Saturday, June 17, 2023

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter Witchcraft Weather Experiments

I'll try to keep the opening introduction short to bring you up to speed. The Curse of Ah My Goddess, the anime show, is when the Three Real Goddesses from Norse Mythology are invoked, they showcase themselves by causing a "glitch in the matrix" where stranger than fiction incidents happen surrounded by IRONY, SERENDIPITY, or COINCIDENCE, sometimes relating back to the names Verdandi, Urdr, Skolde, Mara, or Norse Mythology in General.

What I have stumbled upon, within the making of a fan film version of the Ah My Goddess anime series, is like if a Tales from the Crypt scenario were to happen in real life. The show has developed a spiritual attachment like a Ouija Board Haunting because Kosuke Fujishima named the characters after real life spiritual deities from a Pagan Witchcraft religion that we all assumed to be a work of fiction. But all of the evidence I've seen suggests these Spirits that manipulate Fate are Real, thought they may be called by different names. The implication is that the Franchise Success behind the Ah My Goddess anime in Japan is that Kosuke Fujishima was so obsessed with his subject matter, that he accidentally invoked the Real Goddesses, and they interpreted his Manga Series as a Sacrificial Offering to them in the form of publicity for their Goddesses and their Religion so they rewarded his series with extreme Good Fortune, and now their images are Franchise plastered all over Japan Pop Culture everywhere like Mickey Mouse, unaware to Kodansha Ltd that what they've basically done is they've accidentally created a brand new form of False Idolatry for the Goddesses because all of their fans who find out they have a basis in reality wishfully believe that the real Goddesses in the Afterlife are the ones they've fallen in love with from the Television Show. But they're not. In real life, those Goddesses are responsible for the Birth, Life, and Deaths of everyone on Planet Earth including everyone reading this email. And that gives them an unexpected Dark Side that nobody appears to be taking seriously except Kevin Neece himself.

One night, on Sunday March 21st 2021, during an Spirit Invocation, Kevin Neece screened Gone With the Wind, then he said out loud that the reason he did this was because Kodansha Ltd was about to become "Gone with the Wind" due to a curse he had placed on their Company CEO for refusing to respond to him about the matter for four years and putting him on an industry blacklist. When the movie was over, it was announced online that a 7.6 Earthquake hit Miyagi Prefecture in Japan.

I then got the most twisted unbelievable idea ever. This was jokingly inspired by a Sean Connery villain from the 1998 Avengers movie with Uma Thurman and Ralph Fiennes. In the movie, Sean Connery plays Sir Augustus DeWynter, who takes the world hostage by staging a bunch of terrorist attacks in the form of Natural Disaster events using a machine that can control the weather. Richard Pryor also plays a similar villain in Superman III, a Hacker named Gus Gorman who hacks a Weather Satellite and uses it to launch Natural Disaster Events. Not to mention a recent movie called Geostorm.

For the first experiment, this immediate thought came to mind. If I were to screen Dante's Peak and Tommy Lee Jones Volcano, does that mean that a dormant volcano would erupt? That's exactly what I did. I performed the experiment on March 22nd 2021 with Interiors Stormy Nights Blue Candles bought from the Family Dollar Store where I used to work way back in 2003, and Bayou Witch Hekate Incense bought from Ancient Mysteries in Austin Texas. During the double feature, I repeatedly performed the Satania Mantra, and double dog dared the Spirits and Demons to erupt a dormant volcano within 24 hours of the movie. And my Demonic Curse Sacrificial Offering Victim was none other than Kim Jong Un from North Korea combined with a later screening of Seth Rogen's The Interview. The next morning, also on March 22, 2021, it was announced on Social Media that a 6,000 year old dormant volcano erupted in Iceland, the Fagradals Volcano in Reykjavik Iceland to be exact. The connection to Belldandy Urd and Skuld is that the Norse Mythology legend of The Three Norns Verthandi Urth and Skolde originated from the Norway and Iceland areas.

Taking the experiment even further, on the next night, March 23rd 2021, I screened Jan De Bont's Twister, daring them to touch down several F5 tornadoes within the next 48 hours. The next day, it looked like everything was calm and nothing on the horizon, with only a slight 30% on a Wednesday. Within 48 hours the dynamic drastically changed and it was reported that multiple F4 and F5 tornadoes touched down in the Mississippi areas.

I would have you all take note that all of these Natural Disaster Events are happening within days of each other near the end of March. It's because I screened the Disaster movies within days of each other during that time period.

I also screened Wolfgang Peterson's The Perfect Storm and Poseidon Adventure remake that night. I believe the reason the Perfect Storm test failed is because I requested a recreation of the events on location unaware that the incident took place in October, thus being called "The Halloween Storm". The Poseidon Adventure cruise ship capsize failed to hit it's 48 hour mark as well but on April 4, 2021 it was reported that a Cruise Ship capsized in China, which falls within a week or so of the screening.

The next day or so, on March 25th 2021, I went for the ridiculous one. I screened Michael Bay's Armageddon and Deep Impact, my curse victim was Vladimir Putin, and I was trying to dare the Goddesses to smash Russia with a Meteor. While this incident did not happen, it isn't as stupid as you think it is. After checking online, I discovered that two days earlier a Meteor large enough to destroy a whole country just passed by Planet Earth missing it, and in 2013, Russia was hit by a meteor that killed and injured nearly 1,000 people. I had the right idea, I just missed the mark by a few days.

Next on the disaster list, which we will go into further detail later in these articles, was an experiment in Fate where I screened the Dwayne Johnson movies San Andreas and Skyscraper to see if Fate could be manipulated to put Dwayne Johnson through the motions of real life similar events to what was in the movie, only being played out in real life back to back in one week. Basically Dwayne Johnson is Fate's Guinea Pig. This experiment was run around March 26, 2021 and this was reported on April 5th. Dwayne Johnson's whereabouts during the incident are still unknown to me. If he was halfway around the world shooting a movie at the time the incident happened then the experiment kind of failed to be honest even though an earthquake did happen. It wasn't THE BIG ONE because the San Andreas movie is over the top Hollywood Green Screen bullshit that does not match up to Reality.

Another Volcano exploded in St Vincent in the Caribbean that's a little more akin to the events of Dante's Peak. They're now trying to evacuate the Island with Cruise Ships.

If the Spiritual Deities I invoked are playing along with the in-joke that these Disaster Events are supposed to mirror the events of Fictional Hollywood movies, then the Rescue Cruise Ships feel like a Foreshadow Setup for another Poseidon Adventure Cruise Ship Capsizing. Which brings up back to the 200 Volcanoes hidden around Texas that you discussed in the article.

The basic rules of Witchcraft are: What You Send Out Comes Back Times Three. Although ever since the Succubus Encounter Incident, Kevin Neece has not suffered any misfortune backlash or negative side effects from the Demonic Invocations to date, other than this negative burning energy sensation that runs throughout his body. Whenever this energy presence begins to feel like too much, I light up some blue candles, burn some Myrrh Incense and play the soundtrack to Bad Goddess: War Games off of my Television Set and the negative energy sensation disappears for a while. It's a treatment, NOT A CURE.

Kevin Neece invoked Lucifer during these Experiments, amongst all of the other Goddesses to create natural disaster events that put people in danger, in the case of the Tornado events, some people even died. Kevin Neece lives in Austin Texas, where one of the articles just stated that Hidden Dormant Volcanoes exist. My guess is that my "Tales from the Crypt" ironic comeuppance for "Playing God within the Machine" is that one of these Dormant Volcanoes might actually go off either in or around the Austin Texas area. Because it would match the plot outline I screened for the Three Goddesses featured in Tommy Lee Jones Volcano where a dormant volcano erupts in the middle of a major city where nobody would expect it to happen. I don't know what proof or physical evidence exists that supports that this theory might actually happen within the Austin Texas area, or any area of Texas in General. Just call it a suspicious hunch on my part. But I did find these articles about Earthquakes in Texas, which can be related to Erupting Volcanoes:

The final test involving War Games, Watchmen Ultimate Cut, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Roland Emmerich's The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 were specifically curse aimed at the countries threatening the United States with Nuclear War, CHINA, RUSSIA, NORTH KOREA, with no set due date other than a few warning signs for the CIA and the Pentagon to watch out for. The idea is inspired by the movie Watchmen. The reason the United States is afraid to attack these countries in pre-emptive self defense is because they will launch their missiles in retaliation. But what if these countries Nuclear Weapons were disarmed by Hackers leaving them defenseless, and then they were wiped out by a Natural Disaster Act of God, unaware that it was secretly an attack by someone playing "God in the Machine" in the United States, such as the Earthquake in Roland Emmerich's 2012. It's exactly like the end of the movie Watchmen. Ozymandias harnessed the Destructive Power of the Gods launching an attack that wiped out millions, but it was done in the service of deterring and preventing a Nuclear War standoff that would have killed billions. Ozymandias "practical joke" was a blood sacrifice intended to prevent the total destruction of Planet Earth. Mankind's punishment for flirting with the possibility of Nuclear War like it was a North Korean Dick Measuring Contest. Kevin Neece is Ozymandias, and the Three Goddesses of Fate and their "Natural Disaster Acts of God" represent Doctor Manhattan. The Pirate Captain's Quest in Tales of the Black Freighter represents the damnation of Kevin Neece's soul as these experiments have resulted in him being spirit wife married to an unknown Succubus Demon, with the side effect that he can now invoke these dangerous entities without suffering from any kind of misfortune backlash side effects..

Now that you are all brought up to speed, here are all of the articles that I emailed out to the CIA and the News Reporters and such during these experiments. All of these articles were printed out with Witchcraft Sigils on the back for The Three Norns, Lucifer, Hekate, Garadaera Saladorga, Sepheranz the Spider Queen, and Santa Muerte, then burned to send the messages to them in the afterlife.


March 21st, 2021

Bad Goddess Curse Effect?!! Earthquake in Japan?!!

Major Earthquake in Miyagi Japan

Uh guys, you remember how I stated that when I ran the Satania Mantra on January 5th 2021, it resulted in the January 6th 2021 Insurrection Riot at the Congress Capital coinciding with the 16th Anniversary of Ah My Goddess.

Well, for tonight's invocation, I ran Gone with the Wind, and then as a new experiment, I printed out all of the Witchcraft Sigil Curse Photographs of Kodansha CEO Yoshinobu Noma, wrote handwritten notes to the Demon Goddesses on it with the Cursed Satania Mantra, and then burned about twenty or so pages of Sigil Letters with Yoshinobu Noma's photo on them while performing the Mantra.

Then I screened Gone with the Wind for the Spirits as a Sacrificial Offering. When I checked back online, the earthquake in Japan was noted on twitter. Try to keep an eye out as to whether there are any victims or casualties related to Kodansha Ltd in the news if the incident should somehow become worse and wind up killing people.

Call this a really bad hunch, but I'm starting to believe that Satania Curse Mantra combined with the Goddess Spirits I've been invoking every night, when properly implemented, might actually be on par with a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction, only instead of incinerating things, it manipulates Fate and causes Mass Destruction Events.

Or the Earthquake really could just be a coincidence. It all depends on whether anybody from Kodansha Ltd was harmed or affected by the event.


March 21st, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Mad Doctor is in.

Bringing the Pippity Pop Rocks and the Rolling Shocks

for a Devastating Dose of Reality Entertainment.

Dig this Cats, the experiment is this.

Based on the COINCIDENCE that happened during last night's sacrificial offering screening of "Gone with the Wind"/the Burn Sigil Photograph Curse of Yoshinobu Noma from Kodansha Ltd coinciding with the Earthquake/Tsunami Threat in Miyagi Prefecture Japan, Kevin Neece is going to recreate the same dynamics of the experiment he ran last night for an entire weeks screening nothing but Environmental Disaster Films, and the Curses will be directly aimed at Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin as test subjects to try and keep these devastation effects OUT OF THE UNITED STATES.

