Sunday, January 3, 2021

Piracy Etiquette When You're a Guerilla Filmmaker and Fan Film Artist


And here you all thought there was no honor amongst thieves? Recently on Twitter, a voice actress/director by the name of Brittany Lauda voiced her concerns about people using Fan Dubs on their resumes. Mind you, my Bad Goddess series is a Satire of Film Pitches and Internet Piracy, but her reasonings that Fan Made material is illegal due to Character Rights is still true. Even if the studios aren't doubling down and prosecuting people for it, it can get you banned from a professional job in the Voice Acting and Anime Industry in Japan. However there are a few minor differences in my case.

Her argument is aimed at Fan Dubs. A Fan Dub is when somebody Pirates an Anime Cartoon from Japan and does their own English Translation Voice Track, usually because an English Release does not exist in America, or because they're a bunch of rude little cunts who piss whine and moan every day that FUNimation is fucking up their favorite English dubs with their own political stances.

What I made, Bad Goddess, was a FAN FILM. A Fan Film is a brand new episode OVA or series featuring trademark characters that people do not own the rights to, because they desperately want to see them in stories that the studios would never clear the red tape to produce themselves. Are Fan Films illegal? Technically yes, but unless you're trying to produce them on a professional level and release them through a distributor, it's not likely that they're going to come after you. Before all you professionals reading this go shitting all over us and calling the entire fan film community a bunch of thieves, allow me to remind you of a few famous fan films that have come and gone.

Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation. A Bunch of Kids did a shot for shot remake of Indiana Jones back in the 1980s before it even had a video release using sound recording devices in the theater (today audio recording in a theater can get you sent to prison). This film is so famous that Steven Spielberg himself watched it and showcased a sense of amusement meeting with the filmmakers in person. I didn't get such a royal welcome from the makers of Ah My Goddess but I appreciate that Kodansha Ltd allowed my series to live. Drafthouse Films also produced a Documentary about the making of this film that's worth a look.

Batman: Dead End. An Amateur Filmmaker spent $3,000 of his own cash to make one of the most professional looking Fan Films shorts I have ever seen where Batman fights not only the Joker, but gets attacked by one of Ridley Scott's Aliens, and then takes on an entire team of Predators. Alamo Drafthouse paid tribute to this movie by featuring it in their preshow screening for John McTiernan's Predator.

Anime Spongebob. This was a more recent short film that had to fight to secure it's place on YouTube thanks to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. In all honesty, I cannot imagine why anybody would want to put so much hard work animating an actual cartoon that they would never own the rights to, but they did, and you cannot deny that's love.

But there are cases where Fan Filmdom can go too far. There have been hundreds of Star Trek comedy skits all over television and the internet. One group of filmmakers took it too far and tried to produced a Star Trek short that was so professional, Axanar, that CBS and Paramount took them to court to stop them. They were using that brand to launch their own studio and backfired bigtime.

The difference between their short film and all of those other skits is the word PARODY, or COMEDY SPOOF, or SATIRE. Their short was not a PARODY, they were trying to be Canon. See, copyright owners absolutely despise it when fans try to be canon to the original works, and request that if they engage in such activity to make it as different from the original as possible. This is why Bad Goddess is the exact opposite of Ah My Goddess and follows the formula of SATIRE with LIVE ACTION BACKGROUNDS. To make it as different as possible so as not to impose on the canon of Kosuke Fujishima's series.

Let us not also forget the Harry Potter Lexicon incident where a fan tried to publish his own spinoff book only to be taken to court by J.K. Rowling. This is why I never tried to officially publish my autobiography, The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger. It extensively discussed the making of my Bad Goddess series to such an extent that it could not be copyrighted, nor did I need it to be. It was written with the original intent of educating and explaining my background to the FBI, and it's available for free on the internet. If it was removed from the internet after my death, then it has served it's purpose.

Alamo Drafthouse has been a staple of showcasing vintage ILLEGAL FOREIGN KNOCKOFFS in their preshows. For example, in the preshow for Justice League, they showcase a FAN FILM created for Aquaman... in this rare case, the student filmmaker got permission from the actual rights owners. Alyas Batman en Robin is almost always featured during the Batman screenings of any kind. Believe it or not, DC COMICS actually did try to stop the production of Alyas Batman en Robin with a lawsuit. They failed miserably and now Tim League and Laird Jimenez wave it around their Batman screenings like the Spoils of War. And if you ever go to a screening of Tommy Wiseau's The Room, be prepared for Turkish Exorcist, Turkish Star Wars, Turkish Wizard of Oz, and Bollywood Nightmare on Elm Street. Jesus Christ, look at all the copyright infringement on display at the greatest theater in America. I bet Tim League got away with it because it was for educational purposes.

Let's peruse onward to FAN EDITS. Sometimes Video Mixtape Artists such as myself like to re-edit our own special cuts of movies, however, this is still be a big no no depending on what you do with it. Once upon a time, somebody released Star Wars: The Phantom Edit at the risk of George Lucas sending his lawyers after him. He let it slide, but still warned people not to sell it at conventions as they could still be prosecuted. A Group of Renegade Fans cleaned up an original film print of Star Wars A New Hope, WITHOUT all of the Special Edition extra scenes or special effects, and released it online. Just admit that you professional film critics all secretly watched it to spite George Lucas.

EJ Anttila had his own FAN EDIT show at Alamo Drafthouse called Horror Remix for Eight Years. A Triple Feature of Thematic Horror in Condensed to Two Hours with all the boring shit cut out. And it ran in a movie theater with free admission. Many of the employees questioned how the hell Alamo Drafthouse got away with it, especially since they were charging $5 food vouchers to reserve seating. EJ claimed that he had his own dream team of lawyers, but I know where he REALLY got his obscure out of print movies from, and his hit show came with a price. He could never legally release Horror Remix on DVD, because all of the Producers and Directors associated with the movies wanted their hands in the pot. They would not allow him such a release unless they could edit the movies themselves, hence it would not be his show anymore. EJ refused to go along with it and years after the show came to an end, a few copies magically appeared on Internet Archive. Today EJ designs the DVD covers for Japanese Horror Film Releases, and most of his precious obscure horror films that he educationally showcased to his newfound audience got a proper release on BluRay.

I recently dug through my own collection and discovered a FAN EDIT Mixtape of All Three Robocop films chopped up, shortened, and scene re-arranged into one three hour movie with intermission shorts and comedy skits. It was intercut to look as if both villain storylines were crisscrossing and happening at the same time as one storyline. Want to know why you've never seen it? Because I never released it online. This is the internet dude, we're not invisible. Personally, I think it's a lot more fun than the original movie by itself, because you've all watched the original Robocop a hundred times. Now you can see everything re-arranged in a way that's slightly more entertaining and adds a freshness to the proceedings. However, a studio would still frown upon such a cut, as there would be red tape issues that would prevent them from making money off of it. It has nothing to do with Artistic Value. If I want to watch Robocop The Mixtape in the privacy of my own, and maybe a few of my friends, that's my business, but there's a line that cannot be crossed.

And all of you professional filmmakers are still pointing fingers and saying BUT THAT'S ILLEGAL! Oh yeah, guess how Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Josh Becker, and the Coen Brothers got their start in filmmaking? Making 16mm shorts with pirated film soundtracks. The short films could never be legally distributed on DVD because of the soundtracks, but they made sure that their films survived in private hands and got pirated to high heaven. It's not a big fucking secret.

