterlife aka Reality. Basically the Afterlife of the Truman Show is Reality as the universe of the Truman Show itself was thought by Ed Harris to be Heaven.

Jim Carrey escapes from a hole in his garden leading up from his Basement. Religious Allegory wise, it’s as if he rose from the Dead and crawled out of his Grave back into the Real World where nobody was watching him.

Ed Harris plays God to Jim Carrey’s Jesus Christ by trying to sacrifice “his only son” using Storm Weather technology, an “Act of God”, in front of a live audience. Thus completing the allegory that in order for Truman to Wake Up and leave his fantasy world of Television behind, he first had to die and cross over.

Before we begin Milos Forman’s Man on the Moon (1999), allow me to point out that Milos Forman’s most famous movie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, featured THE DEVIL Jack Nicholson from The Shining and The Witches of Eastwick, AND Danny Devito. Take note that both actors worked with Tim Burton on Batman in Villain Roles. I’m not going anywhere with this, I’m just showing how Milos Forman’s biopic Man on the Moon could have been drawn to the Dark Side of Hecate’s Influence.

As I’ve stated before Jim Carrey performed the entire Andy Kaufman film shoot production by staying IN CHARACTER as Andy Kaufman and his co-stars that actually know Andy Kaufman in real life said he was doing things in private that nobody knew Andy did, as if Jim Carrey had invoked and been possessed by Andy Kaufman’s Ghost. If Kevin Neece’s theory that Jim Carrey was being haunted by Hekate his entire career, then take this into account. Hekate is the goddess of the spirit world who offers to send you messages to your dead relatives in the afterlife. She doesn’t take life, she “opens the door” so that spirits can enter in and out. Do I believe Hekate helped Jim Carrey’s film by allowing him to become possessed by Andy Kaufman’s ghost. Yes I do. Did Jim Carrey attempt to do this himself intentionally, or perhaps it just happened because he was meditating and didn’t pick up on what had happened to him. I don’t know. If this was an open and shut case there would be no need for this book to begin with. There are already plenty of Illuminati books out there to begin with. The point of this book is to see if Kevin Neece’s Hekate Illuminati syncs up to each target's career. I would note that the Poster for Man on the Moon features a Summoning Circle of Light on Andy Kaufman’s Head 24/7 around the clock as it’s printed on the label.

So Man on the Moon begins, and the opening of the movie is actually the end credits of the movie. It’s the kind of prank that Monty Python pulled in the film, “And Now For Something Completely Different” and we all know how Hekate “loves” Monty Python due to their obsession with mocking Religion and Death.

Andy Kaufman is told as a child that it’s time to put away childish things and if he wants to play make believe he must have an audience. A problem he immediately solves by roping in his sister to watch him practice.

Next we get Andy Kaufman invoking Latka from Caspiar invoking Elvis Presley. Well, that’s a helluva act. What do you call this thing?

Andy Kaufman believes that Sitcoms are the lowest form of entertainment. That canned laughter are dead people laughing. You know why that line made it in. The movie. Hekate probably agreed with him. I don’t care for sitcoms either, I prefer my television to have the production quality of a feature film.

There’s a Patton Oswalt cameo in the restaurant after the Andy Kaufman Special gets cancelled for rolling the verticals as a practical joke. Ratatouille was in the Andy Kaufman biopic and we all missed him by that much.

Andy Kaufman understood the greatness of The Great Gatsby before Leonardo DiCaprio and Toby Maguire remade it. Winner.

Bob Zmuda’s main job was to get Andy Kaufman laid, only to find out he was already frequenting the brothel on a weekly basis as Tony Clifton.

Okay, here we go, here is the Hekate Illuminati tip off. Dueling identities. Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton are both the Inner Struggle between Yin Yang Good and Evil. Or more actively, Hellraiser and Evil. “Yes it was funnier until the Audience realized Tony wasn’t you.”

Courtney Love gets cast as the love interest in a biopic about another tragically dead entertainer… sound about legit.

“You got two thousand pieces of hate mail. Merv does not get hate mail. Because you have not given them any clues that this is a parody.” “I was just playing an evil villain bad guy wrestler. Everybody loves a good villain.”

I’d wish for Jerry Lawler to kick Andy Kaufman’s ass too. Coincidentally, Norm MacDonald is in the Drug Humor scene at Friday’s too. He’s dead now.

Lorne Michaels and SNL both cameo in this movie. That means it’s a Hekate targeted film production. This movie never stood a chance because of Lorne Michaels presence.

Andy Kaufman was kicked off of Spiritual Enlightenment because of his sexist attitude, foul mouth, and wrestling pranks. This part of the movie hits me hard because it reminds me of my former relationship with Fanboy TV. They said I didn’t respect other people's boundaries when the reality is they just couldn’t handle a guy with bipolar disorder. Why the hell would I “intentionally” do anything that would get me kicked off a television station?

Irony: Andy Kaufman gets rare lung cancer but doesn’t smoke. The same thing happened to my grandfather Arthur Brand because he worked in a Barbecue Smokehouse and swore off cigarettes. The heart attack got him twice.

