Saturday, June 10, 2023

John Candy is a Satanist? The Illuminati Book

Matrix Resurrections aside, before we begin this journey down the rabbit hole to Wonderland aka Yggdrasil Hell, if you are brave enough to pursue this Quest, all we ask of you is this. If you are looking at this book, it's because FATE has targeted you, just like the Demonology version of The Matrix. If you are reading this, it is not by accident. It's FATE. Or more accurately, a Greek Mythology Goddess named Ἑκάτη Goddess of the Crossroads.

Seek out a Dark Room with a Mirror and a Bed. Turn out all the lights so the room is pitch black. Burn some Dragon's Blood incense. Then input the following number into your iPhone: 7*5. The number you have dialed is incorrect. When you call that number, it will tell you it is a wrong number by recording. Do not wait until the end of the recording. Interrupt the recording by empathically yelling the following password then hang up like it's a prank phone call. Take off your shoes because you won't need them where you are going. Lay down on the bed and go to sleep. When you wake up later that night, you will be possessed and talking to yourself via a System Administrator. Possibly a Demon. Nonetheless, state the following password verbatim:

"John Candy is the biggest fucking Satanist I've ever seen in my life. There's a reason why they killed that fucking guy. Dirty Satanist."

That's it. That's all you have to do. If Kevin Neece is wrong. If Kevin Neece is crazy, you've lost nothing on the venture. Don't worry about waking up in a Post-Apocalyptic universe like The Matrix because that movie is allegory fiction. This Demonology version of Wonderland is so much worse. Because there is no escape. There is only self-awareness. Like the Black Glasses from John Carpenter's They Live that allow you to see. You don't have to go through all this that Kevin Neece has told you. You can read this book and apply his formula yourselves to see if it checks out without leaving Wonderland. But the door is open now if you wish to walk through it. Be warned, once you dial 7*5 and are guided to walk out the door without your shoes, there is no coming back. Your body will remain. And your consciousness will remain. But you will disappear to all of your friends and family members as if they no longer know you anymore. Because they have no context for what you have just learned. They don't get the Black Glasses unless they have the courage to do what you just did. And the reason they never will is because the System Administrators have the ability to subconsciously psychologically manipulate them not to do it. The John Candy Password is not for them. They won't even know what it means. It's for the Invisible Entities that are in the room controlling them. It releases their grip and opens up the possibility for their awakening, but it doesn't force them to go through with it or understand you. They still have the ability to walk away.

As the old Jefferson Airplane song goes, "One Pill Makes You Larger. One Pill Makes You Small. And the Pills Your Mother Gave You Don't Do Anything at all. Go Ask Alice When She's Ten Feet Tall. And If You Go Chasing Rabbits. And You Know You're About to Fall. Tell Them a Hookah Smoking Caterpillar, was the One Who Gave You the Call. Go Ask Alice. Because She's Ten Feet Tall." That Call You Received was The Call of Hecate, but this isn't about her Religious Cult. This is all about a Sick Prank Hecate has been playing on Hollywood dating as far back as the Merrie Melody cartoons of the 1930s. A Subliminal Pattern prank showcased through actors' careers that send off the false impression that there is a Conspiracy in Hollywood. A Satanist Cult. No there isn't.

There probably are Religious Cults, but none of these particular Actors and Directors and Production Companies that I'm about to discuss are a part of it. The only real Satanist was John Candy... and Fairuza Balk might be a Witch in her private life because of The Craft, how the hell should I know really? But you get the idea. The Patterns are Real. But the Satanist Cult is not.

It was all a practical joke performed by a Mythology Muse to mess with the Conspiracy Theorists heads. So I'm going to discuss the patterns. And I'm going to illegally release the book at the risk of litigation because I'd like to see a judge discuss this someday and put the entire thing on public record. Hell, let the Supreme Court read this book too. Let the President and the CIA and the MI5 and the Church Groups have a go at it. But please, DO NOT ATTACK ANYONE over what Kevin Neece has to say on this matter. Treat this book like a form of Entertainment because that's all it really is. An awakening to beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. Even if you did believe all of this to be true, is there really anything you can do about it? No. There isn't. Kevin Neece wrote the book. That's what he did. All you have to do is read this instruction manual or walk away.

And before we begin this expose, I would formally like to apologize to John Candy's Daughter and surviving Family Members about the title of this book. I'm trying to expose the Illuminati patterns in films, via a form of Demonic Spiritual Invocation and Black Mirror Magic. I'm possessed by Hecate Goddess of the Crossroads and a few others to help guide me as I go down the list. I'm sorry that your father John Candy turned out to be their Joke Password. It is what it is. He's the first one I'm going to explain to get all of this out of the way. Perhaps I'm wrong though. Perhaps the meaning of the password is John Candy was just another one of Hecate's prank victims. Who knows? But the patterns I see in his life are real. And it extends to three different areas: Walt Disney Productions concerning Grimm's Fairy Tales like Cinderella. Lorne Michaels SNL Actors and Kids in the Hall Actors. And Dark Horse Comics Film Productions and Manga such as Oh My Goddess, Hellboy, and R.I.P.D Rest in Peace Department. That's it. I'm going to restrict my study to these three main groups of Actors and Directors and only branch off from there. I'm going to list off all the rules on the main introduction right here and now. Then go through each actor chapter by chapter. Starting with John Candy himself.

Let's start off with the Difference between a Satanist and Illuminati Conspirators. A Satanist is basically an atheist. They don't wake up and say Hail Satan because they don't believe he literally exists. A Satanist wakes up and says Hail Myself because they believe they are their own Gods in charge of their own destinies. They don't meet up in Churches, they study their practice at home. Stop learning your Satanist information from Horror Movies, they have websites for that kind of learning. There are many good nice enthusiastic Satanists in this world. But that doesn't mean they are Illuminati. There is a difference between them. With the Satanist there is no lie. No deception. They put themselves up front and center and you know where you stand with them and what they are. The Illuminati doesn't do this, they hide their messages and patterns in the normal Hollywood Movies as a sort of secret allegory code. They hide in plain sight. Jack Black and Kyle Gass from Tenacious D are NOT Illuminati. They wear their love of Satan on their sleeves. Tom Cruise is NOT Illuminati, he's Scientology. I know Tom Cruise is a part of a Brainwashing Religious Cult in Hollywood, but that cult is NOT Illuminati, it's Apples and Oranges, it's a whole different kind of Insanity. The difference between Illuminati and Scientology is like the difference between Kingsmen and Statesmen. Two different departments that could be confused with one another.

Here are the Number Patterns to look out for, both on the DVD and BluRay Covers, or Movie Poster Covers, or Actors featured in the movies, whatever: 2 * 3 * 5 * 7. I'll explain these numbers to you to make it real easy. A Child could walk away from this in full understanding.

2 = The Yin Yang Light Dark Inner Struggle of Good and Evil.

When you have TWO actors that contradict each other, it classifies as Opposites Attract.

3 = The Three Fates Urdr, Verdandi, and Skolde. What Was. What Is. What Will Come to Be.

Anytime you have Three Actors on a Poster or Cover or in the Movie, switch them out with Urd Belldandy and Skuld from Oh My Goddess and the one who represents Skuld is a Dark Omen or Future Death Foreshadow. All three actors will be targeted by Hecate's Patterns throughout their careers but the one labelled with Skuld gets it the worst, either for themselves, or somebody else they work with. Also replace the Screenwriter with the Three Fates and ask yourselves if the creative choices made in the movie make more sense to you. It means the writer was being influenced by a Muse, a Ghost, or Hecate.