I recently sat down and watched all twenty three seasons of SOUTH PARK. Remember how that show got it's start? George Clooney PIRATED hundreds of VHS copies and spread the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS around Hollywood and Los Angeles. Yes, THAT George Clooney, the guy that starred in The Return of the Killer Tomatoes.

BUT YOU DON'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO THOSE CHARACTERS! Jason Segal didn't own the rights to the Muppets, but that didn't stop him from writing his screenplay and pitching it to all of Hollywood. Jason Segal was a professional actor and everyone dismissed his Muppets Reboot as a work of FAN FICTION. And when he finally got the film into production, the original Muppet performers talked shit about him behind his back to the gossip rags because they didn't like how he modernized the characters. And then it became a Hit Movie and then Little Shop of Horrors director Frank Oz admitted that he was wrong to Jason Segal in front of the entire social media and then proceeded to drop trousers in front of everyone and suck his own dick, because a wager is a wager you know... and a good director showcases the humility to know when he's lost.

Speaking of Sucking Dick, I recently, and quite disgustingly, live tweeted a viewing of a certain porn star's work as some sort of grotesque Howard Stern comedy act where I roasted the video. In all honesty, I did it out of boredom to prove just how many people don't give a fuck about my Doctor What Twitter Account. Needless to say, the porn actress was pissed and somewhat horrified. Her exact words were that the linked videos online were STOLEN MATERIAL and that PIRACY was DESTROYING THE INDUSTRY. Oh yeah, technically a majority of the stuff posted on YouTube is stolen material, let's see if your argument holds up there. No, wait, it just makes you look like an asshole. Never fall for the fantasy illusion of a Porn Star kiddos, it's not your heart she's after, it's your credit card numbers.

BUT AS A CONTENT CREATOR, DON'T YOU CARE? Are you kidding? I have NO DISTRIBUTION and NO VIEWCOUNTS because I'm blacklisted. I would love for my stuff to go viral on the internet, even if everyone talked shit about it and sent me rude messages. I can handle an internet roast better than anyone. If anything, it saves me the money of self distributing the movies myself.

Taking a step back, I think of The Muppets Reboot being insulted as a work of Fan Fiction a lot when it comes to BAD GODDESS. But you know what I think of more than that? A documentary about failed making of JODOROWSKY'S DUNE or that other film that discusses the failed making of TIM BURTON'S SUPERMAN, or the failed making of TERRY GILLIAM'S THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE... because that's what BAD GODDESS was supposed to be, a PARODY PILOT SERIES FILM PITCH that was rejected because it looked like it was made by a disgruntled intern trying to get revenge on his bosses at KODANSHA LTD. I mean, how the fuck was I supposed to know the show was going to be HAUNTED. I thought everybody loved SOUTH PARK and DOCTOR WHO. Apparently NOT Ah My Goddess fans. The Ouija Board Demons thought it was so fucking hilarious, one of them told me she was my spirit wife and wanted my children.

BUT YOU CANNOT PUT FAN WORK ON YOUR RESUME. IT'S UNPROFESSIONAL. Oh yeah? Really? If I put the work into a movie, I'm getting credited for it. It's a part of my filmography that I'm very proud of and I'm already blacklisted anyways. There are no jobs at FUNimation or Kodansha Ltd that I'm qualified for anyways. What the fuck do I care if some pedophile producers over in Japan want to prevent me from making Anime? I hope those cocksucker producers that made A Certain Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun shit their pants and choked to death on their own vomit if they ever took the time to watch A Certain Magical Pimpdex. Mikoto Misaka is fucking fourteen years old and they have a twelve year old Shirai Kuroko fondling her breasts in the shower on a fucking kids show and waxing sexual over her underwear. I don't recall seeing those jokes in the fucking Manga version of Railgun, they must've been added by some pervert writers on the Anime Creative Staff.

And now comes the next story of TROMA FILMS versus ADDISON BINEK. Lloyd Kaufman, bless his dear soul, has been a champion of Guerilla Filmmaking his whole life, and has encouraged others to follow in his footsteps through ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Well I did that, and now I've got a bunch of documentaries that will only be available under the table. That's the downside of Guerilla Filmmaking, if you don't use contract work, you can't prove any of the copyrights, then you can't get an IPR form which means you can't get professionally burned to DVD, unless you have the money to buy a DVD printer and do it yourself. Lloyd Kaufman encourages people to give their work away for free to get ahead in their careers. To get their foot in the doors at the bottom rung of a studio film to learn everything they can. He tells them, work for free if you have to, and don't complain about being exploited, use the experience to learn everything you can. BUT in my recent years as a filmmaker, Lloyd Kaufman has never ever responded to me. How the HELL did I wind up on a Blacklist that was being co-enforced by Lloyd Kaufman. Doesn't that man constantly complain that he's on a Hollywood Blacklist himself? It's probably because I'm on Tim League's shit list for pirating all of his preshow material and Lloyd doesn't want to piss off Alamo Drafthouse because they screen his movies. Anyways, I'm getting off topic.

A few weeks ago on Twitter, Lloyd Kaufman launched a Tirade of Anger against filmmaker Addison Binek for selling copies of Tromasterpiece Theater Poultergeist Night of the Chicken Dead at a Horror Convention Center and announcing it over the internet. Lloyd Kaufman warned him that while he had granted him temporary permission as a favor for YouTube, he did NOT sign off on a distribution deal, and unless Addison Binek has Lloyd's signature on paper, to BACK OFF immediately or Lloyd would sue him, and the FBI could send him to Prison. This does not sound like the Lloyd Kaufman we all know and love, but needless to say, Addison Binek acted like a little shit about the whole thing and proceeded to taunt him.

Lloyd Kaufman wasn't being hypocritical, he was trying to teach Addison Binek a lesson in professionalism over a film that was a very sore spot for him. Poultreygeist Night of the Chicken Dead, in spite of being one of his best films, was fully funded because Lloyd and his wife withdrew their entire retirement savings. Was Lloyd Kaufman rewarded for his efforts? No, his film was pirated all over Bittorrent to such an extent that he made a comedy skit intro for the DVD release. But wait a minute Kevin... didn't you use The Toxic Avenger for a Cameo in A Certain Magical Pimpdex without permission? Doesn't that put you in the same boat to be legally attacked by Lloyd Kaufman?

Yes, it does, but for some reason or another, Lloyd has never acknowledged my Fan Film's existence. However there is a slight difference between Addison Binek and Myself. What Addison Binek did was he released an entire film of footage shot and owned by Lloyd Kaufman with a Mystery Science Theater Commentary track, and then he packaged it and sold it at a Horror Convention with Troma's name plastered all over the box without paying any royalties for it. A Certain Magical Pimpdex was a completely new film comprised of edited stock animation materials that featured The Toxic Avenger in a secret cameo. It's listed on IMDb, but it's still a complete surprise when you see it, in a movie that's loaded up the ass with surprise cameos that I don't have the rights to. It's not just Troma, it's everyone. However, I didn't plaster Troma's name all over the goddamn movie as a selling point, and Toxie jokingly states in his dialogue that Troma's Licensing Department was going to have a few angry words with me, warning the audience that I didn't get permission. Also I don't HOCK fan edits or films for full price at Horror Conventions or Anime Conventions.