Irony: Andy Kaufman dies for real and everyone believes that he faked his death. My father died in a manner where the date on his will matched up to the day he died nine years later and that only excuse I could find for the coincidence other than Hecate performing a curse on the witches sabbath would be that he chose the date on purpose, either to commit suicide or fake his death. Everyone insists that he died of a natural heart attack and the recurring 6/24 date is a Coincidence.

The Message: We are Surrounded by what we create. Andy Kaufman was the boy who cried Wolf so now on his deathbed nobody believes him.

Kevin Neece was the boy who cried Hecate and Coincidences and Stranger than Fiction Irony and Spirit Wife Marital Separation so now that is what I am surrounded by.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Before we begin, The Grinch is an Illuminati film by Ron Howard’s involvement alone. We all know what the Boris Karloff cartoon is about, but the Ron Howard film is about the Birth of Christ being replaced with gift giving commercialism. In Actuality, the Birth of Christ itself replaced the Winter Solstice so one good turn demands another.

Here are a few RED FLAGS: Brian Grazer from A Beautiful Mind. Already explained that. You work with Ron Howard, you are Illuminati. Ron Howard made Splash with THE DEVIL HIMSELF John Candy. Christine Baranski from the Greek Musical Mamma Mia is another one. Molly Shannon from Saturday Night Live cameos just so they could put her name on the box to see stuff. She offers virtually nothing to the movie in her performance. The Dog Max appears throughout the entire cinematic and book works because Hecate loves dogs. The Grinch lives in a Cave like the Three Norns. We’ll leave Taylor Momsen alone because she grew up to be a Goth Rocker and that alone is so kick ass.

What’s that? You want MORE RED FLAGS? Rick Baker also did the Special Effects for The Frighteners, Ghost Story, An American Werewolf in London, Disney’s The Haunted Mansion, and Hellboy, a truly haunted hecate production by Dark Horse films. Oh boy… time to spend some quality time with The Grinch.

Watching Jeffrey Tambor read from the Book of Who feels like a potshot at the Bible. Why do they call Christmas “Christmas” in the universe of The Who’s if I’m assuming Jesus Christ didn’t exist within that universe due to them being an alternate form of species? Meanwhile The Grinch passes out Jury Duty notes at the post office oblivious to the fact that had he himself been put on trial, he just chose his own jury.

The Grinch got it right. Taylor Momsen is adorable and should be wrapped up in a big red bow every Christmas. Oh wait, she is. Every time one of us watched this movie.

The Grinch’s voice suspiciously sounds like Tony Clifton from Man on the Moon when it’s supposed to be James Stewart from It’s a Wonderful Life.

The Grinch uses The Who’s Garbage in a furnace to light up his Cave. Just think of the money he saves on Electric Bills. He feeds upon Broken Glass. Ouch. People report sightings of him to the News like Bigfoot.

Ron Howard said he tried on Jim Carrey’s makeup for a day and it was unbearable. Imagine what it must have felt like for the child actor that played The Grinch during the Flashback scenes.

The Grinch hates everyone in the Phone Book. He lives in a world that spends 364 days a year preparing for 1 Christmas Night. Meanwhile I spend 364 days a year watching people prepare for Halloween Night.

I just realized… Taylor Momsen and Molly Shannon are wearing cups of Egg Nog on their heads. Blast this Christmas Music! It’s joyful AND Triumphant!

Jim Carrey gets his face bashed in by a Giant Monkey with Symbols either from a Stephen King book cover or George A Romero film called Monkey Shines.

The Grinch complains about how kids today are so desensitized by horror and violence because of movies. Yeah, I just watched a kids movie called Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and it had all of the elements of an Evil Dead film on a PG-13 rating.

The Grinch just landed right between Christine Baranski’s breasts. The Mayor is such an asshole The Dentist fucked up and had to remove his tonsils twice.

Jeffrey Tambor tries to bribe his way into marriage with Christine Baranski by offering her a new car like a game show host. The Grinch points out that once they are done celebrating, most of their gifts come to him via the garbage disposal.

The Grinch escapes riding a remote control toy car like Keiichi Morisato in Ah My Goddess. The toy car explodes behind him like a Tom Cruise movie.

You’re a Mean One Mr Grinch plays. He puts out a red hot poker in his mouth. Now he’s his own crash test dummy like Wiley Coyote. He must be Santa because he made that dope ride all in one night.

I’m confused here because of a later Dr Seuss Who universe showcased in Horton Hears a Who. So if Whoville is only the size of a tiny speck in the Jungle of Pool, does that mean that Santa Claus can shrink down to the size of a tiny speck? Is The Grinch supposed to be Krampus? Now he’s imitating Ron Howard with the director’s hat.

I call bullshit on the Grinch stealing Turkey from all of the fridges. Anybody who has watched their mother prepare a Turkey Dinner for the Holidays knows she stays up all night doing it. The Grinch would been caught red handed.

I bet the MPAA just loved the scene where Jeffrey Tambor The Mayor of Whoville kisses Max the Dog’s asshole like a rim job in his sleep.

Invite the Grinch… Destroy Christmas!! Invite the Grinch… Destroy Christmas!!

