Friday, September 22, 2023

To Joe Dante, You Have My Sincere Apologies, I Shall Pester You No More

Dear Joe Dante,

If Kevin Neece has gone overboard with his Paranormal Conspiracy Emails and pestered you to the point that you blocked him on Twitter, then you have my sincere apologies, and I will bother you with this case no more.

But before I go, just know this. You have the power to walk away from all of this and pretend that it 
never happened. Kevin Neece doesn't have that luxury because this is HIS life and there is nothing he can do to change the course of history for what happened to him. You get to walk away, and I don't. I am cursed with this Paranormal Haunting Investigation for life and it is all connected to that goddamn fucking movie that you made because John Landis shot the accident scene on a fucking Indian Burial Ground, just like the movie Poltergeist. They moved the headstones, but they forgot to move the goddamn bodies. I believe the word for that is Tragic Irony, and what happens every time Hekate kills a Hollywood Actor, their deaths are surrounded by Irony and Coincidence.

If you think you have the ability to press charges against Kevin Neece and run him through the court system, I would strongly advise you to print out all of the emails that he has sent you and DO IT so that you can find out what happens every time somebody with Judicial Grounds against Kevin Neece attempts to take him to court. The reason why I am telling you this is because it is what I tell everybody that takes issue with me, and in none of these past cases has anybody ever succeeded. Every time that this happens to me, they just disappear, and I never hear from them again. That is why I'm challenging you and your lawyers to try and discredit me. Because I know that you don't have the ability to do it.

BUT, I'm not going to pester you anymore after this last email. You have my word. I stated my case, and you heard me out, and your response was to block me on twitter. You are not the first to do this to me, and you will not be the last. That last person who blocked Kevin Neece online was Belldandy's Voice Actress Juliet Cesario. Kevin Neece joked to Hekate that she should induce Juliet's husband Scott to die of a heart attack as revenge for blocking him online, and the Goddess of Death went out and did it FOR REAL. If you think that getting petty revenge on Juliet Cesario made me happy, I assure you that it DID NOT. Nothing about what happened to her that night has changed my life for the better or made me any happier. Sometimes revenge looks good on paper until it actually happens, and the worst part of all is I can never undo the damage for what I did to her. Juliet Cesario's husband left her nothing and the last I heard of her, she removed herself from the internet and checked herself into a Clinic for Grief Counsel Therapy. I must be some kind of fucking monster to have done this to an innocent woman for the petty crime of blocking me on facebook. But if Kevin Neece is a Monster, then John Landis is the Doctor Frankenstein that created him.

Goodbye Joe Dante,
And Thank You for Gremlins 2: The New Batch

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