Addison Binek's Tromasterpiece Theater DVD cover deceptively tricks everyone into thinking Troma was involved when really it's just another pirated movie that they weren't being paid for. I would make one little note here for the jury that Troma should take into consideration. Troma traditionally doesn't pay the filmmakers any royalties for their movies on the excuse that all of their money is going into the sales and distribution. To make amends for that however, they have released a majority of their films for free streaming on YouTube, and their Streaming Service Troma NOW is only $5 a month.

Getting back to Bad Goddess, none of the original show producers or voice cast members from Ah My Goddess have ever commented on the existence of my series because they are scared shitless that they will become just as blacklisted as I am if they publicly support it. And they're right. Sort of. I mean, it's not like they're A-List actors or their current non-existent careers are any better than mine is. What's really fucked up about this is I made that series on a budget of zero because I was poor and blacklisted for a decade. Watch the original introduction episodes of Oh My Goddess and listen to what Belldandy says to Keiichi about a human beings self worth. A Human Being's worth is not based on his good looks, or the money in his pocket, it's what's in the heart that counts. When you contrast the message of the show against the behavior of everyone who worked on it towards myself in the name of studio professionalism, it looks like they're a bunch of heartless assholes. Every - last - one - them. Including Kikuko Inoue, who prances around pretending that she's the world's oldest 17 year old, and uses her adult daughter as her photographic basis for comparison. Kodansha Ltd and FUNimation even refused to respond even when my father died and I tried to come forward to the FBI to report an environmental crime that could put peoples lives in danger. Can you really blame me for thinking they're a bunch of cunts?

The truth is Oh My Goddess HAS ALWAYS BEEN PIRATED. Kosuke Fujishima's manga series was in publication for FIVE YEARS before it picked up an Audience in America. Do you want to know how that happened? It's because people made FAN DUBS, you know, those same people that you industry people point fingers at. I know I sound petty right now, but I also know Kodansha Ltd is reading this. Take a good look at your Goddess Empire fellas. Take a good close look at all the Merchandising you've done. All the toys. And the CDs. And the Video Games. And the Casino Machines. And the specially painted Race Cars. And the Belldandy Ferris Wheels. And the Hentai Body Pillows. Don't lie to me, I know you secretly signed off on those you dirty dogs you. It all exists because a bunch of pirates loved your show just enough to put the work in for you until you could step in and do a proper release.

Do you want to know why Ah My Job Hunting Goddess is struggling with book sales right now? Do you want to know why you've lost your audience? It's because you all chose to put that FUCKING JUNK merchandising high above the making of NEW ANIME EPISODES. Have you people been secretly working on a Third Season of Ah My Goddess under the table? Because the last time I checked, I was the only one trying to make new episodes.

Yes. I've made mistakes during my short filmmaking career. I didn't have a producer to handle the contract work for the films, and I was unable to pay anybody who participated in them. In exchange, I distributed the movies under the table out of my own pocket at a loss until I had no more money left. Do you know how I paid for that? It wasn't from a weekly paycheck because I'm blacklisted from working retail. It was from my dead father's 401K.

So the next time you fucking hypocrite voice actors think of launching a tirade on the internet about how all Fan Work are Illegal, never forget that your photographs are plastered all over the internet. That's all I need to summon the dark forces of Satan to send a Demon after you. You'll watch your life and your career completely fall apart over the following weeks with no explanation. And when you get to Hell, tell them Doctor What sent you.

Alamo Drafthouse Preshows on IMDbTV:

P.S. One thing I forgot to mention in the article is Turner Classic Movies. I engaged in a study where I used John Willis Screen World to hunt down all of the movies released during the 1960s and 1970s and rewatch them in chronological order. What I discovered was there were an average of 300 movies released per year, but only half of those movies were released on vhs and dvd and the other half were lost. The only way you could see those other movies is if somebody pirated the film off of Turner Classic Movies. There used to be an entire underground market of collectors who dealt in Turner Classic Movie bootlegs, one of which was Roberts Hard to Find movies which, if I recall, had to operate out of Canada because the copyright laws were different. I wonder if that dude is still in business?

Officer Amber Guyger and the Haunting of You're Under Arrest


Written by Kevin Neece

Once Upon a Time, I wrote and directed a fan film series spinoff of Ah My Goddess, that, in a pure Tales from the Crypt twist, happened to be haunted by the real Three Goddesses of Fate that the cartoon was based on. I've gone into great detail in many articles and a book about this. The warning signs that the Goddesses are teasing you are incidents will pop up in your life surrounded by Irony, Serendipity, or Coincidence. And occasionally Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, or Mara's names will pop up in places where they shouldn't be. For example, one night I performed a Ouija Board test with the 1990s Oh My Goddess OVA dvd, and the next morning, I shot a video where Skuld's name appeared in the link address. Specifically SKUldphy-rM.

What I have yet to go into further detail on, is how these supernatural side effects also translated into Kosuke Fujishima's other anime series You're Under Arrest, about female japanese police officers. Basically, I witnessed an event that suggested, by writing real life people and stories into the cartoons, and running the cartoons through an invocation process for the Fates involving a Ouija Board, a DVD player, Black Candles, and a Mirror; Fate would appear to turn against the subject matters of the cartoons in real life.

I had already lost my father to the Norns because of a deadly mistake I made with a Good Fortune Sigil, gifted to me by my friend Saul Ravencraft. But my father was old, and it was just his time. If I had a way to weaponize the Goddesses, Belldandy Urd and Skuld, perhaps I could aim their attention in the direction of the bastards who deserved it. My own small way to redeem myself for the death of Jim Neece, since nobody appears to want to investigate his case against the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. How did I stumble upon this power and what cartoon experiments did I use it on?

It all started with an Austin American Statesmen Newspaper Article about Defense Distributed Founder Cody Wilson, who had invented a 3D Printed Plastic Gun that could pass through metal detectors unnoticed, and released it onto the internet against the wishes of the US Government. Cody had no conscience whatsoever about what he had done, or even if his guns were used to shoot up a school. The US Government was looking for a way to get rid of him, but here he still stood, stroking his own ego for the Austin American Statesmen. So I made an insulting You're Under Arrest opinion piece about Cody Wilson, and hid Saul Ravencraft's sigil for Good Fortune behind a piece of the artwork.

The original title of the cartoon was Cody Wilson Go Fuck Yourself. And later that night, the coincidence part of the curse of Bad Goddess showcased itself as I was perusing videos on Redtube. Basically, the very first video I clicked on was a black woman making it with a male photographer, whom, by pure coincidence happened to be named Cody. The Goddesses were making fun of me. Cody Wilson Go Fuck Yourself. I almost fucked myself to a video with a man named Cody. Very funny Urd.

Then about a month later... it happened. An Arrest Warrant was put out by the Austin Police Department for Cody Wilson concerning Sexual Assault Allegations and he was caught in a foreign country. All I could think was wow. The Goddesses really mean business. How do I know the Goddesses were involved? It was the irony part of the curse. Cody Wilson was let off on probation under the stipulation that he cut all ties with Defense Distributed, which has nothing to do with the crime of sexual assault. This is a police ploy commonly known as the Al Capone was Arrested for Tax Evasion Ploy. They couldn't get Cody for the guns, so they brought him up on a different charge. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if that wound up being how I met my end as well. Because as you all know, in world of witchcraft, what you send out comes back times three.

