Saturday, September 16, 2023

Open Letter to Jennifer Jason Leigh and the Parents of Renee Shin-yi Chen and Myca Dinh le in concerns to Let’s Save Vic Morrow

Kevin Neece here, maker of the Haunted and Cursed anime show Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess and Marller Gets a Spinoff, and the co-writer/director of Let’s Save Vic Morrow which you should have received in the mail by now, if not, look to the internet.

Since the death of my father Jim Neece back in 2018, I have been trapped in a nightmare FBI Informant case involving both the San Jacinto Waste Pits, and a Paranormal Investigation involving Demonology and the Occult in connection to the Ah My Goddess anime series. Basically, the Three Goddesses in the cartoon show, Urd Belldandy and Skuld, are based on Three Norse Mythology Goddesses of Fate called the Norns. And as you all well know, Pagan Mythology was created through “The Telephone Game” where story aspects change as they get passed from one person to the other, leading to different Spiritual Deities from different Pagan Religions who suspiciously sound like they are the same person under different names and identities.

THAT is what happened to the Ah My Goddess anime series. The Three Norns had a real life counterpart from Greek Mythology named Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads who was haunting the anime series like a Ouija Board Spiritual Attachment. When Kevin Neece became the present maker of Ah My Goddess, taking over from mangaka Kosuke Fujishima and Hiroaki Goda, it resulted in him being haunted and then the Goddess killed his father in a situation that was Stranger than Fiction and surrounded by abnormal coincidence. When Kevin Neece discovered that Jim Neece was planning to become an FBI Informant who believed the Government was going to kill him during his retirement vacation, he tried to come forward to the Government in his place, at the risk of a prison sentence because Kevin Neece was a former Theater Pirate who bootlegged nearly 350 theatrical pre shows from Alamo Drafthouse from 400 screenings. In short, Kevin Neece got away with the Theater Piracy Crime of the Century and then the Goddess of Fate that was haunting him made Karma Come Full Circle and punished him by putting him in a situation where he was forced to turn himself into the FBI. When it came time for Kevin Neece to explain all of the strange coincidences surrounding Jim Neece’s death, he couldn’t find any other way to explain it than Jim Neece was murdered by a Ouija Board Demon because the Ah My Goddess anime show was haunted like a Ouija Board and he believes the FBI preyed on Kevin Neece’s Mental Health Issues and belief in Paranormal and the Occult to have his case evidence thrown out.

From 2018 to 2023, Kevin Neece tried to turn himself into EVERY Judicial Authority and News Station and Political Activist Group known to man including the FBI, the CIA, the MPAA, the Congress and Senate, the White House, the Police. He became obsessed with proving the Goddess that was haunting him was real by performing and documenting experiments and even used Jim Neece’s IRA money to publish an FBI confession autobiography called The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger and mailed 200 paperback copies to all of the FBI branches in the United States and the Entire Japanese Government to warn them about the San Jacinto Waste Pits and the Ah My Goddess Hauntings. Everybody refused to respond to him and bent over backwards NOT to arrest him. Kevin Neece is guilty of crimes that should have sent him to prison for decades and everybody in the Judicial System is afraid to respond to him, arrest him, or touch him, as if he has somehow become a Made Man in the Mafia, only he’s never met the Mafia and does not know who has been protecting him. Kevin Neece’s suspicion is that the Goddess of Fate who haunts his Anime Show has been pulling strings and manipulating his case to keep him out of prison so she can keep him trapped to herself.

When Kevin Neece finally came forward to give his report to Congress, the Demons that haunt his anime show that he had been invoking for his experiments via Satania YouTube jumped him in the middle of the night like a scene from Rosemary’s Baby and MARRIED HIM TO THE DEMON GODDESS that killed his father and inspired the Ah My Goddess anime series to teach him and everybody else once and for all what would happen if somebody went out and did the plot of Ah My Goddess in real life. This is called a Shaman’s Magician Spirit Wife and Kevin Neece’s marriage to Hekate and Spiritual Demonic Possession is basically a Mythbusters that allows him to study and document her. It looks like Schizophrenia at first, right down to the fact that she claims to come from Greek History but only speaks English, and all of the creepy coincidences that are photo captures in his online articles are real and many of them cannot be written off or explained by Mental Illness. When Kevin Neece learned to spot Hekate’s Patterns and Easter eggs, he found them scattered everywhere throughout his past life history all the way back to his numerology birth meaning the Goddess had been secretly haunting him his entire life and was waiting for him to reach Adulthood so that she could possess him. She was grooming him as a child to be her future Shaman Husband and Human Host which is the most Woody Allen shit I’ve ever heard of, and why he wound up being the chosen one is insinuated that he was somebody the Goddess knew in a past life, meaning that Kevin Neece was reincarnated with no clue as to what his former identity was or what he may have done to piss the Goddess of Fate off.

