Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Cheat Sheet for Kevin Sorbo & Dean Cain

written by Kevin Neece

Blacklisted Christian Filmmaker Kevin Sorbo's 2014 film, God's NOT Dead, is about a College Student whose religious freedom is trampled on by an Atheist College Professor, in a manner that feels disturbingly unconstitutional, if not illegal. The College Student is forced to stand up for himself in front of the entire class to defend his case and bases his argument for the Existence of God on showcasing how certain story elements from the Bible could be conceived as Allegory for Real Life Scientific Events such as The Big Bang Theory.

Blacklisted Heathen Filmmaker Kevin Neece faces a similar crisis that is much worse. Kevin Neece has the background of being raised in a Baptist/Lutheran Family, he's undergone a lapse in Faith that led to him being an Atheist for many years, but over the course of making the anime series Ah My Goddess, he has witnessed many spooky things that has led him to believe that the Three Goddesses Belldandy Urd and Skuld, and their demon villain Mara, might actually have real life counterparts that are haunting his anime show Bad Goddess & Marller Gets a Spinoff. No different than the cursed film productions of The Exorcist, The Omen, Poltergeist, and Twilight Zone: The Movie.

If Kevin Neece were forced to face down his argument against Professor Radisson, here are all of the basic facts about the things he has witnessed.

*Belldandy Urd and Skuld from the Ah My Goddess series, are based on the Three Norns from Norse Mythology Verdandi Urdr and Skolde, who domain over mankind's Fates of Past, Present, and Future. This is represented by them weaving a thread all the way to completion only to have the third Goddess unravel it at the end. This was intended to metaphorically represent the Birth, Life, and Death of a Human Being. They are also depicted in other Mythology Religions under different names. In Greek Mythology, the Fates/Morai are named Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. While these Goddesses are considered to be a work of Fictional Mythology, from Kevin Neece's perspective the Forces of Fate that they are applied to appear to be very real, and it has developed a Spiritual Attachment to the Ah My Goddess anime series.

*Kevin Neece believes that the reason for this connection is due to a tradition that he read about in the Book of Troth, where their members are requested to name their children after Spiritual Deities and Dead Ancestors. If such a tradition were to date back all the way to the Viking and Greek periods, then it makes logical rational sense to assume that there may be Spirits, and possibly even Angels, in the Afterlife that are named after Belldandy Urd and Skuld. There are more than a few Ah My Goddess fans roaming around on the internet who wishfully want to believe that the real Verdandi they are going to meet in Heaven is the one from the anime show, as if she and her sisters came down to earth to visit Kosuke Fujishima and he based his characters likenesses on the Real Three Goddesses. This was inspirational basis for the Satirical Premise of the first Bad Goddess Pilot Movie, most especially the third act Misrepresentations of Our Gods Through the Media, about how Movie Producers will resort to any means possible to sell a character to an audience including taking Asatru Religious Figures from a dark wartime religion and turning them into a bunch of Disney Princesses for the Anime Crowd so that they would be sellable to children.

*Kevin Neece's argument in Misrepresentation of Our Gods Through the Media is the exact same argument that the Christian community has used against the Harry Potter franchise. J.K. Rowling's famous wizard series makes magic look like a cool technical thing that would appear to be enticing to children, when in reality, real life witchcraft involves giving worship to Deities that you are unfamiliar with. While Kevin Neece does believe that these Spiritual Deities are real, he sides with the Christians on this one, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT A TOY TO BE PLAYED WITH. These spirits are self conscious entities, no different than human beings, that know the difference between right and wrong. They are NOT a trigger on a gun that you can just aim at people and expect them to do your bidding. If you don't have a proper offering for them to carry out your request, not only do they have the right to refuse, but they may take serious offense to it and fuck your entire life up in the process. If you sincerely want to study and learn magic the right way, then be my guest, but if you invoke these spirits for no reason and treat the situation like its a joke, BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU, especially if the Spirit you are engaging with is a Malicious Entity or Demonic Presence in Disguise.

*Kevin Neece DID NOT engage in any Ouija Board experiments until AFTER his Father died around the time of Brenda Fest at Texas Mist. All of the weird things that happened to him leading up to his father's death were the result of the Bad Goddess cartoons alone. The Ouija Board that Kevin Neece used in the experiments was a Parker Brothers board bought from The Glass Coffin that dates all the way back to 1972. There is no telling what all spirits had come into contact with the board throughout its lifespan before Kevin Neece got to it. Joey Slayne from The Glass Coffin also used to use his Ouija Boards for Seances advertised to the General Buying Public on Facebook Groups, and then he would sell them.

*Kevin Neece's Danny My Boy is made by a Heathen Director, showcasing his Religious Family holding a Lutheran Funeral for his Atheist Father. In the movie, Kevin Neece notes that his mother Debbie Brand believes that the Pastor is going to give a "Married Him and Buried Him" funeral showcasing how much they "really" know about Jim Neece, and true to what she says, the Pastor gave an elongated speech about how Jim Neece, an Atheist, came to Jesus Christ and devoted his life to him. When Debbie Brand saw the Documentary, she became incredibly angry with Kevin for pointing out the Atheist connection because she didn't want him to insult Jim Neece's religious family. The entire reason they didn't know he was an Atheist was because he was afraid to tell them and it never came up. Kevin Neece also notes that in the book Dante's Inferno, the section of Hell that's reserved for Atheists is a blank void of nothingness. The Atheists are NOT punished for their beliefs, they receive exactly what they buy into: Nothing. Nothing at All. Just a Blank Void of Eternal Sleep.

*When Kevin Neece lightly perused through Demonology Websites, he came across two conflicting views on Satanism. One group believed in the actual existence of Demons, while the other group claimed to be Atheists and that Lucifer and Satan were a work of Fiction applied to real life aspects of Fate. Basically they believe that "You are your own God." However, the version of Satanism that does believe in Demons states that when you attempt to invoke one, you might not notice them when they manifest because they are invisible and that you should watch out for unexplainable COINCIDENCES. They also believed that one of the offerings that you could make to a Demon was to give them Publicity by writing stories about them. Kevin Neece believes that while Kosuke Fujishima may not have intentionally engaged in witchcraft, his obsession with writing and drawing the Goddesses resulted in him invoking real Spirits that identified with the characters in his manga, and they blessed him with Good Fortune and Franchise Popularity because they realized his manga was giving them Publicity for the Asatru Religion and Norse Mythology backgrounds. It took Kosuke Fujishima five years for his manga series to really take off because the month by month release basis slowed down the Introduction of All Three Goddesses and their names had been slightly changed. Verdandi was changed to Belldandy because of a translation error. The Japanese do not have a Symbol for VER, only VERU, thus Verudandi translated into Belldandy.