Molly Shannon really doesn’t do a helluva lot in this movie. I guess they just wanted her name on the credits so they could slap it on the box to enforce commercialism.

“It came. It came all the same. It came without ribbons, it came without tags, it came without wrapping paper boxes or bags. Perhaps Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Perhaps Christmas means…. something more. Max Help Me! I’m Feeling!”

So…. Does Whoville really worship the birth of Jesus Christ on a tiny speck in the Jungle of Pool… or did a green cave troll teach them the dangers of materialism?

So you see fans. You can have a movie that’s illuminati as fuck all… but it doesn’t really mean anything that these connections exist. They are just there.

Me Myself and Irene (2000) Jim Carrey is named Charlie not unlike Charlie’s Angels. He worked with a Charlie’s Angel on The Mask named Cameron Diaz directed by Charles Russell.

Tony Cox from Beetlejuice and the Hecate cursed Bad Santa is in this. He thinks its racist to ask if a Limo Driver takes checks. The Number on the house is 21 just 2 short of 23. See the Number 23 isn’t actually there, I just really badly want it to be.

Jim Carrey’s wife in the movie gives birth to three black sons = The Three Fates. Although which of the actors is Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld is a mystery. Anthony Anderson is one of the sons, and if his identity were to be applied to Skuld the Future Omen of Dark Fate’s Demise, then I would point out that in Martin Scorsese’s The Departed, Anthony Anderson shows up at the last minute to put a bullet in Leonardo DiCaprio’s head.

But I’m not going to lie to you folks. But at this point in the film retrospective, I was tired of watching movies, and I was beginning to lose my edge at spotting these connections. Do these connections still exist and I’m starting to slip, or was I frustrated in my attempts to see something that just wasn’t there. I know that Renee Zellweger was on the box are of Chicago with Catherine Zeta Jones and Richard Gere from the Hecate cursed Pretty Woman. And Renee Zellweger was in Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Next Generation with Mathew McConaughey aka THE DEVIL from The Dark Tower.

Tony Cox is everybody’s Soul Mate. And his sons The Three Fates are building an Airplane out of a sewing machine… hint hint…. The Three Norns love to weave our Threads of Fate. Anthony Anderson is a Fate. The Three Fates in this movie are also Quantum Physics experts who deduced that you can stick the head of a live chicken up a man’s ass and it will still fit without killing the chicken.

In the opening of the movie in the Barbershop, the employees are playing checkers on a checkerboard. Death plays chess. Was this movie written by a Fate who enjoys Chess and Checkers on her time off?

There really isn’t too much about this movie that sticks out as demonic or subliminal. Charlie’s Schizophrenia could double for Demonic Possession but not really. The film involves a corrupt EPA investigation. My Father was involved in one of those before he died.

Charlie and his Three Fates cosplay as The Wizard of Oz in a photograph. The Wizard of Oz is a cursed film production because Over the Rainbow insinuates the rainbow bridge crossing over into the afterlife. The original Wizard of Oz film could also have been targeted by Hecate because we have no way to deduce just how old that spirit is.

The Majestic (2001) is the only film directed by Frank Darabont that is NOT adapted from a Stephen King book. It opens with top Hollywood directors giving script development advice during a pitch, one of which is the illuminati Gary Marshall. The subject matter turns to a dog running up a hill to ring a bell. Hekate loves dogs.

Allen Garfield is in this movie. He was in the Fate cursed Let It Ride with Richard Dreyfuss and Jennifer Tilly.

Take note that this film is about a Communist “Witch Hunt”. Evil Dead star Bruce Campbell appears for the B Movie film within a film and his casting is perfectly appropriate.

Jim Carrey is about to get Cancel Cultured because he skirt chased a girl to a Communist Meeting hoping to get laid unaware of what the meeting was about. It was decades ago. Jim Carrey is a blacklisted screenwriter.

The Coco Bongo is an intentional reference to The Mask which was a Hecate haunted production due to Dark Horse Comics. Jim Carrey walks out of the bar with a Monkey Doll. In the Grinch, Jim Carrey gets his head bashed in by a giant monkey with cymbals, possibly a Stephen King reference. Frank Darabant adapts Stephen King.

Jim Carrey’s car crashes on a bridge into the river, not unlike The Mask. When he wakes up with Amnesia, he walks through town and sees a red car with the following license plate: 2391749 or Jim Carrey’s Number 23. January 17th is also Jim Carrey’s birthday. And it’s the Wedding Anniversary date for both Kevin Neece in 2003.

Brent Briscoe from Sam Raimi’s A Simple Plan is in this, See also Spiderman 2 and Man on the Moon. Alas poor Brent, we hardly knew you before you crossed dimensions and yet, you were everywhere all the time. Wait for it, I’m holding it back until we hit the Jim Carrey movie Yes Man.

The Majestic movie palace is described as a transportation to Olympus where anybody can buy a ticket to see the modern day gods of cinema. It’s magical. Sounds like something that a Goddess would have written.