And that is what we are here to discuss today because Kevin Neece believes he has solved the mystery. Kevin Neece has discovered that he was conceived during the production of Twilight Zone The Movie, and his numerology birthday matches up to other numerology coincidences hidden in the production of the movie and the tragedy of Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca, insinuating that Kevin Neece has secretly been the Reincarnation of one of the Three Helicopter Victims with no clue as to which one so now I am going to print to you all of the evidence explaining why it looks like Kevin Neece could have been Vic Morrow, Renee or Myca in his past life.

In Numerology, when you add number to the alphabet, the numbers applied to the word FATE add up to 32 which is 23 backwards, and Kevin Neece is haunted and possessed by the Three Fates from Ah My Goddess aka Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads. Hekate’s influence over Kevin Neece is what led to his obsession with making Ah My Goddess cartoons no different than Jack Nicholson falling under the influence of the Overlook Hotel in The Shining.

Kevin Neece’s father Jim Neece died on 6/24/2018 which is a Voodoo Religious Holiday called Summer Solstice. His Will was Signed and Dated 6/24/2009 meaning Jim Neece signed and dated his will on the same that that he would die Nine Years Later. Kevin Neece was born on 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32. The reason why he was born on that date was because Jim Neece was Debbie Brand’s Second Husband. Her first husband Freddy also died on 6/24 because he was riding a motorcycle and got attacked by a Big Dog. In Hekate’s religion, the Goddess is known as a Protector and Manipulator of Dogs, thus insinuating that Hekate killed Debbie Brand’s first husband Freddy on 6/24 so that she would meet Jim Neece and Kevin Neece would be born on 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32.

Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca died on 7/23/1982 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece was born on 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32.

From the day Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca died to the day Kevin Neece was born:

July (1), August (2), Sept (3), October (4), November (5), December (6), January (7), February (8)

As you can see, from a Superficial Standpoint at first glance, the number of months between Vic Morrow’s Death and Kevin Neece’s Birth is almost the Nine Month length of a Pregnancy. However, just to be sure, Kevin Neece crosschecked the dates with a backdated calendar just to be safe.

From 7/23/1982 to 2/9/1983, the actual number of days is 6 Months 17 Days, thus the Timespan between Vic Morrow’s Death and Kevin Neece’s birth is actually an illusion.

According to Debbie Brand, her pregnancy term with Kevin Neece was 9 months 14 days. When we enter that information into the Calendar Calculator and go backwards in time with a Backdated Calendar, it showcased that.

Kevin Neece Actual Date of Conception is April 26th 1982. The Filming Production of Twilight Zone The Movie was July 7th 1982 to November 11th 1982. However, this only account for the actual Filming and does not cover the time for Pre-Production and Development. Kevin Neece could still have been conceived during the Pre-Production of Twilight Zone The Movie and his Fetus would have only been Two Months Old when Vic Morrow, Renee and Myca died on July 23rd 1982.

Which brings up the Question, exactly when does a Human Fetus development get administered with a Human Soul.

There are other creepy coincidences to bear in mind:

7/23/1983 features the Number 23 which is FATE = 32 backwards.

The Helicopter Deaths happened between 2:30am to 3:00am which is 23 and 3 Fates.

3:00am is also the Witching Hours for when you perform an Invocation in a Cemetery.

There were Three Helicopter Deaths = THREE FATES.

A Common Horror Movie Stereotype is that Horror Movie Locations are Haunted because they were built on Indian Burial Grounds. Vic Morrow and Renee and Myca died in Indian Dunes California during the Witching Hours leading to the question: Is there a good reason why that place was named Indian Dunes?

Vic Morrow Death = 7/23/1983 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece Conception = 4/26/1982 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece Birth = 2/9/1983 = FATE = 32.

Kevin Neece is haunted and possessed by Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads.

Twilight Zone The Movie was released on 6/24/1983.

Freddy and Jim Neece both died on 6/24 and Kevin Neece was born in 1983.

So based on all of this information, I would hope that all of you would understand why it superficially looks like Kevin Neece was being haunted by the Goddess of Fate because he was one of the Helicopter Accident Victims in his Past Life leading to him making a movie about Vic Morrow called Let’s Save Vic Morrow.

Hekate co-wrote Let’s Save Vic Morrow as a Spirit Medium and thus there are secret Easter Eggs hidden in the movie.