*If you take a good long hard look at Ah My Goddes fandom in Japan, Belldandy Urd and Skuld's images are plastered all over everything like Mickey Mouse. They are featured on Carnival Rides, Casino Gambling Machines (Good Fortune), Race Cars, Airplanes, Shopping Malls, Video Games, Toys and Merchandise. They are literally everywhere. When you take into account that the show has developed a Spiritual Attachment, then all of the Franchise Merchandising takes on a Double Meaning as False Idolatry for the Spirits.

*One of the Morals of the Ah My Goddess Series is "Be Careful What You Wish For." Apparently making a Spiritual Contract for Good Fortune with an Asatru Goddess is no different than making a Spiritual Contract for Good Fortune with a Demon. Kosuke Fujishima was rewarded with Good Fortune but the side effects were he was unable to escape his own manga series for Thirty Years. Kosuke Fujishima basically became a Prisoner to his own Goddesses. He wanted to end the series as early as the Lord of Terror storyline featured at the end of the Ah My Goddess Season One anime series, but Kodansha Ltd would not let him and kept offering him more money. When he finally did cancel the series, the Goddesses turned on him and scandalized him in the news for marrying a girl that was less than half his age. Whenever Kevin Neece tried to cancel or back out of the Bad Goddess series, Fate would cause Bad Misfortune to happen to him which would result in him continuing the series. He wanted to bail out right before The Keys of Marinus Serial because he felt the film would not translate, but his nephew Dylan Gutierrez commit suicide, prompting him to complete the movie as a memorial featured in the climax Once There was a Boy. He was going to give up on the series and continue to work with Fanboy TV on Austin Public Access after the cancellation of Zombie Life TV but a bad phone conversation between him and the producer's ex girlfriend about her abusive relationship got spread around the station and resulted in him being booted with the rest of ZLTV because he refused to take sides. This resulted in him creating Marller Gets a Spinoff. When that ended, he got caught up in trying to get the police to investigate Sexual Assault allegations being made by someone that was featured in one of his documentaries towards a Comedy Club. And then his car broke down for a month inspiring him to make the Bubblegum Crisis crossover episode. Kevin Neece just could not escape this series, and apparently neither could Kosuke Fujishima.

*The warning signs that the Spirits from Bad Goddess are pranking you is you will begin to experience random acts of Fate that could be described as Stranger than Fiction, and they are almost always surrounded by Irony, Serendipity, and Coincidence. Or you might witness Verdandi Urd Skuld or Mara's name showing up in places where they would not be. If it ever happens to you, you'll pick up on it immediately, like a gut reaction, and when you attempt to explain it to others, they'll think you're crazy. This is exactly what the Goddesses are looking for. They think it's a funny joke, even when it involves death.

*When Kevin Neece was interning on Austin Public Access during Zombie Life TV, and Bad Goddess was still a Fan Fiction series, he had just cast Fright Night actor Stephen Geoffreys as Doctor What #2. ZLTV producer Michael Ludlow asked Kevin to create an Ice Hockey mixtape montage of the Pittsburgh Penguins as a Green Screen Back Drop for some friends of his that were making a commercal, BC Furtney and JB Destiny. Possibly even to play on a Jumbotron during an Ice Hockey match. Just as Kevin Neece finished the mixtape, he received a copy of the Stephen Geoffreys horror films New Terminal Hotel/Do Not Disturb on DVD in the mail, and was shocked to see BC Furtney and JB Destiny's name in the producer/director credits. It was SERENDIPITY. Kevin Neece felt that it was a sign from the Goddesses themselves. When he told Michael Ludlow about the COINCIDENCE on the phone, Michael's exact words where "You were on the Blacklist, now you're going to the A-List." Shortly afterwards, Kevin Neece made the mistake of actually watching New Terminal Hotel and could not keep his goddamn mouth shut about his true opinion of the movie when he was conversing with BC Furtney over the internet. BC's sarcastic response was "So, you want to be a Director? Let me know when you release your first movie." Kevin Neece was so pissed off that he burned his bridges that he went out and adapted Bad Goddess into an actual anime using stock animation.

*When Zombie Life TV was still airing on Austin Public Access, Kevin Neece would repeatedly give DVD copies of Bad Goddess to Gavin Stone, Eddie Rotten, and Michael Ludlow so they could check on his progress. Michael Ludlow's truck got stolen and was later found by the Police in Lago Vista TX, after it's license plates had been stripped. The only reason that the Police were able to identify the vehicle was because of the Bad Goddess Fan Club envelope that was still sitting between the seats, that Michael Ludlow listed among his possessions. When the Police returned the envelope of DVDs to Michael, they were afraid to open the envelope to see what was in it out of fear that it may have been his own personal use pornography. When Michael told this story to Kevin, they both broke down laughing so hard. Bad Goddess was so cursed as an anime show, that even the Police and the Theives didn't want it.

*Kevin Neece's ex-wife Angela Soto was born on September 6th 1979. Kevin Neece never noticed until years later, but sitting on the wall in his grandfather Roy Neece's house, for practically his entire life, was a Wedding Anniversary Certificated for a Norwegian Viking Cruise Line that is dated September 6th 1979. It's as if Kevin Neece was always Fated to meet Angela Soto, even though their relationship did not last. Kevin and Angela parted ways after 15 years of marriage. When Kosuke Fujishima was married to his first wife, he had a second relationship going on the side with a Mistress whom he promised to marry for 15 years when his divorce was finalized. Let's just say it didn't work out that way.

*Kevin Neece's Birthday is February 9th 1983.

*Honoka Inoue's Birthday is February 9th 1998.

*Honoka Inoue is the daughter of Kikuko Inoue, aka Belldandy's Japanese Voice Actress.

*In some witchcraft/voodoo rituals, people have been known to use people's photographs to help the spirits they are invoking identify the curse victim. When Kevin Neece made Bad Goddess, he used live action photoshop actors as a throwback reference to Terry Gilliam and Ralph Bakshi, only to notice that when he writes about real life people and real life incidents in the cartoons, Fate tends to counter-react to it in real life. In every single case, which we will go into later, the situation has been surrounded by coincidence, and there have always been logical explanations to denounce Kevin Neece's theory, as if the Goddesses were masters at covering their tracks.

