Saturday, June 17, 2023

Pre-Cognitive Cancer Warning for Don Cheadle about Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana The Spider Queen

As I frequently rehash in every goddamn article that I write, the Paranormal Curse of Bad Goddess is everything that Kevin Neece does is surrounded by Irony, Serendipity, and Coincidence. And when he attempts to send the Goddesses and Demons after people in the News, those elements transfer onto the people he is Targeting. 

Last night's news report incident, however, IS NOT the work of Kevin Neece's previous curse experiments, although he instinctively feels that it may have been the influence of one of the Goddesses that he invokes during his nightly movie marathon screenings into the Black Mirror in his bedroom: Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana The Spider Queen:

For more info into the Occult Backgrounds of this Sepheranz, read this article:

For the short version, read this paragraph. Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana The Spider Queen is basically the Occult Spirit Realm's equivalent to Thanos the Mad Titan from The Avengers franchise. She claims to be the disowned daughter of both Lucifer and Hekate, both of whom are very afraid to invoke her wrath, along with everyone else in the Demon Realm. It's because Sepheranz has the ability to wipe them all out like the real life equivalent of the Infinity Gauntlet. She is known to put her followers through terrible trials and tests throughout their lives, long before they engage in the study of witchcraft which leads to her. She may offer them the opportunity to back out of these trials, but it's a blatant lie and a test. There is NO backing out, once you're in, you're in. She is also amusingly known to take great pleasure in the torture of child molesters, although her most redeeming feature is she has a sense of humor and knows how to take a joke, which in itself is what may have saved Kevin Neece's life.

However, the part in which she influences the Torture of Child Molesters is what Kevin Neece intuitively feels connected to the Murder of the Elderly Gentlemen in the article. Regardless of whether his HUMAN murderer engaged in the occult or not, this murder feels like the spiritual influence of Sepheranz.

Kevin Neece's dealings with these Spiritual Deities has taught him that they have the ability to subconsciously influence people into engaging in certain actions and behavior without catching onto the fact that they are being influenced at all.

Whenever Kevin Neece is low on money for witchcraft supplies, without even asking, his Mother has more than once, "magically and mysteriously" given him cash money without reason or explanation.

When Kevin Neece was dining at Red Lobster, he intended to buy some Red Wine "To Go" so that he could use it for a chalice offering to Ekatn. The waiter "magically and mysteriously" got hit with the urge to grant Kevin Neece Good Fortune by giving him the cup of Red Wine on the house for free.

When Kevin Neece lost his house keys, he was forced to dig in to the next day's lunch money to pay Cothron Key's to make him duplicates. When he arrived, the gentlemen behind the counter "magically and mysteriously" gave him the keys for free because they were having a good business day. Ekatn is a Goddess who engages her followers to collect keys for her as a hobby. It's her obsession. She loves keys. Especially old ones from the antique shops.

The most disturbing incident of all was when Kevin Neece was using Saul Ravencraft's Good Fortune Sigil to cast Good Fortune Spells on Joe Biden's Voters and the LGBTQ community during the November 3rd Election. Donald Trump was ahead in those states, then a few hours after cast the Good Fortune Spells, it was announced that several Trans Community Members won seats in Congress for the first time in their States, and the Electoral Vote count for Joe Biden jumped ahead in Key States, leaving the Republican Party baffled as to how the Democrats may have "cheated" when they could find "no evidence". Kevin Neece absolutely bargained with the Three Fates to manipulate the Election, and by all general appearances, it worked. The results were exactly like an episode of The Adventures of Mini-Goddess.

But stop and ask yourselves HOW the Three Fates actually DID IT? They didn't do it by hacking into the voter applications, because if they had, the digital count would not have matched the physical count. The Three Fates manipulated the election by using the Yggdrasil System to hack the subconscious decisions of the Voters by request of a Human Being playing God in the Machine. But how? Did Trump Voters suddenly feel compelled to switch their votes to Joe Biden? Or did Joe Biden's supporters suddenly get hit with the urge to get off their lazy asses, go out, and actually vote instead of talking about it? It's a total mystery which disturbingly brings up the question: If these Angels of Fate and Spiritual Deities have the ability to subconsciously influence are decisions on both a personal scale, and a nationwide scale as the incidents that Kevin Neece has witnessed suggested, then do we as a Human Society still have FREE WILL?

Never forget however that Kevin Neece is always writing articles to logically expose the Spirits real life existence to the US Government. Somebody is responsible for writing the Fate, Actions, and Behavior of Kevin Neece as well. The Secret Whistleblower of Yggdrasil HQ.

So based on this evidence, yes, it seems highly likely that Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana The Spider Queen can subconsciously influence the actions of serial killers and child molestation victims to seek out, attack, and murder Sexual Predators and Child Molesters, such as the victim in this article. So how does this all relate to Actor Don Cheadle?