Kevin Neece's witchcraft theory is based on a scene from the Ah My Goddess series. When Belldandy and Keiichi are together on a date, the outside atmosphere is happy, but when Belldandy sees Keiichi with another woman, then the weather becomes dark, stormy, and rainy. Now, we're not suggesting that the anime show is real. What we're getting at is, what if Kosuke Fujishima got it right by accident? Stranger things have happened. What if these mass destruction environmental events that occur from time to time, that we deem to be "Acts of God" are being inspired by the emotions of the Goddesses in Question and do these events change based on the movies that the Goddesses are shown when they are invoked, combined with a Curse Sigil Mantra aimed at specific people.

Note: In The Avengers, Sean Connery plays a "James Bond" villain named Sir Augustus Winter who launches a worldwide terrorist attack using a machine that can manipulate the Weather causing Natural Disaster Events.

The Following Movies featured in this Week's Experiment are:

Sean Connery's The Avengers, Dante's Peak, Tommy Lee Jones Volcano, Seth 'This is the End/The Interview, Outbreak, The Perfect Storm, Twister, Poseidon Adventure, Armageddon, Deep Impact.

We will be using Blue Candles if possible. Bayou Witch Hekate Incense (ingredients unknown)

Hammer to the North

Hallow and Hold This Holy Stead

Hammer to the South

Hallow and Hold This Holy Stead

Hammer to the East

Hallow and Hold This Holy Stead

Hammer to the West

Hallow and Hold This Holy Stead

Thor We Call Upon You to Banish All Evil and Unwanted Entities

We call forth our ancestor Goddesses the Three Fates from Norse Mythology

Verthandi Urth and Skolde we invoke thee in all your names

We ask that you attend here tonight to partake in our celebrations Hail.

Verthandi Urth and Skolde I invoke thee

An Ashe I Know... Yggdrasil its name...

With Water White... Is the Great Tree Wet...

Thence Come the Dews... That Fall in the Dales...

Green By Urths Well... Does it ever grow...

Thence Come the Maidens... Mighty in Wisdom...

Three from the Dwelling... Down Neath the Tree...

Urth is One Named... Verthandi the Next...

On the Wood They Scored... and Skolde the Third...

Laws They Made There... With Life Allotted...

To the Sons of Men... and Set Their Fates...

Io Brimo, Io Aidanaia, Io Hekate of Many Names

Please Lend Your Attention to this Rite

Come Hekate with Bare Breast Writhed in Serpents

Your Voice is the Nocturnal Bellowing of Hounds and Wolves

The Dead Flock to You Unconquerable Queen

Who Sets Men Free

Please Attend Here and Rejoice in My Sacrifice

Come Crowned with the Dark Moon 

Great Goddess of Nightly Sabbath

Goddess of the Wayside

Brandish Your Dim Lamps

The Giant Slayers and Move the Cold Earth and Winds

Spectors Howl Lamentations for you

Your Procession is Heralded by Singing Dogs

And the Heavy Chains of Kronos Bound

Sweet Music Echoing Through Darkness

Three Faced Titaness... Goddess of Crossroads

May My Invocation Tonight Be Worthy of You

For it is better to rush upon this blade

than to enter into this circle with fear in one's heart

I enter into this circle of trust

with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.


Natz Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra

Renich... Tasa... Uberica... Biasa... Icar Lucifer

Lucifer I invoke thee and invite thee to engage in tonight's sacrifice

Natz Fehr Ata Infernum Negra

Eyan... Catya... Icar Hekate...

Eko... Eko... Hekate...

Hekate I invoke thee and invite thee to engage in tonight's sacrifice

Natz Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra

Garadaera... Saladorga...

Garadaera Saladorga I invoke thee and invite thee to engage in tonight's sacrifice

Natz Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra

Sepheranz... Latismock... Norglana

Sepheranz the Spider Queen I invoke thee and invite thee to engage in tonight's sacrifice

Nazt Fehr Ata... Infernum Negra

Salve... Santisima... Muerte...

Ozon... Onon... Ozra... Zala...

Santa Muerte I invoke thee and invite thee to engage in tonight's sacrifice

You are all invited to tonight's sacrificial offering screening of _________

For it is better to rush upon this blade

than to enter into this circle with fear in your heart

I enter into this circle of trust

with perfect love and perfect trust


March 26th-28th, 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter:

Dwayne Johnson's Really Bad Week (A Trial of the Gods)

My apologies to all of you for the delay, the extensive contract work in writing out these sigil spells and experiments has reached the point that it's delaying me by a few days to get everything set up.

So, this latest Witchcraft Invocation Natural Disaster Experiment was run on Friday March 26th 2021, but not emailed out until March 28th 2021. Allow me to explain the critical thinking behind it.

In the John McTiernan satire Last Action Hero, the running theme of the movie is the strong difference between Action Movie Fantasy and the Real Life Danger of Reality when Arnold Schwarzenegger crosses over from the Action Movie Universe into the Real Life Universe of New York City. Suddenly, this man who could perform any dangerous stunt imaginable with ease is finding out that he can be severely harmed by car crashes and smashing in windows with his fist. It's because he's experiencing Reality for the First Time in his Existence and it deeply scares the shit out of him.

This brings us to Modern Day Action Movie Star Dwayne Johnson who is famous for playing a modern day God Amongst Men Hero in Disaster Movie scenarios like San Andreas, Rampage, Skyscraper, and Jumanji. Movies where the death tolls are very high and the impossible elements of fantasy are allowed to run wild. But that's just it. Dwayne Johnson's impossible heroism featured in these films is an illusion, a work of fiction, a movie magic CGI effect performed within the safety of a controlled environment set green screen. When Dwayne Johnson is acting, he never knows for sure what is really in front of him until he sees the finished special effects in the movie.

But real life danger is NOTHING like the movies. A disaster event like San Andreas playing out in real life would be jaw droppingly tragic. When you see the destruction on film, you cheer it on because you know it's fake and nobody was really harmed. But if the same element of danger happened in reality and suffered the same death toll, then it would be remembered as a National Tragedy because each and every one of those victims was a real person with a life and friends and family to remember them.

Earthquakes happen. They've been happening. They'll happen in the future. And they will always carry a death toll. The purpose of this experiment in Fate is not to suggest that Kevin Neece is trying to CREATE an Earthquake. He knows the Earthquake is eventually going to happen someday anyways and his Spell Petition is to see if the Goddesses of Fate can manipulate Dwayne Johnson like a Lab Rat putting him smack dab in the middle of it and putting him through the plot points of what happened in the movie through the filter of real life. It's Life Imitating Art Imitating Life with a Strong Sense of Irony that will be picked up on by the News if it happens because Dwayne Johnson is a celebrity. But we're not trying to make this happen so that it can be written off as a coincidence. So to make this even more outrageous, FATE is going to arrange for Dwayne Johnson to wind up in TWO DIFFERENT DISASTER SCENARIOS mimicking the plots of his movies: the San Andreas Earthquake AND the Skyscraper Terrorist Robbery Fire back to back IN ONE WEEK!

Now, my feelings are that in order for this spell to work, there has to be a real life basis in scientific reality at work, meaning "No Shark Attacks on the Toilet" or "Godzilla Attacks on New York" or "Worldwide Zombie Outbreaks". 

Thus Rampage is not a believable scenario for one to expect to happen in real life because of the Giant Genetically Mutated Monsters. However, if a bunch of Gorillas escaped from a local zoo during the Earthquake, got captured on photograph walking around the city wreckage and posted on social media, and FATE caused Dwayne Johnson to come into contact with one of them during his quest to seek out and find safety, then that could fall within the lines of IRONIC believability.

In order for this spell to work, Dwayne Johnson had to be cursed with Negative Energy and Misfortune to put him in the middle of these events, but he was also BLESSED with two different PROTECTION SPELLS to ensure that he will also LIVE through both of the events and come out the other side intact so that he may live to tell the tale. It's possible that the Misfortune Sigil Curse and the Protection Sigil Curse may have contradicted each other and cancelled each other out but we don't know that for sure unless we try.

There is also no real set time limit for this event to go down in the future because Dwayne Johnson's location and schedule is unknown. They can't very well stage the San Andreas Earthquake if Dwayne Johnson is tied up in another film production in another country halfway across the world for an entire year now can they? Thus these last two tests could wind up being delayed for a while.

There is also something disturbingly offensive about an Action Movie Fan attempting to stage a disaster event with a high death toll just so he can see Dwayne Johnson act out his hero role in real life. Holy shit, how desensitized does one have to be to put on a stunt like that? Once again, earthquakes happen. They've been happening. And they'll happen in the future regardless. We're just manipulating fate with the spell so that the NEXT TIME that such an event happens, Dwayne Johnson will be smack dab in the center of the action like FATE'S GUINEA PIG being run through a MAZE for the Amusement of the Gods.

Invocation Film Lineup:

Last Action Hero, San Andreas, Rampage, Skyscraper


Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece


March 28th 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter:

I Am So Confused Right Now

Rather than give a long detailed explanation of the next witchcraft experiment, 

I thought I would just spell it out to everybody in the form of a comedy sketch.


Kevin Neece is preparing for the next Witchcraft Experiment Screening:

War Games, The Day After Tomorrow, The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2012

Suddenly a Goddess manifests in human form out of nowhere, as if she had been invisible and watching him the entire time.



What are you doing?


Getting ready to stage a Mass Destruction 

Event in China, North Korea, and Russia.


Riiiight... and what year is it?


2021. What year was it when 

you went to sleep last night?


1989. Somebody triggered my alarm clock because 

they tried to invoke me over 400 times.


Really... and how have you been doing your 

job if you've been asleep since 1989?


I set my email to auto-response. Most messages usually go into my spam box...

It's the strangest thing, people all over the world keep inviting me over for steak dinners,

then they feed my steaks to their dogs... it's like some kind of conspiracy man...


So let me get this straight... you took off work to take a nap... 

set the Yggdrasil System Force on Autopilot Response...

And then you just said fuck it and took a 32 year nap?!!!


Well it was kind of a bad year, we got called down to Japan 

to grant this Japanese Cartoonist a wish while he was in college 

and then he tried to take us prisoner like we were his fucking harem.

Poor guy just couldn't keep his dick in his pants so we cursed his 

sorry ass and made him horny for motorcycling racing instead of women.

I'm sorry, what were you doing again??


I'm launching a Mass Destruction Event against China, North Korea, 

and Russia by Jacking Off into a Family Dollar Candle, Burning Incense, 

and screening Roland Emmerich Disaster Movies into my Bedroom Mirror...



And... why do you believe this is going to work?


Because I've done it seven times before.



I am so confused here... 

(walks back into the bathroom)

Hey Larry! I need you to get my Supervisor in here!

SUPERVISOR walks out of the bathroom.


I'm sorry.. this is my Supervisor...

Tell him what you just told me...

SUPERVISOR pulls out a notepad to take notes.



I'm launching a Mass Destruction Event against China, North Korea, 

and Russia by Jacking Off into a Family Dollar Candle, Burning Incense, 

and screening Roland Emmerich Disaster Movies into my Bedroom Mirror...



Fascinating... and why do you believe this is going to work?


Because I've done it seven times before.


And it worked???


Apparently so...



I am so confused right now....

And why are you doing this???


Because Kosuke Fujishima is a stupid egotistical cunt who refuses to answer 

his twitter messages because he's an entertainment industry celebrity.

If the Goddess of Fortune serves me fair and true, Fate is going to sink the

island nation of Japan right into the ocean like the Lost City of Atlantis.


Can you make any sense out of this behavior??

Because I'm not connecting the dots here...

It's as if we just walked into the 

last ten minutes of a ten hour movie.


I don't understand this either...

We had a change in management while you were

asleep and ever since then, our clientele has

become that of a much lower primitive life form.

It's as if Upper Management has been lying to us and  

we've been getting conned out of the Glengarry Leads.


I get that reference!


I swear to God, they don't pay us enough for 

dealing with these guys, they really don't.



I'm sorry, could you just wait here a moment?