*Kevin Neece used his You're Under Arrest cartoons to put a curse on Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed due to him being offended by Cody's remarks in an interview by the Austin American Statesmen. Shortly after finishing the cartoon titled Cody Wilson Go Fuck Yourself, Kevin was on a Porn Website and the very first random video he clicked on featured a male photographer named Cody making it with a black actress. Cody Wilson Go Fuck Yourself. Kevin Neece almost fucked himself to a video featuring a man named Cody. The Goddesses were making fun of him. A month or so after making the Curse Cartoon, Cody Wilson was charged with Sexual Assault and arrested in a foreign country. The funny thing is, Travis County has the worst track record when it comes to investigating and prosecuting sexual assault cases, and the only reason they followed through on this one was because there were Politicians with Friends in High Places who were looking for a way to take Cody Wilson "off the market". They couldn't get Cody for the guns, so they charged him with a different crime. This is what is commonly known as the "Al Capone was arrested for Tax Evasion" technique. When Cody Wilson was finally sentenced, they let him off on probation provided that he cut all ties with Defense Distributed and never touch a gun again, which has nothing to do with the crime of Sexual Assault. They backed him into a corner and blackmailed him with his freedom to take him out of commission. Good Work.

*Kevin Neece used his You're Under Arrest cartoon The Tragedy of Botham Jean to put a curse on Officer Amber Guyger's trial because her attempts to get off the hook for shooting an innocent man in his own home, combined with her co-workers attempts to sabotage her court trial, would result in a Court Precedent if she were to walk free. Basically any Police Officer could just walk into somebody's home without a Search Warrant and kill whomever the fuck they want, only to walk away Scott Free with the Defense of "Whoops My Bad." Kevin Neece knows that the Goddesses were involved because of the IRONIC COINCIDENCE reveal at the end of the trial. Amber Guyger had been texting jokes about the assassination of Black Community Leader Martin Luther King Jr shortly before walking into the wrong apartment and shooting another Black Community Leader Botham Jean. The Curse Spell Backfire Times Three happened when witness Joseph Brown was murdered by the cops in a police shooting under the guise of a Drug Deal gone wrong, that simply does not make logical sense to the general public. The Drug Dealers drove all the way from Louisiana where it was easier to score Weed than in Dallas Texas, and the amount of money they spent on gas was significantly more than the Marijuana they were buying. Plus Undercover Police Officers have also been known to Theatrically Stage Sting Operation setups to see if their Targets will Commit a Crime and Joseph Brown's death feels like it was staged and written by a very lousy writer.

*Kevin Neece believes that the curse on his show is so legitimate that he has sent his articles out to every Paranormal Research Group known to man, and the FBI, and the CIA. He even sent a copy of his autobiography and Bad Goddess to Pope Francis at the Vatican... and the Vatican actually responded. Kevin Neece spent a serious amount of money mailing that.

*In the original Oh My Goddess manga, there is a Ghost Maid character named Chieko Honda, who died of a tragic illness. This character was named after a Voice Actress who later died in real life. Kevin Neece's theory is Kosuke Fujishima accidentally death cursed her when he wrote her into the manga as that character. This was not Kosuke Fujishima's fault. Nobody could have known that Chieko Honda was going to die because he did that, because the idea of a manga or anime show killing somebody like a Voodoo Ritual is the most unbelievable Tales from the Crypt shit that I've ever heard. Kevin Neece also recently noted that sometime after writing an empathetic death scene for actor Danny Aiello in A Certain Magical Pimpdex, Danny Aiello also passed away in real life. While Doctor What did technically "die" in The Hellsing Peccadillo, Stephen Geoffreys is still alive and well. Doctor What didn't actually die at the end of the movie, he simply regenerated as a different actor. The scene is meant to symbolize that he has paid for all of his past crimes with his self sacrifice death and his reward is he has evolved into a much more respected version of The Doctor within the casting of his next actor.

*The Infamous Good Fortune Sigil that Kevin Neece hides in his Bad Goddess cartoons was specially hand created by spiritualist Saul Ravencraft as a parlor trick for one of his Ravencraft's Vault of Horror shows. Kevin Neece re-created the trick as a Video Witchcraft experiment called Marller's Good Fortune. Saul Ravencraft insists that he knew what he was doing when he created the sigil and that no mistakes were made, but Kevin Neece's experiences with the Sigils suggests that the Good Fortune it bestows upon you can come from the Bad Misfortune of Others because Good Fortune is a Two Sided Coin. For example, when Kevin Neece wished for money, Jim Neece died about a month later and willed it to him. This is commonly referred to as The Monkey's Paw. When Kevin Neece used the Good Fortune Sigil against Amber Guyger, the Good Fortune for Botham Jean's family was that Amber Guyger lost her case and was sentenced to Ten Years in Prison, which was Bad Misfortune for Amber Guyger herself. Do you see what we're getting at here? Good Fortune for you, can come from Bad Misfortune for Someone Else. That's the Monkey's Paw.

*In Ah My Goddess, Skuld is depicted as a pre-teen who has an obsession with building mechanical things and she repeatedly tries to break up Belldandy and Keiichi's relationship so that her older sister will come home with her. Skuld is depicted as being completely disgusted by any type of romantic or sexual behavior coming from Keiichi towards Belldandy and describes him as pervert, despite the fact that he is a total coward when it comes to making sexual advances towards women. This could be viewed as an interpretation of Skuld unmaking everything that Verdandi and Urdr create in Norse Mythology, but in reality, that meaning was meant to carry a completely different explanation. In Norse Mythology, Skuld was the Metaphorical stand in for the End of a Person's life. She is presented as a Valkyrie in the Poetic Edda's Voluspo, meaning that she takes fallen soldiers to Valhalla, aka the Afterlife. And she is constantly depicted as wearing a hood. Skuld might not officially be The Grim Reaper, but she sounds like the next best thing to him.