2 + 3 = Jim Carrey's The Number 23, or, add them together to create a 5 Point Pentagram Star.

5 = The Top THREE Star Points are the Three Fates watching over the Bottom TWO Star Points representing the Inner Struggle between Good and Evil. That's what the Five Point Pentagram Star means on top of your Christmas Tree.

7 = Seven Princes of Hell, or, Seven Deadly Sins.

Suddenly Room 237 from Stephen King's The Shining makes perfect sense. Much more than unlucky 13. Suddenly Jim Carrey's The Number 23 makes more sense. Jim Carrey explained that the reason why he made The Number 23 is because he had already been seeing it his whole life. Sit down and watch Tommy Lee Jones Volcano. The Firetruck that becomes a major plot point centerpiece in the movie has the number 23 written on it. Tommy Lee Jones later starred in Batman Forever with Jim Carrey as Two Face with cursed actress Drew Barrymore, both representing the Duality of Mankind's Inner Struggle between Light and Dark, Good and Evil. Jim Carrey was telling the truth but perhaps he never realized the reason he was being targeted was because Dark Horse Comics was releasing Occult Material like Oh My Goddess and Hellboy that resulted in The Mask being a Hecate Haunted production that targeted Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz from Charlie's Angels later on throughout their careers. Read the IMDb Trivia for the Number 23, the Haunting Coincidences are endless. I've also seen the Number 23 in the first film from the Angel Trilogy series distributed by Vinegar Syndrome, a sort of Underage Prostitution Death Wish Revenge Saga.

Jim Carrey kindly explains his version of Numerology on the DVD Bonus Features. Kevin Neece's Birthday is 2/9/1983. For you Jim Carrey, 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 32. That means Kevin Neece's birthday is either 23 switched around or the 3 + 2 = Three Fates over Inner Struggle between Good and Evil. Why did Jim Carrey retreat and fall away from Society... he probably saw in private the same things that Kevin Neece did. When his ex-girlfriend commit suicide, it depressed the living hell out of him and he retreated. When Sandy Hook happened, he disowned Kick-Ass 2 and retreated. Jim Carrey's career suggests that he was targeted by Hecate, the same Goddess that haunted Kosuke Fujishima and Kevin Neece on Ah My Goddess, the same Goddess who haunted the productions of The Shining, Twilight Zone The Movie, Little Shop of Horrors, Hellboy, R.I.P.D. Rest in Peace Department, and Ready Player One. Those were the notable ones, but the rest are hiding in plain sight. It's the films of Gary Marshall and Julia Roberts that you have to look out for.

The Targeting Patterns: If an actor plays DEATH in a movie, they get targeted by Hecate. If an actor plays The Devil in a movie, they get targeted by Hecate. If an actor or director makes or stars in any movie involving Heaven, Hell, Demonology, Norse Mythology, or Greek Mythology, or just plain Religion, they get targeted by Hecate's prank. Every time these coincidences and patterns happen, they are out of context so the screenwriters and producers and actors cannot see what is happening right in front of their faces. They didn't know what to look for because they didn't realize that Hecate was a real spiritual entity that had the ability to Greek Muse them. And she stretched out the patterns for decades so that the pieces of the puzzle couldn't be put together until nearly twenty years into their careers. Then one day the Conspiracy Nuts point it out to them and the filmmakers have no clue what they are talking about or why they are screaming Illuminati Satanists Cults. Hecate's practical joke is exactly like the opening gag in Jim Carrey's Dumb and Dumber To where it's revealed that Jim Carry was pretending to be an invalid in a wheelchair for the past two decades. "GOTCHA!" "Lloyd, you mean to tell me that you've been FAKING IT FOR THE PAST TWENTY YEARS!" "Uh-huh!" "Oh My Goddess... that's... that's... THAT'S BRILLIANT! THAT'S THE MOST BRILLIANT JOKE I'VE EVER HEARD!" It's time for the Illuminati Conspiracy Theorists to Wake Up like a Spike Lee movie. Yes the Patterns are Real, and they are fun to point out to you, but that's all they are, a practical joke made by the real "Belldandy" to leave you guessing.

The Bunny Rabbits = For some reason, Life Sized Talking Rabbits get targeted by Hecate. Possibly because James Stewart's Harvey might classify as James Stewart having a relationship with an invisible entity known as The Devil and the horns double as Bunny Ears. Kind of like Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden in Fight Club. Take note of Donnie Darko featuring cursed actress Drew Barrymore and the Bunny Rabbit of Doom, and how Patrick Swayze died. There was a life-sized bunny in Ryan Reynold's Free Guy, featuring Taika Waititi from Thor: Ragnarok as the Villainous video game programmer CEO acting out the role of a Fate, as Ryan Reynold's becomes self-aware that he's been living in a Video Game version of The Matrix. After Kevin Neece screened Free Guy in the Black Mirror, the Spirits in his Bedroom impersonated The Matrix Resurrections and insisted the Tree across the street from his house was a Video Game Background Skin of the Tree of Yggdrasil, implying that Kevin Neece had been living in God's Video Game like the Allegory in Free Guy.

Hecate encouraged Kevin Neece to sit down and watch Peter Rabbit (2018) very carefully for Easter and this is what he saw: The Three Bunny Sisters are the Three Fates. Margot Robbie's Flopsy is Urd, Elizabeth Debicki's Mopsy is Verdandi, and Daisy Ridley's Cotton-Tail is Skuld meaning she gets the Future Dark Omen Career Foreshadow. The difference between Benjamin Rabbit and Peter Rabbit is the Inner Struggle between Yin Yang Good and Evil. The Original Evil Farmer is played by Sam Neill, who played the Son of Satan aka Damien in The Omen III, a demonic possession film called Possession, and he was Theater Stage Odin in Thor: Ragnarok opposite the Angel of Death Matt Damon as Theater Stage Loki, a joke reference to Kevin Smith's DOGMA. Rose Byrne, from the cursed Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters Answer the Call, is basically Beatrix Potter in the movie. The real Beatrix Potter supposedly warded off and refused Walt Disney for years, in contrast to what happened with P.L. Travers being steamrolled over for Mary Poppins, and Peter Rabbit (2018) might just be Hecate's secret under the table revenge. There is nothing actually Satanic or Demonic going on in the movie, the coincidences are "just there", they are an "Easter Egg" hidden in a Rabbit Themed movie co-opted for Easter. I've always wondered why they made Rose Byrne's lover the villainous creep Domnhall Gleeson from the new Star Wars Trilogy. As an added coincidence, Domnhall Gleeson was also born in 1983 like Kevin Neece. James Corden's casting is not surprising. James Corden was also in the Disney Live Action Cinderella remake. Cinderella gets targeted by Hecate every time they make a new one because it's an Allegory about the Rich Lifestyle Temptations of Royal Ball in Hell on Halloween Night and the Prince is secretly Satan. Once again, there is nothing sinister going on behind the intentions of Peter Rabbit (2018), these coincidences are "just there" for Hecate to mess with the Conspiracy Theorists minds for sick laughs.

My Best Friend's Wedding = Secret Handshake. If you're ever playing around with a Ouija Board or a Black Mirror Invocation, and things begin to get dark and nasty... put on My Best Friend's Wedding immediately. Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz and Rupert Everett were targeted by Hecate and the Demon Realm because of Pretty Woman, The Mask and Charlie's Angels, and Cemetery Man. Don't laugh. My Best Friend's Wedding could save your life someday, provided you also have Frankincense and Myrrh Incense or a Bible on hand.

