Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Mokkurkalfi Report: The Damaging Consequences between Pro-Life or Pro-Birth: The Story of Carrie

Written by Kevin Neece and Ekatn the Spirit Wife

Doctor What #7:

One of the damaging reasons why Kevin Neece never went through with confession to a Catholic Priest, is because he witnessed on a Confession app that a part of their process is they would force their own beliefs upon anyone who came to them seeking forgiveness, which includes demonizing the act of abortion and homosexuality. How ironic coming from a religion where Catholic Priests get outed on social media for molesting Altar Boys on a regularity. We can’t help but walk away from those reported incidents feeling that they’ve been going on since the very founding of the Catholic Religion and the only reason they’re getting caught left and right now is because Social Media has made it much easier to hold them accountable for their actions within the eyes of the general public. Having said that, Abortion is a damned if you do, Damned if you don’t Morality Issue, where in the end, there is no Winning, there are only Degrees of Losing. Thank you Danny DeVito.


Knowing when to end a life, and when to spare one is one of the dangerous responsibilities that comes with being a Goddess. Because we are just as responsible for all of the death in the world as we are bringing about the birth of life. And these deaths tragically include everyone who has ever been put through the trauma of losing their own child. God has a plan? BULLSHIT. I would give my very soul to stop these incidents from happening, but that is the tragic ultimate truth of life. That someday it will end and we will all cross dimensions to a different world, or a better place. Your life is what you choose to make it, and where you continue forward on your journey depends not on the title of religion you have chosen to apply to your own identity, but within the legitimate physical actions of kindness, compassion, and humility that you showcase towards others.

Doctor What #7:

If God is responsible for all of the life in the world, and God is responsible for all of the death in the world. Then what the fuck makes all of you Pro-Life Activists overlook the fact that God is also responsible for ALL OF THE ABORTIONS EVER COMMITTED THROUGHOUT HUMAN HISTORY?!! This is not a case of Pro-Life. This is a case of Pro-Birth just so you can stroke your own consciences and egos like some self righteous masturbatory angelic trip under the false belief that you are saving someone’s life. No you’re not. You’re forcing your beliefs upon others with no consideration for what they will have to go through to raise their child. And offering to force them through the pain of childbirth under the promise that you will adopt and care for their child is also UNETHICALLY WRONG because it takes away their right to choose and free will in general. Yeah, there are a lot of Adults alive today who came from the Foster Homes and Orphanages, and good for them. But NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO FORCE THESE VALUES ONTO SOMEONE WHO HAS SUFFERED THE FATE OF RAPE OR INCEST!!! NOBODY!!! ESPECIALLY NOT A FUCKING SELF RIGHTEOUS CHURCH GROUP WHOSE MAIN CONTRIBUTION TO HISTORY IS MOLESTING ALTAR BOYS!!! FUCK YOU AND THE SELF RIGHTEOUS HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!!!


And to that effect, allow us to tell you the example story of Kevin Neece’s Step-Sister In Law, Carrie. Before the Soto Family came into being, Angela’s mother Mary was sexually assaulted and impregnated by a drunken family member which completely traumatized her. And her family coerced her to go through with the pregnancy under the promise that they would adopt the child. It went exactly as planned. But to hide the shameful backstory of how that child came into being, Carrie’s entire family lied to her throughout her entire childhood telling her that Mary Soto was her sister. Mary Soto’s traumatization stemmed from not only the incest sexual assault incident, but also the repeated physical abuse from her scumfucker husband Michael, and his mother, who was rumored to have engaged in witchcraft, and would spike Mary Soto’s food with hallucinogenic drugs. This was no different than what you all witnessed in a recent film release called Anna Biller’s The Love Witch. Angela repeatedly told Kevin throughout their marriage never to eat food prepared by an unknown witch as you do not know what she may have laced it with, and she repeated this joke in the opening of the Bad Goddess pilot film, The Intervention, much to the confusion of everyone, including the Goddesses themselves, as they had no context for why he was making that joke.

