Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Heavy Burden of a Half Dead COVID-19 Nation

Now that it's 2021, and the Biblical Plague known as COVID-19 has virtually wiped out and murdered half the population in the United States, I would request everyone who has been following along with my case to take a look back at the earlier incident I recorded via my articles about how I got possessed and married to a Succubus Demon because I burned a Ouija Board while I was writing the United States Congress to warn them about an issue with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

You've probably read all this before and you didn't believe what I had to say at the time because not enough Paranormal Research evidence had been presented.

But now things have changed. It has become very clear that those Goddesses I have been repeatedly invoking played some sort of part in the January 6th 2021 Capital Insurrection Riot... and now their curse on Tim League has resulted in the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing of Alamo Drafthouse.

As you will all notice by the titles, when I was possessed by the Ouija Spirit using the name Ekatn, she used me as a medium to write several theology articles about religion titled The Mokkurkalfi Reports under the disguise of Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction for Bad Goddess.

The Ouija Board Spirit was in on the joke that I was a whistleblower trying to warn United States Congress that the witchcraft I was messing with could be a serious danger to the public, and she played along with it via my writing abilities.

But it's not so funny anymore now is it. The final article titled Death Note 2020, truly, sincerely feels like Ekatn was trying to warn the United States Congress Members that a Mass Destruction Biblical Plague event was coming just around the corner to wipe out the United States.

One month after the article was emailed to United States Congress, COVID-19 came to the United States and shut everything down.

The entire Theology discussion that the Ouija Board Spirit presented was the Ethical Nature of what it was like to Play God. And how if God was responsible for our Happiness and Protection, she was also responsible for our misery and all of the terrible life events and natural disasters that result in our deaths.

The implication is that the Ouija Board Spirit tried to marry herself to Kevin Neece because his Fate of a Nation satire gave the Demons inspiration for their next Natural Disaster Destruction Event which was re-translated into COVID-19.

And they dragged Kevin Neece into this as one of their own so that he would find out first hand what it felt like to be responsible for a Biblical Plague that wiped out Thousands of People.

EDIT: In The Fate of a Nation satire, Kevin Neece creates an Ah My Goddess Satire Cartoon called TO THE FTC LOVE MARA to protest the FTC and Congress over the 2020 update of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, warning them how it could backfire on them due to a youtube login technical glitch which would result in the FTC bankrupting the entire United States with their over the top fines, including their own Law Enforcement Officers. The Cartoon was a Magic Spell designed to invoke the Three Fates and the demon Mara to curse Joseph Simons and the five FTC Commissioners, unknownst to the US Congress members who watched it without context. Kevin Neece suddenly realizes that due to a human error, if his cartoon were to go viral and screened between the hours of midnight to 3am with black witchcraft candles, it would "Death Curse" the five FTC commissioners for real and then the spell would backfire times three causing everyone who played the DVD-R to die of untraceable unexplainable natural causes.

The Dr Strangelove Twist Ending is that after Doctor What actor Terrance Zdunich speaks before Congress to plea Kevin Neece's case to stop the COPPA Fines Sweep across YouTube, everyone who watched the Congress Session on Television goes out and screens TO THE FTC LOVE MARA with the Black Candles anyways to prove Kevin Neece wrong because they think it's a practical joke, then half the population in America dies of unexplainable natural causes the next morning. When Kevin Neece realizes the true horror of what he has done, the real Three Fates arrive at his doorstep to fill him in the Tragic Irony of his situation. The reason BBC's Doctor Who dedicated 900 years of his life to helping people is because of the immense guilt trip that he suffered after murdering everyone on his home Planet Gallifrey to stop the War with the Daleks. Kevin Neece's punishment for playing God is he now knows the consequences of causing a Major Mass Destruction Event.

The connection between the Death Curse in The Fate of a Nation and COVID-19 is in the percentage of people who would die from screening the cartoon. TO THE FTC LOVE MARA functions like a Ouija Board Invocation. For every 50 people who tried to run the cartoon, only 5 of them would succeed in Invoking the Demon Mara. But if the cartoon went viral and was screened in the Millions, then those 5 out of 50 people would raise the Death Toll into the Hundred Thousands. When COVID-19 later came to the United States about a month after the Satire was sent to Congress, the ratio presented in the news was for every 100,000 people who caught COVID-19, only 10,000 died from it, very similar to the Death Toll curse presented in The Fate of a Nation. Nearly 400,000 have died from COVID-19 to date over the course of One Year. Kevin Neece states that the Demon who possessed him and cowrote the Article was so amused by the Satire that she tried to have Sex with him and wanted him to marry her and have children with her (she was a Succubus Demon).

Kevin Neece's Theory was the Demon Goddess took his Idea for a Biblical Curse Terrorist Attack wiping out the United States, presented it to her Demonic Superiors and Co-Workers in the Spirit Realm, and then they rewrote his idea and turned it into the COVID-19 attack that was launched onto the United States one month later. When the Ouija Spirit realized what was about to happen, she came back and tried to use Kevin Neece's Articles to warn United States Congress with the fan fiction Death Note 2020 War Games, and none of their interns who received the messages took the situation seriously because the situation was stranger than fiction.


So the final question now that all of this is winding down is: "How does Kevin Neece feel about COVID-19? Does he feel guilty? Does he feel in any way responsible?"

The answer is NO. I don't feel responsible. I didn't look at a detailed list and expressly give the order to those Demons to go out and kill 500,000 people with COVID-19. They did that all on their own.

I do feel connected to the Goddesses and Demons behind the COVID-19 attack. And I recognized it as an actual "Attack" on the United States rather than an "Act of God". But as Saul Ravencraft himself noted during these incidents "You may be vibing with some weird shit... but its bigger than you." Exactly. I may have some sort of spiritual connection to the Goddesses that are in charge of these major events because of how I repeatedly invoked them every night for years to watch late night movies with me as a sacrificial offering, and I made a cartoon show about them, but I don't control their final actions or decisions in any way shape or form. No human being can ever be charged with forcing the hand of God. And that is all that I am... a human being.

I don't feel directly responsible for COVID-19, even if the Demon who possessed me knew it was coming. And even if the Religious Community did hold me responsible for bringing down the Fates wrath on all of us, the United States Legal System has no tangible evidence that could ever hold me accountable in a court of law. The entire point of Ekatn's articles is she made the effort to warn United States Congress that they were in serious danger. And the Republican Party chose not to listen to her warnings or to take COVID-19 seriously. Because Donald Trump sincerely believed he was the second coming of Christ.

But I do find myself thinking about it sometimes. And I do believe that these Spirits, these Demons, these Gods, I do believe now that they are real. Because seeing is believing. And believe me, I've seen enough.

Sincerely, Kevin Neece

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