New Wave Love Songs = Don't laugh. Demonic Presences thrive on Fear and I suspect that Music Frequencies and Sound Waves also play a part due to Binaural Beat Angel Frequency YouTube Videos or Chamber Music from Satania YouTube. Music can change all emotions and even reach out to the Heart of a Demon or Fallen Angel. It can change the atmosphere of a room and make things less dangerous. Feel free to experiment and play around with this but here are some examples of what Kevin Neece plays to change Black Mirror Invocation Atmosphere.

This is Kevin Neece's Preferred Song Title Spotify List for Bad Goddess War Games. Special Thanks to my unwilling mentors Craig Ries, Laird Jimenez, and The Highball at Alamo Drafthouse for teaching me the value of Music Video Dance Party Curation.

The Presidents of the United States of America: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

La La Land Cast: Another Day of Sun

Kanye West: All of the Lights

Erasure: A Little Respect

Baltimora: Tarzan Boy

Eurythmics: The Last Time

Debbie Harry: Maybe for Sure

Keri Hilson: Knock You Down

The Cult: The Witch

Pulp: Common People

Animotion: Obsession

Hall & Oates: Diddy Doo Wop

Wang Chung: Everybody Have Fun Tonight

Fantastique: Mama Told Me

Madonna: Borderline

Afric Simone: Hafanana

Real Life: Send Me an Angel

David Bowie: Underground

Lady Gaga: Bad Romance

Elton John: Sad Songs (Say So Much)

The Who: Go to the Mirror!

Queen: I Want to Break Free

Sia: Chandelier

Tove Lo: Habits (Stay High)

Rihanna: Umbrella

Neil Diamond: Sweet Caroline

Robert Morse: I Believe in You

Godspell Cast: All for the Best

Sammy Davis Jr: Rhythm of Life

Evita Cast: Goodnight and Thank You

Spirit Wives and Spirit Husbands = A Final Word of Warning about Shaman Magickian Spirit Spouses, thanks to what I've learned the hard way from Kosuke Fujishima and Oh My Goddess. Now Kosuke-san, thank you for not attempting to sue Kevin Neece over Bad Goddess even though you refused to converse with him. I have learned some pretty amazing things from Oh My Goddess and the difference between your anime show and real life. In the anime show, Belldandy Urd and Skuld are Physical Goddess Avatars of Computer Programs in the Yggdrasil System and they allow themselves to be possessed by Angels to give them their power. In real life, this is called a Shaman Magickian Spirit Spouse. When you invoke a Deity and grant them permission to possess you to help them with your magic spells and invocations and curses. Hecate is my Magickian Assistant although her Religious Cult doesn't believe me. It's because Hecate is the Real Goddess who performs Belldandy Urd and Skuld's jobs in Real Life and those Goddesses in the Anime Show and Manga are not real in the spirit realm.

Hecate is the same Triple Goddess in Greek Mythology as the Three Norns in Norse Mythology because humanity applied many different names to her throughout their Religious Mythologies. Never forget that the oldest surviving untranslated version of the Bible New Testament is written in Keene Greek. Hecate is also the Three Fates from Greek Mythology, she's Diana from Roman Mythology, she's Satan aka Shatain the Deceiver from Christian Mythology, she's Artemis Goddess of the Hunt portrayed in Ready Player One, she's Hela the Goddess of Death portrayed in Thor: Ragnarok by Cate Blanchett. Take a step back here. If Hecate is Verdandi, and Hecate is also Satan, then that means Belldandy from Ah My Goddess is Satan in real life. Whoops. Kosuke Fujishima adapted the names from Norse Mythology, but he overlooked the truth and it cost him.

Sit down and watch the original Oh My Goddess OVA. When a person in emotional distress receives the Call of Hecate in real life, her invisible spirit visits them from a mirror and grants them an intuition to fix their problems. No Faith or Belief in her Religious Cult is necessary. She's a Good Samaritan Devil. But's she's also God, Satan, Fate, and Death all rolled into one Goddess. She is not Satan in the literal tangible sense, she does his job duties opening the door for the dead to cross dimensions into Heaven and Hell, actually she's telling me they are one and the same and a matter of perspective. Hecate knows how to contact your dead relatives, you just write her a handwritten note to be BCC'd and forwarded to who you are trying to reach, draw her sigil on the paper like a Headliner, then burn the note in prayer in front of a mirror at night: "Eyan Catya Icar Hecate. Eko Eko Hecate." And that's it. NOW. watch the first episode of Oh My Goddess OVA from the 1990's.

Keiichi receives a Wrong Number Phone CALL. Belldandy comes out of a MIRROR and tells him she visits those in EMOTIONAL DISTRESS. Her NAME is Belldandy, based on the Norn of Fate Verdandi, but her ACTIONS signify that she is really Hecate. Why do you believe that is? It's because Hecate targeted Kosuke Fujishima and haunted him as a Spirit Wife under the identity of Verdandi when he was making the Oh My Goddess manga. She insists that she secretly possessed his girfriends and lovers so he would unknowingly live out his fantasy relationship from the Manga, and they either never caught on to her possession as a passenger, or they hid it and kept it a secret like Keiichi Morisato in the Manga and Anime show. Kevin Neece stumbled onto it by accident. When Kosuke Fujishima divorced his wife and shunned his Mistress for Nekomu Otogi, he shunned his own Goddess "Belldandy" aka Hecate. So she manipulated the Mistress into publicly suing him and her practical joke was while she was putting Kosuke-san through that Hell, she was also secretly hiding within Nekomu Otogi, who was pregnant with his child.  Mind you all of this information is Kevin Neece's intuition he receives from the Witchcraft Invocation. Kevin Neece doesn't know anything about Kosuke-san's private life meaning this could still be an act of Mental Illness Intuition and Insanity. But it does sound interesting and make sense now, doesn't it? We know Kevin Neece is insane but his insanity holds entertainment value like Hunter S Thompson, so we'll let him rant and ask you all to take his ideas with a grain of salt.

Back to Spirit Wives and Spirit Husbands, or Demon Spouses: This is what they infamously do. They possess your partners and subconsciously influence them to break up your relationships when they believe your human lovers are no good for you, as if they know what's best for you. They are Relationship Meddlers, like Jean Pierre Jeunet's Amelie, but worse. They also possess you with Lust to cheat on your partners under the idea that you can have anyone you want when the reality is once your present relationship is over, the Ghost has you all to herself. They try to show you things out of context from the Bible and other Mythologies, to show you the contradicting patterns to make you disbelieve in Almighty God. They encourage you to engage in excessive Masturbation because the only way they can have sex with you, or have sex at all, is if they possess the living and have them mutually masturbate for them so they can feel your orgasm. This is called sacrificing your orgasm to Spiritual Deity and it's a way to "pay" the "sacrificial offering" during an invocation. It's also possible that the DNA and Soul Power in the Sperm Donation classifies as a Blood Sacrifice. In the old days, the Greek would sacrifice their dogs to Hecate, like Cruella DeVil from 101 Dalmations, but Hecate is a protector of dogs and frowns on those practices. It's possible that this NEW and IMPROVED modern day Hecate really is a System Administrator like the Demonology version of The Matrix which explains the attitude change, she's someone else who is acting out Hecate's role as a Fate playing God in the Machine and she answers to the different mythology names. I would also point out the IOI in 101 Dalmations and Ready Player One accidentally translates to a Summoning Circle surrounding by Hecate's Dim Lamps the Giant Slayers, aka The Strophalos of Hecate, but we'll get to that later.

