Friday, June 9, 2023

The Forgotten Lesson of Shinji Aoba

The Forgotten Lesson of Shinji Aoba

The Lesson of Shinji Aoba. Quite a funny title that one is. Because as far as I can tell, NOBODY in the Entertainment Industry has LEARNED THEIR LESSON from Shinji Aoba. That stupid, stupid mentally ill asshole didn't accomplish one damn thing towards his case. I don't support what Shinji Aoba did to his victims, but I fully understand why he felt the need to do it. Oh what's that? You work in the Anime Film Industry and you don't relate? Well there's a reason for that, it's because you're hiding in an office and have never had to go through the horrible process of being an outsider trying to reach somebody up there where you work. You've made it damn near impossible to contact you or you refuse to respond. That's what Shinji Aoba was going through when he made the bad decision to commit arson.

Kevin Neece is a writer and anime fan film artist who has been reaching out to Kodansha Ltd and Dark Horse Comics and FUNimation with a Witchcraft Occult Paranormal Research Case he has been investigating since his father Jim Neece's death in 2018. He even published a book about it and systematically mailed it to all 200 branches of the FBI and the entire Japanese Government to No Response. Kevin Neece tried to take his dead father's EPA Whistleblower Case to the FBI at the risk of a Prison Sentence on Theater Piracy Charges but when it came time to explain to the FBI and the Police that the strange coincidences in my father's case implied that a Ouija Board Demon or Norse Demon Goddess was involved in his death, it looked like they used my belief in Witchcraft and the Occult as an excuse to declare me mentally ill and not investigate my Father's Case. I will never forget them for what they did to me. And I will never forgive them either. Because if my father turns out to be right about that case, it is going to poison everyone from Houston to Galveston through the water supply with Cancer Inducing Dioxin. They're going the cleanup right now, but if the Dioxin self-destructs into the San Jacinto River during the cleanup, it's not something that's immediately going to be noticeable. And really, would you expect our corrupt government to own up to their mistakes after the way they bent over backwards on Kevin Neece's case. Well, I tried and I failed and that is that. So I have decided to take what is left of my life and dedicate it to educating Police Officers and FBI Agents and CIA and the Pentagon and United States Congress about the Occult Case behind the Ah My Goddess Anime Series and the Hollywood Illuminati Occult Patterns in the media so that it never happens again. And I do it in the name of my dead father so that I will never forget him.

But that's the thing. Kodansha Ltd and Dark Horse Comics and FUNimation and all of the others have never responded to me. They've never attempted to block me. They've never told me to stop trying to contact them. But they refuse to give me closure. And the Anime Voice Actors are all in on it too. It's because they are guilty. They aren't guilty of committing an actual crime persay. Making movies that are Haunted by Demons isn't actually a punishable crime, in fact, as I've proven with my articles, it's been going on as far back as Saturday Night Live because it was a late night show that ran during the witching hours when Occultists would be performing their Invocations.

But still everybody I reach out to is hiding behind the safety of their lawyers like a bunch of cowards. Why is that? Usually when somebody stands on the Fifth Amendment it means they are guilty of committing some kind of crime that they don't want to be incriminated for. What are Kodansha Ltd and Dark Horse Comics and FUNimation trying to hide when they know that the Police and the FBI don't like to investigate Ghost Stories to begin with? I say enough is enough.

There is a solid good reason why Shinji Aoba burned down those poor sorry bastards at Kyoto Animation. It's because their Upper Management was GUILTY due to their Negligence to Respond to Him. When the Building Fire happened, AMG Producer John Ledford spearheaded attempts to raise money for Kyoto Animation and called out for everyone to BUY THEIR DVDs because he felt sorry for them. And why wouldn't he? John Ledford is a SORRY COWARD CEO just like them who remains hidden from Kevin Neece in the same manner that Kyoto Animation tried to shrug off Shinji Aoba. Did that DVD Sales money really go to help the workers or did it just go into a corporations' pocket? Only a CEO like John Ledford would come to the conclusion that giving CEOs more DVD sales money would be beneficial when the goddamn animators are the ones who were burned to death in the fire.

What you need to understand is, Kyoto Animation isn't some poor homeless guy standing outside with a cup for donations. They are a MAJOR FILM ANIMATION STUDIO capable of raising the money to produce actual movies for theatrical distribution worldwide and they have an audience. You cannot convince me for one second that those CHEAP BASTARD CEOs of their company could not afford an Animation Building with FIRE EXTINGUISHERS and FIRE ESCAPE STAIRWELLS and FIRE SPRINKLERS. You can't convince me. They could afford to produce all of those movies, but they couldn't be bothered to spend the necessary money for their employees' safety precautions.

AND THEN, Shinji Aoba didn't just run out and attack them without provocation. He believed that he had a Grievance with them over Copyright Fraud and sent them multiple angry letters to reach out to them, and the people who received these letters made NO ATTEMPT to reach out to him to MEDIATE with him or settle the issue. THEY SAT BACK IN SILENCE AND HID BEHIND THEIR LAWYERS BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE UNTOUCHABLE. And look what happened.

