Saturday, June 17, 2023

Money + Power + Love + P_blicity = What is missing from the Equation is U?

It has recently come to my attention that a Super Super Secret Organization exists claiming to offer you Money and Power beyond your Wildest Fantasies and Darkest Nightmares. Yeah, I saw a movie exactly like that once, it was called John Frankenheimer's SECONDS. Awkwafina had the gall to make fun of it and just now suddenly she's been Cancel Cultured off of Twitter because of her "Blaccent". In Adam Ruins A Certain Magical Pimpdex, a Hekate Haunted Pitch Film, I took a role called The Mad Doctor that I had custom written with Meta Jokes specifically for Eddie Griffin, then I switched him out with Awkwafina, but I didn't make any changes to the screenplay from what I had written. It was Nora Lum's Mad Doctor image performing Eddie Griffin's dialogue, okay, not really, it doesn't have a voice track yet. Not that being "Prophetic" is anything new to the Bad Goddess Universe, especially after the Death of Danny Aiello and his Two Sons, but here we are.

Money + Power + Love + Publicity = What's missing from the Equation is U?

I once believed that I had Love when I was married with children for 15 years. But our Daughter grew up, and they moved out. Outside of that one little thing, I was tricked into believing that to have a successful well lived life, I had to amount to something that would prevent me from being forgotten and invisible. So the old equations were:

Marriage + Children = Love.

Money + Publicity = Power

Money + Power + Publicity + Love = Successful Well Lived Life.

Well I had Love. And it was my pursuit of meaning that left me without love 15 Years later. Perhaps the answer was I didn't really have love. We just had a child and she was dealing with the cards that Fate had dealt her.

And so she left. And then my father died. And then came Money. Serious Money. A Man's Entire Life's Work worth of Money. But that money came with a price. My father had a special quest that he needed to be performed post mortem at the risk of whistleblower imprisonment. I didn't want my father to be invisible like I had been. Not after he had come so far. The one last regret he may have had was he never successfully stood up to the lowlife corruption that has taken over our Governments and Judicial System. He knew that nothing would come from it. He tried to walk away. Then Fate took him as punishment. So I was left to finish the job for him. But performing that job took Money.

So I had money, but money got spent. I published the book about myself and my father. I gave away up to a thousand copies, and it was available online. But nobody commented unless I was paying them to write a review, so no customer reviews or anything have been left. I did treat myself to my vintage film collection from my dead father's earnings, because I went through a fair amount of trouble to do this. And then I spent the last of the money to ensure that Toei Animation could not wipe Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw out of existence and gave them away to the Church Groups with Bad Goddess Touched by an Angel.

So I had Love. And I had Money. But Love left me. And Money got spent. I did give away alimony money on a handshake deal with no quarrels after she left. I wanted her to have it. She earned it. She dealt with me for 15 years and my children while I was a Deadbeat and seemingly banned from Employment everywhere.

But what about Power? What about Publicity? Oh I had a taste of Power. I tasted the Power of the Gods when I successfully learned how to Black Magick Petition Natural Disasters via Black Mirrors and Sex Magick Offerings. But that power in itself came with a price. "For there stands the price to those who play God in the Machine. We are the thankless, the invisible, the unnoticed, God's Regime." No Publicity on this Earth could save me from the Curse I had laid upon myself by Playing God. And those who laugh at this article and claim otherwise probably haven't researched what the hell I was messing with in the first place, I assure you if they did, they wouldn't be laughing... at all.

I had Love. I had Money. I had Power. I had Publicity. But it didn't buy me True Happiness. And the reason I mention these specific qualities is because THAT is what the Illuminati claims to offer those who join their ranks. Perhaps my BiPolar Depression was a true factor. I self destructively pursued my late father's case in search of the truth and it took me on a very dark journey into the Realm of Black Magick that ended with Illuminati, a walk out of the Matrix, and my own personal trip through Yggdrasil Hell called Wonderland. I went chasing after rabbits, knowing I was going to fall, because a Hookah Smoking Caterpillar named Hekate gave me the Call. Go ask Aylee... because She's Ten Feet Under.

Of course there is no Alternate Post Apocalypse Universe that we can walk out into like Keanu Reeves. That was a work of fiction. The true allegory is that NONE of us can leave The Matrix. We can stay off of Social Media Websites, and try to avoid places with Leafless Yggdrasil Trees from a Tim Burton movie or Five Point Stars with Circles, but that doesn't necessarily buy you Happiness either. Ignorance is just looking the other way while those others commit their crimes. So what the Holy Hell does the Illuminati have left to offer?

Because those patterns that I spotted in the Hollywood Films... the more I look at them, the more I remember just how real they are. I remember what happened to some of those people in their own personal lives because the Paparazzi splattered their own personal business all over the news. And I do not get the sense that they are happy. Perhaps they are content. Perhaps they are dealing with the Cards that Fate Dealt them. Do you know who else that Allegory represents? The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland aka Yggdrasil Hell. "Off with their Heads for Painting the Roses Red." Translation: Hekate was angry that her followers didn't have the guts to take responsibility for their own actions and mistakes and that they tried to disguise and hide the truth by painting over the Dirty Details. The Hearts represent how God's Wrath is disguised by the Church Groups as Acts of "Fatherly Love".

Let's start back at the very beginning. A very good place to start. How did I go from A to Z.

If you've read my Autobiography, which you can also find for free online or dirt cheap on kindle, THESE ARTICLES in this order showcase where the story picks up after the Book Ends with a Walk to the Hekate Crossroads in the Woods.

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