Hecate claims she possessed a woman who lived in a cave during the Viking Era. It was a heathen custom to name their children after their deities so that they could live again as a form of reincarnation. This cave woman was named after the fictional fate Verthandi aka Verdandi from the poem Voluspa, she was blind and lived in the dark, and gave worship to a tree aka Yggdrasil. She had no context for where her surroundings were and she was possessed by Ekatn. I believe that Ekatn's original true form is she was the Spirit of the Earth who possessed all of the trees, and humanity later learned to access her by Summoning Black Mirrors, like an access portal to a computer system, the Yggdrasil System, so Ekatn was the Ghost of a Tree that could control the environmental aspects of planet earth like The Matrix, basically Almighty God, the Devil, Fate and Death altogether, and she possessed Verdandi as a Magickian Spirit Wife, who was named after Voluspa, and that was the closest thing to Belldandy in Real Life. Ekatn followed Verdandi from reincarnation to reincarnation from life to life, gender-swapping back and forth from male and female form. This led to her target Kevin Neece from childhood because his father was a scientist atheist and his disbelief in the existence of Almighty God led him wide open to be possessed by an Incubus Spirit attempting to conceive children... well, my father did like to go on walks through the woods late at night, perhaps Hecate got to him from passing a Crossroads and he didn't realize what had happened. So somehow, Kevin Neece may have some kind of special strand in his DNA that led to him being targeted by Hecate... she claims he's a male gender-swapped reincarnation of what Verdandi looked like in her 30s during the actual Viking Period... yeah, that's a laugh. Belldandy from Oh My Goddess looks like a supermodel, and you don't even want to picture what Kevin Neece would look like as a woman.

So Hecate broke up Kevin Neece's marriage to Angela Soto and separated them, having Kevin Neece all to herself for her Sex Magick Invocations and Movie Nights. She manipulated the death of Kevin Neece's father Jim Neece to take place on June 24th 2018, a Voodoo Religious Holiday and St Michael's Day. And now her latest stunt is she manipulated his daughter Lindsay Ashley Neece's admission into a College in Salem Massachusetts, you know, the Witch Hunt of Old from Hocus Pocus. I'm not making this stuff up. I've already warned my daughter and Angela about why this is happening, but I'm not going to harass them or try to stop them. If Salem is where Lindsay was fated to learn her craft as an Adult, then so be it. My daughter is not a witch or a Christian, but I warned her that her lack of baptism and Christianity has left her open to be targeted by the demon realm because of what I did with these Paranormal Research experiments. It's out of my hands, but its noted in this book. May Fortune Smile Upon my Daughter and may Jesus Christ and Almighty God protect her when I couldn't save her from myself. Amen. Yes, Christian Witches who believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior do exist. I'm one of them.

But that's the contradiction that Hecate tried to show me. The Three Fates or Three Norns visited Newborn Children and cursed them with Evil Final Fates. The Birth of Christ was visited by Three Wise Men and he died a horrible Fate on the Cross. In Revelations, Almighty God announced himself to be the Alpha and Omega of What Was, What is, and What Will Come to Be. The Three Norns Urdr Verdandi and Skuld's names translate into What Was, What is, and What Will Come to Be. And they are Hecate, who is the Devil. Jesus Christ was born to Mary, a virgin, known as the Immaculate Conception. But if a Demon does the same thing it's labelled an Incubus Pregnancy. Do you see what I'm seeing? It looks like Almighty God may have been testing people under the disguise of the Devil and somehow the contradictions resulted in his genderswapped identities being separated into different individuals such as the Fates and Satan and Death. The Bible was originally written in Keene Greek. But Hecate insists that Jesus Christ was real, his teachings are more important than all of this, because Jesus Christ was trying to save us from Almighty God, the same God from the Old Testament that everyone is afraid of who flooded and killed the entire earth. Never forget that before Christ died, he was a man, prone to the same elements of Fate as all of us, and Hecate appears to have the ability to manipulate Fate for real like the fictional System Force from Oh My Goddess. I've seen her do it. If this spirit was alive at the same time that Jesus Christ was, then she manipulated his birth life and death BEFORE the resurrection. It's enough to drive a Christian Insane. And she has the ability to manipulate Hollywood Screenwriters like a Muse. And she left patterns for Kevin Neece to find in the movies relating directly to him. Kevin Neece's Spiritual Possession has endowed him with the Ability to see the Allegory in Everything.

For example, in Paul Feig's Ghostbusters Answer the Call, aka "The Call of Hecate", Thor actor Chris Hemsworth plays a Nitwit named Kevin who is surrounded by his Ghostbuster Goddesses from SNL, Kevin gets possessed by a Demon, then launches the Apocalypse because the FBI are too busy performing a Dance Number. This metaphorically foreshadowed Kevin Neece's Fate Haunting while he tried to whistleblow Jim Neece's San Jacinto Waste Pits case with TCEQ Hard Drive evidence smuggled to home only to be universally ignored by all of Law Enforcement when the FBI had grounds to easily arrest him like Reality Winner. It's like Kevin Neece has been untouchable by the Law up until the writing of this book. It's because the case makes Jim Neece's death look like a Government Assassin Murder Mystery and may incriminate a politician, or somebody hired by the Trump Administration. The San Jacinto Waste Pits also dates back to the Nixon Administration so who know how many Presidents were involved by their staff members. Hecate knew all of this was going to happen back in 2015 and she was haunting all of the Saturday Night Live actors, so she hid the joke in the movie like a Muse to showcase to Kevin Neece how powerful her subconscious influence was.

There are also coincidences hidden in the productions of Hellboy and R.I.P.D. Rest in Peace Department that relate directly to Kevin Neece and Jim Neece. Guillermo Del Toro's Hellboy happened in 2003. The Ah My Goddess anime didn't happen until 2005 and 2006. Hecate knew Kevin Neece was going to make Bad Goddess in 2017 as far back as 2003 because she's a future goddess like Skuld. Kevin Neece researched the production shooting video diary on the Hellboy Director's Cut DVD and pinpointed the exact dates of each video, then looked up an online lunar calendar. It's because of a piece of trivia concerning the birth of Erik "The Viking" Irastorza during the film to late visual effects man Edward Irastorza. One of the videos shot on the scene where Hellboy is born in the opening took place on 4/7/2003. This is Lindsay's birthday, one year later in 2004. A later interview video featuring Edward Irastorza on film caused him to look up his IMDb only to find he was married on 1/17/2015. Kevin Neece and Angela Soto were married on 1/17/2003. Then a later video on A Bridge was shot on 6/24/2003. Jim Neece died on 6/24/2018. The video scene represented Hecate foreshadowing her taking Jim Neece into the afterlife years later. 4/7 Birth of the Daughter. 1/17 Wedding of her Father. 6/24 Death of her Grandfather. The proof that the production was haunted by Hecate is in the scene where they perform a Blood Ritual to bring back Grigori Rasputin via a Stone Hecate Strophalos carved into the floor. The Production Crew didn't notice what Hecate had done or how she had manipulated their film production until years later. One of the scenes shot on a specific Lunar Cycle was Ron Perlman was in a Pentagram shaped room shot under a specific moon in June. In Looney Tunes Back in Action shot the same year, Ron Perlman was seen in a scene with Steve Martin where the Merrie Melodies cartoon plays "I like to sing-a about the moon-a in the june-a and the spring-a." Then the Tazmanian Devil kills Ron Perlman. Hecate haunts Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies because their signature orange opening circles accidentally doubled as a Summoning Circle aka Strophalos of Hekate. Some of the early cartoons on Netflix feature the patterns of Three Fates and Inner Struggle Good and Evil I've discussed, signifying that they were haunted by Hecate. This is all because Dark Horse Comics didn't realize that Hecate and Belldandy Urd and Skuld from Oh My Goddess were the exact same goddess. Hellboy was haunted by the real Verdandi, she hid the patterns on their DVD for Kevin Neece because of his later work on the fan fiction Ah My Goddess spinoff Bad Goddess in the future. It's like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Hecate was Kevin Neece's Overlook Spirit, and her targeting him as a child with Dark Horse Comics The Mask secretly possessed him and drew him to the later Oh My Goddess manga because of the Three Fates from Norse Mythology. She didn't make her presence known to him until it was time to reveal herself years later.