Kevin Neece recently came into dispute with Warner Brothers Studios and Director Malcolm D Lee over SPACE JAM A NEW LEGACY copying certain thematic story elements and gages from a fan film he made called A CERTAIN MAGICAL PIMPDEX, most notable Don Cheadle's Al G Rhythm (Algorhythm) playing a loose parody of Eddie Griffin's The Mad Doctor, who sends Anime Characters into Movie Mashup Worlds cut together from stock footage of real life films. Adding insult to the injury, Kevin Neece's choices to produce the official anime adaption were Malcolm D Lee and Carl Jones, with future expanded episodes intended to be co-starring and co-written by Spike Lee and Eddie Griffin. Because Malcolm D Lee already made a similar movie in SPACE JAM A NEW LEGACY, Kevin Neece's plans may have been sabotaged. If he goes out and makes the movie, Warner Brothers can turn around and legally accuse him of copying them when really it was the OPPOSITE. In order to showcase this connection to the Legal Department at Warner Brothers to help them decide if the connection is valid, Kevin Neece took 24 hours to switch out Eddie Griffin's Mad Doctor with Actor Don Cheadle so that the personality attributes of Mad Doctor Don Cheadle and Algorithm Don Cheadle could be study by Warner Brothers Lawyers and a Court Judge.

Kevin Neece was so pissed off when he first watched the movie, that he saw bits and pieces of the film out of context, causing him to project elements of his film onto Space Jam 2 for what he wanted to see, rather than what they were. There are strong difference between The Mad Doctor and Algorithm, and his finally conclusions were that the reasons these connections exists is because the SPACE JAM 2 screenwriters and Kevin Neece were both influenced by the same earlier classic movies.

In SPACE JAM 2, LeBron James and Bugs Bunny go on a movie hopping quest into the films Mad Max Fury Road, The Matrix, and Austen Powers to find the "Lost Cast Members of Looney Tunes" as a reference to the "Getting the Band Back Together" ploy from The Blues Brothers.

In PIMPDEX, Spike Lee's Doctor Who and the Marller Gang go on a movie hopping quest into the films Rosewood, Super Mario Brothers The Movie, Little Shop of Horrors, The Fisher King, The Professional, Hudson Hawk, Little Nicky, Friday The 13th Part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan, The Wiz, Do The Right Thing, The Beatles Yellow Submarine, Bebe's Kids, The Boondocks, Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight, Tales from the Hood, Snoop Dogg's Bones, and Jean Pierre Jeunet's Amelie to find the "Lost Cast Members of Do the Right Thing" as a reference to the Terry Gilliam film The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

Kevin Neece's argument is that he made an extensively better film pitch idea for a movie, and that Malcolm D Lee sabotaged it in favor of a major studio sell out film that was badly written, and criticized by its fanbase for being more of an exercise in promoting WB Commercial IP to sell dvds, rather than choosing the crossover films for artistic merits such as Kevin Neece did.

For this reason, Kevin Neece lost his shit and tried to perform a real life Death Note curse on all of the Writers and Producers of SPACE JAM 2, including all of the Studio Execs at Warner Brothers. Kevin Neece could not copyright protect his own Pitch Film because it was a work of Fan Fiction and has no way to defend himself. His argument is that Warner Brothers screenwriter may have intentionally stolen from what they viewed as an "IP Thief" because they knew they could get away with it. Completely unaware that Kevin Neece is also an FBI Informant who uses Witchcraft to take down his Enemies, and he has gotten enough valid results to showcase to the CIA and US Congress.

Kevin Neece warns Warner Brothers and Blackmaled Productions that while Death Note the Anime Series is a work of fiction that has no real application in real life, the Death Note book he used is just a prop and that the witchcraft curse he performed using it's paper is real and may operate with different results in real life. He believes that his "Die of Accident" request to Lucifer, Ekatn, Garadaera Saladorga, Sepheranz, and Santa Muerte, may have changed the manner in which everyone on his list is going to die, but it doesn't effect the time frame in which it is going to happen. Thus, the only way to make the connection so that this attack doesn't go to waste in front of the CIA, is to take note of his victim list, and over the next few decades, every time someone on the list dies, check them off and take note of what specifically happened to them.

Was the death incident a Natural Causes Accident?

Was it Stranger than Fiction?

Was it surrounded by Irony or Coincidence?