*Kevin Neece believes that one of the Spirits he has come into confrontation with is the same Goddess that's responsible for all of the weird Celebrity Death Incidents that wind up in the news. This is because his involvement with them has taught him how to spot their influence. George Michaels of Wham is famous for writing the song Last Christmas. He died on Christmas Day. That's an IRONIC COINCIDENCE. Chadwick Boseman is famous for the movies Black Panther and Jackie Robinson. He died on the same day as the birthdays for both Jackie Robinson and Black Panther creator Jack Kirby. That's an IRONIC COINCIDENCE. Robin Williams is famous for an Afterlife movie called What Dreams May Come, where he journeys into Hell to save his wife after she commits Suicide. Robin Williams was regarded as the funniest man on earth and he commit Suicide which contrasts the message of What Dreams May Come. That's an IRONIC COINCIDENCE. Kevin Neece believes that the Goddess responsible for their deaths intentionally stages these bizarre elements because she has become bored with her job and thinking out these setups helps to entertain her. Remember, Death has a Sick and Twisted Sense of Humor.

*The Original Bad Goddess pilot movie was a black comedy satire about Keiichi Morisato dying from a heart attack during the first time he has sex with Belldandy. This was intended as an ironic payoff to the Chaste Relationship presented in the Ah My Goddess manga which was drawn out for thirty years and over 308 issues without being paid off. When Kevin wrote this screenplay as a work of fan fiction, he nearly choked to death several times which he jokingly associated as the Fates being angry with him. When he dragged out the screenplay again several months later, Kevin suffered a Sex Injury for the very first time in his entire fifteen year marriage to Angela Soto where it felt like he had popped a blood vessel in his head and he laid back in Pain and Agony for thirty minutes waiting for it to subside. At the moment it was happening, Kevin Neece believed that it was Skuld's revenge on him for sexually humiliating her older sister in what would later become an animated movie. Skuld is the Future Goddess. If she were a real person, she would have foreseen that Kevin Neece was actually going to produce that storyline as a feature film, which he did.

*Kevin Neece claims that the reason Keiichi dies of a Heart Attack mid-sex session in the movie is because it was the most Ironic payoff he could think of to the Ah My Goddess anime series. When Kevin Neece was making A Certain Magical Pimpdex, the first forty minutes of the movie jokingly criticized Kosuke Fujishima as being a pedophile for marrying a girl who was less then half his age because of a shotgun wedding pregnancy which would have sincerely pissed off the Goddesses. During the first scene that takes place on a tropical island, Kevin's mother received a phone call that Jim Neece died of a heart attack while snorkeling in the Bahamas. He was 67 years old and worked his whole life only to die two days into his retirement vacation, just as he stood to inherit a sizeable amount of money from his millionaire father Roy Neece, which was the most ironic ending that could happen to him. Because Jim Neece died, the inheritance bypassed him and stood to go to Kevin Neece instead, upon which Ah My Goddess creator Kosuke Fujishima could sue him on copyright infringment grounds for making Bad Goddess. Kosuke Fujishima has the favor of the Three Goddesses, one of which, Skuld, chooses how we die.

*In The Mokkurkalfi Report, Kevin Neece notes that the reason the Goddesses may be lashing out at him was because he repeatedly made fun of Kosuke Fujishima for marrying a girl that was half his age. Ah My Goddess is about an immortal Goddess who falls in love with a mortal human being. If you were an Angel or a Goddess who was thousands of years old, and you saw somebody calling their favorite manga artist a pedophile for marrying somebody that was only thirty years younger than him that was of legal adult age, then what would said Goddess take away from that experience? If the Goddesses are thousands of years old, and they were to date a mortal like Keiichi, then from Kevin Neece's perspective and all of the Gods and Goddesses around her, she would be regarded as a pedophile by her society. Kevin Neece also notes in the Mokkurkalfi Report that if such Angels viewed the act of dating humans from that Pedophilic Perspective, and said Angels were being invoked by Priests and members of the Catholic Church as a form of spiritual possession, then it would explain why so many Catholic Priests are being called out in the news for pedophilic behavior, and why Pope Francis continues to cover their tracks.

*As stated before, the warning signs of the Goddesses involvement are Irony, Serendipity, and Coincidence. Jim Neece believed that the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality was going to have him murdered because he was about to blow the whistle on them over mishandling the San Jacinto Waste Pits project. Jim Neece tried to warn them that it was unsafe to do the cleanup and that their negligence could result in the area becoming contaminated even worse to the point of no return. And that in itself could result in the entire nearby City being poisoned with Cancer Inducing Dioxin via the Drinking Water Supply. They chose not to listen to him because there was a $115 Million cleanup contract at stake and the Activists ignored Kevin Neece's warnings because Jim Neece's research went against their agendas to clean up the Waste Pits. Adding to Jim Neece's paranoia, somebody at TCEQ commit suicide in their office with a gun, which Jim Neece suspected may have been a Murder Cover Up. The Irony here is that Jim Neece was NOT murdered like he thought he would be. He died of a NATURAL HEART ATTACK because it was his time to go, and the reason it looks like he was murdered is because we've all seen too many conspiracy movie stereotypes. Kevin Neece leaked Jim Neece's whistleblower files in front of the entire world, including the News, TCEQ, and the FBI, and nobody ever came forward to threaten him with his life or even legal retaliation. They all stood in silence.

*The Coincidences surrounding Jim Neece's death is he died on June 24th, the same day that Debbie Brand's first husband Freddy died, both in connection with a vacation to the Bahamas. Jim Neece also died on the day after the one year anniversary that Angela Soto's nephew Dylan Gutierrez commit suicide, which Kevin Neece memorialized in The Keys of Marinus Serial. When Kevin Neece received Jim Neece's will in the mail months later, the signed date on the will was June 24th, 2009. He signed and dated the will on the same date he would die nine years later. Kevin Neece's initial belief was that the coincidences signified the Goddesses involvement, being that it was a Random Act of God. However there are two explanations for the June 24th coincidence that make sense, even if they are wrong.