We've got somebody we'd like you to meet.

SUPERVISOR walks back into the bathroom:


Hey Larry! Can you get the Janitor in here!

Tell him to bring a pen to take notes.

THE JANITOR walks into the room from the back bathroom.


This is Lucifer the Janitor from Downstairs. 

He's the guy we hire to take out the trash.

Tell him what you just told me.


I'm launching a Mass Destruction Event against China, North Korea, 

and Russia by Jacking Off into a Family Dollar Candle, Burning Incense, 

and screening Roland Emmerich Disaster Movies into my Bedroom Mirror...



And why do you believe this is going to work??



Because I've done it seven times before...



I am so confused right now...


There are no words...


Are you the guy that keeps emailing me photographs 

of foreign dictators with Curse Sigils and inviting

me over to movie marathon parties?


Uh... I think those emails were 

meant for the "Other" Lucifer...

The Big Red Devil Guy with the Horns 

from Ridley Scott's I Am Legend.


Oh... that guy... yeah Jesus Christ fired 

his ass about two thousand years ago and

all of the Christians keep scapegoating 

him for their own bad behavior.


How bizarre... they fired him at 

the same time they hired you.



I on the other hand, have the world at my 

fingertips... Fate is looking up for me.

I've been working on the Janitorial Staff

for two thousand years, unclogging the 

Almighty's Toilets and sweeping up the dirt.

And just now, they're thinking of promoting

me up to Letters and Parcels...


Really?? I wonder who's going to take your place???


Oh I don't know, it's an entry level position.

They'll probably hire some sex obsessed perverted 

asshole who has no experience and then he'll go out 

and launch an Astroid Attack against Russia on his 

first day. My cousin Vladimir lives in that country... 

I wonder what he's been up to lately? 




Invocation Film Lineup:

War Games, Watchmen Ultimate Cut, The Day After Tomorrow, The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2012


Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece

The Demi-God Who Takes Out the Trash


April 1st 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter: 

"Does God Ever Create Nowadays?"

A Special April Fools Day Presentation

Ladies and Gentlemen... The Mad Doctor is in...

Today... sparks the donning of a Brand New Era...

We've explored our abilities to Destroy through

the screening of Hollywood Disaster Movies....

But now we've transcended that vilifying notion...

We've moved beyond the veil of our traditional beliefs...

We have suspended all notions of what Man's "God" is... and

what Goddesses and Demons can accomplish when they work together... 

with the Stunning Revelation that the Impossible is always Possible 

when the Improbable still exists within the realm of Probability...

Today on April Fools Day, we move beyond the mere passe notion that man 

was only created to fuck every piece of pussy that flies in his direction 

and destroy every colored individual that dares to rise above their 

stereotypical career roles designated by a racist society of bigots.

At the request of Hollywood Horror Museum, I proudly unveil to you all, the 

very creation of the "Fairy Spider Shark"... a brand new species that has

never been seen before by the eyes of a human being within this our reality.

Oh My Goddess... look at this Beautiful Majestic Bastard and just how happy

the smile on his face is... it's like he's a cute little homicidal puppy

that's just found his forever home after escaping the pound... I love you

"Fairy Spider Shark", and I just know that Planet Earth will love you too.

I see a future where this cute little guy is accepted by all of social media,

and Environmental Activists come to his defense and demand his protection by

the United States of America as a brand new Endangered Species trying to work

his way into the survival of Nature's Worldwide Inhabitants.

I see a future where the nation of Japan creates a brand new religion that

revolves around the "Fairy Spider Shark"... mostly for Tax Exemption Purposes,

but NONETHELESS, they shall achieve the impossible dream of that Holy Grail

we know as Tax Exemption Acknowledgement. After all, something's got to replace

modern day Christianity and Catholicism. It's out with the old and in with the new.

I see a future where the "Fairy Spider Shark" becomes the subject of Television Documentaries, and Sci Fi Channel Spinoffs of the Sharknado Franchise, and Coastal Town Merchandising, such as Keychains, Post Cards, and Plush Toys with Suction Cups for Car Windows... Oh My Goddess... It's going to be beautiful. LIFE! GIVE MY CREATION LIFE! THIS I WISH OF ALL OF YOU TONIGHT!

Tonight's Movie Marathon Lineup:

Deep Blue Sea, Frankenhooker, From Beyond, Alex Winter's Freaked


Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece


April 4th, 2021

Dear Space X,

Please send Kevin Neece into space.

He has very limited money.

No college experience.

He is blacklisted and alienated by everyone in the Professional Retail, Theater, and Film Industry.

And he keeps writing letters to the Goddesses of Death successfully arguing for them to launch terrorist attacks all over Planet Earth disguised in the form of Natural Disaster Events such as Tornados, Volcano Eruptions, and Earthquakes. And deep down, all of us are disturbingly beginning to agree with his logic.

Kevin Neece is an irritating pain in the ass to people all over Planet Earth that believes he no longer has a purpose in life and we fear that if you do not take one for the team and send his sad sorry perverted sex obsessed ass into the stars, we the people of Planet Earth will never be rid of him. If he continues to invoke Garadaera Saladorga every night at the rate he’s going, he may actually achieve real life immortality and then all of us will be completely fucked with his presence for an eternity.

It’s like the classic joke “Take my wife… no really, please take her.”


Ekatn & Lucifer


April 5th, 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter:

The Hypocrisy of Man Playing God in the Machine

One of the movie marathon invocation screening experiments that Kevin Neece took into consideration during his run of the Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter Natural Disaster Series was based on both The System Force from Ah My Goddess and Stephen King's Maximum Overdrive.

Kevin Neece witnessed with his own eyes an incident that mirrored a gag they do on the Ah My Goddess anime show where whenever somebody tries to catch the Three Goddesses in the act of using Magic on Camera, or to separate Belldandy and Keiichi, the Ultimate System Force kicks in causing random freak acts of fate to jump out of the woodworks and attack them. Is it possible that the Ouija Board Spirits that were watching Kevin Neece's experiments were playing a practical joke on him by imitating these elements of the anime show, or does it imply that the Yggdrasil/Niddhog System and the Ultimate Force are both real in the Spirit Realm, and the Angels and Demons who utilize that technology simply call it by another name. The Yggdrasil/Niddhog Systems are also comparable to The Matrix in that it controls all of the natural elements of reality including Weather, Nature, Time, and even Fate itself.

In the Demon Realm, when a Demon performs acts of wickedness within the performance of their job duties, the Niddhog System rewards them with Good Fortune, but when they attempt to perform acts of kindness and good deeds without the use of a Demonic Spiritual Energy Exchange Contract, Fate turns against them and hits them with Misfortune. And the Yggdrasil System creates a Vice Versa Effect for the Goddess Realm.

Kevin Neece's theory is that if such an All Powerful Angelic/Demonic Computer System exists, can it be used to create an illusion where all of the Motor Vehicles on Planet Earth are Alive and Possessed by Spirits as a Joke Reference to the Stephen King movie Maximum Overdrive and Christine. Kevin Neece's comedic prank is that instead of declaring homicidal war on humanity, the vehicles simply perform magic pranks on their owners while playing Songs for Classic Disney Movies on the Radio as a Joke Reference to Herbie the Love Bug to distract everyone from the real secret agenda that's going down underneath the surface: an Assassination Attempt on the QAnon Conspiracy Theorists who have infiltrated the Religious Christian Community in an attempt to create insurrection and deadly civil war in the United States of America simply because Donald Trump lost the election and bullshit all of his gullible followers into believing there was some kind of non-existent election fraud that they could never prove. Well, technically there was, it was Kevin Neece himself invoking the ZOZO and the Fates on Halloween and Election Night, but even when he told everyone in the government that he pulled this stunt directly via email, nobody believed him nor did they respond to call bullshit on his claims either. Technically Paula White tried to do the exact same thing when she prayed to the Angels from South America and Africa to help Donald Trump swing the election. Kevin Neece's theory is that the Almighty saw Lucifer coming that night, took one look at Donald Trump, then stepped to the side and opened the door, welcoming him in, and wishing him the best of luck. Why did the Almighty do this? Because Fuck Donald Trump, and all of his brainwashed Zealot Followers. That's why.

Kevin Neece's idea for the Assassination Attempt on QAnon is Downright Fucking Evil. On the day of the Maximum Overdrive Prank, the QAnon Conspiracy Followers are attending Church where a special guest pastor at each of the locations is performing a special sermon: "Beware of False Prophets". When the QAnon Followers realize that they are being mocked, all of the Pastors are booed and hissed off the stage. When everybody goes out to their cars after church, they are shocked to find that after buckling their seatbelts, the car doors lock on their own, and while the vehicles and radios turn on, none of the standard motor functions work, not the brakes, not the gas, not the steering, not the blinkers, nothing. Just the radio. And what starts to play on the radio on a repeated loop: Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper". Suddenly Carbon Monoxide from the Engine starts to backfire and leak into the vehicles through the air conditioning vents, and nobody is able to unbuckle their seat belts, roll down the windows, or escape from the locked vehicles. This goes on until everyone drops dead. Suddenly, the windows roll down by themselves, as if by magic, to let all of the carbon monoxide out, and the music on the radio starts loudly playing a memorial song "Shall We Gather at the River, the Beautiful Beautiful River".

It's a great scene for a Horror Movie, but Holy Fuck, there's just one problem, it's extremely hypocritical in the fact that it's what Adolph Hitler would have done. And the worst part is, the idea probably might have worked in wiping out QAnon once and for all. Kevin Neece's repeated complaints (along with Social Media concerns) were that throughout Donald Trump's Presidency, the way he ran the ICE Immigration Camps was disturbingly beginning to mirror the early days of concentration camps of WWII. Not quite all the way there, but aside from the abhorrent living conditions, overcrowding, and children being permanently separated from their families, there were nearly 4,000 reports of child molestation, an American based camp that was previously used to house Japanese Families during WWII, and a Doctor who performed nearly a hundred unwanted hysterectomies on Women. All of which were shrugged off by the President. And his Christian Followers still chose to support him. When called out by the Media for taking ideas from Adolph Hitler's Strategy Book, Donald Trump openly confessed, showcasing just how much he didn't give a fuck, stating "Whatever Works." How the fuck that man is still alive today is beyond me.

In an earlier joke burn letter to Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads, Kevin Neece also brought up the idea of pranking the entire law enforcement agencies in America by having all of their female officers become pregnant at the same time without any kind of explanation (and all of the Goddesses and Demons in the Spirit Realm as well). Like some great big joke reference to the Baby Boom of returning soldiers from WWII, the Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ, also known as "The Greatest Cuckold of All Time". All of the children would be female with high intelligence and clairvoiyant ESP abilities as a Joke Reference to the movie Village of the Damned. That would have been one hell of a spectacle to see but once again, there's just one issue. It mirrors the Nazi Aryan Race Genetic Breeding experiments of Nazi Germany in WWII. And it also goes against Jesus Christ's ideas that Almighty God will always favor the humble. In real life, if such a stunt would have happened, that blessing would not have been bestowed upon the evil law enforcement community of America, the humble in question would most likely be the Poor and Destitute Illegal Immigrant Women from Mexico trying to cross the border into the United States for a better life.

It's exactly like the old saying goes, "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely", or to paraphrase a Batman Movie, "Either you Die a Hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the Villain." The Spirit that possessed Kevin Neece to write the article Death Note 2020 War Games was absolutely right about one thing. The Goddesses, Angels, and Demons are indiscriminate in their attempts to cull down the human race overpopulation, and Kevin Neece's Christian Upbringing has left him with a Conscience when it comes to "Turning the Key" as the movie War Games suggests. It's not his right to question authority when they tell him to turn the key, but that doesn't mean he has to feel good about the whole affair, nor has anybody been standing over him with a gun pointed to his head forcing him to do it. The entire reason he can gleefully come up with such wicked scenarios is because he has been desensitized by the fictional element of Violent Hollywood Movies, and it's all amusing fun and games until somebody actually goes out and does it in real life. Does God have a Conscience when it comes to mimicking ideas that Adolph Hitler himself may have performed had he the ability to control Fate and Reality?