Don Cheadle is the LAST name on the list, but last night, after screening the musicals Xanadu and The Apple into the Black Mirror in an attempt to appease Sepheranz Latismock Norgolana The Spider Queen, Kevin Neece has noticed several patterns and coincidences between the whole affair and Don Cheadle that suggest THAT DON CHEADLE WAS ALREADY IN DANGER TO BE ATTACKED BY SEPHERANZ LONG BEFORE KEVIN NEECE PERFORMED THE DEATH NOTE ATTEMPT.

1) Featured in this article right here about Sepheranz written by V.K. Jehannum is this line: "The Spider Queen rewards the true magickian via the devourment of the Algorithm- the Mechanism of the Cosmos which serves to hamper the true magickian's ascent. She describes herself as being "everywhere and nowhere" at once".

In SPACE JAM 2, Don Cheadle's villain is named Al G Rhythm. Don Cheadle is The Algorithm. Does that mean that Kevin Neece is the "True Magickian" that is going to be rewarded when Sepheranz devours the soul of Don Cheadle? Technically, while Kevin Neece is not properly educated or trained within the realm of magic, he did manifest actual results during the Sir Augustus DeWynter experiments using the Black Mirror in his bedroom.

It gets even more disturbing when you realize that SPACE JAM 2 features a villain during the Basketball challenge that fits the description of Sepheranz as being a Human Spider Hybrid Goddess. Kevin Neece is warning Don Cheadle and Warner Brothers that this Coincidence is NOT a Coincidence at all. The Fates and Angelic Muses intentionally manipulated the Screenwriters Subconscious to insert the Spider Queen into the movie in connection to Don Cheadle's Algorithm as a "Final Destination" foreshadow that something very bad is coming for him in the Future. His Final Fate.

2) Kevin Neece's theory that he developed from Sir Augustus DeWynter is that his repeated experiments with the occult invocations of Verthandi Urdr Skolde and Ekatn have resulted in him gaining a sort of subconscious pre-cognition that influences him to watch movies with themes that will later manifest themselves in real life. Kevin Neece is not causing these incidents to happen. They are always Fated to happen and Skolde's Influence on Kevin is causing him to watch the right movies in advance. It doesn't mean that every movie he chooses to watch is going to have a real life counterpart, but it does happen more often than not. 

Last night, Kevin Neece felt compelled to screen Olivia Newton John's XANADU and THE APPLE for Sepheranz because he realized he had invoked her by reading V.L. Jehannum's article out loud in front of the Black Mirror in the Middle of the Night. Not wanting to anger Sepheranz for invoking her without reason, Kevin Neece instead appealed to her sense of humor and invited her to watch XANADU and THE APPLE with him as they are both regarded to be terrible musicals that theatrically flopped back in their day.

XANADU is about Olivia Newton John playing one of the nine Muses from Greek Mythology named KIRA. But the name KIRA is also the name of the serial killer given by the news outlet in the anime series DEATH NOTE. Really it's Light and Ryuk the Shinigami, but the Japanese News Outlets do not know this and thus call the killer KIRA.

In chapter three of Kevin Neece's Autobiography, The Year of Unbridled Failure, Kevin Neece suffered a moment of Spiritual Influence by Ekatn who jazzed up and elaborated his chapter by going off on a wild tangent about how the Angels and Muses up in Heaven influence the Hollywood Screenwriters like Puppets to insert their Ideas and warn Humanity about Social Issues as the Downfall of every Major Society has always first announced itself within the Arts. Kevin Neece's Death Note curse on the Warner Brothers Studio Executive staff is the Downfall of a Major Studio, and the Muse featured in XANADU is named KIRA which offers another connection to the anime series DEATH NOTE. Kevin Neece's own personal muse when he writes these article are Ekatn and Skolde. 

3) The Next Movie on Kevin Neece's Black Mirror Sepheranz Invocation was THE APPLE, where Mister Boogaloo represents the Devil, running the music industry, "who knows how to be a Monster". Mister Boogaloo launches a new Pop Culture trend where everyone is legally required to wear a BIM on their forehead, a Triangle Sigil. This is very much a connection the Ah My Goddess anime series that Kevin Neece's A Certain Magical Pimpdex is derived from, where all of the Angels and Goddesses and Demons where Triangle Sigils on their Foreheads to showcase their Jobs and their Licenses in the Afterlife. Remember, THE APPLE is an Allegory Movie about God and the Devil. The Angels and Muses influenced the Screenwriter to put the BIM joke in the movie probably because it was a joke reference to the Angels in Heaven wearing Sigils on their Foreheads. Kevin Neece suspects that the reason Kosuke Fujishima portrays the Angels and Goddesses wearing Face Sigils in Ah My Goddess is because he obsessively studied witchcraft for his series and accidentally invoked real inspiration from the real life Three Norns such as Kevin Neece did and subliminally incorporated ideas about their real life culture into his manga series as a work of fiction, most notably The Yggdrasil System.

