Saturday, June 17, 2023

Letters to Hekate from Kevin Neece

I've been performing experiments lately with Demonic Messages and Contracts. Here's how it works, you draw a Sigil for Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads on a sheet of paper, then you write a handwritten message addressed to the Goddess and sign it. Sometime late at night, you light up a candle, say a prayer to Hekate, and burn the written note. Thus it sends a message to the Goddess in the Spirit World no different than a Fax Machine. And it has applicable uses. If you have a dead relative that you would like to send a message to, you can do that through Hekate. If you have a terminally ill relative in Hospice that's being dragged out and they need help letting go, you can send a euthanasia request to Hekate and they will most likely pass away the next morning. Mind you Hekate is NOT a Hitman that you can just bark orders at and expect her to do your bidding, but it never hurts to ask. Here are some of the Burn Note Letters that I've sent to Hekate recently:

11/21/2020 A Message to Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads from Kevin Neece

"You know, I've been thinking about the Nature of God recently and her Alleged Ability of Creation. She said 'Let There Be Light' and there was Light. She created the Universe in Seven Days. She allowed the Virgin Mary to give birth to Christ without having known a man's touch. And she once destroyed Job's life for the dumbest reason imaginable: it was so she could win a handshake bet against the Devil. But the more that I thought about the immaculate conception of Christ, and the basic rules of witchcraft involving Succubi, Incubi, and Demi-Gods, the more I began to make the connection to the evils of the Christian and Catholic religion. And I ask myself: why? Why are these Religions responsible for the worst crimes in Human History? And then it hit me: Are we 100% sure that was God's order that resulted in the immaculate conception of Christ? Because it suspiciously sounds like the Virgin Mary got Ghost Fucked and Impregnated by an Incubus Demon, which would have resulted in Christ being blessed with the powers of a Demi-God.

The reason that Jesus Christ was not a man of an Evil Nature is because a person is not defined by their biological parentage. They are defined by the love and kindness and common sense of their parental upbringing. Christ was born to Human Parents who raised him with Common Sense based on their Religious Values, and he continued to pay the Good Deed Forward. Doctor What isn't the Demon who changed his License, Jesus Christ is. But his magical abilities as a Demi-God were confused by the Religious Zealots of that Time Period to be Miracles of God, which caused him to fall for his own Hype. And when he needed that magic the most to showcase his abilities to King Herod and the Romans, the magic failed him and resulted in him being Blood Sacrificed.

And now the Religions that he inspired resulted in the Worst Crimes in Human History. It's as if the Church Officials who showcased these religions to Humanity were secretly under Demonic Influence and fabricated these stories from earlier mythologies to control and corrupt their followers under the disguise of Self Righteousness. Jesus Christ WAS NOT a Christian. Jesus Christ WAS NOT a Catholic. Jesus Christ was Jewish and a Christian named Adolf Hitler exterminated them by the Millions during World War II.

Jesus Christ didn't preach in a church. He hung out with the Vagabonds, Beggars, Thieves, and Prostitutes of his Society, no different than Kevin Neece befriending Transgender Drag Queens, Witches, and Burlesque Dancers. If Jesus Christ had attended Kanye West's Jesus is Magic Tour, he would have beat the living shit out of Kanye West for selling such cheap badly designed merchandise in his name. When people ask 'What Would Jesus Do?', never forget that flipping tables and chasing people around the room with a Bullwhip is within the possibilities.

Was Jesus Christ really immaculately conceived by God? Or has the entire Christian Religion been a sick practical joke created by the Demons that the Human Race never caught on to? To paraphrase Gandhi: "I Like Your Christ. But I Do Not Like Your Christians. They Are So Unlike Your Christ." And to that matter, neither are Republicans like Paula White and Donald Trump. Because the Greatest Trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world that she doesn't exist. Fuck settling a Bet with the Devil. Let's see God settle a bet with Kevin Neece.

During World War II, there was an incident where all of the Returning Soldiers celebrated by fucking their wives and girlfriends, resulting in the Baby Boom Generation. And in the movie Village of the Damned, an entire village of women fall asleep only to wake up and find that they are pregnant without explanation. I DARE YOU. I double fucking dare the Goddess in charge of fertility to give the Executive Order that every Legal Age Adult Female Goddess and Demon within the Spirit Realm conceive a Female Child via Immaculate Conception without warning or explanation. And while you're at it, toss in all of the Female Human CIA Agents, FBI Agents, Law Enforcement Officers, Lawyers, and Judges in the United States of America, including Vice President Kamala Harris.

All of their children will be Female Demi-Gods blessed with ESP and grow up to follow in the footsteps of their parents career fields in US Government and Law Enforcement. This includes Hekate herself, and the Christian God, assuming that she is a woman. Some of them will be Greatful, like blessed by a Miracle of God. Some of them will be pissed. And NONE of them will be compelled or allowed to get an Abortion.

This is my own special Fuck You to the Pro-Life Groups that Terrorize Single Mothers and Pass Legislature to Strip Them of their Rights. May Pope Francis and the Goddesses of Fate bless Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads and the Fertility Goddess with Good Fortune in their attempts to manifest this spell into reality, and may all of their Red Tape Issues be cleared so that they may perform their tasks quickly and efficiently as their time allows. I wish. Amen."


Reading through that last note to Hekate, I realize now that genetic breeding disturbingly crosses the line into Adolf Hitler Master Race territory, although I would immediately point out that Hitler's Intentions were based on Racism, while all of the women in Law Enforcement are of different races and nationalities. Our Justice System appears to have no problem forcing women to go through with their unexpected or unwanted pregnancies under the pretense that they are "God's Will", so I am very curious as to how they would react when all of them see the Rug pulled out from underneath their feet, should that request actually find itself being greenlighted. Also, if you were going to see a bunch of Demi-God female children born on earth, you would want them to be raised by mothers trained within the Law and Criminal Justice System like the FBI and the CIA, rather than Trailer Trash. Ah My Goddess meets Village of the Damned? I'd watch that movie.