*The only explanation for why the June 24th date would match Jim Neece's will is if he had chosen it intentionally, for example, if he had signed and dated the will on the exact same day that he died just hours earlier, and backdated the will to 2009. But the only reason that would make sense is if: A) He commit euthanasia suicide because he was recently diagnosed with cancer and Nancy made it look like a heart attack, or B) He faked his death so that we would not be forced to watch him waste away from Cancer in a Hospice out in the Bahamas. Theory A doesn't work because it would have shown up on the Autopsy Report if his heart attack had been induced so Nancy is in the clear. Theory B makes more logical sense and here's why. Jim Neece requested that Kevin make a documentary about his funeral and to post it on the internet, foreshadowing his death, which Kevin forgot about. If Jim Neece had faked his death, this would have allowed him to see who attended his funeral. Jim Neece also told Kevin that after his death, Nancy was going to go on an extended vacation, which she did. She went back to the Bahamas. If Jim Neece had faked his death, this would have been so that she could meet up with him during his final days in the Hospice. Theory B could easily be disproven by either providing a photograph of Jim Neece taken by the Coroner, or DNA testing his ashes, but nobody has done so. It is also theoretically possible that Jim Neece DID turn himself into the Authorities and Faking his Death was a part of some kind of Witness Protection Program Initiation. Once you remove the possibilities of Theories A and B, all that is left is the June 24th Coincidence was an ironic Act of God, and his whistleblower case against TCEQ was dark foreshadowing. This also could be interpreted as Skuld the Future Goddess was trying to warn Kevin Neece to investigate into Jim Neece's research files as whistleblowing the San Jacinto Waste Pits would have been his Unfinished Business in the Afterlife that tied his Spirit to Earth.

*Kevin Sorbo believes that Climate Change is a Hoax. One of the warnings that the News stated about the San Jacinto Waste Pits is that if the pits are not eventually cleaned up, if they are left sitting just as Jim Neece had wanted, then eventually Climate Change would result in the rising water levels causing the Dioxin to spill over into the Drinking Water supply just as Kevin Neece fears. If the Climate Change theory was a part of what Jim Neece was trying to warn the general public about, then the evidence would be in Jim Neece's research files that are posted online. Kevin Sorbo claims Climate Change is bullshit. But Kevin Neece sincerely doubts that his father is making up the research materials that represent his life's work as some sort of conspiracy. Having said that, Kevin Neece is NOT an environmental scientist and does not have the ability to interpret his father's research files. And the people who do are either being accused of criminal behavior by Jim Neece, or they have an Activist Agenda that contradicts his well meaning intentions. How would you like it if you were an Activist who spent ten years of your life trying to get them to clean up the San Jacinto Waste Pits, and just as the EPA granted a $115 Million cleanup contract to do it, one scientist stood up and said, "I'm sorry, but there is no safe way to go through with this without creating more damage" and it resulted in the cleanup either being cancelled or delayed for years? Just because Jim Neece had a conscience about his involvement in the project does not mean that he had the right solution to the problem. Having said that, Nancy's exact words were "He was going to turn them in", meaning that they may have resorted to illegal means to get that $115 Million contract.

*Ouija Board Spirits and Demons often like to impersonate people to maintain their victims attention and have been known to play practical jokes upon people who suffer from Mental Illness because it provides them the perfect cover. They know that if the person reaches out to professionals for help, nobody will believe them.

*Kevin Neece was diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder as an early child and was started out on Ritalin. In his later adult years, during his employment as a Dishwasher at Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek, following a failed suicide attempt, and a stay in a psych ward, his diagnosis was changed to Severe Bipolar Disorder and he was put on a medication called Lamotrigine. In the recent news, it was announced that extended use of Lamotrigine can lead to failing health side effects and Kevin was on that medication for nearly a decade. Kevin's Father, Jim Neece, also suffered from the same Mental Illness and hooked him up with his Psychologist Kelley Farmer. Near the end of 2019, Kevin Neece burned his Ouija Board that was being used in the Oh My Goddess experiments and it resulted in him hearing the voice of a woman claiming to be his Spirit Wife who wanted his children. The Spirit Wife tried to trick Kevin into believing she was the real life counterpart to Belldandy from the cartoon show, which would be Verdandi the Norn of the Present from Norse Mythology. Later she used the name Ekatn, which is an alternate spelling for Hecate, the Greek Triple Goddess of the Crossroads. Fearing he had suffered a Psychiatric Break, or worse, Spiritual Possession, Kevin Neece immediately checked himself into the Austin Oaks Hospital and was diagnosed with signs of Schizoaffective Disorder, which can develop from Severe Bipolar Disorder. The Doctors put Kevin Neece on Olanzapine and when the medication finally began to kick in, the problems eventually came to an end.

*When Kevin Neece was staying in the Austin Oaks Psych Ward, he had the Ouija Board laced Oh My Goddess DVDs packed away in storage at the Hospital. And the Spiritual Coincidences followed him. In the bedroom where he was staying, somebody wrote a large indent into the bedroom wall that looked very similar to the word SKULD. Kevin Neece traced it for their research files. Several of the patients and doctors also looked physically similar to people he had met in real life, like they could have been related.

*By pure coincidence, after attending Psychologist Kelley Farmer's office for years, Kevin Neece discovered that one of the other Doctors residing in her office building was named James D. Marler. Kevin's subplot series is called Marller Gets a Spinoff, and his father's legal name is James D. Neece. Dr Marler's website is featured here:

*The Ah My Goddess anime series is about the Goddess Belldandy engaging in a romantic relationship with a human named Keiichi Morisato, who is loosely based on mangaka Kosuke Fujishima during his college years. The general layout of Nekomi Tech featured in the cartoon show is very similar to the layout of Chiba Japan which is where Kosuke Fujishima was born and raised. In the original version of Bad Goddess, the live action photograph of Tarhiki Hongan Temple was the real Temple from Chiba Japan that may have inspired the one featured in the Anime show.

*The reason why Ah My Goddess does not work in real life is because real life Goddesses are ghosts without a physical form. The only way one could be in a sexual relationship with one is if they allowed the spirit to possess them while they mutually masturbate. This is why the Christian Community often refers to Masturbation as having "Sex with Demons". The reason Social Media refuses to take them seriously is because they have no context for why the Christians are saying this and automatically assume they are insane.

*The Bad Goddess episode Love Bites accurately breaks down the details about why Kevin Neece's marriage to Angela Soto came to an end. The secret of the cartoon is that the Spirit Wife may have interfered in Kevin's marriage by possessing Angela and influencing an attitude change within her personality that was so drastically different from her normal behavior that even her own mother noticed the difference. The part about Angela's behavior that tipped him off was that the change happened after she returned from the Hair Salon with her hair dyed near shock blonde like Urd, the Indian Goddess from the Anime Show. Angela Soto is a mixed raced of Apache/Cherokee Indian and Hispanic decent. Kevin and Angela obviously had some serious issues with their relationship, as depicted in the cartoon, but neither of them attempted to act on those impulses until the Spirit Wife intervened.