But Kevin, this article is supposed to be about Officer Amber Guyger? You're right, I'm getting there. So... as I was coming up with ideas for a feature length You're Under Arrest movie, one of the subject matters that I had never seen on the original anime show, was a plot about a police officer on trial for a shooting that turns all of social media against the Bokuto Police Department. Basically, it would bring the show up to date on current events, but I would have to make it myself. There was just one problem. I just didn't think it was believable that Officer Ken, the Whitehawk, would shoot an innocent black man in cold blood, or even a kid with a toy gun for that matter. Police shootings are sadly a dime a dozen nowadays, and in order to make the plot work, I had to have the right real life shooting to match the personalities of the You're Under Arrest characters so that the crime would be believable. Enter Officer Amber Guyger and the tragic shooting of Botham Jean.

Officer Amber Guyger's initial story was that she came home from a hard day's work, only to accidentally park on the wrong floor above hers, and walked into the wrong apartment, believing it to be her own. She then shot Botham Jean under the believe that he was a burglar, unaware that she was in the wrong apartment. Well that sucks for Botham Jean, but it's a perfectly believable cover story for Officer Miyuki Kobayakawa. Basically, the shooting in the You're Under Arrest cartoon could be considered an accident that could have happened to anybody right? Right? Yeah fuckin right.

You could tell immediately that Amber Guyger didn't really give a fuck about Botham Jean's welfare, or whether she was in the right or wrong, because in the early reporting days of the shooting, she intentionally trolled the social media news to piss everyone off. Those crocodile tears she shed during the trial were simply because she knew her number was up. When that incident first went down, everybody was scared to death that she would get off, and I knew I had my secret Tales from the Crypt weapon in the form of Belldandy Urd and Skuld. What more deserving guinea pig than Amber Guyger should feel the wrath of their witchcraft.

It was so obvious. First, when the Dallas police showed up to arrest her, they had a little off the records huddle to try and figure out whether she was worth defending. They put her welfare above the safety of Botham Jean. Then after the place was cleared out, they came back later and magically found marijuana in his apartment, which apparently they did not noticed the first time around. As if incriminating and smearing a man after his murder somehow makes up for the fact that he was shot in his own apartment when he was sitting down watching television and eating a bowl of ice cream. And then the dumb fucks tried to bring charges against the Jean Family Lawyer. And when that failed, Amber Guyger unsuccessfully tried to get her trial moved to another district so that she would get a white jury. My favorite moment was when the ex-chief of police stood up and said that Amber Guyger had just cause to open fire... and the Black Judge told him to go fuck himself. Okay, I'm paraphrasing here. THE DALLAS PD DID EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO GET AMBER GUYGER OFF THE HOOK. And it scared everyone on Social Media to death.

And every time that they did it, I invoked the Goddesses using the cartoon and ran it through the Ouija Board process, and by pure coincidence, their attempts failed and Amber Guyger's case went forward. It was highly important that this woman did not get off the hook so that the City of Dallas would not be compelled to Riot against the Police Station. Remember the recent George Floyd incident? They cleared out the Police Station when the riots were going on and the protesters went into the station and BURNED IT DOWN. That is the danger that happens every time a police shooting hits social media. And I beg you all to realize, that just because there were a few bad apples in Amber Guyger's case, DOES NOT mean that the entire Dallas PD were in on it. In the rules of the Police, you can disagree with your bosses decision, but if you don't follow his orders, you can be suspended for insubordination.

This was another point that I wanted to make in the You're Under Arrest cartoon, that Miyuki Kobayakawa acted on her own, and the other officers were being punished for it in their personal lives because of social media outcry. This was a scene that I have never seen done in the original You're Under Arrest series.

So finally, Amber Guyger was sentenced to ten years in prison. The Goddesses came through right? How do I know the Goddesses were involved? Once again, Irony, Serendipity, and Coincidence. Here's the Irony: at the end of the trial, it came out that Amber Guyger had been texting jokes about the assassination of black community leader Martin Luther King Jr, only to walk into the wrong apartment and shoot another black community leader Botham Jean. Here's the Coincidence. In the You're Under Arrest cartoon, the Prosecutor and the Defense Lawyer switch sides during the trial because they know it will make no difference to the trial outcome. When the trial was ongoing and being reported online, people on social media were complaining that the prosecutor was doing the defense's job for them, or vice versa. Just like the cartoon.

Here's the Irony AND Coincidence: at the end of the cartoon, Skuld states that "Amber Guyger" and Botham Jean were both co-opted to suit everyone's agendas, and none of them wanted to believe it was an accident because there had been too many cases where criminal officers were let off. After Amber Guyger was sentenced to ten years in prison, the Jean Family tried to show her Christian Forgiveness and Social Media turned on them. They didn't really care about the family's feelings. They just wanted to see a white officer convicted. And none of them were happy. If Amber Guyger had gotten life in prison, they would have compared her to another unrelated case and then complained that she should have gotten the death penalty.

And now comes the most damning part of all. The witchcraft spell backfire times three. Another incident happened after the trial and conviction of Amber Guyger, which could be interpreted as the You're Under Arrest curse backfiring times three (such as all magic spells do). One of the major witnesses in the Botham Jean case was his neighbor Joseph Brown, who was shot and killed in what the police claimed to be a drug deal gone wrong. The police stated that some men drove five hours from Louisiana to Texas to buy weed off of Joseph Brown, and after his death, the police found twelve pounds of marijuana in his apartment. Many people in the general public have refused to accept this story as the motivations feel completely unbelievable for a number of reasons. First off, Joseph Brown was said to be terrified of guns and lived in fear that he would be killed for testifying against a police officer. Joseph Brown was under the watch of the police and very much in the public eye during the trial so it does not make sense as to why he would engage in such behavior so close to the conviction of Amber Guyger. Secondly, it has been stated that it is much easier to acquire Marijuana in the state of Louisiana under Medical Conditions, than it is in the state of Texas where it is illegal. The amount of gas that they spent to acquire the Marijuana was significantly more than the value of the Marijuana itself. Thirdly, it is also well known that Undercover Police Officers performing Sting Operations have been known to engage in theatrically staged situations to put their targets to the test to see if they would commit a crime in a specific situation. All of this makes the death of Joseph Brown look suspicious to the point that the lawyer who represented Botham Jean's family has requested that the case be handled by someone outside of the Dallas PD as there were too many instances of corrupt behavior during the Botham Jean investigation to begin with.

Remember what I stated earlier, the entire point of convicting Amber Guyger was too prevent the City of Dallas from rioting on the Police Station. And they did everything in their power to fuck that up. The death of Joseph Brown completely X's out the conviction of Amber Guyger, and because of that, the Dallas PD deserve whatever comes their way.

Now, I understand that a lot of you don't believe in witchcraft. That all of this is a gimmick that I've just compiled together. Certainly the police officers who are reading this have no fear of a cartoon haunted by Belldandy Urd and Skuld from Norse Mythology. And to the family of Botham Jean, no exploitation was intended within the making of this cartoon. However, Joseph Brown did die after the trial, and sometimes it makes me wonder, even though the Dallas PD were "allegedly" responsible. So where is Kevin Neece's punishment in all this for messing with the power of the Gods?