Jim Carrey can remember movies but nothing from his own life. The Majestic is now a stolen valor film. It romanticizes stolen valor in front of a man who lost his arm at war and depends on a hook (does anybody remember William Wyler’s The Best Years of Our Lives. I bet you Frank Darabont did when he made this movie).

That’s weird. In both The Grinch and The Majestic, the Entire Town Holds a Celebration party in honor of one man: Jim Carrey. JC is a little more respectful to this town than the Holiday Cheermeister by The Who’s of Whoville.

But what if his memory does come back. Which life will he remember? Which life will he choose?

Jim Carrey is asked by his old piano teacher to play Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No 2. Kevin Neece was obsessed with Lisztomania, about a composer whose music was stolen by vampire Richard Wagner. Actor Paul Nicolas played both Richard Wagner and Cousin KEVIN in Ken Russell’s Tommy. Who dared you to disrespect Liszt like that. Actually, Franz Liszt used to sneak in rounds of Chopsticks into his shows to entertain his female fans.

An American in Paris and A Streetcar Named Desire eh? Oh if only The Paramount in Austin TX did such business during the Summer Classics as this movie theater did.

The Egyptian God Horus is featured in the Sand Pirates of the Sahara scene with Evil Dead’s Bruce Campbell. Horus is mistaken for Jesus Christ’s origin in Internet Conspiracy Theories.

Martin Landau suffers a Heart Attack at the same time that Jim Carrey realizes he’s really Peter Appleton. A Death Clairvoyant moment. In Dumb and Dumber, one of the song is called The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead, and plays over the Dante’s Inferno Restaurant scene.

The Fuzz shows up and wants to charge Peter Appleton with subliminally hiding Communist Propaganda themes in his movies (like the Illuminati). Kevin Neece’s theory that Hecate’s Illuminati Subliminal Themes and Coincidences were hidden in Jim Carrey’s movies unknown to him.

Here is the biggest in-joke The Majestic had to offer. Jim Carrey is mistaken for Luke only to discover Martin Landau is his father. “Luke, I am your father.” Get it. The Empire Strikes Back in the form of the Communist Witch Hunt Panel where he reads the Bill of Rights.

Bruce Almighty (2003) is the film where Jim Carrey gets to play God, or at least perform his job duties limited to the area code that he lived in. In the opening of the film, Jim Carrey has a 7 Circle on his Microphone. 7 Deadly Sins. Seven Princes of Hell. And his segment is about a Big Cookie.

Jim Carrey’s Mirror in his house is a Summoning Circle. He keeps bitching about God in the mirror so the Dog pisses in the house. Hecate loves Dogs. And Jim Carrey claims that God hates him.

Jim Carrey’s boss at the News Station is Philip Baker Hall from the movie Magnolia. In Magnolia, there’s an extended segment that revolves around a Biblical Plague of Frogs raining from the sky.

Take note that in Tom Shadyac’s last film Liar Liar, Jim Carrey’s ex wife looks like a Jennifer Anniston look alike. In Bruce Almighty, she’ been upgraded to the actual Jennifer Anniston. Both actresses look alike when standing side by side.

Oh Hell, Bruce has just been demoted to Wacky Bruce. And Evan Baxter has been upgraded to Evan Backstabber. Then he gets his ass kicked by a street gang shortly after he’s fired off the station, just like The Mask. You. God hates him. Life is just.

My God. This is like the third Jim Carrey film I’ve seen that revolves around him suffering a car accident. It’s like some kind of formula that he keeps repeating on a loop. First it was The Mask. Then it was Amnesia in The Majestic. Now it’s Prayer Beads and he’s getting Gods texts.

The message of Morgan Freeman’s opening appearance is: God is the Janitor who takes out the Trash. God is the Electrician who shows you the Light. But the Elevator to Heaven is broken. So you have to take the Stairway to Heaven instead. I see what you did there.

Bruce’s worries are in a filing cabinet that just tried to kill him aka his worries are killing him.

Morgan Freeman worked with Frank Darabont on The Shawshank Redemption, also featuring Tim Robbins from Erik the Viking. Jim Carrey worked with Frank Darabont on the Majestic.

Bruce impersonates Clint Eastwood. Jim Carrey was a murder victim in The Dead Pool Dirty Harry series. He seeks shelter in a Diner not unlike the one last seen in The Majestic.

Bruce pulls the Moon closer. The Full Moon of witchcraft was also seen in The Truman Show where Ed Harris hides and plays God. Jim Carrey’s next film Man on the Moon. The Unusual Lunar Activity causes a Natural Disaster that floods a city with a Tidal Wave.

Bruce finds the dead body of Jimmy Hoffa who was played by THE DEVIL Jack Nicholson from The Witches of Eastwick in the biopic film, alongside Danny DeVito, both actors worked on Batman movies as villains.

Wait, his girlfriend's name is Grace? His big news was he sabotaged his way to Anchor. She thought he was going to propose. Now he can hear everyone’s prayers.

Bruce said YES to all of our Prayers. This leads to the funniest joke of all time. Everyone wins the Lottery and riots when they realize the payouts are only one dollar due to the high amount of winners.

The Alpha and the Omega just had just found out Free Will is a bitch especially when you are God. How do you make someone love you without affecting Free Will? God doesn’t know the answer either.