Are some things better off left alone and allowed to run their natural course as designated by the Fates, instead of resorting to such extreme measures to solve the problem overnight? If so many people are left to die by the Acts of God and Natural Elements of Fate in general, then is there ultimately such a difference when it comes to the art of preventing American Civil War? Did I just say "Preventing"? If anything, gassing the QAnon Conspirators in their own vehicles after a Sunday Church Sermon is about as dastardly an act of Civil War as any outright terrorist attack within this American Nation. It's sneaky, dirty, underhanded, and downright despicable... but then, so are all of the QAnon Conspirators that are being bumped off. Kevin Neece fails to see the difference, other than the Angels of Fate are allowed to get away with their homicidal actions because they are hiding in another dimension believed to be the Afterlife. Once again, Kevin Neece doesn't have the Magical Ability to Perform such a Stunt. Only the Spirits who read his Articles do, and that in itself is a maybe.


Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece

Film Invocation Lineup:

Maximum Overdrive, Elmer Gantry, Frailty, Beware the Brethren

Alternate Screening about Schizoaffective Disorder:

How to Get Ahead in Advertising, Get Out, Joker, Split, Glass


April 5th, 2021 UPDATE FOLLOW-UP

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter:

Dwayne Johnson's Really Bad Week

Okay everybody listen up. Today on April 5, 2021, it was reported that a series of Earthquakes just rocked the Los Angeles California area,

Could this coincidence be connected to the Witchcraft Invocation Experiment where I invoked the Three Fates and requested them to run Dwayne Johnson through both a California Earthquake Situation similar to San Andreas and a Burning Hotel Terrorist Fire, both back to back in one week? That petition was dated March 28, 2021

Well, San Andreas was an over the top disaster movie, and so far no Injuries or Damages have been reported from the Earthquakes. Once again, my theory is that in order for the spell to take effect, the request must have some kind of scientific grounding in reality and perhaps that Earthquake situation presented in Dwayne Johnson's San Andreas was just too over the top in the realm of fantasy for it to ever happen in real life.

The question we all need to be asking ourselves during these earthquake events are: is Dwayne Johnson involved or located anywhere within the areas or where it is happening? If Dwayne Johnson was involved in the earthquakes, what situations happened to him when the events went down? Will a Hotel Terrorist Fire break out a week later after the Earthquake Disaster is over, and will Dwayne Johnson suffer the misfortune of walking into that mess too. Does Dwayne Johnson survive both incidents. And lets not forget the Gorillas escaping from the zoo and getting captured on camera.

Meanwhile, as for my last Witchcraft Petition Experiment, I wrote a detailed article called The Hypocrisy of Man Playing God in the Machine and printed out pictures of QAnon Preachers and Curse Sigils on the back of the article papers before I burned them. Unfortunately the article is too long to post in an email.

I'm not going to lie about the contents of this article, it's a cold blooded unethical assassination attempt on the QAnon Theorists Church Leaders that are trying to create insurrection and civil war, and it's loosely inspired by the movies Final Destination and Stephen King's Maximum Overdrive.

I don't believe that such a curse could realistically be translated into real life because it's based on Horror Movie Fantasy instead of Scientific Reality. I ran it through the process anyways because I believed the Death Gods have a sick and twisted sense of humor and might get a laugh out of it.

As far as these Natural Disaster Curse Experiments go, this is it, this is the end of the line for right now. There are only so many disaster movies in existence that cover only so many subject matters and I don't believe that this experiment would ever be able to work twice in a row by screening the same movies over and over again.

Other notable movies Kevin Neece felt compelled to screen afterwards:

Concerning Schizophrenia:

How to Get Ahead in Advertising, Joker, Get Out, Split, Glass

Steve Martin's Pennies from Heaven is sitting in the pile but has not been screened yet. Pennies from Heaven is about a man during the 1930s who escapes from his horrible depressing life by living within an inner fantasy world inspired by the musicals of the 1930s. He idealistically drags a school teacher into his world of dreams, gets her pregnant, then abandons both her and his wife when he comes to terms with the reality of what he's done, and she winds up working for a pimp played by Christopher Walken who does a Strip Tease in a Bar. Thematically similar to Terry Gilliam's Brazil, but takes place in Depression Era Reality instead of Dystopian Fantasy.

Kevin Neece felt compelled to screen Richard Donner's Superman and Superman II. During the opening of Superman, he noted an Allegory Situation: Marlon Brando is God (and in a Meta Twist, the reason he took the role of God is so he could be payed the most amount of money for doing the least amount of work, exactly like the Almighty himself). Terence Stamp and his Two Terrorist Friends represent Lucifer, Hekate, and Sepheranz the Spider Queen who are sealed away into the Forbidden Zone. The Destruction of Krypton represents Mankind's Scientific separation of the events of the Christian Bible from real life history into Fictional Mythology. And Superman represents Jesus Christ being the one son who is sent to earth to save mankind. The plot of the movie revolves around an Earthquake that will sink half of California into the Ocean.

In Superman II, part of the plot revolves around Clark Kent sacrificing his Godlike Powers and becoming Mortal so that he can marry a human named Lois Lane. When Clark Kent gets into a fight at a bar, he gets his ass kicked as if to represent that Mankind is completely helpless without a God to protect them. And then once he gets his powers back, he returns to beat his attacker's ass in the same bar in what is clearly not a fair fight at all, then rationalizes his behavior by paying the owner of the restaurant for the damage.

During the screening of both movies, Kevin Neece felt himself get jumped by three different spiritual presences from some bizarre sort of clairvoyant sex session that was a cross between the motions of Air Sex, Spiritual Possession, and Borderline Date Rape.

Later that night, Kevin Neece tested to see if the same incident would happen again by screening a porn film titled Pretty Peaches starring Desiree Cousteau, which backfired. He had not seen the movie before and was unaware of its content. Most of the sex featured in the movie is classifiable as disgusting rape culture to such an extent that it leaves one to wonder how Cancel Culture and Anti-Porn lobbyists haven't found a way to have the original film negative for Pretty Peaches burned and erased from existence. Desiree Cousteau gives a wonderful comedy performance worthy of real cinema that's entirely wasted in a movie that should be burned to the ground by Cancel Culture Extremists for a scene where she announces to her would be "protectors" that she was raped at an BDSM sex party, and they all turn around and laugh at her (not surprising since the first sex scene in the movie features one of them taking full advantage of Desiree Cousteau while she is knocked completely unconscious, which is exactly what Brock Turner did. America rained fired and brimstone down upon Brock Turner's head and career for the sexual assault crime he committed and here it is being performed onscreen as an act of comedy because it's the 1970s). Even more Ironic than that is the sequel Pretty Peaches II is actually a very good and entertaining movie for what it is (where all of the sex and comedy is consentual and pleasing this time around). How the hell this film series started within one disgusting and deplorable dynamic only to turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction to save itself when both movies were made two decades apart by the same director Alex DeRenzy is a total mystery.

Immediately the next morning when Kevin Neece went to Half Priced Books to spend his monthly pay, something subconsciously took over, throwing out all of his movie picks and replacing them with the following "Chick Flick Titles": Billy Wilder's The Apartment, Valley Girl, It Could Happen to You, Moonstruck, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, While You Were Sleeping, 10 Things I Hate About You, Save the Last Dance, Sabrina, The Pink Panther series, all notable Date Night movies, as if the Spirit Wives that jumped him for Sex were trying to "Hint Hint" him in another direction.

Other movies handpicked during that trip were Wes Craven's Deadly Friend, Nicole Kidman's To Die For, Mike Myer's So I Married an Axe Murderer, and Uma Thurman's My Super Ex-Girlfriend. One of the Goddesses being invoked during the Witchcraft Experiments is Sepheranz the Spider Queen, and at least two of those titles follow the thematic subject matter of "Black Widows", women who marry only to kill their lovers. The inclusion of My Super Ex-Girlfriend, where Uma Thurman plays a woman with Godlike Powers who sets out to destroy Luke Wilson for breaking off his relationship with her due to her personality issues, feels like Kevin Neece is being warned not to cross the line with these Goddess Spirits or there will be a world of pain foreshadowed within his Future.

The Final Movie in the group The Bridge on the River Kwai, feels like the biggest foreshadow warning of all. Alec Guinness plays a POW Colonel who becomes obsessed with his slave labor job of building a bridge for the enemies who have captured him, because he sees a future where the war is over and the bridge serves as a memorial to all of the British WWII POWs who built it. Colonel Nicholson takes pride in this accomplishment and actually sets out to build the enemy a better bridge than they could have built for themselves even pointing out how their initial attempts would have failed them anyways due to bad planning. Colonel Nicholson is blinded by his British Ego, so desperate to accomplish an act of greatness for the sake of Britain that he fails to see how his actions are helping the enemy transport weapons across the bridge right here and now that will help them kill more British Soldiers. The Bridge on the River Kwai is metaphorical of the Bridge between Our Reality and the Spirit World, and the Train that "Colonel Nicholson" has helped bring across into our reality is causing all of the Natural Disaster Events that you have witnessed from these Witchcraft Experiments.


Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece


April 8th, 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter:

The "It Could Happen to You" Experiment

Last night, as Kevin Neece was running movies through the witchcraft invocation process the four movies were as follows:

My Super Ex-Girlfriend, Valley Girl, Moonstruck, It Could Happen to You. Three of which star Nicolas Cage.

The next morning, today, Kevin Neece woke up and then it suddenly dawned on him. If screening movies on his television set during the invocation process results in the manifestation of fictional movie plots into real life, based on whether they were based on scientific reality, and It Could Happen to You was based on a true story, then does that mean that lottery lighting will strike twice?

And more than that, how is this going to translate into real life? Because there are multiple alternate options in front of us.

Does this mean that Kevin Neece is going to win the lottery if he plays? But It Could Happen to You is about a New York Police Officer sharing his winnings with a Waitress. Does this mean the Spell effects ANY police officer, or just the ones in New York? It's truly puzzling, isn't it? Since Kevin Neece is the spell petitioner, we are going to have to assume that the Three Fates are going to relate the spell to him. Let's see if Kevin Neece can crack Verthandi's Lottery Algorithm through pure obsessive compulsive gambler logic and crackhead insanity shall we? Be warned however that Kevin Neece's witchcraft experiments are somewhat inspired by the Jim Carrey movie Bruce Almighty.

In Bruce Almighty, Jim Carrey clicked the Yes button to everybody's Prayer Emails and it resulted in the entire city of Los Angeles winning the lottery at the same time, then they rioted and burned down the city when they realized that the payout was only $1 because of the prize money being split between the entire city.

Texas Lottery Mega Millions Featuring Megaplier $184 Million

The Next Draw Today is 4/6/2021 at 10:00pm

Texas Lottery Lotto Texas Extra $8.75 Million Est Cash Value $6.5 Million

The Next Draw is 4/7/2021 at 10:00pm

Lindsay Ashley Neece's birthday is April 7th, 2004

"For it is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of the needle, than for a Rich Man to Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven"

"God favors the Humble"


Don't Be Greedy, Be Humble and Personal.

I'm going for the 4/7/2021 draw on Lindsay Ashley Neece's Birthday.

Because who the flying fuck needs $184 Million anyways?

Cash Payout for Lotto Texas is $6 Million.

Officer Robert Cunningham only won $6 Million

then he shared $3 Million with Phyllis Penzo.

Spell Logic states to go for the Lottery Drawing 

where the cash payouts are close to $6 Million.

The Numbers played in the Movie are

6 - 12 - 16 - 26 - 64 - 84

My guess however, is that some poor bastard on the New York Police Force has been playing Robert Cunningham's numbers for decades without luck. It's just too easy and highly unlikely, but we'll play them anyways.