The Mentally Ill Fucker stood up to Authority and Took the Entire Building Down, along with 70 Injured People, 35 of which Died. I once watched a Documentary about Kane Hodder surviving a stint in a Burn Ward and it was so painful to listen to that I walked out of the theater in tears. It was horrible. They wait for the burnt skin to scab over, and then they cut the burnt skin off of you with a scalpel so that the new skin can slowly grow in and it's a highly painful experience. Wash Rinse Repeat. It's a painful experience that they have to undergo over and over again. This thing that happened to those animators did not end with them getting well soon in a hospital bed with a set of pretty flowers. Those employees should sue their company. Every last one of them. Shinji Aoba may have been the cause of their misery, but it was THEIR BOSSES who instigated this mess by HIDING BEHIND THEIR LAWYERS LIKE THEY WERE UNTOUCHABLE.

Shinji Aoba is the villain in all of this because all of those Animators he attacked were innocent and didn't deserve what happened to them. But in way, he's also kind of an Anime Entertainment Industry Anti-Hero, because when he believed that their EVIL BOSSES stole and plagiarized his work and that they blew him off, he went FULL ROBERT DENIRO TAXI DRIVER on their asses and almost won out. Yeah they captured him immediately, but he was also a victim of Mental Illness and may have used it to get off. In the End, Shinji Aoba actually WON.

Those bastards who ran Kyoto Animation are NOT INNOCENT in all of this, and the greatest tragedy of all is Shinji Aoba's gesture was all for nothing because the ENTIRE FILM INDUSTRY continues to treat Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism in the same manner. Take a look at me, Kevin Neece. I made a Fan Film called A Certain Magical Pimpdex that I wanted Malcolm D Lee to adapt and direct someday with Spike Lee and Eddie Griffin as the stars. What happened? Malcolm D Lee made Space Jam A New Legacy which copied my ideas to have the cartoon characters jumping in and out of Hollywood Movies, and his villain Don Cheadle reminded me of The Mad Doctor from A Certain Magical Pimpdex. It looked suspicious at first, but then I came to the conclusion that the similarities between the two films happened because we were both copying films like Wreck It Ralph Breaks the Internet and Ready Player One. I approached Warner Brothers lawyers about this with a full detailed report to Blackmaled Productions and what did the fuckers do? THEY BLEW ME OFF AND REFUSED TO RESPOND TO ME BECAUSE THEY WERE HIDING BEHIND THEIR LAWYERS. It was Shinji Aoba all over again. And there was nothing I could do about it because Fan Films cannot be copyrighted due to the character rights and the music rights.


Did you ever listen to me at all, or did you just automatically delete the messages without listening. I've been screaming into the darkness since 2018 and you've contributed NOTHING to the Conversation. Now all of a sudden it looks like Kevin Neece is ready to go Full Shinji Aoba on your Company and you're standing around like the Village Idiot going, "Who Me?" because you chose not to read the emails. FUCK YOU.

You see, I know exactly what you guys want. You want all of this to magically go away. Because you are Guilty. You don't want to be investigated for the things that Kevin Neece has to say. So you're waiting for him to be taken out some other way. It's called The Al Capone Was Arrested for Tax Evasion Plan where you can't stop a Criminal with your current evidence, so you charge him with a different crime as a runner up prize so he doesn't get away. You are waiting for Kevin Neece to go Postal or Commit some kind of crime you can hold against him so that he will be taken out without you being investigated for the real case evidence that Kevin Neece has been gathering against you since 2018. That's what I think this is.

Heaven forbid the Anime Film Industry should suffer another incident like Shinji Aoba but from where I'm standing, that's EXACTLY WHAT YOU APPEAR TO BE ASKING ME FOR. YOU WANT ME TO DO IT SO YOU CAN HAVE ME ARRESTED AND YOU CAN GET OFF SCOTT FREE. Well I'm not gonna. I've got a much better plan to get to all of you. It's called the Hekate Protection Plan.

You see, it's like this: "The Harder You Come, They Harder You Fall, One and All. The Higher You Climb, The Harder You Fall. One and All." I don't have to get to all of you, because you are all human beings. Meaning that none of you are going to live forever. All I have to do is sit back and wait, and my Death Goddess Spirit Wife will come for Every Last One of You like a Final Destination movie. Doesn't matter if you live for Five Years or Twenty. Because on the Day You Cross Over, YOUR ASSES ARE GOING INTO THE GRINDER. In the case of my old friend Josh Becker, he's so depressed and on the sauce that he might just do himself in someday, meaning he's pretty much taken care of by his own hand.

You didn't learn your lesson from Shinji Aoba. Perhaps its time you all learned a lesson from Kevin Neece. If you feel that you are innocent in all of this, DON'T hide behind the Internet. DON'T hide behind your lawyers. DEFEND yourselves. READ my Articles and DEFEND yourselves. Kings used to ride out to meet their enemies in battle, right at the front of the line where they could easily be killed. Well, at least before the invention of machine guns. You don't do that anymore. You hide behind a desk. You disgust me. If Kevin Neece is really such a villain, what stops you from coming after him? What stops you from arresting him? Am I really the villain for noticing the things that I write? Am I really the thief or have I become untouchable because everybody I try to reach out to lives in a much bigger world of corruption than I do? I mean people like the FBI and Tim League.

Here are some articles of interest:

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