“Love me! Love me! LOVE ME!!!” “I did.” (Walks away) I know how you feel Bruce. Your prophets believe your world is coming to an end. So do mine.

“I just gave them everything they wanted” “but since when does anybody know what they want?” Story of my life.

“You want a miracle Bruce. Be the miracle. People keep looking up to God when they should be looking within.”

Bruce’s apartment number is 304. Subtract the Ready Player One’s 101 for Hekate’s Dim Lamp Torches and you get 203. 2 & 3. Jim Carrey’s Number 23. Two equals Mankind’s Inner Struggle between Yin Yang Good and Evil. Three Equals Three Fates. Yes, I know this is a stretch and it really doesn’t count but what else do you want from me, I was pulling Aces earlier and now I’m drawing straws.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) is about Man playing God in the Machine, this time with our Memories. And then Man goes on the run. Not unlike The Truman Show.

When Jim Carrey wakes up he notices that two years of diary entries are missing but does not pick up on why. Kate Winslet’s hair is dyed blue and red not unlike Ramona Flowers in Scott Pilgrim versus the World.

The beginning train scene in the film actually takes place after the second act leading into the ending. Their memory loss plan didn’t work for either of them because FATE, True Fate, just drew them back in.

I would also point out that Ah My Goddess The Movie was about the Goddess Belldandy losing all of her relationship memories of Keiichi Morisato as a second chance.

The Reason why the Brainwash Experiment fails is because once they lose all of their memories of the Bad Times, they only remember the Good Memories and don’t see why they should change anything about their relationships.

Jim Carrey literally throws away his memories of Clementine in a Garbage Bag. She is lost and gone forever oh my darling clementine.

“Technically this IS brain damage but it’s on par with a night of heavy drinking.”

When Clementine announces that she wrecked Jim Carrey’s car from a night of tipsy drinking, he is less concerned with her safety and welfare than the fact that she went out and may have almost killed someone.

Jim Carrey’s movies always appear to feature conflict arising from the wreckage of an automobile.

Clementine is upset that Joel sees her as unfit for motherhood. She wants to have children and he rudely brushes her off because he knows her behavior.

In the Jim Carrey Memory-verse, you cannot see anyone’s face in a dream memory if you did not see their face in real life.

Elijah Wood is slowly learning why it’s a bad idea to date women who attend his job. Clementine and Joel broke up for a very good reason. It was HER. And now Elijah Wood is beginning to see it in her behavior.

Jim Carrey learns that none of the Doctors in his memories can help him because they are on the inside of his memories, not the outside where the procedure is being performed.

In one of Jim Carrey’s memories, he wears a yellow T-Shirt for The Who’s Tommy. “Sickness will surely take the mind, where minds can’t usually go. Come on the Amazing Journey, and Learn All You Should Know.”

Clementine is freaking out because Elijah Wood keeps calling here all of the names that do not describe her personality, the one where she blows her top is “nice”, Clementine knows that she is not nice.

Showing off just how not nice Clementine is, Jim Carrey remember the time he got caught masturbating by his mother as a young teenager, and his humiliation make Clementine break down laughing.

Plot Twist: Kirsten Dunst had a past affair with the boss and he memory wiped her because he was already married with children.

How every great relationship starts: “Can I just borrow a piece of your children?” And then she just takes it without asking.

A very pissed off Kirsten Dunst whistleblows her old job by releasing all of the client audio tapes via the mail for revenge.

Note that Kirsten Dunst was in the Neil Jordan’s Interview with the Vampire. River Phoenix was going to play Christian Slater’s role but tragically died because he stared in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (the THIRD film) directed by Illuminati Stephen Spielberg from Twilight Zone The Movie.

Mark Ruffalo was in a later Thor Ragnarok film signifying Norse Mythology, just not at the time release of the film Eternal Sunshine. He was in Foxcatcher with Steve Carell and that’s a Red Flag. On the Three Fates poster of Foxtcatcher, Mark Ruffalo’s position represents Skuld The Dark Omen Foreshadow. I wonder why?

Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004). NOW THIS IS THE ONE YOU HAVE TO WATCH OUT FOR. It’s this movie AND Yes Man. The box cover features two different sets of Three Fates. Billy Connolly is Urdr and he likes Snakes like Hecate, Jim Carrey is Verdandi, and Meryl Streep is Skuld The Dark Omen Foreshadow of FATE. She’s the worst omen of them all in every movie that she makes. Mamma Mia (Greek Fates), She Devil, Death Becomes Here, The Devil Wears Prada. I’ll have to do an entire chapter on her. Catherine O’Hara from Beetlejuice is in this. And Timothy Spall from Sweeney Todd. There’s a big eye on the door like the Illuminati Symbol. Count Olaf’s sacred home. He’s got an Illuminati Eye tattooed on his foot.

The 2nd pair of Three Fates are the Children. Liam Aiken Klaus is the Inventor Skuld, Emily Browning is Violet The Bookworm aka Verdandi, Kara Hoffman and Shelby Hoffman are both Sunny the Biter aka Urdr. The fact that Shelby and Kara are both twins playing one person is a Red Flag warning sound of The Inner Struggle, just like Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Yes Yes I know, it’s NOT EXACTLY Ah My Goddess but could you back off a bit and give me room to breath here. Okay. Thank you. Moving on.