Allow to introduce you to one final story, Kyoto Animation is Burning. Once upon a time, a disgruntled writer named Shinji Aoba, who suffered from mental health issues, accused Kyoto Animation of plagiarizing his novel for an anime series. Instead of taking this to court, the buttfucking little whore filled up tanks of gasoline and set the building on fire, murdering 34 people and injuring 35 more. Adding insult to the injury, the building didn't have fire sprinklers or a fire escape, which apparently was NOT a violation of the fire code, but I'm somewhat pissed at their leadership for allowing such conditions anyways.

Kyoto Animation announced that all of their work had been lost, and that they had no proof of Shinji Aoba's plagiarism allegations. I understood right then and there was needed to happen. But I also knew that if I made a cartoon spoofing the incident, nobody in the animation industry would ever hire me. That was the sacrifice needed to invoke the Goddesses just one more time. And so I made the cartoon. And after making that horrible cartoon, which will most likely damn my soul to hell. These were the results.

Kyoto Animation announced that by some miracle, ONE server survived and they were able to regain all of their work. They then came clean with an announcement that Shinji Aoba did in fact submit a novel to one of their contests. I am not proud of the Kyoto Animation is Burning cartoon. But a sacrifice had to be made to gain the Goddesses attention. And what I have to say in the cartoon is entirely true. Kyoto Animation is Burning, and everyone on the internet's biggest concern is what movies they should be watching to show their support while all of the animators are going through burn trauma treatments.

If Charlie Day, Rick Moranis, and Josh Gad had been aware of this cartoon's existence, I would not blame them in the slightest if they sued my ass. And the fact that they haven't showcases the ultimate curse of Bad Goddess. This series doesn't have an audience. It has the ability to manipulate Fate and send the Goddesses after people to fix problems, but as you can all see, just because you have the ability to interfere in a person's Fate does not mean that you should go out and do it. And the price that you think that you are willing to live with almost always ends up being the price that you never wanted to pay.

And that is why there have been no more new You're Under Arrest episodes since. But it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if somebody else tried to pick up the torch. Just remember, what you send out comes back times three, and the protagonists of those Tales from the Crypt episodes almost always receive a ghoulish comeuppance.

Re: Detective Egan Reference #18-740398 Suicide Reported TCEQ Headquarters Followup


written by Kevin Neece,

Hello, I am the son of the late Jim Neece from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Water Planning Division. I have been privately investigating my father's death mystery as a hobby since 2018, and there's just one element about the case that I've never really explored, the Suicide that happened at TCEQ 2018.

I'm trying to help the detectives who worked on that case decipher if there is a connection between the two different cases. Basically, the Suicide was marked on the news on March 15, 2018, and Jim Neece died on June 24th 2018 just a mere three months later. My father suspected that the Suicide Case may have been a murder cover up story because he had criminal evidence on an external hard drive that his bosses were guilty of criminal negligence and fraud on an environmental case involving a $115 Million EPA contract. The question is: why did he believe the Suicide case may have been connected to it when he had no physical evidence of murder? What is the connection between the two different workers? Were they both working on the same project? It was because of the suicide case, and the fact that he was planning to blow the whistle on his bosses to the news, that Jim Neece believed the suicide may have been murder, and that he might himself be killed for attempting to turn them in. However, I do not believe that my father himself was murdered like he feared, I believe that his natural heart attack was ironically badly timed and all of the case evidence surrounding his death caused everything to look like the plot of a murder conspiracy movie similar to the plot of Chinatown, for no other reason than we've all watched too many government conspiracy movies. Sometimes real life can be stranger than fiction and this is one of those cases. 

What you need to understand up front is that there is a solid difference between JIM NEECE and KEVIN NEECE. My father's criminal evidence on the hard drive is real. His widow, Nancy England is a witness to his behavior and the fact that he wanted to turn his company in to the authorities. But because Jim Neece is dead, and because his evidence is sitting in the hands of his son Kevin Neece, people are using my mental health issues and my belief in witchcraft and the occult as an excuse to obstruct the case and have my evidence thrown out as a witness. Once again, the case evidence is real. This case needed to be investigated by the FBI and the EPA because it falls outside the APD's jurisdiction, but it's a government corruption case where the guilty parties may have the ability to obstruct the investigation. And my father's death also falls outside the APD's jurisdiction because he died in the Bahamas. The only angle I have left to work with on this is the Suicide Case, which DOES fall under the APD's jurisdiction because it happened within the Austin City Limits, and there's a possibility that Foul Play may have been involved. And that element, in itself, is entirely a long shot.

Be also warned in advance, that as a writer and director, I made a huge mistake in turning this case into a form of freak entertainment so that people would be interested in reading it, which is a somewhat blend between Autobiographical Reality and Supernatural Fantasy. Jim Neece's criminal evidence is autobiographically real as are all of my theories concerning his case, and his wife Nancy England is a credible witness to his behavior before he died, it just so happens that his evidence happens to be in the hands of his son Kevin Neece, who nobody wants to take seriously.

I thought outside the box and explored every single angle of Jim Neece's mystery over the past three years, so I am going to tell you everything I know in this email, WITHOUT THE WITCHCRAFT OCCULT ELEMENTS, and let the detectives who worked on the suicide case decide if any of the story elements match up, or if they were two separate incidents that simply happened at the same place, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

I have already taken this case to the FBI, the EPA, the CIA, the IPR, the MPAA, the US Congress, the White House, the Activists Organizations, and all of the News Investigation Teams. Only two of them responded. I have a background in Theater Piracy that could have landed me into a lengthy prison sentence, and when I confessed all of my crimes to them to get this case investigated, they all refused to respond to me, arrest me, or touch me. If I'm on an Informant's list, they never notified me to tell me so.

These are the two people who responded, both of which have copies of the evidence hard drives:

Scott Jones

The Galveston Bay Foundation

281-332-3381 x209


Edwin Debiew

Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Inspector General

Office of Investigations

1445 Ross Ave, Suite 1200, Mail Code: 6-IG Dallas, Texas 75202

214-665-2249 (Office)


Edwin Debiew's response over the phone was that the Government has a policy not to look at unsolicited hard drives due to malware issues, which is probably why I never heard back from a lot of people.

CNN claims that they had a mail bomb scare at the time that I tried to mail them the evidence hard drive and it may not have gotten through.

Now, onto Jim Neece's story.

Jim Neece worked for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for two decades of his life all the way up until retirement. The first half of his service was in the Air Quality Division, and I seem to recall as a child that the place may have gone under the name of TNRCC. The second half of his career was Project Manager TMDL in Water Planning Division on the San Jacinto Waste Pits Project.

In order to understand and explain Jim Neece's actions and behavior during this case, we need to take a step back to an earlier incident that he suffered during his Air Quality years. Jim Neece was working on a project to lower Automobile Emissions in the Houston Area and their idea was to lower the speed limit outside the city to 50mph. But, at the last minute before implementing this plan, Jim Neece discovered a mistake in their math, and when he pointed it out to his superiors, they realized that the mistake was to their advantage as it was giving them paid work to do. Jim Neece tried to do the right thing by reporting his bosses to Governor George W Bush's assistants, but they turned around and told him that they didn't really care if the project worked or not, they just needed it to LOOK like they were doing something to lower pollutions so that George W Bush would have something he could flaunt around in front of the public to help his Presidential Election chances, and if it came out after the election, then it wouldn't matter anymore because he would already be President. And we've all witnessed recently how the President is untouchable by the law while he remains in office. 