*In the original Oh My Goddess anime from the 1990s, which Kevin Neece used in the witchcraft invocation experiments with the Ouija Board placed under the DVD player, Keiichi Morisato receives a PHONE CALL from the Goddess Belldandy, who comes into his room out of a mirror, and tells him that she is a Goddess who visits people who are in DISTRESS to grant them God's Favor. In real life, when a person receives a visit from the Goddess Hecate, it is referred to as "The CALL of Hecate". This Goddess has been known to visit people who are under extreme emotional DISTRESS because the energy they are exhibiting functions as a sacrificial offering to her. Kevin Neece suspects that the Goddesses were watching his Bad Goddess cartoons on his television set because it was being projected into a large dresser mirror in his bedroom. These connections have led Kevin to believe that the Coincidence between the scene in the cartoon show and the Call of Hekate exists because Kosuke Fujishima may have researched Witchcraft when he wrote the manga.

*In the Oh My Goddess manga, all of the Runes and Sigils appear to be based on real ones featured in Norse Mythology. We assume that these were just chosen for show as a work of fiction, but if they actually existed for a purpose. For example in the later episodes of Adventures of Mini-Goddess, there is a Pink Sigil in front of a Blue Background that we assume exists for show. But what if its real purpose was because that show creators were trying to boost their ratings with a good fortune spell? What if Kosuke Fujishima hid real spells in the manga series as an easter egg for witchcraft accuracy?

*Ekatn/Hecate is also known to be a Dog Lover. On the back of the Vodou Store candle for Hekate, there is an incantation that Kevin Neece used in his experiments. Part of the incantation reads: "Your Procession is Heralded by Singing Dogs, and the Heavy Chains of Kronos Bound..." On the night that the Spirit Wife visited Kevin Neece, one of his dogs Trixie was behaving in a very strange manner and was howling at the window just as it began to get dark. Trixie was a stray dog that Kevin's stepfather Don Wolfe took in off the streets and for the past decade, has NEVER EVER exhibited the symptom of HOWLING. Trixie became a "Singing Dog" whom heralded the arrival of the Spirit Wife. Kevin Neece became possessed with a form of intuition that showed him how to create a witchcraft DVD for an Asatru Marriage, using Online Materials and Magic Sigils from Pinterest from which Kevin Neece had NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF. Something just took over the wheel and brought him directly to those pages. The name of the Witchcraft Invocation Political Cartoon that Kevin Neece mailed out to US Congress in concerns to COPPA was titled: "To the FTC with Love Mara." The Spirit Wife that possessed Kevin and designed the Asatru Wedding Spell titled the DVD "To Kevin with Love Ekatn."

*When Kevin Neece investigated into Hecate's background on Facebook, nearly all of her followers became brutally offended by the idea that their Goddess would engage in sexual relations with a human, and came up with the explanation that Kevin Neece was the victim of a prank being performed by a Succubus Demon who likes to use the names of Deities as a Disguise. Just as the symptoms of a Succubus Sexual Encounter is described online, Kevin Neece suffered a Mental Illness breakdown that was showcased as Schizoaffective Disorder, where two different personalities inhabit the same body at the same time, and both are aware of each other's presence.

*On the morning after running the Asatru Wedding DVD, Kevin Neece was still feeling the after effects of the spell. Debbie Brand complained that she lost her car keys and walked out the door because she was late. Kevin Neece prayed to Belldandy asking her to bestow Good Fortune upon his Mother so that she might find her car keys. About ten minutes later, an older woman came knocking at the front door to return Debbie Brand's car keys which she found laying on the ground in the front yard while she was walking her dog. The woman had this glow about her, like she just walked off the set of Touched By an Angel. One of the Magic Spell Sigils featured on Pinterest is "To Find Lost Things" so apparently finding lost car keys is something that you can realistically wish for.

*In the Ah My Goddess anime series, Belldandy tells Keiichi that she has the ability to grant him any wish he wants, be it Money, Fame, Sex, or even the destruction of Planet Earth itself and everyone on it. She then tells him about a Catch-22 in the system: The Goddesses always do their background research on the person they are visiting to make sure that he or she would never ask for the "Destruction of Planet Earth" wish.

*In The Fate of a Nation, one of the main themes about the Goddesses is expressed within Kevin Neece's ability to create Empathetic Dialogue: "I have a Dangerous Power That Can Move Mountains and Shake the Foundations of the Very Earth. It Can Be Used For Good. And It Can Be Used For Evil." When Kevin Neece was possessed by the Spirit Wife, she intentionally tricked him into believing that she was granting him possession of a replica of the book from Death Note, as a Test for Employment in the Afterlife. In the anime series Death Note, whenever somebody writes a name in the book, said person drops dead from a Heart Attack after Sixty Seconds, unless the Cause of Death is Specified Otherwise. Kevin Neece wrote all 543 Members of US Congress and Senate into the book THREE different times because he believed the only way to fix our country was to completely replace our Government with the younger Next Generation of Politicians, and the only way that would happen is if the entire US Congress dropped dead from natural causes. It's exactly like Belldandy said in the cartoon, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and if the Goddesses had REALLY granted Kevin Neece that power without doing their research, the United States of America would have been completely fucked.

*In the Fate of a Nation, Kevin Neece warns US Congress and Senate that if the Bad Goddess cartoon "To the FTC Love Mara" were to go viral and everybody in the United States ran it between the hours of Midnight to 3am with Black Witchcraft Candles under the mistaken belief that what they were doing was a joke, the high level of Demonic Energy would Death Curse the five FTC members photoshopped into the cartoon and then backfire upon everyone who ran it with the Black Candles. Meaning that everyone who used the cartoon at the same time would suffer a Deadly Fate three times worse than the FTC Commissioners. The only people stupid enough to perform that spell would be the Atheists who were trying to prove that Kevin Neece was wrong.