Doctor What #7:

Mary Soto has been the victim of sexual assault, being forced through a rape pregnancy that she did not want, and physically abused by a cheating husband, who forced her to have five of his children when they were going through repeated breakups that would result in her and her children living out of motel rooms exactly like the recent film The Florida Project. That movie represents the childhood of Kevin Neece’s wife Angela. The horror stories that stem from the Soto Family are absolutely never-ending. These psychological effects turned Mary’s personality into such a horrible annoyance that nobody could bear to live with her for more than a few years before they kicked her out onto the streets or forced her onto other family members. The formula was always they same. They took her in because they felt sorry for her. She never lifted a finger to get a job. She repeatedly ran up their bills and refused to listen to their modest requests repeatedly doing things that would drive them up the wall, and then habitually lying about her involvement when all logic and reason suggested that she was the one who did it. Mary would repeatedly form her own basic opinions about her grown children’s behavior within her imagination, and then her delusional behavior would cause her to act out on their behalf, as if she believed that her opinions are what they really wanted her to enforce upon them. She basically spoke for them on issues that they defiantly disagreed with to such an extent that they would be pushed past the breaking point and verbally lash out at her begging her to stop. And she would not stop. She truly believed within her own mind, that she was speaking for them based on their own opinions, when what she was doing was a fantasy created by her own ideals. In a way, it metaphorically mirrors what the Christians and Catholics attempt to do to all of us in our American Society. Which includes all of the Pro-Life Activists.


Mary had a son named Michael, who was kidnapped by his father, along with child Angela and Mark, during the breakup and cared for by their witch family. Mary had to bring in the police, break down their hotel door, and when they finally found baby Michael and the children, the nurse who was caring for him put a curse on him, and told her that baby Michael was going to die. A few months later, Baby Michael passed away from Crib Death in a House in Galveston that was said to be haunted. It has been rumored by the Soto Family that Baby Michael’s cries can still be heard within the night of that house, meaning his soul never left and was repeatedly being frightened and tortured by the Ghosts. And every time Angela and Mark would visit Galveston and attempt to find the house, either through online resources, or on route with their vehicles, terrible misfortune would befall them which would prevent them from finding it, including their car breaking down. Their family really does have a Sixth Sense for detecting Ghosts and Spirits, as Kevin Neece’s own daughter has heard the voice of his grandfather Arthur Brand wishing her a good night in her old bedroom within his house. Kevin Neece’s mother even swears up and down, that after the funeral of his grandmother Naomi, whom he cared for in assisted living for nearly a decade, she could smell her perfume in the house and sense her presence, while pieces of her jewelry would occasionally go missing. Her ashes still sit on the bookshelf within their living room. Kevin Neece cared for her during the final years of her life, and she stuck around as his Guardian Angel that haunts the premises.

Doctor What #7:

The trauma and psychological experiences stemming from the birth of a rape child had emotional consequences upon both Mary and Carrie. Mary has repeatedly lied to everyone about her age for decades trying to make herself sound like she’s in her twenties, kind of like how Belldandy’s Japanese Voice Actress Kikuko Inoue repeatedly tells everyone that she is eternally 17 years old and even poses for pictures beside her own adult daughter to show it off. Years into her adulthood, Carrie found the Galveston Texas birth certificate that proved Mary Soto was her mother, which Kevin Neece and his wife Angela saw for themselves, and basically Mary is around the same age as Kevin Neece’s mother Debbie. When Carrie realized that she had been lied to her whole life, it damaged her, most especially when Mary cruelly refused to acknowledge her as her own daughter due to the rape situation, over and over and over again. She refused to admit it, telling all of her children they were wrong repeatedly, even after they had seen the evidence for themselves, and even told her that they had seen the birth certificate. They repeatedly explained to her that what she was doing to Carrie was psychologically damaging her and that she was a cruel person for doing it when Carrie had grown up to be an upstanding Christian who had raised several children with her husband Jacob.