24 Years Phyllis Penzo was a Waitress for 24 Years Sal's Pizzeria

30 Years Robert Cunningham was a 30 Year Veteran

03 March One Day in March 1984

19 Year One Day in March 1984

84 Year One Day in March 1984

33 Split Cunningham picked 3 numbers, Penzo picked 3 numbers

24 - 30 - 03 - 19 - 84 - 33

David Grogan Article

"After 24 Years Pushing Pizza,

Waitress Gets a Tip to Remember"

April 23, 1984 (p.119)

4 - 23 - 19 - 84 - 11 - 9

Nicolas Cage was born January 7th 1964

Bridget Fonda was born January 27th 1964

Kevin Neece was born February 9th, 1983

01 - 07 - 27 - 19 - 64 - 83

Catch 22. Robert Cunningham attended the restaurant Sal's Pizzeria. Danny Aiello ran Sal's Pizzeria in Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing which is the central basis for Kevin Neece's Fan Film A Certain Magical Pimpdex.

Danny Aiello was born June 20th, 1933

Do the Right Thing was released in America on June 30th, 1989

Do the Right Thing was released in the Netherlands (Norse Mythology) on July 27th 1989

06 - 20 - 33 - 30 - 19 - 89

06 - 20 - 33 - 7 - 27 - 89

Belldandy's Birthday in the Manga is October 1st

Her First Appearance in Afternoon is August 25th 1988

10 - 1 - 07 - 25 - 19 - 88

Belldandy's Birthday in the Manga is October 1st

Her First Appearance in Oh My Goddess OVA is February 21 1993

10 - 1 - 02 - 21 - 19 - 93

Belldandy's Birthday in the Manga is October 1st

Her First Appearance in Ah My Goddess Anime is January 6th 2005

10 - 1 - 16 - 20 - 05 - 83

Kevin Neece's birthday is 02/09/1983

Honoka Inoue's birthday is 02/09/1998

10 - 01 - 02 - 09 - 83 - 98

Note Belldandy is Fictional. The real Belldandy is Verthandi from Voluspa.

First Modern Printing of Voluspa was in 1665 by Peder Hansen Resen

Peder Hansen Resen was born June 17, 1625 - June 1, 1688

06 - 17 - 16 - 25 - 1 - 88

Voluspa first appeared in the Codex Regius written during the 1270s.

Made up of 45 vellum leaves. originally contained further 8 leaves now missing.

The codex was discovered in 1643

12 - 70 - 45 - 8 - 16 - 43 First Discovery Date


12 - 70 - 45 - 8 - 16 - 65 First Modern Printing Date 

Snorri's Edda (GKS 2367 4to) is also named Codex Regius.

Composed of 55 vellum pages, dating from the early 14th century.

It was returned to Iceland in 1985.

23 - 67 - 55 - 14 - 19 - 85

19. An ash I know, | Yggdrasil its name,

With water white | is the great tree wet;

Thence come the dews | that fall in the dales,

Green by Urth's well | does it ever grow.

20. Thence come the maidens | mighty in wisdom,

Three from the dwelling | down 'neath the tree;

Urth is one named, | Verthandi the next,--

On the wood they scored,-- | and Skuld the third.

Laws they made there, and life allotted

To the sons of men, and set their fates.

19. Yggdrasil: cf. stanza 2 and note, and Grimnismol, 29-35 and notes. Urth ("The Past"): one of the three great Norns. The world-ash is kept green by being sprinkled with the marvelous healing water from her well.

20. The maidens: the three Norns; possibly this stanza should follow stanza 8. Dwelling: Regius has "sæ" (sea) instead of "sal" (hall, home), and many editors have followed this reading, although Snorri's prose paraphrase indicates "sal." Urth, Verthandi and Skuld: "Past," "Present" and "Future." Wood, etc.: the magic signs (runes) controlling the destinies of men were cut on pieces of wood. Lines 3-4 are probably interpolations from some other account of the Norns.]

19 - 2 - 29 - 35 - 20 - 34

Now that we've gathered up all of these numbers, there is just one more to collect, one that cannot be deciphered through research.

Robert Cunningham came up with three numbers himself, and he got the other three numbers from Waitress Phyllis Penzo in a pizza parlor.

The Fantasy Relationship presented in the movie is Bullshit. They never fell in love in real life. They were both happily married and remained friends.

Once Kevin Neece obtains these secret numbers the game is set and he's running this experiment through the Burn Sigil Process at 8:00pm tonight.

And we will see if Kevin Neece was able to crack Verthandi's Lottery Algorithm.

Remember Gods, Goddesses, Police Officers, and Demon Queens, the point of this experimental game isn't to get rich quick.

It's to see which number the Goddesses of Fate chose to apply the winner to and decipher the meaning of their intentions. 


UPDATE: 4/6/2021 3:30pm

So far, all of the following numbers on the list add up to 15 tickets.

When Kevin Neece went to the corner Gas Station, which was also a Pizza Parlor, he discovered that the numbers on the Lottery Tickets he needed only went up to the number 54.

Thus, any one of his numbers that went above the number 54 were automatically disqualified. The first fourteen tickets were rendered useless. Leaving only one number left.

02 - 19 - 20 - 29 - 34 - 35

This was the number applied to the Voluspa stances revolving around the Three Norns Verthandi Urth and Skolde.

And the Lotto Texas Extra! drawing is on April 7th, 2021 at 10:00pm

This incident will be taking place on the birthday of his daughter Lindsay Ashley Neece.

Kevin Neece bought exactly TWO TICKETS for $1 each at a cash value of $6.5 Million, when split between two people it will be close to $3 Million.

Kevin Neece explored the Pizza Parlors of the Austin Area, but his intuition told him that none of them fit.

Then he realized Robert Cunningham attended Sal's Pizzeria because he had been coming there for years.

Robert Cunningham did what was right for himself, not what was right for Kevin Neece.

Kevin Neece instead chose to follow his intuition which brought him to:

Cheddar's Restaurant 2031

4301 William Cannon Dr

Austin, TX 78749-1473

Where he had been taking his Grandmother out to eat for the past ten years when he cared for her in Assisted Living.

Upon arriving inside, he took a seat at the bar where no one was working and prayed to the Three Fates that the proper Waitress be presented to him.

At 2:27pm on 04/06/2021, a middle aged waitress named Sondra arrived to take his order and was amused by his story.

Kevin Neece's theory is that NOTHING happens to him by accident because the Three Goddesses are always guiding him.

As the Phyllis Penzo had been working as a waitress for 24 years, it would make sense NOT to give the Lottery Ticket to a young waitress just starting out, but an older waitress who had been working a dead end career in the field of restaurants her entire life.

This turned out to be Sondra. That is the only name that Kevin Neece knows her by.

Just as the movie ordered, the Ticket was given to Sondra in replacement of a Tip along with the printed out explanation of the Invocation Experiment.



On 4/7/2021, the day the Lottery Drawing, Kevin Neece, his mother Debbie Brand, and his Daughter Lindsay met up for lunch at Poke-e-Joe's Barbeque to celebrate his daughter's 17th birthday. Kevin Neece considered signing his ticket under his daughter's name as a gift but realized that she was too young to collect on a Lottery Ticket.

Later that Night, he added to the experiment. In addition to running a video photo during the prayer showcasing a blown up image of the Lottery Ticket into the mirror with Sigils for Hekate and "To Win a Lottery" from Wolf of Antioch, Kevin Neece decided to test out a little experiment based on The Last Starfighter, where an Arcade Machine served as a Recruiting Device for the real Space Fighters.

Kevin Neece's theory, is that because Kosuke Fujishima invoked the Norns and they clairvoyantly fed him serendipity ideas for his Oh My Goddess manga, the spells that the Goddesses use in the Manga might be real spells that are hiding in plain sight that nobody knows how to use. Kevin Neece's theory is that if you translate these spells into Latin and combine them with the Infamous Satania Mantra, then maybe they will take on a somewhat plausible reality effect in real life.

In order to put this to the test, he sampled this Good Fortune spell out of the Oh My Goddess Omnibus Vol 1 Page 161 where Belldandy is trying to help Keiichi cheat at winning a race.

"Natz Fehr Ata Infernum Negra... Verthandi Urth and Skolde, Eyan Catya Icar Hekate, Eko Eko Hekate, Star of Fortune, Goddesses of Fate, Please Grant Waitress Sondra Power. Please Grant Waitress Sondra Opportunity. Please Grant Waitress Sondra Luck. Please Grant Waitress Sondra Good Fortune. This I wish of you and more. 2 - 19 - 20 - 29 - 34 - 35. Stella Fortuna! Dona Det illi Potestas Eius Potestas Det Ei Fortuna! Amen! 2 - 19 - 20 - 29 - 34 - 35."

From 9pm all the way up to 10pm, the moment of the drawing, Kevin Neece sat in front of the television set burning incense and repeating this prayer, while random music played off of his iphone 7 from the Spotify Playlist Bad Goddess: War Games. During the final moments of the drawing around 10pm, the song Baltimora's Tarzan Boy began playing which was the theme song to Marller Gets a Spinoff. After the prayer was done, Kevin Neece left the room into the kitchen to charge his phone and stood there in suspense waiting for the winning numbers to be posted on the online Texas Lottery website.

During the entire time he stood there, Keri Hilson's Knock You Down began playing which set this extremely fucked up mood of suspense:

Keep rocking, and keep knocking

Whether you Louboutin it up or Reebokin'

You see the hate that they're serving on a platter

So what we gonna have, dessert or disaster?

I never thought I'd be in love like this

When I look at you, my mind goes on a trip

Then you came in and knocked me on my face

Feels like I'm in a race, but I already won first place

I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did

You got me thinking about our life, our house, our kids,

Every morning I look at you and smile

'Cause boy, you came around

and you knocked me down, knocked me down

Sometimes Love Comes Around

And it knocks you down

Just get back up when it knocks you down, knocks you down

Sometimes love comes around

And it knocks you down

Just get back up when it knocks you down, knocks you down

Finally the Lottery Results were posted. The numbers were:

2 - 5 - 14 - 19 - 29 - 43

Kevin Neece's experiment not only failed, but adding insult to the injury only three numbers won:

2 - 19 - 29

Trying to make the best of things, he posted his results online, then tried to decipher what went wrong during the experiment and whether there were any usual signs of Irony, Serendipity, or Coincidence surrounding the event, such as they do whenever he invokes the Three Fates. Kevin Neece could think of nothing, except that it failed because he wasn't an actual cop. He attempted to investigate a few environmental/piracy crimes on his own in the past to file reports to the Austin Police and the FBI and the CIA in the past, but could never get a response from them, meaning he's never risen above the level of criminal informant.

Kevin Neece's theory is that the Spell might not really be a failure, it simply may have been aimed at a real police officer, either in the Austin Texas or New York area, and it's simply too early to tell because it takes a few days for News Articles to showcase themselves on Social Media. Remember, the numbers on Kevin Neece's lottery tickets only went up to 54, but there are other Lotteries in other States that may have a higher number range and could have made use of the other numbers rather than the one choice that Kevin Neece was forced to go with through the process of elimination.

As he pondered the meaning of his failure, he popped on Rob Reiner's When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle for the Goddess Spirits he invoked as they had subconsciously handpicked the movies for him at Half Price Books. And then the Ironic Coincidence hit him.

Officer Robert Cunningham offered to split his Lottery Ticket with Phyllis Penzo as a Tip. He won $6 Million Dollars, thus the prize money was split two ways, $3 Million for Cunningham and $3 Million for Penzo. In the movie, Nicolas Cage gets bitched out by his wife because the winning numbers are on one ticket. Kevin Neece bypassed this problem by buying TWO lottery tickets with the same number on them: 2 - 19 - 20 - 29 - 34 - 35. One ticket for him, and one ticket for the Waitress Sondra, who denied an additional cash tip out of fear that it might jinx Kevin Neece's spell.