The Children are clearly problem solvers. They just made a spaghetti dinner out of nothing. Sorry no roast beef. The Illuminati claims to solve all of the world’s problems.

“All I ask is that you do every little task that pops into my head while I enjoy the enormous fortune your parents left me.” “You won’t see one cent until Violet turns 18.”

The rat bastard left them on the train tracks locked in the car with the happy little elf.

They go to live with a family member who surrounds himself with snakes and lizards in The Reptile Room. While Hecate is a dog fanatic, she also walks around with a snake like a Stripper.

Billy Connolly is named Uncle Monty after Monty Python’s Flying Circus. And he’s friends to Pythons everywhere. He just needs an Inventor, a Writer, and a Biter. Count Olaf shows up sporting a John Waters Mustache and kills him during his sleep, hoping for the snakes to take the blame.

Meryl Streep shows up as Aunt Josephine and she’s fed to the leeches. Dustin Hoffman is in this movie in a blink or you’ll miss it cameo (Kramer vs Kramer with Meryl Streep). Catherine O’Hara is going to perform a pedophile 14 years old child marriage to parental Guardian Count Olaf. Well that’s Nickelodeon Films for you.

Luis Guzman from the Adam Sandler movies is in this thing, he was in Anger Management with THE DEVIL Jack Nicholson from Witches of Eastwick. And he’s in Jim Carrey’s Yes Man.

“Oh I’m the monster. These children tried to tell you. But nobody listens to children.” “Oh by the way, you are a terrible actor.”

Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) is a Brian Grazer Production so Red Flag, another Illuminati film. But it’s a really goddamn good one. In fact, it may be one of the best comedies that Jim Carrey has ever made. Great Work on this to everyone who was involved in the production and its commentary on the modern day job market. It also showed Laurie Metcalf in a bit role, she’s the serial killer from Scream 2, but it’s not a vital role in the film, it’s an easter egg, like she worked on set for one day to collect a paycheck.

Screenplay by Judd Apatow from The Cable Guy. The Produced by Jim Carrey title card is strategically placed to show the audience what Jim Carrey is like when he’s his own boss in charge of his own destiny. Oh My God, is that the father from Step Brothers?

“We should have sex… on Saturday. We’ve got to make it something wild.” Meanwhile Alec Baldwin from Beetlejuice is in this. Learn to fear the Baldwin outside of his natural habitat, most especially if it involved Saturday Night Live or 30 Rock.

Jim Carrey is put on live television to report his companies stock exchange and he’s being questioned what it means when his President sold out all of his stock while under investigation. He knows exactly what it means, the rats are fleeing a sinking ship, and now everybody is shredding everything.

There are a few potential round black mirrors around the house set, and a summoning circle in the kitchen like the Shining, but nothing sinister to write home about. I’m just seeing these things because I’m looking for them, they don’t really stand out.

This movie is painful to watch. It’s not a bad movie at all, just empathetically painful to someone who has worked retail and Sam’s Club.

Clint Howard has a blink or you’ll miss it role as an INS Agent. Why am I not surprised. He was also in the demonology film Little Nicky.

The movie reminds me of Madhouse with Kristie Alley and John Larroquette where they move into their dream home and it totally gets destroyed.

Watching Dick and Jane commit petty crime robberies is more satisfying than I Thought it would be.

The CEO fully refunded their bankrupted pensions… yeah… I’ll buy that for a dollar. My late grandfather watched someone bankrupt his factory after pocketing a Million Dollars and the perpetrator got away with it.

The Number 23 (2007) There are a lot of 23 coincidences behind the scenes of this movie listed on IMDb. Deciphering what is real and what was fabricated for the movie based on a single viewing might be difficult.

Jim Carrey plays animal control. Hecate is a Dog Lover Goddess. Shortly before viewing this movie Kevin Neece’s mother had an issue with Animal Control losing their Feral Cats after attempting a catch and release neuter program. The cats were though to be lost but were found a few days later and returned to their home at Majestic Drive. It’s because Hecate can influence different lifeforms, perhaps even feral animals.

Virginia Madsen from Candyman is the love interest. She represents the Spirits that can be invoked via Black Mirrors. The bookstore she shops at is named A Novel Fate. Kevin Neece believes Jim Carrey is haunted by a Fate.

The movie states that the Witches Sabbath is June 23rd. My nephew Dylan Gutierrez died on June 23rd 2017. Jim Neece died on June 24th 2018. Joel Schumacher died in June 22 2020. Remember that Time is relative and the Lunar cycles bleed over from night to night.

Halloween and Cemetery are featuring in the film which could explain why the production is os Haunted. Halloween trick or treating was featured in Joel Shumacher’s Batman Forever where Jim Carrey played the Riddler, and I totally forgot that Nicole Kidman was in Practical Magic.