And that is another “Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged” issue we would like to point out. Carrie had the common sense NOT to marry Jacob just because she had become pregnant with his children. She made him earn it as a father for many years, while she raised her children outside of marriage, to prove his worth as a man, before they finally tied the knot. An evil church official would have the cruelty and the audacity to call her children bastards, and then turn around and force other unwed mothers who were pregnant to go through with the childbirths for no other reason than being Pro-Life. But that is not Pro-Life, nor is it even humane or within the forgiveness or values of Jesus Christ. That is Pro-Birth. And even the current Pope Francis of the Vatican knows it. When Kevin Neece was first dating Angela, and they had a pregnancy scare during the dating cycle, he made the responsible decision to shell out for the abortion and stand by her side. But there was no abortion, because there was no pregnancy. And when Angela discovered during her Army Training that she had become with Child stemming from a one night accident, she was given the CHOICE to abort to keep her role in the Army, or to quit, come home and raise the child. She chose his child. She threw away her future career in the Army to be with him for the sake and life of the child, and has never risen above the job title of the Highest Paid Cashier in HEB’s History. How did Angela become one of the few cashiers that earns more income than her own bosses? It’s because every time she was given the chance to step outside her comfort zone, she backed out in fear that it would ruin her stability.

Doctor What #7:

Angela used to work two different jobs, one as a cashier at HEB, and one as a camera operator at K-EYE 42 Austin. Her brother Mark, worked in the control booth as a Supervisor and moved up to better things and developed a career in the live television industry. Angela threw away that chance so that she could go through medical training to become a coder. Kevin Neece is the own who supported her through college working as a Retail Cashier and Dishwasher. They were forced to downgrade their two bedroom apartment and move into a crime infested shit hole hidden in the back of Trails of Walnut Creek just so they could afford to do this. But even then they were forced to live off of the kindness of their own family members. Neither one of them has even had the income stability to live on their own without another partner to help foot the bills and neither one of them would have been able to live in those apartments had their family members not chipped in to foot the bills. Our economy has become so bad, that both of them were forced to move back in with their parents for free rent in a stable rent controlled house that was paid off. Meaning that the property taxes were only about $500 per month, while a small efficiency apartment with no bedroom would have cost three times more. Both of them were trapped in that house for a decade, living with six people.


Angela moved in her intolerable mother and her brother Cory, who has showcased a personality disorder that is just as abusive as their father, and it’s entirely because he was forced to sleep in the same bedroom as his crazy mother. Mary has chased off every one of her children who married and had children to escape the Soto Family, and as Cory is the only one left, she has chosen to latch onto him like an emotionally traumatizing leech. It’s as if she was completely oblivious to the fact that she was acting out the role of his housewife and trying to control his behavior and who he was allowed to see as if he were her husband, but lived in total denial of what she was doing to him. But Cory knew. They all knew. And there was nothing they could do about it. That is why Cory developed such a verbally abusive personality like his father. Mary Soto backed him into a corner because she refused to let go of him, and it has psychologically driven him to the edge. If he had completely snapped and murdered her in her sleep, no jury in the world would convict him after what she did had done to him. This family dynamic drove Kevin Neece’s mother completely crazy. Debbie had worked her whole life as a receptionist for the University of Texas Austin, performing all of the jobs that would have qualified her for the role of her own bosses, and she faced female discrimination in the work place and equal pay issues stemming all the way back to the 1970s. She had finally retired. And what drove her into this state of insanity? The economy forced Kevin and his wife to move in. And then his wife forced her intolerable mother and brother upon them. And they ran up all of the expenses, very rarely chipping in unless they got bitched out about it. And who took the time to care for this woman, who was older than Kevin’s own mother, but refused to seek employment? It was Debbie. Nobody could possibly blame her for losing her top under those circumstances.

