Friday, June 9, 2023

Does Kevin Neece Relate to Renfield?

Does Kevin Neece Relate to Renfield?

Does Kevin Neece Relate to Renfield? No No No Hell No. But I need something new to write about so I'll weigh the discussion just for the hell of it. In the movie Renfield, the title character is Dracula's Familiar, a servant who is enabled with a small portion of Dracula's Powers who caters to Dracula's needs for fresh victims. Kevin Neece has a Magickian Spirit Wife named Hekate Goddess of the Crossroads, and in his invocations he also invokes The Three Norns, Lucifer, Garadaera Saladorga, Sepheranz the Spider Queen, and Santa Muerte. So when Kevin Neece's spirits go out and kill people, does this make Kevin Neece their familiar like Renfield in the movie?

No. First off, that relationship between Renfield and Dracula was Narcissistic and Abusive. Kevin Neece does not have an Abusive Relationship with Hekate. He invokes her to watch movies at home and at the theater to monitor whether or not they have an effect on the Death Stories that hit Social Media News. And in all fairness it's been awhile since he's seen results, but that's okay, nothing lasts forever. Kevin Neece doesn't bring Hekate and the Others Fresh Victims, they go out and do that for themselves. They're the Death Gods and Goddesses, it's what they do. And they don't need Kevin Neece's permission to go out and do it.

A Familiar is granted a small amount of his Master's Power. Kevin Neece doesn't have any of Hekate's Power on his own, he only knows how to invoke the Spirits using his Bedroom Mirror or a Crossroads, and from that point on he Petitions and Bargains with them for different reasons to get the results he wants, no different than a Politician pitching ideas to a President. Kevin Neece's power isn't his own. Kevin Neece's power is simply a "Telephone" to the Spirit Realm where Hekate resides via his Bedroom Mirror. But isn't Kevin Neece supposed to be possessed by Hekate?

Kevin Neece is possessed by Schizophrenia that claims to be Hekate but doesn't speak the Greek Language or showcase any exterior knowledge. This personality knows how to take over the wheel, you can see it happen when Kevin Neece clenches his eyes shut and his fists and speaks in third person, and instinctively knows how to successfully petition Hekate and the Spirits so that they manifest results, meaning the real Spirits are reacting to his Schizophrenic Personalities' Requests.

And then there is Hekate's Death Patterns. During the Death Note experiments, Kevin Neece noted that whenever he tried to curse someone directly, nothing would happen, but if he invited the Spirits to watch a movie with Death or Natural Disasters in it, then something would manifest on the News 72 Hours Later that kills people at Random. I believe that there is an explanation for every magic trick. Hekate's Cult Followers claim that their Necromancer Goddess never actually "takes life", she just opens the doorway when there is a threshold involved and Death is a Threshold. Like if someone is in Hospice and their death is being drawn out you can write an Euthanasia Letter to Hekate, draw her sigil on it, burn it in prayer, and they will pass away before the next sunrise. Imagine for a moment that while Hekate can "cross over" her victims, she doesn't really have her choice of which victims, she simply has a knowledge database of who is on the edge of dying right then and there during the petition, and makes her choices at random based on the pick of the litter that she is presented with.

Also take note that usually when somebody dies, it takes 72 Hours or So for their death to hit the news unless it's a major emergency to get Headlines. So Hekate knows who has already died and crossed over in advance, and then manipulates Kevin Neece subconsciously into picking the right thematic movies at the right time for the invocations. It's a nifty parlor trick concerning Death but it's still a trick. Then again, Nicolas Cage does refer to himself as the Lord of Death in Renfield, and Garadaera Saladorga is Death Itself, and Santa Muerte is Death.

Moreso than that, the Spirits Death Count has reached the point where Kevin Neece is questioning whether he has adapted the right perspective for it. Remember, they've been killing people since the days of Jesus Christ and earlier. What is the real problem here? When the Death Goddesses were doing their normal day jobs, the Police used to accept that what they were doing were just random Acts of God, or Suicides and Homicides by a Human Being and everything was fine. It wasn't until Kevin Neece began teaching everyone how to spot their influence that they became tangible entities more akin to Serial Killers that the police try to lock away in Prison. Is it really the problem that Hekate and Santa Muerte are doing their normal jobs as Pagan Death Angels? Or has Kevin Neece's point of view turned them into something that they are not.

The way to spot their influences are: Are the Deaths surrounded by Irony Serendipity or Coincidence? Do the Police keep seeing In-sequence Numbers everywhere they look like 222 or 333 or 23 or 32? Did their Deaths involve Heart Attacks, Severe Blunt Force Trauma, Falling from Large Heights, or Dogs? Do their Deaths feel like The Grim Reaper is showcasing a Sense of Humor?

Kevin Neece's basis of comparison for the Spirits he invokes is it feels similar to being in a Mafia Family who hangs out at Family Get Togethers to have fun and wine and dine and chat, and then you turn on the Nightly News and find out just what they've been doing during their day jobs when the Victims are reported. He also likens the Death Note Petitions to hiring a Hit Man to bump off his victims at random, only this Hit Man is an intangible Demonic Entity that cannot be held accountable by the law. If it had been a real tangible Hit Man that connected back to Kevin Neece directly the Police would have him in Jail by now but because it was a Demon, the Police are keeping their distance. After all, you can't just walk into a Courtroom and say "The Devil Made Me Do It."

Hekate's possession of Kevin Neece doesn't mistreat him like the Renfield movie, she just wants him to learn to live life like he always has, give up on the Paranormal Research Experiments and the Police Emails, and just spend the rest of his days watching movies and making Ah My Goddess cartoons. Her response is she would never allow him to commit suicide or put him into dangerous situations where he could be harmed. And that is the exact opposite of the Relationship put on display in the Renfield movie.

Her response to the Human Beings reading this article is that when you die and cross over, suddenly all of the little things you took for granted when you were alive become ten feet tall. Like feeling water running down your skin from a nice shower. Or being able to turn on the television and put on a movie of your choosing. Or eating a nice meal, getting dressed, going for a nice walk. All of it is gone forever. All you get to do now is silently look at things and hope somebody living in the house puts something good on television like Saturday Night Live.

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