During the Finale Scene where Vic Morrow pays tribute to Renee and Myca, Hekate warns the audience that had Renee and Myca lived, they could have grown up to be the next successful filmmakers like Robert Rodriguez or Sion Sono or Guillermo Del Toro or Werner Herzog or Kevin Neece. And the emphasis is that she included Kevin Neece’s name in the group last. At first the gesture looks like an act of vanity on Kevin Neece’s part. In reality, Hekate was secretly tipping off that the Reason why she said Renee and Myca would grow up to be filmmakers is because Renee and Myca are both Kevin Neece who makes a Japanese Anime cartoon called Ah My Goddess which would appeal to Asian Culture and Renee and Myca are both Asian Children, thus Kevin Neece film work is an Asian Cartoon.

My final theory is that Kevin Neece is not ONE of the Three Helicopter Victims, he may have been reincarnated with ALL THREE OF THEIR SOULS ROLLED INTO ONE PERSON because Kevin Neece is married and possessed by Hekate Triple Goddess of the Crossroads, who is Three Goddesses Rolled into one.

Vic Morrow, Renee Shin-Yi Chen, and Myca Dinh Le ARE Kevin Neece, the maker of Ah My Goddess.

At least, that’s what the Numerology and Backdated Calendar Dates imply.

I would implore all of you to remember that Hekate likes to play practical jokes on people. Her most infamous practical joke since the 1970s is Hekate manipulated all of the careers of the Actors who worked on Saturday Night Live, Twilight Zone The Movie, Evil Dead, Charlies Angels, Dark Horse Comics, and yes, even Pixar Animation and Dreamworks Animation are infected with the Demon Patterns. Everybody who worked on films in these three areas have IMDb Resumes where all of the Actors that they have worked with can be traced back to Demonology and Witchcraft films about the Devil like the Kevin Bacon game from Hell. Hekate’s practical joke is she set all of them up so that the Conspiracy Theorists who spotted the Patterns would believe that Hollywood was under the control of a Satanist Cult called the Illuminati. Except that the Illuminati is not real and nobody knows where to find them. Hekate designed, planned out, and orchestrated this evil little stunt on her Coffee Breaks and it literally took a lifetime of planning and several decades to pull it off.

That’s what Let’s Save Vic Morrow is about. Kevin Neece is trying to warn Jennifer Jason Leigh, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, George Miller, and John Landis that they never escaped the curse of Twilight Zone The Movie. The Goddess of Death that staged the Helicopter Accident that killed Vic Morrow, Renee Shin-yi Chen, and Myca Dinh Le has been haunting everyone who is connected to Twilight Zone The Movie and manipulating their Film Careers their entire life and the Three Helicopter Victims were a Pagan Blood Sacrificial Offering that resulted in the Creation of Filmmaker Kevin Neece who is now possessed by the Goddess of Fate that killed your family members as a Human Host.

But, having said that. None of this can be verified for certain. If Reincarnation was a real thing, it would not be classified as a Religious Belief, it would be classified as Science.

But just for the sake of Humor, let’s pretend for a moment that all of this is real, because all of those Patterns and Coincidences that I have just shown you, they are most definitely real, no Con Artist Job Intended. If Kevin Neece is going to post this information on the internet, it would be absolutely fucking rude of him not to contact and warn the involved family members of his findings or explaining to him why he did it.