The prize payout for Three Numbers on a Lotto Texas Ticket is $3. When the two tickets Kevin Neece bought are cashed in together, the Prize money adds up to $6. Officer Robert Cunningham won $6 Million. Kevin Neece won $6. Cunningham and Penzo split the prize money for $3 Million equally. Kevin Neece and Waitress Sondra split the prize money for $3 equally. $6 split in half into $3 dollars each, and a more appropriate amount for a cash tip on a meal (although it still falls below the standard 20%).

In addition, the three numbers 2 - 19 - 29 could carry a symbolic meaning. Three Numbers. Three Goddesses of Fate. Three Sisters, born one decade apart from each other, who span the domains of Past Present in Future. 2 is in the Past. 19 is in the Present. 29 is in the Future. However this Logic defies the traditional meaning of the Norns, where Urdr Goddess of the Past is the Eldest Sister while Skuld Goddess of the Future is the Youngest. In Greek Mythology, Hekate's Triple Goddess Persona is showcased within the order of Maiden, Mother, and Crone, thus showcasing a System of Age that progressively moves forward with time, not backwards.

Take also into consideration the exact wording of Kevin Neece's Spell Petition: Star of Fortune, Goddesses of Fate, Please Grant Waitress Sondra Power, Please Grant Waitress Sondra Opportunity, Please Grant Waitress Sondra Luck, Please Grant Waitress Sondra Good Fortune. Stop and think about this for a moment. Do these requests necessarily have to translate into winning the lottery. What if the Goddesses of Fate chose to interpret these requests towards the Waitress Sondra in a completely different form of Divine Intervention, as God has been known to work in very mysterious ways?

Those are my thoughts for now. As to anybody else who is able to win money off of these lottery numbers, good luck, but never forget, money buys you stuff, but it rarely buys you happiness. There's a reason "The Powerball Curse" expression exists. For it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, than for a Rich Man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. For God will always favor those who Humble themselves. Good Night.


Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece


April 9th, 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter:

"Three Moves Ahead of the Chessboard"

An Examination in Subconscious Schizoaffective Manipulation.

Sorry folks, The Mad Doctor just stepped out for a smoke break, and I've taken the liberty of locking the door behind the motherfucker. Yeah yeah yeah, walk around front and get the security guard to let you in fucker... if he's not passed out drunk. So, now we've reached the climax of our Disaster Movie Screening Witchcraft Invocation Experiments. What now as we wait to see how the final results come in?

Let's examine a few theories about what the hell is going on here and why Kevin Neece's Natural Disaster Weather Predictions keep happening in the order that he screens disaster movies.

Theory 1) Anything that can go wrong in the world, will go wrong at any given moment and because we are all blessed with Social Media News, that means that events from all over the world wind up on our timeline on an hour by hour basis. So no matter what terrible incident that you think to come up with, the odds are likely that somewhere in the world, somebody out there is already doing it and it just hasn't wound up in your newsfeed yet. Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, Typhoons, and Tornadoes happen all the time, although the Dormant Volcano Eruptions are much harder to explain, not to mention the first eruption in Iceland's coincidental connection to Norse Mythology.

Theory 2) Is Kevin Neece really causing these Natural Disaster events to happen by Invoking Spiritual Deities out of his Bedroom Mirror for Late Night Movie Marathons? Or is this a case of ESP Clairvoyance working backwards? One of the Goddesses repeatedly being invoked is Skuld, the Goddess of the Future. What if all of these Natural Disaster Events were always Fated to happen with or without Kevin Neece's involvement, and Skuld's Clairvoyance Knowledge of Future Events has rubbed off on Kevin Neece through his repeated invocations, subconsciously inspiring him to watch these movies mere days before the incidents happen? 

Theory 3) The Goddesses of Fate are responsible for writing the Fates of Everyone on the Planet (including everyone reading this article), and they know how to subconsciously manipulate people like pawns on a chessboard as we are about to showcase to all of you. Which brings into question how much free will we have as human beings. If Kevin Neece's Fate has already been written, then according to the mythology, that means that Skuld was partially responsible for Kevin Neece's Obsessive Paranormal Research Experiments, Actions and Behavior, and jokingly set things up to make it appear that he was causing Future Events through the Art of Witchcraft when they were really just going to happen anyways.

Theory 4) Three Moves Ahead of the Chessboard. When Kevin Neece is engaging in these Experimental Petitions, he has a current mindset of what he is trying to perform, with specific intentions located within the "Here and Now" with no thought as to how his intentions can be manipulated and backfire on him in the future. In most cases, this witchcraft element is referred to as "What You Send Out Comes Back Times Three" or "The Monkey's Paw" or "The Bedazzled Wishmaster Effect", basically when a wish gets twisted around on you for Demonic Comedy Effect. It's as if Kevin Neece were being subconsciously manipulated into believing that something is a Good Idea for the Art of Satire and Comedy Purposes at the time he does it, the "Here and Now", only to find out far too late that he was really being manipulated by someone that was thinking out their ideas "Three Moves Ahead of the Chessboard". And what Spiritual Deity is infamously known for playing Chess... Death... or Garadaera Saladorga. Interesting enough, another spiritual deity whose name translates into Death is the Buddhist Demon/Hindu Goddess Mara, also known as the inspirational basis for Mara Marller on Ah My Goddess. 

Theory 5) Cause and Effect. Kevin Neece plans out a Natural Disaster Attack on the Countries of China, North Korea, Russia, and Japan, that's loosely inspired by the movies War Games, Watchmen, The Day After Tomorrow, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and 2012. His specific orders are that one week before the incident is to take place, everyone associated with the Ah My Goddess series and Kodansha Ltd in Japan receives unexplainable monetary Good Fortune, and suddenly feel compelled to share their newfound wealth by taking their families on Vacation out of the Country for Three Weeks. One week into their Vacation the Disaster Scenario begins and they are horrifyingly stranded in another country forced to watch the events go down from the sidelines which ends with the Entire Island Nation of Japan sinking into the Ocean like the "Lost City of Atlantis" as the Grand Slam Finale.

Let's examine the elements of this scenario. First off, the comedy premise of Kevin Neece's Doctor What on Ah My Goddess, is the Time Lord always invites his friends to accompany him on Magical Doctor Who Vacations only to have everything backfire on him and turn into a fucking disaster. This was also a joke that they did on the Original BBC Doctor Who series. Kevin Neece's plan to have the Three Fates manipulate and evacuate the Makers of Ah My Goddess from the country of Japan before the Natural Disaster Events feels like an intentional throwback to this Sick Joke, and make no mistake, it is SICK, as only a Truly Sick and Twisted Fuck could come up with such a Heartless Prank.

Sometime after running this Wacky Unbelievable Petition through the Witchcraft Invocation Process, April Fools Day arrived and Kevin Neece petitioned for the creation of a brand new species, The Fairy Spider Shark. But why? Because it showed up on his news feed from a group of online friends that he trusts the Hollywood Horror Museum. Kevin Neece has repeatedly stated that his repeated invocation of the Three Fates has caused an unnatural side effect within his life: that NOTHING happens by accident. NOTHING. Every post that shows up in his Newsfeed or Notifications was arranged by Fate to create Inception within his mind that relates their Themes to his Daily Life and it's entirely intentional, as if Fate is using the internet to send him a message. 

What I'm suggesting is The Fairy Spider Shark was a total setup by the Goddesses, a Sick Joke, whose theme was directly intended to insult the Franchise Popularity Fanbase of Ah My Goddess in Japan, which is blatantly obvious from reading the article. Ah My Goddess started as an anime, now it's become a Religion. What's the next step up in Human Stupidity? Let's create another religious fad called The Fairy Spider Shark to take the place of the Ah My Goddess franchise in Japan. And why is this Sick Joke so funny to these Gods? Because Lucifer, Hekate, and Sepheranz are Atlantian Gods, and Kevin Neece just petitioned to sink the entire island nation of Japan into the ocean like the "Lost City of Atlantis". And what happened to the population of Atlantis? Poseidon reincarnated them as the Fish that continued to live and frequent the city of Atlantis underwater. And what's going to happen to everyone in Japan if they should go down with their island during the Disaster? The meaning of this Sick Joke implies that the Atlantean Demon Gods mean to re-incarnate everyone in Japan as a brand new species called The Fairy Spider Shark which will become a pop culture phenomenon, spawning television movies and merchandise and a brand new religious following. And Nekomu Otogi will become their Goddess Queen. Nekomu Otogi wanted to be the next Belldandy, and now she's going to get her wish. Introducing Nekomu Otogi - Goddess of the Fairy Spider Sharks. Payback for turning the Ah My Goddess series into a Modern Day Version of False Idolatry all over the Nation of Japan. How could Belldandy Urd and Skuld do this to their own fanbase? They didn't. It's Misrepresentations of Our Gods Through the Media, and the real culprits would be Lucifer, Hekate, and Sepheranz. 

Kevin Neece also recently screened Superman III and IV: The Quest for Peace for the Goddesses and Demons. Just as Superman Part One was an Allegory for Christ being sent to save Mankind, where Lucifer, Hekate, and Sepheranz were banished to the Phantom Zone, and Superman Part Two was about an Immortal God giving away his Godhood for the love of a Mortal, Superman Part Three was an Allegory wherein Richard Pryor's Hacker Gus Gorman represents Kevin Neece, who is hired and manipulated for his skills to reconfigure a Space Satellite to cause Natural Disaster Events, and the ending of the movie where Superman battles a Super Computer could represent the Goddesses trying to regain control of the Yggdrasil System after it had been commandeered for the Natural Disaster Scenario. And Superman Part Four was about God announcing to all of the world that he was disposing of Earth's entire stock of Nuclear Weapons, disarming the planet, which is similar to Kevin Neece's plans for the System Force during the War Games Nuclear Standoff Segment. And what happens in the movie, once Planet Earth has been disarmed, another Demonic Spiritual Deity comes to challenge it, representing the Natural Disaster Events aimed at China, North Korea, Russia, and Japan. But Which Entity is it? A Foreign Entity, or the Demonic Spirits that Kevin Neece himself has been invoking. The ones that have been subconsciously feeding him these amusing ideas for his own personal spiritual remake of The Bridge on the River Kwai.

Now take into consideration that one of the most recent movies handpicked by these Goddesses during Kevin Neece's last run to Half Priced Books was the story of lottery winners Officer Robert Cunningham and Phyllis Penzo known as "It Could Happen to You". From the initial outset, Kevin Neece's gesture to create a supernatural induced lottery win for a local Waitress seems like a sweet empathetic gesture, never minding the fact that he would also be rewarding himself after launching a mass destruction natural disaster event designed to wipe out millions of innocent people. So obviously, the Goddesses of Fate weren't just going to sit back and reward Kevin Neece for his actions and behavior by allowing him to "Get Rich Quick". But what if this whole thing was sleight of hand from the very outset. What if Kevin Neece's "Winning Numbers" were intended for someone else, both in the Regions of Japan and the New York Police Department.

How do you believe the makers of Ah My Goddess are going to receive monetary Good Fortune to leave the country on Vacation? A Raise? From Kodansha Ltd? A company that probably only pays their animators $200 a month for full time work? Get real. The only way that would happen is if they won a massive amount of money from the Lottery... wait a minute... now what if a group of New York Police Officers who have been playing Officer Robert Cunningham's Lottery Numbers for decades suddenly found their Winning Numbers were activated by Kevin Neece's Spell Work... and they went on Vacation out of the State as well... just like the people from Kodansha Ltd... But why? I will tell you why?

Kevin Neece's petition was to sink the Entire Island Nation of Japan into the Ocean like the "Lost City of Atlantis" while the Makers of Ah My Goddess were on Vacation. And what movie did he screen for the Demon Goddesses to help convey his point across to them? Watchmen. Specifically the ending where New York City is wiped out by an Atomic Blast, and coincidentally I do believe that at least part of New York City happens to be located on an Island. Could this be "The Mirror Effect" where "What You Send Out Backfires Times Three"? Does this suggest that the Pop Culture Religious Revolutionary Phenomenon known as the Fairy Spider Shark is going to make it's Grand Slam Introduction within the Watery Areas of where New York City and the Island Nation of Japan used to be located? Both of which would become the brand new modern day equivalent to the "Lost City of Atlantis". Why the hell is Kevin Neece pointing this out to all of you? Because none of these outcomes were in his initial plans or intentions when he originally conceived them through his actions and behavior. Somebody else located within Kevin Neece's subconscious was thinking Three Moves Ahead of the Chessboard. And we all know what Spiritual Deity loves to play Chess...