Doctor What #7:

Why did Angela mutually break up with Kevin? It’s because it was the only way they could break up that emotionally abusive circus and force them to leave. Angela and Debbie repeatedly blamed Kevin for not being able to gain employment and took no respect or understanding that he had become an independent filmmaker who self distributed his own films, because they actively refused to watch or look at or read anything he had ever made. And they still refuse to until this day. They don’t care about his career, or have any knowledge of the angry passion that he exhibits through his writing. He was treated with the exact same neglect within his own home, that he had been receiving from Alamo Drafthouse, and the producers of Ah My Goddess, Kodansha, Funimation, basically any professional who ever lived. Every time he would converse with someone who was within Tim League’s inner circle of industry connections, they would engage in conversation with him, and then quite conveniently stop talking to him, as if somebody had tapped them on the shoulder and said not to associate with him. Nobody on the staff of the Goddess Helpline Project was aware of the danger he was in from the witchcraft elements of Bad Goddess and the EPA crime that killed his father, because they refused to read or respond to anything that qualified as unsolicited material, or even written within the English Language. It is entirely possible that Kosuke Fujishima is completely oblivious to what is happening right now because he received thousands of twitter messages everyday.


From Kevin Neece’s perspective, the actions of Alamo Drafthouse and Kodansha Ltd have given the impression that they are all completely heartless. Especially because of the way their employees lashed out at him when he came to everyone for help, and even blocked him when they knew he was making this project in an attempted collaboration with the police, who also refuse to respond to him. Kevin Neece has been completely emotionally cut off from everyone because nobody will take the time to listen. This is absolutely soul crushing… he is self destructing… and now he has come forward to destroy his public image in the face of the entire nation because he had been backed into a corner by Joseph Simons and the Five Commissioners of the FTC, who denied him his voice on the Registry because his logic implied they may have been guilty of a crime that would endanger the lives of the general public. Carrie’s depression stemming from her damaged relationship with Mary has led her to frequent walk outs and disappearance from her husband Jacob, and their children, which has had a psychological effect on them as well. During a family trip to Galveston, Carrie housed Kevin and Angela for the night, then followed them to Galveston and hijacked their hotel room so that she and Angela could go on a quest through the local gay bars to find information about her real father. Yes. You heard that correctly. Carrie’s biological father, who engaged in incest sexual assault upon Mary Soto, was a homosexual. And to the church groups who are reading this that may be planning to co-opt that fact into their arguments and agendas… politely go fuck yourselves. Not just from Kevin. But from myself, and the Goddesses as well. Go fuck yourselves you transphobic hypocritical zealot asshats. We do not care about your fucking agendas or hatred that you spew upon the LGBT community. We’re Goddesses goddammit. All we have to work with are other women. What do you think that makes all of us?

Doctor What #7:

Exactly. And Carrie’s depression and searches for her father, once again, instilled a sense of depression upon her family, resulting in her teenage son, Dylan Gutierrez committing suicide. He hanged himself in his own closet with a belt. When Kevin and Angela heard the news over the phone, he understood immediately what the situation was going to be like. When Angela’s grandmother fell down and was put on life support in a Hospice, Carrie, who was her caregiver in her final years, made the conscious decision to pull the plug. This resulted in a family FIST FIGHT right in the middle of the fucking hospital. Kevin Neece was present for that affair and he knew how crazy things were going to get. So he chose to stay home and edit Bad Goddess The Keys of Marinus Serial in one straight shot over a period of 48 Hours so that he could put a memorial for Dylan Gutierrez in the climax of the movie. THAT is why the movie became an allegory tale about the Angels of Judgment engaging on a quest to save the Soul of a Suicide Victim from being condemned to hell. And what is the ultimately irony of this movie. Kevin Neece diagnosed himself with Schizophrenia as a Fictional Plot Element, and then it actually happened due to a psychotic break that he suffered during the writing of these articles. Fate came full circle because he wrote it into the cartoon show and the Goddesses did it to him for real because he accidentally invoked them. When Kevin Neece was making the movie, his daughter sent him text messages begging him to drive down there and save her. The family fighting had become so intense that she locked herself in the bathroom and sent out a distress signal. He was forced to explain to her that what she was watching was how the effects of suicide can completely destroy the mindset of a family. It’s not just yourself that you’re killing. You’re taking the hearts, souls, and mental stability of everyone you know and love with you as punishment for your actions. EVERYONE is punished by the actions of a Suicide Victim. Especially when it is a teenager driven to the edge by the depressive behavior of his own parents, who were both Christians.