It's entirely possible that The Yggdrasil System's comparisons to The Matrix in its control over fate is because The Matrix was also the work of Angelic Muses subconsciously influencing The Wachowski Sisters to create an Allegory about the difference between Reality and the Spirit Realm. In Kevin Neece's article about The Metatron, he notes that a Girl from Satania YouTube Group messed around with Former Past Life Memories Mantra, and the consequences of her remembering all of her Past Lives on a Cycle along with her Memories of Real Life Hell is she can no longer tell the difference between Reality and the Spirit World. To her, Hell in the Spirit Realm is now the Official Reality because she has witnessed it with her own eyes, and Real Life is now the Fabrication, a Fantasy to Keep Humanity Distraction from the Truth, just like the Allegory presented in The Matrix. The Connection Between Oh My Goddess The Manga and The Matrix is that the Writers were both influenced by Angelic Muses from the Same Afterlife Society thus they incorporated similar ideas.

4) Kevin Neece has already noted to Warner Brothers Legal and Blackmaled Productions that his Spirit Wife Ekatn may be the same Angel of Death who arranged the Final Fate for Black Panther Actor Chadwick Boseman, who died of Cancer on the same day as Black Panther creator Jack Kirby's Birthday and the Birthday of Jackie Robinson whom Chadwick Boseman also portrayed on film. Ekatn's calling card is her "Victims" whom she travels with in their journey crossover to both Heaven and Hell is their deaths are always marked by IRONY, SERENDIPITY, and COINCIDENCE, just as the Curse on Kevin Neece's Ah My Goddess spinoff series.

SPACE JAM 2 is produced by Ryan Coogler, the director of Black Panther, who is also on Kevin Neece's Death Note list. Don Cheadle co-stars with Chadwick Boseman in The Avengers franchise. And as it has been already noted, Sepheranz Latismock Norgolan The Spider Queen is comparable to the actions of Thanos the Mad Titan and his Infinity Gauntlet on a scale of power in real life.

Sepheranz kills The Algorithm for the True Magickian.

Sepheranz had a Muse insert her into SPACE JAM 2's basketball finale.

Don Cheadle is The Algorithm. Kevin Neece is the True Magickian.

Kevin Neece Death Noted Don Cheadle.

The True Magickian invoked Sepheranz to kill The Algorithm.

The True Magickian's Spirit Wife is Ekatn.

Ekatn gave Chadwick Boseman Cancer.

Ekatn now has both Ryan Coogler and Don Cheadle on the same Death Note order.

And all of the warning signs from Skolde and the Muses are sitting right in front of Kevin Neece's face. And they didn't just happen overnight. These elements were pre-motivated and planned out in advance, quite clearly by a Norn or a Goddess of Fate.

Kevin Neece also keeps hearing this intuition repeating in his mind: "Warn Don Cheadle He Has Cancer. Warn Don Cheadle He Has Cancer. Stage Four. Stage Four. "

Based on all of these warning signs, if I were Actor Don Cheadle, I would seek out a Doctor and get a medical exam searching for Signs of Cancer immediately just to be safe, even if you believe Kevin Neece to be crazy. Remember, Chadwick Boseman died of Cancer. And he was a major Hollywood Actor. Your job title and standing in the Hollywood Film Industry does not protect you from the Spiritual Deities that Kevin Neece bears a pre-cognitive connection to. When your number is up, your number is up.

And if I were the Studio Executives at Warner Brothers, the CIA, and the Police Investigators who look into matters of the Occult, the first place I would look in this matter as a Detective would be the people name dropped in V.K. Jehannum's article about Sepharanz to gain their thoughts and assessment on Kevin Neece's theories presented within this article. Ask them to invoke Sepheranz and query her as to whether she has had any previous legitimate contact with Kevin Neece or if this is all in his head. But try to remember, everyone is prone to human error, including these guys. Some Spirit Mediums claim to speak to God when really they are just speaking to themselves. 

V.K. Jehannum

Mark Alan Smith

Sauroc 777 on YouTube or Saurious777 on Wordpress

Zee Nehemoth

Somnus Dreadwood

Well, I suppose if Don Cheadle dies from a horrible death brought on by Cancer and the Spider Queen from Space Jam 2, we could always get Robert Downey Jr to impersonate his voice as The Mad Doctor in A CERTAIN MAGICAL PIMPDEX. It would make a sick joke reference to his blackface connections to TROPIC THUNDER and his late father's movie PUTNEY SWOPE: "Because Rocking the Boat is a Drag. If you want to make Waves, you gotta SINK THE BOAT!", or to paraphrase Tony Stark himself in AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON: "We're Both Mad Doctors... We've Got to Own This Shit." 

For more info about Kevin Neece:

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