11/22/2020 A Message to Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads from Kevin Neece

"This Wish Contract is being sent through as a Test to see if Fate can be manipulated via Demonic Invocations to psychologically manipulate a member of US Congress into passing legislature against their own personal beliefs and nature. This is without a doubt the most dangerous spell idea I have ever thought of because the man who has the ability to wield such power over the Vote of the United States Government will undoubtedly become the Greatest Threat to our Nation. Remember the Practical Joke test you Spirits tried to play on Kevin Neece with the Death Note Replica? That goddamn book was like the One Ring of Sauron. Everybody who wields it becomes corrupted by its influence, including Kevin Neece himself, and it has nothing to do with magic. It's power is entirely psychological. Absolute Power corrupts and my deepest fear is other Witches and Demons may have successfully performed this spell against US Congress long before Kevin Neece stumbled onto it. The stereotypes often presented about God in fictional movies often showcase that the Angels and Demons do not interfere in Elections and Government due to Ethics Grounds. But in real life, I fear that's not the case.

It's a very simple wish contract really. Senator Addison Mitchell McConnell is infamous for running his office like a graveyard so that he can obstruct and block every Democratic Bill that comes his way. All I wish for is that his obstruction against the Democratic Party will cease and desist immediately so that the bills can be properly assessed by US Congress and voted on. That's it. The Republicans and the Democrats still retain their Free Will to Vote for or against the Bills. But in order for them to get to that stage, Moscow Mitch needs to stop acting like a lazy obstructing little bitch and get back to work. If Moscow Mitch is going to continue to act like a little bitch, then he can get Ghost Fucked in the ass by a Demon every night until he comes to his senses.

Ever see the movie Unbreakable? Samuel L Jackson's villain plan is he terrorist bombs trains to see if there are any survivors that would classify as a Superhero. Moscow Mitch has suspiciously survived every one of Kevin Neece's curse efforts as if he were untouchable by the hands of God and I assure you, Moscow Mitch is NO BRUCE WILLIS.

Who Watches the Watchmen? If Kevin Neece can manipulate a Republican Senator via a Wish Contract, then what stops others from doing the same thing. Kevin Neece showcases Mokkurkalfi as a Puppeteer who manipulates the bodies of men to perform Coup D'Tats. What prevents the Fates from manipulating Kevin Neece in the same manner or to that matter Kosuke Fujishima? Did Kosuke Fujishima make the conscious decision to knock up Nekomu Otogi or were his actions and behavior compromised by a Goddess or Demon skilled in Fate Contracts for Revenge? If you were following the character dynamics of the Ah My Goddess anime series, the usual suspect would be a little kid whose name rhymes with Skulduggery, but we both know that psychology wouldn't have applied to Skuld in real life, now would it?

I wish. Amen."


11/23/2020 A Message to Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads from Kevin Neece

"Howdy do, Unconquerable Queen Who Sets Men Free. I have a recurring thought about the Bible, quite an amusing one actually. It would seem that the Bible is very comparable to a cheap dollar menu Hamburger from McDonalds, though I wasn't quite 100% sure why at first. But as I started to compare the two, suddenly all of the pieces of the puzzle began to fit into place.

A Hamburger from McDonalds, like the Bible, is a sellable commodity, but one that is notorious for being put on display by college students to showcase how the Hamburger never appears to mold or degrade with age because of all of the unnatural preservatives packed into it. The Bible is very much like a McDonalds Hamburger that has been sitting on a pretty plate in the Vatican for thousands of years, and people appear far and wide to marvel at how the Hamburger never ages. As if the McDonalds Hamburger has suddenly become a Religious Artifact. Some of them are even tempted to take little nibbles of the Hamburger so that they can be the ones to brag to their friends all about the experience, but they never actually sit down and eat the whole thing. Because the minute they bite into that motherfucker, it tastes just as horrible and stale as that Fast Food Banquet Donald Trump tried to pass off as a White House Dinner during the United States Government Shutdown. And none of those naive silly people who come to see the Amazing Vatican Hamburger of God ever think to toss the fucking thing out and cook up a brand new one which would be more edible to consume.

You would think that if McDonalds were serving Hamburgers as stale as the Bible to the General Public, it would eventually put them out of business, and surely the CEO of the McDonalds Corporation knows that, so instead, they pack that centuries old stale Hamburger with cheese and bacon to fatten it up and make it look pretty for the menu photograph. And then people attend the Vatican in droves trying to buy up those pretty bacon cheeseburgers they were promised in the advertisement. But the Vatican doesn't really sell those bacon cheeseburgers, now do they? All they have to offer is that centuries old stale Hamburger that will most likely give you food poisoning if you attempt to eat it and send you to the Afterlife after it kills you.

To paraphrase The Agony and the Ecstacy: "If the Wine is Sour, It's Time to Throw It Out." Sadly, the Agony and the Ecstacy could only be a description of my current lack of a sex life. I know very little about the Warrior Pope presented in the movie, and hesitate to praise him out of fear to what he may have done to the innocent people of that time period in the name of Religion. But I do find it intriguing that the Warrior Pope, aka the Anti-Pope, was declared to be the Anti-Christ by all of his Religious Peers for going to war to try and "Fix his Country". I wonder what that motherfucker actually did to piss off the entire world of Religion? Was he a Church Figure who actually had the balls to publicly stand against the Status Quo of his Time Period? Or was he just another Religious Zealot Monster, out to rule the world?

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