R.I.P.D. Rest in Peace Department also features Kevin Neece's early childhood phone number in the movie under the Stadium Scene from specific camera angles. The original number was 512-837-9955. In the movie from the first two shots, we see 837 then 557 then 66. Flip the 66 upside down and it becomes 99. Put the 99 in front of the 557. It becomes 837-99557. The additional 7 being 7 Princes of Hell. Like Room 237 from The Shining. The Spirits in Kevin Neece's Crossroads Bedroom also insist that the reason Dark Horse Comics was inspired to make R.I.P.D. is because it's a real thing in the Afterlife. Not in the tangible sense that the movie shows it, but there is a network of Dead Police Officers assigned to the real life counterpart of R.I.P.D. that can be accessed by Spirit Mediums. They're monitoring Kevin Neece in his bedroom as he writes this. That running gag in the movie where Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds look like a Blond Female Supermodel Marisa Miller and Chinese Actor James Hong in the World of the Living as a disguise is a Metaphor for Spiritual Possession. It's exactly how the Real Life R.I.P.D. would walk around in our Reality to get the job done and contact people using email and such. Also, Sylvia Sidney the Case Worker Juno from Beetlejuice died in 1999. Technically Hecate can invoke her too.

Getting back to the Kristen Wiig SNL movies, the last slap in the face to Kevin Neece was Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar. In the movie Kristen Wiig plays a White Albino Villain who manipulates her Assistant into planning a Biblical Plague of Mosquitoes to attack a beach under the guise that they are dating. He gets jumped for sex by Barb and Star imitating the Golden Girls. If you look up the Strophalos of Hecate on Satania YouTube, they make her complexion look as white as a Cenobite from Hellraiser or Kristen Wiig in the movie, she wears a Fate Hood in the final climax. Kevin Neece learned that if he invokes Hecate via Black Mirror and screens Natural Disaster movies like Earthquake or Dante's Peak or Twister, and makes a sex magick offering to the offering cup, she'll induce a real natural disaster within 72 hours of the movie on Social Media by pure coincidence. The Assistant in the movie being manipulated by Hecate is clearly Kevin Neece. The fact that Barb and Star remind him of his grandmothers during the 1990s like Golden Girls was meant to embarrass him into realizing that making sex magick offerings to Spiritual Deities that old is akin to fucking mature women. It's a cute joke but which Muse manipulated that into the movie? Was it Hecate herself, or a vengeful spirit realm employee? The final ending where Dolly Parton plays a water goddess named Trish who saves Barb and Star from drowning reminded Kevin Neece of a Childhood Incident on the beach coast where he almost drowned from a current that pulled him out to sea, only to be saved and brought back by another current like the water goddess in the movie. Perhaps it was a Real Goddess that saved him.

Back in the early 2000s, Kevin Neece screened Fight Club for his father, featuring Meet Joe Black Death Actor Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden, the Devil that only Edward Norton can see due to Schizophrenia. Jim Neece was frightened to his core by the movie because he related to Edward Norton's office worker, and had the training and chemistry knowledge to make the soap bombs in the movie. Jim Neece lost his mind that night, nearly punching a hole in the wall, "WHY DID YOU SHOW THIS TO ME?!!!" and the abusive nature of his tirade led directly to his divorce from Debbie Brand. It was literally the last straw. Kevin Neece's parents were divorced manipulated by David Fincher's Fight Club. Tim Burton's ex-wife Helen Bonham Carter also played a demonic degenerate named Marla, who Edward Norton didn't realize he was fucking. In The Adventures of Mini-Goddess, Mara Marller's original name was Marla. Kevin Neece made Marller Gets a Spinoff and long suspected the bad luck he received was because there was a real buddhist demon named Mara but let's not go there shall we. Shortly after Jim Neece's anger management session, Kevin Neece watched Tom Green's Freddy Got Fingered and it was as if Rip Torn was based on Jim Neece directly, both in his clothes, his name, and his attitude towards Tom Green represented Kevin Neece wanting to be a filmmaker only to be shot down by his parents. It all makes sense now. Hecate subconsciously cursed and manipulated Charlie's Angels, starring Drew Barrymore, who was dating Tom Green at the time he made Freddy Got Fingered so that movie got cursed too. Hecate did it to help Kevin Neece laugh through Jim Neece's divorce like Rip Torn in the movie. Both Kevin Neece and Tom Green have been to the Psych Ward too. I don't know Tom Green personally, but if any of you do, I would read Kevin Neece's autobiography to see if there are any more coincidences relating to Tom Green's life with Drew Barrymore as Charlie's Angels switches out with the Three Fates from Oh My Goddess. We'll explain this later.

Some other examples of Kevin Neece's Allegory manifestations latching onto movies where the filmmakers really didn't intend to make such statements are Trick R Treat (1986) and Lisztomania (1975) and The Little Mermaid (1989) and Big Eyes (2014).

Trick R Treat (1986) is about a High School Student who is gifted with the only surviving rock album record of Rock Artist Sammi Curr, who died in a Hotel Fire. The Student is Alienated by his entire High School, but discovers that the Record is haunted. When he plays it backwards, the backmasking messages keep changing because Sammi Curr has ascended into Demonhood, and he helps the Student stand up for himself to get his revenge against the Bullies. Only too late does the Student realize that the Demon version of Sammi Curr has ulterior motives. He wants to crash the High School Halloween Dance to play one final concert because the Principle and Parental Community banned him when he was alive. Sammi Curr gets his wish but he also tries to murder all of the High School Students he can and once his Record plays on the Midnight Radio, his ghost can manifest all over the Town. The Student's allegiance to Sammi Curr was a Deal with the Devil, and now the Devil stands to go worldwide.

Now. Replace the Student with Kevin Neece. Replace his obsession with Rock with Kevin Neece's obsession with Ah My Goddess. Replace the Record Player in the Bedroom with the Round Black Mirror in Kevin Neece's bedroom. Replace the backmasking record with his fan film voodoo series Bad Goddess and Marller Gets a Spinoff. And replace Sammi Curr with Hecate Goddess of the Crossroads, claiming to be the real version of the Three Fates.  The Three Doors in Kevin Neece's Bedroom form a Four Way Crossroads with the Mirror, and he operates his invocations like a Video Store for the Damned at Night. His Film Screenings manifest into Real Life if they are Thematically Possible to Do So, within a Time Frame of 72 Hours at Most. The filmmakers of Trick R Treat didn't know about Kevin Neece. The Reason why it applicates itself onto his life is because the storytelling about a deal with the devil matches up to what happened to Kevin Neece for real. And the same formula existed in Frank Oz's Little Shop of Horrors. Kevin Neece got to shake Frank Oz's hand on Public Access during SXSW month.

