Friday, June 9, 2023

Fictional Horror Movies That Became True

Fictional Horror Movies That Prophetically Became True

I was watching the recent 4K UHD release of Stuart Gordon's From Beyond and it suddenly hit me while I was watching the film. Everything presented in the movie back in the mid 1980s must have looked like a total fantasy back then, but today thanks to Satania Youtube, it's theories have now become a reality.

Now hear me out. FROM BEYOND is about an Alternate Dimension of Demons that people see when they awaken the Pineal Gland, also known as The Third Eye. In the movie the awakening of the Pineal Gland is performed by a large machine that sends vibrations through the entire room to awaken the Pineal Gland. Well that's what we have today on YouTube. A Bunch of Sound Vibration Angel Frequency Videos that you wear Headphones to listen to and the vibrations stimulate your Pineal Gland. Never forget that the earliest versions of Computers used to take up an entire High School Gym and now all of that fits in the palm of your hand thanks to iPhone Technology. But awakening the Pineal Gland comes with a warning, a dark side. The videos on Satania YouTube warn you that there are Negative Things you will begin to see that will try to target you. Like seeing Dead People or Shadow People. Well, how is that NOT the plot of H.P. Lovecraft's FROM BEYOND in real life? FROM BEYOND came true, it's now called Satania YouTube or Angelic Frequency Videos.

The next question is, what other movies came true. EVILSPEAK. In the movie Clint Howard, aka Director Ron Howard's brother, finds an old demonology book and begins to type up all of the mantra into an old school computer. Because you know, those kinds of computers are extensively dumb and only know the knowledge that you put into them. When Clint Howard finishes uploading the entire book, the computer becomes possessed by evil spirits that speak to him and he becomes obsessed with performing the rituals. One of the Cursed Books of Demons that you reportedly never want to keep in your own home is The Lesser Key of Solomon, which details the summoning sigils and jobs of different demons. Supposedly if you keep one in your home, you will suffer bad luck, pages of the book will turn themselves, and books will go flying off of your bookshelves. Well, I have a copy of the book lying next to my bedroom mirror and nothing has happened as of yet because I'm already surrounded by demons. Satania YouTube has just pulled an EVILSPEAK by uploading those sigils into video format for you, and they include summoning mantra that wasn't featured in the original Lesser Key of Solomon book making it even easier. This mantra was stolen from Ancient Texts all for your convenience. All you have to do to summon these entities now is rip the sigil videos, burn them to DVD-R, screen them into a large mirror at night, burn the right incense, and chant the mantra along with the video and eventually an invisible entity will begin to respond to you like a Ouija Board invocation. When they speak to you, it will be a spirit medium schizo experience like Willem Dafoe speaking into the mirror in Spiderman. EVILSPEAK became true, no evil bloodthirsty pigs necessary. It simply goes by the name of Satania YouTube.

What about THE VIDEO DEAD? That movie was about a Special Television Set that unleashes Zombies from another Dimension into the Real World. Rather brilliant as a form of satirical commentary. Televisions creating Zombies. Well, today almost all television sets are large flat screens that can double as Black Mirrors when the television is turned off. What this means is if you just turn off the television, light up some religious candles and burn some incense, you can use your television set to contact the Demon Realm because it's a Black Mirror. The scary part is these television sets are used everywhere, including your local churches that light up candles during the worship service. White Candles. Black Candles. What's the difference? So basically, Invisible Spirits and Demons can entire your homes through your television sets and your mirrors at light, or just any dark reflective surfaces such as your windows and have probably already done so without you realizing it. So THE VIDEO DEAD has already happened. Just combine it with the Third Eye Pineal Gland Stimulation videos like FROM BEYOND and you'll begin to see what's been lurking about your own home. Ever notice how stories of Ouija Board interactions feature the Demon knowing everything about you, as if it's been stalking you your entire life and you just didn't know it was there?

THE VIDEO DEAD goes much further than you think it does. Stop and ask yourselves, does your television set only function as a Black Mirror when it's turned off? What if the Demons have been entering your home every Saturday Night when you watch Saturday Night Live because it's run during the Witching Hours? What if Late Night with Jimmy Fallen is actually Demon Night with Jimmy Fallen? Well, guess what, there's a movie for that too, it's called THE BRAIN, and it features David Gale from RE-ANIMATOR. Now mind you, THE BRAIN itself featured in the movie isn't real, but the Television Show that subliminally hypnotizes the American Public... stop and ask yourselves, is it Saturday Night Live? I mean really think about it, all Saturday Night Live and Late Night Talk shows do is engage in Political Humor, as if they are telling us what to think like Big Brother from George Orwell's 1984. How convenient that these shows run during the Witching Hours at Night, when you've got Billions of Americans watching THE VIDEO DEAD with Demonic Entities popping out of your Black Mirror Television Sets. Kind of a Spooky Premise isn't it. 

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