The Witches Sabbath is June 23rd. The Suicide Blonde in the movie was palling to hang herself with a rope. My Nephew Dylan Gutierrez hung himself to death in his own closet on June 23rd. I’ve seen multiple incidents on Social Media where I’ll screen a movie and it resulted in a death by suicide online, as if Hecate knew how to psychologically manipulate her victims into doing such a thing. No, not Hecate, it was Moloch. I screened Simon King of the Witches for one of the Halloween Invocations and Moloch claims to have been hanging out around my house since them.

Jim Carrey’s son in the movie notes that FATE adds up to 32 which is 23 flipped. Once again, Kevin Neece’s birthday is 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. And FATE = 32. Kevin believed both he and Jim Carrey were haunted by the Three Fates from Ah My Goddess, but the Spirit in his bedroom insists her name is spelled Ekatn translating into Hecate.

The explanation for 23 is that if you go looking for it, then it will find you. It’s the algorithm of Fate. Jim Carry darts a dog named Ned in a cemetery. Hecate is a protector of Dogs and frequents Cemeteries. Laura Tollins grave reads both Born and Died on February 10th. Kevin Neece was born on February 9th.

My DVD Copy of The Number 23 freezes meaning I was unable to see the ending of the movie. Let’s move on to something a little more happy and cheerful.

Horton Hears a Who (2008) Now Playing: an allegory film about Kevin Neece, who begins to notice Spirits and Demons around him. This opens himself up to a whole new Spirit Realm that everyone refuses to believe in because they can’t hear the same spirits that he does. They think he’s insane.

The Natural Disaster Destruction of Climate Change Foreshadow is hidden in the movie when the Scientist is forced to explain how Whoville can exist on tiny little speck. Remember how Men in Black presented Planet Earth living within a Universe Marble.

When Horton announces his Spiritual Belief in this new Spirit Realm, all of the other children attempt to copy him as make believe bringing his claims into question.

A Person is a person no matter how small feels like the argument of Pro-Life Groups. I could see how this movie could be co-opted by those with a Political Agenda.

Every time I see the Purple Kangaroo played by Carol Burnett in this movie, the name Tammy Chaney comes to mind. I’m deeply scared and afraid to ask why.

Yes Man (2008) <—THIS ONE. THIS IS THE ONE YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! Jim Carrey gets dragged to a Religious Cult where everyone is supposed to say Yes to every request to open themselves up to life and the Religious Cult Leader is THE DEVIL Terrance Stamp, reprising his character from Frank Oz’s Bowfinger, in spirit anyways.

The Witches of Eastwick appears on the Video Store shelf. On the Bigfoot lounge the number reads 3172. Jim Carrey and Zooey Deschanel were both born on the 17th. Kevin Neece was married on the 17th. 3 and 2 reversed = Jim Carrey’s Number 23.

Jim Carrey getting passed over at the bank for a promotion reminds me of Drag Me to Hell. Yes Man was released in 2008. Sam Raimi’s Drag Me to Hell was released in 2009.

Flat Screen TVs classify as Black Mirrors. Jim Carrey watched Hecate cursed Cary Elwes in SAW. The entire SAW franchise looks like it was manipulated by an Avenging Arch Angel of Fate or at least Tobin Bell’s character was written in that aspect. Cary Elwes was also in Liar Liar and A Christmas Carol.

HERE’S THE PAYOFF FOR BRENT BRISCOE. Jim Carrey played the Angel of Death in High Strung. In Yes Man, he drives Homeless Actor Brent Briscoe past Elysian Park. In Mythology, the Elysian Fields is the Afterlife where the Dead Go. Brent Briscoe died on October 18th, 2017, just nine years after Yes Man was released. When you watch Yes Man, you are watching Jim Carrey The Angel of Death drive Dead Actor Brent Briscoe to the Afterlife of the Elysian Fields. We’ve got a Winner here! To paraphrase the Ghostbusters Secretary: “We’ve Got One!”

In Norm’s Office sit two posters. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets & The Goonies. Harry Potter was heavily criticized for interesting Children in Witchcraft that could lead to Satanism. The Goonies features Josh Brolin, who killed Loki in the Avengers Infinite War classifying as Norse Mythology.

During the Old Lady Blowjob scene with Fionnula Flanagan, there are Octagon Portraits on her wall signifying STOP like a Stop Sign. While not exactly a Red Flag, she was featured in the ghost movie The Others with Nicole Kidman, who was also in Practical Magic and The Northman.

When Jim Carrey agrees to the Old Lady Blowjob, there is a Circle on her Bed Headboard of Yellow Glass, possibly signifying a Summoning Circle like The Shining.

Jim Carrey answers the door for the Girl Scouts, there are two of them holding boxes of Cookies with Summoning Circles on them. They summon deliciousness. On the left is 3 box and the right is 2 boxes. Flip them and you get Jim Carrey’s Number 23. Add the 2 girls to the number and you get Seven Deadly Sins.

Jim Carrey jumps up and down on a bed with a glass of wine that refuses to spill in front of a potential black mirror. Wine is a sacrificial offering that can be made to Hecate.