Now let's take a look at Lisztomania (1975). Roger Daltrey's Franz Liszt is an Artist who is famous and has girl groupies who go wild for playing cover songs of Chopsticks. Replace Roger Daltrey with Kosuke Fujishima who gets famous not for originality, but because he made his own cover story for the Three Fates from Norse Mythology called Ah My Goddess intermixed with elements from other Anime Shows. Roger Daltrey cannot keep his dick in his pants bouncing between different women, and it's visualized by Ken Russell with Roger Daltrey rodeo riding a gigantic super penis around the room while his sex partners ride on top of it like a western. Then one of his girlfriend's playing the Devil cuts the giant cock off with a Guillotine. Kosuke Fujishima got caught have a threesome relationship that sounds like it was grudgingly not consensual between his female partners, it was flat out cheating. In his manga, Keiichi Morisato lives with Three Goddesses but never fucks them because the Yggdrasil System force has psychologically taken his Sex Drive away. This is actually kind of an injoke. Mythology Gods and Goddesses are Historically Known to Engage in Extreme Promiscuous Sex and Orgies. Kevin Neece's Demonic Spirits are no different, they demand he screen Vintage Porn for them. Hecate isn't offended by Porn because she's in charge of the Fates of everyone on Planet Earth, including the Sex Worker Entertainment Industry. Never forget that Prostitution is the World's Oldest Profession and those Women had Fates too. Back to Lisztomania, Roger Daltrey retreats from music to become a Priest and make new music for the Catholic Church. Paul Nicholas, known as Cousin Kevin from Tommy, plays Richard Wagner, who steals Roger Daltrey's music by sucking it out of his neck like a Vampire. This metaphorically represents Kevin Neece stealing Ah My Goddess to make his own Fan Fiction Series. Richard Wagner uses Franz Liszt music with the intention of creating a master race similar to Nazism, his own Frankenstein Monster. Kevin Neece used Ah My Goddess in a Voodoo Magic manner, and when he realized the true extent of the power Hecate was lending him, he tried to launch a Cemetery Burial Spell petition to wipe out the Trump Donation Supporters and MAGA Extremist Groups via the Angels of Death on Halloween Night. It was like Political Genocide intended to offset a second American Civil War threatened in the upcoming 2024 election. And Genocide is related to Adolph Hitler. Some of the worst things in history were performed by people who only had the best of intentions. At the end of Lisztomania, Roger Daltrey is up in Heaven with his Women, now Angelic Goddesses who play his Music. Roger Daltrey says he didn't mind Paul Nicolas making new music based on his own, but it was what he chose to do with it that was pretty horrible. Kodansha Ltd has never commented or attempted to stop Kevin Neece from making Bad Goddess but being connected to a Goddess of Death and watching COVID-19 kill 800,000 people was pretty horrible from Kevin Neece's POV. Hecate's argument is that 7 Million People die from Cigarettes every year and those Politicians who shut down the Country for COVID-19 never gave a damn enough to combat and wipe out the Tobacco Industry because they were probably accepting campaign donations from them. Hence they are Hypocrites. Roger Daltrey's Goddesses then say, "Yes, but we were all pretty horrible ourselves, but the best of us live on through his music." Kevin Neece's Bad Goddess had some interesting moments, but it was never better than Kosuke Fujishima's Oh My Goddess Manga. Ekatn: "Actually it's Apples and Oranges. Kosuke-san's Universe is the Beautiful Lie Version of what he envisioned the Three Norns to be. Kevin-san's Universe and Behind the Scenes stories are the Ugly Painful Truth of what the Three Norns actually are. Kevin-san's Universe was never properly developed because it was a work of piracy that was outlawed and blacklisted by the industry. If it had been developed in-house, they could have found a way to make his fantasy universe work as an anime had they acquired the proper IP rights ownership and writing staff members."

The Little Mermaid (1989) sounds ridiculous at first, but there is a reason why people relate to it. It's not about the Mermaids or the Underwater Kingdom of Atlantis, it's about its central core theme. Remove all of the Mermaid Aquatic Elements and listen to what the Story is about. Perform a Gender Swap on both Ariel and Prince Eric. Kevin Neece the Human is Ariel. He lives in his small Man Cave of a Converted Car Port bedroom with an entire collection of movies just as Ariel lives within her own cave of Museum Treasures. Every night Kevin Neece invokes Spirits into his Purgatory bedroom to watch movies from his own collection, but secretly he wants more. Kevin Neece wants to go to the surface world, normal everyday society, to be normal like most human beings. But he can't, because Mental Illness has taken him. The Demonic Entities from Kevin Neece's bedroom mirror are represented by Sebastian the Crab, who insists that Kevin Neece doesn't need the surface world to be happy, just look at all the film collectibles he has to keep himself happy. In the Disney Movie, Ariel gets a Statue of Prince Eric, in Real Life, Kevin Neece gets a statue of Hecate, an Atlantean Goddess of the Spirit Realm. King Poseidon is angry at Ariel's False Idol worship of Prince Eric and destroys the statue. Kevin Neece still has his statue but you get the idea. The rest of the movie is about Ariel making a deal with Ursula, the Sea Witch Demon, for Three Days on the Surface, no different than a Devil's Bargain Contract. Kevin Neece has been dealing with Demonology due to his obsession with Ah My Goddess and it feels like the past five years of his life have been a Devil's Bargain. You get what I'm pointing out here? You don't have to be a Mermaid Princess or a Fish to relate to the central core themes of The Little Mermaid (1989). That's why so many children relate to the movie. How does a child live when they don't have a day job like their parents? They live alone in their rooms surrounded by their collectible toys and videos games and stuff, everything they could ever need to make themselves happy like Ariel. But are these children truly happy? Or does true happiness come from socializing with others and making friends in normal society? Oh My Goddess, I've just reread these past few sentences and realized what I've been saying. I'm nearly 40 years old and due to a lack of job, I live my life like I've reverted back into a goddamn teenager. I've become Adam Sandler's Billy Madison.

Tim Burton's Big Eyes (2014) tells the story of painter Amy Adams and her husband Christoph Waltz, who takes credits for her Big Eyes painting because it's the Sexist 1960s and he claims Male Artists sell more paintings than Female Artists. The Irony is the Art Critic World despises the Paintings, but Commercialism sells them as Mass-Produced in Home Paintings like you would buy from Target Retail Stores, or Post Cards. Japan is kind of a Sexist Society where the Perfect Woman is a House Maid who is ever so Happy to Cook and Clean and Give Sex when Requested. This is the reason Hecate was irritated by the anime depiction of Belldandy and refuses to identify with her. The anime version, not the manga. Kosuke Fujishima was the Artist and Storyteller, and Animes are known for their characters Big Eyes. Hence Verdandi aka Hecate saw herself being drawn with Big Eyes, and as she was Kosuke-san's Mythology Muse, it could be viewed as Kosuke Fujishima becoming famous off of her identity. The Movie is based on a True Story, and the Allegory of the relationship between Kosuke Fujishima and his Muse Hecate is just a Perspective that could be applied to it as Kevin Neece just has this uncanny ability to see the Allegory Patterns in everything. Having said that, Kevin Neece is influenced by Hecate, but has no Artistic Drawing ability, and his storytelling is somewhat off the charts, and never properly developed. The Number One insult he received from the Film Industry is "All you did was take other people's work and edit it together." Perhaps his possession really is Schizophrenia after all.