  1. Let’s suppose that Kevin Neece really was Vic Morrow, or Renee, or Myca. Does Kevin Neece have any sort of memories of his past lives? No he does not.
  2. Does Kevin Neece look like Vic Morrow in anyway? All of Kevin Neece’s Family Photo Albums dating back to his Childhood are available on Instagram and his Autobiography The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger is both on Amazon in Paperback, and there is a free PDF download file on his 
  3. Kevin Neece does appear to have Vic Morrow’s Shortened Eyebrows but I think that’s where the Physical Similarities end. Jennifer Jason Leigh looks exactly like a gender swapped Vic Morrow. Kevin Neece does not.
  4. If Vic Morrow was Kevin Neece’s past, then theoretically that would mean that Kevin Neece’s present life would be Vic Morrow’s Future or His Afterlife. Kevin Neece is an Overweight Mentally Ill Bipolar Schizoaffective Disorder Blacklisted Fan Film Artist who makes Witchcraft Cursed Anime Films that kill people at random on Social Media because he is married to the Goddess of Death that co-writes and watches his cartoons and movies. Kevin Neece was married for 15 years before he separated (his wife did have family members who practiced witchcraft), but never divorced his wife on paper, he continued to pay her child support payments via his father’s IRA payouts and donated his grandfather’s inheritance to his daughter to put her through college in Salem Massachussetts, the witchcraft town from Hocus Pocus and The Crucible. All Kevin Neece does today is hang out around his bedroom, naked due to the lack of air conditioning in his bedroom, watch old movies like a 1990s video store, perform witchcraft with his black mirror, and make Ah My Goddess cartoons like Let’s Save Vic Morrow. And he has a Vintage Porn collection of almost every Theatrical Release Hardcore Porn from the 1980s and 1990s on Bluray. If Kevin Neece is Vic Morrow’s Future, it kind of begs the question, is Karma and Reincarnation punishing Vic Morrow for his past life by forcing him to live the life of Kevin Neece? From a Personality Standpoint, I do not get the sense that Vic Morrow and Kevin Neece are ANYTHING like each other. What Kevin Neece does is known in the Japanese Community as an Anime Otaku/Video Otaku. His lifestyle and obsession with movies and anime is more fit to that of an Asian Otaku obsessed with Anime and Renee and Myca were both Asian Americans who might have watched Ah My Goddess and Anime Shows had they lived long enough to see them in the 1990s and 2000s.
  5. What about Jennifer Jason Leigh’s mother Barbara Turner? She died in 2016. If she was reincarnated like Vic Morrow about Nine Month Later like Kevin Neece was, then does that mean that Barbara Turner is living somewhere in the United States as a 7 Year Old Girl with no memory of her past life?
  6. When Kevin Neece co-wrote Let’s Save Vic Morrow, he openly stated that he wanted to make a movie that felt like it took place in the same universe as a Robert Zemeckis Back to the Future movie and even used the soundtrack from the Back to the Future movie to score the film. The entire plot of the movie revolves are a Time Travel experience to see if saving the life of Vic Morrow would result in any dangerous Time Travel damage to the Timeline just like Steven Spielberg portrayed in his fictional Time Travel movies. Hekate’s secret practical joke on Kevin Neece is, that by saving the life of Vic Morrow, he no longer dies on 7/23/1982 and is there therefore no longer reincarnated as Kevin Neece. By saving Vic Morrow’s life, and the lives of Renee and Myca, Kevin Neece may have accidental prevented himself from being BORN INTO EXISTENCE. Just like the plot of a Back to the Future movie. Be careful what you wish for. Luckily for all of us, Time Travel is a work of fiction. Right? Right? I mean, Time Travel couldn’t be real could it? Then again, we just spent an entire letter arguing in favor of the Reincarnation Theory.
  7. There are Witchcraft Mantra Videos on Satania YouTube that Kevin Neece knows how to activate with the Black Mirror in his bedroom. Some of these Spell Videos are designed to unlock past memories of former lives but many of the members on the website warn against using them with good reason. Not everybody died the death of a Roman Soldier. When you use those videos, the Demons force you to remember your death. And some of them even remember being sent to Hell in-between their different past lives, leading them into a state of insanity where they believe they are living their lives on a failed loop and cannot tell which reality is real, Reality or Hell. I do not fancy the idea of reliving being dismembered by a Helicopter or my time in Hell, just so I can find out if I used to be Jennifer Jason Leigh’s father in a Past Life.
  8. If I was Vic Morrow, and those cokehead producers John Landis and Steven Spielberg did dismember me with a Helicopter due to drug addled negligence, then as a father, nothing would have made me happier than knowing my daughter avenged my ass in court and got a large cash settlement out of those fucking producers. In the final words of Vic Morrow, “I must be crazy to do this scene, I should’ve gotten a double.”

That’s it. That’s all I have to say on the matter. I’m sorry if my present life is a disappointment to all of you. I know that Vic Morrow deserved better life than what I am presently living right now, as did Renee Shin-yi Chen and Myca Dinh Le. But that’s the roll of the dice called Fate and that’s the way the Cookie Crumbles. Just because your children can grow up to be anything they put their mind to does not mean that they are going to live their lives in a manner that will make you happy or fulfilled as parents. Even Steven Spielberg is embarrassed by some of his adult children’s life decisions and he’s one of the richest assholes in America. Steven Spielberg is such a happy charitable guy, donating $1.5 Million to the WGA Strikers while riding around the ocean in a $250 Million Yacht that could have been used to provide affordable housing to the homeless. Bad Steven. Bad Bad Steven. No Reincarnation for you. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200. It’s Straight to Viking Hell for you Steven Spielberg. And don’t forget to take John Landis with you.

Love Peace and Chicken Grease,

Kevin Neece

4902 Majestic Drive

Austin TX 78747

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