It was because of this incident that Jim Neece developed a distrust for the Authorities that were supposed to investigate these kinds of criminal cases. Being an ordinary unknown office worker, Jim Neece took a sort of pride in this story, and told it to all of us and his family members and basically everyone that he met, as if that "government conspiracy" was his one lame claim to fame. He must've had a point though, because when I was at his funeral, one of the attendees told me that she last saw him at the Hospital when his Mother Virginia Neece was undergoing Surgery and he told her that TCEQ legally threatened him into silence over the matter.

Flash forward to present day. Jim Neece has spent the past ten years working on a cleanup project called The San Jacinto Waste Pits, which has been labelled as the most Toxic Place on Planet Earth. According to Nancy England's description, about 80 years ago, this factory was dumping its paper pulp waste into the San Jacinto River, where it's been sitting in this huge pile of muck. And it's been emitting Dioxin into the river to such an extreme that it has poisoned all of the fish. Dioxin is an element used in Agent Orange, and if ingested, it can cause you serious bodily harm and even give you cancer.

Environmental Activists such as the Galveston Bay Foundation have been lobbying for decades to get the company to clean up its waste, and with just cause. There was an incident where it flooded so badly that the Dioxin spilled over into the drinking water supply of the nearby city, and their citizens sued the city because of it.

The problem with cleaning up the San Jacinto Waste Pits is if they do a rush job or mishandle the cleanup, instead of fixing the problem and making the San Jacinto River cleaner, all of that paper pulp muck could self destruct releasing ALL of the Dioxin into the San Jacinto River, polluting it to the point of no return. And then every time it floods just enough, the Dioxin will get into the drinking water supply again. I don't know what nearby city gets its drinking water from that area, but my online research has told me that nearly all of the activists are from the Houston Texas area. So put that image in your mind. You wake up one morning and use the tap water to cook a stew or drink a glass of water, then you turn on the news and find out that you've just been poisoned with cancer inducing Dioxin.

Now comes the Criminal Negligence part of Jim Neece's case. The EPA was planning to allott $115 Million to the San Jacinto Waste Pits clean up project, but Jim Neece had serious concerns that they had not solved the problem of how to do the clean up safely. He believed that there was no safe way to do it and that the only thing they could do was to leave it alone undisturbed. This is NOT what his bosses and coworkers at TCEQ wanted to hear. No clean up means NO $115 Million clean up contract, and people were obviously intended to be paid from that money to do said clean up. This is NOT what the Activists wanted to hear either. They've spent nearly a decade trying to get the pits cleaned up and with JUST CAUSE. But Jim Neece’s warning still stands, some environmental crimes are irreversible to the point that the damage has already been done, and he felt that the San Jacinto Waste Pits was one of them.

Having said that, just because Jim Neece had a conscience does not mean that he had the right solution. According to the latest online articles, if they leave the San Jacinto Waste Pits untouched like Jim Neece had wanted, Climate Change is going to cause the rising sea levels to pour all of that Dioxin contaminated water into the Drinking Supply, this time, no storm flooding necessary. So basically the entire nearby city is fucked up its ass and held in checkmate. It's not a matter of if, it's only a matter of when.

Now, if you were an environmental scientist assigned to this case to come up with a solution, and you found that the research stated that all of your attempts were completely fucked, that would make you kind of depressed now wouldn't it.

Now imagine if you discovered that your bosses may have altered the research findings so that they could get that $115 Million EPA contract to be approved, knowing that they had just been warned that what they were about to do could seriously backfire and harm an entire city of innocent people. Well...

...that kind of depression would want to make you put a gun in your mouth now wouldn't it... unless of course, somebody else put a gun in your mouth because you were a witness to their illegal behavior. Jim Neece once again tried to stand up to his bosses and they forced him into early retirement. Just a month or so after the Suicide Case that you worked on. Those are the implications of the hard drive evidence that Jim Neece wanted to leak to the news.

Jim Neece's TCEQ Whistleblower Files:

There's just one problem. 

Jim Neece was 67 years old. He had just underdone prostate surgery. And he may have been informed that he was dying of cancer and chose to hide it from all of us. According to his Urology paperwork that I saved from Nancy England's paper shredder, Jim Neece's last doctor's appointment credit card transaction was on 2/16/2018. But the Urology surgery paper instructions are signed and dated 11/27/17 as the date of the surgery. 

Herb Singh, M.D.

Urology Austin, PLLC

1301 West 38th Street, Suite 200

Austin TX 78705-1016

(512) 477-5905

Jim Neece knew from past experience that if he tried to come forward to get the case investigated, the EPA, the State of Texas, and the APD could not be trusted, and the News Investigators were a maybe. 

The last time that I saw Jim Neece he engaged in behavior that was particularly out of character, as if he knew he was going to die and was foreshadowing his own death. He sat down and told me about my inheritance issues.

He was leaving me his two IRA's, worth $200,000, but there was a bonus quest set aside should I want to later collect on my grandfather Roy Neece's inheritance later on down the road. I had been blacklisted out of employment for nearly a decade without a bank account, I had gotten away with the crime of ripping off Alamo Drafthouse's preshow and sing along line up 350 individual times without the use of a recording device, not to mention the thousands of illegal piracy downloads and streamrips I had made throughout the past decade starting in 2007. And my Karma comeuppance is I find out that my grandfather is a closet millionaire and I was an inheritance kid. I hate rich people. I truly do. The only thing that would ever happen to me if I ever collected on that money when he died is all of the copyright holders would destroy my ass in a courtroom and take everything.

Alamo Drafthouse Preshow Bootlegs Originally Curated by Laird Jimenez:

According to Jim Neece however, there were certain contractual stipulations involved in Roy Neece's millionaire inheritance that were put in place to prevent me from collecting on it should I be irresponsible with money, or to prevent companies from attempting to sue me for it. They can't sue me for an inheritance if I can't collect on it. 

First off, Jim Neece showed me these two digital black boxes which were a key code of some sort that needed to be shown upon the time of collecting the inheritance. His brother Jerry Neece had his two black boxes, and I had mine. But if I asked Jerry Neece what they were, it would null and void me out of the will. 

Secondly, there would be a mystery I would have to solve. Obviously in hindsight, this was Jim Neece setting me up to solve his San Jacinto Waste Pits crime for him after he was gone. I can't help but feel like he was attempting to use Roy Neece's inheritance to set me up or bribe me into doing his whistleblower work for him.

Thirdly, he said that there would be an advanced math question that I would need to solve. And in order to get to that level, I would have to go to college. What Jim Neece doesn't realize is that in order to go to college, even community college, you have to be able to do college level algebra to even qualify, and I've completely forgotten how to do Algebra altogether. It was never applicable in the retail industry. Something about the math question feels like it might be related to the math mistake that Jim Neece tried to warn everyone about back when he worked in Air Quality. It's as if this entire thing was masterminded by him as some sort of elaborate revenge on his bosses that he never got to stand up to when he was alive.

And finally, I would have to solve a puzzle without getting the answer from Jerry Neece. This would clearly be one of those wood and metal nail puzzles that Roy Neece has been collecting from Roadside Tourist Gas Stations his entire vacation life.