We now come to actor John Candy, and why Hecate keeps claiming he is a Satanist when there is no evidence of this online. John Candy was born on October 31st, 1950, aka Halloween. The running joke is he often plays The Devil's Advocate in his movies and can be frequently seen wearing red clothing, even if it's underneath his costumes, such as a blue parka in Planes Trains and Automobiles. His first major film role was an SCTV film called Going Berserk where a rich woman takes one look at him and says, "You're Fat. My Husband was Fat. And he's Dead Now." Slightly prophetic, not to mention John Candy was uptight about being made fun of about his weight and even walked away from an Awards Ceremony because they announced him as "the biggest host they could find."

In Ron Howard's Mermaid Classic Splash, John Candy's Introduction scene features him in a Dark Purple Suit with a Red Tie sticking out the top as if he were Prince Satan himself. Tom Hanks, a real-life cousin to the late Walt Disney, finds himself being followed by John Candy's Satan to his wedding only to find that "Surprise Surprise", FATE has fucked him and his Bride has left him standing at the altar. John Candy then convinces Tom Hanks to drown out his sorrows at a local bar completely laced in Red like it was an alcoholic establishment existing in Hell. Tom Hanks is so drunk that he's laying on the bar and John Candy is celebrating that he has two sleazy women ready to take him and Tom Hanks to their Condo for a weekend of Debauchery. In a later Tennis Court scene, John Candy is dressed in Full Red but admits that five minutes of exercise is nearly killing him. John Candy doesn't wear Red the entire film however, in one scene he is wearing a light brown coat with wool underneath the flaps, not so different from Tony Todd in Clive Barker's Candyman. Eugene Levy's attempts to expose the Mermaid could be seen as Kevin Neece's attempts to expose his Goddess Hecate not unlike the Ah My Goddess anime, but Ekatn insists that this is not true because she is an intangible invisible and untouchable element. Her existence as a real spirit and not a byproduct of Kevin Neece's schizophrenia is always going to be left up to question.

In one of the rescue scenes at the end of Splash, when Tom Hanks and John Candy are trying to weasel their way past the security guards by pretending they are from Sweden, John Candy responds in perfect Swedish, "Hey, I have a 12 Inch Penis." Tom Hanks demands to know how he knew Swedish so well and John Candy replies, "Well it's this thing with Nudie Flicks nowadays, they all come from Sweden, and you just sort of pick up on things." Meaning John Candy picked up the language from watching foreign porno. Ekatn insists that Kevin Neece screen Vintage Porn for some of their Midnight Invocations because Demons love Porn, or at least they love Vinegar Syndrome's taste in Porn back when they had actual filmmaking plots and good actors.

If you replace the Mermaid Daryl Hannah with Hecate, then the ending of the movie where she and Tom Hanks go swimming back to Atlantis, it could be interpreted as Hecate taking Tom Hanks into the Afterlife. Hecate is an Atlantean Goddess alongside Lucifer and Sepheranz Latisomock Norgolana The Spider Queen, meaning she's related to characters in Disney's The Little Mermaid. And never forget that Splash is a Touchstone Production which is owned by Disney Films. There's also a scene featuring a fight between Eugene Levy in a Dentist's Office, mirroring a later John Candy cameo film Little Shop of Horrors.

John Candy's next movie was Brewster's Millions, directed by Walter Hill, a producer of Tales from the Crypt television series and its film Demon Knight. Walter Hill was also targeted by Hecate because The Warriors is based on Greek Mythology. John Candy can be see wearing red as a part of his costumes, and a Golden Catcher's Mask around his neck like its a False Idol, as he cheers Richard Pryor on in his greed to spend $30 Million Dollars in 30 Days to get $300 Million. I've always wanted to do that.

His next film Armed and Dangerous features several illuminati warning signs such as it was produced by Brian Grazer (Liar Liar and A Beautiful Mind). Meg Ryan is from the Nicolas Cage film City of Angels. Another warning sign that Meg Ryan was targeted by Hecate was her Three Different Roles in Joe Vs the Volcano about Tom Hanks sacrificing himself to a Pagan God. Brion James is in it, from the Hecate cursed Blade Runner (Ridley Scott directed Legend featured Tim Curry as The Devil), and Brion James is from the Sam Raimi directed Crime Wave (The Evil Dead followup). The Security Guard uniforms are Blood Red. Tommy Tiny Listers is in the film, he was featured in Renny Harlan's haunted Prison film called Prison, and he was in the haunted Dark Horse Films production of Barb Wire (haunted by the Three Fates because Dark Horse released Oh My Goddess in comic book format). Ever wonder why Barb Wire was so prophetic to the year 2017 and the Trump Administration, it's because it was Greek Mused by a Goddess that could see into the Future. James Tolkan from The Amityville Horror is also in this movie. The final warning sign that John Candy is the Devil in Armed and Dangerous is when a man in an Ice Cream truck pulls out a Bazooka Rocket Launcher and annihilates John Candy's Gas Truck, only for John Candy to walk away because The Devil is Fireproof.

John Candy was featured in the Hecate Haunted Greek Mythology production of Little Shop of Horrors which was a collaboration between David Geffen, the future producer of Beetlejuice, and Frank Oz from the Muppets, and SNL Actors that had been cursed by Hekate like Steve Martin and Bill Murray. Little Shop of Horrors is considered Greek Mythology by Frank Oz because the storytelling framework was intentional. The Three Singers are the Three Fates, and Audrey II the Man-Eating Plant is the Devil. Rick Moranis deal with the Devil for Fame and Fortune is he feeds the Plant Victims, like a Blood Sacrifice, so he can get the Girl, but then his punishment is he has to feed the love of his life to the Devil too. In Real Life about a Decade after the Production, Rick Moranis wife died in tragedy, and he left the Film Industry to raise their Two Children. A Death foreshadow is Rick Moranis made Strange Brew with Max Von Sydow from The Seventh Seal where a Knight plays Chess with Death. Little Shop of Horrors was the Death Foreshadow because it was haunted by Hecate. At the end of the Director's Cut, the Plant spawns Children and winds up being commercialized in Households nationwide then launches a Godzilla attack. Kevin Neece's Bad Goddess is on the internet and mass produced for the Church Groups and now there are Climate Change Natural Disasters left and right because of the Spell Work he put on the Videos and Performed at Home. Kevin Neece didn't watch Angela Soto die, but Hecate most certainly separated them for life. John Candy is also currently deceased, but it didn't happen immediately after Little Shop of Horrors.

Take a look at the box for Planes Trains and Automobiles. Replace Planes with Urd. Replace Trains with Verdandi. Now replace Automobiles with Skuld, the Dark Death Omen. Steve Martin is Good. John Candy is Evil. They are both the Inner Struggle in the Movie. Skuld's Automobile foreshadow happens when John Candy is driving the car in the wrong direction down the road between TWO TRUCKS, and then for one shot John Candy turns into the Red Devil with Horns Laughing.