*Kevin Neece's theory about "To the FTC Love Mara" is that if he were to perform the spell himself, it would not work because the FTC Commissioners are of a higher rank than the offering that he could make to the Spirits. This System of Rank is why a Civilian Witch cannot realistically curse a President, because there is no offering that could be made that would equal to the size of their request. Kevin comes to the conclusion that in order for the Magic to work, the spell must be put on a DVD that would transferable and able to be performed by the members of US Congress under the disguise that what they were watching was a Political Cartoon. In Theory, "To the FTC Love Mara" works a like a Ouija Board invocation. For every fifty people that cannot get a Ouija Board to work, there are always five who can. If the cartoon had gone viral and millions of people tried to perform the spell at the same time using Black Candles, then those five people that could actually get the spell to work would be raised into the number of thousands of people. About a month or so after sending the Political Cartoon to over 300 member of US Congress and Senate, COVID-19 came to the United States and began to wipe out hundreds of thousands of people in the exact same manner as threatened in The Fate of a Nation. It's as if the Spirits that Haunted Kevin Neece's Bad Goddess cartoons stole his idea and rebooted it for one of their Biblical Plague/Mass Destruction Events.

*During the writing of The Fate of a Nation, when Kevin Neece was possessed by the Spirit Wife Ekatn, he became very sensitive to the surrounding spirits in the room, like a Spiritual Medium, and he could tell when the spirits switched out with each other. In one case, during the middle of night, he felt the presence of a man, who felt like he was a CEO or Big Boss, who had come down to earth after work hours to investigate Kevin Neece's house to look into whether or not he actually had the ability to perform the Demonic Terrorist Attack that he had been warning to the members of US Congress and the online Evangelist Community. The emotions that this man exhibited when he walked around Kevin Neece's house was as if he had stepped into the basement of a parking garage, he shifted through many of Kevin Neece's DVDs picking out which movies may have presented themes that would get mixed up in Kevin's imagination, that would be exhibited within his writing. Finally he took the night off and watched Charlie Day's Fist Fight so that he could get a good look at the original inspiration for "Doctor What". The next morning, he wrote out a staff meeting report disguised as one of Kevin Neece's Bad Goddess cartoons titled The Mokkurkalfi Report, which feels like he was trying to educate his co-workers on what the hell just happened and if Kevin Neece could be trusted with responsibility if they trained him to use magic properly. This cartoon is available online.

*When Kevin Neece was performing the "Death Note" experiment, he targeted the members of the Westboro Baptist Church, only to discover that after writing all of their names on the list, the Hacker that posted their info online did not properly do his research. This means that innocent people were featured on the list by accidental name association. When Kevin Neece targeted a list of Police Officers who walked away from the crime of shooting Innocent Unarmed African Americans, he could hear the voices of a dozen people in the room, all them with accents that sounded like they were Black, and all of them were cheering him on. It's as if Judgment Day had arrived and the Shooting Victims Spirits all decided to have a party at Kevin Neece's house to celebrate. When Kevin Neece finally went after a list of coworkers that worked in the Water Planning division of the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, he felt a strong force jump into him and forced him to immediately cross out all of the names. It was the ghost of his dead father Jim Neece, and he was trying to warn him that the people he was about to Death Note were innocent. Jim Neece's spirit came back from the dead to save the lives of his co-workers.

*In the Ah My Goddess anime series, specifically Season Two Flights of Fancy, there is an episode where Urd's personality is split into two different people inhabiting the same body and switching out with each other. Her Goddess Half, and Her Demonic Half. The plot of the episode showcases that her Demonic Half is beginning to disappear and lose all of her memories and the only way to make her right again was to fuse both of her halves back together again. This is exactly what happened to Kevin Neece when he was possessed by the Spirit Wife, and it is why she chose to let him go. Kevin Neece's personality was beginning to disappear, as if he was a passenger in the back seat of a car being driven by someone else, and Ekatn felt guilty because she realized what her presence was doing to him. Ekatn cathartically broke down crying when she realized why she could no longer stay with him, and then her presence immediately disappeared when he came to his senses. When Kevin Neece tries to invoke Hecate on a Ouija Board now, the only response that he gets is "No Faith is Necessary."

*In the Ah My Goddess anime series, there is an episode where Mara Marller switches out Belldandy's license which results in her being turned into a Demon. When Demon Belldandy commits Good Deeds, she suffers Intense Misfortune and Bad Luck, but when she commits Sins, she is rewarded with Good Fortune and Good Luck. Before Kevin Neece had the sexual encounter with the Succubus Ekatn, whenever he messed around with Demon Invocations, he suffered extreme misfortune as a side effect. After he was married to the Goddess, the Demon Invocations stopped effecting him and he only received Good Fortune. In one of the experiments, Kevin Neece successfully manifested the warning signs of ZOZO twice using a Video Witchcraft DVD. When ZOZO attempted to take pot shots at him, the demon backed off almost immediately as if someone was in the room protecting Kevin, and instead of bad luck, he only received Good Luck the next day. Ekatn's final words to Kevin Neece when she granted him the "Death Note" was "Welcome to the Family." which is what Belldandy says to Doctor What in Evangelion Must Die. This leads to good question: is Kevin Neece married to a Demon? Or is Kevin Neece unaware that he has become a Demon himself, similar to the character that he writes in his fiction? Doctor What is depicted as a man that is possessed by a female spirit as a disguise.

*Furthermore, in the Oh My Goddess manga, the Goddesses and Demons are spiritually wed together by The Doublet System, a sharing of life. If a Goddess kills a Demon, then another Goddess dies with that Demon so that the Goddess who killed the Demon would be held accountable by her own side. And if a Demon kills a Goddess, then another Demon dies with that Goddess so that the Demon who killed the Goddess would also be held accountable by her own side. Goddesses don't marry humans. Goddesses marry Demons. And Demons marry Goddesses. As nobody is aware of who they are Spiritually Doublet connected to, it supposedly deters them from wanting to kill people from the other side. Thus leading to an important question. Is Kevin Neece Spirit Wived to a Goddess or a Demon? If Kevin Neece is Spirit Wived to a Goddess, then does that mean Kevin Neece will become a Demon in the Afterlife? If Kevin Neece is Spirit Wived to a Demon, then does that mean Kevin Neece will become an Angel in the Afterlife?

*Wait a minute. Those rules would only apply in the manga. The only reason those rules would make sense in real life is if Kosuke Fujishima based the Doublet System on something that he witnessed himself. Or if the Doublet System was somehow inspired by Spirit Wife marriage.