Jim Neece showed me that the two black boxes were hidden by a Macintosh Backup Program Hard Drive called The Time Machine, but I completely forgot how to use it properly. He then showed me his work files on a hard drive labelled Dioxin, which I completely forgot about and had to do a complete search of his house to find months after he died. He even showed me where he put it and I didn't remember it until I saw it, it was laying on the desk in the corner of his office right next to the Time Machine hard drive with a big fat Post It note on it reading Time Machine.

Jim Neece requested that if anything were to happen to him and Nancy England on his vacation to the Bahamas, that he wanted me to make a documentary about the day of his funeral showcasing everyone who attended so that if he were to die from foul play, the police detectives could see the funeral for themselves. 

Jim Neece then told me that after the day he died, Nancy England would be going on a long trip. For what, I do not know. I asked Jim what crime his bosses were guilty of, but I can't remember what he told me. He didn't refer to them by name. He just told me that if anything happened to him, I had the choice to take his Dioxin work files to Fox News. Nancy England doesn't believe that he had a contact working there nor were they expecting anything from him.

The very last time I spoke to Jim Neece, I was sitting in the parking lot of Randalls, and he was on the first day of his vacation. I went home and continued working on my anime film called A Certain Magical Pimpdex. 

June 24th, 2018 

I happened to be working on a scene that took place on a video game tropical island, which had been planned for months, when my mother got the phone call and told me to sit down. 

Jim Neece had just died no more than two days into his retirement vacation. He didn't even live long enough to see his first paycheck. According to Nancy England, they were sailing around the Bahamas on a sailboat with three other friends. I don't know who they were. Jim Neece went snorkeling. When everyone was getting back on the boat, they noticed that he was doing a "dead man's float" and his body had turned completely blue. 

After managing to get Jim Neece back on the boat, they tried to bring him back for hours but it didn't work and Nancy was completely traumatized calling my mother Debbie Brand on the phone. And it happened at the exact same time I was working on the tropical island cartoon. That's Random Coincidence Number One.

When I went to tell my ex-wife Angela Soto over at her apartment. She immediately broke down crying and revealed that Jim Neece died on the day after the one year anniversary that her nephew Dylan Gutierrez had commit suicide. I made a memorial for Dylan in the Bad Goddess cartoon The Keys of Marinus at the climax of the movie. That's Random Coincidence Number Two.

The next morning, I received a phone call from my step sister Genette, who informed me that June 24th was the exact same day that my mother's first husband Freddie died decades ago, also in connection with a trip to the Bahamas. That's Random Coincidence Number Three.

A few months later when I received a photocopy of Jim Neece's handwritten will in the mail, the will was signed and dated June 24th, 2009. Jim Neece dated his will on the exact same date that he would die nine years later. That's Random Coincidence Number Four.

I was completely freaking the hell out. At the time that all this had happened, I believed that my playing around with witchcraft had accidentally put a death curse on my own father when I wished for money. And then it happened, exactly like it did in the classic horror story The Monkey's Paw. Somebody wishes for riches, and then they get it because a relative dies. If Jim Neece had lived, I would not have been in line for a part of Roy Neece's millionaire inheritance.

 To make matters worse, I shot that funeral documentary just as Jim Neece requested for the police. And in the beginning of the documentary, I had gone without sleep for 24 hours and had to improvise the whole movie, which put me into a terrible mental state where within the first ten minutes of the film, I was confessing to the entire family on video that I believed I had accidentally death cursed Jim Neece because I played around with witchcraft. So now I have to explain my crazy behavior to a judge because it's featured as a part of the goddamn evidence documentary, and every time that I try to do it, the guilty parties use it as their excuse to obstruct the investigation. So we're going to SKIP AND OMIT that part of the case for now, you can read all about it at the end of my story.

Danny My Boy Funeral Documentary DVD Files Download Link:

However there are logical explanations for the June 24th coincidence revolving around Jim Neece's death, even if none of them are the answer to what actually happened. Let's suppose for a minute that the June 24th date was NOT an act of god and that there is a logical explanation for everything. The only logical explanation for the June 24th coincidence would be if Jim Neece had chosen the date intentionally. 

Before we begin, I will say this right now to all of the smart asses in the room who would attempt to point out that Jim Neece's death certificate is dated June 25th, 2018. He died on June 24th on a boat in the middle of the Bahamas, and it took them ONE DAY to get back to shore to turn his body in. Nancy England ordered an Autopsy to be done.

According to Coroner, Jim Neece had twenty years of Plaque built up in his veins from decades on unhealthy eating which caused him to suffer a Heart Attack so big, that if he were standing in the middle of an Emergency Room surrounded by the world's best heart surgeons, none of them could have saved him. His autopsy also revealed that he had Cancer. What's strange about this is, while he did eat unhealthy for the first ten years of his first marriage, in his second marriage, Nancy England had him on a diet of healthy food and he repeatedly lectured me on my weight and my health issues for years. But, who am I to argue with the Coroner.

So... how could Jim Neece have chosen the June 24th date intentionally if he died of a natural heart attack?

Theory 1: Jim Neece may have been warned that he had Cancer from a Doctor's Appointment, so he backed out of his plans to report the TCEQ crime and set up Kevin Neece to do it in his place. Jim Neece somehow bribes Nancy England, a nurse, to help him euthanasia induce his heart attack for him so that he wouldn't have to suffer and he intentionally chose the date on his will, and told me his bosses were going to have him killed to set me up into believing he may have been a victim of foul play.

Theory 1 Issues: If Nancy England had induced his heart attack, it would have shown up on the Autopsy report, plus there were three other witnesses. However, they were out on a boat in the middle of the Bahamas where nobody would see them. Also, Nancy England does not stand to gain from Roy Neece's inheritance, Jerry Neece does.

Theory 2: The higher ups at TCEQ had access to some kind of poison that could induce Jim Neece's heart attack WITHOUT showing itself on an Autopsy Report because his criminal evidence incriminated somebody within the Government that had connections. TCEQ buys Nancy England off, and the three witnesses that were there with her, so that she will kill Jim Neece for them.

Theory 2 Issues: This theory sounds completely batshit insane, even for me. As a judge of character, I simply DO NOT believe it. Take a good long look at Nancy England in the funeral video called Danny My Boy. This woman is too sweet and wouldn't kill a fly.

Theory 3: Jim Neece may have Faked his Death so that all of us would not have to watch him waste away from Cancer in a Hospice out in the Bahamas. 

Theory 3 Issues: If I were a Life Insurance Investigator, and I saw this case from the same perspective that Kevin Neece did, I would be questioning if Jim Neece faked his death too. We never saw Jim Neece's body. He came back from the Bahamas in cremated ashes. All of our information came from Nancy England over the telephone. Jerry Neece says that he spoke to the Coroner over the phone, but how did he get the number? Did he look it up online, or did Nancy England give him the number personally? All Kevin Neece saw from the Coroner was a badly photoshopped sheet of paper. If Jim Neece had faked his death, it would logically explain why he asked Kevin Neece to shoot a documentary about the day of his funeral and post it on youtube. It would be so Jim Neece could see who attended. It would also explain why Nancy England took a long trip back to the Bahamas after the funeral. It was so she could be by Jim Neece's side while he lay dying in a Hospice. The June 24th date on his will was chosen to tip Kevin Neece off intentionally.

