Friday, June 16, 2023


I have a Question for the CIA and Pentagon and FBI and MI5 to consider... Who really runs this country? Is it the President who goes on National Television and says, "I am your Elected Official", or the Man who gives the President his Advice Behind the Scenes. Who is the Power behind the President, and where is the REAL Oval Office located? This is a question Kevin Neece finds himself wondering in advance to the 2024 Election.

For example: When George W. Bush was President, America blamed him for all of their misery. But later articles and films suggest that it was really Vice President Dick Cheney who was really running the show. Was George W Bush REALLY our President during the Bush Administration? Or was he just an Actor who went on Television for Appearances while our real Commander in Chief was Dick Cheney hiding behind the scenes?

Why does America hold their Elections Three Days after Halloween, which is a Pagan Witchcraft Religious Holiday used to perform Satanist Rituals? There are nearly 365 days of the year that you could have chosen to hold the Elections? Why don't you hold them during December, or Three Days after Easter Sunday? Why Three Days after a Satanic Ritual Witchcraft Holiday? The only reason Kevin Neece can think of is because when you perform a Spell Invocation, it takes about 72 Hours for your Intentions to Manifest... such as a Satanist Curse on a Presidential Candidate during the Election Night.

But we're getting off Topic here. When Donald Trump was President and plastered all over Social Media, everyone attacked him until he was forcibly removed. Since then, Donald Trump is now working BEHIND THE SCENES manipulating his own future government office. But does he really plan to run for President again? Or are his intentions to have somebody else stand in the Oval Office in his place as a Distraction so he can instill his Policies Behind the Scenes? The Presidential Puppet Master Who Pulls America's Strings.

Make No Mistake. There may be a Different Republican Candidate standing in the Oval Office in 2024, but if he's taking his orders from Donald Trump behind the scenes for his policies, then is that President really the President, or is Donald Trump really the President behind the scenes and the man standing in the Oval Office is an Actor assigned to distract the American Public? Oh it gets even better.

Let's suppose that Donald Trump is actually convicted and sent to prison, but all of the Republican Candidates he has groomed still support him and meet with him in prison to give him updates and listen to his advice? What stops those visitors from taking Donald Trump's Advice and Orders, then passing them on to the Republican President in the Oval Office? In 2024, the REAL Oval Office could be a Visitation Cell in a Federal Penitentiary while the Actual President standing in the Oval Office is just a Republican Actor who is instilling Donald Trump's Policies in his Place.

The Country could be under the Secret Rule of a Felon in 2024. A Presidential Republican Puppet Master named Donald Trump. Just some food for thought. 
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