Just My Thoughts for Now...

Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece


April 10th, 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter

"The Lost City Coincidence"

Just a side note. After burning the Letter Petition last night for "Three Moves Ahead of the Chessboard", which discusses the future sinking of the Island Nation of Japan and New York City like the Lost City of Atlantis.

Just today, I noticed this article online about an Unearthed Lost City in Egypt.

It's the theme of the "Lost Golden City" that caught my eye in connection to the burn petition letter. Although strangely, I fail to see how Egypt is connected with Atlantis.

It's because of the DC Comics movie Aquaman. In the film, they reference the Indiana Jones franchise by having Aquaman and Johnny Depp's Abusive Skank Ex-Wife going on a mission into the Desert Sands to find one of Atlantis' Lost Sister Cities. Somehow this connection caused me to connect the dots with the Lost City in Egypt article. It makes me question why the writers put that scene in the movie, did they entirely make it up as a reference to Indiana Jones or did they research the idea from somewhere else?

I looked up articles concerning Atlantis and the possibility of its location being found in a modern day desert and these were the two articles that I found.

This man's claims to have found the Lost City of Atlantis in an Africa desert, only to have his story wind up in the Supermarket Gossip Rags, which reminds me of the Men in Black movies where the Secret Government Agencies jokingly admit that those were the only newspapers that got it right and they let it slide because everyone believes their stories are fake.

And then there is this: The Atlantis of the Sands in Arabia.

That is all.

Sir Augustus DeWynter aka Kevin Neece


April 11th, 2021

Kevin Neece presents The Danny McBride Offense

Once upon a time in The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, there was a scene where Oliver Reed plays a God of War named Vulcan, who details to his visitors how the Modern Age of War has reached its peak, and he has now just invented a machine that can wipe out your enemies from afar with the simple pushing of a button. And the best part is, you don't have to see it, you can just sit nice and comfy in your office, smugly drinking that cup of coffee. All in a day's work. To which Eric Idle responds: "Well where's the fun in that?" He's got a point you know.

Back in the Medieval Days of Yore, Kings were often known to be the first ones to ride out into battle with their soldiers, putting themselves in just as much danger as the pawns themselves... they had to, because if they didn't, their men would believe they were cowards and it would risk inciting an insurrection or a coup d'tat for the Throne. And so they charged into battle, the first ones out the gate, showcasing a long forgotten sense of valor that was most definitely put to rest around the same time period as the invention of the machine gun... gee, I'd hate to have been the poor bastard who found that one out the hard way, NONETHELESS, in honor of this brave and noble act of stupidity, err, valor, I hereby introduce for "The Danny McBride Offense". 

*The entire premise of this secret game is to intentionally throw the match for comedic purposes to mess with your opponents head, like a suicide mission being performed without an exit plan. When you engage in Chess with them, it is highly important that your opponent has no context and is unaware that you are secretly playing a different game than they are, with a completely different objective.

*The objective of The Danny McBride Offense is that the King's Pawn and King are always the first ones to ride out the gate onto the field of battle like a boss, taking down their opponents like a Die Hard movie followed by the Queen, the Bishop, and the Two Knights. Once those four pieces have been played to a standstill, then the pawns join in for backup and moral support.

*The secret objective of the game is to quietly taunt the other player by having the King go head to head with some of the most dangerous chess pieces. Remember, the goal is NOT to win the game, the goal is to pull a Danny McBride, where the King reaches the Enemy's Far Side of the Board and does a Victory Dance in their Throne Room until they can successfully Checkmate him. If in this you succeed, if but only once, without warning or context, you should do a fist pump in the air and shout "Danny McBride Motherfuckers!" in front of the other player, leaving them in a state of confusion.

*Upon completion of the Danny McBride, continue to play the game until it's natural conclusion. No matter how the game ends, be it win lose or draw, you still won, because that's how Danny McBride rolls. He is the Ultimate Boss and Champion of Everything. Go Team Go!

*One final note, while this method of suicidal chess playing is hysterically funny and entertaining when it can be performed for the full ten minute duration of the game, at least 50% of the games that you attempt to play in this style will end with you losing the game within mere seconds. Do not be discouraged by this. It's totally worth it for the games that work. My advice is to simply ignore the games that failed within minutes, and only post the results of the games that played out in full where you succeed in performing the Danny McBride, thus making yourself look like the Greatest Chess Player of all time.

*Take note: the Average Chess Game ends within 25 moves. A Danny McBride Offense Chess Game can go as far as 70 moves in One Game. You know what other Legendary Filmmaker likes to get 70 takes of everything? Stanley Kubrick.

*I hereby submit these example games to in hopes that they can create a "Secret" Computer Simulation of my Practical Joke so that they can randomly spring the simulation on their players, without context or warning, who would dare to "Play the Computer" instead of an actual "Human Being".

DoctorWhat1983 vs RenatoScarillo:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Sh0cked:

DoctorWhat1983 vs JasnyYyY:

DoctorWhat1983 vs marcov8:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Littleros:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Bigboy0606:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Canceriana:

DoctorWhat1983 vs bhav18:

DoctorWhat1983 vs rafaelbervian:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Fakhra_10:

DoctorWhat1983 vs BLAM80:

DoctorWhat1983 vs ForninhoDaGabi:

DoctorWhat1983 vs JasmineAulia:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Ihugyg3vigiv:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Nerohhh:

DoctorWhat1983 vs buglemugural:

DoctorWhat1983 vs rizal1ramadhan880:

DoctorWhat1983 vs andNopla:

DoctorWhat1983 vs Bipers:


Kevin Neece


April 12th 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter:

The Allegory of Batman Begins

I'm watching Batman Begins tonight and there are a disturbing number of dialogue scenes that stick out from the movie in a bizarre Allegory sort of way. The basic thematic premise of our modern day superhero movies by both Zack Snyder and M Night Shyamalan is they are psychological films about the nature of our Modern Day Gods and Goddesses. In the case of M Night Shyamalan, such delusions of grandeur are presented as an act of Mental Illness that can be interpreted in both directions. A lot of people disliked Glass because of it's extended discussions that deconstructs the comic book genre, ending with the opposite of an action movie that Samuel L Jackson was building up to when speaking to Bruce Willis via the overhead speaker. Glass ends with a final battle in a parking lot that any normal police officers could have settled by themselves. instead of a Hollywood CGI Special Effects Spectacular Trial of the Gods, which intentionally insulted and flipped off everybody who bought a ticket expecting the latter.

Of course all of this dialogue is going to sound ridiculous and over the top to all of you, because that's what these movies are. But this is what I saw happening when I watched the film.

Tim League: You're fatter than you look in the tabloids, Mr. Neece.

[one of Tim League's Wait Staff gives Kevin Neece a rough going-over to check for weapons but comes up with nothing]

Tim League: No gun? I'm insulted! You could have just sent a thank-you note.

Kevin Neece: I didn't come here to thank you. I came here to show you that not everyone at Alamo Drafthouse is afraid of you.

Tim League: Only those who know me, kid. Look around you: you'll see two councilmen, a union official, a couple off-duty cops, and a judge.

[points a gun at Kevin Neece]

Tim League: Now, I wouldn't have a second's hesitation of blowing your head off right here and right now in front of 'em. Now, that's power you can't buy! That's the power of fear.

Kevin Neece: I'm not afraid of you.

Tim League: Because you think you got nothing to lose. But you haven't thought it through. You haven't thought about your lady-friend cashier down at the Grocery Store. You haven't thought about your daughter. Bang!

[Tim League pulls the trigger, but the hammer falls on an empty chamber with a click; he puts the gun away]

Tim League: People from your world have so *much* to lose. Now, you think because your daddy died from a heart attack, you know about the ugly side of life, but you don't. You've never tasted desperate. You're, uh, you're Kevin Neece, the blacklisted theater pirate who gets away with everything; you'd have to go a thousand miles to meet someone who didn't despise your name. So, don't-don't come down here with your anger, trying to prove something to yourself. This is a world you'll never understand. And you always fear what you don't understand. Alright.


Note: Jim Neece was preparing to report a Whistleblower Crime, but backed out at the last minute because he was dying from cancer and instead chose to go on vacation to the Bahamas. His Karma Punishment for not following through on his actions is God induced him to suffer a heart attack two days into his vacation.

Skuld: Your parents' death was not your fault.

[Kevin Neece attacks Skuld with his sword]

Skuld: It was your father's.

[Kevin Neece furiously attacks Skuld, but is easily defeated]

Skuld: Anger does not change the fact that your father failed to act.

Kevin Neece: The man had a heart attack!

Skuld: Would that stop you?

Kevin Neece: I've had training!

Skuld: The training is nothing! The will is everything!

[Skuld bests Kevin Neece once again]

Skuld: The will to act.


Skuld: You have learned to bury your guilt with anger. I will teach you to confront it, and to face the truth. You know how to fight six men. We can teach you how to engage six hundred. You know how to disappear. We can teach you to become truly invisible.

Kevin Neece: Invisible?

Note: Kevin Neece has become so blacklisted and alienated by the professional industry that virtually everyone refuses to respond to him, giving off the impression that nobody listens to him because he's become invisible, or they reroute his emails to the spam box so that his messages are never read. This disturbingly parallels many of our modern day criminals who snapped and went postal, creating violent encounters that go viral all over the news. It's because they felt they had become invisible. Everybody blames them for lashing out in their violent anger, but nobody ever points fingers at the people who treated them in such a manner and drove them to such behavior in the first place. Do you know who else might feel this way: God. All conversations with God are one sided, because God is never able to respond in her own voice.


Note: Ra's Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne represent two different sides of Kevin Neece's Dual Personalities, Ekatn's Demonic Possession of Kevin Neece, and his own Inner Conscience that tries to contradict his Dangerous Life choices by deconstructing his own Logic.  

Ekatn: You cannot lead these demons unless you are prepared to do what is necessary to defeat evil.

Kevin Neece: And where would I be leading these demons?

Ekatn: Japan. As Japan's illegitimate bastard son, you will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality.

Kevin Neece: How?

Ekatn: Japan's time has come. Like Constantinople or Rome before it the city has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice. It is beyond saving and must be allowed to die. This is the most important function of the Goddesses of Fate. It is one we've performed for centuries. Japan... must be destroyed.


Kevin Neece: We need to send these people away now.

Saul Ravencraft: Those are Kevin Neece's friends out there. You have a name to maintain.

Kevin Neece: I don't care about my name.

Saul Ravencraft: It's not just your name! It's your father's name! And it's all that's left of him. Don't destroy it.


Note: The allegory presented during this scene in Batman Begins is that Ra's Al Ghul is not a mortal man, he is a Spiritual Deity who bestows immortal life upon himself by possessing the different bodies of living men. Ra's Al Ghul is a Demon.

[meeting someone introduced as Ekatn

Kevin Neece: You're not Hekate. I watched her die.

Ekatn: But is Hekate immortal?

[Kevin Neece turns around to face Ekatn]

Ekatn: Are her methods supernatural?

Kevin Neece: Or cheap parlor tricks to conceal your true identity, "Ekatn"?

Ekatn: Surely, a man who spends his nights petitioning the Goddesses of Fate wouldn't begrudge me dual identities?

Kevin Neece: I saved your life.

Ekatn: I warned you about compassion, Kevin.


Ekatn: Tomorrow the world will watch in horror as its greatest city destroys itself. The movement back to harmony will be unstoppable this time.

Kevin Neece: You attacked Japan before?