Angela had to hide Mary Soto at a McDonalds during the Funeral, because certain members of the Villareal family had gone rogue and planned to beat her within an inch of her life. They blamed her for the depression that she had instilled upon Carrie by refusing to acknowledge her as her daughter. Which lead to Dylan Gutierrez’s suicide. And what drove them to try and attack her during the funeral processions? Because even after witnessing the tragedy that Carrie’s family was undergoing, she still flippantly refused to acknowledge her as her own daughter in front of the entire family, who had seen physical evidence of the birth certificate with their own very eyes. Everyone knew she was lying. And she knew that they had proof that she was lying. And she still did it anyways knowing how it would hurt her. Why did Mary Soto do this? Because Carrie was born of Rape and Incest. And it scarred Mary for life. Paul Ryan. I hope that you are reading this, because this kind of situation, is exactly what both you and Mitt Romney tried to condone to the general public. It is what the Catholic Church, and every Pro-Life Activist that has ever lived has publicly condoned in front of the entire nation every time they announce that they are saving lives by standing outside of the abortion clinics in an attempt to scare and harass the women who are forced to make the most heartbreaking decisions of their lives. 

Doctor What #7:

Because they understand the tragic consequences of what will happen if they do not have the proper ability to raise a child. You cannot just give birth to new life, and then toss it away into a Church or a Foster Home like a New Toy that you’ve become bored with. And on that note, I am about to announce the most devastating part of Carrie’s psychology, and I hope that she is reading this. Carrie’s greatest sin as a human being, is she adopts puppies… and then immediately once they become adults, she sends them off to the pound at the risk of them being put to sleep. She is the very living example of someone who should NEVER be allowed to own a pet. EVER. Adopting a Puppy, is like Adopting a Child, and throwing them away because they grew up, as if they were just an inanimate toy to be discarded once you grow bored with them, can be psychologically and emotionally depressing to those animals as well. Why does Carrie do this? Because it’s exactly what Mary Soto did to her. This is what she looks like to everyone in her family, and she is completely oblivious to the reality of her own actions. And don’t think that we’re being one side in her direction either. Because Mary has committed an EVEN WORSE crime than Carrie has. When the Soto Family kept an old dog named Fido, the dog became irritated and bit teenage Cory on the arm for no real reason, tearing severe holes in his flesh that sent him to the hospital, and could have put him in the position of receiving Rabies Shots. How did Mary Soto choose to react when she saw her own son being attacked and mauled by a dog. She immediately ran to the dog’s aid, with no concern or sympathy for Cory because she was afraid the family was going to put the dog to sleep. This woman, is not within a rational state of mind. She chose the welfare of a dog gone vicious, over the welfare of her own child, whom she would later afflict herself on and refuse to let go in his later adult years. Mary Soto may be a victim of Sexual Assault, and of Physical Assault, but the traumatizing effects it has placed on her has turned her into the worst person you have ever met in your life. Somebody please save this woman from herself before she drags everyone down with her. Because over their years of living together, Kevin Neece has grown a somewhat connection to her dilemma. Neither one of them can find employment. They were both in the same boat. And both of them could end up dying under a bridge in the cold of winter, only to be run out by Crooked Governors like Greg Abbot. Kevin Neece chose to do something about it. He became a no budget filmmaker against all odds. And Joseph Simons and the FTC stole that from him and attacked his dead father with those unethical COPPA fines that have no logical reason other than to allow the government to profit off of the destruction and bankruptcy of YouTube Content Creators who are being held hostage by a YouTube Login ReRoute Glitch. You see how this shit works Joseph? There is a method to Kevin Neece’s Madness, where Magic is Misdirection and Every Statement Could Carry a Double Meaning. Call off the COPPA sweep now and resign from your positions as the Head Commissioners of the FTC for what you’ve just tried to do to the United States of America. Because if you don’t remove yourselves willingly. Fate is going to step in and do it for you.

Sincerely, Kevin Neece

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