*In the Ah My Goddess anime series, in the early episodes, Yggdrasil, the system that runs all of reality, features a program called the System Force that causes random acts of Fate to jump out of the woodworks to protect the Goddesses whenever they are about to be exposed by a human with photographic/video evidence, or when they are about to by separated from Keiichi. Kevin Neece experienced such an event in real life that was exactly like what was featured in the cartoon show. When Kevin Neece sought help from a Spiritual Medium that guest starred on Zombie Life TV, named Reinero De Valois, he watched one of the cartoons and noticed that the third episodes titled Misrepresentations of Our Gods through the Media exhibited the spiritual energy emissions of a Goddess. Her emotions suggested that she thought the cartoon was funny and gained enjoyment by how Kevin Neece used his own sick and twisted sense of humor to convey how the Goddesses really felt about the Ah My Goddess fandom in Japan. Reinero De Valois offered to petition the Norns in their planned documentary film, which Kevin was going to put on camera, but a few days before the planned shoot, Kevin drove out to the Seton Hospital in North Austin to get some test shots and random acts of Fate started jumping out of the woodworks to stop him. First he received unending calls from his grandmother's assisted living about a Doctor's Appointment that she forgot to tell him about, requesting that he immediately turn around and head home. Then he discovered that it was about to rain on the day of the shoot. Finally he got his opening test footage in the Garden Maze located behind the Hospital and his Ex-Wife Angela called. She informed him that by pure coincidence, she was going into surgery at that very same Hospital on the day after the shoot, where she was going to be put under, and that she needed him to give her a ride. Kevin Neece felt that the Goddesses were manipulating Fate in a Threatening manner so that he would back off from invoking them on camera with a Spiritual Medium who knew what he was doing. In the exact words of Reinero De Valois: "You appear to live in a whole different reality than we do."

*Kevin Neece frequently casts blacklisted and scandalized actors as Doctor What because he knows what it is like to be the blacklisted black sheep in today's Cancel Culture. Bad Goddess was intended to be a safe haven for those who engage in brutally outspoken behavior. This was a bad habit he picked up from spending years as a website apprentice to Director Josh Becker, whom he regarded as a mentor on Classic Cinema History.

*When Kevin Neece was possessed by Ekatn, she repeatedly wrote down a saying that was intended directly for Kosuke Fujishima: "Sits Here is a Box That is Missing Its Board, and Those Who Come Looking Will Be Incredibly Sore, But a Heart That Stands Broken Can Thus Still Be Fixed, and a Curse Can Be Reversed With a Flick of the Wrist, Just Find the Right Goddess to Turn Back the Night, and My Altar of Ashes Will Show You the Light." November 25th 2019. 12am to 3am. This is a reference to Kevin Neece burning the Ouija Board in the bird bath in his backyard, which is what resulted in him being possessed. The only way that somebody could retrieve the original Ouija Board to undo the spell is a Goddess that can perform the Reversal Spell featured in the Oh My Goddess manga, which is a work of fiction. Everything featured in the Ah My Goddess series is derivative of things featured in either witchcraft religions, anime pop culture, or Kosuke Fujishima's life. If the Call of Hekate inspired Belldandy's first appearance, if the System Force inspired elements of the cartoon, and if the Goddesses are based on real Spiritual Deities, then the theory being presented is the Reversal Spell may also be something that Kosuke Fujishima witnessed in real life, and we assume it to be a work of fiction because it is featured in a cartoon show.

*In the Oh My Goddess manga series, during the Niflheim Rebellion storyline, Belldandy confesses that the real reason Goddesses visit humans and grant them wishes is because they need the energy tradeoff of human souls to survive and power them with their magic. Later in the series, Mokkurkalfi reveals her true demon form to Keiichi to showcase that both the Goddesses and the Demons choose to appear in Human Form so that they are approachable and won't scare people off. Meaning that Belldandy Urd and Skuld are not really what they appeared to be. Keiichi's physical attraction to Belldandy is based on an Illusion. This feels like Kosuke Fujishima is trying to warn his audience not to trust the Goddesses, which does not make sense at all because Ah My Goddess is supposed to be a Work of Fiction. The only reason that his warning would make sense is he was trying to tell everybody that the Goddesses were real and that his life has suffered because of it. In the first Bad Goddess pilot movie, Kevin Neece takes these two elements and examines them from a different angle, stating that the Goddesses in real life are a race of Interdimensional Aliens holding the Earth under Occupation like The Matrix so that they can harvest it for Humans Souls. Basically their guise that they are Angels from Heaven is a lie and Religion was made up so that they could easily trick people into trusting them. In the Ah My Goddess Season One anime series, there is an episode where Belldandy comes onto Keiichi for Sex while they are sitting in the Lobby of a Christian Church because she has been drugged with a Love Potion. And Urd is cheering her on outside the building. If Jesus Christ existed in the Ah My Goddess universe, then technically Belldandy should have been afraid of incurring his wrath by going through with it. But she wasn't. This implication is that Jesus Christ does not exist in the Ah My Goddess Norse Mythology version of Heaven, which is why Belldandy is not afraid of him.

*In the Mokkurkalfi Report articles, Ekatn disturbingly reveals that the reason Goddesses stage mass destruction events such as the Terrorist Attack of 9/11, or Typhoons, that wind up killing thousands of people, is because there is an energy shortage of Human Souls up in Heaven or down in Hell, and in order to maintain the balance, they stage these mass destruction events so that they can call in everybody's Fate Contracts and collect what they are owed. This creepily harkens back to what Belldandy admits to in the Niflheim Rebellion storyline, and the part where Kosuke Fuijshima tries to warn his audience. A few months after the writing of the Mokkurkalfi Reports, COVID-19 hit the United States wiping out Hundreds of Thousands of People like a Biblical Plague. In the Mokkurkafli Report article Death Note 2020 War Games, Ekatn tries to warn everybody that what Kevin Neece has just done with the Fate of a Nation and Death Note curses is going to have serious consequences that he didn't think of. In her own words: "This is not Final Destination. This is not War Games. We don't want to wipe you all out. We need Kevin Neece to win this one. We need all of you to win this one. So pray to whatever God you deem necessary and do what you need to survive, because that is exactly what you are about to go up against." Kevin Neece thought that the curse was going to be like a Final Destination movie done on the scale of a Michael Bay destruction movie. It turned out that Ekatn was warning everybody about COVID-19. Kevin Neece used the Death Note to target Religious Church Leaders that he felt were evil and hypocritical. And COVID-19 has targeted and killed nothing but Priests and Church Ministers who attempt to hold mass gatherings without face masks.

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