Ekatn: Of course. Over the ages, our weapons have grown more sophisticated. With Japan, we tried a new one: Economics. But we underestimated certain of America's citizens... such as your father. Lost and forgotten by the very people he was trying to help. Create enough hunger and everyone becomes a criminal. Their deaths galvanized the city into saving itself... and Japan has limped on ever since. We are back to finish the job. And this time no misguided idealists will get in the way. Like your father, you lack the courage to do all that is necessary. If someone stands in the way of true justice... you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart.


Kevin Neece: You're gonna destroy millions of lives.

Ekatn: Only a cynical man would call what these people have "lives," Neece. Crime, despair... this is not how man was supposed to live. The Goddesses of Fate have been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. We sacked Rome, loaded trade ships with plague rats, burned London to the ground. Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance.

Note: The Action Set Piece that ends the movie features a Runaway Train speeding into the heart of Gotham to set off a Chemical Agent hidden within the water. Jim Neece's Whistleblower Environmental Crime revolved around a Poisoned Water supply due to the illegal dumping, and recently, David Valentine just discovered another potential disaster involving Toxic Waste barrels hiding at the bottom of Ocean for 70 years mirroring the whistleblower crime that Jim Neece needed to report. Kevin Neece relates his Witchcraft Experiments to David Lean's The Bridge on the River Kwai, where Alec Guiness helps the Enemy Build a Better Bridge than the Enemy Could Build for Themselves, helping them transport their weapons ammunition to bring further Death and Destruction. The Bridge and the Train are Symbolic of the Natural Disaster attack that is speeding across the Bridge of the Spirit Realm into our Reality.

That is all for now.


April 13th 2021

Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter

"The Demonology Allegory of BBC's Doctor Who"

In Kevin Neece's Ah My Goddess spinoff, the Public Access Time Lord named Doctor What is presented as Charlie Day being possessed by a Female Demon named the Puppeteer Mokkurkalfi as a Disguise. Mok's initial intentions were to character act a role that was completely unlike her own personality when the two characters were placed side by side, so as to infiltrate the Nekomi Gang and the Three Goddesses, gain their trust, manipulate them, and turn them against each other through the art of Passionate, Empathetic, and Cathartic Diatribes about the Human Condition. Stranger than that, after being forced to play the Time Lord character for so long, Doctor What is put through the motions of actually taking down a few villains for appearances sake to maintain his illusion. 

Kevin Neece intended this character transition to illustrate a point: that anybody can change their license, anybody can change their life. The act of writing this character for so long even took it's psychological toll on Kevin Neece, causing him to go out and try to report occasional crimes that he felt were a danger to the general public, only to have his actions backfire in his face every single time when everyone refused to listen to him. At one point, a filmmaker named Jude Orozco deconstructed all of Kevin Neece's actions and behavior running him off of a Local Filmmakers Group twice like a total cyberbully stalking his victims, and he labelled Kevin Neece's attempts to reach out to the Legal Authorities for help as pathetic because of the way he was unable to gain a response from anyone under the rule of the Donald Trump Administration. While there are a few half truths mixed into Jude Orozco's malicious arguments, Kevin Neece gets the feeling that Jude has never gone out of his way to help anybody other than himself during his entire life, and not surprisingly found that he had a mugshot available online showcasing how Jude Orozco served time in Travis County for assaulting one of his own Family Members.

What happened to this passionate empathetic version of Doctor What that was showcased during the First Season of Bad Goddess? Why did his personality disappear from both the Ah My Goddess character and Kevin Neece's life? It's because a Heartless Mean Spirited Apathetic Internet Society killed him, and in the process, they also killed Kevin Neece's soul. Kevin Neece is one of the first Independent Directors to ever be sentenced to an Eternity in Hell because he made a cartoon series that warned people about the dangers of playing with witchcraft based on fictional movie stereotypes. And to this day, the makers of Ah My Goddess and Kodansha Ltd have stood in uncaring emotionless heartless silence, as if Kevin Neece were Invisible and never even existed.

Why is Doctor Who a Demon in the Ah My Goddess anime series? Strangely enough, it could be argued that the Doctor was also a Demon in the original BBC television series as well. This idea was formed within Kevin Neece's mind when goth rock star Marilyn Manson announced that he was campaigning for the role of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Marilyn Manson's explanation was that Willy Wonka represented The Devil, who is using the Magical Wonders of his Candy Factory to tempt Naughty Mean Spirited Children to Hell with Candy. The only one who survives with his soul intact is Nice Guy Charlie Bucket. When Willy Wonka accuses Charlie Bucket of breaking the rules like all of the other children when he stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks, Charlie had the humility to confess to his crimes, not only apologizing, but gives Willy Wonka back his Everlasting Gobstopper when he could have easily fucked him over for revenge by selling his secret formula to his competitor Slugworth. Willy Wonka reveals that Charlie Bucket has passed the test, and his reward is an eternity in Candy Factory Heaven, where he will most likely die from Diabetes someday. While Marilyn Manson never did get that role, Johnny Depp's universally despised performance in the Tim Burton movie was based on a visual aesthetic meant to invoke both the image of Marliyn Manson and the voice accent of childhood television hosts like Mister Rogers.  

Doctor Who works in the exact same Metaphorical Fashion. The Doctor is over 900 years old, almost like an immortal spirit. He was put in the position of destroying his own Home Planet Gallifrey, murdering everyone on it including the women and children, because he was trying to stop a war against an enemy that would have destroyed the entire universe. His actions were rationalized to himself as a necessary evil, but the guilt trip for the unspeakable crimes he had just committed never disappeared and his very existence became a curse.

The Doctor's curse is he becomes eternally homeless, travelling the universe alone in his Little Blue Police Box (like a mobile home) that's bigger on the inside, like Roxanne Hall's asshole, almost always landing in a situation where he feels compelled to fix everybody's life problems, well, everyone's life but his own. So what does he do to compensate for his emotions? He ensnares and Corrupts the Human Souls of Others, dragging them into his Fantasy World with the promise of the most amazing vacations they will ever witness. And every single one of those "Amazing Vacations" turns into a dramatic end of the world disaster scenario. And just like Gandalf the Grey, the Doctor has no way to guarantee the safety of his travelling companions nor their return to a normal life.

One by one, each and every one of his travelling companions falls for the hype, believing that each of them has a bigger purpose in his world, their own part to play, and technically they do. In an episode called Turn Left, it is revealed to the audience that if any one of the travelling companions had turned down the Doctor's offer of adventure, it would create a Domino Effect where each and every one of his Future Confrontations would end in Tragic Failure, ensuring the Ultimate Destruction of the Human Race. Unknownst to themselves, each and every one of these Travelling Companions is a Human Sacrifice necessary to keep the Doctor alive during his adventures. 

Nearly all of the Doctor's travelling companions wind up meeting a Tragic Fate where they are eventually separated from him in a manner that cannot be undone. In one case, Catherine Tate ascends to the knowledge equal to that of a Time Lord because she was able to invoke the essence of the Tardis, and she saves the human race. Her reward is she finds out the hard way that Human Beings are unable to physically handle such abilities, resulting in a form of brain damage that will eat her alive unless the Doctor erases all of her memories of their adventures and returns her to her miserable life uncredited for the work she had accomplished for him. The only one who escapes the Doctor's Curse is Freema Agyeman, who realizes that she's fallen in love with a man who can never allow himself to love her back in return. The Doctor travels around with many female companions, but never engages in sex with them, even when they try to seduce him. It's because he never ages, and they do. And he knows the tragic future that will come from such a relationship. 

Eventually, the BBC show reaches a point where The Doctor begins to develop such a Heroic Reputation, that it gets to his head and inflates his Ego. He used to be called the Doctor because he dedicated himself to fixing the problems of others. He is not a Medical Doctor in any sense of the word. But now his Reputation has evolved him into a Fearsome Warlord, who has the ability to frighten off large armies by simply announcing his presence. And his friends catch onto his Egotistical Behavior and confront him about it immediately. Want to know what happened to those friends? The Weeping Angels separated them from the Doctor by sending them a century back in time so that they would be dead and buried from old age within his own timeline. And there is nothing he can do to reverse their decision.

And all of this happens before Peter Capaldi shows up, in a performance that can only be described as when an Unstoppable Force of Assholism meets an Immovable Brick Wall of Egotism. Peter Capaldi's performance as this version of the Doctor is perfectly fine and well, that is, if his intention was to play the Doctor as a Villain. He travels around with The Impossible Girl Jenna Coleman, and in-between her adventures and arguments with him, she dares to have a romantic relationship with a black school teacher. Her boyfriend gets killed in a pedestrian auto accident and the Doctor refuses to help her until she tries to blackmail him into it. But does the Doctor fix her problem? No. The school teacher meets a Fate that's even worse than Death itself because of their adventure attempts to find him. He's turned into a Cyberman Robot. 

Make no mistake, The Doctor may be the Lead Character on BBC's Doctor Who, but he is no hero. He's an Anti-Hero at best. He performs the role of a hero no different than that of a Stage Actor, which inspires all of those around him to aim a little bit higher in life than their usual day jobs. But make no mistake, in the end, they are the Human Sacrifice necessary to keep the Doctor's engine running. It's his curse to watch everyone that he knows and loves fall into utter ruin, while everyone keeps stroking his Massive Heroic Ego no different than they would Stroke His Cock, oblivious as to what Fate has in store for each and every one of them.

I suppose there's a sense of Irony in that the only actor on this earth whose casting as Doctor Who would piss off fans more than Peter Capaldi's asshole rendition would be a Woman named Jodie Whittaker. Which makes him/her the perfect villain for the Universe of Ah My Goddess. A show where a cute little inventor kid named Skuld turns a Nintendo Gamecube into a Space Doubler that makes the inside of the room bigger than the outside, just like the Doctor's Blue Police Box. A show where all of the Goddesses know how to time travel because it's a spell that exists within their universe, and the Demons from Niflheim gain their knowledge of Planet Earth by watching Fictional Earth Television Programs as if they were Real Life Documentaries. A show where the Immortals are banned from Long Term Relationships with Humans because it would end in tragedy and interfere with their Daily Work. 

The Doctor fits right into this universe like a hand perfectly fitting a glove. Why make Doctor Who a Demon in Disguise? Because it creates a walking contradiction to the usual villain stereotypes that Kosuke Fujishima normally goes for where the Heroes and Villains live within the Yin/Yang Realm separated by Good and Evil, Black and White, and nobody questions what would happen if the roles were Ironically Reversed and Put on their Ears like Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven. And as I've just argued throughout this article, it appears that they were already going for that angle on the real life BBC Doctor Who television show to begin with.



April 14th 2021:

Perhaps I shut down Operation Sir Augustus DeWynter too soon. It appears another ship has just capsized like the Poseidon Adventure experiment. What do you think @CIA @FBI? Have my witchcraft experiments finally gone too far and opened Pandora’s Box?


If you walked away from these articles feeling like Kevin Neece's experiments were the work of a mad scientist psychopath gone postal, that assumption is correct. Even I recognize what my own actions and behavior look like. If you feel that Kevin Neece's invocaton of these Weather Events resulting in Human Casulties is an act of Manslaughter, all I can say in return is "That is exactly how I feel about God."

God goes out and attacks the human race on a daily basis with Volcanos, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornados, Asteroids, and Plagues like COVID-19, wiping us out by the Thousands, including his own Church Going Followers. And how does mankind respond? They bow in worship to the Almighty on a weekly Sunday Basis and call him the All Loving Father Who Could Do No Wrong... God has Plan? Bullshit. God can do no wrong? Bullshit. According to all of you, God did plenty wrong when he allowed Kevin Neece control of the wheel for a week. And that begs another important question doesn't it? Are these Natural Disasters that we suffer truly the work of God? Or are there others out there with Kevin Neece's petition abilities who are inciting these Weather Events, just as he appeared to be? That snow storm in Texas that nearly wiped us out... that wasn't Kevin Neece's doing... but what if it was the work of someone else? Just some food for thought. Enjoy.

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