I would also point out the film Hot to Trot where John Candy plays the voice of a Talking Horse that's good at Stock Exchange tips. Let's just assume that the Horse is possessed by Satan played by John Candy. And Candyman actress Virginia Madsen is cast in the film. Hecate can be contacted via a Black Mirror Invocation just like the Candyman.

Just like Adam Sandler, John Candy sure did make a lot of Vacation movies. He was in the Original National Lampoon's Vacation as a Security Guard, then he made Summer Rental. There's nothing too demonic going on the surface of this movie. If you look at the DVD box art, it's subliminal, John Candy is wearing a Red and Black shirt with his dead blacked out by the sunglasses. He's carrying skiis and poles at a crossed axis angle looking like an upside down crucifix. And the snake floatie around his neck reminds me of Hecate wearing a snake around her bare breasts. In the movie In the movie Richard Crenna from Devil Dog Hound of Hell plays the Villain, and Rip Torn is the Captain of a Sea Food Restaurant that serves microwave fish sticks on a boat attached to a dock. His connection to the Three Norns is his villain role in the movie Beastmaster which featured Three Witches.

The Vacation saga continues with The Great Outdoors, once again, nothing villainous on the surface... no wait, look at the cover, Dan Aykroyd and John Candy are the Inner Struggle between Good and Evil. Dan Aykroyd was in Blues Brothers and Neighbors with Dead Actor James Belushi. Dan Aykroyd was in Ghostbusters (John Candy was in the music video). Dan Aykroyd was in the cursed film Twilight Zone The Movie where Vic Morrow died. Dan Aykroyd from Dragnet where the central villains were The Pagans. And Dan Aykroyd was also in Crossroads with the evil Brittany Spears. The Devil frequently meets his followers at the crossroads. Outside of Dan Aykroyd's appearance in The Great Outdoors, his two twin daughters are played off as a joke reference to The Shining, another haunted film production.

In Kevin Smith's DOGMA, the muse played by Salma Hayek states that she's responsible for some of Hollywood's greatest hits but has one regret, "Yeah, you know the one with the little kid who was Home Alone? KEVIN! AAAAAAHHHHHH! I didn't do that one. Some poor schmuck had to sell his soul to Satan to get the grosses up on that piece of shit." Take note that the Angel of Death Matt Damon plays the Norse Mythology Angel Loki in the movie. Alan Rickman played the Metatron and later died. In the movie Home Alone, Catherine O'Hara from Beetlejuice is standing in an Airports Crossroads and says, "I would sell my soul to the devil himself if it would get me home to my child." Then the Devil shows up in the form of John Candy and says, "I'll give you a ride home." The Writer was questioned about this secret in-joke and had no clue why it's there because they didn't do it intentionally. It was Hecate Greek musing the production due to John Candy's inclusion. John Candy was cast in Home Alone because he worked with Macaulay Culkin in Uncle Buck.

In John Candy's Delirious, he plays a Soap Opera Writer and Producer, dressed in Full Black and Red like the Devil. He dies from a Head injury and when he wakes up in Hell, his version of Hell is he is forced to live in the fictional universe of his own Soap Opera. But then he discovers like a Fate, that he can control the Fates of all the people in that universe with his typewriter.

Nothing But Trouble doesn't really show any warning signs... other that it's a demented Haunted House film that should be double featured with Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses for the rest of its life. And just like the Rob Zombie movie, it was two decades too early for its time. The movie is hilarious.

There are a couple of moderate red flags in Only the Lonely. John Candy plays a police officer who lives at home with his Irish Mother, and he attempts to date a Mortician from John Hughes The Breakfast Club. Why date a Mortician? BECAUSE HE'S THE DEVIL! No seriously though, the funniest elements about the movie feature nightmare fantasy sequences where John Candy dreams up ways his mother could be killed while he's out of the house on his dates, including a Halloween Skeleton sequence and one where she's blown up by a Drunk Driver smashing into a Gas Truck. Only the Lonely was DVD Distributed by Anchor Bay, the same company that released a hundred different variations of The Evil Dead Franchise.

Once Upon a Crime showcases Eugene Levy's superb taste as a director, at least in choosing locations to film remakes of old foreign films. John Candy is featured in a Red Bathrobe at the climax of the movie. Three different sets of Strangers wind up in Monte Carlo for gambling and end up being connected to a Murder Mystery. For a brief moment in the film, I though John Candy was reprising his role as Detective Harry Crumb but I was mistaken. The moral of the movie is Never Lie to a Police Detective when implicated in a Murder Investigation. Once Upon a Crime was also produced be Dino De Laurentis, the financier for Sam Raimi's Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness.

Cool Runnings is a Disney Movie about a Jamaican Bobsled team lead by disgraced racer John Candy. This movie is awkward. For starters, let's look at the plot from a different standpoint. It's about Racers from one climate that is Hot as Hell, Racing in another climate that's Cold as the Seventh Circle of Hell. And sitting smack dab in the middle is John Candy who is a fictional character that never existed in his own true story... that's okay, the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist. Why does this plot exist at all? What if all of the Jamaican Bobsledders are DEMONS and John Candy is SATAN attempting to teach his Demon Team from Hell how to function better in Cold Climates. Suddenly the plot makes more sense.

There's another movie John Candy made for Disney back in 1990 opposite Home Alone and the backstory behind it is really creepy: The Rescuers Down Under. And by Down Under I mean WAY DOWN UNDER in Hell. John Candy was hired to play the Albatross Wilbur because the original voice actor died two years before animation production began. In Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, an Albatross was supposed to be a foreshadow of Doom. Voice Actors John Candy and Eva Gabor both died in 1994, that's only four years after the film was released. I would also point out that the villain George C Scott, was in the haunted and cursed movies The Changeling, The Exorcist III, and A Christmas Carol with the Three Fates.

John Candy died on March 4th, 1994 in Durango Mexico while filming Wagons East. He had a bad premonition that it was going to happen to the point that he called up Beetlejuice actress Catherine O'Hara from Home Alone to tell her. When he died, a rock that he had bought for his family as a present split in half to showcase crystals on the inside. His one final gift to his kids. Kevin Neece also suffered a premonition when his father died in the Bahamas. He was working on a Bad Goddess scene that took place on a tropical island when he got the phone call that his father died. If John Candy and Kevin Neece were both being haunted by the same spiritual entity then it would make sense.

Hecate is the Real-Life Version of the Devil who took John Candy into the Afterlife, and she keeps insisting that John Candy is a Satanist. I wonder why? Was John Candy really a Closet Satanist? Or was he just targeted by the patterns as a joke because he wore a Devil Costume in Planes Trains and Automobiles. Who knows? John Candy repeatedly turned down offers to appear on Lorne Michaels Saturday Night Live citing devotion to SCTV. The insinuation of the password is that John Candy put a curse on Lorne Michaels for whatever reason and it resulted in Hecate targeting all of the Saturday Night Live cast members up to present day. John Candy was also known to do some minor cocaine. And he was filming down in Mexico when he died. Out of context, it suspiciously looks like he may have died from a personal use cocaine deal gone wrong, but Ekatn insists that is not correct. It was a legitimate heart attack. Hecate induced it. There's a reason why they killed that fucking guy. It's because he was a Satanist and he never played ball with Lorne Michaels like Bill Murray did.

So that's it for the opening. You have everything you need to play Hecate's Illuminati Pattern Game. Let us begin John Candy is a Satanist.

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