Friday, June 16, 2023

The Frailty of Religious Perception vs The Dueling Identities of God

Kevin Neece has been tweeting some really strange blurbs today that look like the patterned writings of a religious sociopath gone mad with theological conspiracy. And yet, strangely at the same time, if you can bring yourself to read between the lines, there appears to be a Method to his Madness, if only by accidental awareness. Do you follow me down the Rabbit Hole Alice? Now it's time to put down the Matrix on your iPhones class and pay attention because this may find itself on the Final Exam.

"Pattern: Three Norns visit Newborn Humans to Curse them with Fates that End in Horror. Three Norns can Gender Swap. Jesus Christ visited by Three Wise Men upon his birth. Jesus Christ tortured mutilated and crucified for claiming to be Son of God."

"Three Wise Men who visited the Birth of Christ were possessed by Three Norns Verdandi Urdr and Skolde. The Norns are Hekate Triple Goddess of Crossroads. Hekate is also the Devil. Three Wise Men were secretly The Devil in Disguise paying respects to the Birth of Christ"

"Three Norns are in charge of Fate. Jesus Christ had a Fate and a Destiny. The Three Norns are Hekate. Hekate is the Devil. Why is Christianity responsible for the Worst Crimes and Sins of Human Nature in History? Because Jesus Christ’s Destiny was manipulated by Fate."

"Christianity is responsible for the worst crimes in human history. Trump Crime Family claims to be Christian. Manipulates Christian Voters to recruit Extremists via QAnon. Hekate claims Trump is the Anti-Christ. Christians claim Trump is Jesus. Beware the Self Righteous"

"Christian QAnon Extremists and Gun Rights Advocates planning Civil War if Trump loses Election. Trump may be planning for another Republican Candidate to stand in his place as President while following his orders and advice like a Puppeteer. Even from in a Prison Cell."

"Conclusion: Our Entire Human Perspective of Religion has been a Falsehood throughout History. The Fate of Jesus Christ and Christianity itself was as much manipulated by Satan as all of the other Necessary Evil in this World. This is why Church and State remain separate."

"Corrupt Republican Politicians pass Hypocritical Legislature based on their Religious Views. By doing this, they are breaking the separation of Church and State needed to Protect America from itself. Religion is destroying America because Christianity is a Trojan Horse."

"For more details see Captain America: The Winter Soldier aka How Hydra Infiltrated Shield and Manipulated Their Infrastructure from the Inside. There’s a reason why that plot element exists. The Downfall of every Major Society always first showcases itself via the Arts."

"Riddle Me This Covfefe: If the Devil is a Lawyer, and a Damn Good One at That, then Why can’t Donald Trump ever find a Lawyer that isn’t an Incompetent Jackass (His Words Not Mine)? Because even the Best Lawyer on Earth cannot save a Man as Inherently GUILTY as HE IS."

"To Paraphrase the Lawyer from Scarface: “I can move mountains when it comes to convincing juries, but when you’ve got $2 Million Dollars in Cash staring into the camera of an Undercover Sting Operation, it’s hard to convince a Jury that you found it on the Subway.”

Kevin Neece's "Patterns" reminds me of the Police Detective from Dark City, played by Colin Friels from Darkman. The Detective was assigned to follow a case and when he figured out the truth, his perception of Reality had become so ripped apart that his claims about their City being the result of a Psychological Experiment could only be viewed as Insanity. But he wasn't lying now was he?

So far, the Ideology that Kevin Neece's Goddess seems to be inferring leads to this What If Realization: Have the Spiritual Entities of Almighty God, The Devil, and the Grim Reaper all secretly been the same person the entire time throughout Human History? It was Man who wrote Religious Mythology. It was Man who invented the names and chose to apply those names to God based on how his actions and behavior were perceived by him.

But God is an invisible entity. If we see Fate give us a helping hand, we say that God or a Guardian Angel is watching out for us. When we see Fate kill off one of our friends or our relatives, we say that the Grim Reaper has taken them home to the Afterlife from where they originated, thus implying the existence of Reincarnation. But... when we see Fate being Cruel in a manner that could be considered Cruel, Insensitive, Unjustified, Desensitized, we name that entity The Devil, unaware that she was secretly God the entire time. And able to impersonate different Genders being that she is an unseen force of nature and existence.

Thus leading to the idea that perhaps all of these different mythologies are simply the same God under different identities, both Good and Evil. And Mankind has done itself the greatest disservice in its inability to stand back and allow Science to give explanation to their Mythological Fairy Tales that provide excuse to their Terrible Behavior. 

I have no doubt that the Paranormal Researchers and Catholic Church Exorcists have all seen the Nasty Side of God's Coin, the Demon Realm itself, with their very own eyes, but ask yourselves this. When you call forth invocation of a Spiritual Deity on a Ouija Board because you were educated by a Fictional Horror movie, do they give you what you paid to see? Is it all a performance act by a Ghost that is humoring your misconceptions? 

Kevin Neece got the Spirit Realm version of Ah My Goddess because he wanted to believe such a universe could exist. The reason why all of you got the Demonic Exorcist version was because it's what you all paid to see. Not all Demons are necessarily evil. We just give you what you ask for when you petition to see us. In the end, you get what you pay for. Nothing more and nothing less. And all of you fucking idiots paid to see a William Friedkin horror movie.

The Evil Dead is BULLSHIT. Why the fuck would a Demon who spent centuries trying to escape from Hell, who was finally being given a second chance to live again in a human body, go out and incite a foul-mouthed braggart to turn around and dismember them with a chainsaw? You know what the first thing I wanted to do was? Take a nice shower and feel the water running down my body. Eat out at a restaurant. Go to a movie. Get a good night's sleep in an actual bed. All of the things these stupid mortals take for granted because you're all too busy fighting with each other over your human created religions. Don't get religion. Get fucked. Stop looking for Jesus because he clearly doesn't want to be found. You don't have to call on him because he'll call you. You hear me. HE'LL CALL YOU.

Ooh... Waffles... End of Message...

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