Hyped up from Red Bull and wearing a Glow Ring summoning circle around his neck, Jim Carrey meets Zooey Deschanel teaching Aerobics outside of the Star Observatory from James Dean’s Rebel without a Cause. The Observatory equals Astrology which is used in Ars Goetia Demonology.

Jim Carrey approached the Harry Potter Party Marathon dressed in a costume that does not fit him, noting they only had Toddler Size left. Harry Potter gets them while they are young.

Luis Guzman is in this film threatening Suicide by jumping off a building. He was in Anger Management with THE DEVIL Jack Nicholson from the Witches of Eastwick which was showcased during the video store scene.

All of the Uniforms and Imagery for the Nebraska Football Game is Demonic Blood Red.

At the Bridal Party, the cake lady makes a cake in the form of Alec Baldwin from Beetlejuice. Beware the foreshadow of a Baldwin. He was also the villain in Fun with Dick and Jane, another movie that featured laid off employees.

When Jim Carrey wakes up in the Hospital after the Terrance Stamp car accident, the number on his room reads 3242 aka Jim Carrey’s Number 23 backwards.

A Christmas Carol (2009) I can see how Kevin Neece might be Jacob Marley’s Ghost someday… wandering around chained to his precious video collection. There’s more gravy than grave about you. Bring on the Gravy Train.

Colin Firth Red Flag. He was on the Three Fates cover of Bridget Jones Diary with Renee Zellweger from My Myself and Irene. Cary Elwes from the Hecate cursed SAW and The Princess Bride along with Robin Wright Penn. Bob Hoskins played Odin in Son of the Mask for Dark Horse Comics.

Outside of Urdr, Verdandi, and Skuld providing the story inspiration for the Ghosts of Christmas Past Present and Future, I fail to guess what could be hiding in this movie. It’s a pretty straight forward adaptation but nowhere near as fun as The Muppets.

I Love You Philip Morris (2009) On the poster we see the Inner Struggle between Yin and Yang. Police Officer/Con Artist Jim Carrey was led to Dark Temptation by Ewan McGregor’s sweet ass in Prison.

Leslie Mann was in the Cable Guy directed by Ben Stiller from Highway to Hell. Disney’s Hercules Television Series aka Greek Mythology. She was later targeted by Hecate due to the Three Fates Poster in Adam Sandler’s Funny People and Cameron Diaz The Other Woman.

This movie is an intentional mockery about a Christian Police Officer turned Homosexual and it really happened. It really did.

Next shot the license plate on the red car under the director’s credit reads BXN*3N2. The 3N2 being Jim Carrey’s Number 23 flipped backwards.

Shortly after announcing his Homosexuality to the Ambulance Drivers, Jim Carrey is seen walking two Tiny Dogs. Hecate is a Protector of Dogs. Look at the armbands on his shirt. Do they look Greek to you?

I just realized, this movie is a love story about The Truman Show have gay prison sex with Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. There are cameras all over that prison.

In the movie Jim Carrey says that prison grievances and help can be found via The Texas Prison Rights Committee who work Pro Bono. The Real Life Number to the Texas Corrections Committee House of Representatives is 512-463-0796 Ext E2.110

Jim Carrey made an entire movie about the consequences of corporate crooks in Fun with Dick and Jane and now he’s playing a Corporate Crook in this movie.

I keep watching Jim Carrey’s failed escape plans in this movie and thinking “How could somebody smart enough to pull off these crimes be so stupid in evading punishment?” His basic plan is to just steal everything that isn’t nailed down with no plan whatsoever for how to evade the law when the hammer falls and he knows he’s about to be caught.

By all appearances, Jim Carrey’s leading man career appeared to have ended after playing a Gay Con Artist in I Love You Philip Morris (2009), from that point on he played small but intriguing bit roles like The Brain Rapist in The Incredible Burt Wonderstone opposite Bruce/Even Almighty co-star Steve Carrell, or the regretful Colonel Stars and Stripes in Kick Ass 2. Jim Carrey denounced his involvement with the movie after the violence of Sandy Hook and there was the death of an ex-girlfriend. He was lated noted for an invisible performance as a Hermit in The Bad Batch which featured Gory onscreen cannibalism. He did make Dumb and Dumber To, my bad.

Jim Carrey’s Swan Song turned out to be the Showtime Television Series KIDDING collaborating with Michel Gondry from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. In Kidding, a Mr Robinson like host named Mr Pickles slowly watches his life fall apart while his producers attempt to maintain his sanity on the air. I cannot highly recommend this series enough. I’m not much of a watcher for television shows and this felt like an elongated film that hits all of its marks perfectly, with the performers falling back on children’s fantasy puppets to help them deal with their real life problems.

Finally he ended his career with Two Different Sonic the Hedgehog films where he played Doctor Robotnik. The two movies themselves weren’t great to me, but Jim Carrey was admittedly the best thing in them. The formula to the first Sonic the Hedgehog film was reminiscent of Dolph Lundgren’s Masters of the Universe. Watch the two different third acts side by side with the hovercraft airplane in the small dark neighborhood and you will see the comparisons. I would point out that Frank Langella was both Skeleton in Masters of the Universe and he was the fatherly figure villain to Jim Carrey in Kidding.

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