Theory 4: Jim Neece faked his death so that he could go into some kind of Witness Protection Program and the reason why all of the authorities that Kevin Neece tried to turn himself into refused to respond or arrest him was because they already had the evidence and Jim Neece had Kevin Neece on an Informant's Protection List as a part of the deal. Jim Neece needed Kevin Neece to leak the files to the news himself so that it would not be traced back to the FBI or somebody that worked for the Government.

Theory 5: The Monkey's Paw. Somebody uses Witchcraft to wish for Money and it backfires on them resulting in them gaining that money from the death of a relative with a Rich Life Insurance Policy. Director Josh Becker told Kevin Neece that his father died and he used the inheritance money to finance his independent films Morning Noon and Night, and Warpath. Kevin Neece responded back via email that if that ever happened to him, he would use the money to self distribute his movies to Goodwill Thrift Stores. When Jim Neece sat down and told Kevin Neece about his inheritance before the trip, Kevin Neece told his father what he would do with the money and his father was okay with it. He just wanted his son to make a documentary about him for the Police. About a month later, Jim Neece dies and Kevin Neece inherits $200,000 in IRAs. 

All of these theories make perfect logical sense as an explanation for the June 24th explanation. But according to Kevin's mother Debbie Brand, the reason that Kevin Neece concocted these theories is because he was not a witness to Nancy England's behavior over the telephone when Jim Neece died. According to Debbie Brand, Nancy was completely traumatized. And Debbie has lived in fear of her own mortality as well ever since.

The sad truth is that sometimes Life is Stranger than Fiction, and there is no rational explanation for why some things happen. Jim Neece's criminal evidence on the hard drive is real. But the reason that his death looks like a murder mystery is because we've all seen too many conspiracy films. Once again, the plotline of a man's death leading to a conspiracy detective story involving a company illegally dumping its waste is the plot of the movie Chinatown. And it's the real life Tales from the Crypt plot of Jim Neece and the San Jacinto Waste Pits. An Environmental Issue that could Poison an Entire City with Cancer Inducing Dioxin via the Drinking Water Supply if mishandled or not taken care of soon. An Environmental Issue that is just maddening enough to drive a man to Suicide.

Was the Suicide Victim at TCEQ really murdered as Jim Neece thought he was? Was there a connection between the Suicide Victim and the Death of Jim Neece? Or did Jim Neece suffer from the same mental illness that Kevin Neece does, and simply held it together better to showcase his arguments in a manner that seemed believable to Kevin Neece during their last conversation?

The Time Machine Further Explanation:

There is just one more additional element that I have intentionally left out of the posted online article. The location of the Two Digital Black Boxes hidden by the Time Machine Program. When Jim Neece told me about the two digital black boxes needed to collect on Roy Neece’s later millionaire inheritance, Jim expressly told me NOT to tell Nancy England what they were. I didn’t listen to him. I told her what the two black boxes were for in an iphone text message that may still be on my iphone 7.

Nancy England got into the Time Machine program on Jim Neece’s laptop before I did and said that they turned out to be unimportant tax documents for Lindsay that we didn’t really need. It is entirely possible that because I told Nancy England what the two black boxes were for, she got to the two black boxes before I did and intentionally lied to me about their nature, but to what purpose? She cannot use those two black boxes to collect on the inheritance herself because she is not in the will, only Jerry Neece, Jim Neece, and Kevin Neece are.

As Jim Neece is now dead, this leaves it up to Jerry Neece and Kevin Neece. Let’s suppose for a moment that Nancy England sold the two digital black boxes back to Jerry Neece to prevent Kevin Neece from collecting on Jim Neece’s half of Roy Neece’s inheritance, thus he would get a bigger share. Technically Jerry Neece IS the rightful inheritor. Jerry Neece and Jim Neece both took extensive time out of their lives to take care of Roy Neece in his old age, and Kevin Neece merely visited Roy Neece during the Holidays.

Kevin Neece does not know how much Roy Neece is worth, all he knows is that Roy Neece once tried to impress him by telling him that he could write a check for a million dollars and still be well off. Kevin Neece understood that he was too irresponsible with money, and that poor people who win the lottery or gain wealthy inheritance often lose it all very quickly because they don’t know how to manage money that they didn’t have to work for and everyone they turn to for advice has their own secret agendas to take advantage of them. It is because of this that Kevin Neece told Roy Neece to leave his house and his estate to his two sons: Jerry and Jim Neece.

I DO NOT believe that Jerry Neece is a dishonest man, nor do I believe that this theory is what actually happened, but even I am prone to human error sometimes when it comes to judging people based on their personal nature and appearance. My personal view of Jerry Neece is he is a simple man who prefers a simple life out in the country taking care of horses, and he doesn’t even care to have a Facebook Page or Twitter Page. All while his daughters Sarah and Rachel go off on expensive trips to foreign countries to pursue their artistic abilities and their passions. They are a Lutheran Spiritual Religious Family to their core. But I’m stating this theory anyways for the police investigators in case none of them thought about this part of the inheritance theory.

I would also point out the conspiracy theory presented in Bad Goddess Pandora’s Box sounds crazy at first because of the supernatural element, but if you remove the ghost story, it makes perfectly sound logic. Kodansha Ltd is known for taking anti-piracy stances and suing people who illegally post their manga material online in Japan, but the makers of Ah My Goddess have not attempted to legally threaten Kevin Neece for making Bad Goddess, no matter how much he trolls them or offensively makes fun of their personal lives on the television show. They could not profit off of suing Kevin Neece before because he was insoluble.

If Jim Neece had lived, he would have gotten half of Roy Neece’s money. Because Jim Neece died, in the eyes of Kodansha Ltd’s copyright lawyers, the money would have bypassed him and gone to Kevin Neece, in which they could now profit by suing him on copyright infringement claims. Kodansha Ltd did not know about the contractual stipulations that would have prevented Kevin Neece from collecting on Roy Neece’s inheritance. Somebody out there WANTS Kevin Neece to inherit Roy Neece’s money because they believe they can exploit this angle for profit.

 But Debbie Brand believes that everything will wind up going to Jerry Neece or his two daughters Sarah and Rachel regardless of what is written in Roy Neece’s will. Remember, Nancy England’s copy of Jim Neece’s handwritten will had to be retroactively legalized via the three signatures because Jim Neece never bothered to go through the proper court processes out of laziness. It’s not what’s in the will that counts. It’s the Two Black Boxes.

Nancy England has the Time Machine Backup Program Hard Drive. When you plug it in, the title of the Hard Drive reads: Texas Commission of Environmental Quality Archives. It is entirely possible that a copy of the Two Digital Black Boxes exists within the copies of Jim Neece’s Laptop Files on the Original Dioxin Hard Drive hidden in Kevin Neece’s House and the Time Machine program is needed to unlock their hidden appearance.

EDIT 1/3/2021: Since the writing of this article, Kevin Neece has found a file on his father's Hard Drive detailing the breakup of Roy Neece's monetary estate. It's not as much as you all think it is. While Roy Neece was a wealthy man, once it gets split up amongst the different family members it only gets leveled out to around $200,000 before taxes. While this does sound like a lot of money, in reality when it gets broken up on a month by month basis, the payout is equal to a monthly income of working a Cash Register at Target Retail Stores and thus only holds out for about Five Years.